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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Troll in the Playground
    Inspectre's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default Carrion Crown Seaon One OOC

    Here is the OOC thread for Carrion Crown!

    Link to IC Thread

    Link to Dice Roller Thread

    And a list of our PCs:

    DarkOne-Rob Kristoph Half-Elf Oradin
    Farmerbink Elian Dhampir Undead Bloodline Illusion Sorceror (maybe)
    Gyrfalcon Aaron Eldaval Human Necromancer Wizard
    Rilem Fatima Half-Elf (Drow) Sacrament Alchemist
    Zero Prime Lady Alexanna Vidivicci Human Blackblade Magus
    DarkNetwerk Valerija Human (Ulfen) Barbarian
    Beezus Ekard Grimsbane Dwarf Fighter
    The_Snark Irina Dorescu Changeling Rogue

    Spoiler: Faces of Ravengro

    Spoiler: Luramin Taigh

    Spoiler: Quess Yearburn

    Spoiler: Professor Adivon

    Spoiler: Kendra Lorrimor

    Spoiler: Sheriff Benjamin Caller

    Last edited by Inspectre; 2024-04-10 at 07:56 PM.
    I didn't actually intend to kill EVERYONE. It just sort of happened.

    Threads I'm currently DMing:

    Threads I have successfully completed:

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Default Re: Carrion Crown Seaon One OOC

    Awesome! I am so excited, thank you for the invite! Looking for ward to this ...

    Lady Alexanna Vidivicci, dispossessed Countess
    AC: 15 | FF: 14 | TOUCH: 11 | HP: 10 | Current: 10
    Fortitude: +4 | Reflex: +1 | Will: +2 | Perception: +5
    Magus Spell Slots: 1st: 1/1
    Active Effects: None.
    Conditions: None.

    Spoiler: Appearance
    Lady Alexanna Vidivicci is a young woman of distinguished, Taldane, features, straight nose with a high bridge, almond shaped eyes, high cheek bones, a narrow jaw, and plump lips, though they are rarely upturned in anything, even remotely, resembling a smile. Porcelain skin, cheeks blushed with rouge, lips colored with deep plum ochres, a diadem of silver wire holding her hair back from her narrow, pointed face. However, she stands near, a head, taller than most other women of Court, she accentuates this with heeled shoes, gowns which incorporate vertical patterns, causing a viewer's eyes to look her stature up and down, layered shawls, cloaks, to add texture and depth to her figure. Alexanna prefers her family's colors, a mixture of deep, velvet, black, silver, and burgundy, the color of dried blood.

    However, when not dressed for Court, she prefers functional garb, high riding boots, sturdy breeches, simple blouse, a padded undercoat and a shirt of mail, over which sits a tabard incorporating the Vidivicci family crest. A lonely tower wreathed in thorn laden vines under a crescent moon, and underneath the motto: per sapientiam et potentiam, victoriam in old Taldane. Through wisdom and power, victory. Trained in swordsmanship by her older brother, Quintus, she carries a blade, his blade, that is as wide at the hilt as her own thigh, it's dark wrought, barbed hilt, iron, steel, and inlaid ebony, conceals a singular lidded eye, that remains closed. Family records show the blade was wielded by Ordo Vidivicci, lost in the battle against the Whispering Tyrant's forces when Virlych fell, recovered during the Shining Crusade some centuries later. The family motto inscribed with a copper alloy, that catches light like a setting sun, is engraved down the length of the thick, vicious, blade.

    Spoiler: Personality
    Alexanna Vidivicci, shaped by the intricate dance of politics and loneliness within the walls of Vigil, embodies a resilient spirit veiled in caution and shrewdness. Her upbringing, marred by the conniving schemes of her father, Lord Drakus III, instilled a profound wariness, prompting her to navigate relationships with a discerning eye. Yet, beneath the veneer of distrust lies a yearning for familial restoration and a legacy befitting the Vidivicci name, propelling her to confront the echoes of the Whispering Tyrant.

    In her academic pursuits at Lepidstadt University under the tutelage of Professor Lorrimor, Alexanna's sharp intellect thrived. Escaping the political clutches of her father, she discovered a passion for arcane studies, merging martial prowess and spellcasting. This journey, guided by Lorrimor's wisdom, unveiled a multifaceted persona—a tenacious magus with a thirst for knowledge and a longing to reclaim her family's lost glory. Fueled by this ambition and armed with a long-lost blade recovered from the shadows of Gallowspire, Alexanna embarked on a path that intertwined academic pursuit, arcane mastery, and a relentless quest to confront the lingering shadows of Ustalav's history.

