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  1. - Top - End - #151
    Troll in the Playground

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    Jun 2010
    Out in The Sticks

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    1 outta 3 ain't bad....

    Vs. Crowe:

    "Eventually, sure." Nightgaunt says, not unkindly as he bumps fists with Crowe. "Over and over again and we'll both just form bad habits. You shouldn't get really used to fighting people who are supposed to be on your side."

    Vs. Augur:

    Nightgaunt pushes himself to his feet and takes Terrence's hand. "You, you pass."

    Terrence can hear muffled laughter from inside the blank helmet. "I won't say I'm sorry. But I'm glad to know you don't need kid gloves next time we do this."

    Vs. Halo:

    Nightgaunt takes a half step back as Halo whirls to face him, ducking and weaving around her quick jabs. Throwing caution to the wind in the face of her wild onslaught, the vampire steps back into the armored angel's guard and throws a left hook into her belly.

    He straightens and scratches at his neck with one finger. "I haven't watched any kung fu movies lately, so I'll just say 'don't panic' and you'll probably do fine."

    He shrugs and walks past Halo to reset for the next round.

    Spoiler: OOC/Mechanics/whatnot
    Fighting roll: 5 + 2 (Wild Attack) Vs. Parry 8 (bleh)
    Benny that!: 7 + 2 (Elan) +2 (Wild Attack) = 11

    I'm ready for our reset and moar bennies please!

  2. - Top - End - #152
    Ogre in the Playground
    Kvard51's Avatar

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by big teej View Post
    1 outta 3 ain't bad....

    Vs. Augur:

    Nightgaunt pushes himself to his feet and takes Terrence's hand. "You, you pass."

    Terrence can hear muffled laughter from inside the blank helmet. "I won't say I'm sorry. But I'm glad to know you don't need kid gloves next time we do this."
    Terrence's grin is almost visible under his faceguard as Nightgaunt tells him he passed. He's so excited he doesn't really even hear the 2nd statement. "Thanks, Raphael! I appreciate the opportunity to practice."

    Spoiler: Rollin' Bennies, End of Session stuff...
    Roll 1 - 5
    Roll 2 - 1
    Roll 3 - 6
    So 2 Experience and 1 Potential

    Grow closer to the team: I felt welcomed the most by Redline, who recognized my need to prove myself and find my fit and set up a practice session to make it happen. I have no conditions, so I'll mark Potential (for 5, so new move)

    Last edited by Kvard51; 2023-04-04 at 03:41 AM.
    “It's like everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story.”
    ― Kvothe, The Name of the Wind

    Spoiler: personality test results

  3. - Top - End - #153
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Albemarle, NC

    Post Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    November 1st
    Emi glances up sheepishly when mentions the tacos. “Sorry John. I’m just… not hungry.”

    She seems to only be half listening while John jokes about AEGIS and Myriad intel exchange, but looks up again when John smiles at her. She gives a weak smile back. “I really don’t know what else you could do, John. You brought me dinner, you’re supportive… I just… there’s a lot going through my head right now.”

    Drake and Ryker talk quietly between themselves for each match. Ryker is visibly impressed by Terrence’s victory, but then rolls his eyes at Sophia’s fanfare.

    OOC: SESSION ENDS! Everyone that’s not Veteran gains 3 XP. Moves and Bennies reset! Cards are posted in Discord!

    Sophia gains a Condition (her choice) from missing her Directly Engage
    Last edited by InTheMachine; 2023-04-03 at 09:52 PM.

  4. - Top - End - #154
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Feb 2022

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    Emi glances up sheepishly when mentions the tacos. “Sorry John. I’m just… not hungry.”

    She seems to only be half listening while John jokes about AEGIS and Myriad intel exchange, but looks up again when John smiles at her. She gives a weak smile back. “I really don’t know what else you could do, John. You brought me dinner, you’re supportive… I just… there’s a lot going through my head right now.”
    “It’s okay, Emi,” John concedes, disappointed that his offering a massage had been tacitly declined. “It’s more than understandable, given the situation.”

    Keeping his emotions in check was difficult but he also recognized that it was what he had to do. Even if Grayson/Valèdeir‘s return had robbed him of the uncomplicated evening he had been hoping for.

    Well, as uncomplicated as any evening that had agenda items of how do you break it to your friend that her missing sister—who is also into vampires—has arrived and that there was another greater demon in town who was working with the woman challenging Keith for his title.

    “If…if it would help, I can cut short my visit and give you some time to think through what you need to tell Grayson about Valèdeir—although I suppose you could do that cuddled up with me if that sounds preferable. I’m not so enamored of the sound of my own voice that I can’t stay still.”

    Spoiler: OOC: John’s End of Session

    Bennies for Potential: 1d6 3 1d6 3

    John Marks Two Potential and receives a Masks Advance
    Above the fray: When you enter battle as a Team against a dangerous foe, if you have Influence over the leader and provide tactical input, add 1 Team to the pool. When you contradict the leader during the battle, you may return Influence over the leader to add an additional 1 Team to the pool.

    John grows closer to the Team, feeling that he has made some connection with Terrance, who he gives Influence to. He remains uncertain of Sophia, given her initial rebuke, but wants to work with her. He marks Potential.

  5. - Top - End - #155
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    November 1st
    Emi’s eyebrows pull together when John offers to leave. “I don’t want you to go,” she says, reaching across the table to take his hand.

    She sighs again, slipping her hand back out of John’s as she stands and closes up the container with her food, going to out it into the fridge. “When you’re done, we can head to the lounge and watch a movie or something. I’ll let you pick.”

  6. - Top - End - #156
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by big teej View Post
    1 outta 3 ain't bad....
    Vs. Crowe:
    "Eventually, sure." Nightgaunt says, not unkindly as he bumps fists with Crowe. "Over and over again and we'll both just form bad habits. You shouldn't get really used to fighting people who are supposed to be on your side."
    Keith grins as Nightgaunt returns the fist bump. Guess they were on the mend.

