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  1. - Top - End - #31
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    *hugs Phoe*
    We care.
    That's all I want to say.

    I honestly can't relate to being identified as the wrong gender in real life though. Then again, no girl would have grown quite as much hair as me (or if they did, they hopefully shaved it off ).
    I have hobbit feet.

  2. - Top - End - #32
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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    I have no idea how to write this. So I'm going to

    Ah, Wikipedia does wonders, Like pointing out Autogynephilia. But on top of that, I'd like, no matter how much I'd say otherwise, to be force to take on the feminine role. I guess that's was I meant by the D/s stuff. I'd get into it more, but I really don't know how. My heart skips a beat when someone mistakes me for a woman, and I give them a look like, "Excuse me?" but really, I'm thinking, "Nice, I seem really feminine." Ya know?

    On top of that, I'm seeking a Master or Mistress. But I'll withhold on going too much further than that.
    Last edited by Rex Idiotarum; 2007-11-04 at 12:54 PM.

  3. - Top - End - #33
    Retired Mod in the Playground Retired Moderator
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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    As promissed, the anonymous mailer.

    Use the address below to send an anonymous message to be posted in this thread.

    Your message will be sent straight to a mailbox of mine, comming from a mail user of mine without any kind of personal identification (ip number, session ID or whatever).

    Keep in mind that content which contain strong language may be filtered, and content that goes against the forum rules won't be posted at all.

    Given that I only have access to that mailbox when at home, I'll only be posting them around 19:00 ~ 22:00 GMT - 2 time.

    Last edited by SMEE; 2007-11-04 at 01:14 PM.
    LGBT in the playground - banner by Doihaveaname?.
    Thanks to Ceika, Dihan, Happy Turtle, Reicaden and Haruki for the avatars.

  4. - Top - End - #34
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    Normally, I wouldn't say anything. I'd admire those who did, offer a hug, and move on.
    But, I admitted my "problem" to my boyfriend last night- that I really don't consider myself either gender. Sometimes, I'll completely forget than I'm female (biologically) and think I'm male, or I won't even think of myself in those terms.
    I hate my breasts. I hate them. Yeah, they fill out my shirt well enough, but they mark me as female-only, which I don't want to be. I love the concept of androgyny.
    But, anyways, he didn't take it very well at all. Infact, in an argument later last night, he used it against me. Actually, he didn't seem to listen at all and said "You're upset? How do you think I feel? I found out my girlfriend wants to be a man!"
    Which isn't what I said at all. I said I hate being either...
    And, my awesome Vael friend, who I've been crying to recently about my loss of identity, found this for me today;
    "intergender is a gender identity of both, neither or some combination of "man" and/or "woman". In relation to the gender binary (the view that there are only two genders), genderqueer people generally identify as more "both/and" or "neither/nor," rather than "either/or." Some genderqueer people see their identity as one of many different genders outside of man and woman, some see it as a term encompassing all gender identities outside of the gender binary, some believe it encompasses binary genders among others, some may identify as a-gender and some see it as a third gender in addition to the traditional two."
    ..I've no idea where Vael found it, but, yay! I finally have a term for myself- genderqueer!

    And, on a secondary notice, I am pansexual ( a more extreme form of Bisexuality). I've known it since I was seven really, and have had a rather encouraging group of people around, I guess its not that big of a subject for me.

    And that's mah story.

  5. - Top - End - #35
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    Quote Originally Posted by Rex Idiotarum View Post
    I have no idea how to write this. So I'm going to

    Ah, Wikipedia does wonders, Like pointing out Autogynephilia. But on top of that, I'd like, no matter how much I'd say otherwise, to be force to take on the feminine role. I guess that's was I meant by the D/s stuff. I'd get into it more, but I really don't know how. My heart skips a beat when someone mistakes me for a woman, and I give them a look like, "Excuse me?" but really, I'm thinking, "Nice, I seem really feminine." Ya know?
    I have a bit of experience with that, actually. I'll make it a clean story--though it certainly isn't on the whole--so no worries about toeing the line of forum rules. Anyway, since I was a little kid, 'round 5 or 6, I'd been fascinated with the idea of being the opposite gender. Not that I identified as a gender other than my own, only the intense wonder and mystique of being someone else. I fantasized and cross-dressed off and on when I was younger, up until my early teens, about the time when I started to feel ashamed about it. Needless to say, that sort of behavior wasn't exactly normal so I suppressed it all and moved on.

