Champions of Fenris - initial read.

Like Waaagh! Ghazgkull, the rules in CoF only apply to the Detachment or the Formations.

Universal CoF rules
- Characters must always Issue and Accept Challenges.
- Most non-HQ Characters have Preferred Enemy (Characters).

CoF Warlord Traits;
1. Re-roll one Save every turn. Decent.
2. Shred. Neat.
3. One weapon is Master-Crafted for free. Blergh.
4. Outflank
5. Fearless. Awesome.
6. Preferred Enemy (Everything)

Some really good Traits. The only one that really sucks is Outflank because that's something that you need to plan for.

Company of the Great Wolf Detachment
1<3 HQ.
2<8 Elites.
0<3 Troops.
Everything else is regular CAD. Important note is that you don't need to take Troops, which is excellent given that you don't get Objective Secured and therefore don't have to take stuff that is way better if only you were taking an actual CAD. Champions of Fenris is for spamming Elites. Using CoF, you can make a full Terminator army, although you just wont have ObSec. In addition, all Kingsguard models (Wolf Guard and Thunderwolves) gain +1WS, which meshes well with their Universal rules of being forced into Challenges. You know you have to do this, you should be planning for it. Just like Chaos Marines do.

Kingsguard Stormforce: Kingsguard. Logan in his sleigh, 5 WGTs, Land Raider and Stormfang. If Charging out of the Land Raider, the Terminators gain Furious Charge and re-roll distance. Logan re-rolls Reserves for the Stormfang. Basically, this Formation is the (terrible) version of Space Marines' Strike Force Ultra. The fact that Logan can't jump in the Land Raider with the WGTs is really, really annoying. Although, Logan wont be taking your LoW slot, so you can pick up something else.

Brethren of the Fell-Handed: Bjorn and a pair of Venerable Dreads. The Formation has Adamantium Will, and the Dreads get a 5++. Pretty bad. Take an Imperial Knight.

Wolf Guard Void Claws: Kingsguard. One of the reasons that this book sucks. 5+ WGTs, they must all have Lightning Claws. They re-roll their Scatter Dice when Deep Striking and automatically rock up in the first turn. Don't get me wrong, it's a really good unit. But it's a one-unit Formation, and that's unfortunate if your meta is putting restrictions on how many Detachments you can have.

Grimnar's War Council: Ulrik, Njal, Rune Priest, Iron Priest. Like everything, they get all the rules that CoFs do, but, all models in the Formation are Fearless. Which is really good if you're playing regular Space Wolves and need to Battle Brother in four Fearless Characters. If you deploy all four Characters in a single unit, they lose the Independent Character rule (and therefore get LoS on a 4+...Eww...), and trade Fearless for Zealot. Don't do it! Just field the four Fearless Characters in four separate units. Furthermore, you gain +2 to Seize rolls just for having this Formation, which is neat.

Arjac's Shieldbrothers: Kingsguard. Another one-unit Formation. Arjac, WGTs (any number) who all must be equipped with Hammers and Shields, and a Land Raider Crusader. If Logan is alive on the board, they're Fearless. Models in this unit in base contact with another model in this unit, gain +1T, which is cool. But, in super-coolness, anytime a model from this Formation unit passes an Invulnerable on a 6 in Assault, the attacking unit takes a S8, AP2 hit. Because parrying is a thing that exists.

Wolf Guard Thunderstrike: Kingsguard. WGTs (any number) and 10 Wolf Guard in a Drop Pod. The Drop Pod doesn't come down in the first turn. But you make one Reserve roll for both the WGTs and Drop Pod. On the turn that this Formation arrives, all Ranged weapons are Twin-Linked. Pretty good. And you don't have to feel stupid when you have an even number of Drop Pods in your army because the 'Pod can't come down anyway so doesn't count.

The Champions of Fenris:
All of the above. All models cause Fear and are Fearless. All non-Vehicles re-roll To Hit in Assault. All Vehicles gain IWND. All models have Adamantium Will, all models have Preferred Enemy.

Full model count;
Logan on Stormrider.
Ulrik, Njal, Rune Priest, Iron Priest
Bjorn and two Venerable Dreads
x5 WGTs - any.
3+ WGTs - any.
3+ WGTs with TH/SS and Arjac
5+ WGTs with Lightning Claws
10 Wolf Guard and Drop Pod
Land Raider - any
Land Raider Crusader