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  1. - Top - End - #31
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    Quote Originally Posted by gdiddy View Post
    Mr. Always Plays an Over-Sexualized Woman

    Giant in the Playground Forums Presents: Real Roleplayers of Genius...
    Real Role-Players of Geeeeeenius!

    Today we Salute You, Mr. Always Plays an Over-Sexualized Woman.
    Mr. Always Plays an Over-Sexualized Womaaaaaan!

    It's accepted by the people that you game with that every sheet that passes between your cheetos-stained stubby-sausage fingers has "F" under gender and "hot" in the description box. You spend every session getting your character naked, seducing party members, and arguing with the GM that the fade to black is Puritan.
    "I roll to seduuuuuce!"

    Nothing will stop you from your special snowflake, though the tasteless rape backstory is optional. The fact that you're corpulently obese and smell like something fried doesn't stop you from wanting to be fan service in the imaginations of your gaming friends.
    "This is ironic because I'm a feminiiiiist!!"

    You don't always get along with other players, like the time an actual woman showed up and wanted to play her own gender. You showed her though, she isn't coming back. You were upset when the DM invented his "Your character must have smaller breasts than you"-rule-...that meant you were limited to DDs.
    "You're stifling my roleplaaaaaay!"

    So keep making people feel really awkward by describing how your character bends over, o master of gender relations, and grab your self an ice cold Cure Light. Because even though you never stop describing the genitalia of Elara Moonbeam, nudomancer, it's not like you've seen anything resembling it in real life.
    Mr. Always Plays an Over-Sexualized Womaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!
    You, sir, win the internet.
    It doesn't matter what game you're playing as long as you're having fun.

  2. - Top - End - #32
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    I have sort of had a problem that was the inverse of the elite critic guy. There was a girl ink our group who would get mad at us and complain about how "rulesbound" we were every time we tried to do anything with a die role. Thankfully it never came to the point you had Vis. After some exceedingly good roleplaying by the rest of the group she got better about and seems to accept that people can find then rules fun without being EVIL MUNCHKINS OF DOOM (tm).
    Level 3 feat: improved monster class pimping

    RIP North_Ranger you will be missed

  3. - Top - End - #33
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    Mr. Obscure Source User
    Giant in the Playground Forums Presents: Real Roleplayers of Genius...
    Real Role-Players of Geeeeeenius!

    Today we Salute You, Mr. Obscure Source User.
    Mr. Obscure Source Useeeeeeeeeer!

    Traditionally, it is thought that their is a set amount of books that exist out their, and you could list them all one page.
    How many is that?

    You on the other hand, know otherwise. Magazines nobody has, third party books noone cares about, or poorly written internet homebrew. No source of game information can avoid your vigilant eye, and your willing to use anything you get your cheese covered hands on.
    Is Gheden fine?

    It doesn't matter that much of these material is badly written, and almost never playtested. After all, you are one of the few who realize that most official material also is.
    Why can't proteans be PCs?

    So keep finding rules for absolutely everything, o' archivist of uncared lore, and grab yourself a nice cold Cure Light. Of course, their are better sources of healing, but the GM banned third party, so your a it stuck.

    Mr. Obscure Source Useeeeeeeeeer!

    *empties potion bladder into mouth*

  4. - Top - End - #34
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    Guilty as charged.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Doctor
    People assume that time is a strict progression of cause-to-effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff.
    Awesomesauce Doctor WhOotS-atar by Ceika!

  5. - Top - End - #35
    Titan in the Playground
    Necroticplague's Avatar

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    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    Mr. Erudite Memory:
    Giant in the Playground Forums Presents: Real Roleplayers of Genius...
    Real Role-Players of Geeeeeenius!

    Today we Salute You, Mr. Erudite Memory.
    Mr. Erudite Memoooory!

    When your average person plays, they bring books. Even if they don't have much they at least bring Core with them.
    Which books are Core again?

    For, you though, it as if books are unnecessary. You haven't seen the Phb in so long, you forget what its cover looked like. This doesn't stop you from knowing all of what is inside it, though.
    Rogue has no capstone!

    You haven't seen a book or a pdf in forever, and never bothered to bring one. Sure, you know everything by heart, but that doesn't help your confused tablemates.
    Snap Kick's an attack action!

    So keep remembering the rules, and forgetting the books, o' lexeme of unread rules, and grab yourself a nice Cure Light. You'll need it, since your the only one who remembered a Healing Belt.

