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  1. - Top - End - #481
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Jun 2023

    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    There was a thick mist that had rolled over the waters between the districts. Something with the cold waterflow and the volcanic activity that made these ominous banks of grey-blue banks. Through the fog a barge slowly emerged. A skipper, who guided the barge through the waters with a professional disinterest born from doing this exact same thing a thousand times before, and a passenger. They weren't speaking, both comfortable to be just what they were in this moment. A skipper, and a passenger. No words needed between the handing over of fare and the thanks and goodbyes that were dictated by common courtesy.
    Both their minds were pre-occupied with private, earthly matters. The skipper had just had a big fight at home and he was wondering if it was all worth it. He could make out the forms of the larger ships and wondered what life would be like on a longer voyage. But he had a nest at home with a bunch of eggs soon to be hatched and he knew his wife would bite his head off and curse the ship sideways if he split. So he focussed on getting paid, and maybe getting a drink at the crooked fang later. Throwing some darts and hitting back a few venom-scotches would do the trick.

    The priest had his mind on his destination. He was looking forward to the warm embrace to reinvigorate his soul. It wasn't easy, dealing with the **** he dealt with on a daily basis and he really needed to get his rocks off.

    Quietly the barge glided over the water and slid into another mist bank. The skipper went on complete autopilot, he could do this in his sleep. He had done, on occasion. But he was awake today, and even though he couldn't see his own shoes he wasn't worried. Then he heard a splash and a soft "thud" sound. The boat rocked a bit but just slightly. He tensed and listened a bit. This was unusual but it happened so fast that he didn't have time to react or even be overly worried. Was it a fish nearby the boat?

    As the barge slid out of the thickest mist to his dumb surprise the skipper noticed that he was alone on the barge. There was no priest. Had he fallen overboard? He was unsure about what to do. He waited a bit, but soon figured that he wasn't going to alert the authorities. He didn't want any trouble with the temple and he wasn't going to explain what he was doing sneakily ferrying clergy across. He circled back and half expected to find the priest splashing about in the water but as much as he strained, he didn't hear a thing. When he came to shore he tied up his boat and decided to go home instead. This was strange and he felt uneasy.

    As the skipper slithered into his bed next to his wife hugging her and hoping she'd calmed down a bit, a skiff paddled by two familiar figures in the form of Fork and Rumble came around the White Cliff. They dumped a humanoid sized tarp, rolled up, from the skiff and the large mount slowly but deliberatelty dipped his head underwater and devoured the Yuan-Ti tasting sushi roll in one happy bite.

  2. - Top - End - #482
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg begins the ceremony with a prayer to Bahamut, which includes casting Bless on everyone present. Although this spell will wear off extremely quickly, it is done simply to set the intention for the ceremony.

    Ttharg then begins to talk about Bahamut's existence and role within our universe. He talks about how the Dragon Gods were once one, but broke apart to form the Gods we know today; including Bahamut. He talks about how Bahamut bound Tiamat in the coils of Apophis and trapped her in the Plane of Fire. He talks about the revelation of Bahamut, his teachings about self-determinism and change, not anarchy. He quotes the scripture that many would take out of context:

    Spoiler: Scripture
    'Erathis said to Bahamut, O Wise One (sarcastic), you teach freedom from the Law. Yet without the Law, dragons will kill one another, rob one another, ravish one another and devour each other's eggs. How will you prevent this?

    Bahamut said, This morning I arose and I have killed every dragon I wished to kill; stolen every treasure I wished to steal; ravished every female I wished to ravish; and devoured every egg I wished to devour. You wish to be master so that dragons obey you and not their evil impulses. I will teach them to master themselves and put aside evil impulses.

    Erathis said, And what if they do not learn?

    And Bahamut said, Then I will kill them. This, too, is part of freedom.

    Erathis said, This seems crueller to me than to make them obey.

    And Bahamut called out to Sardior, saying, Sardior, is it better to be a slave or to die?

    And Sardior said, I hate it when you two drag me into your fights.'

    He finishes the sermon by advocating a return to the sea from where we were once borne, to one day return to that great draconic spirit.

    "Bahamut comes to each of us differently. For some, they've known their entire lives that they wish to dedicate themselves to him. For others, their faith only comes in the last moments of their lives. Some will see the signs that lead them to worship. Others will only realise them after a long reflection. Bahamut gives us opportunity through change. He opens doors we never knew could be open, if only we are brave enough to step through them. Law and tradition are important, yes; but if we bind ourselves too tightly to the ideals of the past then we will never grow. And if we cannot grow, we cannot improve ourselves and be better than we once were."

    Ttharg approaches Seir.

    "Seir Clel, you have felt the power of Bahamut and wish to be baptised, here, now. Is that correct?" (Ttharg waits for an affirmation)

    "Seir Clel, is it your wish to live your life in accordance with the teachings and wisdom of Bahamut?" (Ttharg waits for an affirmation)

    "Seir Clel, will you defend your faith and it's ideals against all who would choose to challenge them?" (Ttharg waits for an affirmation)

    (Assuming an affirmation for all three) Ttharg leads Seir to the water's edge. They both step into the Spring and Ttharg has Seir kneel, his head still above water.

