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Thread: IC VII Lost in the Flood

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: IC VII Lost in the Flood

    "MITHRIL!" She doesn't have time to think consciously about her decision, but instead immediately leaps to her feet once Mithril starts nudging the axe. Terrified what the mayor would do, Natalia leaps onto the table and races straight to Mithril and the mayor, practically shoving the mage out of the way and putting herself in Mithril's place, right in front of the axe.

    Natalia gulps as her vision clears and the adrenaline fades and she sees herself starting down that axe pointed right towards her neck, but still she presses on and says, "Why the drow attacked, and why the horde is attacking right now, not just Deldon, but lots of other places in Eldgar as well." And at home, she thinks, but doesn't say that out loud. "The drow leaders have a prisoner in their city, and this prisoner has something to do with why they attacked now. If we go to the underdark, we'll find out why the drow attacked when they did, and why the Horde is attacking, and maybe how to defeat them as well. The drow sold gunpowder to the Horde. You could be looking at bombs outside your gate soon. And if we go to the underdark, we'll also be able to find out if there's going to be another attack on Deldon, and warn you about it, and maybe even sabotage it."

    She's shaking in front of the mayor; she keeps moving to adjust her necklace or copper wire bracelet but every single time her right hand moves to the bracelet it slips and fumbles. But she still stands there, and the thoughts race through her mind: Please don't hurt Mithril, please don't hurt me, please don't hurt any of us.

    I'm sorry Cavelcade, but once Mithril stood in front of the mayor like that and started toying with his axe there was only one way Natalia could respond, and I also feel it was more thematically and dramatically appropriate to have her response right after Mithril's.
    Last edited by CoffeeIncluded; 2014-01-23 at 05:31 PM.