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  1. - Top - End - #61
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
    I broke in through the fourth wall. You'd probably go crazy. Hay Bale lied (she had no idea how she'd gotten there). Though if you're not willing to divert course I doubt we're anywhere near Balboa's mansion...
    Silverpine raised a hefty eyebrow at that remark.

    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post

    "Well, I am not willing to divert our course, unfortunately we still have some...issues and concerns that we must deal with first, however--

    "That isn't a bad thought....teleportin that is....that would be more...better if found a way....also....I'm considerin having A.I.D.A go with you Shores, to watch over you."
    Gearstride said tapping her chin.
    "Teleporting?" Silverpine echoed thoughtfully. "Technically, that could be done. I mean, A.I.D.A. has that experimental teleportation beacon device that we never got around to testing..."

  2. - Top - End - #62
    Titan in the Playground
    TheAmishPirate's Avatar

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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post

    "That isn't a bad thought....teleportin that is....that would be more...better if found a way....also....I'm considerin having A.I.D.A go with you Shores, to watch over you."
    Gearstride said tapping her chin.
    Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
    "Teleporting?" Silverpine echoed thoughtfully. "Technically, that could be done. I mean, A.I.D.A. has that experimental teleportation beacon device that we never got around to testing..."
    "I-I...uh, yesh, that it does, that it d-doesh..." The voice on the radio suddenly struggled for words, as the pony on the other end felt his throat going dry. How exactly could things go from "looking up" to "unmitigated disaster" so quickly?

    Speaking of reversals...

    [West Gate]


    ...a thunderous blow trailed by a squall of splinters hailed another swing in the tide of battle. The ballista bolt had sailed unimpeded across the battlefield, over the heads of invaders and allies alike, before meeting its destiny at the gates. In a testament to their craftsponies, the mighty timbers held together and stopped the giant arrow from passing through and injuring anypony on the other side. But the ramming, fire, and spells had all taken their toll; the gates now sagged dangerously in their hinges, half-splintered by the massive shot. One more furious charge, and they would swing wide open.

    "Form up behind the gates! Two ranks of spears, flyers above them!" The Captain bellowed from the walltop. "Everypony else, keep their heads down! If they want a charge, make them pay for it!"

    The ponies scrambled to action, forming up a defense and launching another furious salvo of arrows at the distant trenches. The outcome of the battle hung as precariously as the gates; one misstep could spell disaster for either side...
    Last edited by TheAmishPirate; 2014-01-25 at 11:19 AM.
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.

  3. - Top - End - #63
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Merellis's Avatar

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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Sure Strike and Bumble aren't like most villains, while others would allow the hero a chance to get through the transformation scene, these two generally just carry on with their work.

    With that in mind, Sure Strike immediately leaps up and smashes a glowing hoof into the ceiling opening a hole that's not quite big enough for her, but the action does it's job as the room is covered is soon filled with dust and inhibiting vision even further as the light shifts towards the good doctor.

    There's a faint buzzing noise and then nothing but the sound of Sure Strike's voice. "I'm certainly trapped, but so are you. Your friend here has a few minutes to live, so surrender and I'll allow you to save her." Her sightless gaze is locked into where the shimmering stallion stands, despite the obvious lack of eyes.

    If he manages to get to the nurse, he'll find a small wooden needle stuck inside her neck, he'll also note eventually that there are only three in the room now.

    [Hospital - Second Floor]
    Bumble squeezes through the hole and takes a swift look around, frowning at the fact that she does not see a single guard around the immediate area.

    The little assassin sighs and buzzes through the halls to find a guard to assist her in her work. Given that this is the area for operations and doctor offices, she'll soon move onto the third floor...


    The cloaked mare snorts and responds to the filly with a mocking tone. "Then you'd be a cute little vegetable on the floor and we'd be walking straight to our destination without having to listen to you prattle on like this."

    "We're nearly there, so stow the chatter for now." Mask says while peering around a corner.

    The two groups meet at the cells themselves, with Mask merely raising an eyebrow as his troops immediately take a guarded position, crossbows and spears pointed straight at the pony in dark armor.

    Divine Knowledge, in all her cloaked mystery, merely powers up her horn while also raising an eyebrow at the sight.

    "Mmm, looks the part, but you don't really seem all that awe-inspiring." Is the first observation by Mask while Divine shoots him a look.

    "What? Our Leader is awe-inspiring, this one just has cool armor."

    [West Gate - Cookie]

    Given that Cookie is standing behind walls that were made to prevent this kind of thing, the explosions don't do much beyond causing the a shower of dirt and rock as the shield of earth crumbled again. The ponies behind it immediately leap to the side with Cookie catching the blue-tipped arrow in the leg and the others getting caught up by soldiers near her.

    Of course, the same can be said for a number of them as the arrows and bolts manage to find their marks all over the place, leaving wounded and dying soldiers all over.

    The wall is soon replaced again, Rock Star breathing heavily as the continued casting starts to take it's toll on her.

    Elsewhere, the two medics that had been tasked with dealing with Aegis, manage to awaken and stabilize him. His horn glows brightly and a shimmering wall of magic materializes, bringing a small rest for the army as the two medics poured their magic into him.

    "Get yourselves situated, I can hold them off for a couple minutes at most.." He says groggily as he closes his eyes and concentrates on keeping this shield active.

    Rock Star nods and begins to fortify her walls behind the shimmering shield, including adding some between the gate and the trenches this time as there has not been another shot as of yet.

    "They need to keep an eye on their gate anyway, so keep up it up!"

    [Forest - Support Personnel]

    They quickly take Dive Bomb from the griffon as the poor captain had given no response to the underpaid mercenary and set to getting him healed up, one unicorn in particular casting a quick spell that echoes in the heads of a few particular ponies

    Relay reporting in! Captain Dive Bomb has been located! He's injured and unconscious, but alive for now. Resources show that the gate has been compromised, finish your assignments quickly and make for the rendezvous point at the Eastern and Southern walls. Will be sending escort teams to extract you after the sun is down.

    A messenger soon shows up and relays what's been happening with the gates, bleeding all over the place.

    "Of course we're getting pushed back." Relay says with a frown before powering up his spell again.

    Rock Star, fall back and take over command for Cookie Cutter, get a medic or two to keep you stable and try to hold out a bit longer. We'll see what we can do about getting you a bit more support.

