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  1. - Top - End - #151
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    Very nice guide (already, and it's not even finished)! Thinblade's was indeed in need of a dust-up.

    Two remarks that come a bit late as I just read through the thread:
    - Arcane Mastery is also useful for Warlock who take one of the dispelling Invocations. Associate it with a cheap Dispelling Cord (MIC) and it affords you great reliability

    - I also think Beshadowed Blast should be Black. I agree few people will take it because of the opportunity cost, but in itself it's not bad. In particular, it can hose arcane casters who are among of the warlock's (and the party's) worst enemies. Fort may not be the best save to target, but it's good to be able to target all saves with various effects, and blinding is great.
    "Even gods must learn to control their tempers, lest they set a bad example."
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  2. - Top - End - #152
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    And now the continuation of the PrC's worthy of specific mention (waht out they are heavily debated)

    Legacy Champion

    requirements: knowledge history 5 ranks, the least legacy feat, ownership of a legacy item, character level 10'th
    What does it do for a warlock? Well, consider the fact that you get +2d6 hellfire damage from Hellfire warlock. Legacy champion gives you:
    At each level except 1st and 7th,
    you gain class features and an increase in effective
    level as if you had also gained a level in a class to which
    you belonged before adding the prestige class level.
    The specific class features you gain include spells
    per day (and spells known, if applicable), improved
    chance of turning or destroying undead, metamagic or item creation feats, bonus feats, monk special abilities,
    sneak attack progressions, and so on, depending
    on the class. You do not, however, gain the benefit of
    your previous class’s Hit Dice, attack progression,
    skill points, or saving throws. If you had more than
    one class before becoming a legacy champion, you
    must decide to which class to add each
    The trick is debatable becuase of the "As if you had taken another level of that class" part. Some argue that it continues HFW's Hellfire blast (which explicitly gives +2d6 of hellfire damage) and invocations as if you had gained a level, but without gaining that level and not going beyond the 3 levels of HFW. The people against that say that you can't gain levels beyond the 3rd and thus not use it to gain benefits. Check wiht your DM if this is allowed as a tactic. If it is you get a nice powerboost, if it isn't, you don't

    Uncanny Trickster

    Requirements: 4 skills with at least 8 ranks, 4 skilltricks.
    what does it do? It does that same as Legacy champion:
    At each level after 1st, you gain class features (including spellcasting ability) and an increase in effective level as if you had also gained a level in a class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain the benefit of your previous class’s Hit Dice, attack progression, skill points, or saving throws. If you had more than one class before becoming an uncanny trickster, you must decide to which class to ad
    the trick is equally hot debated as Legacy Champion and you must again ask your DM. (some tricks are worth it however)

    then a list of useful tricks on your warlock (if you have the skillpoints to spare):

    Tricks you love, separated by role:

    • Second Impression
    • Assume Quirk
    • Never Outnumbered (max intimidate)

    these tricks increase your chances of succeeding at social skills by offering second chances or expanding on the uses of the skills. Very useful shoudl you be a face (and that without investing in face invocations or feats)
    • Clarity of Vision (instead of the invoaction see the unseen)

    or 1 round you can see invisible creatures within 30 feet if you can succeed on a dc 20 spot check. Coupled with a wand of gliterdust no more invisibility for the enemy, no invocation requiered and everyone enjoys it.
    False Theurgy: this is debatable, but worth trying your DM for. It is uncaertain if by spells invocations are also allowed.

    Easy escape: if you get into melee you will need some form of free movement, this trick gives it: you can escape from a grapple using this trick.

    Skilltricks are a great way of enhancing a character with minute resources (only 2 skillpoints for a trick). The rest of the skilltricks are either too situational or not helpful at all.
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  3. - Top - End - #153
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    I've been lax on fulfilling my intention to detail the homebrew stuff for warlock, My apologies for that, caused by Holiday + increased workload after Holiday.