    As Ttharg is about to submerge Seir, he can't help but think of his own drowning experience when Bahamut intervened in his life. The lightning strike had forced Ttharg into the water and, weakened as he was, he had begun to sink. His old life had drowned, along with his former crew mates, there and then; but a sailor from the White Cliff had dove in and rescued him from true death. In many ways, this was Ttharg's baptism. Nothing about it had been formal, but Ttharg was sure, in this moment, that Bahamut had chosen to baptism Ttharg himself: forcing him into the water, letting the old Ttharg die, and having the new Ttharg pulled from the water by the crew that would become his new family.

    "A baptism can take many forms under Bahamut's blessing. For some, it is a formal ceremony, in a place of power, handled by a man of faith. Other times it is done alone, on the sea, with great fear. In both cases the person is transformed: the old returning to the water's depths and the new resurfacing to take it's first breath. In both cases, Bahamut smiles upon them. Let him smile upon you, Seir Clel, as we submerge you and let your old doubts and fears be washed away to be replaced with new hope and opportunities for the future."

    At this, Ttharg gently pushes Seir onto his back and into the water. He holds him there for a couple of seconds, ensuring he's fully submerged, and then gently pulls him back above the surface. "Take your first breath as a man of renewed dedication and may Bahamut bless all your future endeavours."

    Ttharg helps Seir step out of the Spring and then applies powdered silver across Seir's body, which begins to mix with the water of the Spring and disappear into the skin of Seir. Once finished, Ttharg takes a step back and bows to Seir. "Let me be the first to greet you as fellow follower of Bahamut. Congratulations!"

    Ceremony Spell completes, 25gp of powdered silver is used up (the material cost of the spell).

    Seir is under the effect of 'Dedication': 'You touch one humanoid who wishes to be dedicated to your god’s service. For the next 24 hours, whenever the target makes a saving throw, it can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the save. A creature can benefit from this rite only once.'

    Ttharg will have hoped to sway Seir into more a Barbarian role with his talk about self-determinism, opportunity, bravery, and a removal of fears and doubts; as well as an emphasis on strength.

    Ttharg will have been focusing on the wisdom revealed to him by Bahamut and on his own experiences converting to Bahamut. If I'm allowed to roll Wisdom, I will do so. I'd like to take the Double Proficiency Bonus, and then use the Inspiration I have to also have Advantage (really want to nail this roll).

    If so, that would be +3 Wisdom, +3 Proficiency (doubled to +6), so +9, with Advantage from Inspiration: (1d20+9)[29] or (1d20+9)[10]

    Ttharg accepts of the offer of a meal after the Ceremony. He politely asks about the family's history and their current ventures. At some point during the meal, Ttharg mentions about Trionyx and his own quest to stop him. He mentions the party's plan to speak with the Minister of War and whether the Clel family would voice their support for such a petition; even if they wouldn't personally sponsor it. Ttharg also asks whether it would be permissible for him to use the Spring briefly to Commune with Bahamut regarding Trionyx's impending arrival and the forces he is likely to bring.

  3. - Top - End - #483
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by The Commander View Post
    Ttharg accepts of the offer of a meal after the Ceremony. He politely asks about the family's history and their current ventures. At some point during the meal, Ttharg mentions about Trionyx and his own quest to stop him. He mentions the party's plan to speak with the Minister of War and whether the Clel family would voice their support for such a petition; even if they wouldn't personally sponsor it. Ttharg also asks whether it would be permissible for him to use the Spring briefly to Commune with Bahamut regarding Trionyx's impending arrival and the forces he is likely to bring.
    The Clels are very pleased by the results of the ceremony, especially because Seir's thoughts are trending in a more martial direction. Lotan knows where he is with a barbarian, even if it is a Zealot barbarian. And what mother doesn't want a son who can't be killed by ordinary means? Seir himself looks at you with hero worship. You have the support of the Clels, and they see no problem in allowing you to return to the Spring.

    But it's not only the Clel who are pleased. As you reach for the scroll, you feel the presence of Bahamut move across the water, and the platinum mirror of the pool transforms into a scrying pool.

    You look down from above onto the busy pirate port of Cagway.

    Spoiler: Cagway
    Cagway is the derelict remains of a once greater city. It was the center of reptilian life in the Hic Sunt before the migration of the chromatic dragons in the wake of the Cataclysm and the collapse of the utopian anarchist project of the worshippers of Bahamut. In the ruins of the great stone lairs built by metallic dragons in that lost age are bars, whorehouses, and auction markets selling stolen ships and goods, but never, ever slaves. Nothing infuriates a metallic dragon like slavery. It is further from Lssthp, within a few days of the Sunhome Isles.Cagway is the derelict remains of a once greater city. It was the center of reptilian life in the Hic Sunt before the migration of the chromatic dragons in the wake of the Cataclysm and the collapse of the utopian anarchist project of the worshippers of Bahamut. In the ruins of the great stone lairs built by metallic dragons in that lost age are bars, whorehouses, and auction markets selling stolen ships and goods, but never, ever slaves. Nothing infuriates a metallic dragon like slavery. It is further from Lssthp, within a few days of the Sunhome Isles.

