Quote Originally Posted by The Gremlin View Post
Fine, fine, it's clear that my argument is on its own. Again. I really hate it when this happens. I almost always have to compromise, rather than actually win for once.
How about this" FAIL isn't official. It started on that show, when the main guy mocked the evil Igon Minoblendy by calling his organization 'A FAILure'. It caught on, as people thought it was a funny name, and before anybody knew it, everybody was referring to the ALF as 'FAIL'. The UNA didn't purposefully do it, though they didn't exactly try to quell it. In fact, 'They' helped it along, since the public is less scared of the resistance group when they're always hearing jokes about it.
That work. "FAIL" is the fictional ALF equivalent from "The Adventures of Rex Lator". It's an obvious Expy, but it would be considered disrespectful to those who were killed by the ALF, or because it lets them take more creative liberties with the movies/show/radio program/ comic books. It's occasionally used by the general public, but official sources never use it.