    I've just had my first session Playing my new Warlock: Tarneuril Leafsong who seems to be an Elf (but is actually a changeling) and it was quite fun (I ditched my idea for a shadowgnome warlock). I have talked my GM into allowing a Homebrew Feat chain for Warlocks: Floating Invocation (Least), (Lesser), (Greater), (Dark).

    Floating Invocation Feat Chain

    Floating Invocation (Least)
    Prerequisite: Access to Least Invocations
    Benefit: Choose one of your existing Least Invocations, This is now changeable on a daily basis: once every 24hrs you may change your Floating Invocation to a different Least Invocation. This process takes 1hr and can only be done after getting a good nights sleep.

    Floating Invocation (Lesser)
    Prerequisite: Access to Lesser Invocations, Floating Invocation (Least)
    Benefit: Choose one of your existing Lesser Invocations, This is now changeable on a daily basis: once every 24hrs you may change your Floating Invocation to a different Lesser Invocation. This process takes 1hr and can only be done after getting a good nights sleep. You can change any or all of your Floating Invocations during the same time period.

    Floating Invocation (Greater)
    Prerequisite: Access to Greater Invocations, Floating Invocation (Lesser)
    Benefit: Choose one of your existing Greater Invocations, This is now changeable on a daily basis: once every 24hrs you may change your Floating Invocation to a different Greater Invocation. This process takes 1hr and can only be done after getting a good nights sleep. You can change any or all of your Floating Invocations during the same time period.

    Floating Invocation (Dark)
    Prerequisite: Access to Lesser Invocations, Floating Invocation (Greater)
    Benefit: Choose one of your existing Dark Invocations, This is now changeable on a daily basis: once every 24hrs you may change your Floating Invocation to a different Dark Invocation. This process takes 1hr and can only be done after getting a good nights sleep. You can change any or all of your Floating Invocations during the same time period.
    Last edited by only1doug; 2012-09-10 at 07:57 AM.

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  4. - Top - End - #154
    ThiagoMartell's Avatar

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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    Updated with a description of Hellfire Warlock in the prestige class section. I think I covered everything, please check it out.
    Last edited by ThiagoMartell; 2012-09-18 at 02:04 AM.

  5. - Top - End - #155
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    Here's a thought I had while looking at the MiC:

    Get a Warlock's Scepter and enchant it with the Morphing enhancement. It can now be turned into a spiked gauntlet since the scepter is a light mace. Turning it into a spiked gauntlet means you can now hold something in that hand like another weapon, and that includes using Eldritch Glaive. The new Warlock's Gauntlet can still have its charges used to increase the EG damage, but the accuracy boost won't work because EG is a melee touch attack, not a ranged touch attack which the item states.

  6. - Top - End - #156
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    You are in the wrong place, buddy.

    If you guys didn't understand me, this is here for you. The former curator has been banned.
    Last edited by Snowbluff; 2013-02-14 at 09:52 PM.
    Avatar of Rudisplork Avatar of PC-dom and Slayer of the Internet. Extended sig
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darrin View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Snowbluff View Post
    All gaming systems should be terribly flawed and exploitable if you want everyone to be happy with them. This allows for a wide variety of power levels for games for different levels of players.
    I dub this the Snowbluff Axiom.

  7. - Top - End - #157
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    Great Handbook!

    Just a heads up though. Practiced Spellcaster doesn't increase the damage dice of Eldritch Blast.

    Read the entire page.

    Richard Baker states that he thinks it should work, but he's not sure the language supports it. Initially this is confusing considering he wrote the class, and the Complete Arcane book. However, without errata the language trumps what he may have posted on a forum at 3am.

    More importantly, there is an official FAQ, by Andy Collins, that specifically says it DOESN'T work.

  8. - Top - End - #158
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    Hi all, hope this isn't thread necromancy - just wanted to say how handy this guide was. Quite a fan of the Warlock flavour, even if its implementation was questionable.

