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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Castlevania II: Dracula's Curse (IC)

    OOC thread.

    Spoiler: The Map & Key

    The Order
    Home of the Belmonte Order

    Order Graveyard
    A Warded and hallowed graveyard where the Order’s dead are safely buried and memorialized.

    A small village near the order that supports it.

    An overland travel point for cargoes portaging past the rapids from Yomi.

    Wicked Ditch
    Dry badlands in the rain shadow of the Deborah Mountains. Home to valuable gems, wild beasts, and dangerous plants.

    Brahms’ Castle
    A castle built atop a cliff overlooking the river southward. A strong-point against invasion from the north. Sits atop Yuta’s Path

    Yuta’s Path
    A tunnel beneath the river and the Carpathian range that emerges near the western edge of Cieresor Swamp

    Cieresor Swamp
    A wet and heavily treed swamp, full of fish, valuable herbs, and other forms of life.

    Cieresor Castle
    Home seat of the Cieresor family, and a fortress to which the fisher-folk of the swamp can retreat to in times of trouble.

    Alba Plains
    Green, well-watered farmland on the east, fading slowly to grassy lands suitable for herding near the mountains.

    A farming and trade town.

    Laruba Monastery
    A monastery for the encouragement of the contemplation of each and every step and its meaning in life. Laruba monastery can be reached by boat, or by an underground passage.

    Dwarven Road
    A still-functional underground passage connecting Alba to Veros.

    An iron-mining town.

    Holmwood Tower
    A small keep guarding a choke-point on the road from Veros to the Order.

    A farming town.

    Arcane Tower
    A place for a wizard to get away and do some research in peace. Currently owned by Archaeus, head wizard of the Belmonte Order.

    Belasco Marsh
    A marshland, known to have many insects in warm weather.

    A river-port, the last one leading from the west before the waterfall that creates Misty Lake.

    A town of woodsmen. Trans-shipment point and overwintering location for sheepherders occupying the Jam Hills

    Jam Fort
    A fortress built into the cliff itself.

    Strigoi Graveyard
    An old graveyard where dead things are warded to stay dead. Not in current use, but the Order monitors it regularly.

    Hexmap squares with roads take 1 hour to traverse per road hex. Leaving the roads doubles travel time as the party traverses rough terrain of various sorts. Double these travel times if the party is traveling Stealthily. The mountains are functionally impassable (travel time 8 hrs per hex). River travel is 2 hours per hex if traveling northeast, or 4 hours per hex if going southwest. Traveling by boat requires finding a suitable boat, having proficiency to operate it, and dealing with any other risks. There are a number of rapids on the map, so travel by river is uncommon aside from shipments in and out of Veros to the south.
    Last edited by J-H; 2024-01-02 at 01:14 PM.
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    Castle Dracula (Castlevania)
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  2. - Top - End - #2
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Castlevania II: Dracula's Curse (IC)

    It has been 130 years since Dracula was defeated. Upon the ruins of his great magical castle, the Belmont Order established a fortress, a base of operations from which to hunt down the monsters left behind, and to train new generations of soldiers to ward against the return of Dracula or other dark forces.

    Some claim Dracula can return to the Material Plane every 100 years, like the fiend others claim he is. The order spent the centennial on high alert… but nothing happened.

    You are children, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren of those who have battled the forces of Evil in the world. You have studied and trained since you were young, and each of you stand to inherit an ancestral item of power and history.

    The leadership of the Order has come together to discuss this, and to plan for succession. Succession means family ties, and that means spouses and children come along as well… after all, marriage ties keep alliances strong.

    Some of you have arrived at the Order over the last few days, but one or two may have just arrived this morning. The meeting begins with a few short speeches and prayers to appropriate deities, but they are stuffy and not very interesting. After the invocation is a large buffet-style cookout, held outdoors in the walled front courtyard. Animals are roasted, roasted, vegetables are toasted, and cheeses, desserts, and drink are available for everyone. The official business starts tomorrow. Today is for rebuilding social connections. You know that sometimes, this is when important political decisions are discussed and decided on – but that’s for the elders to handle. As a group of up-and-coming scions, you’ve been told to visit and spend time together, so you will. Most of you have been here before, but it’s been ten years and you were much younger then.

    You are free to eat, drink, and wander about. You can explore the Order freely, and there are also important people you’ve been told you should make yourselves known to.