    "Oi, get Captain Dive Bomb up and functional again as soon as possible! Don't care if you all drop from exhaustion doing so, just get it done! I've gotta contact home base about something, so get it done! Soldier, return to the battlefield and keep that wall occupied!"
    Last edited by Merellis; 2014-01-26 at 12:02 PM.

  4. - Top - End - #64
    Ogre in the Playground
    Kelvin360's Avatar

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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Dawnstrider/Mountain Bloom - Guardhouse Interior

    Glowing green eyes shrink behind a helmet, examining the scene before them. He tilts his head slowly, pulling out the gravitas he earned from 27 years of out-Dothing Doth. "Lower your weapons or lose the limbs holding them." He says in a volume most conversational, though the tone holds a threat of performing much worse acts than those promised. His head turns to Mask and Divine, then, as if their lackeys were not there. "I see this phase is going well, barring a problem I will address shortly. Your setbacks were minimal, I trust?" He indicates Passe.

    Behind him, Mountain Bloom looks as though she's trying to wake herself from a dream, but can't quite manage it. Her eyes, glazed over, shift from movement to movement, but never hold contact with any other pair.


    Sunshine - Clinic Interior, Pantry

    There is a scientific theory regarding the existence of 'white holes', objects in space that are much akin to the relativistic reverse of black holes. In this case, while the latter attracts mass and light in its pull, a white hole would push them away with likely the same force.

    After pulling in the room's light, Taylor the White Hole decides to do something about that excess energy. A brief instant occurs in which his manipulation of energy is at its equilibrium, and his magic is stilled. This is followed by an explosion of light and concussive energy that pushes with the force of a charging bear on everything in the room.

    With the debris cleared (for the moment), he follows up with a blast of superheated plasma, disgorging the energy from his horn towards any of Sure Strike's limbs that he can get a bead on - though notably not at any fatal locations.

    The speed of sound, meanwhile, is occupied. "SOL ET LUNUS INVENIRE GLADIATOR!


    Snowstorm - Clinic Interior, Elsewhere

    There used to be no sense of urgency to her search. In a way, there still isn't.

    Snowstorm had just begun a conversation with one of the nurses, inquiring politely as to Dr. Sunshine's whereabouts. Then she (and everyone else present) hears shouting, an explosion, a sound like a sci-fi laser, and five more shouted, very clear words. All originating from the pantry.

    "Nevermind." She deadpans. "I think I found him. Did that sound like 'invenire gladiator' to you? 'Cuz that second bit means everyone else in there is trying to kill him, first means at least one is pulling a Hoodini. Who'd he go there with, exactly?"


    Starbeam - Clinic Interior, Entrance

    "We have plenty of time." She says soothingly. Then the explosion occurs, and she frowns. "All right, perhaps not a great deal of time, but enough."

    As you are drawn in to the grasp of Starbeam's magic, you are able to suss out the general underlying structure of it. At first, even this simple sphere is overwhelming - far and away from being a basic, one-note spell, it appears to be a combination of dozens of minor enchantments. Much like an overly complex machine, each gear clicks and turns in an array of dizzying movements. It looks and feels like utter chaos.

    But Night Jewel is quite good with mechanisms.

    What looks on the surface like a bundle of inexplicably useless extra parts turns out to be a functional system, with each separate piece adding its specific function to the whole. Every tiny bit of the spell has a unique purpose. You realize that Starbeam, as a spellcaster, has next to no raw power. Any she does have comes from setting up these spell clusters, like supports added to a bridge, which must take an immense amount of concentration. But you, with your particular talents, also take note of the inherent disadvantage. If even one piece is lost, the entire system fails.

    No sooner has this become apparent than her voice speaks within your mind again. I'm opening up a section for you. I want you to place a spell trigger in the opening. It can be any magic you have access to, but make sure it's the easiest spell in your repertoire for you, specifically. You'll need to keep it active at all times.

    In the middle of the spell's composition, a gap opens between several triggers, and it grinds to a halt, becoming inert until that gap is filled.


    Raucous Reprisal/Gutter Flame/Mental Steel - Western Wall, Top

    "I concur vehemently. Weep later, reciprocate now!"

    The trio resume fire. Steel's shots remain accurate, though that barrier doesn't help matters. Raucous is with most of the regular guard, spraying arrows and hoping one of them hits something. Flame adds magic to as many outgoing projectiles as she can, though it's notable that they're just on fire now, not explosive.


    Coconut/Boon - Western Wall Bottom

    What these two are now pulling would be utterly cartoonish if they weren't actually cartoons. Weapons drawn, they are moving forward, slowly but surely, putting the battering ram in front of them. They crouch, which impedes their alacrity, but keeps the cover working as it should. The ram itself is picking up speed, and its momentum is quite a bit harder to stop than that of the ponies pushing it ahead...right towards the hunkered down opposition.

    Whenever a golem passes within hooves' reach, they swing out their weapons to destroy or maim them. With their orders being, presumably, to charge the gate and not two random ponies, it shouldn't be hard. And if the ram happens to crush a few while it rolls, well, so much the better.
    Last edited by Kelvin360; 2014-01-26 at 03:06 PM.
    D&D is the only game I can think of (with the possible exception of Calvinball) where the only way to lose is by playing to win.
    "'Elvish barbeque' is what happens when the Quessir send one of their Evokers to deal with an orc invasion and then go home for the evening." - Elmah Dryearghymn, an elven Evoker, as depicted to the left

  5. - Top - End - #65
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
    "I-I...uh, yesh, that it does, that it d-doesh..." The voice on the radio suddenly struggled for words, as the pony on the other end felt his throat going dry. How exactly could things go from "looking up" to "unmitigated disaster" so quickly?

    Speaking of reversals...

    "So what do you think, Mr Shores? That sound good?" Silverpine continued, cheerfully oblivious to any sort of hesitant behaviour from his engineer.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
    [West Gate]


    ...a thunderous blow trailed by a squall of splinters hailed another swing in the tide of battle. The ballista bolt had sailed unimpeded across the battlefield, over the heads of invaders and allies alike, before meeting its destiny at the gates. In a testament to their craftsponies, the mighty timbers held together and stopped the giant arrow from passing through and injuring anypony on the other side. But the ramming, fire, and spells had all taken their toll; the gates now sagged dangerously in their hinges, half-splintered by the massive shot. One more furious charge, and they would swing wide open.

    "Form up behind the gates! Two ranks of spears, flyers above them!" The Captain bellowed from the walltop. "Everypony else, keep their heads down! If they want a charge, make them pay for it!"