    "True, but could come in handy if we ever gotta split up and go undercover." He chuckles a bit.

    "But you're right."

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    Drake and Ryker talk quietly between themselves for each match. Ryker is visibly impressed by Terrence’s victory, but then rolls his eyes at Sophia’s fanfare.

    [I]OOC: SESSION ENDS! Everyone that’s not Veteran gains 3 XP. Moves and Bennies reset! Cards are posted in Discord!
    Keith claps a couple times for Terrence having won his match. And being the only one, giving an eye roll at the fanfare. It was partially hidden by his hood. While nice and probably encouraging for Terrence, it was still a bit over the top.

    "Nice work bud. Now of that's not the proof you needed earlier today, not sure what will be."

    He was very curious what Drake and Ryker had talked about. Probably just how badly Keith was suited for combat compared to the others but he knew he could improve. He had to.

    His thoughts drifted back to earlier again thinking about how Maeve and considered them on a date. A smile grew with his motivation to survive. She's probably still on patrol by now, or training. Maybe that would be a quieter date if she's open to it. He thought to himself and back on his question on horses.

    He looked over at Redline. "What's next, team lead?"

    Spoiler: End of Session

    Keith gains 3 XP! 35 Savage XP and takes an advance to be determined.
    No Benny's to roll.

    Stolas gains 2 XP! 10 Savage!
    Gains an advance still being determined.
    Benny EXP: 1d6 1 1d6 1 1d6 3
    No Benny's convert.

    Keith grows closer to the Team:
    Amidst the botched date and being knocked out, Keith has come to understand the true value of working as a team. Something he didn't get much from East Side. His fight with Raph has shown him how much he still needs to grow and learn, nailing home the point that he cannot do it alone.
    Raph gains influence over Keith! He already has influence so a Label Shift happens.
    Keith removes the Afraid condition.
    Last edited by Roguewolf; 2023-04-04 at 12:55 PM.

  7. - Top - End - #157
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2022

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    Emi’s eyebrows pull together when John offers to leave. “I don’t want you to go,” she says, reaching across the table to take his hand.

    She sighs again, slipping her hand back out of John’s as she stands and closes up the container with her food, going to out it into the fridge. “When you’re done, we can head to the lounge and watch a movie or something. I’ll let you pick.”
    “Have you ever seen The Great Race or Noises Off?,” John asked as he finished up his fish. “They’re both older films that my parents introduced us to. I didn’t think I would like it as an adolescent when they made the three of us watch them with them but we all ended up liking them. The Great Race is the sillier one of the two—the Great Leslie and Professor Fate race around the world in 1910s cars while Natalie Wood’s feminist reporter keeps them relatively honest—and it’s hard to not laugh at ‘the great pie fight’ scene. And you look like you could use a laugh or two right now.”

    “I also seem to recall you promising to introduce me to Anastasia. I’d also be game for that if you are.”

    John wasn’t sure what kind of access they had to older films here at East Side—although he knew The Great Race and probably Noises Off were just a couple of clicks away if he needed to buy one. Anastasia, being her favorite, was something he felt he could count on and would likely provide Emi some comfort right now.

    Getting associated with her favorite film couldn’t hurt either—although it wasn’t until after the fact that she had probably watched it with Grayson before and he had no way of foreseeing if that suggestion would be a good or a bad thing.

    Casablanca, with the hero sacrificing his affection for the leading lady for the greater good, was right out.

  8. - Top - End - #158
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    November 1st
    “I haven’t seen either,” Emi replies. “Though The Great Race does sound good.”

    Her eyes light up a little when John suggests Anastasia. “If you’re okay with it, I would love to watch Anastasia again. It’s been a little while since I’ve seen it.”

    Once John is done eating, Emi leads him to the lounge and has Nora put on the film and dim the lights. Emi cuddles close to the magician, resting her head on his chest and draping an arm across his stomach. Throughout the opening songs she hums along with the tunes.

    Spoiler: Notice TN 6
    About halfway through the film when the cast arrives in Paris, a raised voice can be heard from the left side of the room, where the living quarters are. It sounds like Ian’s voice.

    Spoiler: TN 8
    “What were you thinking?! You think you can just **** off whenever you want?”

    There’s the sound of a dull thud, like something’s hit the wall.

    Last edited by InTheMachine; 2023-04-04 at 07:55 PM.

  9. - Top - End - #159
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Feb 2022

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    “I haven’t seen either,” Emi replies. “Though The Great Race does sound good.”

    Her eyes light up a little when John suggests Anastasia. “If you’re okay with it, I would love to watch Anastasia again. It’s been a little while since I’ve seen it.”

    Once John is done eating, Emi leads him to the lounge and has Nora put on the film and dim the lights. Emi cuddles close to the magician, resting her head on his chest and draping an arm across his stomach. Throughout the opening songs she hums along with the tunes.

    Spoiler: Notice TN 6
    About halfway through the film when the cast arrives in Paris, a raised voice can be heard from the left side of the room, where the living quarters are. It sounds like Ian’s voice.

    Spoiler: TN 8
    “What were you thinking?! You think you can just **** off whenever you want?”

    There’s the sound of a dull thud, like something’s hit the wall.

    For a brief time, it felt like there was calm and peace in John’s life as he rested his arm across the front of Emi’s shoulders and they watched the film. He felt the tension of the day melt out of him soon after they snuggled up together. Likewise, his armchair historian biases fell into abeyance, distracted by Emi’s warmth and the feel of her body against his.

    He was happy.

    Spoiler: Listening In and Not Liking What He Hears
    Noticing Something He Probably Doesn’t Want to Know: 1d10o10+4 5 1d6o6+4 7

    1 Bennie Spent — Curiosity getting the better of him

    Noticing Something He Probably Doesn’t Want to Know but wants to know enough to spend a Bennie: 1d10o10+4 13 1d6o6+4 7

    John’s ears perked up as he heard Ian’s voice chastising Grayson down the hall.

    He wanted to stay.