    Spoiler: Map of the Order

    Ground Floor

    The stairs behind the Great Hall lead down to the Seal protecting the ruins of Dracula’s castle.
    The Barracks area contains several sets of bunkrooms for the Order’s troops and guards.

    Second Floor

    Small balconies extend from the Guest Quarter access halls into the two-story Great Hall.
    The Armory contains armor, weapons, and equipment for the Order’s troops.
    The Officer’s area also contains a meeting room.

    Third Floor

    The Barracks on this floor is not currently in use.
    The door to the Hall of History is locked, and concealed behind a bookcase.

    Spoiler: List of Notables

    Captain Dana Ciora, leader of the Belmonte Order's formal military forces
    Irene Valhoven, chief wizard
    Kravchuk Rostov, Seneschal
    Karol Draus, Chief Cleric
    Ioan Ioanneson, head cook
    Casamir Reed, Diplomat
    Adrian Beltane, Historian

    You begin in the Courtyard:
    The courtyard is ordinarily a place people pass through rather than go, but today, trestle tables have been pulled out of the Great Hall and set up in front of it and along the northwestern corner of the Hall. Near the kitchens, a line of tables groan under the weight of numerous dishes, foods, and drinks. People move past the tables in a line, taking or being served what they wish, as the scents of roast pork, candied fruits, fresh-cooked fish, and innumerable herbs drift across the courtyard. Two hired entertainers wearing brightly colored shirts striped with red, yellow, and green appear to be entertaining some of the children by juggling, playing music, and doing things like standing on their heads.

    The main gates are shut, and the archery butts in the southwest corner are left alone, aside from a few younger teenagers who are alternating eating and shooting a shortbow.

    Not too far from the kitchen exit is a low fence surrounding a training yard. Against the east wall of the yard are storage racks containing wooden training weapons, as well as a few sets of wood armor sized for children and teenagers not old enough to have their own sets. After the meal, it’s likely a few people will take advantage of this to practice, exercise, or show off. The stable building, made of stone with a wood roof, lie south of the training yard, against the front corner. It is two stories high, with the second floor being used for hay and feed storage.
    Last edited by J-H; 2023-11-15 at 10:25 PM.
    Things published on DM's Guild
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    Baldur's Gate 2 (ongoing)
    Castle Dracula (Castlevania)
    Against the Idol of the Sun (high level hexcrawl)

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Titan in the Playground
    Amnestic's Avatar

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    Castle Sparrowcellar

    Default Re: Castlevania II: Dracula's Curse (IC)

    Chloé Clement
    High Elf Artificer
    AC: 12 HP: 17/17
    PP: 10 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    Chloé keeps her head down as she piles her own plate with food. She'd much rather be in the lab, experimenting and practicing. She understands why she has to be here, that much was made extremely clear to her by Bishop Fontaine, but that didn't make it any easier for her. She'd spent the better part of a decade studying and practicing in relative solitude. Socialising, making small talk, being someone to whom a marriage of convenience would be more than just convenience? These are all practically unthinkable to her. She is no great beauty, and the sole attribute that would make her a prospect for such a connection is her mind - her mind which is being wasted on this instead of being allowed to stretch freely.

    It's not like producing an heir is any task worthy of a brilliant intellect - anyone of age could do it with a moderate amount of coaxing, no matter how brilliant or...not.

    No, Chloé finds herself distinctly unsatisfied by the party, forcing a paper thin smile while trying to ignore how those with power and position turned their heads away to murmur gossip quietly as she passed. Those who couldn't perform, who weren't the chosen few who were destined for the holy relics would sit and scheme for what power they could grasp, instead of applying themselves to being more. It was all so tiresome.

    She steps away from the table, taking up an unassuming position near the archery butts. Perhaps if people believed she was simply watching the children (though she was still a child herself) she could avoid conversations with adults she didn't wish to speak to.
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  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Castlevania II: Dracula's Curse (IC)

    Vidrik Oakheart
    Wood Elf Ranger
    AC: 13 HP: 20/20
    PPer: 16 PInv: 11 PIst: 14
    Conditions: --

    Vidrik came to the meeting with his parents, Draven and Clarita, and his older brother, Lucas. For Vidrik's whole life, he thought it would be his brother who would inherit the family's longsword and represent the family with the Order. His parents had always been very strict and domineering with Vidrik, and had always been supportive of his brother, encouraging him to enter jousting contests and training him for high society. Vidrik, on the other hand, was sent to help the staff with the hunting. The family's lead hunter, Oren, had taught Vidrik how to hunt, track, and hide. They had once caught the trail of a pair of zombies and Oren had let him take the first shot.