    You see the Broken Wing in port, and on deck stands Vaarth Pthax, supervising the mustering of a pirate fleet. Between his fearsome reputation and Trionyx's power, he has pulled together at least a dozen ships, assembled under the five-headed flag of Tiamat. More ominous than that are the two undead metallic dragons circling over the fleet, keeping watch. Ominous in their own right, and in what they mean -- the metallic guardians of Cagway would not stand for this, so they are dead or driven away. Or dragooned.

    The ships are taking on supply and swearing in crew. It takes time to supply and man a fleet, and time to sail from Cagway to Malatra. But you know you have only a few short weeks.

    You see two figures standing with Pthax on the bridge, clearly in command. One looks like a female ruby dragonborn, in the rough leathers of someone who relies more on speed and dexterity than armor. Her weapon hangs at her belt, a rune-carved length of chain. She might be a stranger... but you've seen that armor before, on an orcish infiltrator who escaped, barely, with her life.

    The other, huddled in meditation some little length away, is a tortle who looks deeply unwell. His head nods over a heavy tome -- then snaps up to look up at the sky, up at you.

    Trionyx makes a gesture, and the vision breaks. You are alone in the steamy grotto.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dirty View Post
    As the skipper slithered into his bed next to his wife hugging her and hoping she'd calmed down a bit, a skiff paddled by two familiar figures in the form of Fork and Rumble came around the White Cliff. They dumped a humanoid sized tarp, rolled up, from the skiff and the large mount slowly but deliberatelty dipped his head underwater and devoured the Yuan-Ti tasting sushi roll in one happy bite.
    The next day, again without ever meeting face to face, the Kanikau send you your prize, a piece of magical apparatus salvaged from their troubled mine in the Westfjords. You open the wooden crate to find a strange bronze sphere about the size of your head. It is clearly designed with apertures and ports to connect to something greater.

    You have no idea what this is. You will need to speak to your more arcane-inclined crewmates.

    And soon, you have your chance. Your appointment with the Majari is in the next few days; Trionyx is, at your best estimate, three weeks out. You assemble once again in the wardroom to discuss your disparate adventures in Malatra. Servius goes first.

    Servius approaches the captain and the other officers, who have been kept informed of all of this. "Apparently this thing is out there. If we wait until Trionyx arrives, then if we have to flee or pursue him, it's a complication we won't have time for. I think we should try to deal with it now. Should we involve the White Cliff, which gives us more firepower but also risks our ship, or would you prefer we leave the city on foot to bait it out?"
    The Captain considers this. "I would give you any support you need, Mr. Pamphilius. My concern is this: the creature did not trouble us between the storm and our landing in Malatra. I wonder if it fears to attack us when it would have to go up against the whole ship at once. If it is meant to be... you... then it knows our situation. It can wait for the battle with Trionyx to insert itself when we're at a disadvantage."

    "If we take the White Cliff out into the bay with no other objective but to hunt it, I fear it will flee and bide its time a little longer. But if you set out in the tender, ostensibly to deal with the Majari's issue in the deeper tundra, it might think its odds are better and show itself."

    "I wonder if this creature might not be connected to the disruption of their supply train," says Cocytus, hesitant to speak at the table but eager to be of use. "They are transporting arcane materials, correct? And this is a being of arcane might. It might be a coincidence, but... it might not. Do we know the details of what was being transported?"

    Siduri shakes her head doubtfully. "I've picked up around the university that the Majari have a workshop in the deeper tundra where they manufacture arcane material components too delicate to construct in the city, but that's all. We would have to formally enter negotiations with them to find out more. If I had to guess... something related to their Planar Observatory? I know the University of Malatra has always been jealous of the Library's portal to the Plane of Order. And planar instruments are sensitive to vibration while they're being forged."
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-03-04 at 01:40 PM.

  4. - Top - End - #484
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    As Siduri said that, Fork put the wooden box on the table and opened it. "Would this be one such an arcane material component?" He asked the room but look mostly at Servius when he did.

  5. - Top - End - #485
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Spoiler: Arcana 10+
    This was definitely not constructed recently; it looks extremely old but well-preserved. The metal looks like bronze but you suspect it's not. It looks similar to the illithid arcano-tech you have seen, but less organic and with a different design philosophy; some other race's spelljamming technology, perhaps.

    Spoiler: Arcan 15+
    You could definitely install this into the tender with a little bit of work to bridge the two different types of arcano-tech.