    The ponies scrambled to action, forming up a defense and launching another furious salvo of arrows at the distant trenches. The outcome of the battle hung as precariously as the gates; one misstep could spell disaster for either side...
    [West Gate]

    What fortunate timing. Shell Shock flinched as a piece of metal from the gate sailed right in front of him just as he was about to turn the corner.

    "Oi! Don't you know these things can maim somepony?" he called out cheerfully to the defenders as he peeped around, raising a hoof to stop Flash Bang from progressing further once she caught up with him. "Now who's tryin' to ram the gates down?"

    (I leave it to whoever to answer. I believe there's quite a number of characters at the gates.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Merellis View Post
    [Hospital - Second Floor]
    Bumble squeezes through the hole and takes a swift look around, frowning at the fact that she does not see a single guard around the immediate area.

    The little assassin sighs and buzzes through the halls to find a guard to assist her in her work. Given that this is the area for operations and doctor offices, she'll soon move onto the third floor...
    While Bumble was zipping through the second floor, she might notice she was at the centre of attention of the medical personnel. Understandable, really, given that she had just squeezed out of a hole on the floor right in the middle of the corridor. But any questions they had was quickly stilled by the concussive explosion that rocked the hospital, with many quickly scrambling for cover. The third floor seemed open to Bumble... and she could see was several featureless corridors leading to numerically named wards.

    Snowflake had to lean against the door to steady herself against the sudden shudder in the building. The pegasus guard quickly glanced back to make sure her charge was okay, then peered out of the room again, warily wondering just what the hay was going on.

    Quote Originally Posted by Merellis View Post

    [Forest - Support Personnel]

    They quickly take Dive Bomb from the griffon as the poor captain had given no response to the underpaid mercenary and set to getting him healed up, one unicorn in particular casting a quick spell that echoes in the heads of a few particular ponies

    Relay reporting in! Captain Dive Bomb has been located! He's injured and unconscious, but alive for now. Resources show that the gate has been compromised, finish your assignments quickly and make for the rendezvous point at the Eastern and Southern walls. Will be sending escort teams to extract you after the sun is down.

    A messenger soon shows up and relays what's been happening with the gates, bleeding all over the place.

    "Of course we're getting pushed back." Relay says with a frown before powering up his spell again.

    Rock Star, fall back and take over command for Cookie Cutter, get a medic or two to keep you stable and try to hold out a bit longer. We'll see what we can do about getting you a bit more support.

    "Oi, get Captain Dive Bomb up and functional again as soon as possible! Don't care if you all drop from exhaustion doing so, just get it done! I've gotta contact home base about something, so get it done! Soldier, return to the battlefield and keep that wall occupied!"
    Corsair let the ponies do their work. It wasn't his job any more, and he had no intention of upsetting that situation. Without another word, he turned and disappeared back into the forest.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kelvin360 View Post
    Sunshine - Clinic Interior, Pantry

    There is a scientific theory regarding the existence of 'white holes', objects in space that are much akin to the relativistic reverse of black holes. In this case, while the latter attracts mass and light in its pull, a white hole would push them away with likely the same force.

    After pulling in the room's light, Taylor the White Hole decides to do something about that excess energy. A brief instant occurs in which his manipulation of energy is at its equilibrium, and his magic is stilled. This is followed by an explosion of light and concussive energy that pushes with the force of a charging bear on everything in the room.

    With the debris cleared (for the moment), he follows up with a blast of superheated plasma, disgorging the energy from his horn towards any of Sure Strike's limbs that he can get a bead on - though notably not at any fatal locations.

    The speed of sound, meanwhile, is occupied. "SOL ET LUNUS INVENIRE GLADIATOR!
    Poor nurse. First poisoned, and now blown and flung against the wall, with only a small whimper to indicate her distress. One wonders if she had suffered injuries, being flung around like that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lycan 01 View Post
    [Siege Crossbow]
    Prose narrows his eye at the ponies on the other side of the ballista. He briefly weighs his options - before sweeping his wing down, trying to cut the cord with his talons.

    Assuming the cable is cut, he kicks off from the ballista, launching himself airborne towards Bridle Shores. With a dismissive look back at the ballista team, he flaps his wings and hurls himself headlong into the dense woods, swiftly flying back towards the besieged settlement. These ponies aren't worth his time or concern; he has bigger things to worry about.

    The Shadowbolt zig-zags through the trees, keeping his senses open for any signs of other enemy activity as he heads home. Siege teams, snipers, reinforcements, traps or tricks...
    Prose might or might not notice that he was being shadowed for several moments.Just as he passes a particularly large tree, a bulky figure lunges at the pony from the side, attempting to tackle him to the ground.

    If that succeeds, Prose might notice the tell-tale glint of sharp talons slashing down on him even as they tumble towards the ground.

    If he managed to dodge that, he'd inevitably instead run headlong into an awaiting Stuka, knife already out, barring his way. "Line ends here, pony," the griffon snarled, before diving in to attack.
    Last edited by Grif; 2014-01-27 at 02:53 AM.

  6. - Top - End - #66
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    [Forest Ambush]

    Prose notices he's being shadowed at the last moment. He looks back to see who or what his pursuers are, unfortunately just as the ambush is about to be sprung. Prose is caught off guard, and finds himself slammed to the ground by the griffon who tackles him.

    However, the griffon has chosen the wrong batpony to grapple with, as hoof-to-claw combat happens to be Prose's best fighting style. As such, the moment the griffon tries to come at him with claws, the odds immediately turn against the grif's favor. "Unwise," Prose states simply, narrowing his eye as he moves to defend himself.

    Prose twists himself around a bit, and angles himself to that the talons miss his flesh and instead strike the armor over his shoulders, sending sparks flying as the blow glances off. He then follows up with a pair of strikes of his own - a forehoof slamming upwards into the griffon's throat, attempting to strike and possibly collapse his trachea, and a raking swipe of his left wing's talons, attempting to slice through the griffon's extended forearm and several his major tendons and arteries. Neither strike should be immediately lethal, but a crushing blow to the throat should leave him gasping and possibly trying to pop his trachea back open, while such a devastating blow to the wrist could cause severe bleeding and perhaps even permanent loss of function for that hand without proper treatment.

    Essentially, the griffon has invited himself into a world of hurt by trying to go toe-to-toe with the Shadowbolt. Assuming he's disabled by the one-two strike, Prose flings the griffon off of him, hops up, and looks to see if there are more attacks coming his way.
    Anemoia: Nostalgia for a time you've never known.

