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Thread: [ASOIAF] The Lion Roars

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    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    On Paper

    Default Re: [ASOIAF] The Lion Roars

    (Heh, just realized the thread had started).

    Ser Jor Calthran was not pleased. The unfortunate household guard was glancing around desperatally for some way out.
    "Um, well, you see, I thought I had heard somthing happening down in the kitchens, so I told Thom to watch my post for a second while I investigated, then..."
    "Did Tom take your trousers"
    "Then where are they, perhaps they ran off with the part of your brain that reminds you why you don't abandon your post and trust a drunken porter to watch it while you spend some quality time with a kitchen maid"
    The color had completally drained from the Guard's face. But he was rescued, albiet temporarily, by a hard faced man in a guardsman's uniform who appeared at the door.
    Jor Calthran had been a knight for some time now, but the vetern sellswords that he followed him into Lord Kenning's service still called him "Captain".
    "What is it Ridard?"

    "A Herald for lord Kenning, from The Rock."
    "Very well, I'll go check it out."
    the hapless guard almost breathed a sigh of relief as Jor turned towards the door, only for it to catch in his throat as the knight spoke again.
    "Oh, and Riddard, I'm putting you in charge of what to do with him." Jor jerked a thumb towards the cowering guard. "Get creative."
    Riddard grinned "Yes sir. Creative it is."
    A minute later Jor entered the main hall and saluted Lord Kenning.
    "I heard a herald came here from the Rock. Does he have any news I should know about, lord?"
    Last edited by BRC; 2009-06-24 at 06:47 PM.
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