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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Declaration of Steampunk (A DND Campaign setting)

    I found myself wanting to play a Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 Game, and considered the possible settings and campaigns to play in, and found them lacking. Not in skill or execution, but in content - and I wanted to generate a world where the history of the US was different, where Magic existed and shaped the generations differently than it did in reality.

    So I was thinking of a darker version of history, inspired by The Demented One, when I started to generate a world where Magic existed, and it shaped our History vastly different than the present day...

    Taken from the works of Thomas Jefferson

    Our world is an old place, my child, and age brings wisdom. Wisdom wrought from the chaos of magic, the power which fuels the Egyptian God-Kings, Pharaohs, in their immortal rule over Egypt, which still lasts to this day. Wisdom which advises us against Tyranny, as seen through the eyes of the Chinese peasant, working subservient to the Draconic Lords who choose his wife, his profession, and his livelihood. Wisdom which advises to not anger Nature, to be wary of it, for its mystery bares sharp fangs, the Druids who drove my forefathers from their home of Britain.

    It feels as though it were just yesterday, when my forefathers set sail from the Christian controlled Europe, held under the power of the Bishops and Priests of the Catholic Church, fleeing both the power of the Druids who ruled England, and the Pope who ruled Europe, they had few places to go. Egypt, the thriving civilization, is controlled by God-Kings who never age, who understood magic enough to deny death. They have remained in control of the Desert Lands over millennia, and would not welcome my forefathers, who sought freedom from oppression. Africa, vastly unexplored and feared, is controlled by none. Even the Druids fear to venture in the cesspool which exists there, the Jungle Kings there do not go into the deep jungle, and they stay to the safety of the Savannah. They may trade their brethren for foods they might otherwise not acquire, but they would not welcome the outsiders they sell them to. Thus our forefathers were not welcome there, as few are, to the jungles of Africa.

    Columbus first discovered the land which was divined by his Seers, proving that the word was comprised of not Five Continents, but instead Seven. America was the far safest choice, upon discovery, and so immigration began. The Natives of the American lands were varied, as varied as those on the Continents from which we came. The Southern Continent of America was controlled, Jungle and all, by the vast civilization of the Mayans, a group of Sorcerers, whose blood gave them immense power. Ruling over the land and defending it from all outsiders.

    The Northern Continent was by far, the best choice. Though the Aztecs initially fought off colonization, the Conquistadors of Spain, lead by Paladins and Crusaders of the highest order, managed to fight off and defeat the powerful spirits held in check by the Aztec rulers. And it was Northern parts of America where my fathers and grandfathers lead their families and friends to explore and cultivate. A land where a different Native, one who traveled the wilderness to protect it, much as the Druids might in England (though far more forgiving) ruled. They had land in abundance, and many agreed to share it, allowing colonization.

    Disease, probably helped somewhat, as disease wracked many of the tribes with which my forefathers greeted, and the power of God, of the Christian savior fought off those who seemed unwilling to allow our colonization to continue. They are still a potent people, and those in the more central regions of our Nation (or so we hear) may be even greater, controlling the spirits of the Earth of great magnitude. It was when the powers of England, who barely allowed our leaving of Britain, the Druids, voiced their concern over our established independence, demanding taxation of our many goods and products, as well as the desires for control of our treatment of the land, when we stood out against our oppressors.

    We declared ourselves Independent, and lead ourselves to fight the Druids, the Green Coats we called them. They brought with them powerful spirits, and attempted to wrest the very land against us – but the allies we found among the Native Peoples, and the power of the Christian God, and of Magic – defeated them. We found ourselves to be an independent nation, the United States of America, a Nation of Values, values and Independence.

    Of Wealth and Nations

    England: Controlled by the Druids, wishes to maintain the balance / power of Nature. Their "Empire" extended only to the northern tip of India, and some of Northern America (aside from the United States). Australia is completely untouched. The Druids of England are something of Traditionalists, compared to the other parts of the world.

    France: Deists, working toward the creation of a Clockwerk Jesus, powered by the steam generated from Holy Water. France and Spain have been in somewhat of a holy war in the last century - as France embraced the belief that through the creation of clockwork beings, they might be able to "create" a new version of Jesus.

    Egypt: Controlled by the God-King Pharaohs, Liches, Mummies, and other Undead Wizards working to continue their dynasty of Dark Magics.

    China: Thousands of years prior, the Asian Dragons aided in the formation of the Chinese Emperor's nation. The Chinese Emperor agreed to allow the Dragons to be allies of the throne, and to help them when they called. When the Emperor denied the Dragon's request for aid against a group of Mountaineers, the Dragons attacked the Emperor, killing him and placing themselves on the throne. Ever since, Dragons have ruled over the nation of China, their entire lives being treated as gods / nobles, treated by the populace as though they could do no evil.