  7. - Top - End - #67
    Titan in the Playground
    TheAmishPirate's Avatar

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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI


    Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
    "So what do you think, Mr Shores? That sound good?" Silverpine continued, cheerfully oblivious to any sort of hesitant behaviour from his engineer.
    Every fiber of Sandy's being dreaded the disaster that awaited if he couldn't stall this plan. But the questions that would inevitably follow his protests terrified him even more. "Y-yeah. Sure doesh." He faintly heard his own voice as if it were speaking from another plane entirely. "Just...gotta take a few an' spruce up...get my goodsh uniform on...clean up from th' right there." He switched off his communicator, and immediately a wave of nausea struck him square in the gut, forcing him to lean against the wall for support. He cupped his forehead in his hoof, struck dumb from shock and the utter hopelessness of his predicament.


    Quote Originally Posted by Merellis View Post
    The cloaked mare snorts and responds to the filly with a mocking tone. "Then you'd be a cute little vegetable on the floor and we'd be walking straight to our destination without having to listen to you prattle on like this."

    "We're nearly there, so stow the chatter for now." Mask says while peering around a corner.

    The two groups meet at the cells themselves, with Mask merely raising an eyebrow as his troops immediately take a guarded position, crossbows and spears pointed straight at the pony in dark armor.

    Divine Knowledge, in all her cloaked mystery, merely powers up her horn while also raising an eyebrow at the sight.

    "Mmm, looks the part, but you don't really seem all that awe-inspiring." Is the first observation by Mask while Divine shoots him a look.

    "What? Our Leader is awe-inspiring, this one just has cool armor."

    Quote Originally Posted by Kelvin360 View Post
    Glowing green eyes shrink behind a helmet, examining the scene before them. He tilts his head slowly, pulling out the gravitas he earned from 27 years of out-Dothing Doth. "Lower your weapons or lose the limbs holding them." He says in a volume most conversational, though the tone holds a threat of performing much worse acts than those promised. His head turns to Mask and Divine, then, as if their lackeys were not there. "I see this phase is going well, barring a problem I will address shortly. Your setbacks were minimal, I trust?" He indicates Passe.

    Behind him, Mountain Bloom looks as though she's trying to wake herself from a dream, but can't quite manage it. Her eyes, glazed over, shift from movement to movement, but never hold contact with any other pair.
    "...I hope that problem is this brigand's utter lack of decency." Passe mutters moodily, just loud enough to be 'accidentally' overheard. Inwardly, the filly despairingly cast her thoughts to the Princess. Where was her feathering backup? She'd lead them on the most circuitous route to the cells she could think of without arousing too much suspicion. There had to be something, anything she could do to buy time.

    [Walltop - Western Gate]

    The defenders enter an uneasy stalemate.

    By all accounts, the battle should be theirs. With the injuries inflicted on the enemy, combined with the freedom to return to their ballista, only time separated them from driving them off. They had bolts to spare; the enemy only had so many unicorns making shields, and siege engines never grow tired. But lurking at the forefront of everypony's mind is the gate.

    Battered, burned, and now blasted, the once-sturdy gates could collapse with one successful charge. And if the enemy could manage to breach the walls with the forces they had left, not a pony could predict the kind of damage they'd inflict, or even if they could be stopped before the fight turned into a full rout. And with enough archers and mages and musket-griffons on their side, a counter-charge was out of the question.

    There was little else they could do but exchange arrows, hammer away at their fortifications, destroy any golems that got too close, and pray to Luna that they lacked the forces for a decisive strike.

    [West Gate - Ground Level]

    Quote Originally Posted by Kelvin360 View Post
    Coconut/Boon - Western Wall Bottom

    What these two are now pulling would be utterly cartoonish if they weren't actually cartoons. Weapons drawn, they are moving forward, slowly but surely, putting the battering ram in front of them. They crouch, which impedes their alacrity, but keeps the cover working as it should. The ram itself is picking up speed, and its momentum is quite a bit harder to stop than that of the ponies pushing it ahead...right towards the hunkered down opposition.

    Whenever a golem passes within hooves' reach, they swing out their weapons to destroy or maim them. With their orders being, presumably, to charge the gate and not two random ponies, it shouldn't be hard. And if the ram happens to crush a few while it rolls, well, so much the better.
    Before the two ponies can make much headway, a voice beckons from behind them. "Hold! You two! Bring that ram back to the gates!" Should they peer over their shoulders, they'd spy an armored head peering out from between the splintered gates and waving them back.

    (I leave repsonding to Shell Shock in the hands of some other pony)
    Last edited by TheAmishPirate; 2014-01-27 at 07:33 PM.
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.

  8. - Top - End - #68
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by Lycan 01 View Post
    [Forest Ambush]

    Prose notices he's being shadowed at the last moment. He looks back to see who or what his pursuers are, unfortunately just as the ambush is about to be sprung. Prose is caught off guard, and finds himself slammed to the ground by the griffon who tackles him.

    However, the griffon has chosen the wrong batpony to grapple with, as hoof-to-claw combat happens to be Prose's best fighting style. As such, the moment the griffon tries to come at him with claws, the odds immediately turn against the grif's favor. "Unwise," Prose states simply, narrowing his eye as he moves to defend himself.

    Prose twists himself around a bit, and angles himself to that the talons miss his flesh and instead strike the armor over his shoulders, sending sparks flying as the blow glances off. He then follows up with a pair of strikes of his own - a forehoof slamming upwards into the griffon's throat, attempting to strike and possibly collapse his trachea, and a raking swipe of his left wing's talons, attempting to slice through the griffon's extended forearm and several his major tendons and arteries. Neither strike should be immediately lethal, but a crushing blow to the throat should leave him gasping and possibly trying to pop his trachea back open, while such a devastating blow to the wrist could cause severe bleeding and perhaps even permanent loss of function for that hand without proper treatment.

    Essentially, the griffon has invited himself into a world of hurt by trying to go toe-to-toe with the Shadowbolt. Assuming he's disabled by the one-two strike, Prose flings the griffon off of him, hops up, and looks to see if there are more attacks coming his way.
    [Forest Ambush]
    Wildcat wasn't having the best day. Having a hoof slammed into your throat would do that to anypony. The griffon let out a weak gurgle as his airways momentarily was cut off, staggering backwards in rapid confusion and shock, and only narrowly missing what would have been a double blow by pure chance, sustaining only a nasty laceration on his forelimb. Of course, Prose would be able to push off the griffon easily, who quickly slumped to the ground.