    Spoiler: Background
    Born within the concentric walls of Vigil in Lastwall, where the Vidivicci family had long held sway, Alexanna's father, Lord Drakus III, ruled in absentia, managing the Low Courts of Vigil after losing the family's ancestral lands millennia ago. A cunning patriarch, Drakus fiercely contended with rival Houses, employing schemes and political maneuvering to maintain the remnants of his House's wealth and status. Driven by unrelenting ambition, his thirst for power had driven a wedge between him and his children. Alexanna's older brother, Quintus, left to join the Knights of Ozem, leaving her to rebel against her father's strict ambitions.

    Her childhood, marked by loneliness, forced Alexanna to be cautious and distrustful, as her father's various schemes created a sense of isolation. Few true allies existed among the family's staff and servants, teaching her early on that supposed friends could become foes in the blink of an eye. Pressure to strategically marry for the family's survival added an extra layer of stress to her complex life.

    Encountering Professor Petros Lorrimor at Lepidstadt University, Alexanna's sharp intellect impressed him. Recognizing her potential, Lorrimor encouraged her to pursue academic life, providing an escape from her father's politics. Under Lorrimor's mentorship, she embraced arcane studies, yet a deep-seated yearning for her family's lost glory fueled her ambition to reclaim ancestral lands and titles taken by the Whispering Tyrant.

    Despite the harsh upbringing, her relationship with Lorrimor evolved into an apprenticeship, guiding her scholarly pursuits and magical studies. As Lorrimor retired, Alexanna, armed with an heirloom blade from her brother Quintus, continued his work traveling Ustalav, confronting those corrupted by Tar-Baphon's touch. In this pursuit, she aimed to ensure her legacy and reclaim her home in a manner befitting the Vidivicci name.

    Ugggh! Had my first IC post up, and the forum's ate it, so I have to rewrite it, so likely later tonight ...
    Last edited by Zero Prime; 2024-01-29 at 06:27 AM.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Dec 2021

    Default Re: Carrion Crown Seaon One OOC

    Greetings all! Very glad to be here!

    Will speak in Green
    Last edited by Rilem; 2024-01-29 at 11:27 PM.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Dec 2021

    Default Re: Carrion Crown Seaon One OOC

    Couple rolls

    (1d20+5)[22] History
    (1d20+10)[22] Religion
    (1d20+5)[11] Diplomacy

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Halfling in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Default Re: Carrion Crown Seaon One OOC

    Hi-ho! I've never played Pathfinder, or anything by post, so I welcome all advice. First off, should IC posts be in the first person, or the third?
    Second, this
    Quote Originally Posted by Inspectre View Post
    Link to IC Thread
    does not work.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2021

    Default Re: Carrion Crown Seaon One OOC

    Maybe this link?

    For posting, the typical default is third person. It’s much easier if a post just says “Bob looks around“ rather than “I look around.” Using “I” means everyone else has to try to remember which user name goes with which PC.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: Carrion Crown Seaon One OOC

    That makes sense. Another question: where and...when, I guess, should dice be rolled? It's not technically in-character to roll dice, and breaking off the post whenever the outcome of an action is unknown seems tedious, but referring to the OOC thread for die rolls might be just as cumbersome. Also, some things, like attacks and the background knowledge spoiler-tagged in the first IC post, obviously require rolls, but other things don't. I might think Ekard can obviously scale a nearby wall, but Inspectre might disagree, making all my narration of what Ekard does atop the wall hypothetical.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Troll in the Playground
    Inspectre's Avatar

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    Jul 2007

    Default Re: Carrion Crown Seaon One OOC

    Hello all! For those who have joined the Discord channel, I believe our specific channel for this game is currently marked as "Private", meaning that it's invisible to anyone without a specific invite.
    I had thought that inviting people to the discord with that link I sent out in PMs would be sufficient, but apparently that only grants access to the Discord server, not the game channel.
    I've sent a round of invites to everyone that I recognized, but I believe we're still missing a few people, so if you are on the Discord, but can't see a channel marked as "carrion-crown-inspectre" (it's probably down towards the bottom of the "Active Games" section), please let me know and I'll see if I can fix it with an invite to the channel.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone's character introductions . . . when the forums let the posts through, anyway.

