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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Boo-Bees from the WombatOfDoom

    Boo-Bees is an Acquired Template that can be applied to any Bee or Bee-like Creature. Boo-Bees are ghostly bees. Bees who are really pissed off about their new, somewhat bosomy nicknames, Do not taunt happy fun bees.

    Size and Type: Size us unchanged. Type becomes Undead with the Incorporeal Subtype.

    Hit Dice: All current and future Hit Dice become D12's.

    Speed: If you don't have Flight you gain a Fly speed equal to your base land speed (Perfect Maneuverability). If you have a Fly speed, maneuverability becomes Perfect.

    Armor Class: Natural armor is the same as the base creature’s but applies only to ethereal encounters. When the ghost manifests (see below), its natural armor bonus is +0, but it gains a deflection bonus equal to its Charisma modifier or +1, whichever is higher.

    Attacks: A ghost retains all the attacks of the base creature, although those relying on physical contact do not affect creatures that are not ethereal.

    Damage: Against ethereal creatures, a ghost uses the base creature’s damage values. Against nonethereal creatures, the ghost usually cannot deal physical damage at all but can use its special attacks, if any, when it manifests (see below).

    Special Attacks: A ghost retains all the special attacks of the base creature, although those relying on physical contact do not affect nonethereal creatures. The ghost also gains a manifestation ability plus one other special attacks per 3 Hit Dice as described below. The save DC against a special attack is equal to 10 + ½ ghost’s HD + ghost’s Cha modifier unless otherwise noted.

    Manifestation (Su): Every ghost has this ability. A ghost dwells on the Ethereal Plane and, as an ethereal creature, it cannot affect or be affected by anything in the material world. When a ghost manifests, it partly enters the Material Plane and becomes visible but incorporeal on the Material Plane. A manifested ghost can be harmed only by other incorporeal creatures, magic weapons, or spells, with a 50% chance to ignore any damage from a corporeal source. A manifested ghost can pass through solid objects at will, and its own attacks pass through armor. A manifested ghost always moves silently. A manifested ghost can strike with its touch attack or with a ghost touch weapon (see Ghostly Equipment, below). A manifested ghost remains partially on the Ethereal Plane, where is it not incorporeal. A manifested ghost can be attacked by opponents on either the Material Plane or the Ethereal Plane. The ghost’s incorporeality helps protect it from foes on the Material Plane, but not from foes on the Ethereal Plane.

    When a spellcasting ghost is not manifested and is on the Ethereal Plane, its spells cannot affect targets on the Material Plane, but they work normally against ethereal targets. When a spellcasting ghost manifests, its spells continue to affect ethereal targets and can affect targets on the Material Plane normally unless the spells rely on touch. A manifested ghost’s touch spells don’t work on nonethereal targets.

    A ghost has two home planes, the Material Plane and the Ethereal Plane. It is not considered extraplanar when on either of these planes.

    Corrupting Gaze (Su): A ghost can blast living beings with a glance, at a range of up to 30 feet. Creatures that meet the ghost’s gaze must succeed on a Fortitude save or take 2d10 points of damage and 1d4 points of Charisma damage.

    Corrupting Sting (Su): The Boo-Bee can "sting" corporeal creatures, using it's Charisma Modifier in place of Str for attack and damage rolls. The Sting does 2d6 negative energy damage for a medium sized Boo-Bee (adjust up or down one or more steps if it's a different size), and if this attack kills anything that the Boo-Bee template can be applied to, that victim rises as a Boo-Bee within 1d4 days.

    Psychic Venom (Su): Every 1d4 rounds the Boo-Bee can make a psychic attack on an opponent within 60 feet. It uses it's Charisma Modifier as a bonus to the attack roll. If it hits, the opponent takes 1d6 points of Ability Drain to any Ability Score of the Boo-Bees choice. If this attack is successful, the Boo-Bee heals 5 points of damage to itself.

    Loathsome Buzz (Su): The Boo Bee constantly emits a horrible drone. This is a Mind-Affecting effect that requires it's target to be able to hear it. Any living creature who comes within 30 ft. of the Boo-Bee takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks (the Penalty increases to -6 for Concentration Checks). The Boo-Bee automatically fails all Move Silently Checks.

    Horrific Appearance (Su): Any living creature within 60 feet that views a ghost must succeed on a Fortitude save or immediately take 1d4 points of Strength damage, 1d4 points of Dexterity damage, and 1d4 points of Constitution damage. A creature that successfully saves against this effect cannot be affected by the same ghost’s horrific appearance for 24 hours.

    Soldier Bee (Ex): When defending your Hive, you gain a +4 Bonus to attack and damage rolls and a +4 Dodge Bonus to AC. Your Hive can be defined as a group of Boo-Bees, your grave, an actual hive, any member of a Hivemind if you possess one, etc.

    Special Qualities: Retains all Special Qualities of the Base Creature, plus gains the following:

    Rejuvenation (Su): In most cases, it’s difficult to destroy a ghost through simple combat: The "destroyed" spirit will often restore itself in 2d4 days. Even the most powerful spells are usually only temporary solutions. A ghost that would otherwise be destroyed returns to its old haunts with a successful level check (1d20 + ghost’s HD) against DC 16. As a rule, the only way to get rid of a ghost for sure is to determine the reason for its existence and set right whatever prevents it from resting in peace. The exact means varies with each spirit and may require a good deal of research.

    +4 Turn Resistance (Ex)

    Undead Hive Mind: If the base creature had the Hive Mind or Advance Hive Mind abilities when alive, it retains them in death. It may only Hive Mind with it's creator, the creators other victims, and it's own victims. Living bees are no longer joined with them.

    Saves: Unchanged.

    Abilities: Same as the base creature, except that the ghost has no Constitution score, and its Charisma score increases by +4.

    Skills: Ghosts have a +8 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, Search, and Spot checks. Otherwise same as the base creature.

    Feats: Unchanged.

    Environment: Unchanged.

    Organization: Unchanged.

    Challenge Rating: +2

    Treasure: Unchanged.

    Alignment: Unchanged.

    Advancement: Unchanged.

    Level Adjustment: +5

    "Are Those ghost bees?"

    They Don't Find Their Given Name A Darn Bit Funny

    "They're really pulling out all the stops."

    "That buzzing sound is almost painful."


    "Jim, start looking for hidden doors."


    "This looks like one. ow did you know to look?."

    If You Think Regular Bees Are Scary...

    "Name a base of operations we've visited that hasn't had one?"

    "Point taken."

    "Pop the torches and lets get the Hell out of here."
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  2. - Top - End - #482
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Medium Ooze
    Hit Dice: 6d10+30 (63 hp)
    Initiative: +6
    Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), Climb 40 ft.
    Armor Class: 20 (+2 Dex, +8 Natural), touch 12, flat-footed 18
    Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+5
    Attack: Slam +6 melee (1d6+1 plus 1d6 Acid)
    Full Attack: Slam +6 melee (1d6+1 plus 1d6 Acid)
    Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
    Special Attacks: Acid, Constrict, Improved Grab, Devour Light
    Special Qualities: Blindsight 60 ft., Immunities, Split, Vulnerability, Ooze traits
    Saves: Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +5
    Abilities: Str 12, Dex 15, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 4
    Skills: Hide +5, Move Silently +5, Survival +4
    Feats: Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Weapon Finesse
    Environment: Underground
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating: 5
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always Neutral
    Advancement: 7-12 HD (Medium)
    Level Adjustment: ---

    Flareaters are glossy, dark green slimes that exhibit intelligence. They survive by devouring light sources, and fortunately they don't need to eat often seeing as they LIVE. UNDERGROUND. WTH 2e...

    Acid (Ex): A Flareater secretes a digestive acid that quickly dissolves organic material and metal, but not stone. Any melee hit or constrict attack deals acid damage. Armor or clothing dissolves and becomes useless immediately unless it succeeds on a DC 18 Reflex save. A metal or wooden weapon that strikes a Flareater also dissolves immediately unless it succeeds on a DC 18 Reflex save. The save DCs are Constitution-based.

    The ooze’s acidic touch deals 18 points of damage per round to wooden or metal objects, but the ooze must remain in contact with the object for 1 full round to deal this damage.

    Constrict (Ex): A Flareater deals automatic slam and acid damage with a successful grapple check. The opponent’s clothing and armor take a -4 penalty on Reflex saves against the acid.

    Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a Flareater must hit with its slam attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict.

    Devour Light (Su): If opponents are carrying a light source (lantern, torch Light spell, etc.) the Flareater can make a melee touch attack to extinguish that light source. If it is successful it gains 1 Hit Die. If it is targeted by a spell with the Light descriptor, or a Light based attack, it suffers no effects and gains 1 Hit Die (2 HD if the spell is 5th Level or higher, or the attack does 10d6 or more).

    Immunities: Flareaters are immune to Fire damage, and spells with the Light descriptor.

    Split (Ex): When the Flareater reaches 12 Hit Dice, it splits into two 6 HD oozes (divide the Flareaters current hp between them). This process takes a full round.

    Vulnerability: If the Flareater fails a Saving Throw against a spell doing Cold damage, it becomes Paralyzed for 1d4 rounds.

    Combat: Flareaters generally only attack light sources.

    "Did you just see something up ahead?"

    Unusually Intelligent

    "Douse the light, and put on the Nightvision goggles."

    "Crap. Slimes."

    "You'll notice they've stopped moving toward us."

    "Crap. Flareaters."

    They Eat Light


    "You still got charges in that wand?"

    "Without lights we may not need them."
    Last edited by Bhu; 2023-04-21 at 10:25 PM.
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  3. - Top - End - #483
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Vampire Baby Swarm
    Tiny Undead (Swarm)
    Hit Dice: 12d12+15 (93 hp)
    Initiative: +7
    Speed: 15 ft. (3 squares), Climb 15 ft.
    Armor Class: 18 (+2 Size, +3 Dex, +3 Natural), touch 15, flat-footed 15
    Base Attack/Grapple: +6/-
    Attack: Swarm (3d6 plus blood drain plus energy drain)
    Full Attack: Swarm (3d6 plus blood drain plus energy drain)
    Space/Reach: 10 ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks: Distraction, Blood Drain, Energy Drain
    Special Qualities: Half Damage from Slashing and Piercing, Swarm Traits, Dark Vision 60 ft., +2 Turn Resistance, Damage Reduction 5/Silver, Fast Healing 2, Gaseous Form, Energy Resistance 10 (Cold and Electricity), Spider Climb, Undead Traits, Weaknesses
    Saves: Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +9
    Abilities: Str 8, Dex 16, Con -, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 14
    Skills: Bluff +6, Hide +19, Listen +8, Move Silently +12, Search +7, Sense Motive +5, Spot +7
    Feats: Toughness x5, Alertness (B), Improved Initiative (B), Lightning Reflexes (B)
    Environment: Any
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating: 8
    Treasure: Standard
    Alignment: Always Evil (any)
    Advancement: -
    Level Adjustment: ---

    "Burt...Burt I don't like me the look o' them babies...I think we should lock 'em in and run...screw that let's just run."