    There are Chinese nobles, but for the most part the populace is entirely subservient to the Dragons. Most of the populace are simple agricultural farmers, but there is a growing percentage of the population devoted the creation of new technologies powered off the devices they have obtained from either Japan or Europe.

    South America / Mayan States: The Mayans and (some) Sentient Dinosaurs have created a sort of Dinotopian Society. Both Saurian and Humans rule with equal rights, and utilize both Magic and Machinery to make their society function.

    Spain: Nearly a theocracy, the Catholic Church has usurped the throne of Spain for the last several centuries. Their entire society is dedicated to the perpetuation of faith, and the bishops / archbishops control the various manor houses of the land of Spain, and there is virtually no caste of Nobles, all of the higher ranking officials (aside from the King and Queen which rule under the control of the Pope) rise to their status from both birth, and contributions to the Church, which awards "honorary" priest-hood / titles.

    The Spanish navy, being influenced heavily by the church, has attempted to retake the sunken city of Rome several times over the last century in order to recover various sacred texts. None of these attempts have succeeded, and ultimately this combined with the failures against the Mayans and the Aztecs have lead to a much weaker Spain.

    Italy: most of Italy is waterlogged, as Rome itself fell into the sea. As such there is a vortex there which seems to generate an entropy across the land, calling forth abominations which seem to be attempting to do the bidding of the Zombie Pope which died in Romes Fall. "His body... his blood... his BRAAAINS!"

    Leonardo Da Vinci, brilliantly mad Wizard / Inventor, managed to make the city of Florence lift off the ground, via Helicopters. It has not been seen since.

    Romans, those that survived the horrible waters into which the city (and a good part of Italy) collapsed into found themselves in a watery world where their religion could protect them not, most drowning, some about to die - they heard the call of an incredible power, somewhat dormant but beginning to awaken. It said that were they to swear allegiance to it, that when it came into power it would kill them first - but at the moment it would allow them to live. Fearing for the demise of their mortal coil, many of them forsook religion and the nation of Rome, and agreed to work under the power of Cthulu. It was then the legion was given a new home, a new place to worship and protect - the city of R'yleh, which moved beneath the waves.


    Germany: A bloody history of Germany started when the dying Pope which sank into the Ocean cursed the Hordes emanating from Germany that sacked Rome. When Rome fell, Germany itself collapsed into madness, there was no nation then, and even today there isn't truly a nation of Germany, merely a number of groups of Tribes which fight bloody conflicts among one another quite frequently. There are metropoli, and the entirety of the nation is split (mostly) into a Eastern and Western half, each completely opposed to one another.

    Canada: Though a good part of Eastern Coast of what Canada is in our world is controlled by British Druids, the rest of the Middle, Southern, and Western portions are controlled by the Native Americans. The Northern part of Canada is the most fierce, however, tormented by creatures of incredible size - far greater than normal. Among these creatures, one appears dominant, a Gigantic Moose, a creature whose size is unimaginable, tromps through the Northern lands of Canada. According to the Native Americans, it is the God of Moose, and feeds on the flesh of those who would desecrate its woods.

    There is a small cult dedicated to the worship of this creature, and all of the gigantic beings in the northern part of Canada, people who are wild, savage, and otherwise unfriendly to outsiders.

    Russia: Although humans still live in the Frigid parts of Russia, a majority of it is controlled by a very strong tribe of Frost Giants.

    Greece: The original home of invention - they generated an advanced civilization that seemed to be powered by both magic, and geothermic principles. The remnants of their civilization are often sought after by other nations, especially some of their more prized works - i.e. the failed Skyship Icarus.

    However most of Greece is protected by the remaining Spartans, Warforged who forsake their flesh and blood in order to become mechanized fighting machines which never sleep, eat, or breathe.

    Scandinavia / Vikings: Sail ships powered by Lightning, worshiping the mighty storm spirit Nikola Tesla. Their ships are directed by the machinations of their epic bards, strumming their axes to direct the flow of electricity through the swift sailing monstrosities.

    Caribbean: The remnants of Atlantis have attempted to bring back their civilization there. It is protected from intrusion, by a combination of Psionics and Technology powered by human thought, mostly left alone. Remnants of the Atlantean people have been scattered (to a degree) through-out the world, and that is the cause of burgeoning Psychics and Psionics of any kind.

    United States of America:

    Native American Peoples:

    Japan: Influenced heavily by the commerce it received from Europe, it's society changed drastically in the 1500-1600s. It developed as a Samurai society, rule by way of the sword, with the various families using prayers to protect themselves from the many spirits of the dead which traverse their land. However when the European influence occurred, the utilization of natural resources became necessary, and technologies to best utilize their low amount of iron became necessary. As such they utilized the theories behind French Mechanics, and integrated it into their society - developing various steam powered devices powered not on holy water, but on liquid Prayers.