    Beezus - I'd agree that third person is generally best so that there is no confusion over who you are playing as, although obviously in conversations your character would probably use "I" rather than "Ekard thinks we should . . ."

    There are some variations, but generally the standards I've seen for play by post are describe actions in third person, use " quotation marks around anything your character is saying" - you may also want to select a color to use to mark your speech with, as it does tend to make conversation pop out of the black action text, but that is more personal preference. I would tend to stick with the darker colors, as there are some real eye searing choices in the color wheel that don't tend to look very good on the screen. For things that your character is thinking and not saying out loud, most people use italics.

    Deciding when and when not to roll dice can be tricky, although certainly asking ahead of time never hurts. People have their own styles when it comes time to roll dice. Some people will create a post and do their rolls in the IC thread ahead of time, and then based off the results describe their actions (so for say a good Diplomacy roll they have describe their character as suave and confident, while a poor Diplomacy roll will have their narrate that their character is blunt, or stutters, etc.) Others will simply post their actions, and then roll at the end of their post, and wait for the DM to adjudicate whether they indeed did well or made themselves look like a fool (with nearby non player characters reacting appropriately). Another alternative is to roll the dice ahead of time in a dice roller thread - I posted a link to a forum dice roller thread in the first post. While I will be primarily using it for "secret" rolls, I'm not going to be particularly upset if people want to go in there and do their own rolls ahead of time, just so long as you point to where the results are. I believe the Discord server also has a dice rolling bot program you can use, and if it doesn't I'll look into adding one at some point.

    Generally speaking, I will ask for rolls when I need them, as I did with the requests for knowledge rolls in the first IC post. I may also make some rolls for you in secret, like Perception, so that I will know whether you spot someone hiding in the shadows without alerting you the player to "hey, there may be someone sneaking around nearby. Did you see them?" Generally I will just ask for various rolls when appropriate, and expect people to be honorable and not click open any spoilers if you fail to make the skill check or saving throw or whatever.

    Something to keep in mind with Pathfinder is that you can usually Take 10 on a skill check, treating it as if you just rolled a "10" on your d20, and adding your modifier as appropriate. Generally the only time that you cannot do this is when you're needing to hurry (i.e. running away from a bunch of bad guys) or in danger (i.e. in combat). If you have a lot of time, you can also Take 20, which is treating it as if you rolled a "20" on the d20 . . . although unlike Take 10, the assumption here is that you're trying over and over again - essentially 20 times - until you finally get the best possible result you can achieve - 20+your modifier. The drawback to this one is that it's assumed those other 19 times you failed the check, which isn't necessary a problem if you're doing something low risk like carefully searching a room, but would be very dangerous if you're doing something potentially risky like climbing up a cliff.

    Generally I try to be fairly lenient as a DM rather than playing "gotcha" semantic games with the rules, so I will assume that your character is a competent individual with at least the potential for superhuman acts of heroism and derring-do. As such most basic tasks will be automatic successes for your character, and if I feel that your character needs to make a skill check to do something I will either ask for it up front or as a "okay, before Ekard gets up to the top of the wall, he needs to make a Climb check", rather than waiting until he's already halfway up the wall and then asking for the check. Generally I think outside of some hidden details about the scenery and people that I describe (the wall is coated in a layer of poison!), it should generally be safe to interact with what's been given in any scene. I would try to avoid adding details beyond what has been given, unless of course it's about your character and what they're thinking/feeling, then by all means go nuts.

    So, describing climbing the wall - good, I may ask for a check if it's relevant to the scene/challenge. Describing getting to the top and that Ekard sees something on the other side - probably not so good if I haven't provided what's on the other side yet, since what's in your head and what I have in mine (and what's been provided for me in the AP text! ) could then conflict.

    Hopefully that all makes sense!
    I didn't actually intend to kill EVERYONE. It just sort of happened.

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  9. - Top - End - #9
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Carrion Crown Seaon One OOC

    Hello. Finally able to check in. Was having issues with the forums. I'll try and get a post up sometime this morning as I'll be away for the weekend.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: Carrion Crown Seaon One OOC

    Quote Originally Posted by Beezus View Post
    First off, should IC posts be in the first person, or the third?
    Present tense, or past?

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Carrion Crown Seaon One OOC

    Third person is customary for players. (GMs sometimes use second person in narration, like Inspectre does.) Past or present tense is a matter of individual preference; my experience is that present tense is slightly more common, but there's no particular reason for that as far as I know - just pick whichever you're more comfortable with.
    Avatar by GryffonDurime. Thanks!