    Man, if I keep doing things based on myself, I may be here a while.*chug*

  6. - Top - End - #36
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    Quote Originally Posted by Necroticplague View Post
    Mr. Erudite Memory:
    Giant in the Playground Forums Presents: Real Roleplayers of Genius...
    Real Role-Players of Geeeeeenius!

    Today we Salute You, Mr. Erudite Memory.
    Mr. Erudite Memoooory!

    When your average person plays, they bring books. Even if they don't have much they at least bring Core with them.
    Which books are Core again?

    For, you though, it as if books are unnecessary. You haven't seen the Phb in so long, you forget what its cover looked like. This doesn't stop you from knowing all of what is inside it, though.
    Rogue has no capstone!

    You haven't seen a book or a pdf in forever, and never bothered to bring one. Sure, you know everything by heart, but that doesn't help your confused tablemates.
    Snap Kick's an attack action!

    So keep remembering the rules, and forgetting the books, o' lexeme of unread rules, and grab yourself a nice Cure Light. You'll need it, since your the only one who remembered a Healing Belt.

    Man, if I keep doing things based on myself, I may be here a while.*chug*
    ...Guilty. That is, if I found an IRL group...
    Avatar by Ceika.
    Steam account. Add me to argue about philosophy whatever!
    Advertized Homebrew: Fire Emblem 4's Holy Blood as Bloodlines
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    Using a different color of text for sarcasm is so original.

  7. - Top - End - #37
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    Mr. 'The rules don't say I CAN'T do it!

    Giant in the Playground Forums Presents: Real Roleplayers of Genius...
    Real Role-Players of Geeeeeenius!

    Today we Salute You, Mr. 'The rules don't say I CAN'T do it!'
    Mr. The rules don't say I CAN'T do iiiiiiiit!

    The rule of cool applies to you for every action that you do. You feel that since you are the player it is owed to you, the rules just don't apply to your coolness even if the dice roll low.
    Only rolled a two!

    You want to do a spinning jump kick, shoot twice, dodge the incoming attacks, disarm the bomb, shoot a blastwave out of your hands, have sex with the local hottie, barter with the shopkeeper while singing a few lines from The HMS Pinafore.
    That's right mother%$@!

    You try to use the fact that the rules are silent on an issue as an excuse that it should be allowed. When told simply that this is not how the rules work you accuse the GM of bad GMing and railroading.
    Choo choo!

    So here's to you, O whiner of the rules, spoiled brat of the table, kung fu master of disaster. Grab yourself an ice-cold Cure Light; you've earned it. Just because it worked in a movie by John Woo, doesn't mean it should work for you.
    Mr. The rules don't say I CAN'T do it!
    AFS = A Flannel Shirt

  8. - Top - End - #38
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    Mr. Doesn't-Understand-Basic-Hygiene-Guy

    Giant in the Playground Forums Presents: Real Role Players of Genius....
    "Real Role Players of Geniuuuuuss."

    Today, we salute you, Mr. Doesn't-Understand-Basic-Hygiene-Guy.
    "Mr. Doesn't-Understand-Basic-Hygiene-Guy!"

    Not content to just sit there and act like your half-orc druid/barbarian who hates civilization and all things soft, you've decided to smell like him too.
    "Grognar doesn't understand the soooooaaaaap!!!"

    You come to the game every week smelling like your dad's ancient unwashed gym socks from high school because you're too busy to bathe. The game must go on, even at the expense of a 99-cent bar of soap and five minutes in the shower.
    "Does anyone else smell corn chiiiiiiiips!?"

    No matter how many hints are dropped or how many windows are opened, you'll stick to your tried-and-true strategy of keeping clean. From the top of your stringy, matted hair to the bottom of your stinking fungus-encrusted feet, you're just 'keeping it real' the only way you know how.
    "Someone get the Febreeeeeze!"

    So here's to you, Mr. Doesn't-Understand-Basic-Hygiene-Guy, for making it harder for us to find some decent players in the group. Grab your self a Cure Light from the fridge. You'll need it, since the DM's dog's suddenly decided you smell like an foreign rat in her territory that she needs to chuck over the fence.
    "Mr. Doesn't-Understand-Basic-Hygiene-Guuuuuuy!"