    "Impressive work, pony. But your time ends here," Stuka said from the shadows of the forest above Prose, mere moments before she flinged the knife she had held in one paw, before launching herself directly at the Shadowbolt. Not one for subtlety, griffons.
    Last edited by Grif; 2014-01-28 at 11:37 AM.

  9. - Top - End - #69
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    [Forest Ambush]

    Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
    [Forest Ambush]
    Wildcat wasn't having the best day. Having a hoof slammed into your throat would do that to anypony. The griffon let out a weak gurgle as his airways momentarily was cut off, staggering backwards in rapid confusion and shock, and only narrowly missing what would have been a double blow by pure chance, sustaining only a nasty laceration on his forelimb. Of course, Prose would be able to push off the griffon easily, who quickly slumped to the ground.

    "Impressive work, pony. But your time ends here," Stuka said from the shadows of the forest above Prose, mere moments before she flinged the knife she had held in one paw, before launching herself directly at the Shadowbolt. Not one for subtlety, griffons.
    "Ack!" Prose squawks in surprise, jerking his head to the side to barely avoid the knife flung his way. He then frantically flaps his wings to jump to the side, barely managing to dodge the griffon's lunge, as the remaining bolts in the quarrel on his back rattle loudly. Whatever poise and subtlety he had before seem to have evaporated in the face of a capable, threatening rival. He hurls himself back a bit to put more distance between himself and the attacker, before landing awkwardly and staggering back a bit. His right hind leg nearly buckles, and he winces in pain. It would seem that being tackled left him injured, or he was already nursing a wound from before.

    "Hey now, can't we talk about this?" he asks, sounding strained and pained, uncertainty and a hint of fear in his eye as he looks at the griffoness who is no doubt circling around for another attack. "C'mon, I'm sure we can... urg... come to a reasonable understanding?" he asks, grunting in pain as he limps back a bit, like a cornered animal trying to put as much space between itself and its predator.

    It's all an act, of course.

    He purposefully cut it close with dodging the knife and tackle, and he's faking the injury and fear. Deception and misrepresentation are favored skills of the Shadowbolts, after all, and Prose's own talents at communication and expression are quite useful for expressing truths... or lies.

    Hopefully the griffoness will think he's easy prey, underestimate him, and either be obvious or leave herself wide open with her next attack, allowing for him to either counter with his own cunning brutality, or keep up the masquerade until a suitable opportunity presents itself.
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  10. - Top - End - #70
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    [The Wall]

    That magic looks familiar... You? I should have killed you when I had the chance. But for now, you can feel some pain. Blueshield took aim at the location of Aegis's horn-light, then let fly with a green-tipped acid quarrel.

    She next fired her last green-tipped bolt at Rock Star. To whom it may concern: My apologies for the distraction. Hopefully, the acid would either mess up their concentration or melt through their defences, giving other archers a clear shot.

    With her special shots exhausted, Blueshield turned toward her companions. "I should go. The gate needs reinforcing. Keep them occupied!" She then started heading down from the wall.

    [The Clinic]

    Night Jewel glanced up for a moment, hearing the sounds of hoofsteps above. "Hurry..."

    Less worrying, more getting things done.

    With that little bit of self-reminder, she turned her attention back to the task at hoof.

    I'll have to use my invisible light spell for this. I don't have other magic of the "cast and leave going" kind, and focusing on two spells at once is a little overwhelming.

    She carefully tied the spell into the matrix as a power source. She wouldn't be able to see as far in the dark or make mechanical adjustments as quickly, but it was a small price to pay.

    Is that it?

    Patience, girl. Do you want the spell or not?

    I want it, but I don't want to be too late to prevent disaster.
    When in doubt, use cute little dragons.

    Game and roleplaying stuff.

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  11. - Top - End - #71
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by Lycan 01 View Post
    [Forest Ambush]
    "Ack!" Prose squawks in surprise, jerking his head to the side to barely avoid the knife flung his way. He then frantically flaps his wings to jump to the side, barely managing to dodge the griffon's lunge, as the remaining bolts in the quarrel on his back rattle loudly. Whatever poise and subtlety he had before seem to have evaporated in the face of a capable, threatening rival. He hurls himself back a bit to put more distance between himself and the attacker, before landing awkwardly and staggering back a bit. His right hind leg nearly buckles, and he winces in pain. It would seem that being tackled left him injured, or he was already nursing a wound from before.
    A small smile graced Stuka's normally stoic expression, as her predatory eyes watched the pony stumble. For so long, she had answered the dignified call of ranged combat, and forgone her griffon heritage. Seeing how she seemed to have not lost her touch was gratifying. Stuka casually walked over to retrieve her knife, lodged in the ground, and hefted it again with an easy grace.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lycan 01 View Post
    "Hey now, can't we talk about this?" he asks, sounding strained and pained, uncertainty and a hint of fear in his eye as he looks at the griffoness who is no doubt circling around for another attack. "C'mon, I'm sure we can... urg... come to a reasonable understanding?" he asks, grunting in pain as he limps back a bit, like a cornered animal trying to put as much space between itself and its predator.
    "Seeing how you seemed to have made short work of our siege team, perhaps not." Stuka raised her knife again, stalking forward menacingly. "Say your last words, my little pony. Your death would be painless, I promise." Then the griffon broke into a run, closing in fast, her knife held in one clawed hand. She'd try to slam her shoulder into Prose, and use her momentum to drive the pony to the ground and slice his throat cleanly. It's quite likely Prose could easily fend off this attack though. Stuka wasn't quite up to date with her hand-to-hand combat skills, but she still has the speed and power of a griffon behind her.
    Last edited by Grif; 2014-01-30 at 12:10 PM.

  12. - Top - End - #72
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by Merellis View Post

    [Forest - Support Personnel]

    They quickly take Dive Bomb from the griffon as the poor captain had given no response to the underpaid mercenary and set to getting him healed up, one unicorn in particular casting a quick spell that echoes in the heads of a few particular ponies

    Relay reporting in! Captain Dive Bomb has been located! He's injured and unconscious, but alive for now. Resources show that the gate has been compromised, finish your assignments quickly and make for the rendezvous point at the Eastern and Southern walls. Will be sending escort teams to extract you after the sun is down.

    A messenger soon shows up and relays what's been happening with the gates, bleeding all over the place.