  6. - Top - End - #486
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]


    Servius studies it, his eyes glowing as he analyzes the magical pathways. "No, this isn't like what they're making now," he says absently. "More like... something to fit the tender, or another spelljammer. It's not made by the illithid, and it doesn't follow our kind of enchanting either. This is more foreign in nature. I don't understand some of the design choices, but the inputs and outputs are clear enough. We could use this on our little stolen spelljammer."
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  7. - Top - End - #487
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg takes some time to enjoy the Spring privately - what sailor wouldn't enjoy a nice hot spring bath once in a while? Quietly he wonders if Seir Clel will involve himself in the battle to come.

    At the meeting, Ttharg is out of his formal robes, but still has the platinum scarf on hand. With the ceremony out of the way, he fashions it as a bandana around his head as opposed to a scarf around his neck (better for the heat). He adds what's he's discovered.

    "Completed that favour for the Clel family. We can count on their support. Also had chance to Scry on our Tortle lad. Aye, I saw Trionyx an' the fleet he be bringing with Captain Pthax. At least a dozen ships, flying the five-headed flag o' Tiamat. Worse though, is two undead dragons that circle with the fleet. Sad to say lads, but that'd mean the free peoples and dragons o' Cagway are no more - Trionyx and Pthax have either killed o' press-ganged 'em." Ttharg seems genuinely saddened by this. "They be taking on supplies now, but they'll be underway in a few short weeks. Aside from Pthax himself and Trionyx, seems like they picked up a new officer: a ruby Dragonborn lass, possibly a rogue, with the same equipment we saw that Orc rogue from the derrick usin'. I reckon the Orc teleported to Cagway where she was promptly captured or killed, then this lass got her stuff."

    "If ye need me to ask any further questions, I still have this scroll o' Commune. Maybe ye want me to ask about this Arcane business?" He suggests.
    Last edited by The Commander; 2024-03-05 at 10:25 AM.

  8. - Top - End - #488
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    "That was your prize from the Kanikau? Gods damn, what have they got going on in that mine o' theirs?"

    The Captain waves this away, as Ttharg reports back. "I agree with Mr. Pamphilius that taking out the flameharrow should be a high priority. If it groups up with our other enemies, the odds get worse; if we can take it out now, it's outnumbered."

    "A Commune scroll is a powerful tool, but the narrower the questions, the more helpful the answers are likely to be. It might be wise to use it for this situation and take one enemy off the board."

  9. - Top - End - #489
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Spoiler: Installing the Sphere
    With your combined Arcana checks of 50, it is not hard to wire the sphere into the circuitry of the tender.

    The immediate effects are:
    • Enhanced battery capacity of 4 more charges
    • The ability to cast Pass Without Trace on the tender for 2 charges

    It appears that with further integration, you can unlock more capabilities. These two categories (Enhanced Battery and Enhanced Stealth) each have one more upgrade. There are two more categories of upgrade, Enhanced Spellcasting and Enhanced Movement, which have 2 upgrades each. Each further upgrade will take one week of downtime to unlock.

    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-03-07 at 10:08 AM.

  10. - Top - End - #490
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    The Malatran University is neither as large or as impressive as the one in Lssthp. The buildings are grand, but dwarfed by the immediate proximity of the Temple to the south, and the eastern end of the campus abuts on the noise and mists of the Steamworks. The campus is subdivided into dozens of colleges, some representing only a handful of graduate students; the Yuan Ti instinct for secrecy and sectarianism coming to the fore.

    They have a large and well-stocked library, as some of you have seen, but it’s difficult to compete with a library that is the antechamber to the Plane of Order itself. You catch Siduri smiling a touch condescendingly when she compliments it as the greatest library of the Hic Sunt.

    Bala Majari’s office is quite impressive, though. She is too young to be the acknowledged head of the Majari family, but as Dean of the University she holds most of the real power. When you have four arms and a twelve-foot tail, you are graceful or clumsy, no room for in-between, and Bala Majari moves like a dancer. She is a bladesinger, known as an accomplished mage and duellist.

    Tohil handles the introductions and invites the Dean to expound on her problem.

    “Last year, we began construction on our planar observatory. You can imagine the utility of access to the outer planes in matters of arcane study,” she says. Siduri’s smug little smile flickers back out just for a moment.

    “With the proximity of the Steamworks and the Great Ones moving in and over the earth, we found it impossible to construct the Planar Resonance Device we required on campus. Such arcane instruments are very sensitive to vibration, as you may know.” She nods to Servius.

    She explains that a Planar Resonance Device is an instrument like a tuning fork, but on a larger scale. Just as a tuning fork can be used to cast plane shift, a Resonance Device can be used to open rifts to an Outer Plane for divination or conjuration.

    “To that end we constructed a workshop on some Majari territory deeper inland. The thermal vents are also useful for the high heat and rare ores we sometimes require, and it has become a profitable sideline in producing magical supplies.”

    “The initial plans for the observatory were completed, but we always planned that it would expand. Over the last year our workshop has completed seven additional Devices for the expansion, and they were dispatched on a supply train along with other inventory. However, the delivery was attacked and never arrived.”

    “We require seasoned adventurers with real arcane expertise, to go forth, retrieve our goods and determine what caused the attack. It is important both to eliminate the threat and to retrieve and stabilize the Devices. They are not designed to be manhandled or jarred, and in their current state may pose considerable risk.”

