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  1. - Top - End - #571
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    Well... it's hard to give advice after Eldariel talks, but I'd go with either Renekton or Nautilus. Renekton because he's an entertaining top who can do well if you know what you're doing, and Nautilus because you're a super jungle tank Big Daddy.
    I've started streaming again.

    78% of DM's started their first campaign in a tavern. If you're one of the 22% that didn't, copy and paste this into your signature.

    I started my first campaign outside of an abandoned mine, just as soon as a meteor storm from the moon hits.

  2. - Top - End - #572
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    Quote Originally Posted by Temotei View Post
    So, I'm looking to buy a champion from the following list:

    • Corki
    • Diana
    • Draven
    • Fizz
    • Graves
    • Kha'Zix
    • Lulu
    • Nautilus
    • Nocturne
    • Renekton
    • Wukong

    Help me choose, please? I'm not looking for anything in particular, since I have every role covered in multiple aspects.

    Lulu was one of my first purchases, but I haven't played her much since. She's probably one of the higher-skillcap Supports, given the odd way her Q works, having an AA that's half collision-based, and the flexibility on W and E. Fun, though.

    Corki always left me dry, he's one of the least interesting yordles to me.

    Nautilus has an awesome voice, Draven has an awesome personality (and counters the ubiquitous Ezrael), and Nocturne has an awesome character design. Wukong and Renekton both spin-to-win IIRC. And Fizz is just... odd. If you're hankering for some Fizz action, nothing else will really scratch that itch IMO.
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    Quote Originally Posted by JadePhoenix View Post
    sonofzeal, you're like a megazord of awesome and win.
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    SonOfZeal, it is a great joy to see that your Kung-Fu remains undiminished in this, the twilight of an age. May the Great Wheel be kind to you, planeswalker.

  3. - Top - End - #573
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    Quote Originally Posted by Temotei View Post
    So, I'm looking to buy a champion from the following list:

    • Corki
    • Diana
    • Draven
    • Fizz
    • Graves
    • Kha'Zix
    • Lulu
    • Nautilus
    • Nocturne
    • Renekton
    • Wukong

    Help me choose, please? I'm not looking for anything in particular, since I have every role covered in multiple aspects.
    I'd go with Fizz or Lulu, since they're basically two champs each due to bruiser/AP Fizz and tanky on-hit/support Lulu.

    EDIT: Start of the game, two people say AP Nasus sucks. I tell them that if they give me good arguments as to why, I'll switch to 'normal Nasus'. Diana, our mid, says she thinks so because she can play Nasus.

    6/2/4 later, I have the second-most gold in the game (our Trist got insanely fed and had 200 more than me) and deal around 700 damage (pre resistances) with each Q and want to ask her again. She left before I could, though.
    Last edited by PersonMan; 2012-09-30 at 08:43 AM.
    Not Person_Man, don't thank me for things he did.

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  4. - Top - End - #574
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    Draven, because how could you not own the title character of the League of Draven?

    OR Kha'Zix, jungle/top assassin that has huge spikes in power at 6/11/16

  5. - Top - End - #575
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    Quote Originally Posted by Temotei View Post
    So, I'm looking to buy a champion from the following list:

    • Corki
    • Diana
    • Draven
    • Fizz
    • Graves
    • Kha'Zix
    • Lulu
    • Nautilus
    • Nocturne
    • Renekton
    • Wukong

    Help me choose, please? I'm not looking for anything in particular, since I have every role covered in multiple aspects.
    Personally, I've had a lot of fun with Draven and Wukong, and to a lesser degree Renekton:

    Being able to win most single AA trades with Q+AA is quite satisfying with Draven, as is simply being able constantly chase someone with his W which resets when he catches an axe, which lands in his path perfectly if he's chasing. Also, the most satsifying feeling in the world is being able to ult across the map and pick up an otherwise escaped kill. also, it's Draaaaven~ Handsomest devil in the league? Handsomest devil in the league. His brother being a close second; dat bulk, dat determinated personality, dat delicious grey streak. >:3

    Wukong is so much fun when you manage to be tricksy with him; juking with his clone, pretending to clone, then juking, moving from brush to brush unseen with his clone, etc; the list goes on with the bag of tricks this monkey has. The pure burstiness of his E+Q+R combo is extremely satisfying when you land the R in the middle of their team, then the tricksiness of being able to W away if they turn to focus on you is just aahhn~ He also has one of the best laughs in the League.