    "Of course we're getting pushed back." Relay says with a frown before powering up his spell again.

    Rock Star, fall back and take over command for Cookie Cutter, get a medic or two to keep you stable and try to hold out a bit longer. We'll see what we can do about getting you a bit more support.

    "Oi, get Captain Dive Bomb up and functional again as soon as possible! Don't care if you all drop from exhaustion doing so, just get it done! I've gotta contact home base about something, so get it done! Soldier, return to the battlefield and keep that wall occupied!"

    Well, it seems Staccata managed to come across an enemy mercenary band. While it would be unlikely that they'd be amiable to talk before calling for help, there may be some paperwork or messages to rifle through. Plus they're distracted so there's that.

    The mare waits for one of the mercs to get themselves separated. Then she'll sneak over and introduce somepony's back of the skull to a blade hilt.
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  13. - Top - End - #73
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
    Every fiber of Sandy's being dreaded the disaster that awaited if he couldn't stall this plan. But the questions that would inevitably follow his protests terrified him even more. "Y-yeah. Sure doesh." He faintly heard his own voice as if it were speaking from another plane entirely. "Just...gotta take a few an' spruce up...get my goodsh uniform on...clean up from th' right there." He switched off his communicator, and immediately a wave of nausea struck him square in the gut, forcing him to lean against the wall for support. He cupped his forehead in his hoof, struck dumb from shock and the utter hopelessness of his predicament.

    "Sandy you require...assistance?....You seem to have taken an unwell turn, in which I will presume is due to the orders your superiors gave you, which in turn, makes me assume you do not want to do this."
    Miss M raised a brow and stared at the little stallion.

  14. - Top - End - #74
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post

    "Sandy you require...assistance?....You seem to have taken an unwell turn, in which I will presume is due to the orders your superiors gave you, which in turn, makes me assume you do not want to do this."
    Miss M raised a brow and stared at the little stallion.
    Sandy peeked out at her over his hoof, eyes glassy and devoid of their usual luster. "You don't undershtand nothin'...Balboa Shagsh th' richest an' biggest pony in all Equestria...Luna besidesh...I can't turn down a meetin' with him. But I can't...I'm drunked!" He threw his forehooves into the air, sliding down the wall onto his haunches. "Drunked on duty an' Bobla Hag wantsh t'see me?!'m I shupposhed t'do that, when I can't even trot shtraigtsh? M'gonna make a fool o' me an' th' ship an' th' crew an' th' Cap'n...ohhhhhhhhh Cap'n......m'sorry....."

    What little emotional fire he had left sputtered out, leaving him stranded and wallowing in a wine-soaked despair. The little stallion turned pleading eyes upon the vampony. "Please...Missh M, you gotta help me..." he begged her.
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.

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    [Forest Ambush]

    Prose looks even more fearful as she picks up her knife, and he awkwardly limps a bit further back. Mentally, though, he's running countless scenarios through his head, estimating odds and considering various grapples and counters that work best against knives. "I didn't sign up for this..." he whimpers with faux cowardice.

    His eye goes wide in terror as she charges him! He looks like a deer in headlights, totally petrified in fear and indecison!

    At least until the last second. Just before she slams her shoulder into Prose, the batpony gives a sudden flap of his wings, hurling himself up and to the side, moving to aerially sidestep Stuka so she charges right past him. And since she was leading with her shoulder, that should mean she's turned slightly, so sidestepping her should allow Prose to have a shot at her back as she passes.

    With lightning speed and precision, Prose spins around in mid-air, before lashing out with both hind legs to deliver a crushing kick to the back of Stuka's head as she passes him by. Her forward momentum should mitigate most of the potential damage, at least enough to avoid being outright killed or knocked out. But a hit like that is still sure to cause some damage, perhaps even stunning or disorienting her.
    Anemoia: Nostalgia for a time you've never known.

  16. - Top - End - #76
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
    [West Gate]

    What fortunate timing. Shell Shock flinched as a piece of metal from the gate sailed right in front of him just as he was about to turn the corner.

    "Oi! Don't you know these things can maim somepony?" he called out cheerfully to the defenders as he peeped around, raising a hoof to stop Flash Bang from progressing further once she caught up with him. "Now who's tryin' to ram the gates down?"

    (I leave it to whoever to answer. I believe there's quite a number of characters at the gates.)
    Flash Bang skitted to a stop when Shell Shock called out, coming just short of his hoof to slow her, ears twitching this way and that excitedly. She scuffed the ground impatiently. "We goin'na stand around here all day then?"
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  17. - Top - End - #77
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
    Sandy peeked out at her over his hoof, eyes glassy and devoid of their usual luster. "You don't undershtand nothin'...Balboa Shagsh th' richest an' biggest pony in all Equestria...Luna besidesh...I can't turn down a meetin' with him. But I can't...I'm drunked!" He threw his forehooves into the air, sliding down the wall onto his haunches. "Drunked on duty an' Bobla Hag wantsh t'see me?!'m I shupposhed t'do that, when I can't even trot shtraigtsh? M'gonna make a fool o' me an' th' ship an' th' crew an' th' Cap'n...ohhhhhhhhh Cap'n......m'sorry....."

    What little emotional fire he had left sputtered out, leaving him stranded and wallowing in a wine-soaked despair. The little stallion turned pleading eyes upon the vampony. "Please...Missh M, you gotta help me..." he begged her.
    Miss M winced and stepped back. "And how is it that you hope for me to help you? You're not going to ask me to glamour you into thinking you're sober are you?" She raised a brow and wrinkled her muzzle, the latter due to his smell.

  18. - Top - End - #78
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
    Miss M winced and stepped back. "And how is it that you hope for me to help you? You're not going to ask me to glamour you into thinking you're sober are you?" She raised a brow and wrinkled her muzzle, the latter due to his smell.
    "...would that actshully work?" Sandy asked timidly, awkwardly clopping his forehooves together.
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
    "...would that actshully work?" Sandy asked timidly, awkwardly clopping his forehooves together.

    Hoof in mouth and all that jazz. " theory it can block off the parts of the brain that dictate itself to be inebriated, though when it wears off you may be in for a massive hangover, mayhaps."