    She makes a graceful gesture. “Retrieve our devices and eliminate the threat to our supply route, and you will have your meeting with the Minister of War.”
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-03-07 at 11:52 AM.

  11. - Top - End - #491
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]


    Servius dips his head in a quasi-bow. "Thank you for being willing to trust us with this. Do you have any suspicions or indications as to what may have caused your supply convoy to be come...lost? I'm assuming some of the typical divinations have already been attempted."
    (and after she responds)
    "What hazards are likely be present? Feral creatures, beasts, and the like?"
    "What will be required to stabilize the devices? Do we need any special supplies or spells, such as a floating disk?"

    I'm assuming she's going to describe what the devices look like or give us a drawing as well.
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  12. - Top - End - #492
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by J-H View Post

    Servius dips his head in a quasi-bow. "Thank you for being willing to trust us with this. Do you have any suspicions or indications as to what may have caused your supply convoy to be come...lost? I'm assuming some of the typical divinations have already been attempted."
    (and after she responds)
    "What hazards are likely be present? Feral creatures, beasts, and the like?"
    "What will be required to stabilize the devices? Do we need any special supplies or spells, such as a floating disk?"

    I'm assuming she's going to describe what the devices look like or give us a drawing as well.
    "Divinations, as well as an initial expedition from the University. Unfortunately we lost contact with them as well, which is when we decided we needed outside help. We are unsure what attacked the shipment, but the supply train was not unprotected. There are beasts and feral creatures in the tundra, and they were prepared for such ordinary threats. We lost an shipment to a wild hydra once and increased our security after that. Our best guess is enemy action, but if we have offended any other faction to such a degree, I was not aware of it."

    "A floating disk, or other means to convey the crates without excessive vibration, would be good. The crates are normally packed to dampen vibrations, but if they have been damaged that may not be enough."

    You should be able to stabilize the Devices with an Arcana check, once you can lay hands on them. They are being shipped in five-foot cube crates.

    When you ask to see a Device, she nods, and escorts your group to the Planar Observatory. A large quartz sphere suspended over the Device itself contains the rift being generated, and you see academics and students gathered around the sphere behind a railing to observe. The sphere is currently showing a scene from a Lawful plane, where giant bees move across an infinite hexagonal plane.

    Spoiler: Arcana / Religion 10+, Servius has advantage
    This is Arcadia, also known as the Hive of the Mellifera. The Planes of Law are, naturally, highly organized, and this area segregates Lawful Good souls and Outsiders who are inclined more to Law than Good. It is an afterlife primarily for humanoid beings. The bee-like melifera produce axiomatic honey and empirical wax, natural materials with a powerful lawful bent, and are sometimes cultivated in hives on the Prime Material plane. The University in Lssthp has a considerable apiary.

    Under the sphere you see the Device itself. It is about four feet square at the base. It resembles a hybrid of a music box, gyroscope and tuning fork, and is composed of a silvery alloy. It does not appear to have an internal power source, but is fueled by its own vibrations. By observing it for ten minutes, you will have advantage on stabilizing similar Devices.

    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-03-07 at 01:10 PM.

  13. - Top - End - #493
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Servius observes the device for a while, and also asks if he may copy a spell of Floating Disk from the library.
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  14. - Top - End - #494
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by J-H View Post
    Servius observes the device for a while, and also asks if he may copy a spell of Floating Disk from the library.
    You are granted permission to do so free of charge.

    "What about maps?" asks Cauda.

    Bala Majari explains that the workshop is located deep in the Southern Region, and transported overland to a small dock near a fjord along the southern coast, then moved by ship around the Southern Peninsula to the Southern Region.

    "Negotiating the bridges and the descent to the coast from inland is the most difficult part of the journey, and that's where we lost contact with our own expedition -- almost immediately after they left the dockhead and began negotiating the fjords."

    She is able to give you a more detailed map of that location specifically.

    "Some of the bridges there are quite ancient or fallen down, but those are the ones too steep for us to use in any case. The ones we use regularly have been recently reinforced and should be safe to traverse, but you should be cautious of any sabotage."
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-03-08 at 08:56 PM.

  15. - Top - End - #495
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    "Any chance we could get a local guide along? And what can we expect as far as wildlife goes?" Fork asked as he looked over the maps.

  16. - Top - End - #496
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    During the meeting.

    Informing everyone of what was foundIve done some research and found the password to the black path so if we dont stop trionyx before we can chase him in...tho in either case... its quite tempting to take a peek so to speak. Probably been 1000 years or more since anyone has been inside. Who knows what we could find. But i understand our priorities and imagine few share my curiosity. he says

    Once the sphere is revealedHmm i may have seen something like this in the negniter vault. Never really knew what it was for until i seen the tender up close. Servius is correct this could do quite alot of things for the tender with some work. Im eager to get started once i have a chance. he says coming up with potentials all the while.