    Renekton is pretty fun as a lane bully, and his sustain with his Q is really nice; I've only played Riven once or twice, but compared to her sustain, I think I'd prefer the lifesteal to the shield. My only complaint is that he feels more sluggish than he should; his E+W+Q+E away combo feels very unresponsive, doubley so if you try to squeeze in an AA before his W. A fun trick is Eing to a minion, then Eing to the enemy champ for a double dash that not many people keep in mind. Managing his rage adds a fun little element to him as well.

    Talon stuff spoiler'd for length:

    Quote Originally Posted by Winthur View Post
    I'd say you'd be hardpressed to ever actually finish Youmuus; most of the time I see just a Brutalizer that is sold in the late game. It *is* cost-effective, but on most champions the stats it provides are subpar and it generates a black hole in your wallet that might cause you to delay other core items or your tankiness. I'd probably not get Ghostblade on Talon; I'd consider it on someone like Fiora or Master Yi.
    Yeah, I guess I've just been trying to find an excuse to justify Youmuus; I love the stats it gives, especially the CDR, and the passive really helps when there's a need to chase, but it just feels like it's... not cost effecient, for what it does. Like it should give something extra. I probably wouldn't bother with it, if there were more ArPen and CDR itemisation options for AD casters. Still, I think I'll be happy with an early bruta, and then maybe upgrade it into Youmuus very last, if I ever get that far in a game.

    Quote Originally Posted by Winthur View Post
    Which means that Avarice Blade seems like a cash sink that gets you pretty much nothing on Talon and should be skipped.
    Yeah, again, trying to find an excuse to justify it; I love GP10s on most characters, but Talon doesn't strike as one of them, especially when it gives nothing that he can really utilise.

    Quote Originally Posted by Winthur View Post
    Your build probably will require a Last Whisper against late game armor (you can sell Brutalizer for it, but not necessarily). I'd consider Trinity Force over Frozen Mallet though that's way more expensive.
    Ah, thank you! I knew I was forgetting something! I love having an item which basically says "Oh, You bought armour. Lol so?"

    I'll have to disagree with you on the TF, though; I get the feeling that it's way more expensive for what it does for Talon, and even with his Q and I have a hard time seeing the passive being utilised well; Talon strikes me as a "Jump in, burst and murder someone, jump out" kinda character, not one who sticks around AAing people for long. Still, I'd have to give it a go in a proper game to see how it is in practice.

    About Frozen Mallet, is that I really like having the slow for chasing, and it does have some synergy with his passive. Plus, having at least a little tankiness for a melee assassin like Talon just seems like a smart decision, assuming you still have enough damage output to do your job, i.e. murder the enemy carry/carries in the face.

    Quote Originally Posted by Winthur View Post
    I believe 21/0/9 is actually better on AD carry because of buff duration and movement speed or mana regen. On Talon, I'd probably want the mana regen.