    He’d be potentially upsetting himself and the two of them if he left.

    He could try and contact Ian and ask him to stand down but he wasn’t sure if he would be able to hear him.

    He would be certain to upset Emi if he stayed when Grayson needed help.

    He looked down at her and smiled gently and kissed the top of her head.

    He almost laughed at the memory of The Courage the Cowardly Dog Show and the title character’s catch phrase.

    Well, one of them.

    The applicable one.

    Focus, John.

    “I’ll be right back,” he whispered, shifting himself out from under her.

    He had wanted to let the world stop for the length of the film.

    Next time, maybe he would use a spell to arrange for that.

    He walked towards the barracks area, wishing he could summon his uniform.

    Doing that would be an escalation and tensions would be running high enough.

    “Good evening, gentlemen,” he said quietly as he turned the corner. “I don’t mean to interrupt, but Emi is resting and I would be grateful if she weren’t disturbed just now. While I am sure the two of you have things to go over—and might wish to discuss with me, it might be more prudent if we were to handle it at a later time?

    “I don’t think she or Eidolon would be pleased to know the three of us were speaking at all right now.”

    Spoiler: Yeah, cause this is going to work….
    Last edited by mmdeforrest; 2023-04-04 at 08:40 PM.

  10. - Top - End - #160
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Sep 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by Halo
    She cupped her hands close to her mouth, borrowing on her skill at altering pitch and tone to project her voice over to Nightgaunt and Augur, and mimic the low background rumble of excitement a crowd might when seeing its home team win, throwing in the odd whistle to push the point.
    "Didn't realize Augur brought his fanclub." Redline comments with a smile as he makes way back to the team. "But you should be give yourselves a hand."

    He dissappears in flash and materializes only a few steps away, offering a small round of applause to the team. "I like what I've seen so far. Solid initial assesements and responses. Hopefully that was enough of a warm up for everyone because we're just getting started."

    He looked over at Redline. "What's next, team lead?"
    "Great question." He starts. "Short answer, we hit the streets. We could spend time analyzing powersets and studying playbooks but there's no substitute for fieldwork." Redline says to the team.

    "We'll start our patrol over in West End and make our way through Queensborough. After that we can call it a day and head back home. The team travels in a V formation as we move through the city. Halo and Crowe will be our eyes in the sky. Halo, you'll be on the outer wing since you're the faster flyer which leaves Crowe on the inner closest to city center. Nightgaunt's free to cover ground in any combination of land or sky since he's able to change form at will. Augur, you'll ride through the middle of each district in the Monte with me."

    "Grab whatever you need now. We leave in five."

  11. - Top - End - #161
    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Briefing Before Patrol:

    “West End to Queensborough, aerial V formation, I’m your outer wing. Out in five.” Sophia’s voice repeated back, but allowed another disappointed glance at the reappearing cubes after. The scene of her failure rearranged itself and faded before her like a cross-eyed dream, but the splinter remained. If I was the only thing between a monster and a civilian – if that’s how easy it is to get past me... She had gunned for a win with the meagre window she had, and only caught air and some empty comment about not knowing Kung Fu films. Over ten generations of her family helping stem a tide of cruelty as wide as vice and deep as sin, and she couldn’t tag some entity parading around in a horn headed albino mannequin of his former victim. She looked back at Redline, distracted.

    “Okay, great, except communication. It’s one thing if I see your car take a hard right suddenly, or Crowe dives, then yeah. I’ll be there ASAP. But it’s different if whoever has eyes on a problem gives a shout. We got anything like South Side’s communicators, or is AEGIS on a budget?”

    Spoiler: Influence
    Add Redline to the list of people that now have Influence over me.

    Spoiler: Benny rolls
    Only had 2 out of 3 Bennies remaining to roll for Potential or Exp. Rolled two 1s. Can’t remember if that means Potential?

    Spoiler: Session Ends

    This was surprisingly close between growing farther away from the team, and closer to it. But between Raphael being casual in the coffee shop chatting about music, Redline saving the cake until everyone was back together and arranging practice, and Terrence weathering a long rant patiently, more today was for the team than against. Keith was also friendly last night. So closer to team West seems good. John was revealed in the morning meeting (or somewhere else???) as being in an honorary position that isn’t West or South, so the indiscretion doesn’t count for or against. The MASKs book says I can clear a condition or Mark Potential, so I’d rather go for Potential. On second thought knock out the condition. I'm not shooting for interesting posts for the rest of the 'day'.

    Giving Redline Influence.

    Growing into your own is a distant third because almost the entire session was spent wandering from one side of deciding if the argument was okay or not, closer to the image of a Saviour that defended someone else or an active Danger to the well-being of two people on the way to being in love. My closest guess at being a Saviour now is respecting their relationship.
    Last edited by JoyWonderLove; 2023-04-08 at 05:55 AM. Reason: Changed to fixing the condition. And changed dialogue from the updated version to what Redline has.

  12. - Top - End - #162
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Sep 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by Halo
    “Okay, great, except communication. It’s one thing if I see your car take a hard right suddenly, or Crowe dives, then yeah. I’ll be there ASAP. But it’s different if whoever has eyes on a problem gives a shout. We got anything like South Side’s communicators, or is AEGIS on a budget?”
    "AEGIS provides every hero with a communicator. You should've received one during your first meeting. If not then Seraph probably left one for you in your room. Small nondescript black box? It'll have your communicator and provisional license inside. Easy to miss." Redline says, offering a reassuring smile.

  13. - Top - End - #163
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    November 1st
    Emi mumbles something as John gently moves her. “Don’t be too long. You’ll miss the best part.”

    As John rounds the corner, he sees Ian holding Grayson up agains the wall telekinetically at his eye level; Grayson’s feet dangle almost half a foot from the floor.

    The East Side Team Lead glares over at the magician. “We were just having a friendly conversation, John. Sorry if I got a little loud.”

    He drops the draconic hero back the floor, and Grayson rubs the bottom of his neck and coughs a little to get air moving back into his lungs.