  20. - Top - End - #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
    Hoof in mouth and all that jazz. " theory it can block off the parts of the brain that dictate itself to be inebriated, though when it wears off you may be in for a massive hangover, mayhaps."
    "Hangoversh better than th' alternative. Headachesh go 'way; demeritsh go on your...permanent record." The little stallion shuddered; fate worse than death, that was. "It'sh either y'suck out th' alcohol, I getsh too beat up t'go, or glamoursh. Th' firsht's impossiblesh, Rainbow'll kill me if I get busht up, so that jusht leaf th' sparkly eyes." Sandy blinked, then set his wide eyes upon Miss M's. "I'm ready whenever yoush are."
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.

  21. - Top - End - #81
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
    "Hangoversh better than th' alternative. Headachesh go 'way; demeritsh go on your...permanent record." The little stallion shuddered; fate worse than death, that was. "It'sh either y'suck out th' alcohol, I getsh too beat up t'go, or glamoursh. Th' firsht's impossiblesh, Rainbow'll kill me if I get busht up, so that jusht leaf th' sparkly eyes." Sandy blinked, then set his wide eyes upon Miss M's. "I'm ready whenever yoush are."
    Miss M hesitated for a moment, looking at the desperately eager stallion before her. After a few moments she looked him in his eyes, locking on to them. Her eyes flicked its magical blue aura, hypnotizing the stallion. Within Sandy he would feel an odd mental command take hold of his mind.

    A moment later Miss M closed her eyes and took her gaze away.

  22. - Top - End - #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
    Miss M hesitated for a moment, looking at the desperately eager stallion before her. After a few moments she looked him in his eyes, locking on to them. Her eyes flicked its magical blue aura, hypnotizing the stallion. Within Sandy he would feel an odd mental command take hold of his mind.

    A moment later Miss M closed her eyes and took her gaze away.
    Sandy blinked back to reality, wondering if he'd even left in the first place. Already his mind had filled the gap in his memories and blurred over those few seconds. Even thinking as hard as he could, nothing seemed to-

    I can think straight again!

    He tested a jog in place, then standing on three hooves, then two, then a little backflip for good measure. His legs were as sturdy as the metal they were standing on. "I...I think it worked!" he exclaimed, then checked his forehead. "No headache. I'm talkin', I'm talkin', sing a song o' six pies an' m'voice is back t'normal too! It worked!" With a triumphant laugh, he wrapped his forelegs around Miss M - heedless of her chill body - and hugged her tightly. "Thank y'Miss M! I...I owe you..."

    Sandy's throat choked with a rush of emotion, and he squeezed the undead mare tighter. Then just as quickly, he let her go, feeling intensely ashamed and embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry...t'ask more of you. It w-won't happen...I'll chuck out th' rest of th' wine...uh..." He slowly backed away. "I...I ought t'go get ready t'go...thanks..."
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.

  23. - Top - End - #83
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by Lycan 01 View Post
    [Forest Ambush]

    Prose looks even more fearful as she picks up her knife, and he awkwardly limps a bit further back. Mentally, though, he's running countless scenarios through his head, estimating odds and considering various grapples and counters that work best against knives. "I didn't sign up for this..." he whimpers with faux cowardice.

    His eye goes wide in terror as she charges him! He looks like a deer in headlights, totally petrified in fear and indecison!

    At least until the last second. Just before she slams her shoulder into Prose, the batpony gives a sudden flap of his wings, hurling himself up and to the side, moving to aerially sidestep Stuka so she charges right past him. And since she was leading with her shoulder, that should mean she's turned slightly, so sidestepping her should allow Prose to have a shot at her back as she passes.

    With lightning speed and precision, Prose spins around in mid-air, before lashing out with both hind legs to deliver a crushing kick to the back of Stuka's head as she passes him by. Her forward momentum should mitigate most of the potential damage, at least enough to avoid being outright killed or knocked out. But a hit like that is still sure to cause some damage, perhaps even stunning or disorienting her.
    What the... was the thought that flashed through Stuka's mind as the injured pony magically disappeared from her view. The griffon sailed past the Shadowbolt, already trying to adjust and pivot to avoid the inevitable retaliation.

    All in vain. Prose's aim was true and the griffon lurched forward sickeningly, flung to the ground by the force of the kick head-first, the knife clattering to the ground some distance away. There, for a moment, Stuka lay disorientated, her world swirling about in a blurry slush. But her griffon instincts was strong, and even in her state, she tried to push herself up. Anything, to stave off what would be the killing blow.

    Prose would have a golden chance to end the fight now, if he wished.
    Last edited by Grif; 2014-02-02 at 12:30 AM.

  24. - Top - End - #84
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
    Sandy blinked back to reality, wondering if he'd even left in the first place. Already his mind had filled the gap in his memories and blurred over those few seconds. Even thinking as hard as he could, nothing seemed to-

    I can think straight again!

    He tested a jog in place, then standing on three hooves, then two, then a little backflip for good measure. His legs were as sturdy as the metal they were standing on. "I...I think it worked!" he exclaimed, then checked his forehead. "No headache. I'm talkin', I'm talkin', sing a song o' six pies an' m'voice is back t'normal too! It worked!" With a triumphant laugh, he wrapped his forelegs around Miss M - heedless of her chill body - and hugged her tightly. "Thank y'Miss M! I...I owe you..."

    Sandy's throat choked with a rush of emotion, and he squeezed the undead mare tighter. Then just as quickly, he let her go, feeling intensely ashamed and embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry...t'ask more of you. It w-won't happen...I'll chuck out th' rest of th' wine...uh..." He slowly backed away. "I...I ought t'go get ready t'go...thanks..."
    The red vampony was taken aback, her eyes slightly wide, her body frozen as it also tensed up. A soft gulp sounded from her throat as she stared at Sandy awkwardly, though his odor was still offending, there was something about feeling the warmth of this happy and grateful stallion that she did not mind it. You know, rather than swat him away for invading her personal space.

    "'re welcomed Sandy Shores,"
    She said awkwardly, it was weird feeling, a warm hug. She had only hugged Zephyr a few times and those were of course, cold ones.

  25. - Top - End - #85
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    [Forest Ambush]

    Lucky for Stuka, there is no final death blow.

    Unlucky for Stuka, Prose does however follow up with another powerful roundhouse kick, bucking both of his hind-legs to deliver a crushing blow to her nearest wing. Should it land, the strike should snap bone, bruise flesh, and rend out feathers with ease, leaving her wing completely ruined until she can get proper medical attention.

    The strike won't end her life. But it'll certainly end her role in today's battle, and perhaps others to come.

