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  1. - Top - End - #631
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide


    Katrin trudges over to her bedroll. "I wasn't hurt at all, although I am somewhat exhausted. I suppose I could take a watch near the morning, I might as well be useful for once, but I'd like to get a good night's rest first."

    To Tryntha, she says, "It's complicated. I'll explain in the morning, unless you'd like to explain to her, Tiriel?"
    The Feud continues!
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorbash Kazdar View Post
    - Feud, the: The 'secret' plot to do something to BlackFox for some reason no one seems to really recall. Accusations of a government cover-up concerning the Feud remain unsubstantiated.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hoseki View Post
    Hoseki looks between Blackfox and El Jaspero. "...I think the Elemental Plane of Fire has frozen over."

  2. - Top - End - #632
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide

    Faluil, can't think of anything witty wood elf 32/32

    As the magic courses through the wood elf's body he breathes a sigh of relief. Afterwards, he whistles loudly and his horse returns from its hiding spot.

    He pets its neck and says

    "Good boy Norwyn, don't want you getting into any trouble."

    The horse trots off to rest as Faluil pulls his bedroll out of his bag and lays it out.

    "I'll stay up, I'm feeling much better after that healing. Thank you...Tryntha, was it?"

    "True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost." -Arthur Ashe

    Villainous Monsters, providing a list of worthy opponents for use in any OGL game: monsters with PC levels

  3. - Top - End - #633
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide

    There was no time to think after the frost worm's explosion. Those still able to get to their feet waste no time triaging and stabilizing their comrades.

    Several, such as Grynde, Tanner and Desmona, survived by being shielded by others. In Grynde's case his benefactor did not live to accept his thanks. Norgold, on the other hand, managed to shield at least two or even three others with his enlarged bulk. As he and his spiked chain shrink back to their normal size, the healing ministrations of the others already have begun to work.

    That Retay survived, despite being at the epicenter of the blast of ice shards, is a testament to the power of barbarian rage, but even he requires intensive care as the adrenaline fades.

    The bodies of those who did not survive are collected and placed within part of the shelter. This grisly necessity prevents their bodies from being picked apart by the waiting carrion crows, who screech in disappointment. The birds continue circling overhead for most of the night, visible against the moonlit sky.

    A single horse makes its way back to the camp after the worm attack, its hooves sinking deeply into the snow. The horse's miraculous survival of, not one but two disasters, is astonishing. The anomaly is difficult to explain, but Faluil has no complaints, whispering into the horse's ear in elven.


    Dramatically reduced, the remaining survivors cluster together at one end of the makeshift shelter to wait for sunrise. The fire is re-lit at the entrance. Warmth being deemed more necessary than stealth at this moment.

    When Faluil mentions his home, there are several lowered gazes and cleared throats. In the earlier conversations, it appears that the elf had not heard of Myth Drannor's fate. The elf remains stoic, but is clearly shaken to hear that the impossible has happened - Myth Drannor has fallen.


    One-by-one, exhaustion overtakes each of you. The healing magic acts as an additional soporific, and soon only a couple of pairs of eyes remain open at a time, and even the scattered whispered conversations cease.


    There are fourteen survivors now:

    Tiriel - tall, blond, and now that you get a closer look at her, quite beautiful in an ethereal way. Her flaming sword is sheathed at her hip.

    Katrin - Tiriel's friend with dark-short hair, green eyes, and scar across one cheek. Her crossbow lies cocked and loaded in her lap.

    Lissa and Achkby - the gnome (Lissa) and halfling (Achkby) snuggle back to back, apparently more comfortable with their own company than with the tall-folk. The two of them emerged safely from their hiding place after the frost worm battle. Lissa's wand proved to be quite helpful in stabilizing the wounded. Both of the child-sized survivors seem to have little to say.

    Adalmar - a ranger from Ashanath, just on the other side of Lake Ashane from Rashemen. He tends the fire, saying little. Perhaps his thoughts are about his village, deserted - the whereabouts of his family and friends, unknown.

    Retay - the tall (6 1/2 feet), black haired, and fur-clad barbarian who miraculously managed to slay the frost worm and live to tell the tale.