    “Remember what I told you,” Ian growls to his teammate before he turns and stalks down the hall.

    Grayson waits until Ian’s out of sight and earshot before looking back over at John. “Thanks. S-sorry about that.”

  14. - Top - End - #164
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Feb 2022

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    Emi mumbles something as John gently moves her. “Don’t be too long. You’ll miss the best part.”

    As John rounds the corner, he sees Ian holding Grayson up agains the wall telekinetically at his eye level; Grayson’s feet dangle almost half a foot from the floor.

    The East Side Team Lead glares over at the magician. “We were just having a friendly conversation, John. Sorry if I got a little loud.”

    He drops the draconic hero back the floor, and Grayson rubs the bottom of his neck and coughs a little to get air moving back into his lungs.
    “It can happen,” John deadpanned as Ian dropped Grayson to the floor.

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    “Remember what I told you,” Ian growls to his teammate before he turns and stalks down the hall.

    Grayson waits until Ian’s out of sight and earshot before looking back over at John. “Thanks. S-sorry about that.”
    John extended his hand. “Happy to help,” he said quietly, mostly believing it. “Are you going to be okay? I’d rather not draw too much attention to this encounter—for all three of our sakes, but I could manage a quick healing spell if you needed it.”

  15. - Top - End - #165
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    November 1st
    “Y-yeah, I’ll be fine,” Grayson replies quietly as he rubs his throat. “He never really hu-hurts me. He knows Emi w-would be upset if h-he left marks.”

    His eyes briefly meet John’s before darting back down. “W-why did Emi ask me to s-stay in my room so that we couldn’t see each other? I-I know I got upset last night, but I’m b-better now.”

    The patrol goes smoothly for the first hour and half. The team stops a couple muggings and a gas station robbery. But as the sun sets, a heavy, unnatural mist settles into the city.

    Augur and Redline are sitting at a red light, the Monte burbling loudly, when a hundred feet in front of them a car flips and crashes into the opposite lane. A second car is thrown into the air, and this time, they see the culprit through the fog— a nine foot tall demon with a bear-like body and a toothy horned skull for a head. Its arms and legs are armored, and it has long metal claws that curl over the ends of its fingers.

    People scream as it lumbers closer to the next car, which tries to reverse away and hits a van behind it.

    OOC: The team is entering battle against a dangerous foe! +2 Camaraderie! Discuss the Leader and your primary objectives in Discord.

    Crowe and Halo will arrive next round

    Kings… Redline has Initiative!

  16. - Top - End - #166
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Feb 2022

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    “Y-yeah, I’ll be fine,” Grayson replies quietly as he rubs his throat. “He never really hu-hurts me. He knows Emi w-would be upset if h-he left marks.”

    His eyes briefly meet John’s before darting back down. “W-why did Emi ask me to s-stay in my room so that we couldn’t see each other? I-I know I got upset last night, but I’m b-better now.”
    “The relationship between me and your dragon is, shall we say, tense,” John explained. “There are certain things we have learned and certain scenarios we are trying to avoid triggering—scenarios I am running a risk with by even saying this much.”

    John kept his awareness on Grayson/Valèdeir. He could not afford to slip now.

    “It would upset her greatly if those scenarios were to come to pass. Until we have a better handle on things, we are, out of an abundance of caution, trying to keep those scenarios from being triggered accidentally.

    “She plans on speaking with you about it later this evening—although in a town beset by demonic incursion such conversations always run the risk of delay.”

    One mention of the dragon’s name and he could trigger an encounter where he had every advantage—with the exception, of course, that it would upset Emi and cause him to miss the best part of Anastasia.

    “I should probably get back,” John offered as he took a step backward. “Perhaps we can speak more after you and Emi have had a chance to talk.”

  17. - Top - End - #167
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    November 1st
    Startled, Grayson meets John’s gaze. “You k-know about the dragon? D-did Keith tell you?”

    “How much do you know? …How much does Emi know?” he asks before John can walk away.

    Spoiler: Notice TN 6
    While perturbed, Grayson seems to be completely in control. None of the telltale signs, like his nails growing or him breathing out cold are present. He doesn’t flinch in pain either.

  18. - Top - End - #168
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Feb 2022

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    Startled, Grayson meets John’s gaze. “You k-know about the dragon? D-did Keith tell you?”

    “How much do you know? …How much does Emi know?” he asks before John can walk away.

    Spoiler: Notice TN 6
    While perturbed, Grayson seems to be completely in control. None of the telltale signs, like his nails growing or him breathing out cold are present. He doesn’t flinch in pain either.
    Spoiler: John Noticing Grayson is in control. For now.

    I know more than you do, in some ways, John thought. Now, so does Emi. And her father.

    “Keith has told me very little,” John offered with a reassuring smile, “although he did let slip the information about your musical talent we chatted about when you and I first spoke. He did let some things slip when he got flustered at learning I was going to have Emi over.”

    And about the song I saw in her room—an evening you may or may not have known I was there.

    “And, of course, there was your conversation on the balcony Hallowe’en night I heard about—although he didn’t know I was aware I knew about it until later.”

    “That said, most of what I learned came through observation and independent research I conducted following your dragon’s great displeasure at me. It was hard to miss the connection between the dragon I met in Amity Court and some of the signs you display from time to time—auras of cold, that kind of thing.

    “But while some of this lies between us, more of it is official business and I am fairly certain Myriad would take a dim view of an AEGIS-associated occult consultant dipping an oar in.”

    “If we could work out certain ground rules quickly, however, it might make everyone breathe easier.”

    Spoiler: John attempts to Pierce the Mask
    John attempts to Pierce Grayson/Valèdeir’s Mask: 2d6+3 9
    John throws Keith Under the Bus to get a +1.

    John shifts Danger down (He’s working to diffuse the Challenge.) and Savior up (He came to Grayson’s aid with Ian — even if he really didn’t want to get up.).