    However, a few days before the journey to the Order, their parents sat them both down and explained that it would be Vidrik, and not Lucas, who would represent the family. Their father pulled out a chest containing an engraved crossbow and a quiver of 20 thick, wooden bolts, telling Vidrik that this would be a better weapon to fight the devils than a sword, and that Vidrik's skills would be more useful to the Order than Lucas' abilities. In Lucas' defense, he was disappointed but accepted and supported his brother, but Lucas had always been kind to Vidrik, unlike their parents.

    Vidrik still isn't sure if his parents really believe in him or if they just think this expedition is doomed and don't want to lose their favorite son. He's not a big fan of the high society of the elders here and he's not sure of the other young potential applicants, but he sees another elf, a high elf who he remembers seeing 10 years ago, but never talked to her then. He approaches her and introduces himself.

    "Hello, I am Vidrik Oakheart. It's nice to see another elf family here. Are you representing your family?"
    Last edited by Bobthewizard; 2023-11-11 at 08:35 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Castlevania II: Dracula's Curse (IC)

    Chloé Clement
    High Elf Artificer
    AC: 12 HP: 17/17
    PP: 10 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    Chloé wasn't too surprised to be approached, but it did take her a moment to place the face. She'd been barely a child, and a sea of faces had entered and exited her life since. Still, there was a twinge of recognition in the back of her memory. They had met at some point in the past, but beyond that it was a cloudy mist rather than clear memory.

    "Chloé Clement. More for the Church than my family though I'm sure both will benefit." She pauses, and realises that the extent of her conversational skill has now been exhausted. Excellent work Chloé, you made it through two sentences! Perhaps with some practice you'll make it to three. She racked her brain for conversational topics that she could recall other people enjoying. Weather? Banal. Food? Bland - as a topic, though not in taste. Their futures? Something that would go nowhere, she doubts Vidrik had any more idea than she does.

    She settles on something that might at least offer her a bit more insight on the others, before she's forced to face them herself. "Have you met any of the influentials yet?"
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  6. - Top - End - #6
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Castlevania II: Dracula's Curse (IC)

    Cassandra Hartdegen
    High Elf Wizard Bladesinger 2
    HP: 12/12, AC: 13
    Conditions: None
    Spells: 1st - 3/3
    Bladesongs: 2/2

    "I-I think we're mostly elves," Cassandra says suddenly to the man who introduced himself as Vidrick Oakheart, although whether he even noticed her standing beside him is another matter entirely, "...b-but it's... an honour to meet you. I'm Ca-"
    Before Cassandra can finish introducing herself, however, a much, much larger elf introduces himself by placing an arm on both Vidrick's and Cassandra's shoulders and saying "This is my amazing little sister Cassie. One day she's going to be the matriarch of the Hartdegen clan so you'd best get in there quick, eh Vid?"

    A glare from Cassandra, the sort of glare of disapproval siblings would instantly recognise, and the elf steps back. "Well it was nice meeting you both," he says with a wink, "but I'll leave you to get acquainted." With that he disappears, leaving Cassandra to breathe a sigh of relief.

    "My brother means well but he tends to act before he thinks. I guess my whole family is like that." Cassandra says in a way that suggests she wishes she were more like that herself, "I'm Cassandra Hartdegen."
    "Don't think of it as dying," said Death,
    "Just think of it as leaving early to avoid the rush."

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    ICU, under a cherry tree.

    Default Re: Castlevania II: Dracula's Curse (IC)

    Sabian Skellegue
    Half-Orc Barbarian
    AC: 14 HP: 23/23
    PPer: 13 PInv: 10 PIst: 11
    Conditions: --
    Sabian lowers down, in a pouncing position, his eyes darting back and forth. His gaze recedes, losing focus on what's before him, instead taking the full periphery of his vision in. He is surrounded, enemies moving back and forth around him. He turns his head this way, then that, letting them know he is aware of their presence, his long black hair whipping back and forth with each movement. Then he hears it, the attack is coming. Before he can respond, he feels tiny arms wrapping around his legs and the excited cries of children. He reaches down to pull a small boy from gripping his leg, only for the whole group of them to swarm him in the Training Yard. He makes of show of falling down but continues to wrestle the kids off of him, tossing them into piled hay as they squeal with joy and exhilaration. He makes monsters noises and starts tickling the kids and throwing hay over them when he spots his grandmother watching from the other side of the fence. He smiles back.