    Norgold - the heavyset fighter, now back to "normal size". He sleeps sitting upright, his spiked chain draped over his neck and shoulders.

    Desmona - from Cormyr. She wears her brown hair in a high ponytail. Her modest tunic, breeches, and breastplate can not completely disguise her shapely figure. She also carries a chain whip, but whereas Norgold swings the weapon with power and strength, Desmona wields the weapon with speed, grace, and finesse. When she engaged the frost worm with her whip, the ends of her weapon were practically invisible as they whirled about her body in an impossibly intricate pattern.

    Damian - clad all in black. He has gray eyes and jet-black hair. His daggers are sheathed and hidden away. He sits with his arms folded across his chest, a thoughtful look on his face.

    Grynde - the half-elf ranger. He seems more subdued following the battle, keeping his anti-human comments to himself among this mixed company. He inspects his pair of matched shortswords carefully before resheathing them.

    Faluil - a moon, or perhaps wood, elf. His bow sits propped up against the rock wall behind him as he meditates. His horse (the only one in the party) snorts softly as it stomps in the snow outside the shelter.

    Olfacht - apparently some type of magic user. He closes his piercing blue eyes, letting his thinning hair fall into his face. His nostrils flare periodically as the smoke from the fire occasionally drifts into the shelter.

    Tanner - bearded, armored and cloaked. This flying warrior keeps his cloak wrapped tightly about him. He stares quietly at the palm of his hand while a small flame flickers there.


    Tryntha - the only native Rashemi among the group. This gentle healer has blue eyes and red hair, braided in the traditional manner.


    Before she sleeps, Tryntha uses some melted snow to perform a small ritual over each of the nine corpses. It would be impossible to bury them properly in the snow, and digging into the frozen ground is not an option, but perhaps a blessing of some kind would allow their spirits to know that their passing has not gone unrecognized ...

    She only knew the names of three of the dead - Nadshi, the monk who helped to dig out Norgold, is one. Ulmarek, the ranger who had proposed building a shelter out of the snow itself, is another. And then of course there is Khazrael ...

    She looks down sadly at Khazrael, now bare to the waist. She notes his delicate, feminine yet angular, features. Gently she brushes a hand across his hair, smoothing down his feathers, which she realizes are not merely decorations like his bangles and piercings as she had first assumed. She frowns. Something about the shape of his torso and his proportions seem off somehow, beyond the penetrating wounds he suffered.

    She gasps softly as a thought comes to her. Was Khazrael even human? She leans down to look more closely at his almost bird-like features ...

    Khazrael opens his eyes and looks directly back at her. Tryntha screams and scrambles backwards. Khazrael bends at the waist and sits straight up. "What happened?" he asks ...
    Last edited by Dr._Bob; 2007-07-03 at 10:22 PM.

  4. - Top - End - #634
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide


    Khazrael coughs so hard that a feather comes dislodged from his hair and drifts to the ground. He looks confused at the bodies around him and puts a hand to his head.

    Long, thin scars crisscross his back, clearly visible now that his shirt is off, as well as a deeper, much more serious pair which form a V between his shoulderblades.

    He draws his knees up to his chest and wraps his arms around them. All pretense of a cool demeanor is gone as he shakes violently and closes his eyes.
    Last edited by Koji; 2007-07-03 at 11:05 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #635
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide


    Feeling like a burden already, he decides not to ask for more healing. He can do just fine like that, after all.
    He accompanies Tryntha from body to body, blending his (shorter) prayers to hers.

    Tomorrow, he vows, he will leave the gloom behind. He has wallowed for too long in what was, in the end, only self-pity.

    And then Khazrael comes back from the dead. He is surprised, but only mildly so. Due to exhaustion, perhaps. He has questions for the sorcerer, but they don't matter right now. Taking his wand out with precipitation, he applies it on the wounded man's chest and speaks the words that release its healing power.

    "Even gods must learn to control their tempers, lest they set a bad example."
    The Malazan Book of the Fallen, Steven Erikson

  6. - Top - End - #636
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide


    Whatever cool facade Desmona was putting up to ensure that the others knew to look up to her vanished as a feathered body rose from the corpse pile.

    "GAH!" Desmona gasps, falling over backwards and pushing herself away from the newly risen dead. "What the...wasn't he dead?"