    Just three things I wanted to note when PrC-ing:
    1) CArc calls out that warlocks can advance invocations, eldritch blast etc through anything that advances arcane spell-casting, so long as they can qualify for it (and in fact, even if they qualify using another source).
    2) Eldritch Theurge (CMage) allows you to plonk area spells into your blast using "spellblast", which can either shore up ranged damage significantly (Searing Heat fireballs, here we come) or add much deadlier CC effects to damage (Web, anyone?)
    3) The entry notes for Chameleon are correct in calling out that bluff, disguise and human/changeling/dopelganger are required. However, warlocks DO get disguise as a class skill! It's one of the only classes that does! Easy qualifier for a straight (probably human) warlock.

    Hope this helps fellow fans of the class :)
    My Fighter: "A single, solitary attack of opportunity... If it were my turn I'd bull rush him into the wall and see how his mirror images stop him getting crushed, but without Great Cleave I don't think I can interrupt him..."
    The Bard: "What feats do you have, again? Improved Sunder and... wait, that's it -"
    My Fighter: "- Yes! I sunder the floor at his feet! You shall not pass!!"
    The DM: "... you're using an Adamantine Sword, aren't you?"

  9. - Top - End - #159
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    Handbooks are normally exempt from thread necro, but I have taken over this handbook, since the OP isn't around anymore.
    Avatar of Rudisplork Avatar of PC-dom and Slayer of the Internet. Extended sig
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darrin View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Snowbluff View Post
    All gaming systems should be terribly flawed and exploitable if you want everyone to be happy with them. This allows for a wide variety of power levels for games for different levels of players.
    I dub this the Snowbluff Axiom.

  10. - Top - End - #160
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowbluff View Post
    Handbooks are normally exempt from thread necro, but I have taken over this handbook, since the OP isn't around anymore.
    You should post a giant link to the new thread, the google search for warlock handbook leads here and people may get confused.
    Maybe ask one of the mods to change the first post to a giant link to the new thread?
    Despite everything, its still me.

  11. - Top - End - #161
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    Quote Originally Posted by super dark33 View Post
    You should post a giant link to the new thread, the google search for warlock handbook leads here and people may get confused.
    Maybe ask one of the mods to change the first post to a giant link to the new thread?
    I wasn't going to since I already had a link, but I will now that you requested it.

    Avatar of Rudisplork Avatar of PC-dom and Slayer of the Internet. Extended sig
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darrin View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Snowbluff View Post
    All gaming systems should be terribly flawed and exploitable if you want everyone to be happy with them. This allows for a wide variety of power levels for games for different levels of players.
    I dub this the Snowbluff Axiom.

  12. - Top - End - #162
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    Utterdark Blast can be really helpful if you have any undead in your party and don't mind healing them from time to time. My warlock combined Utterdark Blast and Chain Blast Shape to heal several shadows at once for several rounds. The shadows lasted a lot longer than our DM expected and drained a lot of strength from the group's enemies which made taking them down much easier for us.

  13. - Top - End - #163
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    Race: Human
    Alignment: neutral evil
    Template : necropolitan (fits very well with an evil build and you don't use hellfire so it complements well)
    2 Flaws

    1 Warlock Spell Hand,Wild Talent (or hidden talent if allowed), Point blank shot,Psionic Shot
    2 Warlock
    3 Warlock Martial Study
    4 Warlock deceive item
    5 Factotum
    6 Assassin Psionic Meditation
    7 Assassin uncanny dodge
    8 Assassin
    9 Eldritch Theurge Greater Psionic Shot
    10 Eldritch Theurge
    11 Arcane Trickster
    12 Arcane Trickster Martial Stance (Assassin's Stance)
    13 Arcane Trickster
    14 Arcane Trickster
    15 Arcane Tricksterobtain familiar
    16 Arcane Trickster
    17 Arcane Trickster
    18 Arcane Trickster any improved familiar feat
    19 Arcane Trickster
    20 Arcane Trickster

    That is a good build but I have one question....for Martial Stance Assassin's stance maybe I am reading it wrong and if that is the case please explain it to this person but to normally gain that stance you need to have 1 shadowhand maneuver and I didn't think martial study did that. If I am not on the right track please enlighten me :)

    Edit: Nvm I reread it. I see where it works sorry
    Last edited by SinjinStormcrow; 2013-09-14 at 04:52 PM.