    Who knew vampires could have kids? In litters no less. Needless to say anyone entering a vampire nursery has a bad day. Thankfully they aren't powerful enough to create spawn.

    Blood Drain (Ex): Living creatures hit by the Vampire Babies swarm attack take 2 points of Constitution drain each round. On each such successful attack, the Vampire Baby Swarm gains 5 temporary hit points.

    Energy Drain (Su): Living Creatures hit by the Vampire Babies swarm attack gain one negative level. The Save DC to remove the negative level is 18 (Save is Charisma based).

    Gaseous Form (Su): As a standard action, a Vampire Baby Swarm can assume gaseous form at will as the spell (caster level 5th), but it can remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fly speed of 20 feet with perfect maneuverability.

    Spider Climb (Ex): Vampire Babies can climb walls as though they permanently had the benefits of the Spider Climb spell (speed is limited to 15 feet).

    Weaknesses: Vampire Baby Swarms have all the traditional weaknesses of adult Vampires (see MM).

    Skills: Vampire Baby Swarms have a +4 Racial Bonus to Bluff, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks.

    Combat: Vampire Babies pretty much act like any other Swarm. "Oh look victims..FOR THE HORDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    Vampire Baby Swarm
    "Clearly we picked the wrong exit from the tunnels"

    The Most Awkward Encounter

    "No worries. The cube of force is doing it's job."

    "And yet they've still piled up on the forcewall trying to gnaw through it."

    "They are newborns after all."

    "Harlan? Harlan, is that you? What the hell are you doing in my children's room?"

    Vampires: The Lords of Fertility

    "Charles Pennyorth? You're a vampire now?"

    "Fraid so old boy. Got cursed and my wife Penelope became obsessed with me. We got her cured, but she and I ended up together anyway."

    "You turned your children?"

    "Oh goodness no, vampires can have children. Quite a few of them in fact."

    "Honey why is there an old Gnome and a Ranger in our nursery?"

    "No worries dear, they're just adventurers."

    "Now I'm more worried than before."

    Vampire Bait

    Vampire Bait is an Acquired Template that can be applied to any creature with Levels in Cleric or Paladin (or other religion powered class). Essentially you have been Cursed by some fairly powerful entity, and as a result a Vampire of some sort has fallen in 'love' with you. However, you have not necessarily fallen for them as well. So they spend their time pining for you, serenading you at night, and all around embarrassing you in front of the other assorted clergy (and possibly your Gawd). Eventually you will succumb to their wiles, replacing this Template with one of the Vampire Templates, or it will all go to crap. Or you may get cured and part ways as friends or enemies. Hereafter in the Vampire smitten with you is referred to as your 'Paramour'. Your Paramour is genuinely smitten with you and will not allow you to come to harm. Curing you usually requires some sort of Epic Quest to appease whatever cursed you in the first place, and your Paramour will fight this process all the way doing whatever they can to hinder you without hurting you. Notice the emphasis on the word 'you'. The rest of the party they could often care less about initially, but they will possibly pay lip service to your Gawd to convince you they aren't all bad. Note that your Paramours peers generally think you're bait for a trap (hence the template name), and will do their level best to convince you to go away, or even murder you.

    Size and Type: Unchanged.

    Hit Dice: Unchanged.

    Speed: Unchanged.

    Armor Class: Unchanged.

    Attacks: Unchanged.

    Damage: Unchanged.

    Special Attacks: Retains all Special Attacks of the Base Creature with the following changes and additions:

    Turn/Rebuke Undead: Your Ability to do this no longer affects your Paramour. As a sop to your ego however, you have a +2 Bonus on all Turn Checks made against other Undead.

    Healing Any Healing abilities you have (such as Lay on Hands or spells) will still heal your Paramour regardless of his/her Undead state. Spells you cast that would normally damage or incapacitate Undead do not otherwise affect them. However all spells you cast against other Undead are cast at +2 Caster Level.

    Special Qualities: Retains all Special Qualities of the Base Creature and gains the following:

    Odd Man Out (Ex): You have a -4 Penalty on Diplomacy Checks against other religious types (Paladins, Clerics, etc) who consider you some sort of backstabber or hypocrite, and against intelligent undead (who think you might be a pervert, or trying to trap them).

    True Love? (Ex): If your Paramour is a Vampire Spawn, the may disobey any orders their Master makes in reference to you.

    Saves: Unchanged.

    Abilities: Unchanged.

    Skills: Unchanged.

    Feats: Unchanged.

    Environment: Unchanged.

    Organization: Unchanged.

    Challenge Rating: +0

    Treasure: Unchanged.

    Alignment: Unchanged.

    Advancement: Unchanged.

    Level Adjustment: +0
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  4. - Top - End - #484
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Black Spawn of Tiamat
    "Where the hell did your friends Teleportation Circle take us?"

    Unusually Vicious

    "Judging by the shrine, I'd say we're in the swamps of Durian."

    "Why would a vampire have a door open into dragon territory?"

    "Politics makes for strange bedfellows, especially among the Undead."

    "Do you hear that?"

    Prefer To Fight From Ambush

    "Sounds like there's one hell of a fight outside."

    "It's a bunch of weird, black scaled reptoids versus crazed giant bees."

    "Lets see if we can find a way around it."
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  5. - Top - End - #485
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Ray-Bees from Inuyasha

    Ray-Bees is an Acquired Template that can be applied to any Bee or Bee-like Creature. Ray-Bees have acquired a unique and perilous disease that cause them to shoot light from their body at random intervals while slowly consuming them..

    Size and Type: Type becomes Aberration.

    Hit Dice: Unchanged.

    Speed: Unchanged.

    Armor Class:

    Attacks: Unchanged.

    Damage: Unchanged.

    Special Attacks: Retains all Special Attacks of the Base Creature, and gains the following:

    Raybies (Su): Ray-Bees are carriers of a nasty disease called Raybies which they spread via their natural attacks. Injury, Fortitude Save (Save DC is Con based), Incubation 2d6 weeks, Damage is 1 Con plus 1d3 Wis. The disease has alternate effects on bees or bee-like creatures though. They become rage filled engines of destruction. They become Mindless and attack anything within sight. Even other Ray-Bees. The Ray-Bee gains a +2 Bonus to attack and damage rolls, along with a +2 Resistance Bonus to their Saving Throws. They lose 1 point of Con per day until the disease is magically healed, eventually burning out and dying when their Con reaches 0. Worse, every 1d4 rounds they unleash a burst of energy from their body in the form of a ray doing 2d6 fire damage, plus another 2d6 for every Size Category above Medium. Range is 120 ft. Roll 1d4 to see which direction the ray goes, with 1 being the front of the square the creature occupies, and going clockwise for 2-4. It targets the nearest creature in that direction.

    Special Qualities: Retains all Special Qualities of the Base Creature, except Hivemind or Advanced Hivemind

    Saves: See Special Attacks.

    Abilities: While raybid, double the usual Racial Bonuses to Str, Dex, and Con. For example if the Base Creature has a +4 Racial Str Bonus, it now becomes a +8. Minimum increase is +2. Int becomes -, if it isn't already. -2 Wis and Cha.

    Skills: Unchanged.

    Feats: Unchanged.

    Environment: Unchanged.

    Organization: Unchanged.

    Challenge Rating: +2

    Treasure: None.

    Alignment: Always Chaotic Evil.

    Advancement: N/A.

    Level Adjustment: ---

    "It looks like we either join the fight, or risk a random teleport."

    A Horrible Disease

    "I recognize them! Those reptilians are Dragonspawn. We must be in a temple dedicated to Puddytat, the Dragon Gawd."

    "Whats with the bees though?"

    "See those flashes of light? They have a disease called raybies. Normally it just burns you up from the inside, but with bees it works a little differently."

    "What have we stumbled into?"

    Mindless Killing Machines

    "It would seem the bee cult we were tipped off to is attempting to take out any rivals."

    "So our options are get killed by bees, get killed by monsters, or randomly pop up somewhere else."

    "Random it is."
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  6. - Top - End - #486
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Green Dragonspawn
    "It looks like were in a forest shrine now."

    Also Prefer To Fight From Ambush

    "That'll mean Green Dragonspawn."

    "Where are they then? This place is empty."

    "Perhaps they've fled, or are already out fighting."

    "Well at least we have a few moments rest."

    Be Sure To Stock Up On Antivenom

    "What are the other settings on the Teleport Circle?"

    "If I had to take a guess, I'd say the pictographs stand for mountains and desert."

    "We'll try for desert, I know some Blue Dragons."
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  7. - Top - End - #487
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Beerded Man
    Fine Outsider (Lawful, Native, Swarm)
    Hit Dice: 12d8+36 (90 hp)
    Initiative: +4
    Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), Fly 80 ft. (Good)
    Armor Class: 26 (+8 Size, +4 Dex, +4 Deflection), touch 26, flat-footed 22
    Base Attack/Grapple: +12/-
    Attack: Swarm (3d6 plus Poison)
    Full Attack: Swarm (3d6 plus Poison)
    Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
    Special Attacks: Spellcasting, Summoning, Poison
    Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Swarm traits, Immune to Weapon Damage, Improved Swarm, Unearthly Grace, Rejuvenation, Hivemind, Advance Hivemind, All-Around Vision
    Saves: Fort +15, Ref +16, Will +16
    Abilities: Str -, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 18
    Skills: Bluff +14, Concentration +13, Diplomacy +14, Hide +20, Intimidate +14, Knowledge (Arcana, Geography, Local, Nature, Religion) +11, Listen +14, Search +5, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +12, Spot +16, Survival +14 (+18 with orienteering)
    Feats: Bee Prepared, Bee Safe, Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment), Hive Access, Spell Focus (Enchantment)
    Environment: Any
    Organization: Unique
    Challenge Rating: 14
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Advancement: By Character Class
    Level Adjustment: ---

    The Beerded Man appears to be a hooded, robed man from a distance whose long beard is swarming with bees. In reality it is a swarm of bees animated by...something. Some think he's a demon or demigod, some think he's undead. No one is quite sure. He appears in someway connected to the Bee Gawds and Bee-Guilders as he interferes with their actions frequently, sometimes to help, sometimes not.