    This has resulted in a combination of factors, including the Samurai cast deciding to sacrifice some parts of their fleshly bodies for physical acuity, and excellence. Thus the age of the Steam driven Samurai has begun. This has not resulted in a decline of the Ancestor worship / Celestial Bureaucracy which still exists in Japan, resulting in two separate castes of people, those who sacrifice flesh for the mechanics to excel, and those purists who infuse their body with Soulmelds powered by the energy of their ancestors.

    Australia: One of the truly wild places in the world, Australia is the result of chaos magics and dark technologies colliding. There are no known native people to Australia, the only creatures observed from the Coast were horrible part machine-part beast Kangaroos, which killed and devoured the first settlers foolish enough to land on it's shores. Scientists and Seers alike believe that Australia is the home of a powerful Magical vortex which has permeated the land with various degrees of radiation, and is not likely inhabitable by man.

    Austria: Although the French believe that God is a Clockmaker, and that they can construct a Clockwork Jesus, the Austrians are somewhat more prudent. Man can build machines of immense power and destruction, and the Austrians have developed some of these technologies. Utilizing a combination of steam powered and (in some cases) magic powered machines, the Austrians reign supreme in the area of war machines. The populace is largely controlled by an Imperial group of Generals, who typically interact with the populace for taxes or other goods. A great deal of physical labor is handled by giant constructed creations which do the job quickly and without qualm, abominable creations which can easily sow the fields as decapitate human heads.

    Ottoman Empire: The Ottoman Empire controls most of the Middle East, as well as the northern Part of India and some of Eastern Europe. None of Africa is controlled by the Ottoman Empire, due to Egyptian influences. The Ottomans are controlled by a series of Kings whose dynasty is assured by the Djinn, fire elementals who are bound to the throne's power. The Desert lands are held by the power of mysticism and the build, and though magic is prominent in some areas, martial prowess is largely regarded as more important.

    The Ottomans have a direct connection to the elemental plane of fire, and in some places of the Middle East there are portals from which creatures made of flame can and do emerge. As such some Christians believe the Ottoman Empire to be Hell on Earth. This is not true, but a conception regarding it.


    Some thoughts Concerning Education (And Classes)!

    Barbarian: Most closely associated with the Vikings of Scandinavia, this is where you will find most Barbarians coming from. However numerous peoples with the more "wild" lands of Africa, India, Siberia, South America, or North America, could easily fit with this paradigm.

    Bard: Likewise most closely associated with the Skald of Scandinavia, there are numerous Bards in all nations - for every person would enjoy the company of a storyteller to pass along information, as numerous places in the world might struggle to receive paper communication from other nations.


    Cleric: Clergy is usually associated with the various Christian sects (Catholicism and *some* Protestant faiths, Martin Luther was considered driven mad by the voices of the Elder Gods and therefore his religions were invalidated) as well as Judaism and Islam. Other religions which tend to favor a more "divine" power source would likewise be associated with this class, and as such they would actually be Clerics.

    Crusader: Those devoted to a cause, those willing to sacrifice life or limb for something greater than themselves, have a strength. That strength is present in any Crusader, they master their innate ability to persevere toward their goal - and that strength (albeit non-magical) is powerful. Crusaders are found in all nations, people pursuing their religion's ideals, people willing to do what it takes to forward the agenda of their faith.

    Druid: England is home of more "Nature" and "Plant" based Druids, Druids which favor abilities of the Natural World. Native Americans tend towards Zoocanthropy and shape shifting combat magics. Druids can also be found in various parts of the world which have a "Wilder" aspect, the Mayans have a sect of Druids which specialize in transforming into Dinosaurs.

    Favored Soul:

    Fighter: Fighters are found in universally all parts of the world, from trained soldiers to paid guards.


    Paladin: Although similar to the Crusader in ideals, Paladins are different in a single manner - their devout religious beliefs empower them to master their martial abilities, most definitely, but also empower them with the divine. Whichever religion it is that empowers them. They are typically found in European countries, and typically associate with a Christian ideology - but all religions can generate righteous individuals whose bodies surge with divinity granted by their faith.


    Psychic Warrior:






    Truespeaker: Enlightened thinkers of the time, say that words themselves have power - and that speaking in a Language that time has forgotten, brings about power unimaginable, the True words of things, speaking their names affects reality. As such Truespeakers tend to come from the more civilized portions of the world, places where academics have discovered True language once more.






    This is still a work in progress, and I need some help figuring out how various character concepts might work in this "sort" of world. I was hoping people would generate character concepts and see how they might fit in this sort of a world to better shape and categorize it. If anyone would be willing.