    It didn't exactly disappear, though. Through the magicks of the interwebs, I discovered the fanciful art of role playing. Oddly, I found myself crafting female characters far more often than males, and couldn't exactly pinpoint why. The idea of being another gender was particularly bewitching for me, though never in a permanent sense. I suppose I wanted to wear someone else's skin once in a while, not change my spots for good.

    My physical appearance did change though, I admit. I grew my hair out quite a bit--I think most of my pictures in the "You" thread are of my girly locks--and I was generally infatuated with the feminine mystique that began to creep into my personality. I loved being mistaken as a woman; it was sort of a validation for my wayward imagination, perhaps a justification that I could pass. I've had a handful of transgendered friends and I'd always been comfortable with the concept, so in the back of my head I sort of... wondered. Maybe, you know?

    The changes in my behavior, though, they bothered me to some extent. I had grow far too comfortable in pretending to be female--only on the internets, mind you, but even still, folks started to buy the story that I actually was female. Again, it was satisfying in some superficial sense. There was "boy me" that went to school and work and had his own life and there was "girl me" that had the internet as her playground. Once I started to forge relationships as "girl me," I slowly began to realize that I was living a lie, a fable, letting my imagination get away with me. The female persona I had invented had pieces of me, that's for sure, but it wasn't me.

    I needed to get a level head. So I cut myself off from the internet, from all the ties I had made. I pissed some people off, sure, but I wasn't at all comfortable with outing myself as a guy with an overactive imagination. I quit roleplaying, I cut my hair and I went through a sort of mental detox. Looking back, I was able to see that it was really only a fantasy, something that got my gears going--and that's all I'll say in that respect--and not a real gender issue. I was a guy that liked girls, nothing special at all. Maybe I'd be more interesting if I was bi or transgendered, but after all my experimentation, I realized that I'm just not. Most of all, I'm happy about it, happy to be me. Had I not gone through all that crap, though, I don't think I'd know myself as well as I do now.

    So that's my tale. Weird how I've never told a soul, yet I was completely comfortable spilling my guts for complete strangers. Also, way more than I expected to write. Funny, that.

    Anyway, as I say to all my LBGT friends, be who you want to be, not what you're told to be. Discover yourself and don't be afraid to be yourself. Best of luck to everyone.
    Yotsubatar by Dr. Bath

  6. - Top - End - #36
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    Quote Originally Posted by QueenOfMemnoch View Post
    Normally, I wouldn't say anything. I'd admire those who did, offer a hug, and move on.
    But, I admitted my "problem" to my boyfriend last night- that I really don't consider myself either gender. Sometimes, I'll completely forget than I'm female (biologically) and think I'm male, or I won't even think of myself in those terms.
    I hate my breasts. I hate them. Yeah, they fill out my shirt well enough, but they mark me as female-only, which I don't want to be. I love the concept of androgyny.
    But, anyways, he didn't take it very well at all. Infact, in an argument later last night, he used it against me. Actually, he didn't seem to listen at all and said "You're upset? How do you think I feel? I found out my girlfriend wants to be a man!"
    Which isn't what I said at all. I said I hate being either...
    And, my awesome Vael friend, who I've been crying to recently about my loss of identity, found this for me today;

    ..I've no idea where Vael found it, but, yay! I finally have a term for myself- genderqueer!

    And, on a secondary notice, I am pansexual ( a more extreme form of Bisexuality). I've known it since I was seven really, and have had a rather encouraging group of people around, I guess its not that big of a subject for me.

    And that's mah story.
    *huggles and smacks bf* Jerk. >.<
    Cobra Avatar by the lovely Miss Nobody.

  7. - Top - End - #37
    Quincunx's Avatar

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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    Catch--"I wanted not so much to become as to enjoy"? The book from which that came (and the full passage, which fits in context) is near the bottom of the tower and will take some effort to access.