    When servius reveals the flame harrow having its eyes on him Do you know why its after you? Some discussion about luring it our later I certainly can make something appear distressed without any true harm to the vehichle. Just a few adjustments. Smoke is easy enough. Cosmetic damage is easy enough. Are you sure it cant see what we are up to? I mean scrying is a possibility. We could chip in to get protections.

    When thrag mentions his scrying see. Does trionyx know what we have seen? I think it hardly matters to him but at this point it might be prudent to have our own protections right? Especially people hes familiar with... he tries not to look at anyone in particular but likely someone caught nibum quickly dart his eyes to siduri and cocytus before quickly darting away. He knows how cocytus feels about what he's done and knows siduri likely feels awful about trionyx as well but it doesn't change the fact that either.... in this case.... could be liability.

    Visiting the university mainly nibum listens intently and tries not to offend. He knows himself well enough that he could easily bring someone to a boiling point without meaning to. So he busies himself with notes.

  17. - Top - End - #497
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by zylodrizzt View Post
    I certainly can make something appear distressed without any true harm to the vehichle. Just a few adjustments. Smoke is easy enough. Cosmetic damage is easy enough. Are you sure it cant see what we are up to? I mean scrying is a possibility. We could chip in to get protections.
    Servius, from your research you know it certainly has been scrying on you; that is the reason for the flashes of awareness and brief visions of it stalking you. However, it cannot watch all the time.

    When thrag mentions his scrying see. Does trionyx know what we have seen? I think it hardly matters to him but at this point it might be prudent to have our own protections right? Especially people hes familiar with... he tries not to look at anyone in particular but likely someone caught nibum quickly dart his eyes to siduri and cocytus before quickly darting away. He knows how cocytus feels about what he's done and knows siduri likely feels awful about trionyx as well but it doesn't change the fact that either.... in this case.... could be liability.
    Cocytus clears his throat with a rumble. "The talisman I destroyed was intended to strengthen his ability to target us, but you're right that he may be capable of it without one. He has known we are coming for him from the beginning."

    The Captain nods. "They should have such enchantments at the University. The ship's purse can cover it. I'm just afraid that Trionyx may have grown powerful enough to punch through such things... but there's nothing we can do about that."

    Quote Originally Posted by Dirty View Post
    "Any chance we could get a local guide along? And what can we expect as far as wildlife goes?" Fork asked as he looked over the maps.
    Bala nods. "There is a small village along the coast, below the cliffs; Marilfjord. That is where our dock is. We can have someone meet you there. We have not lost touch with them, at least."

    As for wildlife, she explains, the main thing you will see is small coatl and other flying serpents. Deeper inland, if you go into the woods of the eastern cliff, you can find salamanders and, very rarely, wild hydra. The beach and fjords are also home to creatures that live on both land and water, such as seals and walruses. They cannot reach the upper faces of the fjord, but if you have to go down to water level, you may find them on the rocky shores.

    As you begin preparations to set out, Cauda approaches the four of you. "I would like to put myself forward to accompany you," she says, seeming marginally less dreamy than usual. "I can't hope to match you in combat, but I am a navigator and can handle most sea vessels, however unearthly... and while I'm no Kabett, I can talk to animals and move among them, to gather information."
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-03-09 at 09:38 AM.

  18. - Top - End - #498
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    "Aye, Trionyx knows about the Scry; but as the Captain says, he could spy on us at any time."

    Ttharg begins to prep his spells for today, including a rite of banishing and a prayer to dispel magical effects. In response to Cauda's offer to join them, Ttharg heartily accepts: "Ye rarely get much time off o' the White Cliff; so we'd be happy to have ye."

  19. - Top - End - #499
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    "I've been studying the maps the Majari gave us with Be--the Captain," she says. "There's a few places that seem good to stage a breakdown."

    "We can go up to the mouth of the river and then follow the coast. Once we leave the River Precinct, we'll be beyond the wards of the city, but still within sight of the bay. There's a black sand beach there, before the cliffs start rising, that should be a good place to make a stand. There's ancient lifting stones there, Orophias told me the jurgen use them to--"

    She shakes her head and breaks off from her wandering, not without effort.

    "But if we want to make some progress towards our other mission and Marilfjord, we could set out across the bay. I'm not sure if fighting over the water is what you want to do, but there's an island on that I marked... it's called just called Flat Island on the charts, it's not really anything, but it's on the way and puts solid land under us. The journey around the peninsula to Marilfjord would be shorter."

    Or, of course, you could just fight in the middle of the bay.

  20. - Top - End - #500
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    After further discussion, the group decides to simulate a malfunction in the tender, causing it to ground atop some cliffs overlooking the bay. Either the Flameharrow... the could-be future Servius... would have to approach via flight, or from a known direction on land.

    Servius skips breakfast that day. His stomach twists and coils nervously, and he can't stop the tip of his tail from twitching. To go from a university student to deliberately acting as bait for a future undead version of himself, with an intent to kill it or die trying... it's only been a couple of months! Perhaps after this is over he can go try the University here. Something safer, maybe.

    His spells are prepared, as best as he can decide.