    And before you ask, yes, I had to game with someone like that for... oh, three months before he was kicked out. It was like gaming with something pulled out of the shower drain.
    Last edited by Nachtritter; 2011-06-06 at 05:44 PM.
    "You'd better take care of me, God. Otherwise, you'll have me on your hands." - Hunter S. Thompson

  9. - Top - End - #39
    Troll in the Playground

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    Out in The Sticks

    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    I too, have played with someone who believes hygine is something that happens to other people.

    he is no longer with our group. for various reasons

  10. - Top - End - #40
    Orc in the Playground
    Notreallyhere77's Avatar

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    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    Quote Originally Posted by Necroticplague View Post
    Mr. Erudite Memory:
    Man, if I keep doing things based on myself, I may be here a while.*chug*
    Yeah, I do this, too. I can tell you which book any feat (and about half of the prestige classes) in 3.5 D&D came from. And I'm rarely wrong. And when I am, I usually can correct myself by telling you the correct book immediately.
    Blog for my latest (and hopefully last) campaign world: Thargothras!

    Some less overused ways for your PCs to meet

    Best compliments yet received:

    Quote Originally Posted by Serpentine View Post
    Damn, you're good.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tvtyrant View Post
    Nice McNinja reference; you have earned 1 internet!
    Quote Originally Posted by The-Mage-King View Post
    You get an internet. Or three.
    Quote Originally Posted by Candle Jack View Post
    That's some damn fine work, notreallyhere.

  11. - Top - End - #41
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    Mr. Copious Backstory Writer

    Giant in the Playground Forums Presents: Real Roleplayers of Genius...
    Real Roleplayers of Geeeeeenius!

    Today we salute you, Mr. Copious Backstory Writer.
    Mr. Copious Backstory Wriiii-ter!

    When the GM asked for character biographies, you went the extra mile. He got two sentences from everyone else; you handed him a stack of papers longer than his campaign module.
    Can I get the Cliff Notes!?

    To everyone else, it’s a piece of paper and a collection of stats. But your character has to be “organic”--his detailed character history takes into account every feat, ability score, and skill point you ever spent.
    That’s why I have Profession (cow-herding)!

    Unusual creatures encountered? You thoughtfully provided an explanation of Ragnar’s views on every class, race, and sub-race to help with your role-playing. Never mind that your farmboy never traveled more than 2 miles from his back-water home before this adventure.
    Where you’d meet a derro?

    So keep putting the other players to shame when you write your character biographies, because nobody but the GM will end up knowing that your cleric changed his name when he was 12. Grab yourself an ice-cold Cure Light, if only to save yourself from having to write another book after the next party wipe.
    Mr. Copious Backstory Wriiii-ter!

    This is most definitely not based on my first character. Or any character I've made since.
    Last edited by Ivellius; 2011-06-08 at 11:11 AM.

  12. - Top - End - #42
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    I write complete backstories, but not quite that bad. *Grabs Cure Light*
    Quote Originally Posted by The Doctor
    People assume that time is a strict progression of cause-to-effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff.
    Awesomesauce Doctor WhOotS-atar by Ceika!

  13. - Top - End - #43
    Troll in the Playground

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    Out in The Sticks

    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    Quote Originally Posted by dsmiles View Post
    I write complete backstories, but not quite that bad. *Grabs Cure Light*
    same here,
    I think my longest one tops out at 4 pages.

    and I like to think they're pretty good.

    *grabs a cure light*

  14. - Top - End - #44
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    So, I've got about half of one, if anyone would care to finish it...
    Giant in the Playground Forums Presents: Real Roleplayers of Genius...
    Real Roleplayers of Geeeeeenius!

    Today we salute you, Mr. Extradimensional Space Abuser Guy.
    Mr. Extradimensional Space Abuser Guy!

    The second anyone in the party gets so much as an enchanted haversack, you see it as an excuse to start buying in bulk. Everything.
    Can I get fifty antitoxins?

    To you, it's a pretense to drop all verisimilitude concerning the limits on what gear the party can bring with them, or loot the party can bring back from the dungeon.
    Just put it in the bag!

  15. - Top - End - #45
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    I can't quite finish it, but you should discuss A-hole and B-hole antics.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Doctor
    People assume that time is a strict progression of cause-to-effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff.
    Awesomesauce Doctor WhOotS-atar by Ceika!

  16. - Top - End - #46
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    Quote Originally Posted by TheCountAlucard View Post
    So, I've got about half of one, if anyone would care to finish it...
    Giant in the Playground Forums Presents: Real Roleplayers of Genius...
    Real Roleplayers of Geeeeeenius!

    Today we salute you, Mr. Extradimensional Space Abuser Guy.
    Mr. Extradimensional Space Abuser Guy!

    The second anyone in the party gets so much as an enchanted haversack, you see it as an excuse to start buying in bulk. Everything.
    Can I get fifty antitoxins?

    To you, it's a pretense to drop all verisimilitude concerning the limits on what gear the party can bring with them, or loot the party can bring back from the dungeon.
    Just put it in the bag!