    What I have so far
    1. Dragons rule over Asia
    2. Liches (Pharaohs) still rule over Egypt - it's still a powerful nation
    3. Druids control England
    4. Mayans control South America
    5. Spain controls Mexica and Central America, upheld by the power of Catholicism / Christianity
    6. Europe is controlled by political powers which are more heavilty allied with the Catholic Church
    7. Russia is held by the Eastern Orthodox Church, which is on reasonable terms with the "weaker" European Churches.
    8. Rome collapsed into the Sea when the Pope attempted to summon Mikhael to do battle with the Hordes that sacked Rome.

    Contributed Ideas (which will become part of the History)
    1. Napoleon's Clockwork armies against Britains Druidic Traditions
    2. Ben Franklin - Artificer
    3. Japan is either controlled by a sort of Celestial Bureaucracy, or is a steampunk cyber-samurai version of itself.
    Last edited by Robert Frost; 2011-04-24 at 04:58 PM.
    Special Thanks to Kopaka for the wonderful Avatar!

    "I shall be telling this with a sigh
    Somewhere ages and ages hence:
    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
    I took the one less traveled by,
    and that has made all the difference."

    --- Robert Lee Frost

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Declaration of Steampunk (A 3.5 Campaign setting)

    Fun ideas, mostly just recycled from Mythpunk.

    • Magic vs. Science! If you're setting this in the American Revolution, then it's happening right alongside the Enlightenment. Probably fun to cast magic as an old tradition that everyone accepts as normal and right, while science is the freakish new frightening thing.

    • Having the world populated by a whole host of small gods/native outsiders, a la Shinto, might be a fun choice.

    • Russia. You can't leave out Russia. Whether it's the barbarian overlord Ivan the Awesome, or the immortal lich Rasputin, or the half-golem war machine Stalin, Russia.

    • Kung fu, which in D&D is going to mean Tome of Battle. You need to find an excuse for everyone to use kung fu.

    • By the time of the Revolution, the Native Americans would still be in relative close proximity and frequent contact to the Americans. Might be fun to give them some sort of secret powers (meldshaping?) to stand the line. Or maybe go the complete other way, and have them in flying cities festooned with death rays.

    • The Vatican needs to definitely be a major power here. Because papal ninjas serving the kung fu pope is yes.

    • France! You can't do the American Revolution without France. Going on the whole Enlightenment theme, I'd be for making them a mad science utopia/dystopia, poised on the brink of their own Revolution.

    • Dinosaurs. The setting needs dinosaurs. They live in Ireland. Maybe Wales. The biggest ones are sentient. They have kung fu duels with the Chinese dragons.

    • King George III was thought to have been mad by some historical scholars. Therefore, in this setting, he's clearly a servant of the Great Old Ones, his mind warped and shattered by the unholy power of the Far Realm.
    I no longer actively read the forums, and probably won't respond to any PMs. I'm fine with people using my homebrew in anything, including fan-compilations and wikis, as long as you credit me.

    Homebrew by The Demented One.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Dwarf in the Playground
    Robert Frost's Avatar

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    Default Re: Declaration of Steampunk (A DND Campaign setting)

    As the setting is basically on the beginnings of the 1800s and the "Age of Enlightenment" there are some interesting themes which Demented One Brings up.

    Further Ideas:

    1. France is currently working toward making a Clockwerk Jesus, powered by Boiling Holy Water
    2. Italy is ravaged by the Zombified Pope, from the sunken Vatican.
    Special Thanks to Kopaka for the wonderful Avatar!

    "I shall be telling this with a sigh
    Somewhere ages and ages hence:
    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
    I took the one less traveled by,
    and that has made all the difference."

    --- Robert Lee Frost

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Declaration of Steampunk (A DND Campaign setting)

    D&D dragons are really, really, a bad fit with asian culture, unless you're trying to flip things up(you're playing liches pretty straight, though...). Placing dragons in among the untamed americas better fits with the local cultures in terms of which classes start popping up. Dragonfire adepts and dragon shamans fit those cultures reasonably well. We can throw in incarnum classes and warlock into the americas and we've got a good class layout over there.

    This leaves Asia open for ToB classes, and 'standard' casters should probably exist a little bit everywhere.
    Avatar by Assassin89
    I started my first campaign around a campfire, having pancakes. They were blueberry.
    My homebrew(updated 6/17):

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Declaration of Steampunk (A DND Campaign setting)

    I'm thinking Asian Dragons, not European Dragons.

    Although the Martial Adept Classes do fit well with Asian themes....

    Realize that it's not "this is only from this area" but more along the lines of "this is the history which explains this class being here" theme going.

    For world building purposes.

    Also - I think that the Greeks and the Romans (initially for the Romans) fall more into the "Martial Adept" Classes than say, the Spellcasters.