    She grips her chain tightly, watching carefully for anything suspicious. She's encountered her share of undead in her travels, and it didn't pay to take something like the recently deceased waking up again as nothing to worry about.

    "You're not a ghoul, are you?" She asks.
    I am the Catboy. I demand pettings!

  7. - Top - End - #637
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide


    Adalmar's aid seems to pull him together, if only a bit.

    To Desmona, he spits, "What?"

  8. - Top - End - #638
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide


    The elf opens his eyes when Tryntha screams and looks over at the (oddly animate) Khazrael. Rather than jump or appear overly startled, his eyes open wide and his mouth stretches into a strange grin.

    "I don't think I've ever witnessed this phenomenon before...spontaneous rejuvenation...I need to check this out!"

    He mutters under his breath.

    He stands and moves closer to the formerly dead man and studies his appearance, glad to put his mind to a task that directed it away from the depressing thoughts of his homeland.

    "True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost." -Arthur Ashe

    Villainous Monsters, providing a list of worthy opponents for use in any OGL game: monsters with PC levels

  9. - Top - End - #639
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide

    Grynde, Half-Elf Ranger #1. Yes, 1, he was here first.

    He sits on his own, more than ten feet from anyone else, tapping a rhythm on his knees. He doesn't seem shocked when Khazrael sits up.

    'Back again? Are you going to stay for longer this time, or should we dig your next grave now?' he remarks.

    Wow, the chicken-man has returned. Just in time, I'm hungry.
    Last edited by Matticus; 2007-07-04 at 07:30 PM.

  10. - Top - End - #640
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide


    Katrin is confused. Yet again, a comrade of hers has mysteriously 'come back from the dead'. She stands and aims her crossbow at Khazrael, but lowers it when Aldamar's healing wand appears to have a beneficial effect. So he's not undead, at least... "Tryntha... what's going on?" Is this like what happened with Karzak and Evendur?
    The Feud continues!
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorbash Kazdar View Post
    - Feud, the: The 'secret' plot to do something to BlackFox for some reason no one seems to really recall. Accusations of a government cover-up concerning the Feud remain unsubstantiated.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hoseki View Post
    Hoseki looks between Blackfox and El Jaspero. "...I think the Elemental Plane of Fire has frozen over."

  11. - Top - End - #641
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide


    She cannot containt the gasp and shriek that escape her lips as the strange "man" sits upright while under her inspections. Shock is clear on her face, and she reacts little as someone comes and administers a wand of sorts. is that possible...

    Her inner monologue is pierced by Katrin calling to her and she snaps back into herself. Kneeling before Khazreal, she places a hand on each shoulder and gently eases him back into lying on his back.

    "Khazreal, please lie back. You have suffered grevious wounds that were beyond all of our ability to heal. We had thought you lost to the worm's violent eruption. Do you possess the ability to heal from wounds above that of normal men and woman?"

    As she speaks, she begins inspecting him for further wounds and trying to speculate what could have possibly happened.

    [ooc] Are the wounds from the ice shards still there? Have they healed/closed? Is he pale from blood loss, etc? [/ooc]

    Heal Cheack - (1d20+11)[28] (To look for anything wrong with him still)
    Knowledge Religion - (1d20+6)[11] (To recognise anything like this from a religion stand-point)
    Knowledge History - (1d20+4)[22] (To remember if Rasheman history speaks of similar miracles)
    Knowledge Religion - (1d20+4)[14] (To recognise anything like this from an arcane stand-point)
    Spellcraft - (1d20+4)[19] (To recognise a spell effect that might be on Khazreal)

  12. - Top - End - #642
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide


    Leaning against the outcropping lazily, half asleep, Damian's eyes bolt open when Khazrael miraculously recovers. "That's a neat trick..."

    Damian's glance doesn't linger long on Khazrael, however, but turns to his companions - Katrin, Adalmar, Tiriel, Lissa, and Achkby. His gaze lingers on Adalmar and Katrin. They're not nearly as shocked as we were. That's odd... Katrin's suspicion at least makes him believe that this isn't a common occurance, but...

