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Thread: Tales of Aequar: Runite's Rise IC III

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Tales of Aequar: Runite's Rise IC III

    With otherworldly howls the skeleton dogs run through the shallower edges of the near-swamp, but get bogged down partway through. Jadeite gasps as he sees the chokers strangle Badger and try to do the same to Artorias, and sees the undead dogs and alligators closing in. "I apologize for destroying such fine handiwork, but you simply must burn!" And he launches at the center of the muck, which explodes in a geyser of heat and slimy green and brown.


    SD1 reflex: (d20+4)[22]
    Damage: (5d6)[21] (10)

    SD2 reflex: (d20+4)[10]
    Damage: (5d6)[12]

    SD3 reflex: (d20+4)[9]
    Damage: (5d6)[17]

    SD4 reflex: (d20+4)[23]
    Damage: (5d6)[18] (9)

    ZA3 reflex: (d20+3)[13]
    Damage: (5d6)[17]

    ZA4 reflex: (d20+3)[21]
    Damage: (5d6)[15] (7)

    Two of the skeleton dogs and one of the zombie alligators dodge the worst of the blast, but the rest are caught in the fireball. When the muck and water settles, they see that the dogs are in bad shape. Their white bones are scorched and many of their ribs are cracked, broken and gone. The alligator also has a huge chunk taken out of him. But none of them seem to notice, and they still move to attack.

    Up in the tunnel, Naga growls.

    Athedia, you're in control of Naga. The skeleton dogs have gone, so Sora's up. Then the chokers, then everyone else.

    Up in the tunnel, it's Naga (controlled by Athedia) and Elsee, then the two gricks.
    Last edited by CoffeeIncluded; 2013-12-07 at 12:11 AM.