    What do you intend to do right now—especially, is there a challenge imminent if I turn my back?
    How can I get Valèdeir to drop the Challenge without an actual fight?
    How can I gain Influence over Grayson/Valèdeir?
    Last edited by mmdeforrest; 2023-04-05 at 08:54 AM.

  19. - Top - End - #169
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    November 1st
    Grayson pales as John reveals that he knows of the balcony conversation. His gaze returns to the ground. “Keith t-told you about that?” he asks. “What all did he say? But I guess it doesn’t matter if you already knew about our talk. I guess you were using some kind of magic to hear?”

    He tilts his head, as several thoughts occur to him. “Has the dragon… spoken to you? How do you know he’s displeased? And how is any of this official? Other than me leaving yesterday, there’s nothing that should concern Myriad or AEGIS.”

    Grayson’s gaze climbs a little. “What kind of rules are you talking about?” he asks.

    Spoiler: Pierce Grayson’s Mask!
    Grayson is content to talk and is totally in control. John doesn’t have to worry about a surprise attack

    You can’t get Valèdeir to drop the Challenge. However, so far Grayson has stopped all attempts at Valèdeir issuing one.

    To gain Influence over Valèdeir in particular, you have to subdue him in combat.

  20. - Top - End - #170
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    Grayson pales as John reveals that he knows of the balcony conversation. His gaze returns to the ground. “Keith t-told you about that?” he asks. “What all did he say? But I guess it doesn’t matter if you already knew about our talk. I guess you were using some kind of magic to hear?”

    He tilts his head, as several thoughts occur to him. “Has the dragon… spoken to you? How do you know he’s displeased? And how is any of this official? Other than me leaving yesterday, there’s nothing that should concern Myriad or AEGIS.”

    Grayson’s gaze climbs a little. “What kind of rules are you talking about?” he asks.

    Spoiler: Pierce Grayson’s Mask!
    Grayson is content to talk and is totally in control. John doesn’t have to worry about a surprise attack

    You can’t get Valèdeir to drop the Challenge. However, so far Grayson has stopped all attempts at Valèdeir issuing one.

    To gain Influence over Valèdeir in particular, you have to subdue him in combat.
    “How I know about the balcony talk is a little complicated to explain. Let’s leave it at it having been told to me by someone other than Keith and leave it at that. A magician has to keep some secrets.”

    John shrugged before he continued. “And it isn’t the first time in history two worthy gentlemen have fallen for the same woman. I doubt it will be the last.

    “And, no. I have not yet had the honor of speaking to your dragon—although I suspect that is only a matter of time. There are too many demons operating in the city for us not to eventually meet and so long as he and I keep our attention on fighting the demons and not each other, things should be fine.

    “That’s the single pair of ground rules I want the three of us to abide by: That we govern ourselves in a manner that minimizes the chances of Emi becoming upset and that we govern ourselves in a manner that prevents the demons from overwhelming Iron Station and beyond. If we stick to that, we should be fine.”

    “Oh,” John added, turning to go. “One piece of advice for the two of you—even if I am loathe to offer it. When your companion claws at you in the hopes of getting out and getting to me, it upsets Emi and her father—the former out of a fondness to you and the latter because it reduces the operational effectiveness of his team. Neither of these will aid in your cause, which is to my benefit, of course. But it bothers me when Emi is upset so I would suggest reconsidering that approach to things.

    “After all, a dragon and a magician with our investigative skills working together are assets the demons should be worried about—not ignoring because we are sufficiently at one another’s throats that we may as well be on the sidelines.

    “But I should get back before I am missed. Have a good evening.”

    Spoiler: John is being “supportive”…well, of Emi mostly but it is still good advice.
    John attempts to Comfort and Support Grayson by pointing out how his and Valèdeir’s behavior is counterproductive and how they can improve in the future.

    John attempts to Comfort and Support Grayson/Valedir while manipulating them to play nice around Emi: 2d6+3 9
    Last edited by mmdeforrest; 2023-04-05 at 02:25 PM.

  21. - Top - End - #171
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    November 1st
    Grayson raises his head and looks steadily into John’s eyes. “If you heard the conversation, then you know what I said. I’m not going to take it back,” he says firmly. He seems to loose his nerve after his statement though, and breaks eye contact again. “I n-never ever mean to cause her pain or upset her. Until yesterday I d-didn’t know that she could feel when the dragon hurts me.”

    “I want to w-work with you, John,” Grayson says softly as the magician turns to leave. “I really do, but y-you don’t understand how much it hu-hurts. It takes everything I ha-have to stay in control when he gets angry. I-I don’t want to hurt anyone… l-least of of someone that Emi cares about. Th-that’s why I left yesterday. He made a deal with me. If I l-let him have full control for the day, he wouldn’t try to hurt me or t-take control for a week.”
    Last edited by InTheMachine; 2023-04-05 at 09:07 PM.

  22. - Top - End - #172
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Feb 2022

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    Grayson raises his head and looks steadily into John’s eyes. “If you heard the conversation, then you know what I said. I’m not going to take it back,” he says firmly. He seems to loose his nerve after his statement though, and breaks eye contact again. “I n-never ever mean to cause her pain or upset her. Until yesterday I d-didn’t know that she could feel when the dragon hurts me.”
    “In truth, Grayson, I only had a portion of the conversation reported to me. If it is more than your profession of your feelings for Emi, I don’t know about it. Nor do I feel the need to.”

    Not much, anyway.

    Okay, maybe a little.

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    “I want to w-work with you, John,” Grayson says softly as the magician turns to leave. “I really do, but y-you don’t understand how much it hu-hurts. It takes everything I ha-have to stay in control when he gets angry. I-I don’t want to hurt anyone… l-least of of someone that Emi cares about. Th-that’s why I left yesterday. He made a deal with me. If I l-let him have full control for the day, and he wouldn’t try to hurt me or t-take control for a week.”
    “I understand, Grayson—at least partially. And I am grateful for the times you have contained…him. I am no more interested in harming someone Emi cares for than you do and I have no intention of either of us having to go back to our parents in a body bag. If he refuses to commit to avoiding that, at least you and I can. That’s a start, anyway.