    Curious, he focuses his attention on Khazrael's other compatriots, leaving Tryntha to her ministration, looking for their response. Have they encountered this before? Or did they expect this from Khazrael?

  13. - Top - End - #643
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide


    Without a word, Khazrael shakes his head violently and scrambles away from the bodies. He weakly pushes past the people in his way and settles several yards from the bodies.

    He tries to relax, but it's a bit much to ask. He stares at Tryntha but has no answer for her.

    "I don't think..."

    His breath comes in short sobs, and his sentence never finishes.

    Why are my ears ringing?

  14. - Top - End - #644
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide

    Retay, human barbarian 50/65

    Before going to bed, Retay asks Tryntha for a final healing spell.


    Retay's eyes bulge as the dead man sits up. Warily, the barbarian reaches for a weapon. "Who are you who disturbs the rest of our dead?" he asks harshly.

  15. - Top - End - #645
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide

    Damian watches Tiriel, Katrin, and Adalmar closely out of the corner of his eye. At first it seems as though they aren't as astonished as he would have expected, but after a little more observation, he realizes that they actually are surprised at Khazrael's "resurrection". It is an interesting dichotomy. It is as if they have seen others rise from the dead, just not Khazrael specifically ...

    Tryntha attends to Khazrael immediately, noting the severe wounds from the ice shrapnel along his upper body and face. His lower body and legs were spared injury, and she deduces that the edge of the rocky cliff face must have shielded him somewhat from the blast.

    Comparing his wounds to those of the nearby corpses, she notes that his body doesn't show the signs of flash freezing that most of the others display. It is as if his body isn't as vulnerable to cold as that of a normal human.

    What about his lack of a pulse? She quickly checks for a radial or carotid pulse and finds that he still has none! Yet, Khazrael is obviously very much alive. His response to the healing wand seems to indicate that he certainly not un-dead either. Her brow knitted, she adjusts her fingers and eventually is able to find pulses, just not in the usual anatomic locations.

    The feathers, the scars, the anomalous anatomy, the inhuman ability to resist cold ... it seems to add up to something ... but what?
    Last edited by Dr._Bob; 2007-07-04 at 08:07 PM.

  16. - Top - End - #646
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide


    Katrin glares at Damian until he starts staring at someone else, then returns her gaze to Khazrael. She does not have the advantage of being able to observe him directly, like Tryntha does, but she can clearly see that he is not frozen, and guesses from Tryntha's confusion and her basic knowledge of human anatomy that Khazrael's pulse can only be felt in different places than a normal human. He's not human... then again, that's no suprise, is it? Many of us are more than human... or less than human...

    Katrin suddenly scowls, and looks away, lost in her own thoughts.
    The Feud continues!
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorbash Kazdar View Post
    - Feud, the: The 'secret' plot to do something to BlackFox for some reason no one seems to really recall. Accusations of a government cover-up concerning the Feud remain unsubstantiated.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hoseki View Post
    Hoseki looks between Blackfox and El Jaspero. "...I think the Elemental Plane of Fire has frozen over."

  17. - Top - End - #647
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide


    "What's all the commotion ***... GAAAAAAAAAAAAH~~!" Olfacht is clearly startled by Khazrael's suddenly revival.

    "What the... but then... are you.... is this... CAN SOMEBODY TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?"

  18. - Top - End - #648
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide

    Faluil the speculation elf

    The fascinated elf goes back to his pack and pulls out his various texts on flora and fauna, including magical and non-magical creatures and plants. As he peruses the pages of his prodigious pieces, he cheerfully and, perhaps a tad, arrogantly, gives his summary of the situation.

    ”My new friends, while it is surprising to see a fallen soldier return to the land of the living, and even more surprising to return in such a state that does not become the foul interference of necromancy, and more surprising still in such a way that did not overtly include the invoking of a great and powerful deity, I think we can be calm.

    “It’s possible that Khazrael here went into a sort of mini-hibernation. From what we can tell, he is not elf, human, dwarf, halfling or any of the other common races that we can readily name. Doesn’t make him any less Khazrael, though, I would like to point out.