    I'd say yes, scaling Mres runes are pretty much good mostly for late game if you're, for instance, an isolated top lane or jungle; but in mid lane, the magic resist blues are going to come in handy. I'm not a fan of CDR runes though come to think of it you could use the CDR since there aren't many AD caster items that give you CDR (other than Brutalizer)
    Yeah, he does feel quite mana hungry, and there times when he doesn't always get blue buff. Plus, there just doesn't seem to be any good mana/mana regen items for him; I guess you could maybe kinda sorta sometimes possibly justify a Frozen Heart with and against very specific teams? Or manamune, I suppose, but that just doesn't sound very good on Talon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
    Love Talon. He's my main on dominion, when I play it. xD
    I love ghostblade, and I ALWAYS try to build avarice first, but my love affair with GP/10s is a major thing. I build both frozen mallet and a guardian angel, cause I find being tanky enough to survive a burst is far more useful than having a slightly stronger burst of your own. Plus mallet+passive, ofc.
    Yeah, I love him on dominion too; his mana issues aren't nearly as bad there, and I find him really good in low-level teamfights, if you dart in and out smartly. I can't see justifying building a GP10 on Dominion though, unless they're useful for the character in question, which it doesn't seem like here. GA would be pretty handy if you get caught out and insta-bursted, and you just mash R like crazy when you get up and run like hell. Not being afraid of dying in a fight would also open a lot of strategies too; I'll try it as a late-game defensive item sometime and see how it works, thanks.
    Last edited by Miscast_Mage; 2012-09-30 at 10:38 AM.

  6. - Top - End - #576
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    I tend to usually go Youmuu's+Bruta for Talon, because all that CDR and Arpen is just dandy. I also used to go Shurelia's and use the double actives to enter 'Bullet Time'.
    I always ask a big question on the League thread right before bedtime so I have something to read while trying to wake up.
    Responses of any sort are wonderful.

    I like coming up with concepts for characters, and will do so often. But writing up crunch, especially for anything that isn't level 1, takes me a while, and after wasting lots of time writing unused characters on Mythweavers, I generally don't make a sheet unless a DM really likes the concept. Sorry.

  7. - Top - End - #577
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    Quote Originally Posted by Maeglin_Dubh View Post
    I tend to usually go Youmuu's+Bruta for Talon, because all that CDR and Arpen is just dandy. I also used to go Shurelia's and use the double actives to enter 'Bullet Time'.
    Well if that's bullet time then what is a rammus with Boots 5 and 5 phantom dancers called?
    Last edited by LordShotGun; 2012-09-30 at 11:23 AM.

  8. - Top - End - #578
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    Quote Originally Posted by LordShotGun View Post
    Well if that's bullet time then what is a rammus with Boots 5 and 5 phantom dancers called?
    It's called "I'm glad that everything is so blurry or I might wonder where I was and why the enemy fountain turret looks so - EXECUTED".
    Not Person_Man, don't thank me for things he did.

    Old-to-New table converter. Also not made by me.

  9. - Top - End - #579
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    Quote Originally Posted by PersonMan View Post
    It's called "I'm glad that everything is so blurry or I might wonder where I was and why the enemy fountain turret looks so - EXECUTED".
    Pfft, needs more Zilean, Sivir, Sona, and Nunu.

  10. - Top - End - #580
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    Quote Originally Posted by Miscast_Mage View Post
    Pfft, needs more Zilean, Sivir, Sona, and Nunu.
    That's called "I want to play racing games but don't have any".
    Not Person_Man, don't thank me for things he did.

    Old-to-New table converter. Also not made by me.

  11. - Top - End - #581
    Surgebinder in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    Quote Originally Posted by LordShotGun View Post
    Well if that's bullet time then what is a rammus with Boots 5 and 5 phantom dancers called?
    Something like this.
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  12. - Top - End - #582
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    Quote Originally Posted by PersonMan View Post
    That's called "I want to play racing games but don't have any".
    No, that's Alistar bots reflex test.
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  13. - Top - End - #583
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    Froggen's playing Cassiopeia with Mercs/Revolver/Tear/Spirit Visage/Guardian Angel. I mean, I get the tanky and revolver, but Tear? Did I miss something or did Cassiopeia suddenly start requiring mana? And Spirit Visage still seems somewhat questionable on a champ who doesn't need CDR...
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  14. - Top - End - #584
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    ArchAngel's staff, maybe? she can spam her abilities like crazy, so...

  15. - Top - End - #585
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    That's the assumption, but her mana costs aren't that constrictive and and Archangels is mediocre as an AP item since most mages don't want to or can't afford to spend that much gold on mana.

    Spirit Visage, yeah, whatever, but Cass' ratio/second conversion is really high so spending that gold on a tear seems suspicious, especially given how strong the secondary effects on most AP items are.