    Surgeries are flesh-work, unworthy of the lily, and a dead end at the moment--but that road will someday lead to the freedom of ourselves from our flesh, and you're on it, and I'm not. FOR SCIENCE!

  8. - Top - End - #38
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    I'm (more often than comfortably) mistaken for a girl, because of my long hair and what my friend so elegantly described as "fleshboobs" (I'm quite overweighted).

    To the actual post:

    Many many people from where I come automatically hate homosexual/trans people. I'm glad my mother/brother and formerly sister are all homosexual, it's prevented me from being so homophobic as most people I know. Hearing stories such as Vael's makes me a bit fuzzy on the inside. I'm glad such wonders can still happen, with all the offense and hostility homosexual/trans people get.

    Kudos to ya'll!

  9. - Top - End - #39
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    I'm not L,G,B,T, or even a BLT, but I just wanted to express my admiration for some of you who are going through this at such a young age, being who you are and taking action to live your lives with courage and honesty.

    I'm old enough that the very few transgendered/transsexual people I ever heard of, most of my life, were always people who went through this big process much later in life, perhaps in their 40s or even later, after a lifetime of misery and deception. I don't know much about the whole transgender thing, but I'm very glad to see that a young woman like Smee can recognise who she is and do something about it, early in life when it's probably a lot easier.

  10. - Top - End - #40
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    Quote Originally Posted by Quincunx View Post
    Catch--"I wanted not so much to become as to enjoy"? The book from which that came (and the full passage, which fits in context) is near the bottom of the tower and will take some effort to access.

    Surgeries are flesh-work, unworthy of the lily, and a dead end at the moment--but that road will someday lead to the freedom of ourselves from our flesh, and you're on it, and I'm not. FOR SCIENCE!
    Cryptic, perhaps more eloquent than I'd have have articulated, but accurate nonetheless. For me, however, experience--imagined or otherwise--is precluded by reality. Briefly do we forget ourselves, yet return we must; what is temporary can never be authentic. It's not a journey I could make without looking back and I'm content as I am.

    The short of it is that flights of fancy are behind me and I've found happiness in the here and now. I have only support and empathy for those who are still on the journey.
    Yotsubatar by Dr. Bath

  11. - Top - End - #41
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    Quote Originally Posted by Cobra_Ikari View Post
    *huggles and smacks bf* Jerk. >.<
    Oh, he really isn't all that bad at all. He spoils me and such, and tolerates my crushes that come around every now and again.
    I did just kinda drop a bomb on him...
    Even so, I wish he would have been more understanding.

  12. - Top - End - #42
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    Quote Originally Posted by QueenOfMemnoch View Post
    Oh, he really isn't all that bad at all. He spoils me and such, and tolerates my crushes that come around every now and again.
    I did just kinda drop a bomb on him...
    Even so, I wish he would have been more understanding.
    People suck.
    Words, my weapons...
    Je veux aller sous votre peau.



    Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
    You rascally psychopath, you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Quincunx View Post
    On the phone, people talk back. And over. And aren't obliged to listen.
    Quote Originally Posted by Felixaar View Post
    Kael, awesome.
    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    I has been owned.
    Yup, Kael beat the Book Geek at her own game.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
    Don't tick off Kaelawrath. The dear fellow is above reproach.

  13. - Top - End - #43
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaelaroth View Post
    People suck.
    Of course they do.

  14. - Top - End - #44
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    Quote Originally Posted by QueenOfMemnoch View Post
    Oh, he really isn't all that bad at all. He spoils me and such, and tolerates my crushes that come around every now and again.
    I did just kinda drop a bomb on him...
    Even so, I wish he would have been more understanding.
    Oh, fine...*unsmacks, but still hugs*

    *mumbles* Don't like nunderstanders...
    Cobra Avatar by the lovely Miss Nobody.

  15. - Top - End - #45
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    Quote Originally Posted by Cobra_Ikari View Post
    Oh, fine...*unsmacks, but still hugs*

    *mumbles* Don't like nunderstanders...
    :: hugs:: It'll work out, I hope. But thanks for the lovin's

  16. - Top - End - #46
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaelaroth View Post
    People suck.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doihaveaname? View Post
    Of course they do.