    Things are no longer what they are but what they're made of to you! Dungeon? More like 50 tonnes of wood, 200 tonnes of stone, 25 tonnes of steel, 150 litres of water and 400 pounds of monster meat, am I right?
    We'll have to make eighteen trips!

    So here's to you despoiler of dungeons, carrier of carrion and all around loot whore. So grab yourself an ice cold Cure Light, because once you're done stripping down this dungeon the rest will be buried under everything you're making us carry around.

  17. - Top - End - #47
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    Quote Originally Posted by Ivellius View Post
    Mr. Copious Backstory Writer


    This is most definitely not based on my first character. Or any character I've made since.
    *grabs Cure Light...or three...*

    You know I'm bad with this when I e-mailed my current DM my backstory, and she said, "I was surprised that it was only 10 pages!"
    Last edited by Absol197; 2011-06-08 at 02:17 PM.
    "It is important to draw wisdom from many different places. If you take it from only one place, it becomes rigid and stale." --Iroh
    LGBTAitP! If you want to talk, learn, or have some fun, stop by!
    Avatar by the lovely Lycunadari!

  18. - Top - End - #48
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    Quote Originally Posted by Ivellius View Post
    Mr. Copious Backstory Writer

    Giant in the Playground Forums Presents: Real Roleplayers of Genius...
    Real Roleplayers of Geeeeeenius!

    Today we salute you, Mr. Copious Backstory Writer.
    Mr. Copious Backstory Wriiii-ter!

    When the GM asked for character biographies, you went the extra mile. He got two sentences from everyone else; you handed him a stack of papers longer than his campaign module.
    Can I get the Cliff Notes!?

    To everyone else, it’s a piece of paper and a collection of stats. But your character has to be “organic”--his detailed character history takes into account every feat, ability score, and skill point you ever spent.
    That’s why I have Profession (cow-herding)!

    Unusual creatures encountered? You thoughtfully provided an explanation of Ragnar’s views on every class, race, and sub-race to help with your role-playing. Never mind that your farmboy never traveled more than 2 miles from his back-water home before this adventure.
    Where you’d meet a derro?

    So keep putting the other players to shame when you write your character biographies, because nobody but the GM will end up knowing that your cleric changed his name when he was 12. Grab yourself an ice-cold Cure Light, if only to save yourself from having to write another book after the next party wipe.
    Mr. Copious Backstory Wriiii-ter!

    This is most definitely not based on my first character. Or any character I've made since.
    *Grabs a Cure Light* I think my most egregious example spanned 3 e-mail attachments, including a genealogy of the family of vampire hunters that had been tracking down my character for generations.
    Zombie for Hire
    from roleplaying to theatre to "get the hell off my lawn"

  19. - Top - End - #49
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Cleveland, MS

    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    Another day, another contribution.

    Mr. Ridiculously Silly Namer

    Giant in the Playground Forums Presents: Real Roleplayers of Genius...
    Real Roleplayers of Geeeeeenius!

    Today we salute you, Mr. Ridiculously Silly Namer.
    Mr. Ridiculously Silly Na-amer!

    You’ve got all the stats down for your brand-new character. Everything looks in order for your first campaign. Now all you need is a good fantasy name to go along with it.
    Check the Player’s Handbook!

    But you can’t be bothered to waste time googling a name generator or flipping back three pages to find a sample name in your books or even asking the nerdy Tolkien expert next to you for help. No, you’ll figure this out on your own—by coming up with the most inappropriately silly name you can think of.
    How about ‘Gallant Ladiesman’?

    But it’s okay—you’re playing a bard, and bards are supposed to be silly, right? In fact, that sounds like a great name right now: Barty T. Bard. Chew on that, serious roleplayers.
    The ‘t’ stands for ‘the’!

    So keep breaking the verisimilitude of your GM’s lovingly crafted fantasy world every time you introduce yourself. And go ahead and grab yourself an ice-cold Cure Light—there’s a chance Ragnar the cleric won’t help out next time Barty goes down.
    Mr. Ridiculously Silly Naaa-amer!

    Sadly, those two silly names were, in fact, the names of two bards in my first-ever D&D group. They weren't even played by the same person.

    Uh, I mean...none of these are based on anyone I've ever played with. Yeah, that's what I meant to say.

  20. - Top - End - #50
    Troll in the Playground

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    Out in The Sticks

    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    Quote Originally Posted by Ivellius View Post
    Another day, another contribution.