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Carrion Crown Seaon One OOC

    Alright, I'm back in the swing of things. I've got threads subscribed, and I'll have a post up shortly.

    I'll take Blue for Aaron's dialogue.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Carrion Crown Seaon One OOC

    Skill checks!

    Knowledge - History - (1d20+8)[15]
    Knowledge - Religion - (1d20+10)[25]
    Diplomacy - (1d20+4)[5]

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Carrion Crown Seaon One OOC

    I've obviously claimed grey for Kristoph.

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Carrion Crown Seaon One OOC

    Any chance Fatima has heard of this Adivon Adrissant? (Lepidstadt U. isn't a magical school, but maybe he's well-known enough there …). She does not have Know (local), so maybe just an Int. check? Also rolling Know (arcana) and Spellcraft to see if she recognizes the apparently non-standard phantom steed.

    (1d20+4)[17] Int.
    (1d20+8)[14] Know (arc)
    (1d20+8)[12] Spellcraft

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Carrion Crown Seaon One OOC

    Formatting issue, sorry! Alexanna's Perception check re: the felled tree blocking the Caravan's path. (1d20+5)[10]

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Carrion Crown Seaon One OOC

    Rolling Knowledge (nature) again because the forum ate the last roll.

    [roll=Knowledge (nature)]1d20+4[/roll]

    * post roll count doesn't match database

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Carrion Crown Seaon One OOC

    Attempting again.

    Knowledge (nature) - (1d20+4)[5]

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Pixie in the Playground
    DarkNetwerk's Avatar

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    Default Re: Carrion Crown Seaon One OOC

    Ok. My free bow attack missed (see Dice Roller thread), so I'll wait to post on my initiative (after the baddies go).

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Titan in the Playground
    Farmerbink's Avatar

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    Texas, again!

    Default Re: Carrion Crown Seaon One OOC

    perception from Elian: (1d20+7)[22]

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: Carrion Crown Seaon One OOC

    All: please note my change in name.
    —Narbaculus, f.k.a. Beezus

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: Carrion Crown Seaon One OOC

    Attack of Opportunity at Stirge #18 is a critical threat.
    Roll to confirm crit: (1d20+4)[18]
    Bonus damage (x3): (2d8)[7]

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Carrion Crown Seaon One OOC

    at +7.... (1d20+7)[25] perception vs DC 10

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Dec 2021

    Default Re: Carrion Crown Seaon One OOC

    Various Rolls

    (1d20+8)[17] spellcraft (sheriff story)
    (1d20)[7] sense motive (sheriff story2)
    (1d20+8)[27] Know(arcana) Aaron's t/t/t/ clue

    Hah! OK, that's pretty funny, especially since she didn't roll quite that well when thinking about the whispering way earlier.
    Last edited by Rilem; 2024-04-19 at 06:44 PM.

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Carrion Crown Seaon One OOC

    Sense Motive: (1d20+3)[21] vs DC 15

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: Carrion Crown Seaon One OOC

    I apologize for my absence of late, but I'm caught up now. As for moving forward, I think there are a few things everyone in the group knows: (1) the official explanation for Petros's death, and (2) that we were all called here, by Petros, before he died. I expect that everyone has guessed—though not everyone has said out loud—that the official account is incorrect, and that we received identical (encrypted) letters.

    Ekard isn't the most personable fellow, but he is willing to extend a hand to any who will take it. Sorry, DarkNetwerk, if Valerija's question to Sheriff Caeller wasn't meant for others' ears; the question was on Ekard's mind in any case. What he and I want to know are these: (1) was Petros's death cleverly disguised as an accident, or was it intentionally covered up—in other words, do Benjan and Kendra know what really happened? (2) When Petros said, "Trust no one," did he mean literally no one, or no one inside Ravengro, or no one outside Ravengro, or no one who didn't get a letter, or...? (3) What the krutz is the Whispering Way, and what has it to do with this?

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Carrion Crown Seaon One OOC

    For clarification: are the encrypted letters we received identical? I'm not positive it would super matter, but I ask even in terms of "font accuracy."

    Assuming the time comes when we compare, it would be noteworthy (in-character) whether the letters are literal copies, or clearly multiple writings of the same words, or essentially identical in meaning, though the letters included additional personal tidbits.

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