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Thread: Tales of Aequar: Runite's Rise IC V

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Tales of Aequar: Runite's Rise IC V

    Kheel speeds to the guilds, skimming low enough in the sky to alarm anyone looking up. Thankfully it's getting dark so there aren't quite as many people out. He scrabbles at Jadeite's window, trying and failing to unlock it until Elsee picks the lock--and then he and Elsee both tumble into the neat room. Of course this is Jadeite's room which probably means that the window she forcefully opened was probably trapped. But instead of a quiet click or a loud boom, a note flutters down. It reads:

    Good evening, Elsee. I assumed you would do something like this, which is why I did not alarm the window. Please relock it once you are done here; I will know if you have not done so l.

    Nobody else seems to be in any of the Wyvern Fangs' rooms, but Badger's door is shut and she's curled up on the bed.

    Spoiler: Everyone
    Just waiting on Dusk.
    Last edited by CoffeeIncluded; 2015-01-11 at 05:43 PM.