    Spellcasting: The Beerded Man can cast spells as a Bee-Guiler whose Caster Level equals his Hit Dice.

    Summoning (Su): Creatures summoned via the Beerded Man's spells gain a +2 Deflection Bonus to AC.

    Poison (Su): Any creature subjected to the Beerded Man's Swarm attack is also magically poisoned. Injury, DC 20 Fort Save (Save DC is Cha based), initial and secondary damage is 2d4 Con.

    Improved Swarm (Ex): Unlike normal swarms the Beerded Man is not vulnerable to high winds or the Gust of Wind spell.

    Unearthly Grace (Su): The Beerded Man gains a Deflection Bonus to AC, and a Bonus to all Saving Throws equal to his Cha Modifier.

    Rejuvenation (Su): There currently is no known method for permanently destroying the Beerded Man. No matter what is done to him, his swarm simply reforms from available bees in another location 2d4 days later.

    Hive Mind (Ex): All members of the Beerded Man's Hivemind within 50 miles of him are in constant communication. If one is aware of a particular danger, they all are. If one in a group is not flat-footed, none of them are. No member in a group is considered flanked unless all of them are. The Beerded Man can add up to 12 individuals to his Hivemind, or kick them out, as a Swift Action.

    Advanced Hivemind (Su): Advanced Hive Minds can share knowledge. When using the Aid Another option you grant a +4 Bonus instead of the usual +2. Any member of the Hivemind can use a Feat or Skill possessed by any other member of the Hivemind as a Swift Action that provokes an Attack of Opportunity. Once the member takes the aforementioned Swift Action, he may use the Skill Ranks of any member of the Hivemind (but uses his own ability modifier) for 1 Minute, or gains access to any 1 Feat possessed by the Hivemind for the same amount of time. You may only access one Feat or Skill at a time. The original contributor does not lose the use of the Skill or Feat, and the receiver retains it's use for the full Minute regardless of range. They have Telepathy with a 100 ft. range with other members of the Hivemind. They may also send a 10 word message as a Swift Action to any member of the Hivemind outside that range (but still within 50 miles). There are Hivemind Feats that can provide further benefits.

    Unlike normal the Beerded Man can forcibly join a Hivemind by psychically attacking one of it's members who is within 120 ft., as a Swift Action. If the opponent fails a DC 20 Willpower Save (Save DC is Cha based), then the Beerded Man becomes a part of the Hivemind for 24 hours. If the opponent succeeds then he is immune to further attempts for 24 hours. This closes him off from his prior Hivemind for this period of time (unless he departs the new Hivemind early).

    All-Around Vision (Ex): The Beerded Mans many eyes give it a +4 Racial Bonus on Search and Spot Checks, and render it immune to flanking (which also renders members of it's Hivemind immune to flanking).

    Skills: The Beerded Man has a +4 Racial Bonus with Spot checks and Survival Checks made to orient himself.

    Combat: The Beerded Man rarely enters combat himself, preferring to manipulate events from behind the scenes. If he must enter a fight he summons aid, disrupts events with his spells, and picks off the weak.

    The Beerded Man
    "Do you hear that buzzing?"

    A Figure Of Mystery

    "It's coming from outside. From that man wearing the cloak and hood."

    "That's no man. Look closer."

    "That's... not a cloak. That's a pattern made by their beating wings..."

    "It's a bee swarm that walks like a man."

    Mercurial Reputation

    "Get ready"

    "Why haven't you two fools fled yet? They're almost here!"

    "They who?"

    "Forget that, let's just run."
    Last edited by Bhu; 2023-04-15 at 12:10 AM.
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  8. - Top - End - #488
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    FlareaterArmor Class: 20 (+2 Dex, +8 Natural), touch 12, flat-footed 16
    FF 18.

    Saves: Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +5
    Ref +4.

    Flareaters are glossy, dark green slimes that exhibit intelligence. They survive by devouring light sources, and fortunately they don't need to eat often seeing as they LIVE. UNDERGROUND. WTH 2e...
    To be fair, D&D would appear to have never had a workable understanding of what adapting to life underground actually looks like.

    Acid (Ex): A Flareater secretes a digestive acid that quickly dissolves organic material and metal, but not stone. Any melee hit or constrict attack deals acid damage. Armor or clothing dissolves and becomes useless immediately unless it succeeds on a DC 18 Reflex save. A metal or wooden weapon that strikes a Flareater also dissolves immediately unless it succeeds on a DC 18 Reflex save. The save DCs are Constitution-based.
    I don't exactly love this kind of ability, honestly.

    The ooze’s acidic touch deals 16 points of damage per round to wooden or metal objects, but the ooze must remain in contact with the object for 1 full round to deal this damage.
    Is that supposed to be a flat 16? (Or 1d6, and if so, it ignores Hardness, right?)

    Devour Light (Su): If opponents are carrying a light source (lantern, torch Light spell, etc.) the Flareater can make a melee touch attack to extinguish that light source. If it is successful it gains 1 Hit Die. If it is targeted by a spell with the Light descriptor, or a Light based attack, it suffers no effects and gains 1 Hit Die (2 HD if the spell is 5th Level or higher, or the attack does 10d6 or more).

    Immunities: Flareaters are immune to Fire damage, and spells with the Light descriptor.
    This one I like, on the other hand. No Sunbeam/burst for you, Tier 1s!

    Split (Ex): When the Flareater reaches 12 Hit Dice, it splits into two 6 HD oozes (divide the Flareaters current hp between them). This process takes a full round.
    A form of Split that makes sense? I'll have two, thanks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    Vampire Bait
    Heh. This one's insane.

    [QUOTE=Bhu;25753782]Beerded Man
    Skills: Bluff +14, Concentration +13, Diplomacy +14, Hide +20, Intimidate +14, Knowledge (Arcana, Geography, Local, Nature, Religion) +13, Listen +14, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +12, Spot +18, Survival +14 (+18 with orienteering)
    Feats: Bee Prepared, Bee Safe, Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment), Hive Access, Spell Focus (Enchantment)
    Unless those feats do something to account for it, I think the spell point budget has a deficit of 12. Also, Search gets a racial bonus, but does not appear on the list.

    Poison (Ex): Any creature subjected to the Beerded Man's Swarm attack is also magically poisoned. Injury, DC 20 Fort Save (Save DC is Cha based), initial and secondary damage is 2d4 Con.
    So, um, is it Ex or magical?

    Hive Mind (Ex): All members of the Beerded Man's Hivemind within 50 miles of him are in constant communication. If one is aware of a particular danger, they all are. If one in a group is not flat-footed, none of them are. No member in a group is considered flanked unless all of them are. The Beerded Man can add up to 12 individuals to his Hivemind, or kick them out, as a Swift Action.

    Advanced Hivemind (Su): Advanced Hive Minds can share knowledge. When using the Aid Another option you grant a +4 Bonus instead of the usual +2. Any member of the Hivemind can use a Feat or Skill possessed by any other member of the Hivemind as a Swift Action that provokes an Attack of Opportunity. Once the member takes the aforementioned Swift Action, he may use the Skill Ranks of any member of the Hivemind (but uses his own ability modifier) for 1 Minute, or gains access to any 1 Feat possessed by the Hivemind for the same amount of time. You may only access one Feat or Skill at a time. The original contributor does not lose the use of the Skill or Feat, and the receiver retains it's use for the full Minute regardless of range. They have Telepathy with a 100 ft. range with other members of the Hivemind. They may also send a 10 word message as a Swift Action to any member of the Hivemind outside that range (but still within 50 miles). There are Hivemind Feats that can provide further benefits.

    Unlike normal the Beerded Man can forcibly join a Hivemind by psychically attacking one of it's members who is within 120 ft., as a Swift Action. If the opponent fails a DC 20 Willpower Save (Save DC is Cha based), then the Beerded Man becomes a part of the Hivemind for 24 hours. If the opponent succeeds then he is immune to further attempts for 24 hours.
    Hrm. Do members of a hivemind the thing infiltrates count against the limit of 12?

    All-Around Vision (Ex): The Beerded Mans many eyes give it a +4 Racial Bonus on Search and Spot Checks, and render it immune to flanking.
    How does this interact with Hivemind? If the Man is immune to flanking, it is mechanically never flanked, which would mean that members of the Hivemind are never flanked either.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Metastachydium View Post

    I don't exactly love this kind of ability, honestly.

    Is that supposed to be a flat 16? (Or 1d6, and if so, it ignores Hardness, right?)
    Not a fave of mine either, but most of the oozes have it. I don't 'think' it ignores hardness, but all I can find under the Subtype entry is: Some oozes have the ability to deal acid damage to objects. In such a case, the amount of damage is equal to 10 + ½ ooze’s HD + ooze’s Con modifier per full round of contact. I adjusted the damage, and made edits that should address your other questions.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    Not a fave of mine either, but most of the oozes have it. I don't 'think' it ignores hardness, but all I can find under the Subtype entry is: Some oozes have the ability to deal acid damage to objects. In such a case, the amount of damage is equal to 10 + ½ ooze’s HD + ooze’s Con modifier per full round of contact. I adjusted the damage
    Oh. In my defense, I kind of forgot that's a thing.

    , and made edits that should address your other questions.
    The Flareater's FF AC and Ref save is still off, though.

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    I has fixed

    Blue Spawn of Tiamat
    "WHO ARE YOU?"

    Surprisingly Powerful

    "I'm Harlan Jurgens, and this is my assistant Jim. We're looking for Tyrone."

    "And fleeing the cult that seems to be encroaching on you."

    "Tyrone ain't here. The Bee CUlt is on it's way to fight though. You can leave or assist."

    "We'll assist. I'm a Wizard, and Jim is a Ranger. We're both competent warriors in our ways."

    "Do you hear that?"

    Prefer To Fight From Ambush (This Is Becoming A Theme With Dragonspawn)

    "That doesn't sound like the normal buzzing of bees..."

    "Is there somewhere I can snipe from?"