    “But if he is not concerned with Emi’s feelings, you and he need to have a conversation about his intentions—for you and for her.

    John paused and looked down. “I am glad to hear about his promise, though. It will make your conversation with Emi later this evening easier.”

    As will the timeline for leaving for Providence. At least he could strike “Worry about the plane getting off safely due to the risk of mysterious icing” from his to do list.

    He glanced back at Grayson. If the dragon was well behaved, he likely could risk it.

    “We’ll figure it out, my friend. It will not be easy but two smart guys like us should be able to determine a good way forward.

    “For Emi’s sake, if nothing else.”

  23. - Top - End - #173
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Sep 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Running of the Bull/Bear? (Demon)

    The patrol goes smoothly for the first hour and half. The team stops a couple muggings and a gas station robbery. But as the sun sets, a heavy, unnatural mist settles into the city.

    Augur and Redline are sitting at a red light, the Monte burbling loudly, when a hundred feet in front of them a car flips and crashes into the opposite lane. A second car is thrown into the air, and this time, they see the culprit through the fog— a nine foot tall demon with a bear-like body and a toothy horned skull for a head. Its arms and legs are armored, and it has long metal claws that curl over the ends of its fingers.

    People scream as it lumbers closer to the next car, which tries to reverse away and hits a van behind it.
    Redline nods his head to the beat of the song blaring through the muscle car's stereo system as they idle at the light. The nodding comes to a stop as the strange mist slowly envelops the city streets. "That's... weird." He uses a free hand to twist the volume knob and the cabin goes silent. "You remember hearing anything about fog today?" Redline asks his patrol partner.

    The sound of shattered glass and twisted metal rings through the air, immediately followed by several car alarms sounding off in disharmony. "Alright T, playtime's over. Time for the real deal." Redline puts up two fingers to his right ear and activates his communicator.

    Quote Originally Posted by Redline
    West Side listen up. I've got eyes on some sort of ugly @#$ minotaur who thinks it can play with cars like Hot Wheels. I'm gonna try get it's attention and see if we can draw it over to the park about a block away. I'll signal our location with a flare when we get there.
    "Mimi, notify any first responders in area and route the rest of the team to our location."

    A flash of white light emanates from the driver's seat and soon fades, revealing a second Redline who stands beside the driver side door. "Let me guess, search and rescue right?"

    "If you already know then why ask?" The original questions.

    "I don't know, maybe we're feeling generous today and don't leave the hardest job to ourselves?" The double shrugs with a smirk. "I've got it covered here, you've got a bull to fight." He slaps the roof of the car before disappearing in a streak of light.

    Redline revs the engine and the Monte Carlo roars in challenge. He pulls the vehicle into the intersection and brings it to a stop before shifting into neutral. The high octane hero revs the engine once more to lure the demon closer. "C'mon..." A gloved hand grips the steering wheel tighter as the other rests atop the gear shifter.

    Spoiler: If the demon runs at the Monte Carlo
    The hero waits long enough to shift gears and tear off before the demon can reach the Monte Carlo. The muscle car speeds towards the park only slowing to keep the beast close but just barely out of reach.

    Redline honks the horn furiously as they reach the park in an attempt to alert any civilians in the vicinity of their presence. The Monte Carlo's wheels dig into the ground kicking up dirt and grass in their wake as it races toward the park center routing around any bystanders along the way. The hero lifts a hand skyward out of the driver side window and fires off a brilliant red flare to mark their position.

    Spoiler: Mechanics
    Redline activates Captain from the Protégé playbook and adds one Benny to the Team Pool then draws one for himself!

    Redline uses his action to create a duplicate and his "movement" to lure the Bull Demon to the park!
    Driving: 6

    Redline activates Energy Control as a free action and fires a flare into the air!

  24. - Top - End - #174
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    November 1st
    The deafening rev of the Monte Carlo’s engine is enough to grab the demon’s attention. It snorts fire and smoke from its bony nostrils before it charges at the muscle car.

    Redline manages to successfully lead the furious demon to the park. It’s claws tear deeply into the ground as it struggles to keep pace with the car and it swipes at the rear tires, but Redline fishtails the car just right to keep the demon from tearing off the bumper.

    Queens… The demon goes, but it misses the car on a 2 and 1
    10s, 8’s … Augur and Nightgaunt have Initiative!

  25. - Top - End - #175
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Augur sees the bull demon and blanches. "What the *#%& is that?!"

    As Redline makes the comm call, Augur activates his also. He holds on for dear life as the car fishtails toward the park, horn blaring. He jumps out as they slide to a stop, running away from the Monte while waving his arms and screaming at the demon to get its attention on him, "Hey you giant cow, you want a piece of THIS!"

    Augur slams his fighting sticks into the beast, hitting it hard in the midsection. He follows with a crushing blow to the knee as he slides to a stop right in front of the bull demon.

    Spoiler: OOC stuff...
    Directly engage - 4

    Attack #1 - 12; 5 for 13 Damage

    Attack #2 - 13; 5 for 12 damage

    Spoiler: Knowledge: Battle
    Last edited by Kvard51; 2023-04-06 at 06:34 PM.
    “It's like everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story.”
    ― Kvothe, The Name of the Wind

    Spoiler: personality test results

  26. - Top - End - #176
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV


    Nightgaunt pulls his helmet off and runs his hand through his hair as Redline brings the training session to a close. He nods along with his friend's assessment of getting out on the streets and actually doing the work.

    When the team breaks up, he heads to the kitchen and sucks down a blood bag before heading to the garage to see the land-bound members off.

    After, he takes to the sky as a spread out handful of crows, every so often dropping to a rooftop or alleyway to check in with the team.

    Live Fire Exercise:

    The sound of torn metal and shrieking civilians reaches up to Nightgaunt through the fog. He spirals down, lower, seeing the bull chase the Monte Carlo. The murder of crows joins the chase, flapping wildly as the flock coalesces into a single bird.