    “There are a few possibilities to consider: Khazrael here was merely knocked into a deep state of sleep or hibernation in order to self-heal, and we assumed him dead. A powerful deity or other supernatural being has rescued him from the after-life for purposes we cannot hope to imagine. Perhaps a freak occurrence (an ebb in the flow of magic, possibly?) spontaneously recovered our comrade for no purpose at all.

    “But even with these possibilities at heart…”

    And Faluil sets down his books and walks over to Khazrael, squatting down to become level with the man,

    ”We can’t forget that he is as stunned and shocked as many of us. How many people can truly come back from the brink of death (possibly even from beyond that brink) without that crash of emotions?”

    The elf reaches a hand out and places it on Khazrael’s shoulder, hoping to show the man that he means to help and support, not to question or accuse.

    * post roll count doesn't match database
    Last edited by Kevka Palazzo; 2007-07-06 at 12:53 AM.

    "True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost." -Arthur Ashe

    Villainous Monsters, providing a list of worthy opponents for use in any OGL game: monsters with PC levels

  19. - Top - End - #649
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide

    Tanner Gondsman 24/42

    As Tanner begins healing the others, his attention is drawn to the sudden cries of shock and awe. He is hard pressed to not show a similar face when he sees Khazrael sitting up. "By the Maker..." he manages to say. Seeing the Rashemi cleric hovering over the feather-dressed miracle-maker, Tanner returns to his work on helping insure that others do not need to experience whatever just happened.

    ooc: Please see the OOC thread for healing choices.

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  20. - Top - End - #650
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide


    He watches Faluil as he speaks, but slowly his attention drifts to the bodies.

    "What...what happened to them?"

  21. - Top - End - #651
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide

    Grynde Half-Elf Ranger

    They died, what do you think? Did you see the size of that thing? It's remarkable so many of us did live. And speaking of life, you don't seem to be entirely human. Are you really a chicken man? You realise chicken are a great meal, don't you? And that chicken coops are designed to hold potential food? They're not some kind of brothel.

    Enjoying himself thoroughly, he decides to discontinue this malicious act.

    We're all glad your alive, freak.

    With that, he wanders off, contemplating his next meal.

  22. - Top - End - #652
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    Relax, it's not the first time you've been called a freak, and it's certainly not the most painful.

    He touches a hand to his lips and mumbles something before waving a hand at Grynde. A sneer crosses his lips as he does so.

    "Why don't you apologize and go get me some food, buddy?"

    ((OOC: Casting Charm Person on Grynde, who must make a DC 14 will save or else perceive my words and actions in the most favorable way possible for the next six hours, unless someone's going to make an AOO and hold Khazrael's arms.))
    Last edited by Koji; 2007-07-06 at 02:31 AM.

  23. - Top - End - #653
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide

    "Arrogance Penalty/Will save" - (1d20+4)[3](7)

    Damn. Here goes the very best part.(IC)

    'I am deeply sorry for the things I said, friend. I did not really mean all those things, and I certainly don't think your father enjoyed his 'time' with his poultry. Here, let me find you something to eat.

    Walking away from Khazrael, and feeling very confused, he searches for something his great friend would enjoy eating.

    Chickens eat grain, don't they? Hmm. No grain here. I know! I have the perfect idea!

    Several minutes later, he returns to Khazrael and dumps an assortment of worms and insects into his lap.

    I hope you enjoy it, friend!

    OOC: He think's Khazrael's a chicken, after all.
    Last edited by Matticus; 2007-07-06 at 03:54 AM.

  24. - Top - End - #654
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    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide


    With a quick wink to the others, he nods to Grynde and says, "I'm glad we got that all sorted out."

  25. - Top - End - #655
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    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide

    Grynde, muddled half-apple. No, wait, tree. No! Argh! Not left!

    His face falls in dissapointment.

    Aren't you going to eat the food I bought you?

  26. - Top - End - #656
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide


    Revenge seems to be the best medecine, and Khazrael perks up a little, though his shoulders still hunch forward and he remains quiet.

    He nods to Grynde and pretends to nibble at the food as a show for the charmed half-elf, but finds that he's not as hungry as he thought.
    Last edited by Koji; 2007-07-06 at 07:43 PM.