    Anyways, that's too many midgame items if he's going for a Mercs/GA build, don't you think? That kind of forces you into void staff, especially given how base damage reliant that build is, and so tear or SV are going to get sold relatively early on if he actually intends to finish Deathcap and Voidstaff.

  16. - Top - End - #586
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    What I'm more concerned about is the spirit visage; there are better CDR choices(Athenes, which covers both CDR and mana, plus I can't see how the MR wouldn't be useful, and DFG, off the top of my head), and her only healing is from hextech revolver, combined with almost no AP items... even before getting into the "No AP items" issue, I'm just left wondering; why?

    Is this some tank Cass early-game focused build? Only thing I can think of...

  17. - Top - End - #587
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    Spirit Visage is not only a really strong item in general, I think, but it has a lot of synergy with both Revolver and GA for multiple reasons. Not only is a 15% effective increase in your spellvamp and the HP you get from GA proc, but that HP is worth more because of the large amount of armor and MR those four items give you. Athene's does given CDR and MR, but it costs twice as much gold and doesn't significantly improve upon the stats that SV gives you.

    Tear isn't a generally strong item and it doesn't have any synergy with the rest of that item build, which leaves me perplexed. The build is unusual in the first place, yeah, but at least it makes some degree of sense.

    Not that it really matters, though. The game ended victoriously for a Treads/AA/SV/WotA/GA/Deathcap 14/6/8/294 Froggen.
    Last edited by ex cathedra; 2012-09-30 at 06:00 PM.

  18. - Top - End - #588
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    I keep sitting down to play and see my phone... that I installed a GBA emulator on. Speaking of which, team Pokemon needs bot laners, they have two junglers and no carry or support. Why couldn't Kha'Zix be a carry?

    Well... 3 junglers if you count Skarner sitting in the bushes.
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  19. - Top - End - #589
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    Quote Originally Posted by MCerberus View Post
    I keep sitting down to play and see my phone... that I installed a GBA emulator on. Speaking of which, team Pokemon needs bot laners, they have two junglers and no carry or support. Why couldn't Kha'Zix be a carry?

    Well... 3 junglers if you count Skarner sitting in the bushes.
    Who are you counting in team Pokemon so far? Over the various generations of Pokemon, I can think of more than just two or three champions that could fit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Deophaun View Post
    It doesn't so much as demean the celestial monkey's existence, so much as fulfill it. Without the ability to be summoned to set off traps, retrieve objects from dangerous situations, and all and all be a party's guinea pig, the Celestial Monkey would languish in obscurity in the MM and do nothing more legendary than eat celestial bananas.

  20. - Top - End - #590
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    Quote Originally Posted by Reynard View Post
    Who are you counting in team Pokemon so far? Over the various generations of Pokemon, I can think of more than just two or three champions that could fit.
    Pikachu - Kennen
    Articuno - Anivia
    Sandshrew - Ramus
    Kha'Zix - Scyther

    Skarner just sort of sits in the bush, says his name a bunch, and would be a perfect pokemon. Ska ska Skarner.
    Ask me about our low price vacation plans in the Elemental Plane of Puppies and Pie

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  21. - Top - End - #591
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    Quote Originally Posted by MCerberus View Post
    I keep sitting down to play and see my phone... that I installed a GBA emulator on. Speaking of which, team Pokemon needs bot laners, they have two junglers and no carry or support. Why couldn't Kha'Zix be a carry?
    Butterfree and Beartic is an odd bot-lane, I'll grant you, but it is a bot lane.
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  22. - Top - End - #592
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    Quote Originally Posted by MCerberus View Post
    Skarner just sort of sits in the bush, says his name a bunch, and would be a perfect pokemon. Ska ska Skarner.
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  23. - Top - End - #593
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    Quote Originally Posted by SweetRein View Post

    I've started streaming again.

    78% of DM's started their first campaign in a tavern. If you're one of the 22% that didn't, copy and paste this into your signature.

    I started my first campaign outside of an abandoned mine, just as soon as a meteor storm from the moon hits.