    Mr. Ridiculously Silly Namer

    Giant in the Playground Forums Presents: Real Roleplayers of Genius...
    Real Roleplayers of Geeeeeenius!

    Today we salute you, Mr. Ridiculously Silly Namer.
    Mr. Ridiculously Silly Na-amer!

    You’ve got all the stats down for your brand-new character. Everything looks in order for your first campaign. Now all you need is a good fantasy name to go along with it.
    Check the Player’s Handbook!

    But you can’t be bothered to waste time googling a name generator or flipping back three pages to find a sample name in your books or even asking the nerdy Tolkien expert next to you for help. No, you’ll figure this out on your own—by coming up with the most inappropriately silly name you can think of.
    How about ‘Gallant Ladiesman’?

    But it’s okay—you’re playing a bard, and bards are supposed to be silly, right? In fact, that sounds like a great name right now: Barty T. Bard. Chew on that, serious roleplayers.
    The ‘t’ stands for ‘the’!

    So keep breaking the verisimilitude of your GM’s lovingly crafted fantasy world every time you introduce yourself. And go ahead and grab yourself an ice-cold Cure Light—there’s a chance Ragnar the cleric won’t help out next time Barty goes down.
    Mr. Ridiculously Silly Naaa-amer!

    Sadly, those two silly names were, in fact, the names of two bards in my first-ever D&D group. They weren't even played by the same person.

    Uh, I mean...none of these are based on anyone I've ever played with. Yeah, that's what I meant to say.
    ya know, I tell stories alot about a player that was with us for a (thankfully) very brief time.

    I was upping the lethality of the campaign, and insisting on backup characters.

    the chracters name?

    Epic, McFail.

    I've been told I visibly cringed when I was told that.

  21. - Top - End - #51
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Janus's Avatar

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    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    Quote Originally Posted by Nachtritter View Post
    Mr. Doesn't-Understand-Basic-Hygiene-Guy

    Giant in the Playground Forums Presents: Real Role Players of Genius....
    "Real Role Players of Geniuuuuuss."

    Today, we salute you, Mr. Doesn't-Understand-Basic-Hygiene-Guy.
    "Mr. Doesn't-Understand-Basic-Hygiene-Guy!"

    Not content to just sit there and act like your half-orc druid/barbarian who hates civilization and all things soft, you've decided to smell like him too.
    "Grognar doesn't understand the soooooaaaaap!!!"

    You come to the game every week smelling like your dad's ancient unwashed gym socks from high school because you're too busy to bathe. The game must go on, even at the expense of a 99-cent bar of soap and five minutes in the shower.
    "Does anyone else smell corn chiiiiiiiips!?"

    No matter how many hints are dropped or how many windows are opened, you'll stick to your tried-and-true strategy of keeping clean. From the top of your stringy, matted hair to the bottom of your stinking fungus-encrusted feet, you're just 'keeping it real' the only way you know how.
    "Someone get the Febreeeeeze!"

    So here's to you, Mr. Doesn't-Understand-Basic-Hygiene-Guy, for making it harder for us to find some decent players in the group. Grab your self a Cure Light from the fridge. You'll need it, since the DM's dog's suddenly decided you smell like an foreign rat in her territory that she needs to chuck over the fence.
    "Mr. Doesn't-Understand-Basic-Hygiene-Guuuuuuy!"

    And before you ask, yes, I had to game with someone like that for... oh, three months before he was kicked out. It was like gaming with something pulled out of the shower drain.
    I'm glad I haven't had to go through this. Heck, I once had my players wait while I went to take a shower (long story short- we met at a game shop really quick right after I got off of work, then went to my house. I wasn't about to play while still sweaty).

    Quote Originally Posted by Skaven View Post
    Mr. Stuck in the classical 50's fantasy man.

    Giant in the Playground Forums Presents: Real Roleplayers of Genius...
    Real Role-Players of Geeeeeenius!

    Today we Salute You, Mr. Stuck in the classical 50's fantasy man!

    Everything is knights, castles and black and white to you, Mr. Stuck in the classical 50's fantasy man! Lawful stupid is the alignment you are of, a fan!
    He hasn't read a single modern fantasy novel.

    Wizards are old men, fighters are knights. Elves come from woods and Dwarves are grumpy and like fights! Ignore the whole background section on every other species if it didn't appear in LotR or an adaptation of King Arthur. Loudly complain if another player wishes to play something that didn't appear in the mainstream idea of tolkein. Orcs, Kobolds and Lizardmen are always evil and live in 10x10 rooms guarding treasure chests. They're not something you play!
    "He can't play thaaaaat. They're supposed to be out in the wild waiting to attack humans!"