    "Looks like I'm getting my moneys worth out of this wand today."
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    Bee of Power!

    Bee of Power! is an Acquired Template that can be applied to any bee or bee-like creature. It is a temporary Template gained from the Bee=MC2 spell, and turns the base creature into a being of pure electricity. WHile it's main attack form drains it's power, the caster can feed it spells to help with that.

    Size and Type: Type becomes Construct with the Living and Incorporeal Subtypes.

    Hit Dice: All current and future Hit Dice become d10's. Bonus hp are determined by Size.

    Speed: Loses all mobility types, but gains Flight 120 ft. with Perfect Maneuverability. It's Flight also works perfectly well under water.

    Armor Class: Any Natural Armor Bonus to AC becomes a Deflection Bonus instead (minimum +1).

    Attacks: The base creature gains no new attacks unless it has no natural weapons. If it has none it gains a melee touch attack doing Electricity damage equal that is dependent on it's size: Diminutive or smaller: 1 point, Tiny: 1d2, Small: 1d3, Medium: 1d4, Large: 1d6, Huge: 1d8, Gargantuan: 2d6, Colossal: 3d6.

    Damage: Damage from all natural weapon attacks is now Electricity damage, and they are now considered to be touch attacks.

    Special Attacks: Retains all Special Attacks of the Base Creature (except those based on corporeal bodily features), plus gains the following:

    Arcing (Su): The Bee of Power has a +4 Racial Bonus on attack rolls against opponents wearing metal armor (or carrying metal shields) or composed of metal, and on Sunder checks against metal objects.

    Pulse (Su): Once per round as a Full Round Action the Bee of Power! can unleash a burst of electrical energy in a 20 ft. area centered on itself. It does 1d6 electricity damage per Hit Die of the Bee of Power!. When it does this it shortens the duration of the spell giving it this Template by 1 round, or loses the benefits of any spells fed to it via power sponge (which can be fed to it again the next round).

    Special Qualities: Retains all Special Qualities of the Base Creature, plus gains the following:

    Energy Resistance (Ex): Gains Energy Resistance 10 to Acid, Cold, Fire, and Sonic damage.

    Damage Reduction 10/Magic

    Power Sponge (Su): Bees of Power! are immune to electricity damage, healing 1 hit point for every two hit points of damage that would have been done (it cannot attack itself to heal in this manner). Additionally, whoever cast the spell to give the Base Creature this Template can opt to "feed" it a spell once per round as a Swift Action. The caster loses a memorized spell (or a spell slot in the case of Sorcerers and similar casters), and the Bee of Power receives a beneficial effect for the duration of this Template. The caster may lose a 3rd, 4th or 5th Level spell, and the Bee of Power! gains the benefits of a Heroism spell. If the caster loses a 6th Level or higher spell, the Bee of Power! gains the benefits of a Greater Heroism spell. It only gains the benefits of one spell at a time, they do not stack. Additionally the caster may deliberately attack the Bee of Power! with spells doing electrical damage as if they were Maximized via the Maximize spell feat.

    Saves: Unchanged (but see Special Qualities).

    Abilities: +4 Dex, +4 Wis, +4 Cha. Str and Con Scores becomes -.

    Skills: Unchanged.

    Feats: Unchanged.

    Environment: Unchanged

    Organization: Unchanged

    Challenge Rating: +3

    Treasure: Unchanged

    Alignment: Unchanged

    Advancement: Unchanged

    Level Adjustment: n/a

    Bee of Power!
    "Are those bees made of electricity?"

    Temporary Monsters

    "So much for using the lightning bolt wand. You have to wonder why they'd assault here though. Blue Dragonspawn are immune to lightning."

    "This is good. This means their intelligence may be misinformation, or that they lack information gathering in this area."

    "We need to convince the Dragonspawn to stop blasting them with lightning, it seems to be making them stronger."

    "So both sides are immune to each others main method of attack? That's...that's actually pretty funny."

    They Live Underground For The Most Part

    "Clearly someone messed up."


    "They're retreating!"

    "Only some of them. It looks like new bees are moving in."
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    Ally of the Hive

    Ally is an Acquired Template that can be applied to any Bee or Bee-Like Creature. These are usually Bees or Bee monsters who have been forcibly adopted into the Bee-Gurl Hive, and transformed into loyal subjects by the Queen. They appear much as they usually do, with some slight feature to differentiate them, such as a different color.

    Size and Type: Size is unchanged, Type becomes Magical Beast if it is not already,

    Hit Dice: Unchanged (unless Type changed, in which case raise Hit Dice to d10's).

    Speed: Unchanged.

    Armor Class: Natural Armor Bonus to AC increases by +4.

    BAB becomes equal to the Base Creature's Hit Dice.

    Damage: Unchanged.

    Special Attacks: Retains all Special Attacks of the Base Creature and gains the following:

    Aversion (Su): An Ally can create a compulsion effect targeting one creature within 30 feet. The target must succeed on a Will save or gain an aversion to bees for 10 minutes. Affected creatures must stay at least 20 feet away from any bee or bee-like creature, alive or dead; if already within 20 feet, they move away. A subject unable to move away, or one attacked by bees or bee-like creatures, is overcome with revulsion. This revulsion reduces the creature’s Dexterity score by 4 points until the effect wears off or the subject is no longer within 20 feet of a bee or bee-like creature. This ability is other-wise similar to antipathy as the spell (caster level equals hit dice). The save DC is Charisma-based.

    Alternate Form (Su): All Allies can assume the form of a Fine to Medium bee as a supernatural ability. This ability is similar to a polymorph spell (caster level equal to hit dice), but an Ally does not regain any hit points for changing form, and it can only assume bee forms. The Ally loses her natural weapons (if any)and gains the natural weapon of the bee form it assumes. If the Ally has a poisonous sting of its own, it uses her own or the bee’s poison, whichever is more potent.

    Special Qualities: Retains all Special Qualities of the Base Creature and gains the following:

    Spell Resistance (Ex): Gains SR equal to (11+CR).

    Detect Poison (Sp): All Allies can Detect Poison at will as per the spell as a 6th Level caster.

    Hivemind (Ex): All Allies within 50 miles of their creator are in constant communication. If one is aware of a particular danger, they all are. If one in a group is not flat-footed, none of them are. No Ally in a group is considered flanked unless all of them are.

    Saves: Unchanged.

    Abilities: +2 Dex, +2 Int, +2 Cha

    Skills: Unchanged unless Base Creature was Vermin (in which case choose 5 skills to be Class Skills).

    Feats: Unchanged, unless Base Creature was Vermin (in which case you will need to choose Feats).

    Environment: Unchanged

    Organization: Unchanged

    Challenge Rating: +2

    Treasure: Unchanged

    Alignment: Always Lawful Evil


    Level Adjustment: +4

    Ally of the Hive
    "Looks like they've been modified from the standard Giant Bee."

    Shock Troops Mean To Scatter Opposing Forces

    "Our front lines are pulling back. Some sort of fear effect maybe?"

    "Let's light them up before things get too bad."

    "At least these seem vulnerable to electricity."

    "You got any spells for modifying longbow ammunition?"

    Forcible Converts To The Cult

    "I'm pretty much blasting and teleports right now."


    "These Dragonspawn don't have much in the way of an inside voice do they?"

    "You don't need soft power when you're that big."
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    Large Monstrous Humanoid
    Hit Dice: 8d8+48 (84 hp)
    Initiative: +2
    Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), Fly 60 ft. (Good)
    Armor Class: 19 (-1 Size, +2 Dex, +8 Natural), touch 11, flat-footed 17
    Base Attack/Grapple: +8/+18
    Attack: Claw +13 melee (1d6+6)
    Full Attack: 4 Claws +13 melee (1d6+6) and 1 Bite +8 melee (1d8+3)
    Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
    Special Attacks: Rage, Shared Rage, Improved Grab, Sting
    Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Hive Mind, Advanced Hive Mind,
    Saves: Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +8
    Abilities: Str 23, Dex 14, Con 23, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 10
    Skills: Intimidate +5, Listen +5, Spot +6, Survival +5 (+9 orienteering)
    Feats: Extra Rage, Instantaneous Rage, Mad Foam Rager
    Environment: Warm Plains
    Organization: Solitary or Group (2-6)
    Challenge Rating: 8
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Usually Chaotic Neutral
    Advancement: By Character Class
    Level Adjustment: ---

    Beeserkers are winged, 4 armed bee-like humanoids known for their anger management issues. And by issues we mean "mouth frothing psychopaths". They like to hire out as cheap muscle, but there aren't many takers given their rep of attacking anything that gets too close.

    Rage (Ex): The Beeserker can Rage as per the Barbarian Ability. It can Rage a number of times per day as a Barbarian whose Level is the same as it's Hit Dice.

    Shared Rage (Ex): When the Beeserker enters Rage, all Allies present that are part of it's Hivemind also enter Rage for the same period of time.

    Improved Grab (Ex): If the Beeserker hits with it's Claw attack, it can make a Grapple Check as a Free Action without provoking an Attack of Opportunity. If it succeeds it can use it's Sting ability.

    Sting (Ex): If the Beeserker makes a successful Grapple Check, it does 3d6+9 damage, and the opponent must make a DC 20 Fortitude Dave (Save DC is Con based) or be poisoned. Initial and Secondary damage is 1d6 Con.

    Hive Mind (Ex): All Beeserkers within 50 miles of their leader are in constant communication. If one is aware of a particular danger, they all are. If one in a group is not flat-footed, none of them are. No Beeserker in a group is considered flanked unless all of them are.

    Advanced Hive Mind (Su): Advanced Hive Minds can share knowledge. When using the Aid Another option you grant a +4 Bonus instead of the usual +2. Any member of the Hivemind can use a Feat or Skill possessed by any other member of the Hivemind as a Swift Action that provokes an Attack of Opportunity. Once the member takes the aforementioned Swift Action, he may use the Skill Ranks of any member of the Hivemind (but uses his own ability modifier) for 1 Minute, or gains access to any 1 Feat possessed by the Hivemind for the same amount of time. You may only access one Feat or Skill at a time. The original contributor does not lose the use of the Skill or Feat, and the receiver retains it's use for the full Minute regardless of range. They have Telepathy with a 100 ft. range with other members of the Hivemind. They may also send a 10 word message as a Swift Action to any member of the Hivemind outside that range (but still within 50 miles). There are Hivemind Feats that can provide further benefits.