    The good news is, this doesn't hold true for everybody.

    I'm really glad this thread exists. It's not an easy thing, to accept and be who you are, no matter what that is (even "normal"). It's good that there's a place we can all turn to for support, advice, and understanding.

  17. - Top - End - #47
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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    *tower of 8.5"x5" books*
    *tower of 5"x3.5" books*
    *tower of National Geographic Magazine*
    *Quincunx, kneeling, book in hand*
    *tower of 5"x3.5" books*
    *quasi-tower of mail-order catalogs*

    Found it!

    Free Fall, William Golding. It's one of his more straightforward and unified novels, if not the easiest to find in print in the U.S. What most of us could take away from it, messages aside, is technique--how to write an internal monologue on the eternal questions and make it satisfying to its readers. Somewhere I picked up the maxim that quotations of less than 100 words don't threaten copyright, and I'll keep to that here. The narrator is male and middle-aged, speaking about school days:

    "But I would have liked to be a girl. . . .I wanted to be one of them and thought this unique as self-abuse and very shameful. But I was mistaken all round. Masturbation is universal. Our sex is always uncertain. I wanted not so much to become as to enjoy. . . ."

    D--- me, I've torn the page with my mouse cord. Must be more careful with tatty old paperbacks.

  18. - Top - End - #48
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    Lately I've been wanting to tell people about me, but I've always held myself back for fear of what the consequences of telling the wrong person would do. I'm mostly scared of it getting out, and then somehow spreading to my mum - her hairdresser is the towns gossip-monger and nothing gets past her.

    Despite my brother having two gay friends and one bisexual friend, I'd rather not find out if he's so accepting of his brother being like them.

    One of the friends I've told is the one who comes here from time to time, so it was kind of necescary to tell him before SMEE made this thread. So I steered the topic of the conversation to the secret that I told one of my other friends about six months ago, and told him. As I said in Random Banter, I was terrified but as soon as he said "I guessed as much" I realised that I had made the correct decision.

    I told him to keep it to himself until I'm ready, and what he said will stay with me for a while:

    "Don't take too long getting ready, you'll just be living a lie."

    It's true, I don't want to live a lie, but I'm just too scared (as I've said previously) to do it. Though I will have to bite the bullet at some point and come out en masse if I ever want to be myself.

  19. - Top - End - #49
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    Quote Originally Posted by QueenOfMemnoch View Post
    Oh, he really isn't all that bad at all. He spoils me and such, and tolerates my crushes that come around every now and again.
    I did just kinda drop a bomb on him...
    Even so, I wish he would have been more understanding.
    Time will help hopefully. Initial shock can produce odd reactions that are not necessarily how someone feels.

    Warning: Below post contains lots of hugs. Thank you.

    I'm very happy to see this thread and I hug and congratulate all who have posted here so far. I know that GitP has an amazing community that is more openly diverse than any I've seen yet, and it is nice to have another thread where we can support each other.

    PhoeKun, you are going to make me go all mushy and soft. *Huggles*

    Vael, I'm so glad to see your post. I read the Crush thread and was trying to figure out how to ask about that. Oodles of hugs to you.

    At the same time, hearing that a poster here had opinions like you originally did... that's so scary. I know that I've seen at least one poster who I felt was homophobic, but of course by the rules, more things of that nature shouldn't come up. I guess I fall into the thinking that because everyone is friendly, no one thinks that way, or would have that line of thinking influence their decisions about who to be friends with, etc. I am so very glad that you don't feel that way anymore. Now I'm just worried that others do.

    Even more hugs to those who identify as Bisexual or Pansexual. It amazes me that in an ostracized group like the queer community would still ostracize others. The hate that Bisexuals experience comes from all sides, they seem to be the hated of the hated. Many people don't believe that position can even exist, which boggles my mind. And Pansexuality is still so unheard of that very few seem to know about it, let alone accept or embrace it. So lots of hugs and support and love.

