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  1. - Top - End - #421
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    Quote Originally Posted by ErrantX View Post
    On other topics, how goes everyone's works?

    I should have the remaining Dances up sometime this weekend. I'm also going to make a separate post outside the contest since there are a few spells, items and feats that should probably be separate from the contest.

    Question about the hybrid nature of my class. As currently stands, it works best for a sorcerer/bard entry but dread necromancer/bard and wizard/bard are also possible entries (although the last would have severe MAD issues). Is this hybdridy enough?
    My homebrew:


    ToB disciplines:

    The Narrow Bridge
    The Broken Blade

    Prestige classess:
    Disciple of Karsus -PrC for Karsites.
    The Seekers of Lost Swords and the Preserver of Future Blades Two interelated Tome of Battle Prcs,
    Master of the Hidden Seal - Binder/Divine hybrid
    Knight of the Grave- Necromancy using Gish

    Worthwhile links:

    Age of Warriors

  2. - Top - End - #422
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    I'm having a little trouble with the refined fusions, but i'll put up the first few in a week or so
    Quote Originally Posted by GFawkes View Post
    You didn't poke fate with a stick. You set fate on fire, then whacked it with a 2x4 several times.
    Quote Originally Posted by blackwind1kaze View Post
    good thing they did body attribute instead of Physical attribute, otherwise the stats would look like:

    P. hysical
    M. ind
    S. pirit



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  3. - Top - End - #423
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    I'm thinking about what to do with fluff, but homework is bugging the crap outta me.

  4. - Top - End - #424
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    Quote Originally Posted by boomwolf View Post
    Not that hot, but I have multiple paths I am probing ATM to see what fits my liking...Defiantly going for a knight half, as I wanted to make a knight PrC for a long time, but not sure about the other half...

    So far I'm thinking on mixing knight-bard, but alignment makes it weird. other then finding just what mindset can make this work I need to figure possible abilities, and everything I get in this mix seems to be more bardish and little or no knightly...

    Truenamer-knight also considered but as both are tier 5 (and truenamer arguably even that), I can hardly see m making that class do anything useful without been obligatory to take it if you want to use any of the classes, as both get 0 support otherwise...

    Third option is knight/dread necro, they seem to fit nicely, as a non-caster necromancer, but then again death knights are dime-a-dozen...
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  5. - Top - End - #425
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    Ok. The Dancer of the Threshold is up pretty fully with all dances included. If anyone has time, PEACHing would be appreciated.
    My homebrew:


    ToB disciplines:

    The Narrow Bridge
    The Broken Blade

    Prestige classess:
    Disciple of Karsus -PrC for Karsites.
    The Seekers of Lost Swords and the Preserver of Future Blades Two interelated Tome of Battle Prcs,
    Master of the Hidden Seal - Binder/Divine hybrid
    Knight of the Grave- Necromancy using Gish

    Worthwhile links:

    Age of Warriors

  6. - Top - End - #426
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    Except I don't really GET totemists, actually I don't get incarnum period. I know how it generally works,but not how to work WITH it, not even for character creation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cormag81 View Post
    2117: No matter how good a debater I am out of character there is no way to logically get out of falling after your paladin kills his patron god.

  7. - Top - End - #427
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    Quote Originally Posted by boomwolf View Post
    Except I don't really GET totemists, actually I don't get incarnum period. I know how it generally works,but not how to work WITH it, not even for character creation.
    Perhaps combine Knight with Warmage and make for some kind of Mageknight? Alternately, perhaps a Knight/Cleric and make a How-it-should-be True Paladin prestige class. Druid/Knight who uses their animal companion as a mount and they are Knights of the Old Code, following the Old Ways of the world (very Arthurian). Consider using someone's homebrew, and make an ozodrin/knight who arms himself in armor of flesh with weapons of bone or use my Generator and combine it with Knight to make a Techno Knight.

    Just some ideas.

    Chris Bennett
    Author and Lead Developer of Path of War

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  8. - Top - End - #428
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    You know how it's so common nowadays (to the point of being cliche) to have a prc that combines a character's animal companion, familiar, psycrystal, etc? The Fusionist in this very contest is just one of many examples. I have something like that in mind, but mine has a bit if a twist.

    EDIT: I actually changed my mind on entering it in this contest, because it doesn't really combine multiple classes. Instead, look for it elsewhere in the Homebrew forum.
    Last edited by enderlord99; 2012-01-21 at 02:13 PM.
    Spoiler: Vanity quotes
    Quote Originally Posted by Strigon View Post
    That took a very sudden turn for the dark.