    He doesn't think about a more logical fantasy setting or non-human characters! Nothing else thinks, they're there for xp! Morals are black and whiiiite. If he does wrong, its ok to kill because he's in the right.
    "I'm gonna play a Paladiiiin. He's a Knight."

    The party fighter slapped the barmaids rear and made a lude remark? I draw my sword and kill him for this! My paladin fell?
    "You're stifling my roleplaaaaaay!"

    So here's to you for blocking depth of creative thought and grab yourself a cure light, Stuck in the 50's fantasy man because your efforts make it all worth it to see a world setting truly evolve for a basis of comparison for how far we've come in creative collaborative fiction.
    Mr. Stuck in the classical 50's fantasy maaaaan!
    I'm not that extreme about it, but I admit that I do prefer classic, Tolkien fantasy to some of the stuff popular in D&D these days.

    Mr. Unconventional Character Maker
    Giant in the Playground Forums Presents: Real Role Players of Genius....
    "Real Role Players of Geniuuuuuss!"
    Today we salute you, Mr. Unconventional Character Maker.
    Mr. Unconventional Character Maker!

    To you, classical fantasy tropes are cliché and overused. While the rest of the party is using the beloved rogues, fighters, knights, and wizards, you break out the non-Core and pick a class that sends the DM running for the dictionary.
    What the crap is a Factotum!!???

    And you don't stop there- Humans, elves, and dwarves are all childish concepts to you. You play a real man's character, be it some half-dragon shifter or a warforged.
    Why's there a medieval robooooot!!???

    And just to prove that you're not bound by society's mores, you slap on an evil alignment to somehow prove that you're a hardcore anti-hero.
    I kill the blacksmith!!!

    So grab yourself a Cure Light, O Hipster of Roleplaying! Because if you can't prove that the age-old classics are all boring trash, no one can.
    Mr. Unconventional Character Maaaaaker!!!

    Guess we all have our tastes in fantasy.
    Last edited by Janus; 2011-06-09 at 10:50 AM.

  22. - Top - End - #52
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    Quote Originally Posted by Janus View Post
    I'm not that extreme about it, but I admit that I do prefer classic, Tolkien fantasy to some of the stuff popular in D&D these days.

    Mr. Unconventional Character Maker
    Giant in the Playground Forums Presents: Real Role Players of Genius....
    "Real Role Players of Geniuuuuuss!"
    Today we salute you, Mr. Unconventional Character Maker.
    Mr. Unconventional Character Maker!

    To you, classical fantasy tropes are cliché and overused. While the rest of the party is using the beloved rogues, fighters, knights, and wizards, you break out the non-Core and pick a class that sends the DM running for the dictionary.
    What the crap is a Factotum!!???

    And you don't stop there- Humans, elves, and dwarves are all childish concepts to you. You play a real man's character, be it some half-dragon shifter or a warforged.
    Why's there a medieval robooooot!!???

    And just to prove that you're not bound by society's mores, you slap on an evil alignment to somehow prove that you're a hardcore anti-hero.
    I kill the blacksmith!!!

    So grab yourself a Cure Light, O Hipster of Roleplaying! Because if you can't prove that the age-old classics are all boring trash, no one can.
    Mr. Unconventional Character Maaaaaker!!!

    Guess we all have our tastes in fantasy. I hate those guys (and gals).

    Of course, I take my fantasy back even further to the mid-to-late 1920s, with Robert E. Howard. Conan, Kull, Bran Mak Morn, Dark Agnes, Red Sonja, and Solomon Kane are the classical fantasy archetypes that I like to play.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Doctor
    People assume that time is a strict progression of cause-to-effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff.
    Awesomesauce Doctor WhOotS-atar by Ceika!

  23. - Top - End - #53
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    Between Erudite, Dirty jokes, and now Unconventional character maker, I'm going to need my stomach pumped due to the sheer volume of CLW I'll be imbibing

    What do you mean you don't think a strongheart halfling factotum is appropriate for this game?
    Thanks, Telasi for the spectacular OotSatar!

    Currently playing:
    In Debbie D's awesome "The Three Goddesses" game -Ireth, the shyest nymph you'll ever meet, bardic servant of the goddess of love.

  24. - Top - End - #54
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    Well, I was running a 4e Iron Kingdoms-esque (rough translation from 3.5 to 4e, but still workable) game. Specifically outlined all of the available races and classes. One of the guys comes to the table with a Minotaur (available race) Runepriest (not an available class).

    His justification: "It's in the book, why can't I play it?"

