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Thread: IC IX: Turning the Tide

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Oct 2009
    New York

    Default Re: IC IX: Turning the Tide

    Adrenaline spikes through Natalia's mind, and she whips around in the direction of the rumbling, her blades out before she can really think about it.

    Spoiler: Rolls and maneuvers
    spot: take 10 for 29 (wow).
    Listen: (d20+14)[28]

    Maneuvers: cloak of deception
    Distracting sparks
    Wolf fang strike
    Sudden leap if I can Sudden leap off the horse the same as off the ground and island of blades if I can't.

    EDIT: actually, does my horse count as an ally for flanking with island of blades?

    Stance: I only have assassins stance so that one.
    Last edited by CoffeeIncluded; 2015-07-04 at 10:28 AM.