    I salute you.
    Quote Originally Posted by AuthorGirl View Post
    I wish it was possible to upvote here.

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  9. - Top - End - #429
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    A couple of quick PEACHs. These are just my initial impressions, more complete versions will be forthcoming.

    Iron Sage of the Chosen by BelGareth

    Mechanically there isn't anything wrong with this class. It does a solid job creating a nice blend of spellcasting and unarmed swordsage. All of the abilities work well and none are overpowered. That said the class falls flat. Nothing about the class is really that interesting, its just your standard hybrid type abilities. For example you use the word IRON through out the class, but none of the mechanics really exemplify the element.

    If it were me I would try to make the class more specialized. Right now the class has access to the standard 6 swordsage schools. The class would immediately have more focus if you reduced that number. I would also choose to tie the class more closely to either Favored Soul or Shugenja. If you chose Favored Soul I could see making Devoted Spirit one of the class school. If you choose Shugenja I would try to create some class abilites tied to Element Focus: Earth.

    Dread Commander by TheGeckoKing

    Marshal and Hexblade are two classes which I always have liked despite the fact that mechanically they're mechanically lacking. The overall flavor and theme of the class is excellent. Most of the class abilities really do a good job of representing this overall feeling.

    Why does this class advance spellcasting? As it is written I would enter this class as Marshall 2/Hexblade 1/Sorcerer (or Dread Necromancer) 3. You have admitted that a number of your class features are overpowered/strong to help make up for the weakness of the two classes it blends (Marshal and Hexblade), but if the class advanced a full spellcaster the character is just plain overpowered. Either drop spellcasting or your going to need to dramatically revise the power level of many of the class abilities.

    Aura of Dread is too good with or without spellcasting. Hexblade Curse is a good ability, it's just too limited. 1-5 times per day is just pathetic. The at-will aura fixes almost all of the problems the class feature has, allowing it effect almost any foe you meet. But when a foe first enters the Aura of Dread they should get a save. Once a foe passes the save they are immune to the effect for 24 hours. Even with these changes it will be a very strong and signature ability.

  10. - Top - End - #430
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    Quote Originally Posted by cooperflood View Post
    About the spellcasting
    Remember, a full caster loses 3 levels minimum to enter, so Sorcerers don't get their 9th's (which I hear is some sort of blasphemy or something). I could make it Spontaneous spellcasting only, which would stop the Wizards getting in. Otherwise, the spellcasting is just there to progress Hexblade casting, which in itself isn't that bad.

    About Aura of Dread.
    If you REALLY think it needs a save, I can add one in.

    Thanks for the peaches, anyway.
    Last edited by TheGeckoKing; 2012-01-21 at 06:58 PM.
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  11. - Top - End - #431
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    Quote Originally Posted by cooperflood View Post
    A couple of quick PEACHs. These are just my initial impressions, more complete versions will be forthcoming.

    Iron Sage of the Chosen by BelGareth

    Mechanically there isn't anything wrong with this class. It does a solid job creating a nice blend of spellcasting and unarmed swordsage. All of the abilities work well and none are overpowered. That said the class falls flat. Nothing about the class is really that interesting, its just your standard hybrid type abilities. For example you use the word IRON through out the class, but none of the mechanics really exemplify the element.

    If it were me I would try to make the class more specialized. Right now the class has access to the standard 6 swordsage schools. The class would immediately have more focus if you reduced that number. I would also choose to tie the class more closely to either Favored Soul or Shugenja. If you chose Favored Soul I could see making Devoted Spirit one of the class school. If you choose Shugenja I would try to create some class abilites tied to Element Focus: Earth.
    Thanks! that was quite insightful, I will probably define it a little more, and I especially like the idea of having Devoted Spirit in there.

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    "I have a high art; I hurt with cruelty those who would damage me." -Archilochus

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  12. - Top - End - #432
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    Throwing in my own idea; the Squire of Ashardalon, a Warlock/Dragonfire Adept that treats their breath weapon as their Eldritch Blast, gains eldritch scales of malevolent might, and is in general a freakin' beast.

    'twill be EPIC, in my opinion.
    Quote Originally Posted by segtrfyhtfgj View Post
    door is a fake exterior wall
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  13. - Top - End - #433
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    Quote Originally Posted by ErrantX View Post
    Perhaps combine Knight with Warmage and make for some kind of Mageknight? Alternately, perhaps a Knight/Cleric and make a How-it-should-be True Paladin prestige class. Druid/Knight who uses their animal companion as a mount and they are Knights of the Old Code, following the Old Ways of the world (very Arthurian). Consider using someone's homebrew, and make an ozodrin/knight who arms himself in armor of flesh with weapons of bone or use my Generator and combine it with Knight to make a Techno Knight.