    My answer: "......"
    Quote Originally Posted by The Doctor
    People assume that time is a strict progression of cause-to-effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff.
    Awesomesauce Doctor WhOotS-atar by Ceika!

  25. - Top - End - #55
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    Mr. Oblivious Munchkin

    Giant in the Playground Forums Presents: Real Role Players of Genius....
    "Real Role Players of Geniuuuuuss!"
    Today we salute you, Mr. Oblivious Munchkin
    Mr. Oblivious Munchin

    You must be not only in the spotlight in combat, but no one else can claim that light for a second, even in social situations, or they are overpowered! You feel you are above everyone else and can take and look at other player character sheets at your whim to try and discredit any power they might have gained. Forget the DM! You are Right!

    If someone else even tries to go against your character you will kill theirs outright; but its all in the name of roleplay! swears!

    If you can't walk all over an encounter then it must be rigged and the DM must be out to get you.

    Your character sheet is longer than your excuses.

    Who needs the party? Time for a solo adventure! While everyone else twiddles their thumbs.

    Someone else other than you found something clever in a book you didn't?! Oh noes! It MUST BE overpowered! And it can't be allowed!

    So grab your "friends" character sheet and give it a good tear. They were cheating clearly as they were approaching your powerlevel!

    Mr. Oblivious Munchkin.
    Last edited by randomhero00; 2011-06-09 at 01:52 PM.
    Murder is wrong... Unless it levels you up.

  26. - Top - End - #56
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    Quote Originally Posted by Janus View Post
    Mr. Unconventional Character Maker
    Giant in the Playground Forums Presents: Real Role Players of Genius....
    "Real Role Players of Geniuuuuuss!"
    Today we salute you, Mr. Unconventional Character Maker.
    Mr. Unconventional Character Maker!

    To you, classical fantasy tropes are cliché and overused. While the rest of the party is using the beloved rogues, fighters, knights, and wizards, you break out the non-Core and pick a class that sends the DM running for the dictionary.
    What the crap is a Factotum!!???

    And you don't stop there- Humans, elves, and dwarves are all childish concepts to you. You play a real man's character, be it some half-dragon shifter or a warforged.
    Why's there a medieval robooooot!!???

    And just to prove that you're not bound by society's mores, you slap on an evil alignment to somehow prove that you're a hardcore anti-hero.
    I kill the blacksmith!!!

    So grab yourself a Cure Light, O Hipster of Roleplaying! Because if you can't prove that the age-old classics are all boring trash, no one can.
    Mr. Unconventional Character Maaaaaker!!!

    Guess we all have our tastes in fantasy.
    I feel for you. one of my players has decided to play a fire elemental, savage species style. Worse, he convinced two other players to be an air and water elemental. The player in question is also the can't-stop-telling-dirty-jokes guy, and almost everyone in the group hates him for being a CE troll. I would like to kick him (and the other two; they're all trouble-makers) out of the game, but he has the maturity level of a 12-year-old, knows where I live, weighs as much as three of me, and carries knives everywhere he goes. Needless to say, I fear what he might be capable of.

    Wow. That was more of a rant than I intended.
    Blog for my latest (and hopefully last) campaign world: Thargothras!

    Some less overused ways for your PCs to meet

    Best compliments yet received:

    Quote Originally Posted by Serpentine View Post
    Damn, you're good.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tvtyrant View Post
    Nice McNinja reference; you have earned 1 internet!
    Quote Originally Posted by The-Mage-King View Post
    You get an internet. Or three.
    Quote Originally Posted by Candle Jack View Post
    That's some damn fine work, notreallyhere.

  27. - Top - End - #57
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    Mr. Rainbow Alignment

    Giant in the Playground Forums Presents: Real Role Players of Genius....
    "Real Role Players of Geniuuuuuss!"
    Today we salute you, Mr. Rainbow Alignment.
    Mr. Rainbow alignment!

    You start out playing a Lawful Good wizard, but you don't like that. You constantly steal from the bad guys, so the DM changes that Lawful to Chaotic.
    What do you mean I wasn't playing my aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiignment!!???

    But that isn't good enough for you! No, you don't care if the town you live in burns to the ground! When a fire does start, you roast marshmallows over the fire! Suddenly, your Good changes to Evil!
    But I didn't start the fiiiiiiiiiiiire!!!!!

    But you're not happy with that. Now, that mayor who was granting you favors doesn't like you anymore! So you become a crusader of all that is right again!
    Why does my Vecna haaaaaaaaaaate me now??!!!