    Again! the children cry out.

    You lot beat me fair and square, Sabian says in his deep baritone, walking toward the fence, Only fair to give someone else a chance. The children whine but then Sabian snaps back to face them, arms up and fingers bent into claws, But don't let down your guard! You won't know when I return! They scream and laugh and run back into the hay piles. Sabian nimbly hops the fence to join his grandmother and then looks back to the kids with an exaggerated look of disappointment, I can't believe these new recruits coming to the Order, he says. His grandmother chuckles and pats his hand before brushing hay off of him, You are so good with them Sabian. You'd make a good father; strong and tough, you'd discipline them and mold them, but with that sense of humor and that warmth.

    Nona, please, isn't that why we're here?

    She points a finger at him, No one here is going to get you to do what you must do! You need to know it and want it yourself. You are the last Skellegue that can sire children. If I still could bear children I would do my duty to my house.

    Ugh Nona please!

    You have a duty and you are forsaking it.

    Sabian's smile melts away; they were easily passed the playful jaunting. Nona, the Skellegues are warriors, the best in the lands.

    Don't think you have to tell me boy, I know more about it than you do.

    Well then you know that I have to go out there and continue that legacy. I can't be the only Skellegue not to face the monsters of the world and make safe these lands. How can I teach my children to be brave and bold and deadly in battle against the enemy if I will never be able to do it?

    Sabian, no one is saying you won't perform for the Order. But right now there are other priorities.

    Sabian sighs, he hates disappointing his grandmother. He looks around and spots a couple of familiar faces, I think that's Chloe and Vidrik, wow. Um, I'll be back. He regrets leaving just as soon as he does, but would rather not continue a conversation he's had with Nona too many times. Neither of them will convince the other.

    He jogs over to the group, Hi Cassandra, Sabian Skellegue at your service, he gives a formal bow. Chloe, Vid, is that you guys?

    Seemed like Chloe and Vidrik knew each other so I thought Sabian would jump into that group as well. Let me know otherwise and I'll amend my post.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Castlevania II: Dracula's Curse (IC)

    Chloé Clement
    High Elf Artificer
    AC: 12 HP: 17/17
    PP: 10 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    Chloé manages only the slightest of embarassed waves. "Hello. Yes, it's me. Chloé. Hello." Is the intervention of two more faces an aid to her? Only insomuch as it might mean she doesn't need to contribute as much to a conversation. Perhaps she might be able to concoct a potion that will allow her to merge with the stone wall and vanish entirely. Stretching her conversational muscles as best she can, she manages "You all look well. Not sick at all. That's good. Meetings like this can be terrible for spreading diseases."
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  9. - Top - End - #9
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Castlevania II: Dracula's Curse (IC)

    Vidrik Oakheart
    Wood Elf Ranger
    AC: 13 HP: 20/20
    PPer: 16 PInv: 11 PIst: 14
    Conditions: --

    Vidrik loks at the half-orc as he approaches, unsure if he is the same one as the teenager he met 10 years ago. Those humans and orcs grow old so quickly. His suspicions are confirmed when Sabian introduces himself. Vidrik looks up towards the half-orc's face.

    "Sabian. It's great to see you again. You already towered over me 10 years ago and now you've filled out even more."

    He then turns to Chloe after failing to answer her question before their old friend arrived. "I don't really want to meet all the important people. But the cook might be interesting. Should we go see what the cook is doing? Maybe we can get a free meal."

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Castlevania II: Dracula's Curse (IC)

    Chloé Clement
    High Elf Artificer
    AC: 12 HP: 17/17
    PP: 10 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    The young alchemist glances down at her plate, still mostly full of food that she's barely picked at. She considers scarfing the entire thing down quickly, to make room for another meal, because otherwise they wouldn't have a reason to go, but she knows her limits better than that. They might have some spices or herbs that she could use though, even if the meal was off the table. "Sure, that sounds good."
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  11. - Top - End - #11
    Titan in the Playground
    J-H's Avatar

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    Default Re: Castlevania II: Dracula's Curse (IC)

    The four of you cross the courtyard, heading towards the northeastern corner, where a line of tables have been set up bearing all sorts of food. You've been here earlier and filled your plates... but now it's time for a refill with the main crowd having gone through.