    Skills: Beeserkers have a +4 racial bonus on Spot checks. They also have a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks to orient themselves.

    Combat: Beeserkers aren't subtle, and have limited planning abilities. They tend to Rage and charge.

    "Looks like they were there to scatter the line before the net critters moved in."

    Blind Rage

    "These new ones look like beefy targets."

    "The foaming at the mouth isn't encouraging."

    "They don't seem to be dropping very quick either."

    "Lets hope the Dragonspawn have some reserves."


    "Here they come now now."


    "Are you questioning our decision to come here yet?"

    "Relax, it's not too bad yet."
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    Bar-Bees from the WombatOfDoom

    Bar-Bees is an Acquired Template that can be applied to any Bee or Bee-like Creature that is Size Small or Bigger. Bar-Bees are barbed bees who can shoot flame, because apparently there's a wizard who believes Giant Bees aren't bad enough already.

    Size and Type: Type becomes Magical Beast if it is currently Vermin, otherwise unchanged.

    Hit Dice: Unchanged. If Type changes from Vermin to Magical Beast be sure to increase hit dice to d10's.

    Speed: Unchanged.

    Armor Class: Natural Armor Bonus to AC increases by +2.

    Attacks: Unchanged. If Type changes from Vermin to Magical Beast be sure to raise BAB to being equal to HD.

    Damage: Due to the barbs covering your body your natural attacks do +2 damage.

    Special Attacks: Retains all Special Attacks of the Base Creature, plus gains the following:

    Bar-Bee-Que (Su): Bar-Bee's have a flaming breath weapon they can use every 1d4 rounds. Damage is 1d8, plus 1d8 per Size Category above Small, and affects all creatures within a 15 ft. Cone. Opponents get a Reflex Save for half damage.

    Improved Grab (Ex): Bar-Bees can begin Grapples without provoking Attacks of Opportunity.

    Impale (Ex): A Bar-Bee deals xd8+ one and a half times Str Modifier points of piercing damage to a grabbed opponent with a successful grapple check. X depends on size category: Small is 1d8, Medium is 2d8, Large is 3d8, etc.

    Special Qualities: Retains all Special Qualities of the Base Creature, plus gains the following:

    Barbed Defense (Ex): Any creature striking a Bar-Bee with handheld weapons or natural weapons (or attempting a Grapple) takes 1d8+their own Str Modifier points of piercing and slashing damage from the bee’s barbs. Note that weapons with exceptional reach, such as longspears, do not endanger their users in this way.

    Saves: Unchanged.

    Abilities: Unchanged.

    Skills: Unchanged. If Type changes from Vermin to Magical Beast be sure to add skills. Class Skills are Knowledge (Geography), Listen, Spot, Survival.

    Feats: Unchanged. If Type changes from Vermin to Magical Beast be sure to add Feats.

    Environment: Unchanged.


    Challenge Rating:

    Treasure: Unchanged.

    Alignment: Unchanged.

    Advancement: Unchanged.

    Level Adjustment: +3

    "Here comes round 4."

    Even Worse Than Most Of My Puns

    "Giant Bees covered in spikes? That seems anticlimactic."

    "You spoke too quickly, they're spitting fire."

    "I should learn to tempt fate less."

    "We're taking a bit of a beating here."

    Arsonists For The Bee Cult

    "We can still win this. Dragonspawn are tough critters."


    "It's not their toughness I'm worried about..."

    "Are those Beholders!?!."
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    Heyve original idea by TechnoKami
    Huge Aberration
    Hit Dice: 12d8+84 (138 hp)
    Initiative: +6
    Speed: 5 ft. (1 square), Fly 80 ft. (Good)
    Armor Class: 28 (-2 Size, +2 Dex, +18 Natural), touch 10, flat-footed 26
    Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+18
    Attack: Bite +10 melee (2d6+1 plus poison)
    Full Attack: 3 Bites +10 melee (2d6+1 plus poison)
    Space/Reach: 15 ft./10 ft.
    Special Attacks: Poison, Swarms
    Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., All-Around Vision, Immunity to Poison, Hivemind, Advanced Hivemind
    Saves: Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +13
    Abilities: Str 12, Dex 14, Con 24, Int 10, Wis 20, Cha 16
    Skills: Knowledge (Arcane, Geography, Nature) +8, Search +9, Spot +7, Survival +8
    Feats: Improved Initiative, Killer Queen, Status Check, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Bite)
    Environment: Warm Plains
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating: 9
    Treasure: Standard
    Alignment: Usually Lawful Evil
    Advancement: 13-18 HD (Huge), 19-36 (Gargantuan)
    Level Adjustment: ---

    Heyve's are horrifying balls of floating, waxy flesh covered in compound eyes. Toothed maws open and close randomly on it's surface, often unleashing symbiotic swarms of bees that live safely within it. Rumor has it they were created as living weapons by the Bee-Gurls. Other rumors have it that they purposefully mutated Beholderkin, and now the Beholder Nations want to speak to them.

    Poison (Ex): Injury, DC 23 Fortitude Save (Save DC is Con based), initial and secondary damage is 2d4 Con.

    Swarms (Ex): A Heyve holds 8 Bee Swarms inside itself, and can release one on it's opponents as a Swift Action. These Swarms obey the Heyve and are part of it's Hive Mind.

    All-Around Vision (Ex): The Heyve's many eyes give it a +4 Racial Bonus on Search and Spot Checks, and render it immune to flanking.

    Hive Mind (Ex): All Heyves within 50 miles of their leader are in constant communication. If one is aware of a particular danger, they all are. If one in a group is not flat-footed, none of them are. No member of the group is considered flanked unless all of them are.

    Advanced Hive Mind (Su): Advanced Hive Minds can share knowledge. When using the Aid Another option you grant a +4 Bonus instead of the usual +2. Any member of the Hivemind can use a Feat or Skill possessed by any other member of the Hivemind as a Swift Action that provokes an Attack of Opportunity. Once the member takes the aforementioned Swift Action, he may use the Skill Ranks of any member of the Hivemind (but uses his own ability modifier) for 1 Minute, or gains access to any 1 Feat possessed by the Hivemind for the same amount of time. You may only access one Feat or Skill at a time. The original contributor does not lose the use of the Skill or Feat, and the receiver retains it's use for the full Minute regardless of range. They have Telepathy with a 100 ft. range with other members of the Hivemind. They may also send a 10 word message as a Swift Action to any member of the Hivemind outside that range (but still within 50 miles). There are Hivemind Feats that can provide further benefits.

    Combat: Heyve's generally unleash their Bees first, after which their combat options come down to "bite all the things".

    "No, but they look too close to get comfortable."

    Swarm Carriers

    "They're unleashing swarms. Looks like I need to switch spells."

    "My bow isn't going to do much against this."

    "Lets hope the Dragonspawn can call some reinforcements."

    "Wait, something just blew a bunch of them out of the sky."

    Disturbing, Even To Their Own Cult

    "I neve thought I'd be happy to see Dragons."


    "Breath Weapons are always welcome on my side in a mass battle."

    "Now I just have to hope he doesn't remember I owe him money..."
    Last edited by Bhu; 2023-04-21 at 10:30 PM.
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    I has fixed
    I think that damn ooze might be cursed or something. It has a Ref of +54 now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    Heyve original idea by TechnoKami
    Skills: Knowledge (Arcane, Geography, Nature) +9, Search +9, Spot +9, Survival +8
    I think there might be 5 skill points overspent here. I'm guessing it's Search-related.

    "Now I just have to hope he doesn't remember I owe him money..."
    Narrator Voice: But Tyrone did remember.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Metastachydium View Post
    I think that damn ooze might be cursed or something. It has a Ref of +54 now.

    I think there might be 5 skill points overspent here. I'm guessing it's Search-related.

    Narrator Voice: But Tyrone did remember.

    I made the fix.
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    Red Spawn of Tiamat
    "Well that could have gone better..."

    They DO NOT Prefer Stealth

    "At least he wiped my debt for helping defend the shrine."

    "And the promise we would defend this mountain shrine full of more evil Dragonspawn."

    "Look at it this way, we're far more likely to be assaulted on our own."

    "They eep looking at us like we're lunch."

    Fire Is The Solution to all of Life's Problems

    "Ordinarily we would be."

    "Not really. Gnomes suck. Y'all taste like boiled leather and flowers."

    "Refreshing to know."

    "Heads up! Here come the bees!"
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    Bee Creature

    Bee Creature is an inherited template that can be added to any living creature (hereafter referred to as the base creature). It gains a stinger, bee-like wings, and other bee-like features. This magical curse allows the Bee-Gurl cult to convert non-Bees.

    Size and Type: Size is unchanged, Type becomes Aberration.

    Hit Dice: Unchanged.

    Speed: Gains Flight Speed equal to twice Base land speed with Clumsy Maneuverability.

    Armor Class: Natural Armor Bonus increases by +2.

    Attacks: Gains a Secondary Stinger attack if it doesn't already have one.

    Damage: Damage of Stinger depends on Size: 1 point for Fine, 1d2 for Diminutive, 1d3 for Tiny, 1d4 for Small, ad6 for Medium, 1d8 for Large, 2d6 for Huge, 2d8 for Gargantuan, and 3d6 for Colossal (plus half Str Modifier).

    Special Attacks: Retains all Special Attacks of the Base Creature, plus gains the following:

    Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude Save (Save DC is Con based), Initial and Secondary damage is 1d6 Con.

    Special Qualities: Retains all Special Qualities of the Base Creature, plus gains the following:

    Darkvision 60 ft.


    Hivemind (Ex): All Bee Creatures within 50 miles of their creator are in constant communication. If one is aware of a particular danger, they all are. If one in a group is not flat-footed, none of them are. No Bee Creature in a group is considered flanked unless all of them are.

    Saves: Unchanged, other than due to ability increases.

    Abilities: +4 Dex, +2 Wis

    Skills: Gains +4 Racial Bonus to Spot and Survival Checks.

    Feats: Unchanged.

    Environment: Any Temperate or Warm land.

    Organization: Unchanged, but usually created by a hive of some sort.

    Challenge Rating: +2

    Treasure: None.

    Alignment: Always Neutral.

    Advancement: Unchanged.

    Level Adjustment: ---


    Any Aberration, Beast, Fey, Giant, Humanoid, or Monstrosity can become a Bee Creature.

    Challenge. Recalculate the Challenge Rating after you apply the template.