  24. - Top - End - #594
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    Quote Originally Posted by MCerberus View Post
    Pikachu - Kennen
    Articuno - Anivia
    Sandshrew - Ramus
    Kha'Zix - Scyther

    Skarner just sort of sits in the bush, says his name a bunch, and would be a perfect pokemon. Ska ska Skarner.
    Graveler/Golem: Malphite

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    Quote Originally Posted by Deophaun View Post
    It doesn't so much as demean the celestial monkey's existence, so much as fulfill it. Without the ability to be summoned to set off traps, retrieve objects from dangerous situations, and all and all be a party's guinea pig, the Celestial Monkey would languish in obscurity in the MM and do nothing more legendary than eat celestial bananas.

  25. - Top - End - #595
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    Oppa Penta Style, Aka low Elo Kha'Zix play

    From one of Guardsman Bob's play with fans games.
    Last edited by LordShotGun; 2012-09-30 at 10:40 PM.

  26. - Top - End - #596
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    OMG, that TSM Invitationals Grand Finals Orb vs. Ferus Set Two Game 1; everybody but supports have full builds and even supports are at 4.5 items (so .5 items from finish with the Ward-slot). 60 mins.
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  27. - Top - End - #597
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    Well, I picked up Yorick, so now I have every Pentakill members. (minus Pentakill olaf... Y U NO release Riot!!!)

    Found a yorick build on Mobafire that seems to fit in with a support role. (build number 2)

    And an AD Sona Guild. Which I haven't tried, and I am not sure I agree with the build order.

    Apparently Yorick's ult clone copies the on-hit effect from the champion it is cloned from... so maybe bloodrazor could work...
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  28. - Top - End - #598
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    Quote Originally Posted by Kairaven View Post
    Apparently Yorick's ult clone copies the on-hit effect from the champion it is cloned from... so maybe bloodrazor could work...
    Well, I'm fairly certain Shaco's clone applies on-hit effects, and I know Leblanc's does, which makes AD Carry/on-hit Leblanc look really fun. Really makes me want to try out AD Lebby, for successful twin-titting! Twin-tits master!

    Also, speaking of Leblanc, trying to get used to her sheer amount of combos and tricks, but either fail, or do okay-ish whenever I play her; any tips or tricks to playing here, apart from this advice here? A few things I've learned from this guys videos is:
    • throw in AAs for extra harassment when possible(e.g. after a Q+W combo, before distort-returning, or AA+Q+AA)
    • E procs her sigil twice; once when hitting, and again when the snare goes off; E+Q+R will proc the second sigil if the timing is right.
    • Abuse the short cd on her sigil and don't insta-proc it; let it sit for a second or two, then proc it, and by this time your Q will likely be off CD, so you can throw it on them again.

  29. - Top - End - #599
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    Ok I have finally met three AP mid Eves. They knew what they were doing. Very good roaming/ganker with the speed buff letting her run back to mid to prevent a push.

    Opposing Eves mainly went tanky (Rylais, RoA, Abyssal). Gets squished fast if done full AP. Not particularly impressive really. Viable I think if top lane has a more bursty AP top, like say Galio or Gragas. She peaks in mid-game

    Late game, not really useful imho. Main strength is in enabling snowballing on the other lanes with her ganks to close the game in mid-game stages.

  30. - Top - End - #600
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    Quote Originally Posted by Terribad View Post
    Ok I have finally met three AP mid Eves. They knew what they were doing. Very good roaming/ganker with the speed buff letting her run back to mid to prevent a push.

    Opposing Eves mainly went tanky (Rylais, RoA, Abyssal). Gets squished fast if done full AP. Not particularly impressive really. Viable I think if top lane has a more bursty AP top, like say Galio or Gragas. She peaks in mid-game

    Late game, not really useful imho. Main strength is in enabling snowballing on the other lanes with her ganks to close the game in mid-game stages.
    The problem I encounter with AP Eve late-game is that, as an AD carry, I get one-shot in every teamfight. Since I'm kind of important for teamfighting, this is a problem.

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