    The tender crosses the bay, then ascends the sides of the cliff, slowing as it reaches the top, and extending a couple of its tentacle-like arms to pull itself up to the top. It then creeps along at quarter-speed for another minute, turning slowly inwards before settling to the ground with several sprays of sparks created by the Prestidigitation spell.

    Someone else is to keep watch surreptitiously from atop the cabin. Servius gets down and circles the ship, pretending to inspect it. He'll have to do this regularly to make sure he is visible. Every dislodged pebble echoes in his mind, and the swish of grass makes him want to turn and look. If he had hairs, they'd be standing up.
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    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg stays close to Servius, acting as the 'muscle' for any panels or tools that need to be lifted/moved around; but wanting to stay close to be able to cast Protection spells on him at a moment's notice.

  22. - Top - End - #502
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Fork took a wide berth around the tender to scout for signs of the flame Harrow. Scorch marks, smoke..

    He sent Rumble out to cirkle the tender from up high. Himself he found a good spot with a view of the tender and layed a blanket on the ground. He shovelled sand and rubble on the blanket and got underneath it like a scout-sniper in waiting.

  23. - Top - End - #503
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Nibum stays in the cabin monitoring the area with various sensors readying to fire off one of the tenders weapons at a moments notice. He has triceratool stand on deck keeping an eye out as well with the help of his 2 assistants who are tucked and merged with him.

  24. - Top - End - #504
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    The side of the cliff is home to a large horde of nesting feathered serpents; when you first arrive they take off with racuous cries and mill around overhead, but eventually settle back down. Cauda wildshapes into one of their kind and joins them, and the cacophony of calls rises again as she mobilizes them into an army of surveillance, swooping over the bay and watching for the flameharrow.

    She joins them for a while, but when her wildshape time limit runs out, she returns to the tender and relieves Nibum if he wants to go outside; otherwise, she will man one of the other stations. It is a bit of a wait; Servius's displays of smoke and sparks are impressive, but are only just enough to catch the flameharrow's gemmed eye. It takes three hours before Rumble spots it on the move, swooping towards the cliffs. Its cloak is cast back in ragged wings that bear it towards you, revealing its skeletal undead silhouette.

    It makes no attempt to hide from you, but glides straight towards the cliff. However, when it gets within fireball range of the cliff, it drops suddenly, dipping below the cliff edge to break your line of sight. The feather sea serpents erupt up once more with maximum volume.

    Spoiler: Summary

    ACTIONS: At 150 feet, just before fireball range, the flameharrow drops below the cliff edge and out of your sight. At his rate of speed, unless he teleported or has some other way of speeding up, you should have one or two rounds until he reaches the cliff to buff or ready an attack. Fork has the opportunity to take one round of attacks if he wishes -- the flameharrow was created before he had Sharpshooter, and did not anticipate that he could shoot without disadvantage from 400 feet.


    20 - Cauda
    15 - Fork
    12 - Ttharg
    10 - Servius
    8 - Nibum
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-03-12 at 08:22 AM.

  25. - Top - End - #505
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    When the being comes into his field of vision Fork tenses up and lying on his belly carefully tried to judge the distance. As the nightmarish thing drew closer he took aim. His finger squeezed the trigger moments later.

    2 bolts flew through the air and when the flame-harrow dipped down, Fork was on the move. He ran to parallel to the cliffs edge, as fast as he could and after a sprint skidded down and hid behind a piece of rock.

    Spoiler: Actions

    1st attack 26 to hit for: 10 damage 2nd attack: 19 to hit for 8 damage

    He runs and changes position. Stealth roll: 19

  26. - Top - End - #506
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    As the Flameharrow comes into view, Ttharg reaches into a pouch and dusts a claw with powdered silver. He then places it on Servius's shoulder. "May ye be protected from all creatures unnatural." He intones as he blesses Servius with Protection from Good and Evil. Knowing that Servius himself is a fan of Fireball, and expecting it from the Flameharrow, Ttharg runs to separate himself from the other members of the party. He draws his Shield as he moves.

    Cast Protection from Good and Evil (1st Level) on Servius, using 25gp of powdered silver.
    Move Action to move 30ft away and draw Shield.

  27. - Top - End - #507
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Servius Calventius Pamphilius
    Yuan-ti Evoker
    AC: 17, 18 if within 5 miles of White Cliff HP: 50/50
    PPer: 11 PInv: 19 PIst: 11
    Conditions: Blink (1 minute)
    Concentrating: --

    "Thank -" Servius blinks out of existence after finishing a spell. "-you." He reappears a few moments later, and a few feet to the side.
    Spoiler: Roll for being blinked out at the real start of the fight

    (1d20)[20] on 11 or higher, on ethereal plane
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  28. - Top - End - #508
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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    cauda, lets get this balista loaded up. he begins loading. Everyone i can repair the tender try and use it for cover if you can. Fork do you think rumble can bring it to the ground? No telling what defenses it has but i dont think it has a response to everything so try not to copy what someone else did. he says over the earpiece. Triceratool hops down and gets next to servius and the tender trying to put itself in the way of both. Nibum guides the tender in front of servius for cover (as well as everyone it seems I think)

  29. - Top - End - #509
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Cauda moves her hands over the controls of the tender, directing the tentacles in action. At the same time, the wings unfurl and it glides towards the edge of the cliff to provide cover. Triceratool scrambles off the deck as it does. You can see further beyond the edge of the cliff from here, but the flameharrow is still not visible, and all Nibum can do is ready an action to aim the ballista when he comes in view.