    Just some ideas.

    Interesting idea, out mageknight is as overused as deathknight, druid/knight I don't really see working, ozodrin I don't personally like, and I don't know any other homebrew that uses CHA and resembles melee enough to mix it, with the exception of my netherhost-who needs a rework anyway as his current form is poor.

    Still on the prowl...might change from knight to something else if I wont find a proper partner...

    Quote Originally Posted by Cormag81 View Post
    2117: No matter how good a debater I am out of character there is no way to logically get out of falling after your paladin kills his patron god.

  14. - Top - End - #434
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    Quote Originally Posted by boomwolf View Post
    Interesting idea, out mageknight is as overused as deathknight, druid/knight I don't really see working, ozodrin I don't personally like, and I don't know any other homebrew that uses CHA and resembles melee enough to mix it, with the exception of my netherhost-who needs a rework anyway as his current form is poor.

    Still on the prowl...might change from knight to something else if I wont find a proper partner...
    Cha-dependant homebrew base classes:

    A Marshal fix
    The Symbol is an oldie I haven't seen in use much.
    The Witch-Doctor by The Glyphstone
    The Planeswalker
    The Ebon Initiate
    The Hemoscribe uses it for some runes

    There were more in my favourites, but they were all paladin-y or mageblade/deathknight-like.

    EDIT: Damn your entry, EdroGrimshell! *shakesfist*
    Last edited by Morph Bark; 2012-01-22 at 08:04 AM.
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  15. - Top - End - #435
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    I think a Knight/Dragon Shaman hybrid could be very cool. I could see the class granting allies greater (or unique) draconic aura benefits vs enemies effected by a Knight's Challenge.
    Last edited by cooperflood; 2012-01-22 at 12:59 PM.

  16. - Top - End - #436
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    Ok. Brief PEACHes for those I've had time to look at:

    Iron Sage:

    Consider maybe adding Knowledge(Arcana) as a class skill? They are alreay losing at least 1 (and probably more) caster levels compared to a full caster. It might make sense to give them spell progression also at level 1.

    At 3rd level, a Iron Sage can expend a readied maneuver to empower a divine spell with a metamagic feat that she knows. The spell level adjustment of the metamagic feat must be less than or equal to 1/2 the level of the maneuver expended. The Iron Sage can use this ability number of times per day equal to her Wisdom modifier.
    This is potentially extremely powerful. As written it allow one to boost metamagic to level beyond your normal maximal spell level. Maybe add a restriction from doing this?
    within the deities realm of interest
    Possible typo. Should "deities" be "deity's"?

    Dread Commander:


    This is very well done. This could be very good for an antagonist, possibly as a BBEG.

    Harbor No Traitor is as written extremely powerful, especially if one is in a campaign that has any substantial amount of intrigue. Maybe change it to a straight bonus to Sense Motive to determine if someone is lying?

    Glitterhell Rutterkin


    This is an extremely original PrC.
    A glitterhell rutterkin may manifest an unaumented prevenom weapon power without expending any power points
    Minor typo- "unaugmented". Also, given the class features, it might make instead make sense for them to simply be able to may manifest the unaugmented part of the power for free.



    In a 1 hour ritual at the beginning of the day, the Scion may exchange a number of Invocations equal to half their class level for a number of spells from the Sorcerer spell list, which they use as spell-like abilities at will.
    Should this be equal to half their class level or instead up to half their class level? The second makes slightly more sense since as written one is forced to sacrifice more as one goes up in levels.
    due to this fact, whoever the current leader of the cult goes by that name on official business
    Grammar- should that be "whoever is"?

    Overall, I'm liking a lot how this contest is going. So far, there's a lot of really neat stuff.
    My homebrew:


    ToB disciplines:

    The Narrow Bridge
    The Broken Blade

    Prestige classess:
    Disciple of Karsus -PrC for Karsites.
    The Seekers of Lost Swords and the Preserver of Future Blades Two interelated Tome of Battle Prcs,
    Master of the Hidden Seal - Binder/Divine hybrid
    Knight of the Grave- Necromancy using Gish

    Worthwhile links:

    Age of Warriors

  17. - Top - End - #437
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    Quote Originally Posted by JoshuaZ View Post
    Ok. Brief PEACHes
    This is very well done. This could be very good for an antagonist, possibly as a BBEG.