    So grab yourself a Cure Light, O champion of many things; you've earned it. So now, when all your allies attack you when your alignment takes another U-turn and the Cleric of Pelor won't heal you, you might have a chance.
    Mr. Rainbow Aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiignment!!!

    This is most certainly not modeled after a Gnome Sorcerer in the Campaign I'm DMing.
    Awesome Lizardfolk Shaman Avatar by KillItWithFire

    78% of all DM's start their first campaign in a tavern. If you're among the 22% who didn't, copy and paste this into your signature and tell us where you DID begin.

    Mine began with one character actively seeking out the other characters in a large town.

    The Reaver- Please PEACH

  28. - Top - End - #58
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    Quote Originally Posted by Notreallyhere77 View Post
    I feel for you. one of my players has decided to play a fire elemental, savage species style. Worse, he convinced two other players to be an air and water elemental. The player in question is also the can't-stop-telling-dirty-jokes guy, and almost everyone in the group hates him for being a CE troll. I would like to kick him (and the other two; they're all trouble-makers) out of the game, but he has the maturity level of a 12-year-old, knows where I live, weighs as much as three of me, and carries knives everywhere he goes. Needless to say, I fear what he might be capable of.

    Wow. That was more of a rant than I intended.
    That sucks it's people like those that give creative players everywhere a bad name. I could see a fire elemental being a good character as long as you roleplayed it well and had a reason for being with the party. Say you are stuck on the material plane because of a botched summoning spell and then play up the alienation an elemental feels when in a world totally unlike its home.

  29. - Top - End - #59

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    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    Quote Originally Posted by Janus View Post
    I'm not that extreme about it, but I admit that I do prefer classic, Tolkien fantasy to some of the stuff popular in D&D these days.

    Mr. Unconventional Character Maker
    Giant in the Playground Forums Presents: Real Role Players of Genius....
    "Real Role Players of Geniuuuuuss!"
    Today we salute you, Mr. Unconventional Character Maker.
    Mr. Unconventional Character Maker!

    To you, classical fantasy tropes are cliché and overused. While the rest of the party is using the beloved rogues, fighters, knights, and wizards, you break out the non-Core and pick a class that sends the DM running for the dictionary.
    What the crap is a Factotum!!???

    And you don't stop there- Humans, elves, and dwarves are all childish concepts to you. You play a real man's character, be it some half-dragon shifter or a warforged.
    Why's there a medieval robooooot!!???

    And just to prove that you're not bound by society's mores, you slap on an evil alignment to somehow prove that you're a hardcore anti-hero.
    I kill the blacksmith!!!

    So grab yourself a Cure Light, O Hipster of Roleplaying! Because if you can't prove that the age-old classics are all boring trash, no one can.
    Mr. Unconventional Character Maaaaaker!!!

    Guess we all have our tastes in fantasy.
    Would someone hand over the sixer? I've had quite a few unconvential characters.

  30. - Top - End - #60
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Real Roleplayers of Genius

    Quote Originally Posted by nyarlathotep View Post
    That sucks it's people like those that give creative players everywhere a bad name. I could see a fire elemental being a good character as long as you roleplayed it well and had a reason for being with the party. Say you are stuck on the material plane because of a botched summoning spell and then play up the alienation an elemental feels when in a world totally unlike its home.
    It gets worse. They're claiming to be brothers. All created by a wizard. I tried to tell them elementals don't work that way, but they said "screw that, it's magic, we don't have to explain it." It's my world, guys. Not that they care.
    I liked it better when he and one of the friends were plaing actual aasimar twins, paladin and antipaladin (I think they forgot their character sheets again and just wanted new characters). He was the antipaladin, of course, because he has such a skewed view of morality that he can't play lawful good for more than one or two sessions without goofing up. Speaking of which, the three of them, in return for letting them play elementals, they all promised to be LG and keep their alignment by not pulling the hostage/vendor/orphan-torturing shennanigans they usually do. There's already a betting pool in place for how long they can keep it up. The odds are heavy against them.

    I'm going to have to move this to the other thread so I can rant properly. Here, I'm just getting in the way of cure light ads.
    Blog for my latest (and hopefully last) campaign world: Thargothras!

    Some less overused ways for your PCs to meet

    Best compliments yet received:

    Quote Originally Posted by Serpentine View Post
    Damn, you're good.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tvtyrant View Post
    Nice McNinja reference; you have earned 1 internet!
    Quote Originally Posted by The-Mage-King View Post
    You get an internet. Or three.
    Quote Originally Posted by Candle Jack View Post
    That's some damn fine work, notreallyhere.

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