  14. - Top - End - #164
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    hey all really quick question, and sorry if it has already been asked, but I was wondering what type of energy eldritch blast?

    More specifically does it subvert the miss chance presented by incorporeal creatures?

    Please accompany any answer with the source where I can reference it. I have some real rule sticklers in my group.

  15. - Top - End - #165
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    1.) It's magical energy. So not a normal energy of the classic five types. I think it says this in the class description.

    2.) It's a magical attack, so it has, I think, a 50% chance of affecting an incorporeal target. I think. Rules on spells and interaction with incorporeal are described under the incorporeal entry in the DMG (thought the Rules Compendium version may be better...they added stuff to it as the game evolved).

    Hope this helped. Maybe someone else has some better answers. I am curious on the second point too, as I'm not quite sure.
    In my dreams, I am currently a druid 20/wizard 10/arcane hierophant 10/warshaper 5. Actually, after giving birth to a galaxy by splitting a black hole, level is no longer relevant.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Keledrath View Post
    I've never been able to put my finger on how to describe you Phelix, but I think I have an idea now.

    You're Tippy's fluffy cousin...

  16. - Top - End - #166
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    Quote Originally Posted by Phelix-Mu View Post
    1.) It's magical energy. So not a normal energy of the classic five types. I think it says this in the class description.

    2.) It's a magical attack, so it has, I think, a 50% chance of affecting an incorporeal target. I think. Rules on spells and interaction with incorporeal are described under the incorporeal entry in the DMG (thought the Rules Compendium version may be better...they added stuff to it as the game evolved).
    I concur with both of these.
    1. Some essences can convert it to one of the elemental types if you want to use them.

    Brimstone blast essence converts eldritch blast to fire, hellrime blast essence converts it to cold and vitriolic blast essence converts it to acid.

    2. It isn't of the force type so doesn't negate the incorporeal element.

    If you want to bypass incorporeal then I recommend gauntlets of ghost fighting (4000 gp) from the Magic item compendium (pg216), normal damage to incorporeal foes (ignoring the 50% miss chance) (extra damage if meleeing)

    Gauntlets of Ghost fighting are my favourite method of dealing with incorporeal miss chance, at 4k they are cheaper than adding the ghost touch enchantment to a weapon (+1 enhancement bonus cost, weapon must already have a +1 or higher enhancement bonus so minimum cost 6k) and do an extra 1d6 damage in melee combat.
    Last edited by only1doug; 2013-11-22 at 03:26 AM.

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  17. - Top - End - #167
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    Just a note about Warlocks and Supernatural Transformation: invocations may not qualify as spell-like abilities but Eldritch Blast quite specifically does

  18. - Top - End - #168
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    Quote Originally Posted by Againstusername View Post
    Just a note about Warlocks and Supernatural Transformation: invocations may not qualify as spell-like abilities but Eldritch Blast quite specifically does
    Complete Arcane, page 7, second paragraph under INVOCATIONS:
    "A warlock’s invocations are spell-like abilities; using an
    invocation is therefore a standard action that provokes attacks
    of opportunity"

    Complete Arcane, page 130, under WARLOCK INVOCATIONS, first paragraph, second sentence
    "While warlocks are as closely linked to the arcane as any
    wizard or sorcerer, these special powers are spell-like abilities, not spells."

    Yes, invocations are spell-like abilities.

  19. - Top - End - #169
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    Thanks for the guide, it really helped.

  20. - Top - End - #170
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    Quote Originally Posted by Rookwood View Post
    Thanks for the guide, it really helped.
    This is the old version. If you're interested in discussing the new one, it's here. It might have a couple new things that may help.
    Last edited by Snowbluff; 2015-12-12 at 11:14 PM.
    Avatar of Rudisplork Avatar of PC-dom and Slayer of the Internet. Extended sig
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darrin View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Snowbluff View Post
    All gaming systems should be terribly flawed and exploitable if you want everyone to be happy with them. This allows for a wide variety of power levels for games for different levels of players.
    I dub this the Snowbluff Axiom.