    I see the Native Americans being "gish" classes like Rangers, Paladins, Scouts, things of that nature, supplemented by a version of Dragon Shamans.
    Last edited by Robert Frost; 2009-10-09 at 08:14 PM.
    Special Thanks to Kopaka for the wonderful Avatar!

    "I shall be telling this with a sigh
    Somewhere ages and ages hence:
    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
    I took the one less traveled by,
    and that has made all the difference."

    --- Robert Lee Frost

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Declaration of Steampunk (A DND Campaign setting)

    Okay, then how about these suggestions.

    1. Reflavor psionics as sorcerery and use it as a base for some of the older more traditional magics.
    2. Instead of vestiges binders tie themselves to angels, fallen angels, Loa, some fae and on occaison spirits of the dead and local totems.
    3. Tome of Battle classes are available to all cultures. Daniel Boon, Davey Crocket and Theodore Roosevelt are all unarrmed warblade/ranger gestalts. Theodore Roosevelt's animal companion/mount is a bull moose of course.
    4. Wizardry is based off of scientific knowledge and reason. Along of the mastery of artifice (the artificer class), wizardry was reborn in the Renaissance and came into it's own in the Enlightenment.
    5. As a member in good standing of the Freemasons, Benjamin Franklin is an archivist. As well as an artificer and a wizard. Don't mess with Ben. Also, he may or may not be immortal.
    6. Arcivists are found in all literate cultures and religions and they are the only primary divine spellcasters allowed to enlist in the Masonic Lodges.
    7. All Jesuits and Benidictines are archivists or experts.
    8. 20% percent of all Catholic and Eastern Orthodox monks are clerics. Western nuns may only be cloistered clerics, experts or commoners. They'd be Staff Chicks, if only they were allowed staves as weapons.
    Last edited by Agrippa; 2009-10-09 at 08:42 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Mann View Post
    It's worse than the time some friends used a silver piece, a platinum piece, a delayed blast fireball and a scroll of passwall to make a nuclear explosion in a game...
    Quote Originally Posted by nagora View Post
    Chatter is usually a sign that it's time to break out the Lego pirates and start firing marbles at each other's ships instead of role playing. Some nights, we're just not in the mood!
    My fantasy/RPG blog A Voyage Into the Fantastic

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Declaration of Steampunk (A DND Campaign setting)

    1. Druids defending England against Napoleon Bonaparte's clockwork armies, now thats an image.
    2. The newly formed US combining the the Druidic traditions of the English with the Artificer training of Benjamin Franklin and his ilk. With Psionists, Warlocks and the other “darker” classes coming over to hide their abilities from the increasingly intolerant Europe.
    3. South America is controlled by the Mayans using dinosaurs as weapons of war.

    Well that's all the ideas that I can think of.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Declaration of Steampunk (A DND Campaign setting)

    These ideas are wonderful!

    Napoleon with Clockwork Armies is just hilarious.
    Special Thanks to Kopaka for the wonderful Avatar!

    "I shall be telling this with a sigh
    Somewhere ages and ages hence:
    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
    I took the one less traveled by,
    and that has made all the difference."

    --- Robert Lee Frost

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Declaration of Steampunk (A DND Campaign setting)

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Frost View Post
    I'm thinking Asian Dragons, not European Dragons.
    Are they going to be mechanically different than standard dragons?
    Avatar by Assassin89
    I started my first campaign around a campfire, having pancakes. They were blueberry.
    My homebrew(updated 6/17):

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Declaration of Steampunk (A DND Campaign setting)

    Entirely. Different Statistics and different powers. They still have Breath Weapons, and they still are "Draconic" but they are mostly Good Aligned. The ones I'm thinking of are in the Oriental Adventurers Handbook, but I'm sure another source updated them to 3.5
    Special Thanks to Kopaka for the wonderful Avatar!

    "I shall be telling this with a sigh
    Somewhere ages and ages hence:
    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
    I took the one less traveled by,
    and that has made all the difference."

    --- Robert Lee Frost

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    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Declaration of Steampunk (A DND Campaign setting)

    Here's an idea:

    Greece exists in the game's present day only as a territory frequently under dispute by several surrounding powers. A previous civilization did exist there many hundreds of years previously but all that remains is various archaeological artifacts and a few surviving scraps of records. The reason that the territory is so contested is because a number of those artifacts are believed to be the remains of Steampunk devices that are rather advanced, even by present standards.

    The most intriguing thing recovered so far is the wreckage of an ancient airship that was apparently dubbed "Icarus" based off of what little was left of the hull.

