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Thread: Dusk Eclipse's Eyes of the Lich Queen IC

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Dusk Eclipse's Eyes of the Lich Queen IC

    A sudden voice in his head, telling him to go visit a hostel in the middle ring? Could be a trap, could be adventure. A chat with Blake and a promise to keep in touch (and a bit more cajoling than he'd like to convince his protective older brother than he'd ever tell anyone) and Soren Lowell is off. It's a relatively short walk across the sky bridges these days, and Soren makes sure to whistle a jaunty tune as he makes his way among the towers, and to have his scarf subtly stream in the wind.

    The hostel is sponsored by not one, but two dragonmarked houses, which is probably why it could get away with the more rustic exterior, Soren figures. But he likes it. Inside is war and cozy, and it seems like he's the first one there. Which means...ah, perfect.

    Soren gracefully makes his way to the bar and leans over, smiling lazily at Jessica as he rests his chin on one hand. "A cup of your strongest coffee, two creams if you please," he flirts as he tucks a stray lock of dark red hair behind a slightly pointed ear, "Served by nobody else but you, if you could. And oh, where are my manners? I'm Soren."

    I am not good at the flirting dialogue. Hopefully this is okay and please tell me if I need to tone It down or stop or anything.

    Regardless, I'm really excited.
    Last edited by CoffeeIncluded; 2015-01-16 at 10:52 AM.