    Speaking of the unfamiliar or unheard of… I am glad that the title is LGBT, but we may want to address that there are certainly many other identities in the queer community. Some people out there may be questioning and wondering where they fit, and be unaware of a group that feels the same way they do. And I do want to say that Allies of the queer community are certainly welcome as well. You don’t have to leave through the window Serp.
    Last edited by phoenixineohp; 2007-11-04 at 03:47 PM.
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  20. - Top - End - #50
    Retired Mod in the Playground Retired Moderator
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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    Quote Originally Posted by E
    Well, I have a problem. (well, obviously I do, why else would I be e-mailing this). And I do not know where to start, I am a guy, and for a long time I have thought that I was straight, but recently I have just been sorta, thinking maybe I am Bi, because, well its hard to say, I just find myself becoming attracted to certain guys I know. I have tried to think about this and sort it out, but I cannot. It doesn't help that the community I live in is not very accepting.

    I just don't know what to do? Should i give it time and see what happens?
    If such feelings are quite recent, then yes, you should wait sometime to see what happens. You may be going through a phase or a particular moment of your life.
    If there's already been sometime since you start feeling that way, you should try and hang out with a guy on a date.
    Since your community is not very accepting, I'd suggest spending a weekend on a near by city and going to a well reputable gay bar.
    There you'll find whether this what you want or not.

    If so, then it'll be time to start taking small steps on being open about it for your friends.

    That's all the advice I can give. Hopefully someone around here will have more experience on the subject at hand and give out some better advice.

    Also, I want to take the chance to thank Doihaveaname? for telling me to make this thread.
    Wasn't for him, I wouldn't have posted it.

    Last edited by SMEE; 2007-11-04 at 04:18 PM.
    LGBT in the playground - banner by Doihaveaname?.
    Thanks to Ceika, Dihan, Happy Turtle, Reicaden and Haruki for the avatars.

  21. - Top - End - #51
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    Quote Originally Posted by Quincunx View Post
    Found it!

    Free Fall, William Golding. It's one of his more straightforward and unified novels, if not the easiest to find in print in the U.S. What most of us could take away from it, messages aside, is technique--how to write an internal monologue on the eternal questions and make it satisfying to its readers. Somewhere I picked up the maxim that quotations of less than 100 words don't threaten copyright, and I'll keep to that here. The narrator is male and middle-aged, speaking about school days:

    "But I would have liked to be a girl. . . .I wanted to be one of them and thought this unique as self-abuse and very shameful. But I was mistaken all round. Masturbation is universal. Our sex is always uncertain. I wanted not so much to become as to enjoy. . . ."

    D--- me, I've torn the page with my mouse cord. Must be more careful with tatty old paperbacks.
    That sounds very much like a book to which I'd take well. Luckily, I won't have to crawl the musty bookstores in the city as Amazon has a tidy handful of copies. Then again, there's always a rare tome to be found, even if it's not the one you intended.

    Thank you much, I have a feeling I'll enjoy that read.
    Yotsubatar by Dr. Bath

  22. - Top - End - #52
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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    So, I've been reading a few posts with anger toward those who aren't "understanding" of their close ones' "preferences". Well, I find that a little hypocritical. Think of something you're really not comfortable with. It could be anything as common as cracking knuckles. As long as it somehow strikes you as "off" or "unusual". Now, for pretty much everyone, you can find something that when you think about it, you really don't mind when nobody brings it up around you. However, once it's introduced to your environment, you suddenly do not want to be near whoever's talking about it/doing it/being it.

    Now, is it really so hard to imagine that someone might not be comfortable with lifestyles that are very different from theirs, and that they may have never encountered, and that may present very real changes in their lives?

    Sure, there are people who are just intolerant. But for most people, when a close one 'comes out of the closet' or whatever, they become total strangers, distancing themselves with that one thing that just doesn't sit right. It's certainly not a difficulty on the same level as having to deal with a bunch of people suddenly being uncomfortable with you, but it's not something that most people can just let fly past their minds without thinking about it. I mean, come on, we fight over which carbonated beverage one should swear by. You think we can all agree on what sexual lifestyles are acceptable?

    Quit pretending that people are horrible just because some totally alien lifestyle makes them uncomfortable. Nobody deals with these things well, it's only a matter of what constitutes "unfamiliar and unsettling". Perhaps while people are encouraged to learn to be accepting, those who need to be accepted should learn how to make acceptance more comfortable. You know, pretty much the opposite of what Kaeleroth does.