  27. - Top - End - #657
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide


    Olfacht sits next to Khazrael, and looks at him with his piercing blue eyes. "Jokes aside, what are you exactly? Or do you have even the faintest idea? Where I'm from, people destroy things that don't stay dead. Of course, there they also kill people for having the wrong skin color, wrong smell... or lack there of... but no matter. I'm not trying to scare you. Just curious is all."

  28. - Top - End - #658
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide

    Tanner Gondsman 42/42

    Seeing no one coming for healing, Tanner administers to himself.


    use healing belt - will use the charges as needed. If Tanner gets close, he will stop before using the last charge.
    charge1 - (2d8)[8]
    charge2 - (2d8)[11]
    edit: charge3 - (2d8)[13] - not used

    Edit: Feeling better, Tanner approaches the strange scene as it gets even stranger. He listens intently to the exchange between Khazrael reborn and the others' questions. Tanner does not wish to judge Khazrael, for he is in the miracle business himself and knows that there are powers much greater than himself - or that he can comprehend - out there.
    Last edited by Darius; 2007-07-06 at 10:13 AM.

    Keishara Embermist in A World Bound Together
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  29. - Top - End - #659
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    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide


    He moves to dismiss Olfacht's question, but he turns his gaze on the others and sees the same question written on each of their faces.

    "Everywhere I've gone, what I am has put me in trouble. People have tried to kill me. They've tried to use me. They've tried to control me. I haven't had a carefree day in my life since I was ten, and that could be just a fabricated memory."

    He pauses, trying to gauge whether continuing is prudent.

    "I've never heard a proper word for what I am. There are others like me, but they're not the same as me. I don't think any of us are alike."

    His eyes dance over the priests. The believers. Tiriel.

    "The drow called me errdegahr, their word for a kind of demon. I learned most of what I am from them, but don't think that a little education made them friends or benefactors. I spent ten years as their slave and test subject." He spits on the ground before continuing, "The funniest part of that is, the treatment I got there wasn't much different than what the humans on the surface gave me. At least the dark elves made the effort to understand before they chose to hate."

    He pushes himself to his feet. His legs shake with the effort, and he nearly tips forward, but manages to steady himself.

    "I look almost like one of you. I spent the first half of my life trying harder to look like you. I plucked out my feathers, I hid my gaze from the righteous and the self-righteous, and tried not to use my magic where anyone could see it--that's the big one, I can feel my blood burning with abyssal energy every time I use it. It is the furnace, the source."

    I can feel the stares. I can taste the bile on your lips.

    "I am born of the blackest corner of your hearts. I am empowered by inborn magic and driven to act on my darkest wishes. From the abyss I crawled, and someday, I'll return to it. Is that what you want to hear? Well, it's close enough to the truth. There's a voice in my ear every second screaming, 'Do it! Do it!' My heart races at the thought of flames licking through the walls and roofs of everything that mortal civilization has wrought. Every time my magic harms someone or something, it gives me a tingle of pleasure like you'll never feel."

    "But I know it's wrong, and that's why we're going to Immilmar. We're stopping an army of my brothers and sisters, my former taskmasters, and every wicked thing that walks on the earth from making every one of my dreams come true."

    He returns to a seated position. His hand moves to his knife, but he doesn't draw it.

    "Now, was there anything else? I'd like to get some sleep."

    ((Note, had to go back and edit a previous post, didn't see Grynde bring me a pile of worms, I thought it was regular food.))

  30. - Top - End - #660
    Orc in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: The Necromancer's Pact VIII: The Rising Tide

    Faluil, moved elf

    Faluil sits back and absorbs the words in Khazrael's speech. He fights against his ingrained feelings and personal experiences, those that told him that any infernal or abyssal creature was despicable and evil. I cannot give into these feelings. This Khazrael is fighting the evil within him because he is a good soul. He fights against his blood-brethren to save those that have shown him no mercy and given him no kindness.

    He shoots up to his feet and proclaims,

    "Indeed our reanimated comrade! Sleep seems like a good choice right now, for all who need it. Too much excitement this night, I think. Best to sleep on it now, and we can discuss the rest in the morning."

    With a wink at the rest of the group he returns to his bedroll and begins to meditate.

    "True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost." -Arthur Ashe

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