Elsee and Kheel race over to help out against the remaining enemy, but stop short, fearful of their grevious wounds. Meanwhile, Jadeite glares at the land shark and growls, "I don't know why you evolved to exist out of water, but you'll be craving it soon enough. Desiccate!"

As jadeite casts his spell, the shield guardian keeps mindlessly pummeling the beast.

Spoiler: Damage
elsee and Kheel aren't in range yet. I'll go for the Bulette next.

Desiccate damage: (2d6)[5]
Fort save: (d20+11)[19]

attack: (d20+16)[22]
Crit: (d20+16)[20]
Damage: (d8+6)[14]

attack: (d20+16)[32]
Crit: (d20+16)[24]
Damage: (d8+6)[10]