    The crow swoops down on the bull as Augur begins to distract it, a burst of red light and Nightgaunt appears, raking his claws down the bull's back, trying to draw it's attention away from his new teammate.

    He feels that familiar, cherry red coal of fury spark to life in his chest, accompanied by the far less familiar, and even less welcome sensation of fear and concern.

    Not another one. he thinks, his teeth grit together.

    Spoiler: End of Session, OOC, mechanics, whatnot

    Charge Burn!
    - I rolled the wrong tab first, even though this says "directly Engage" it was supposed to be my charge burn roll (hence no modifier)

    Nightgaunt has 2/3 burn!
    Nightgaunt became...
    Angry, because. Well. It's Raph.
    Guilty & Insecure - a combination of how unseriously he takes some of this sometimes, and his worry about Augur's safety as the newbie and, however slippery, normal he is. We can't lose anymore!

    Directly Engage (the normal way!) 8
    +2 to Fighting roll
    I'm going to give Redline an Opportunity, he draws and plays an adventure card!

    Fighting roll: 6.... +1 more from Gang Up = 7....
    why the heck not.
    Benny That! (+2 from Elan, +1 from Gang-Up, +2 from Directly Engage): 5, for a total of 10

    Damage! 14 If I was gonna roll this badly, I should've used burn and doubled it.

    End of Session:
    No EXP for me
    1 Potential

    Moves/Bennies reset!

    Generic End of Session Move:

    After pursuing the doctor with Dee, Redline, and Menagerie, and how that scenario concluded, Raphael is feeling pretty good about himself, he feels like he got one over on Cassandra.

    Raphael isn't super thrilled with John's willingness to abandon Laura, but given how narrowly Raphael applies his own care and empathy, he doesn't feel like something's severed between them.

    Nightgaunt grows into his own image of himself... Putting one over on Cassandra and starting to really emerse himself in the local vampire body politik has increased his Superior and lowered his Savior

    Doomed End of Session Move:
    Null and Void per GM, it's only been a day after all.

    Reminder: Everyone draws an additional card due to Reinforcements, including me!

    Label Shift for Crowe:

    After watching Keith eat pavement, but still remain committed to the life, even after getting skunked in the training exercise, Nightgaunt doesn't think of Crowe as being a 'troubleshooter', but appreciates his determination to grow.

    Danger down, Savior up. Raphael sees Crowe as less of a combatant, but willing to put himself on the line to win.
    Last edited by big teej; 2023-04-07 at 04:16 PM.

  27. - Top - End - #177
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Albemarle, NC

    Post Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    November 1st
    Quote Originally Posted by John
    “In truth, Grayson, I only had a portion of the conversation reported to me. If it is more than your profession of your feelings for Emi, I don’t know about it. Nor do I feel the need to.”

    Not much, anyway.

    Okay, maybe a little.
    Grayson’s neck and ears flush pink in instant embarrassment. He starts to say something but it seems to get caught in his throat. “That was the pa-part that matters,” he mutters.

    Quote Originally Posted by John
    “I understand, Grayson—at least partially. And I am grateful for the times you have contained…him. I am no more interested in harming someone Emi cares for than you do and I have no intention of either of us having to go back to our parents in a body bag. If he refuses to commit to avoiding that, at least you and I can. That’s a start, anyway.

    “But if he is not concerned with Emi’s feelings, you and he need to have a conversation about his intentions—for you and for her.

    John paused and looked down. “I am glad to hear about his promise, though. It will make your conversation with Emi later this evening easier.”

    As will the timeline for leaving for Providence. At least he could strike “Worry about the plane getting off safely due to the risk of mysterious icing” from his to do list.

    He glanced back at Grayson. If the dragon was well behaved, he likely could risk it.

    “We’ll figure it out, my friend. It will not be easy but two smart guys like us should be able to determine a good way forward.

    “For Emi’s sake, if nothing else.”
    The draconic hero nods in agreement with John’s first statement, then blinks and looks sharply up at the magician. “I-It’s not that easy to talk to him. I’ve t-tried. He’s a dragon. H-He doesn’t like being argued with o-or contradicted. B-but I’ll try again. I still don’t understand what he wants either.”

    Grayson gives John a weak smile. “For Emi, yeah. Thanks again, f-for running Ian off.”

    He gives John another small nod and then turns to head down the hall to the kitchen.

    The demon looks down at Augur as his fighting sticks bounce ineffectually off its armored knee and thick midsection. It lets out a low, grating chuckle as it looks down at the new West Sider and lifts one clawed hand to retaliate before Nightgaunt draws its attention.

    It doesn’t look like Nightguant’s claws have managed to penetrate its thick hide as it snorts again, twisting around to face the vampire. The demon bellows and attacks Nightgaunt, shoulder checking the vampire with its pauldron. The metal crunches into Nightgaunt’s head, cracking his helmet and shattering his visor.

    Reality fractures in the sky above and four white feathered, bird-like creatures emerge with high pitched screeches. Yellowed bone faces lock on to Nightgaunt and Augur.

    Augur and Nightgaunt’s attacks do no damage to the Bull demon.
    5s… the Bull demon goes! It hits Nightgaunt for 17 damage!
    Initiative resets and Reinforcements triggers! 4 new demons enter the fray!
    Aces and Jacks… Halo and Crowe have Initiative!
    Last edited by InTheMachine; 2023-04-07 at 06:06 PM.

  28. - Top - End - #178
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    The draconic hero nods in agreement with John’s first statement, then blinks and looks sharply up at the magician. “I-It’s not that easy to talk to him. I’ve t-tried. He’s a dragon. H-He doesn’t like being argued with o-or contradicted. B-but I’ll try again. I still don’t understand what he wants either.”

    Grayson gives John a weak smile. “For Emi, yeah. Thanks again, f-for running Ian off.”