    That said, I don't happen to be one of those who gets too uncomfortable around anyone on the GLBT spectrum. But many fine people are, and it's your job as much as it is theirs to get along.

    Play nice, kids.

  23. - Top - End - #53
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    *hug for Memnoch, my Fangirl*
    Because being confused and not having support from those close to you isn't cool.

    Kael and Doihaveaname:
    People don't suck. In fact, once you get to know them, you'll likely find that they are really, really more similar than you might expect.
    That's something that we of all people should know- having differences doesn't affect value as a person, even if you do disapprove of some of the things they think. Try and keep an open mind, even around those who don't.

    I agree with Phoe. I think this thread was an excellent idea.

    Quincunx- Tearing a book?


    Doihaveaname again:
    Telling people is certainly tough. I'm personally planning on moving out (which I want to do within a year's time) then coming out and letting people avoid/come to me as they damn well want.

    *hugs PxP back*
    You should talk to me via MSN more! Stop hiding!

    See what happens?
    Maybe this is just my recent thinking on pansexuality speaking here, but-
    You've said you've found yourself being attracted to guys you know.
    Okay then. That means you may be attracted to some guys.
    If you think that is the way you are, accept it, and act on it as you will. Just because you may be attracted to a guy doesn't mean you have to radically change and begin dating them, or hitting on them, or really acting any differently than normal. If you don't feel comfortable doing anything other than admiring them, then don't! Don't change yourself to fit a definition, you are YOU.
    For example: I find, in general, women to be far more attractive than men. In fact, I really don't find that many men attractive. However, I'm completely willing to date a guy, while I may or may not be willing to date a woman that I think is utterly hot. So what do I do?
    Date guys and admire women. Gee, really? I act on what I want? Damn, who told me I could make sense in this world?
    On the other hand, don't let it scare you away from acting on what you want to act on. If you'd like to try dating a guy, go with SMEE's advice. If it is something you find desirable, then by golly you should try it out, but don't let one thing you like force you into something you don't.
    That's my take on it.

    *hugs Doihaveaname*
    Good for helping SMEE!

    Brickwall: Right on.

  24. - Top - End - #54
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    The problem with many people (I guess it's part of humanity?) is that they act before thinking - not only on the spot but in the big picture. That way, from the start, the option of sitting down and talking is made very much more difficult.

    Dammit, I hate it when the world is not perfect!

  25. - Top - End - #55
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    Quote Originally Posted by Brickwall View Post
    So, I've been reading a few posts with anger toward those who aren't "understanding" of their close ones' "preferences". Well, I find that a little hypocritical. Think of something you're really not comfortable with. It could be anything as common as cracking knuckles. As long as it somehow strikes you as "off" or "unusual". Now, for pretty much everyone, you can find something that when you think about it, you really don't mind when nobody brings it up around you. However, once it's introduced to your environment, you suddenly do not want to be near whoever's talking about it/doing it/being it.

    Now, is it really so hard to imagine that someone might not be comfortable with lifestyles that are very different from theirs, and that they may have never encountered, and that may present very real changes in their lives?

    Sure, there are people who are just intolerant. But for most people, when a close one 'comes out of the closet' or whatever, they become total strangers, distancing themselves with that one thing that just doesn't sit right. It's certainly not a difficulty on the same level as having to deal with a bunch of people suddenly being uncomfortable with you, but it's not something that most people can just let fly past their minds without thinking about it. I mean, come on, we fight over which carbonated beverage one should swear by. You think we can all agree on what sexual lifestyles are acceptable?

    Quit pretending that people are horrible just because some totally alien lifestyle makes them uncomfortable. Nobody deals with these things well, it's only a matter of what constitutes "unfamiliar and unsettling". Perhaps while people are encouraged to learn to be accepting, those who need to be accepted should learn how to make acceptance more comfortable. You know, pretty much the opposite of what Kaeleroth does.

    That said, I don't happen to be one of those who gets too uncomfortable around anyone on the GLBT spectrum. But many fine people are, and it's your job as much as it is theirs to get along.