    You seek out Ioan Ioanneson, the head cook.

    On the tall and heavy side for a dwarf, Ioan is wearing a broad-brimmed hat today to keep the sun out of his eyes. His apron is still tied about his waist, but you can tell that he's standing near one end of the tables. Apparently most of his work is done, for now, and it looks like he has a few moments to socialize, although he's frequently glancing across the tables to make sure nothing needs a refill, and that no children are doing anything silly like trying to use a roast chicken as a hat (something like that may have happened 10 years ago).
    Last edited by J-H; 2023-11-16 at 08:58 AM.
    Things published on DM's Guild
    Campaign Logs:
    Baldur's Gate 2 (ongoing)
    Castle Dracula (Castlevania)
    Against the Idol of the Sun (high level hexcrawl)

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Castlevania II: Dracula's Curse (IC)

    Sabian Skellegue
    Half-Orc Barbarian
    AC: 14 HP: 23/23
    PPer: 13 PInv: 10 PIst: 11
    Conditions: --
    Chloe says, "You all look well. Not sick at all. That's good. Meetings like this can be terrible for spreading diseases." Sabian blinks and looks from Chloe to Vidrik and back to Chloe, Er, he smiles and then recovers from the awkward comment, Yeah well, not for lack of trying rolling around in the hay with those kiddos over there, he says, pointing to the training yard.

    "Sabian. It's great to see you again. You already towered over me 10 years ago and now you've filled out even more." Vidrik says.

    He then turns to Chloe after failing to answer her question before their old friend arrived. "I don't really want to meet all the important people. But the cook might be interesting. Should we go see what the cook is doing? Maybe we can get a free meal."

    Sabian leans over conspiratorially, You've learned my secret, frequent meals! Come on, let's go see what Ioan's cooked up and we'll all be filled out in no time! Maybe we can find out what's in store for us while we're at it.

    The four cross the courtyard and find the dwarf near where the food is spread out, Ho there Ioan! Looks like it's time for the main course. He gestures to the others, I ran into some friends, old and new. Sabian begins to load up a plate, Hey Ioan, you've been through these formal ceremonies before right? What should we expect?

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Castlevania II: Dracula's Curse (IC)

    Mustafa the Vampiralgietch
    Human Cleric
    AC: 10 HP: 17/17
    PP: 13 PIv: 10 PIs: 13
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    Mustafa wasn't the most communicative of creatures, but he had been prepared for this event his entire life and was determined to make it count. Each of his numerous brothers and sisters had split up to a different part of the castle, and though Mustafa was technically on duty, there was something VERY important he just had to see to: the pies, cakes, puddings and custards he remembered from his childhood visits to the headquarters of the Order. Eastern European sweets that were just so different from the desserts he was used to have, that he just had to taste again.

    The Turkish man was leaning by the table, chatting with the cook and picking out which of the sweets he would try next. He wore a fine kaftan, a long robe with wide sleeves made from the finest silk in the whole Ottoman Empire. It was a symbol of his high social standing, and the design and color indicated his rank and affiliation: the governor of a province back in his homeland. There was no obvious signs that the nobleman was a priest of any kind besides a golden moon-and-star that hung from his neck.


    "Merhaba, brothers and sisters." Said Mustafa. He remembered some of the faces from previous visits to the headquarters, but still made sure to address them formally. "I greet you in this blessed day, and invite you to try the lemon cakes. They're a delight."

    The man smiled brightly, revealing his sense of humor. His Romanian was flawless, but his dark skin, unusual accent and exotic clothes betrayed his origins.
    Last edited by dangelo; 2023-11-16 at 03:20 AM.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Castlevania II: Dracula's Curse (IC)

    Chloé Clement
    High Elf Artificer
    AC: 12 HP: 17/17
    PP: 10 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    Another scion. This really did seem to be everyone who was even remotely important to the Order's continuation into the next generation. It was simultaneously them at their strongest, and their most vulnerable. She would have to just hope that those on guard were up to the task. "Hello. It's nice to meet you." Chloé replies with the standard forced politeness. Should she also recommend a food at this stage? "You should..uh...try the chicken? It's also good." Perhaps that compliment would earn her some brownie points with the head chef.