    The countries that are developing technology have been attempting to reverse engineer the airship and other advanced devices for some time while the magic based countries blame technology for the destruction of the Greek Civilization.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Declaration of Steampunk (A DND Campaign setting)

    Quote Originally Posted by cha0s4a11 View Post
    Here's an idea:

    Greece exists in the game's present day only as a territory frequently under dispute by several surrounding powers. A previous civilization did exist there many hundreds of years previously but all that remains is various archaeological artifacts and a few surviving scraps of records. The reason that the territory is so contested is because a number of those artifacts are believed to be the remains of Steampunk devices that are rather advanced, even by present standards.

    The most intriguing thing recovered so far is the wreckage of an ancient airship that was apparently dubbed "Icarus" based off of what little was left of the hull.

    The countries that are developing technology have been attempting to reverse engineer the airship and other advanced devices for some time while the magic based countries blame technology for the destruction of the Greek Civilization.
    That's an interesting idea, very interesting indeed.
    Special Thanks to Kopaka for the wonderful Avatar!

    "I shall be telling this with a sigh
    Somewhere ages and ages hence:
    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
    I took the one less traveled by,
    and that has made all the difference."

    --- Robert Lee Frost

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Declaration of Steampunk (A DND Campaign setting)

    steampunk-vikings, plz?
    Need a setting for your game? a character concept? any gaming related ideas? I make far to many to eat up myself, and therefor I am willing to share them. Free ideas! Get yer fluff here! PM me.

    The friendly neighborhood gentleman perv is always ready to help!

    on M&B:
    Quote Originally Posted by Celesyne
    oh, and looting villages is REALLY good money, if a nearby lord doesn't stop by and give you a daily dose of rape.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Declaration of Steampunk (A DND Campaign setting)

    I started to offer a critique, but it then went on to become an entirely separate bit of alt history, so I've hidden it in these spoilers:


    Druids as historical Brits, aka protestant monarchist mercantilist imperialists, seems a tad odd. It does fit pretty well with the British-Native American alliance in both the Revolution (you traitorous rebel scum, you ) and in that little trade spat in 1812, but you seem to have reversed those alliances in this alternate history, so that's out. I suppose it works for naval dominance slightly, however, what with living ships and big sea creatures of various descriptions.

    On the whole, though, it would sort of make more sense to me to see a large part of the core class list in different sides. Possibly slightly more of the inspired versus the educated in the Americas compared to Europe (so more Sorcerors, Favoured souls, Wilders in the Americas and less Wizards, Clerics and Psions; similarly, on the martial side, you could have more of the martial-classes-with-skills etc., and less of the pure martial classes), with perhaps more arcane casters and less divine in Britain and Canada compared to mainland Europe and America.

    Working more with what you're already doing:

    Germans: How about a culture dominated by martial classes, rather than casters? (Barbarians and knights mainly, perhaps). Also, do I take it we'll be talking a divided Germany here as per real world history?

    The Caribbean: Swashbuckler central.

    Canada: As closely associated with the Brits, but also with a large Native-American presence, how about a heavy druidic presence with a fair few Dragon Shamans etc? Or do the druids just control England, and is there no British empire per se in this setting?

    Russia: Urban areas dominated by Clerics, rural with more of a Spirit Shaman or Druid presence? Not really sure, here.

    Scandinavia: More Spirit Shamans and druids, but not affiliated to the Brits, obviously. Also Barbarians & rangers, naturally.

    South and East Asia: To represent the differences between these and the European tradition, where you've got either Divine casters or Arcane in the ascendancy... well, there's always the Wu Jen and Shugenja for East Asia, and you could perhaps have South Asia as being heavier on manifesters. Martial adepts in both, but probably more in East Asia. Some Artificers and possibly some of the dragon-themed classes in China too.

    Sub-Saharan Africa: Hm. This version of it is on dangerous ground... but how about Incarnum, with the various classes of this dominating in different areas?

    Also a note on warlocks - I don't think these should be a dominant force anywhere, but an ongoing secret presence throughout Europe, and also in the Americas.

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    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Declaration of Steampunk (A DND Campaign setting)

    Most of these ideas are really, really clichés. You are basically taking old mythologies and applying them to the area they were dominant in. Then there's this:

    "France: Deists, working toward the creation of a Clockwerk Jesus, powered by the steam generated from Holy Water."

    I hope I don't have to tell anyone how awesome this is.


    If rest of your ideas are like that, rather than reusing old mythologies, this will be awesome.

    Also, for the north: Bards (We frigging had Väinämöinen to SING SOMEONE INTO THE SWAMP.) Also, norse mythology. The gods were called a little differently in different parts of scandinavia, but practically they were the same.

    Also, Voodoo.

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Declaration of Steampunk (A DND Campaign setting)

    First thought: needs more Ottomans. You can't forget about those crazy Turks, after all. I'm thinking Arabian nights here, with powerful old magic still around despite the best efforts the Caliph to eradicate it in the name of God, of course. Throw in some Sufi Monks for a twist (Arabic martial artists? Yes please!) and you might have something good going. Of course, IRL the Ottoman Empire controlled most of the Balkans including Greece in this area, and Anatolia itself isn't exactly the stereotypical desert with djinns and Arabs so there's a lot of space for other types of settings there as well.