    Harbor No Traitor is as written extremely powerful, especially if one is in a campaign that has any substantial amount of intrigue. Maybe change it to a straight bonus to Sense Motive to determine if someone is lying?
    Errrrrg. I'm loathe to just give out flat bonuses. Maybe a Will Save if the lier is aware of the magical effect?
    Avvie by araveugnitsuga
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  18. - Top - End - #438
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    Quote Originally Posted by TheGeckoKing View Post

    Errrrrg. I'm loathe to just give out flat bonuses. Maybe a Will Save if the lier is aware of the magical effect?
    That seems reasonable.
    My homebrew:


    ToB disciplines:

    The Narrow Bridge
    The Broken Blade

    Prestige classess:
    Disciple of Karsus -PrC for Karsites.
    The Seekers of Lost Swords and the Preserver of Future Blades Two interelated Tome of Battle Prcs,
    Master of the Hidden Seal - Binder/Divine hybrid
    Knight of the Grave- Necromancy using Gish

    Worthwhile links:

    Age of Warriors

  19. - Top - End - #439
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    Updated the Iron Sage of the Chosen with some more Iron'y abilities, refined some text, added some more fluff.

    Have to say, Amechra, you did one hell of a job on the Scion of Ashardalon, props.

    Bel's Compendium
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    “Take but degree away, untune that string, And, hark, what discord follows!” -Shakespeare
    “Gnyðja mundu nú grísir, ef þeir vissi, hvat inn gamli þyldi” -Ragnar Lodbrok

    "I have a high art; I hurt with cruelty those who would damage me." -Archilochus

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  20. - Top - End - #440
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    Thanks; you didn't do a bad job yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by segtrfyhtfgj View Post
    door is a fake exterior wall
    If you see me try to discuss the nitty-gritty of D&D 5e, kindly point me to my signature and remind me that I shouldn't. Please and thank you!

  21. - Top - End - #441
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    Quote Originally Posted by Morph Bark View Post
    The Hemoscribe

    There were more in my favourites, but they were all paladin-y or mageblade/deathknight-like.:

    Ho, but this is where we disagree, a mage-knight/death-knight is entirely different from a BLOOD-knight

    Let the brewing commence!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cormag81 View Post
    2117: No matter how good a debater I am out of character there is no way to logically get out of falling after your paladin kills his patron god.

  22. - Top - End - #442
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    I'm working on a Warlock/Ninja. The motive is a mix of "this class needs fixing" and "I have seen too many kung fu movies". I am cautiously optimistic.

    Edit: It's somewhat done. Could use more invocations and more ki boosts for existing invocations.
    Last edited by Glimbur; 2012-01-28 at 01:30 PM.

  23. - Top - End - #443
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    Crunch is up on Vindictive Fist (Paladin/Monk).

    Thoughts/PEACH (Honestly small thoughts are easier to sift through than full-blown PEACH layouts for me, so thoughts/concerns?)

    Also, I seem to remember in previous installments, Sample NPCs were semi-optional. Is that still the case? Mind, it's been a long long time since I last submitted one. I think it may have been Hybrid Theory II...

    Anyhow, before I get the "how to play" and "how to adapt" situations set up, I'd like some feedback on crunch. Subscriptions are forthcoming...
    Currently operating the 5e Subclass Contest and the 5e Base Class Contest. Check them out if even just to vote or give feedback, we love that in there.


    My DMsGuild content. Most of it was written with feedback from right here on the forums.

  24. - Top - End - #444
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    Vindictive Fist: I don't like the name. Vindictive, to me, is too negative of an adjective. Consider Radiant Fist, Fist of Righteousness, or something less cheesy but also more clearly LG.

    Intended entry seems to be Monk 4 / Paladin 4. Other options include Monk 4 / Paladin 1 / Cleric 1 / [full bab] 4, but that's kind of silly. Monk 4 / Crusader 6 / Cleric 1 also works... I guess the point is that there's only one reasonable entry to the class, which makes it easier to balance but makes characters that take it look pretty similar.

    I can't fault you for 4+ skills, 2+ is really restrictive especially without a need for Int. Survival isn't on the Monk or the Paladin list, but that's not a huge deal. Just a bit off-theme.

    Full BAB and all good saves is pretty strong.

    Monk ability stacking is fine.