    Type. Type changes to Aberration.

    Armor Class. Increase AC by +2.

    Speed. Gains a Flight speed equal to double base land speed if it doesn't already fly.

    Attributes. Base Creature gains +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom.

    Skills. The Base Creature gains Expertise with Wisdom (Perception) Checks.

    Senses. If the base creature has no Darkvision (or it's range is less than 60 feet), it gains Darkvision with a range of 60 feet. It also gains Keen Scent if it doesn't have it (Advantage on all Perception Checks based on smell).

    Hivemind. All Bee Creatures within 50 miles of their creator are in constant communication. If one is aware of a particular danger, they all are. If one in a group is not surprised, none of them are.

    New Action: Multiattack. The base creature gets it's regular attacks, plus a Sting attack..

    New Action: Sting. The Base Creature gains a Strength or Dexterity based melee attack (whichever is highest) whose range and Piercing/Poison damage is based on Size: Tiny (5 ft., 1 point), Small (5 ft., 1d3), Medium (5 ft., 1d4), Large (5 ft., 1d6), Huge (10 ft., 2d6), or Gargantuan (10 ft., 4d6). If the sting is successful, the target must make a Constitution Save, or take a certain amount of Poison damage if it fails (or half as much on a successful Save) based on the base creatures size: Tiny (2d4), Small (3d6), Medium (3d6), Large (4d8), Huge (6d6), Gargantua (6d8).

    Bee Creatures
    "That's a motley collection of bee related monstrosities if I've ever seen one"

    Forcibly Converted Cultists

    "The variety is astounding."

    "For what look like mutated beasts they seem to be doing very well."

    "A little too well."

    "Something must be directing them."

    Not Friendly

    "They're probably the victims of some sort of curse. It's possible something is compelling them."

    "There are no moles here. We've had everyone checked."

    "Checked how?"

    "Zone of Truth. We have a lot of Clerics."
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    Beete-Noire inspired by Inuyasha

    Beete-Noire is an Acquired Template that can be applied to any Bee or Bee-like Creature and a Non-Good alignment. Beete-Noire are bees who have mastered the evil art of cursing.

    Size and Type: Size is unchanged. If Base Creature is Vermin, Type becomes Magical Beast.

    Hit Dice: Unchanged, unless Type changes, then increase all current and future Hit Dice to d10's.

    Speed: Unchanged.

    Armor Class: Unchanged (but see below).

    Attacks: Unchanged, but if Type changes, switch BAB to being equal to Hit Dice..

    Damage: Unchanged.

    Special Attacks: Retains all Special Attacks of the Base Creature, plus gains the following:

    Spells: The Beete-Noire can cast spells as a Sorcerer equal to it's Hit Dice, but may only choose spells from the Enchantment and Necromancy schools. If it takes levels in Sorcerer, those Levels stack for purposes of determining Caster Level.

    Special Qualities: Retains all Special Qualities of the Base Creature, plus gains the following:

    Evil's Master (Su): It gains an Insight Bonus to AC and Saving Throws equal to it's Wisdom Modifier, but only against opponents who have failed a Save against their spells. This lasts for the duration of the spell (if the spell is Instantaneous it lasts until the end of the encounter, or until the curse is removed in the case of some Necromancy spells).

    Spell Resistance: Gains SR equal to CR plus 11.

    Saves: See above.

    Abilities: +4 Cha. Roll 3d6 for Int if Base Creature was Vermin.

    Skills: Permanently gains Knowledge (Arcane) and Spellcraft as Class Skills, with a +4 Racial Bonus in each. If you changed Type, Class Skills are Craft, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcane), Listen, Spellcraft, Spot.

    Feats: Unchanged. Remember to add Feats if your Type changes.

    Environment: Unchanged.

    Organization: Unchanged.

    Challenge Rating: CR is equal to (HD +2).

    Treasure: Unchanged.

    Alignment: Cannot be Good.

    Advancement: Unchanged, but usually by Character Class.

    Level Adjustment: ---

    "Look at those odd bees over there. The black ones."

    Evil Cult Enforcers

    "They seem to be casting spells."

    "Time to start targeting them.."

    "A little Fireball should do well."

    "A good thing that spell has some range."

    Very Focused Casters

    "Sadly I can only do so many of them."

    "No worries, the Arcaniss will take care of them."

    "What are those things charging over the hill?"

    "They seem to be bees..."
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    Medium Magical Beast (Shapechanger)
    Hit Dice: 5d10+5 (32 hp)
    Initiative: +6
    Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), Fly 80 ft. (Good)
    Armor Class: 16 (+2 Dex, +4 Natural), touch 12, flat-footed 14
    Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+5
    Attack: Sting +7 melee (1d6 plus poison)
    Full Attack: Sting +7 melee (1d6 plus poison)
    Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
    Special Attacks: Poison, Alternate Form
    Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Low Light Vision, Scent
    Saves: Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +3
    Abilities: Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14
    Skills: Hide +8, Knowledge (Nature, Geography) +7, Listen +7, Move Silently +7, Spot +7, Survival +7
    Feats: Improved Initiative, Stealthy, Weapon Finesse (B)
    Environment: Any
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating: 4
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Usually Neutral
    Advancement: 6-7 HD (Medium), 8-15 HD (Large)
    Level Adjustment: ---

    Beests appear to be normal Giant Bees, with one exception: they can change their shape into almost anything. Because of this they often hire out as spies and mercenaries to benefit their hive.

    Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 13, initial and secondary damage 1d4 Con. The save DC is Constitution-based.

    Alternate Form (Ex): A Beest can assume the form of any living, corporeal, Medium size or smaller creature as a standard action (must be CR 4 or less). A Beest can remain in its alternate form until it chooses to assume a new one or return to its natural form.

    Combat: Beests usually use their Alternate Form to survey and scout out enemy positions. They take the form of something harmless, then shift to Bee form for the attack once they decide the moment is right (unless another form is better for attacking).

    Wildebeest (inspired by Evil Midnight Lurker)
    Large Magical Beast (Shapechanger)
    Hit Dice: 8d10+16 (60 hp)
    Initiative: +5
    Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), Fly 100 ft. (Clumsy)
    Armor Class: 16 (-1 Size, +1 Dex, +6 Natural), touch 10, flat-footed 15
    Base Attack/Grapple: +8/+8
    Attack: Sting +11 melee (1d8+6 plus poison)
    Full Attack: Sting +11 melee (1d8+6 plus poison)
    Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
    Special Attacks: Poison, Alternate Form, Rage
    Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Low Light Vision, Scent
    Saves: Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +4
    Abilities: Str 18, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14
    Skills: Hide +6, Knowledge (Nature, Geography, Local) +7, Listen +7, Move Silently +7, Search +7, Spot +7, Survival +7
    Feats: Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Stealthy
    Environment: Any
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating: 6
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Usually Neutral
    Advancement: 8-12 HD (Large), 13-24 HD (Huge)
    Level Adjustment: ---

    Every so often a regular Beest suffers gigantism. They are an especially unruly lot, prone to hitting things.

    Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 16, initial and secondary damage 1d6 Con. The save DC is Constitution-based.

    Alternate Form (Ex): A Wildebeest can assume the form of any living, corporeal, Large size or smaller creature as a standard action (must be CR 6 or less). A Beest can remain in its alternate form until it chooses to assume a new one or return to its natural form.

    Rage (Ex): A Wildebeest that takes damage in combat flies into a berserk rage on its next turn, stinging madly until either it or its opponent is dead. It gains +4 to Strength, +4 to Constitution, and -2 to Armor Class. The creature cannot end its rage voluntarily.

    Combat: Wildebeests are straight up brawlers, and aren't nearly as careful as regular Beests.

    "That one just changed shape."

    Bees in Disguise

    "That one just changed into a Hag."

    "The one behind it just became a Blue Dragon..."

    "This doesn't bode well well."

    "The bigger ones seem to be berserkers."

    Versatile Hunters

    "I'm running out of spells."

    "The Master will take care of them."

    "Jebus, that is one huge Dragon."

    "We need to find their command somehow."
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    Tiny Outsider (Native)
    Hit Dice: 3d8+3 (16 hp)
    Initiative: +7
    Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares), Fly 40 ft. (Good)
    Armor Class: 20 (+2 Size, +3 Dex, +5 Natural), touch 15, flat-footed 17
    Base Attack/Grapple: +3/-6
    Attack: Sting +8 melee (1d4-1 plus poison)
    Full Attack: Sting +8 melee (1d4-1 plus poison)
    Space/Reach: 2 1/2 ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks: Poison, Spell-Like Abilities
    Special Qualities: Just a Toy, DR 5/-, Darkvision 60 ft., Immunity to Poison, Telepathy 100 ft.
    Saves: Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +4
    Abilities: Str 8, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12
    Skills: Bluff +7, Diplomacy +7, Gather Information +7, Hide +13, Knowledge (any 2) +7, Move Silently +7, Search +7, Spellcraft +7, Spot +7
    Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
    Environment: Any
    Organization: Usually Solitary
    Challenge Rating: 2
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Virtually any
    Advancement: 4-6 HD (Tiny)
    Level Adjustment: ---

    Fur-Bees are fluffy, adorable Bumble-Bee like critters the size of cats. Their origin is unknown, but somewhere they came up with the idea of studying magic to hide among civilization as children's toys. What few people know of the Fur-Bees existence likely had one as a plushie as a child. Their Alignment varies as wildly as most humans do, and they can be either wise advisers to troubled children or cruel monsters.

    Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 14, initial damage 1d4 Str, secondary damage 2d4 Str. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.

    Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): At Will: Charm Person, Detect Magic, Invisibility. 1/Day: Suggestion. 1/Week: Sending

    Just a Toy (Su): At will as a Swift Action the Fur-Bee can appear as a simple plush toy version of itself. The perfect disguise unless you know about Fur-Bees.

    Combat: Fur-Bees generally avoid combat, unless they have been found out or need to defend their young charge. Then they sting, and use Invisibility while to stall while their venom does it's work.

    "Perhaps they have a mage or psion nearby."

    Pay Me No Mind

    "We would have picked up on that by now."

    "A hivemind?"

    "Possible. We might not have picked that up."

    "Do we have any telepaths? They might be able to pick that up."

    Always Watching

    "Wait...what is that?"

    "That's my sons plushie toy."


    "That's no plushie! That's a Fur-Bee! Grab it!"