    Moments later, it does; it must have been hugging the cliff wall itself. You would have to be on the very edge to see it lurking. Nibum aims the ballista, and Cauda takes a steadying breath and reaches for the controls to fire--

    As the undead creature swoops upward into full view, it scans the battlefield; first picking out Fork hidden in the snow. It glides over to position the tender ship between itself and the ranger. Servius, its gemstone eyes see you on the ethereal plane and lock with yours, but it cannot reach you there. It turns its gaze finally to the tender. Touching one of the black stones that stud its skull, it summons a spirit, a shapeless thing of smoke and mist, which dives towards the tender and passes through the wall. "Kill the pilot," Dominus Veritas Veneficus calls after it. Then it drops back below the edge of the cliff.

    Nibum and Cauda are suddenly confronted by the shapeless thing; its gaze sweeps the tender, then locks onto Nibum, and suddenly it isn't shapeless at all. Suddenly what lurches towards you, Nibum, is one of the mindless undead of Castle Negniter; you know this isn't Lord Arrhenius, you know you freed his spirit, but the taunting, ghastly face is his, and it freezes your marrow.

    It claws at you twice with its ghastly hand, pawing ineffectually at your armor. It does no harm, but Nibum is trapped in the pilot's seat, unable to pass it.

    Cauda is unable to fire on the flameharrow as it moves out of view, so she turns her attention to the undead horror haunting the inside of the tender. She takes one of her Starry Forms, lights spreading on the inside of her hood in the constellation of the Archer. She draws an ethereal bow and fires bolts of radiant energy at the spirit.

    Spoiler: Summary
    Cauda uses an action to load the ballista and uses her bonus action for Steady Aim. Nibum moves the tender and readies an action to aim the ballista.

    The flameharrow moves above the cliff edge. His Perception spots Fork and he positions himself so the tender blocks Fork's line of sight. He casts Spirit of Death and summons a Spirit of Death, directing it at the tender and ordering it to kill the pilot. Then he moves back below the cliff edge.

    The Spirit of Death moves into the tender through the wall. It uses a bonus action to Haunt Nibum and attacks twice. Both attacks miss.

    Cauda uses a bonus action to take Starry Form: Archer and attacks the Spirit with a ranged spell attack, then casts Guiding Bolt. The Guiding Bolt misses but the ranged spell attack hits, doing 11 radiant damage.

    Nibum starts his turn within 10 feet of the Spirit of Death while it is Haunting him; he rolls a 5 on his Wisdom saving throw and is Frightened as a result. A frightened creature has disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls while the source of its fear is within line of sight. The creature can’t willingly move closer to the source of its fear.

    Nibum +8 temp HP
    Servius +8 temp HP
    Ttharg +8 temp HP
    Fork +8 temp HP

    Cauda +5 temp hp

    Flameharrow - 18 dmg
    Spirit of Death - 11 dmg

    20 - Cauda
    15 - Fork
    12 - Ttharg
    10 - Servius
    8 - Nibum
    4 - Flameharrow
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-03-14 at 10:00 AM.

  30. - Top - End - #510
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Servius Calventius Pamphilius

    Yuan-ti Evoker
    AC: 17, 18 if within 5 miles of White Cliff HP: 50/50+8 thp & resist

    radiant/necrotic while thp lasts

    PPer: 11 PInv: 19 PIst: 11
    Conditions: Blink (1 minute)
    Concentrating: --

    Servius blinks back into existence. He raises a finger to his forehead. This foe, he does know, somehow. He carefully intones the name "Dominus Veritas Veneficus", and a shimmering lance of light streaks out of his forehead as the spell energy is discharged. It travels over the tender, then over the cliff before making a sharp turn to impact the undead, out of sight. Servius repositions slightly, and does not blink out of the material plane.

    Raulothim's Psychic Lance

    You unleash a shimmering lance of psychic power from your forehead at a creature that you can see within range. Alternatively, you can utter a creature’s name. If the named target is within range, it becomes the spell’s target even if you can’t see it. If the named target isn’t within range, the lance dissipates without effect.

    The target must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 7d6 psychic damage and is incapacitated until the start of your next turn. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and isn’t incapacitated.
    DC 16
    Damage (7d6)[31]
    Int save (1d20)[11]+???

    Servius moves 5' right and 10' down on the map, still next to Triceratool. Pretty sure the tender is moving right to left with the tentacles in front.

    And blink roll (1d20)[2]
    Last edited by J-H; 2024-03-14 at 10:40 AM.
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