  21. - Top - End - #171
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    I have this idea for a homebrew anti-caster sniper Warlock build with some interesting implications.

    The Master Spellthief feat from Complete Scoundrel allows your levels from any arcane spellcasting class to stack with your Spellthief levels for the purposes of determining the max spell level that can be stolen, among other things.

    So, if you can get your DM to agree to let you tweak this feat to apply to Warlock levels, you can take a 1-level dip in Spellthief for the Steal Spell ability.

    From then on, any time you use your Eldritch Blast against a flat-footed opponent, you can forgo the +1d6 sneak attack damage in exchange for stealing a spell from the target. One hell of an awesome trade-off, in my opinion. The Steal Spell ability also suppresses the target's ability to cast the stolen spell for 1 minute (excellent against a spontaneous caster with more limited use against a prepared caster, depending on circumstance).

    With the right Warlock ability choices, you can come up with tons of ways to deny dex to your enemy. Useless against your mundane fighter, of course, but a total day-wrecker for enemy casters.

    In my homebrew build I've made a few further tweaks to the Steal Spell ability. Basically instead of casting the spell, I "spend" it by either applying the effect to my next Eldritch Blast or upping the damage output by +1d6 per level of the spell I stole. There are a million ways to homebrew this into a fantastically specialized anti-caster sniper but I'll let your imaginations go where ya want.

  22. - Top - End - #172
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    Just built a warlock for a game on this very site, the guide was very helpful 10/10

  23. - Top - End - #173
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    Your analysis of Hellspawned Grace is inaccurate. There is nothing in the description of that invocation that says you don't get the special qualities of the Hellcat. In fact, quite the opposite.

    Greater; 6th
    You take on the form and statistics of a hellcat (MM 54) for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your warlock level. This is a polymorph effect (see page 91)....

    If you go to page 91 of the Complete mage, and read about the Polymorph Subschool, it says:

    A spell of the polymorph subschool changes the target's form from one shape to another. Unless stated otherwise in the spell's description, the target of a polymorph spell takes on all the statistics and special abilities of an average member of the new form in place of its own except as follows:
    • The target retains its own alignment (and personality, within the limits of the new form's ability scores).
    • The target retains its own hit points.
    • The target is treated has having its normal Hit Dice for purpose of adjudicating effects based on HD, such as the sleep spell, though it uses the new form's base attack bonus, base save bonuses, and all other statistics derived from Hit Dice.
    • The target retains the ability to understand the languages it understands in its normal form. If the new form is normally capable of speech, the target retains the ability to speak these languages as well. It can write in the languages it understands, but only if the new form is capable of writing in some manner (even a primitive manner, such as drawing in the dirt with a paw).
    In all other ways, the target's normal game statistics are effectively replaced by those of the new form. The target loses all of the special abilities it has in its normal form, including its class features (even if the new form would normally be able to use these class features).

    Considering that this invocation is sourced from Complete Mage, and the description of the invocation refers you to an explanation within Complete Mage itself, I would say that these rules trump the normal rules for the Polymorph spell, and therefore, you'll get all the awesome special qualities of the Hellcat form, in all it's glory. The biggest drawback I see, is that the description for the Polymorph subschool also mentions that you lose all special abilities of your normal form, including class abilities, which sounds like it would also include eldritch blast and your other invocations. Now, if you can find a way to hang onto your invocations and eldritch blast while in Hellcat form, using Eldritch Claw as a Hellcat would be pretty dang sick!

  24. - Top - End - #174
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    Quote Originally Posted by missionary7 View Post

    Considering that this invocation is sourced from Complete Mage, and the description of the invocation refers you to an explanation within Complete Mage itself, I would say that these rules trump the normal rules for the Polymorph spell, and therefore, you'll get all the awesome special qualities of the Hellcat form, in all it's glory. The biggest drawback I see, is that the description for the Polymorph subschool also mentions that you lose all special abilities of your normal form, including class abilities, which sounds like it would also include eldritch blast and your other invocations. Now, if you can find a way to hang onto your invocations and eldritch blast while in Hellcat form, using Eldritch Claw as a Hellcat would be pretty dang sick!
    Look, this is just an idea, and although kinda RAW, it's also not RAI. It is stated that you can use spell like abilities to create magic items. So, seeing as the eldritch blast is a spell like ability and there are feats like create skull talisman and attune gem, you could, theoretically mind you, create a number of one-time-use eldritch blast skulls/gems for your hell cat form to use...