    "Damn you Harlan Jurgens!"
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    Bee Goddess

    Bee Goddess is an Inherited Template that can be applied to any Nymph 0f 12 Hit Dice or more.

    Size and Type: Size is Unchanged, Type becomes Outsider with the Native, Chaos, and Good Subtypes.

    Hit Dice: Current and future Hit Dice become D8's.

    Speed: Gains a Fly speed of 80 ft. (Good)

    Armor Class: See Special Qualities.

    Attacks: BAB is now equal to Hit Dice.

    Damage: Unchanged.

    Special Attacks: Retains all Special Attacks (except spells, see below) of the Base Creature plus gains the following:

    Spells: Instead of casting as a Druid, the Bee Goddess now casts spells as a 13th Level Cleric.

    Special Qualities: Retains all Special Qualities of the Base Creature, plus gains 60 ft. Darkvision and the following:

    Damage Reduction (Ex): The Bee Goddesses Damage Reduction changes from DR 10/Cold Iron, to Dr 10/-.

    Foresight (Su): The Bee Goddess gains an Insight Bonus equal to her Wisdom Modifier to her AC and Reflex Saves.

    Immunities (Ex): Bee Goddesses are immune to disease, poison, sleep effects, petrification, polymorph, paralysis, and Mind-Affecting effects.

    Spell Resistance (Ex): The Bee Goddess gains SR equal to (15+CR).

    Saves: Recalculate Saves due to Type change.

    Abilities: +4 Dex, +2 Wis, +4 Cha

    Skills: When advancing the Base Creature, add the following as Class Skills: Knowledge (Arcane, Religion), Perform (Dance) and Spellcraft. Skill points must be recalculated due to Type change.

    Feats: Unchanged.

    Environment: Temperate Mountains.

    Organization: Solitary or Troupe (3-5)

    Challenge Rating: +4

    Treasure: Double Standard

    Alignment: Usually Chaotic Good.

    Advancement: May advance to 20 or more Hit Dice.

    Level Adjustment: ---

    Bee Godesses
    "Those Fur-Bees are remarkably resistant to interrogation."

    Divine Fortune Tellers

    "Not that the Dragons aren't trying hard..."

    "Without it the attacks seem to be slacking"

    "That might be more the Dragons fire bombing runs."

    "Now if only the mountain weren't on fire."

    Harbingers of Bad Times


    "What the...?"



    "I have no idea who she is."

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    White Spawn of Tiamat
    "You know it isn't every day a Divine Nymph teleports us to a clandestine meeting of various bee cults on a frozen mountain guarded by evil Dragonspawn."

    Primitive Hunters

    "We may get lucky and pick up some allies."

    "I can't believe there are so many different bee cults."

    "And each one madder than the other."

    "Lets hope the particular cult chasing us isn't secretly among them."

    Prone to Berserker Rages

    "Excuse me sir, which way to the meeting room?"

    "Down the left passage, cave C."

    "I wish that Nymph would have given us more information."

    "What is expected of us, I wonder?"

    "Being the voice of reason in the room I'd suspect."
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    Beewere Inspired by Eldan and Rater202
    Fine Magical Beast
    Hit Dice: 1d10+1 (6 hp)
    Initiative: +2
    Speed: 5 ft. (1 square), Fly 20 ft. (Average)
    Armor Class: 23 (+8 Size, +5 Dex), touch 23, flat-footed 18
    Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-20
    Attack: Sting +11 melee (1 point plus poison)
    Full Attack: Sting +11 melee (1 point plus poison)
    Space/Reach: 0 ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks: Poison, Beewere's Curse
    Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Low Light Vision, Alternate Form, Human Empathy, Scent, DR 10/Silver, Hivemind
    Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1
    Abilities: Str 1, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 9
    Skills: Knowledge (Geography, Nature)+1, Spot +5, Survival +5
    Feats: Weapon Finesse
    Environment: Temperate Plains
    Organization: Solitary, buzz (2-5), or hive (11-20)
    Challenge Rating: 1
    Treasure: No coins; ¼ goods (honey only); no items
    Alignment: Usually Neutral
    Advancement: 2 HD (Diminutive)
    Level Adjustment: ---

    Beeweres are bees who can assume human form, and who wish to free their brethren from the yoke of human tyranny. They expect to accomplish this by converting humans to were-bees and submitting them to bee tyranny.

    Poison (Su): Injury, DC 11 Fort Save, Initial damage is 1d6 Dex, Secondary damage is Paralyzed for 1 Minute.

    Beewere's Curse (Su): Any Humanoid hit by a Beewere’s sting attack in bee form must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or contract beecanthropy.

    Alternate Form (Su): A Beewere can assume the form of any Small or Medium Humanoid.

    Human Empathy (Ex): Beewere's gain a +4 Racial Bonus to all Charisma based Checks against Humanoids (and can speak Common in Bee Form).

    Hivemind (Ex): All Beeweres within 50 miles of their queen are in constant communication. If one is aware of a particular danger, they all are. If one in a group is not flat-footed, none of them are. No Beewere in a group is considered flanked unless all of them are. Beecanthrope victims are a part of the Werebee Hivemind.

    Skills: +4 Racial Bonus to Spot and Survival Checks.

    Combat: Beeweres generally try to sting opponents in the hopes of paralyzing them so the rest of the hive can sting them till their immune system submits to the rightful rule of beecanthropy.

    "Why is there a swarm of bees at one seat at the table?"

    Bees What Become Humans

    "Perhaps they're a Hivemind."


    "That sounds reasonable. Nature depends on their pollination."


    "There it is..."

    Hellbent On Converting The Humanoids

    "This will make for an interesting conversation."


    "We're being chased by a cult for unknown cult you know."

    "It might make you more of a target if we joined."

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    Beecanthrope is an Acquired Template that can be added to any humanoid (referred to as the base creature). Beecanthropy as an affliction works exactly as the lycanthropy affliction does. Beecanthropy can be cured in the same way as lycanthropy. Yesterday you were a poor farmer wondering how to avoid taxes. Now your a quivering, nervous man who moves in quick, spasmodic jerks while running up to people and buzzing at them.

    Size and Type: Type is unchanged, but the base creature gains a Shapechanger Subtype. Size in Bee Form is Fine, Size in Hybrid Form is Small.

    Hit Dice: Unchanged.

    Speed: Gains a Fly Speed equal to 20 feet (Good) in Hybrid Form, and in Bee Form. Land speed drops to 5 ft. in Bee Form.

    Armor Class: The base creature's natural armor bonus increases by +2 in all forms

    Attacks: Use the humanoids BAB for all 3 forms (Grapple bonus will change due to Size penalties in Hybrid and Kitten forms). In Bee and Hybrid Forms the Beecanthrope gains a Primary Sting attack.

    Damage: Stinger does 1 point plus Str Modifier in Bee Form, and 1d3 plus Str Modifier in Hybrid Form. Opponents successfully damaged by the sting also risk poison (see below).

    Special Attacks: Retains the Special Attacks of the Base Creature, plus gains the following:

    Curse of Beecanthropy (Su): Any Humanoid hit by a Beecanthrope’s sting attack in Bee or Hybrid form must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or contract beecanthropy.

    Poison (Ex): Injury, Fort Save (Save DC is Con based), Initial damage is 1d6 Dex, Secondary damage is Paralyzed for 1 Minute.

    Special Qualities: Retains the Special Qualities of the Base Creature, plus gains the following:

    Alternate Form (Su): A beecanthrope can assume the form of a bee. Changing to or from animal or hybrid form is a standard action. A slain beecanthrope reverts to its humanoid form, although it remains dead. Separated body parts retain their animal form, however. Afflicted beecanthropes find this ability difficult to control, but natural beecanthropes have full control over this power.

    Damage Reduction (Ex): Gains DR 10/Silver in Bee and Hybrid forms.

    Darkvision (Ex): Gains Darkvision 60 ft.

    Hive Mind (Ex): All Beecanthropes within 50 miles of their creatorare in constant communication. If one is aware of a particular danger, they all are. If one in a group is not flat-footed, none of them are. No Beecanthropes in a group is considered flanked unless all of them are. Beewere's are also a part of the Werebee Hivemind.

    Drone (Ex): Beecanthropes automatically obey the commands of any Beewere as though they were under the effect of a Dominate Monster spell.

    Saves: Gains +2 Racial Bonus to Fort and Ref Saves.

    Abilities: +2 Wis, -2 Int. In Bee Form it also has -10 Str (3 minimum), +4 Dex, +2 Con. In Hybrid Form it has -4 Str, +4 Dex, +2 Con.

    Skills: Gains a +4 Racial Bonus to Spot and Survival Checks in Bee and Hybrid forms.

    Feats: Gains Weapon Finesse as a Bonus Feat unless it already has it.

    Environment: Temperate Plains

    Organization: Solitary if scouting, but has usually joined a Beewere hive

    Challenge Rating: +1

    Treasure: Unchanged.

    Alignment: Neutral.

    Advancement: Unchanged.