    Whether the strike lands and fully does its job or not, Prose quickly takes flight. He plucks up Stuka's fallen knife in his teeth, before zipping back into the trees, and making his way back towards Bridle Shores.

    Hopefully he can get back to the town without any further interruptions or ambushes...
    Anemoia: Nostalgia for a time you've never known.

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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
    The red vampony was taken aback, her eyes slightly wide, her body frozen as it also tensed up. A soft gulp sounded from her throat as she stared at Sandy awkwardly, though his odor was still offending, there was something about feeling the warmth of this happy and grateful stallion that she did not mind it. You know, rather than swat him away for invading her personal space.

    "'re welcomed Sandy Shores,"
    She said awkwardly, it was weird feeling, a warm hug. She had only hugged Zephyr a few times and those were of course, cold ones.
    And thus, the most awkward hug in the history of all the Cirrus concluded, with both parties slinking their separate, horrendously confused ways...

    [A few minutes later...]

    Sandy Shores - now clean, sober, and in his freshly-ironed dress uniform and cap - marched to where Hay Bale, Gearstride, and Silverpine were waiting. He'd considered a pair of goggles to hide the slight blueish tint in his eyes, but reasoned he could get away without it. One could hardly see it in the daylight, and only if they looked too closely. He'd be fine.

    He threw his Captain and Lieutenant a smart, decidedly-not-drunk salute. "Sargent Sandy Shores, reportin' an' ready for duty. 'Pologies for th' wait, engines needed a last bit of tunin'."

    As for Hay Bale, it would appear as though either the crew was playing an incredibly elaborate prank on her, or Balboa's guest of honor was no more than 12. And knew how to fix an airship. And had made an impressive rank for his age. And spoke with a stallion's voice.

    ...a very ambitious 12-year-old, then.
    Last edited by TheAmishPirate; 2014-02-02 at 04:04 PM.
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.

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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
    [A few minutes later...]

    Sandy Shores - now clean, sober, and in his freshly-ironed dress uniform and cap - marched to where Hay Bale, Gearstride, and Silverpine were waiting. He'd considered a pair of goggles to hide the slight blueish tint in his eyes, but reasoned he could get away without it. One could hardly see it in the daylight, and only if they looked too closely. He'd be fine.

    He threw his Captain and Lieutenant a smart, decidedly-not-drunk salute. "Sargent Sandy Shores, reportin' an' ready for duty. 'Pologies for th' wait."

    As for Hay Bale, it would appear as though either the crew was playing an incredibly elaborate prank on her, or Balboa's guest of honor was no more than 12. And had made an impressive rank for his age. And spoke with a stallion's voice.

    ...a very ambitious 12-year-old, then.
    And thus did most of Hay Bale's numerous fantasies deflate as she stared at the 12 year old. ... You look kinda young to be an engineer or a sergeant for that matter but okay. Shall we go?
    Last edited by HalfTangible; 2014-02-02 at 04:37 PM.
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    The Cirrus

    Oof, a very awkward hug indeed. After Sandy left, Miss M disappeared somewhere on the ship...

    "Heya Sergeant Shores, no need to apologize, the wait wasn't that long,"
    She smiled at him and gave him a salute back, then glanced at Hay Bale. Just then a robotic voice announced its presence.

    "Unit A.I.D.A reporting for duty, what are my orders?"
    A brown, black with a few yellow highlights clockwork mini dragon wheeled into the middle of the pow wow standing a few feet from Sandy. It whirred and buzzed, its optic eyes briefly flashing over Sandy for a moment, for reasons. It then turned to face Silverpine and Gearstride.

  29. - Top - End - #89
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
    The Cirrus

    Oof, a very awkward hug indeed. After Sandy left, Miss M disappeared somewhere on the ship...

    "Heya Sergeant Shores, no need to apologize, the wait wasn't that long,"
    She smiled at him and gave him a salute back, then glanced at Hay Bale. Just then a robotic voice announced its presence.

    "Unit A.I.D.A reporting for duty, what are my orders?"
    A brown, black with a few yellow highlights clockwork mini dragon wheeled into the middle of the pow wow standing a few feet from Sandy. It whirred and buzzed, its optic eyes briefly flashing over Sandy for a moment, for reasons. It then turned to face Silverpine and Gearstride.
    Silverpine was just about to echo Gearstride's sentiments when AIDA inevitably cut him off. The lieutenant glanced at the robot with a little frown, noting yet again that it has somehow managed to sneak up on him without his knowledge. "Ah yes, A.I.D.A. Mr Shores and our guest here require urgent transport to Manehattan*. You do have that artificial teleportation device installed right?"

    Quote Originally Posted by Lycan 01 View Post
    [Forest Ambush]

    Lucky for Stuka, there is no final death blow.

    Unlucky for Stuka, Prose does however follow up with another powerful roundhouse kick, bucking both of his hind-legs to deliver a crushing blow to her nearest wing. Should it land, the strike should snap bone, bruise flesh, and rend out feathers with ease, leaving her wing completely ruined until she can get proper medical attention.

    The strike won't end her life. But it'll certainly end her role in today's battle, and perhaps others to come.

    Whether the strike lands and fully does its job or not, Prose quickly takes flight. He plucks up Stuka's fallen knife in his teeth, before zipping back into the trees, and making his way back towards Bridle Shores.

    Hopefully he can get back to the town without any further interruptions or ambushes...
    Stuka thought she was prepared for death. She wasn't prepared for the exquisite pain of having a wing crushed. The sheer intensity of the sensations coursing through her body made her squeeze her eyes shut, a pained, tortured shriek escaping her throat. The griffoness collapsed back onto the ground, whimpering incoherently, her entire body paralysed momentarily from the shock of pain.

    With Wildcat still struggling to get up from his previous injury, the way seemed clear for Prose to quickly get back to the town...
    Last edited by Grif; 2014-02-03 at 08:55 AM.

  30. - Top - End - #90
    Troll in the Playground
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    Dec 2010

    Default Re: [FwM] The Trotting Dead-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XVI

    Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
    Silverpine was just about to echo Gearstride's sentiments when AIDA inevitably cut him off. The lieutenant glanced at the robot with a little frown, noting yet again that it has somehow managed to sneak up on him without his knowledge. "Ah yes, A.I.D.A. Mr Shores and our guest here require urgent transport to Manehattan*. You do have that artificial teleportation device installed right?"

    "Yes Lieutenant Silverpine Last Name. Teleportation device installed and operational. Whirr."
    The clockwork dragon replied without a beat.

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