  25. - Top - End - #175
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    I think Hellspawned Grace is fine but not amazing. It offers some nice abilities. Invisibility and telepathy and, like, some jump bonuses, I guess. But not being able to use any of your normal abilities makes it pretty awkward.

  26. - Top - End - #176
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    Use this thread instead =>Thread: The Newest Warlock Handbook [3.5]
    Spoiler: Memes
    HA! you clicked!

  27. - Top - End - #177
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    So, with Hellfire Warlock, how exactly does the +1 of existing invoking class work exactly?
    Do I just count it as increasing the base Warlock class abilities?

    Like 11th level Warlock getting access to Greater invocations... if I was a L10 Warlock and took a level of Hellfire, do I get access to Greater invocations? Or do I just get a 7th invocation (as an 11th Warlock would get) but still have to pick from Least and Lesser?


    Also, how exactly do the mechanics for Empower/Maximize/Quicken spell work with Eldritch Blast?
    Last edited by LordBlade; 2018-03-22 at 06:04 PM.

  28. - Top - End - #178
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    Quote Originally Posted by darkela5 View Post
    Use this thread instead =>Thread: The Newest Warlock Handbook [3.5]
    No linky there friendo

    Quote Originally Posted by LordBlade View Post
    So, with Hellfire Warlock, how exactly does the +1 of existing invoking class work exactly?
    Do I just count it as increasing the base Warlock class abilities?

    Like 11th level Warlock getting access to Greater invocations... if I was a L10 Warlock and took a level of Hellfire, do I get access to Greater invocations? Or do I just get a 7th invocation (as an 11th Warlock would get) but still have to pick from Least and Lesser?


    Also, how exactly do the mechanics for Empower/Maximize/Quicken spell work with Eldritch Blast?
    Yeah you advance your invocations and EB as normal just not any other Warlock class abilities.
    On the metamagic question, do you mean trying to use the regular feats? Because that won't work, Warlocks don't use spell slots. There are feats however, called Empower/Maximize/Quicken SLA that do the same thing and are only usable 3/day.

    Quote Originally Posted by daremetoidareyo View Post
    Look, this is just an idea, and although kinda RAW, it's also not RAI. It is stated that you can use spell like abilities to create magic items. So, seeing as the eldritch blast is a spell like ability and there are feats like create skull talisman and attune gem, you could, theoretically mind you, create a number of one-time-use eldritch blast skulls/gems for your hell cat form to use...
    Interdasting. Seems like a bit of a waste of exp though.
    Quote Originally Posted by Deeds View Post
    Caster backstories require a reason as to why they can cast spells. Wizards study hard to learn spells. Sorcerers often learn of their powers and then hone them through traveling. Clerics use piety to find the gift of spells through the gods or their ideals. Druids shun deodorant until a riding dog appears and they learn Entangle.
    Quote Originally Posted by Red Fel View Post
    Zom, my imaginary hat is off to you. *Horns? *What horns? *It's just an unusual hairstyle.
    Quote Originally Posted by Venger View Post
    There are certain advantages to a game being as badly written as 3.5.

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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    Quote Originally Posted by Zombulian View Post
    No linky there friendo

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    Default Re: The New Warlock Handbook [3.5, WIP]

    The wands section ends after "Nerveskitter:" which has no description.
    Quote Originally Posted by GPuzzle View Post
    And I do agree that the right answer to the magic/mundane problem is to make everyone badass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Flickerdart View Post
    If you're of a philosophical bent, the powergamer is a great example of Heidegger's modern technological man, who treats a game's mechanics as a standing reserve of undifferentiated resources that are to be used for his goals.
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