    She glanced around, before adding to Sabian's question to Ioan: "They're not going to make us do a speech are they?" She might quite literally die if they did.
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  15. - Top - End - #15
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Castlevania II: Dracula's Curse (IC)

    Ioan Ioanneson
    "Good afternoon, young ones. You are enjoying all of the hard work and spices that went into this, I hope?"

    "Today, young Skellegue and young Clement, the speech-making is done. I'm sure there will be more tomorrow, although I usually don't attend the decision-making meetings. Today, people mix and knead the dough with discussions that go into the bread-making of the next few days... and by the time anything goes to a vote or formal process, all that's left is to brush the top with the details."

    He looks out at the crowd again. "Good number of kids here, but fewer adults or younger adults like you than I'd have expected. Where are all the people who were here thirty or forty years ago... ah, maybe some people are running late." He turns back to the group. "If you ever cook for a big group like this, remember to wake up early. You can't afford to have anything run late. I've been up since three hours before sunrise, and my assistants too. Had to hire extra help due to the amount of cooking. Irene hasn't invented any magics that help a man grow extra arms, you know!"
    Things published on DM's Guild
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    Baldur's Gate 2 (ongoing)
    Castle Dracula (Castlevania)
    Against the Idol of the Sun (high level hexcrawl)

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Castlevania II: Dracula's Curse (IC)

    Vidrik Oakheart
    Wood Elf Ranger
    AC: 13 HP: 20/20
    PPer: 16 PInv: 11 PIst: 14
    Conditions: --

    Vidrik walks over with the others to say hello to the cook. It's Vidrik's 3rd time here and he has always enjoyed the food, so it's time to let the cook know.

    "Ioan, it's good to see you again. Great job on the food today. The hard work really shows. It's even better than I remember it and your cooking is always the highlight of my visit. It looks like this time they have more in store for me than just eating and visiting though. Any news from the court?"
    Last edited by Bobthewizard; 2023-11-16 at 10:57 AM.

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Castlevania II: Dracula's Curse (IC)

    Mustafa the Vampiralgietch
    Human Cleric
    AC: 10 HP: 17/17
    PP: 13 PIv: 10 PIs: 13
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    "Master Oakhart." Mustafa bowed slightly. He remembered the elf from previous visits to the headquarters, and his family had a good opinion about the Oakheart clan: true monster hunters used to the wild, untethered from the luxury or stubbornness that so so often blinded those of noble birth. The elf next to him, though, he didn't know or didn't remember the face. "My lady, you must forgive me, for I don't know your name." He addressed Chloé. "But if you say so, I must try the chicken. Indeed my fingers are starting to turn into honey after so much sugar."
    Last edited by dangelo; 2023-11-16 at 01:03 PM.

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    Chloé Clement
    High Elf Artificer
    AC: 12 HP: 17/17
    PP: 10 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    "Oh! Sorry, I'm Chloé Clement of the...well, Clements," comes Chloé's hurried reply. Stupid of her to forget to introduce herself properly. Too many people all at once was getting to her. "Just Chloé is fine."

    When Ioan mentions the lack of arm growing magic, she perks up though. It was, after all, her area of (intended) expertise. "Is that something they're working on? Limb-growing magic?" It wasn't out of the realm of possibility. If magic could patch wounds, regrow skin, or even go beyond and regrow entire limbs, then why not grow new ones too? And if she could bottle such a thing...Her mind raced with the possibilities, even if it would make tailoring clothes drastically more awkward.
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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Sabian Skellegue
    Half-Orc Barbarian
    AC: 14 HP: 23/23
    PPer: 13 PInv: 10 PIst: 11
    Conditions: --
    Ioan says, "Today, young Skellegue and young Clement, the speech-making is done. I'm sure there will be more tomorrow, although I usually don't attend the decision-making meetings. Today, people mix and knead the dough with discussions that go into the bread-making of the next few days... and by the time anything goes to a vote or formal process, all that's left is to brush the top with the details."

    He looks out at the crowd again. "Good number of kids here, but fewer adults or younger adults like you than I'd have expected. Where are all the people who were here thirty or forty years ago... ah, maybe some people are running late."

    Let's hope, Sabian says, adding another roll to the heap on his plate, Wouldn't be fair to put all that pressure on just the four... five, of us, he says, just noticing the man leaning on the table.