    Oh, and Scandinavia is perfect for folklore central. It's where the stereotypical fantasy setting comes from, after all. I would avoid Viking clichés, though.
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  17. - Top - End - #17
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Declaration of Steampunk (A DND Campaign setting)

    Going through the ideas listed here to see how I can adapt them, then should edit the post soon~ish.

    Good ideas so far from everyone.

    Also I'll try and add a more original flair to things so they aren't just regurgitated Mythos from the "real" world. Should have some unique elements which would occur in this world against our typical history.

    Added in Scandinavians.

    Spartans == Original Warforged

    Italy Added in.

    Adapted South America, it is now Dinotopia!
    Last edited by Robert Frost; 2009-10-10 at 02:50 PM.
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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Declaration of Steampunk (A DND Campaign setting)

    I've gotta say, I like what I see so far. But I'm noticing a very large lack of psionics and incarnum. I think I have an idea for that latter problem though.

    For Japan, why not make them a people of meldshapers? It fits with the whole "honoring your ancestors" thing they had going on. And you could change the fluff so that them they shape their soulmelds, they actually draw on the power of their ancestors spirits.
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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Declaration of Steampunk (A DND Campaign setting)

    Quote Originally Posted by Ellas Aramond View Post
    I've gotta say, I like what I see so far. But I'm noticing a very large lack of psionics and incarnum. I think I have an idea for that latter problem though.

    For Japan, why not make them a people of meldshapers? It fits with the whole "honoring your ancestors" thing they had going on. And you could change the fluff so that them they shape their soulmelds, they actually draw on the power of their ancestors spirits.
    I'm thinking that would fit flavor wise, also India is probably predominantly Meld-Shapers. I'm still trying to add little bits of "flavor" that are completely crazy, so part of my time is developing ideas that contribute to the Steampunk element I am going for.
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    Default Re: Declaration of Steampunk (A DND Campaign setting)

    I'm still trying to add little bits of "flavor" that are completely crazy, so part of my time is developing ideas that contribute to the Steampunk element I am going for.
    The gods are a cross between the Heavenly Bureaucracy of Chinese mythology and M1-6. Most deities are suave secret agents working undercover in the world to advance their own purview, occasionally getting into dramatic chase scenes or sordid mortal romances. They use steampunk devices powered by boiling liquid prayers.
    Last edited by The Demented One; 2009-10-10 at 03:52 PM.
    I no longer actively read the forums, and probably won't respond to any PMs. I'm fine with people using my homebrew in anything, including fan-compilations and wikis, as long as you credit me.

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Declaration of Steampunk (A DND Campaign setting)

    Scandinavia / Vikings: Sail ships powered by Lightning, worshiping the mighty storm spirit Nikola Tesla. Their ships are directed by the machinations of their epic bards, strumming their axes to direct the flow of electricity through the swift sailing monstrosities.
    I... I... I think I just had a nerdgasm. That is so awesome.

    I have an idea about psions, perhaps. They come from the Carribean, where they live in weird crystal cities seemingly grown from the thoughts of the inhabitants themselves. They come from the survivors of Atlantis, who fled to their new island homes after the city sank. Psionics was a widespread thing back in Atlantis, and the survivors kept the tradition. Their rulers are monk-like sages who meditate a lot and are very powerful psions.

    And of course they use crystals as power sources to power their weird Atlantean technology, including a few airships of limited size as well as powerful warships.
    Last edited by charl; 2009-10-10 at 03:59 PM.
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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Declaration of Steampunk (A DND Campaign setting)

    Quote Originally Posted by Charl View Post
    I... I... I think I just had a nerdgasm. That is so awesome.

    I have an idea about psions, perhaps. They come from the Carribean, where they live in weird crystal cities seemingly grown from the thoughts of the inhabitants themselves. They come from the survivors of Atlantis, who fled to their new island homes after the city sank. Psionics was a widespread thing back in Atlantis, and the survivors kept the tradition. Their rulers are monk-like sages who meditate a lot and are very powerful psions.

    And of course they use crystals as power sources to power their weird Atlantean technology, including a few airships of limited size as well as powerful warships.
    Perfect! Atlantis was the home of the Psion, and therefore the scattered remains of their society are basically where all other Psions come from. Yes they need their own "homeland" but are by definition, without a homeland. Seeing as Atlantis sunk into the Sea.
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Declaration of Steampunk (A DND Campaign setting)

    I appreciate that I haven't really been alternate enough... going to try and think up some more creative ideas. However, I'm afraid my latest is still quite simple. For a Paladin- or Crusader-heavy society, how about a twist on Abyssinia? In real-world terms, this would have been a 700-year-old empire with a long history of conflict with Egypt, and Holy Warriors vs Undead is often a nice touch.