    Play nice, kids.
    Personally, I agree. However, I firmly frown upon you pointing Kaeleroth out, s'pecially since his comment came off of my story.
    In all relevance, my boyfriend had no right to use it against me in an argument. I understand it might be hard to accept what I so flippantly told him, but I told him while I was crying and emotional and to flip it back on me is cruel.
    There's a point where its not quite understanding and a point where its being spiteful about it.
    Last edited by QueenOfMemnoch; 2007-11-04 at 04:51 PM.

  26. - Top - End - #56
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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    Well, here's the thing, if a friend told me he was into Shakira, not for her body, but for her music, I would not totally alienate him for his tastes in music. I'd ask that he'd not play that crap in my presence, and continue being friends.

    I mean, the one thing I hate is Ignorance. And that is pretty much taking one part of a person, and completely alienating them for it. What's wrong with not conforming to society, is it scary to know that some people don't fit?

    I've told people in the past, "I'm not against Gay PDA, but all PDA." I ask people to stop, and we talk about more comfortable stuff. You know? So, yeah, I have a right to shun people who shun others. I can get angry at people for focusing on a small part of people when they know nothing else about a person.

    What, you think someone coming out of the closet means you have to watch them making out with another man? Not the case.

  27. - Top - End - #57
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    Quote Originally Posted by Brickwall View Post
    So, I've been reading a few posts with anger toward those who aren't "understanding" of their close ones' "preferences". Well, I find that a little hypocritical. Think of something you're really not comfortable with. It could be anything as common as cracking knuckles. As long as it somehow strikes you as "off" or "unusual". Now, for pretty much everyone, you can find something that when you think about it, you really don't mind when nobody brings it up around you. However, once it's introduced to your environment, you suddenly do not want to be near whoever's talking about it/doing it/being it.

    Now, is it really so hard to imagine that someone might not be comfortable with lifestyles that are very different from theirs, and that they may have never encountered, and that may present very real changes in their lives?

    Sure, there are people who are just intolerant. But for most people, when a close one 'comes out of the closet' or whatever, they become total strangers, distancing themselves with that one thing that just doesn't sit right. It's certainly not a difficulty on the same level as having to deal with a bunch of people suddenly being uncomfortable with you, but it's not something that most people can just let fly past their minds without thinking about it. I mean, come on, we fight over which carbonated beverage one should swear by. You think we can all agree on what sexual lifestyles are acceptable?

    Quit pretending that people are horrible just because some totally alien lifestyle makes them uncomfortable. Nobody deals with these things well, it's only a matter of what constitutes "unfamiliar and unsettling". Perhaps while people are encouraged to learn to be accepting, those who need to be accepted should learn how to make acceptance more comfortable. You know, pretty much the opposite of what Kaeleroth does.

    That said, I don't happen to be one of those who gets too uncomfortable around anyone on the GLBT spectrum. But many fine people are, and it's your job as much as it is theirs to get along.

    Play nice, kids.
    I understand your point, I just felt that QoM's bf was...erm...using that a bit harshly?

    I'm also a bit colored by having to listen to "Gwuhuhuh...***!" and the like all the time. There's a level of...acceptable not-being-understanding, I guess, but using it to hurt people really...infuriates me.
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  28. - Top - End - #58
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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    Ok...I don't really know if I'm comfortable actually putting everything out there like this, but I suppose if it all goes wrong, I can just make a new account :P

    So...I reckon I'm bi. I can't be totally sure, but from a few experiences I'd say I am. I'm not exactly secret about it, but I'm not open either. At school (which is all male, making it somewhat more awkward at times) I'll often hug some of my closer friends or make somewhat suggestive comments on things. Thing is, no one takes me seriously. They all think I'm joking, mucking around...It's a relief in some ways but it pisses me off at the same time. I'll admit I'm not often one to be all that serious, but every once in a while I am, and people don't seem to realise that.

    I might actually say I'm more bicurious than bi. Still only being in high school. I haven't had any chances to experiment. I do have a girlfriend, so I know that I'm at least straight, but I do wonder what it's like to with a man...

    I don't know if that really fits into this thread, or if I'm just confused or what...But yeah...