    "Merhaba, brothers and sisters." says Mustafa. He remembers some of the faces from previous visits to the headquarters, but still makes sure to address them formally. "I greet you in this blessed day, and invite you to try the lemon cakes. They're a delight."

    "Master Oakhart." Mustafa bows slightly. He remembers the elf from previous visits to the headquarters, and his family had a good opinion about the Oakheart clan: true monster hunters used to the wild, untethered from the luxury or stubbornness that so so often blinded those of noble birth. The elf next to him, though, he doesn't know or doesn't remember the face. "My lady, you must forgive me, for I don't know your name." He addresses Chloé. "But if you say so, I must try the chicken. Indeed my fingers are starting to turn into honey after so much sugar."

    Yeah, it'd be a shame to get all those fine clothes sticky, Sabian says. His hands are full with two plates, so he nods to the man, Not sure we're acquainted, Sabian Skellegue. You are?

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    Default Re: Castlevania II: Dracula's Curse (IC)

    Ioan Ioanneson

    "The court, Mr. Oakheart? I wouldn't know about that... you could always try Casamir.

    Arm-growing magic?"
    Ioan smiles. "That was a joke, lass. I don't think such a thing is within the bounds of... well, anyone's magic, but Irene's usually busy with wards and scrolls and such."
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    Chloé Clement
    High Elf Artificer
    AC: 12 HP: 17/17
    PP: 10 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    If no one was working on it, then maybe she would be the first. Breaking new ground by growing new arms. That would surely be enough to earn her more time away from people and in the lab instead, wouldn't it? "Maybe I should see Miss Irene then..." She mumbles quietly, glancing at the other scions. She didn't want to go alone, and she didn't want to say they should come with her, and it sounded like Casamir was someone they might also want to speak to. Sometimes it'd just be easier if she didn't care about causing problems, but then where would she be? Probably...causing problems.
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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Castlevania II: Dracula's Curse (IC)

    Cassandra Hartdegen
    High Elf Wizard Bladesinger 2
    HP: 12/12, AC: 13
    Conditions: None
    Spells: 1st - 3/3
    Bladesongs: 2/2

    Cassandra's ears visibly perk up at the mention of Irene's name.

    "I haven't seen Lady Irene in some time. I learned a lot from her and I've wanted to talk to her about the application of sigils to absorb the latent magical energies inherent in physical and mystical trauma to negate destructive outcomes."

    Before you know it she's mumbling to herself, "Some spells protect you against certain types of attack and others can make you harder to hit, but what if you could directly convert magical energy into a sigil that prevents you from taking damage...? It would take less time to perform, there would be no incantation... It would revolutionise the defensive uses of magical energies."
    "Don't think of it as dying," said Death,
    "Just think of it as leaving early to avoid the rush."

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Castlevania II: Dracula's Curse (IC)

    Mustafa the Vampiralgietch
    Human Cleric
    AC: 10 HP: 17/17
    PP: 13 PIv: 10 PIs: 13
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr.Samurai View Post
    Yeah, it'd be a shame to get all those fine clothes sticky, Sabian says. His hands are full with two plates, so he nods to the man, Not sure we're acquainted, Sabian Skellegue. You are?
    "All you need is some warm ash to break the stickiness, and the honey will come off easy. As a fan of all things sweet, I have learned that trick early in life. My dear mother would hit me whenever she found honey stains in my robes." He smiled again. "I am Mustafa Hanim of Constantinople. Indeed we haven't met, but my family told me great things about the name Skellegue. It is an honor to meet a fellow warrior of the Order."

    Quote Originally Posted by Infernally Clay View Post
    "I haven't seen Lady Irene in some time. I learned a lot from her and I've wanted to talk to her about the application of sigils to absorb the latent magical energies inherent in physical and mystical trauma to negate destructive outcomes."
    His eyes spotted Cassandra when she spoke. "Ah! Lady Hartdegen. I was told I might see you here." Mustafa said with contained excitement. "You might not know me, but I know of you. My family taught me all about the Spellblades of the Belmont Order. It is a pleasure to share this ceremony with you."
    Running Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: IC | OOC
    Playing Dracula's Curse: IC | OOC | Mustafa

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    Ettin in the Playground

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    Vidrik Oakheart
    Wood Elf Ranger
    AC: 13 HP: 20/20
    PPer: 16 PInv: 11 PIst: 14
    Conditions: --

    When Mustafa arrives, Vidrik smiles and shakes his hand. It's good to see so many old friends here, and the others he's met seem nice too.