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    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Declaration of Steampunk (A DND Campaign setting)

    Idea, there are various "Schools" of Thuamascience, each following a different historical genius.

    Tesla: The Tesla school of Thaumascience focuses on the offensive uses of Electricity.
    Franklin: Dunno, Tesla's already got Electricity covered.
    Da Vinci: Focuses on clockwork constructs
    Ect Ect
    Quote Originally Posted by Dsurion View Post
    I don't know if you've noticed, but pretty much everything BRC posts is full of awesome.
    Quote Originally Posted by chiasaur11 View Post
    So, Astronaut, War Hero, or hideous Mantis Man, hop to it! The future of humanity is in your capable hands and or terrifying organic scythes.
    My Homebrew:Synchronized Swordsmen,Dual Daggers,The Doctor,The Preacher,The Brawler

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    Default Re: Declaration of Steampunk (A DND Campaign setting)

    Just because I want to put this out there...

    I plan on running a game in this setting once it's looking a little more fleshed out, so if people throw ideas of what kind of characters would appear in this kind of game, that might help direct / shape the world up a little more.

    Example: The French Artificer, who wants to discover how to find the God in the Machine, and is working toward creating a Clockwerk Jesus.

    Example: Or the Enlightenment Wizard, who searches for the answer to life, and what is moral.
    Last edited by Robert Frost; 2009-10-10 at 05:44 PM.
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    "I shall be telling this with a sigh
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    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
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    and that has made all the difference."

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Declaration of Steampunk (A DND Campaign setting)

    Quote Originally Posted by BRC View Post
    Idea, there are various "Schools" of Thuamascience, each following a different historical genius.

    Tesla: The Tesla school of Thaumascience focuses on the offensive uses of Electricity.
    Franklin: Dunno, Tesla's already got Electricity covered.
    Da Vinci: Focuses on clockwork constructs
    Ect Ect
    Fun. You may want to see this list. One very minor criticism is that I wouldn't really put forward Socrates as an inventor: Archimedes, the mythical Daedalus, Philo of Byzantium, or, perhaps above all, Hero of Alexandria, would fit much better.

    EDIT: Also, any list of steampunk type characters should really, if possible, include a mention of both James Watt and the Montgolfier Brothers.

    Incidentally, I love the flying city idea, but da Vinci was much more associated with Florence than Venice, and "Fiorenzi Volante" has a nice ring to it.

    EDIT 2: Not sure what I'd like to play in this setting, although a Scandinavian Skald would be cool by the way they're described so far.
    Last edited by paddyfool; 2009-10-10 at 06:00 PM.

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    Default Re: Declaration of Steampunk (A DND Campaign setting)

    Quote Originally Posted by paddyfool View Post
    Fun. You may want to see this list. One very minor criticism is that I wouldn't really put forward Socrates as an inventor: Archimedes, the mythical Daedalus, Philo of Byzantium, or, perhaps above all, Hero of Alexandria, would fit much better.

    EDIT: Also, any list of steampunk type characters should really, if possible, include a mention of both James Watt and the Montgolfier Brothers.

    Incidentally, I love the flying city idea, but da Vinci was much more associated with Florence than Venice, and "Fiorenzi Volante" has a nice ring to it.

    EDIT 2: Not sure what I'd like to play in this setting, although a Scandinavian Skald would be cool by the way they're described so far.
    City Changed for continuity
    Last edited by Robert Frost; 2009-10-10 at 06:10 PM.
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    "I shall be telling this with a sigh
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    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
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    D1, I'd like to formally thank you for starting 2 very excellent projects here on the interwebs and at least 1 more in real life (a friend and I are working on a Mythpunk Revolutionary War boardgame).

    Your story Washington Invictus sparked what will hopefully be a new font of inspiration that leads to the coolest dang things ever.
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    Default Re: Declaration of Steampunk (A DND Campaign setting)

    I would love to play either a Scandinavian boat musician (btw, are those "axes" actual axes or electric rock guitars? Because the second would be so cool. =D).

    Or one of those Atlantean psions I made up. Though I would play him as a psionic artificer.
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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Declaration of Steampunk (A DND Campaign setting)

    Quote Originally Posted by Charl View Post
    I would love to play either a Scandinavian boat musician (btw, are those "axes" actual axes or electric rock guitars? Because the second would be so cool. =D).

    Or one of those Atlantean psions I made up. Though I would play him as a psionic artificer.
    They're electric rock guitars.
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    "I shall be telling this with a sigh
    Somewhere ages and ages hence:
    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
    I took the one less traveled by,
    and that has made all the difference."

    --- Robert Lee Frost

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