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Thread: IC VIII Lost in the Flood

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: IC VIII Lost in the Flood

    Assuming this happens:

    Quote Originally Posted by CWater View Post
    Assuming Orgun is cooperative enough to at least head for the door with us:

    Before they leave, Rhenner glances back at the accursed room. "Do you still have the powder that 'enhances the power of fire'?", he asks Natalia, his eyes not leaving the torture chamber, "Can you spread it around here?"
    Natalia sighs and turns back. Any other time she'd be grinning with anticipation at this part, and indeed some part of her still is, but as for the rest...too much of the joy has been taken out of the last step. Especially since two corpses remain in the chamber, and only one of them definitely deserved to die. At least they can make sure this room can't be used ever again, or for a long time at least.

    "Stand back when you set it off," Natalia says, sadder and tired than she'd like to sound when saying or doing something like this. She takes about a pound or two of flamepowder in a sack and, grunting, lobs it towards the part of the room that contains the most...devices. The bag bursts on the chains and knives and sends gray powder scattering. She then turns and slumps off to the cells.
    Last edited by CoffeeIncluded; 2014-07-20 at 08:25 AM.