    Also, on another note. I am in awe of the courage of the people who've already 'confessed'. Phoe in particular. I thought I kind of knew you. Now I realise I knew nothing.

    Thankyou GitP, for listening to me whine :P

    Quote Originally Posted by Bor the Barbarian Monk View Post
    Dis...As far as I can tell, you are a cool frood who knows where his towel is.
    Quote Originally Posted by The_Librarian View Post
    Run, little Aussie artist man. Your doom will be swift and silent -
    - like the owl.
    Quote Originally Posted by Charity View Post
    *Hands Dizzy his SwoongunTM*
    Which is a hairdrier full of ether.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vulion View Post rock so hard I feel like throwing you my underwear in appreciation just so you can know how much that rocks.
    Quote Originally Posted by Emlyn View Post
    Dis, I love you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Castaras View Post
    Your quotes rawk.

  29. - Top - End - #59
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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    Quote Originally Posted by Rex Idiotarum View Post
    Well, here's the thing, if a friend told me he was into Shakira, not for her body, but for her music, I would not totally alienate him for his tastes in music. I'd ask that he'd not play that crap in my presence, and continue being friends.

    I mean, the one thing I hate is Ignorance. And that is pretty much taking one part of a person, and completely alienating them for it. What's wrong with not conforming to society, is it scary to know that some people don't fit?

    I've told people in the past, "I'm not against Gay PDA, but all PDA." I ask people to stop, and we talk about more comfortable stuff. You know? So, yeah, I have a right to shun people who shun others. I can get angry at people for focusing on a small part of people when they know nothing else about a person.

    What, you think someone coming out of the closet means you have to watch them making out with another man? Not the case.
    Okay, now suppose one's taste in music suddenly became the central issue of human culture, much like sex is now. Despite the huge magnification, do you think you would be as comfortable around him?

    So, if you have a right to shun people who shun others, does that mean you don't like people who avoid rapists? Or does this only apply to things that you don't shun as well? So it's not okay for people to be "ignorant" unless they are in the same way as you? That sounds pretty wrong to me. Oh, and is it wrong for me to assume you don't hang out with rapists? If it is, my bad, really.

    You seem to not realize the difference between "non-conformist", which is the girl in high school who wears long pants because she doesn't shave her legs, and "alien", who is the guy in high school who insists on eating nothing but insects. Both are outside the norm, but one is so in a way that others have no way of understanding. Now, I would be one of the people who hangs out with that guy, probably, but would you hate most people just because they thought he was unsettling? If so, then you're a bigot. Don't try to justify your actions with the guise of righteousness.


    Dis: Don't take this the wrong way, but...I really saw that coming. And this is over the net. I certainly hope you're not trying to hide it from anyone, because chances are you're not doing a stellar job.
    Last edited by Brickwall; 2007-11-04 at 05:29 PM.

  30. - Top - End - #60
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBT people in the playground

    Quote Originally Posted by Brickwall View Post
    Okay, now suppose one's taste in music suddenly became the central issue of human culture, much like sex is now. Despite the huge magnification, do you think you would be as comfortable around him?

    So, if you have a right to shun people who shun others, does that mean you don't like people who avoid rapists? Or does this only apply to things that you don't shun as well? So it's not okay for people to be "ignorant" unless they are in the same way as you? That sounds pretty wrong to me. Oh, and is it wrong for me to assume you don't hang out with rapists? If it is, my bad, really.

    You seem to not realize the difference between "non-conformist", which is the girl in high school who wears long pants because she doesn't shave her legs, and "alien", who is the guy in high school who insists on eating nothing but insects. Both are outside the norm, but one is so in a way that others have no way of understanding. Now, I would be one of the people who hangs out with that guy, probably, but would you hate most people just because they thought he was unsettling? If so, then you're a bigot. Don't try to justify your actions with the guise of righteousness.


    Dis: Don't take this the wrong way, but...I really saw that coming. And this is over the net. I certainly hope you're not trying to hide it from anyone, because chances are you're not doing a stellar job.


    So, now you're the compassionate lover of outcasts and Rex is the bigoted *******?

    When did THIS take place???
    Cobra Avatar by the lovely Miss Nobody.

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