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Thread: Dusk Eclipse's Eyes of the Lich Queen IC

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Dusk Eclipse's Eyes of the Lich Queen IC

    Quote Originally Posted by CWater View Post
    "I think it sounds hilarious", says Kaarna and leans her back against the stone wall. After a moment spent thinking she continues. "One thing about that torching plan though. What if they've got tinies around? Call me a softie, but I don't like the idea of slaying cubs, or whatever those are for lizards, tadpoles? It just ain't right."
    Soren's face goes dark. "I'm not doing that," he mutters.

    Quote Originally Posted by rypt View Post
    Athard regards Soren incredulously. "And is your illusion capable of producing sound?" he asks, in a tone that suggests he already knows the answer.
    "Actually, it is," Soren says. He sings something too rapidly to make out the words, moves his fingers in a blur, and suddenly a silhouette of a dragon appears overhead in the cave. It circles around them, roaring something somewhat distant once or twice, and then lands between Athard and Kaarna and seemingly drapes its wings over the two. It growls again and breathes an illusory tongue of flame at Scholar and Adrianna.
    Last edited by CoffeeIncluded; 2015-03-31 at 07:28 AM.