
An example of a standard Resistance Op.
A resistance agent finds out about a group in Percile that is showing anti-sovoice tendencies. After some investigation, he approaches them and indoctrinates them into the Resistance. They call themselves the "Fishmongers", for reasons that certainly make sense to them. The resistance agent organizes and trains them for abit, then they recieve a Ven-station, at which point the Resistance agent will leave. Ven analyzes the Fishmonger's capabilities, then gives them a time and a place. They go there, and recieve weapons that "Fell off the back of the truck" during the Schizian disarmament process. They are then given a time and a place, and perhaps a few Soldier Dettas. The Fishmongers attack, and are engaged by UNoA peacekeepers. Their attack achieves nothing, however, it provides the distraction needed for the Hivemind to infiltrate the building and assassinate a Diviner that was working with the UNoA to track down resistance members. If the Fishmongers survive the attack, and are not hunted down in short order, they may be used again. If they show motivation beyond their particular short-term goal, then Ven may instruct them to meet a boat. This boat will take them to an island, where they will be given something to drink. When they wake up, they may be on the Citadel of Bis-Anu, where they will receive more training, and they will have joined the Resistance proper.