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Thread: IC VIII Lost in the Flood

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: IC VIII Lost in the Flood

    Natalia turns back from the door when Orgun wakes. She looks back and says, in a quiet and sad voice, "No. We're looking for him. Stephan's with us; were breaking you and Rook and everyone out." She sighs and says, more to Rhenner and shiny than Orgun, "...I'm sorry. I need to help everyone..." before leaving, and leaving the door closed but unbarred, heading to open the remaining cells and search for Zik.

    Spoiler: Clarification
    we freed Orgun first. Nataloa got a 27 on the open lock check and Rhenner used shatter on the other. Can se use the 29 open lock check on one of the cells? She's going to free the rest of the prisoners and check on Zik and his cell now.
    Last edited by CoffeeIncluded; 2014-07-19 at 05:54 PM.