It's certainly getting better. Right now it's biggest flaw is it's habit of creating a character, then making a Vessen-type that boils down to "They have this personality"

Like the Mouse and Snake episode. There is an aggressive *******, so clearly he must be a Snake-person, and all snake-people are aggressive *******s. Meanwhile the timid guy must be a Mouse-Person, because all Mouse-People are timid and quiet.

Personally its at it's best when they just let their characters be Characters rather than stereotypes. The formula for making a good monster is Take Person+ Add Powers. Munroe is such a great character because they're not trying to make him fit any archetype, he's just a guy who happens to also be a Blutbad. Nick is boring because they're trying too hard to make him fit the Archtypical Hero, which he lacks the charisma to pull off.