    He gives John another small nod and then turns to head down the hall to the kitchen.
    John returned Grayson’s nod, grateful to have the conversation come to a sufficiently amicable close. Grayson didn’t have an Amulet to contain his fear, John reminded himself as he turned to quickly return to the lounge and, he hoped, slip in before Emi woke up and realized how long he had been gone. That made a difference when speaking with a dragon.

    Jaal had made it clear, however, that Grayson and Valèdir should be twinned—bound together in mutual support and not striving for dominion over each other.

    Of course, he was profiting from the status quo, in which Grayson held the upper hand. Perhaps he should not be wishing for a more equitable power sharing arrangement. Nor should he—or Ian, for that matter—underestimate Grayson. A man with that kind of will was no one to trifle with.

    “Nora:” John asked quietly as he approached the door to the lounge, “are you at liberty to tell me if Emi is awake before I slip into the room? I was hoping to be able to quietly skip back to the part of Anastasia that was on when I left. I’m told the best part is coming up.”

    The conversation had had its benefits, though. Some lines were more clearly drawn and some intel had been offered—even if some came through his magical senses rather than his more scientifically accepted ones.

    He would have to consider what he learned at a different time. For now, the thought of snuggling up with Emi again was dominating his thoughts—if thoughts was the appropriate term.

  29. - Top - End - #179
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Oct 2019

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    The bull headed red flare signalled, and Halo ate the distance to the park below voraciously, her wings tucked tight. The muscle-bound, grey-skinned demon with a Minotaur-like head staring down Augur and Nightgaunt became clearer. The fight was fresh, with Redline still stuck in the driver’s seat, the trail of dug up earth and no dents in the car a testament to his skill with speed. Her wings flared open to catch the wind, assessing the situation from the air. Augur in danger. Only one? Nightgaunt hurt. Seemingly spotless steel relished the little that remained of the sun’s rays.

    “The baby Behemoth is like an abyss shock-trooper,” Sophia’s voice warned those below over the communicator on her ear. “Think heavily armoured.”

    A rend in reality opened up below and to Halo’s right, and out fell four bone white flyers, polluting creation with their intrusion. Reluctantly taking her eyes off Augur, she glowered at the challenge to the heavens. Leaving them to swoop down and gang up on anyone their scheming souls liked meant putting all three humans in more danger, much worse than dealing with the Behemoth herself. Her gauntlets radiated light as she immediately flew-crashed into the four’s formation, arms swinging.

    Spoiler: Machine, actions

    Move/charge at the nearest flyer. Heavy Weapon Armour Piercing 1 attack (gets past 2 armour).

    Edit! forgot about the extra damage from Champion! +2

    Halo Fighting (to hit): 13.
    Melee, attack (to hurt): 13. +2 from Champion = 15!

    Spoiler: Pre-Fight stuff, posted in chat already

    First fight!

    Leader: Redline has influence over Halo, I trust him to lead.

    Purpose: Halo isn’t interested in catching a demon, I want to destroy it, but keep everyone as safe as possible while doing that. Minimal damage to property if possible?

    Trust: Halo trusts the team, as far as going into a fight with a bunch of people she met yesterday can really go.

    Prepared: Halo has all her magical equipment, and the AEGIS communicator. I removed the condition in the Session Ends. I’m prepared and balanced.

    Spoiler: Influence to start April

    Influence Over: Redline and John.

    Influence To: Redline, Terrence, Keith, Seraph, Harbinger, Yuki, Sidney.

    Spoiler: Legacy Advancement, first one!

    Take another move from your playbook: Never give up, never surrender.

    Spoiler: Seasoned Advance!

    Really couldn’t decide between Mastery edge or Fighting d12 so gave up in the end and went for Knowledge: Occult d10. It fits the angelic family that’s been fighting for humans since demons became a problem.

    Spoiler: Labels to start April

    The Savage Legacy labels are:

    Freak: 0
    Danger: -1
    Saviour: +3
    Superior: +1
    Mundane: +1
    Last edited by JoyWonderLove; 2023-04-08 at 12:55 PM.

  30. - Top - End - #180
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Dec 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    The demon looks down at Augur as his fighting sticks bounce ineffectually off its armored knee and thick midsection. It lets out a low, grating chuckle as it looks down at the new West Sider and lifts one clawed hand to retaliate before Nightgaunt draws its attention.

    It doesn’t look like Nightguant’s claws have managed to penetrate its thick hide as it snorts again, twisting around to face the vampire. The demon bellows and attacks Nightgaunt, shoulder checking the vampire with its pauldron. The metal crunches into Nightgaunt’s head, cracking his helmet and shattering his visor.

    Reality fractures in the sky above and four white feathered, bird-like creatures emerge with high pitched screeches. Yellowed bone faces lock on to Nightgaunt and Augur.

    Augur and Nightgaunt’s attacks do no damage to the Bull demon.
    5s… the Bull demon goes! It hits Nightgaunt for 17 damage!
    Initiative resets and Reinforcements triggers! 4 new demons enter the fray!
    Aces and Jacks… Halo and Crowe have Initiative!
    Crowe enjoys most of the quiet flight, once again thinking of how he needs to learn to be faster before seeing the signal flare. Time to shine. He thinks to himself as he turns to follow along.

    Once he notices the bigger demon being assaulted by the others, his attention is caught by the newly arrived birds. His face turns into a scowl. Always more than one it seems.

    He formed the shadows in his hand and decided to take a different course for this fight. It was time to test out other options. What appeared to be a shortbow of shadows forms with an arrow as Crowe shoots at the closest bird. Meeting that new kid from East Side had given him a few new ideas.

    ”Thanks for the heads up, Halo.”Crowe says into the comms.

    Spoiler: Rolls, Mechanics, OOC

    Crowe takes a condition from the Label shift! Guilty!

    Crowe uses his ranged attack! Heavy Weapon AP2.
    Shooting: 1d10o10-1 1 1d6o6-1 6
    Damage: 4d6o6 13
    Last edited by Roguewolf; 2023-04-08 at 11:22 AM.

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