    Level Adjustment: +2

    Jimmy Joe (Humanoid Form) (Commoner 3/Beecanthrope)
    Medium Humanoid (Shapechanger)
    Hit Dice: 3d4+9 (16 hp)
    Initiative: +0
    Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
    Armor Class: 12 (+2 Natural), touch 10, flat-footed 12
    Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+3
    Attack: Club +4 melee (1d6+2)
    Full Attack: Club +4 melee (1d6+2)
    Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
    Special Attacks: --
    Special Qualities: Alternate Form, Darkvision 60 ft., Hivemind, Drone
    Saves: Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +3
    Abilities: Str 15, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 12
    Skills: Climb +3, Craft (Woodworking) +1, Handle Animal +2, Profession (Beekeeper, Farmer) +5, Search +2, Spot +6, Use Rope +2
    Feats: Hover, Toughness, Weapon Focus (Club), Weapon Finesse (B)
    Challenge Rating: 4
    Treasure: Standard
    Alignment: Neutral
    Advancement: By Character Class
    Level Adjustment: +2

    Jimmy Joe (Hybrid Form) (Commoner 3/Beecanthrope)
    Small Humanoid (Shapechanger)
    Hit Dice: 3d4+12 (19 hp)
    Initiative: +2
    Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), Fly 20 ft. (Good)
    Armor Class: 15 (+1 Size, +2 Dex, +2 Natural), touch 13, flat-footed 13
    Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-3
    Attack: Club +4 melee (1d6) or Sting +4 melee (1d3 plus Poison)
    Full Attack: Club +4 melee (1d6) or Sting +4 melee (1d3 plus Poison)
    Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
    Special Attacks: Curse of Beecanthropy, Poison
    Special Qualities: Alternate Form, Darkvision 60 ft., Hivemind, Drone, DR 10/Silver
    Saves: Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +3
    Abilities: Str 11, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 12
    Skills: Climb +1, Craft (Woodworking) +1, Handle Animal +2, Profession (Beekeeper, Farmer) +5, Search +2, Spot +6, Use Rope +4
    Feats: Hover, Toughness, Weapon Focus (Club), Weapon Finesse (B)
    Challenge Rating: 4
    Treasure: Standard
    Alignment: Neutral
    Advancement: By Character Class
    Level Adjustment: +2

    Jimmy Joe (Bee Form) (Commoner 3/Beecanthrope)
    Fine Humanoid (Shapechanger)
    Hit Dice: 3d4+12 (19 hp)
    Initiative: +2
    Speed: 5 ft. (1 square), Fly 20 ft. (Good)
    Armor Class: 22 (+8 Size, +2 Dex, +2 Natural), touch 20, flat-footed 20
    Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-18
    Attack: Sting +11 melee (1 point plus Poison)
    Full Attack: Sting +11 melee (1 point plus Poison)
    Space/Reach: 1 ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks: Curse of Beecanthropy, Poison
    Special Qualities: Alternate Form, Darkvision 60 ft., Hivemind, Drone, DR 10/Silver
    Saves: Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +3
    Abilities: Str 5, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 12
    Skills: Climb +0, Craft (Woodworking) +1, Handle Animal +2, Profession (Beekeeper, Farmer) +5, Search +2, Spot +6, Use Rope +4
    Feats: Hover, Toughness, Weapon Focus (Club), Weapon Finesse (B)
    Challenge Rating: 4
    Treasure: Standard
    Alignment: Neutral
    Advancement: By Character Class
    Level Adjustment: +2

    "It's not a matter of persuasion.."

    Humans What Become Bees

    "It's more about not getting ..."

    "I'M A BEE! AHAHAHA!!"

    "That bodes well..."


    "Sir, you aren't the greatest salesman for your organization."

    Highly Confused Individuals

    "Sir, are you well?"


    "Are you sure you don't mean nectar?"

    "Well, we have other cults to meet..."

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  28. - Top - End - #508
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Busy Bees also inspired by Debihuman

    Busy Bee is an Acquired Template that can be applied to any Bee or bee-like creature. Busy Bees become pretty darn hyper, but very mono-maniacally single-minded. They are usually converts of The Hive, and used as it's servants.

    Size and Type: Becomes Magical Beast if Base Creature is Vermin, otherwise unchanged.

    Hit Dice: Unchanged, unless Type changes (then increase Hit Dice to d10's).

    Speed: Unchanged (but see Special attacks).

    Armor Class: Unchanged.

    Attacks: Unchanged, unless Type changes (then BAB becomes equal to Hit Dice).

    Damage: Unchanged.

    Special Attacks: Retains all Special Attacks of the base creature, plus gains the following:

    Fast Worker (Su): Busy Bees permanently have the benefits of the Haste spell.

    Special Qualities: Retains all Special Qualities of the base creature, plus gains the following (if it doesn't have it already):

    Hivemind (Ex): All Busy Bees within 50 miles of their queen are in constant communication. If one is aware of a particular danger, they all are. If one in a group is not flat-footed, none of them are. No Busy Bee in a group is considered flanked unless all of them are.

    Saves: Unchanged.

    Abilities: +4 Con, -4 Cha. If Base Creature was Vermin, gain +4 Int.

    Skills: Gains a +4 Racial Bonus to Craft and Profession Checks, and both skills are now considered Class Skills. If you changed Type, Class Skills are Craft, Listen, Profession, Spot, Survival.

    Feats: Gains Endurance and Diehard as Bonus Feats. Remember to add Feats if you changed Type.

    Environment: Unchanged.

    Organization: Unchanged.

    Challenge Rating: +1

    Treasure: Double Standard.

    Alignment: Unchanged.

    Advancement: Unchanged.

    Level Adjustment: ---

    Busy Bees
    "Good evening...sir?"

    Acolytes of The Hive

    "Jim, why are you talking to a Giant Bee?"


    "Do none of you use an inside voice?"


    "What is the Hive?"

    Obsessed With Being Cogs In The Machine

    "Jim, don't..."

    *40 minutes of expository dialogue*

    "Thank you for being so...exacting."

    "Well, nice to have met you."

    Last edited by Bhu; 2023-04-30 at 06:21 PM.
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  29. - Top - End - #509
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Wanna-Bees Created by everyone's favorite Debihuman.

    Wannabee is an Acquired Template that can be applied to any Fey, Giant, Humanoid, and Monstrous Humanoid that has an intelligence less than 10. Wannabes are unusual in that they desperately want to be bees and live a quiet, orderly life in a hive. Which they assume will be stress free. Do not suppose the Powers that Bee are not willing to take advantage of this.

    Size and Type: Unchanged.

    Hit Dice: Unchanged.

    Speed: If they do not have a flight speed, wannabees gain a set of undersized translucent wings and can fly at double their land speed (minimum 10 feet) with a maneuverability of Clumsy.

    Armor Class: Base Creatures Natural Armor Bonus increases by +1.

    Attacks: See Special attacks

    Damage: Unchanged.

    Special Attacks: Retains all Special Attacks of the Base Creature, plus gains the following:

    If I Bee Waspish (with apologies to William Shakespeare) (Ex): Wannabees gain a secondary stinger attack that deals 1d4 points of damage plus ½ Strength modifier (minimum 1). Once the stinger has been used, it takes 1 week to grow back. A stingerless wannabee takes a -2 morale penalty to attack rolls until its stinger grows back. The 1d4 damage is for Medium Wanna-Bees, it's 1d6 for large, 1d3 for Small, etc.

    Best Beeware My Sting (with further apologies to William Shakespeare) (Su): Wannabees can deliver barbs so sharp, they can cut an opponent to the quick. By merely humming, a wannabee can cause all opponents within 30 feet that can hear it to take a -4 penalty to all rolls. A successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ the wannabee’s HD + wannabee’s charisma modifier) reduces the penalty to -2.

    Special Qualities: Retains all Special Qualities of the Base Creature, plus gains the following:

    Honey Dependent (Ex): Each wannabee is mystically bound to a single pot of honey and must never stray more than 300 yards from it. Any who do become ill and die within 4d6 hours. A Wannabee’s pot of honey does not radiate magic. A pot of honey has 3 hit points and hardness 2. A broken honey pot is easily repaired with a mending spell or with sovereign glue.

    Saves: Unchanged.

    Abilities: Unchanged.

    Skills: Wannabees gain Profession (beekeeper) as a class skill.

    Feats: Unchanged.

    Environment: Unchanged.

    Organization: Unchanged.

    Challenge Rating: +1

    Treasure: Unchanged.

    Alignment: Unchanged.

    Advancement: Unchanged.

    Level Adjustment: +1

    "Don't look now, but here comes another one."

    We're bees. Buxxity Buzz.

    "Good afternoon."

    "We are, like, totally bees man."

    "Thank you for talking in a normal volume."

    "You should be bees too man."

    "You know we're being hunted by a cult of bee monsters, right?"

    Bound To The Honey

    "Jim and I have somehow made enemies of your enemies."

    "We'll get you you're own honeypot man.

    "I need better weapons, not honey."

    "I'm a Wizard, I can literally spell honey into existence."

    "All good. May the Queen Mum bee with you!"
    Revised avatar by Trixie, New avvie by Crisis21!
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  30. - Top - End - #510
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Critters III! Now also in 5e!

    Bay-Bees inspired by Inuyasha

    Bay-Bees is an Acquired Template that can be applied to any Bee or Bee-like Creature. Bay-Bees are Bees who dwell oceanside, and who have mastered the art of appearing to be humanoid infants for no good purposes. Presumably they thought "Hey, babies are defenseless, no one suspects babies." Of course then the Humanoids freak out when they see an abandoned baby and adopt it, leaving the Bay-Bee to figure a way out of it's mess. Some have begun using it as a means of infiltrating houses.

    Size and Type: Size is Unchanged. If base Creature is Vermin it becomes a Magical Beast. It gains the Shapeshifter Subtype regardless.

    Hit Dice: Unchanged, unless Type changes (then increase Hit Dice to d10's).

    Speed: Gain a Swim speed equal to your base land speed (you fall in the ocean a lot when you're out knocking back Margaritas, you've had to learn from necessity.

    Armor Class: Unchanged.

    Attacks: Unchanged, unless Type changes (then increase BAB to being equal to it's Hit Dice).

    Damage: Unchanged.

    Special Attacks: Retains all Special Attacks of the Base Creature.

    Special Qualities: Retains all Special Qualities of the Base Creature, plus gains the following:

    Mother of God, is That a Baby? (Ex): The Bay-Bee can take the form of a Humanoid infant at will, as per the Alternate Form ability.

    Saves: +4 Cha, roll 3d6 for Int if the base creature used to be Vermin

    Abilities: Unchanged.

    Skills: Gains a +4 Racial Bonus to Bluff and Disguise skills. If Type changes from Vermin to Magical Beast be sure to add skills. Class Skills are Bluff, Disguise, Knowledge (Geography), Listen, Spot, Survival.

    Feats: Unchanged. If Type changed to Magical Beast remember to add Feats.

    Environment: Unchanged.

    Organization: Unchanged.

    Challenge Rating: +0

    Treasure: Unchanged.

    Alignment: Unchanged.

    Advancement: Unchanged.

    Level Adjustment: +1

    "Oh look. Another Giant Bee. With a fishing pole..."

    They Live Down By The Beach

    "Good afternoon."

    "Hey Dudes. We're totally normal oceanside bees dudes."

    "Another one who doesn't scream. I could get used to this."

    "We totally never shapeshift into babies to ambush people and take their stuff man."

    "We...didn't ask about that..,"

    Just a Normal Baby

    "And it's none of our business. This 'Bee-Gurl' cult is."

    "Oh, I'd leave them alone man.

    "We have. They aren't returning the favor."

    "They want us out of the way for some reason."

    "Sounds like you got bad karma man."
    Revised avatar by Trixie, New avvie by Crisis21!
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