    "Mustafa, it's always good to see you again. How are things in Constantinople? How is your family?"

    He takes a pastry from Ioan, nodding thanks for both the food and the information before turning to the others.

    "So Casamir or Lady Irene. Who should we go see next?"

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    Sabian Skellegue
    Half-Orc Barbarian
    AC: 14 HP: 23/23
    PPer: 13 PInv: 10 PIst: 11
    Conditions: --
    Sabian remembers his courtesy and bows back, The honor is mine, Mustafa Hanim of Constantinople.

    Vidrik asks which way to go, and seeing that Chloe and Cassandra both have an interest in Lady Irene, Sabian makes that suggestion, I myself am trying to stay away from the politics and intrigue of the Order as much as I can tonight. Why don't we say hello to Lady Irene and see what she's working on?

    He leads the group to Lady Irene, calling out behind him, Thank you for the fine victuals Ioan!

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    If anyone wanted to talk more to Ioan, post it and we'll resolve... didn't have that sense via Discord though.

    Irene Valhoven is a short woman with dark skin and hair. Today, her hair is pulled back into a bushy pony-tail, and she’s wearing an orange robe. A miniature book of some sort appears to be affixed to one end of the yellow sash tied around her waist, which she also has her wand tucked into. She's sitting at one of the tables eating, while manipulating a minor illusion to look like a stuffed wyvern toy for the amusement of a couple of the children nearby.
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    Chloé Clement
    High Elf Artificer
    AC: 12 HP: 17/17
    PP: 10 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    Though she lurks at the back of the group, when she sees the magic on display she can't help but be interested, and want to contribute herself. She tugs a small vial from a hidden pocket and uncorks it. The silvery liquid inside gives off the faint smell of wine, though it doesn't look anything close to it. She takes a single droplet of the vial onto her fingertip, rubs her fingers together to cover it, and then blows on them. Invisible winds carry the remnant to the illusionary wyvern, right up to its mouth, which suddenly bursts with a shower of sparks that mimic a fire breath. Even if wyverns don't normally breathe fire, it still makes a fine spectacle.

    "H-Hello, Miss Irene," the young alchemist stutters out after her little display. "Is your research going well?"

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    "Whoa, cool!" The children are amused, although a nearby teenager rolls his eyes and comments, "Actually, wyverns don't breathe fire."

    Irene shoots the boy a glare, but he doesn't seem to notice. "Oh, hello there miss...?

    I really need to take a couple of years off and visit some places with larger libraries. Archaeus' notes disappeared when he and his tower did three years ago, and he was the last one around who helped with the wards. Are you a student of magic yourself?"
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    Chloé Clement
    High Elf Artificer
    AC: 12 HP: 17/17
    PP: 10 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    Once again, her introduction goes awry. Stupid Chloé. She bows her head in deference, and to hide the disappointment she feels at herself. "Chloé Clement, of the Clements. Alchemy is my primary focus but I'll learn anything that's useful, if I can." She's not familiar with the tower disappearance, but it strikes her as a little reckless to have only man with knowledge of the wards. "You don't have any apprentices or students who can help?" Not that she was trying to find a new position, but studying beneath the Order's foremost arcanist could only be beneficial for her.
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    Mustafa the Vampiralgietch
    Human Cleric
    AC: 10 HP: 17/17
    PP: 13 PIv: 10 PIs: 13
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    Mustafa's curiosity peaked at the name, and then at the story. Towers weren't something that usually disappeared. Unless that, in the last few years, his Qatholik brothers had produced engineers capable of such marvel. Well, Constantinople was a capital of culture, where people brought inventions and discoveries from everywhere around the world (and hopefully sold them to the rich); If a "Vanishing Tower" sort of spell had been invented, he thought he would have heard of it.

    "Merhaba, my lady. Apologies for the interruption, I am Mustafa Hanin" He introduced himself rather quickly and selflessly, as a mere obstacle in the way of the actual conversation to be had. "Did you say the tower... disappeared? May I ask how come? Even the ruins of a fortress can be fortified and used for defense. Did they need the stones for a different building?"
    Running Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: IC | OOC
    Playing Dracula's Curse: IC | OOC | Mustafa

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