    Progressing smite faster than Paladin is a bit iffy... you do lose out on the mount and the casting, but still.

    Holy Mark is not a big deal, but they still turn worse than a Paladin does due to the Monk levels.

    Mark of Vindication is kind of limited, but auto-confirming crits is somewhat strong.

    First level is stuffed with abilities. I might move the Mark later.

    Ki Turning is cute. Not all that strong, but cute.

    Honestly, none of these abilities are very impressive. The class could be 5 levels with some compression of features, it just isn't cool enough for 10 levels.

    Fluff needs to be added.

  25. - Top - End - #445
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    Starting crunch and fluff is up for my entry. Some adjustments may be needed for balance. Also if anyone could find help me find a good picture to go with the class it would be appreciated as would be feedback.

    Last edited by Owrtho; 2012-02-05 at 10:31 PM.
    Want them to look nice? Have a guide

    My Homebrew
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  26. - Top - End - #446
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    Quote Originally Posted by Glimbur View Post
    Vindictive Fist: I don't like the name. Vindictive, to me, is too negative of an adjective. Consider Radiant Fist, Fist of Righteousness, or something less cheesy but also more clearly LG.

    Intended entry seems to be Monk 4 / Paladin 4. Other options include Monk 4 / Paladin 1 / Cleric 1 / [full bab] 4, but that's kind of silly. Monk 4 / Crusader 6 / Cleric 1 also works... I guess the point is that there's only one reasonable entry to the class, which makes it easier to balance but makes characters that take it look pretty similar.

    I can't fault you for 4+ skills, 2+ is really restrictive especially without a need for Int. Survival isn't on the Monk or the Paladin list, but that's not a huge deal. Just a bit off-theme.

    Full BAB and all good saves is pretty strong.

    Monk ability stacking is fine.

    Progressing smite faster than Paladin is a bit iffy... you do lose out on the mount and the casting, but still.

    Holy Mark is not a big deal, but they still turn worse than a Paladin does due to the Monk levels.

    Mark of Vindication is kind of limited, but auto-confirming crits is somewhat strong.

    First level is stuffed with abilities. I might move the Mark later.

    Ki Turning is cute. Not all that strong, but cute.

    Honestly, none of these abilities are very impressive. The class could be 5 levels with some compression of features, it just isn't cool enough for 10 levels.

    Fluff needs to be added.
    I'll consider other names, but I rather like the feel of it. Inevitables are similar in theme; these guys are supposed to seek out evil or wrongdoing and snuff it out of hand. They're good, not necessarily nice.

    Intended entry is level 8 with Monk 4/Pal 4. I'm aware of and okay with other possible entries, but I wanted that to be most efficient.

    The saves thing you're right about. I'll leave the Full BAB and drop it to good Fort, Ref.

    Something I got right, hurrah!

    All the rest in no particular order: if I drop it to 5 levels, I can make it three extra uses of Smite (1, 3, 5) which only gives them one extra overall because of levels lost to this class and to monk. Holy Mark and Ki Turning combined into a single feature at level two. Ranged Ki strike and Ranged Ki Smite combined into a single feature at level three. Ki Smite available at level one along with monk abilities progression. Flurry Smite available at level 4, and Mark of Vindication available in its full-power form (minus the party benefits) at level 5. Does that seem more reasonable?

    Also, auto-confirming crits was something borrowed from the Bless Weapon spell, a first level paladin spell (gained at level 4). Mark of Vindication as it was presented here would be available at level nine, and if I go through with squishing the class down would be available at level 13 (though more powerful).

    Finally, you might want to recheck the wording of Holy Mark:
    Holy Mark
    The Vindictive Fist's hands, tattooed with the holy symbol of their god, count as a holy symbol and can be used as such whenever a holy symbol is called for. Their effective cleric level for Turn Undead is increased by 4, and their levels in Vindictive Fist stack with levels in any other class that grants Turn Undead for determining their effective cleric level.
    It cancels out the Monk Levels (Turn undead at +4 cleric level), meaning a Monk 4/Paladin 4/Vindictive Fist 5 would turn as a 10th level cleric (1 paladin, 5 Fist, 4 Holy Mark), the same as a 13th level paladin.
    Currently operating the 5e Subclass Contest and the 5e Base Class Contest. Check them out if even just to vote or give feedback, we love that in there.


    My DMsGuild content. Most of it was written with feedback from right here on the forums.

  27. - Top - End - #447
    Ettin in the Playground
    Amechra's Avatar

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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    Can someone do a full PEACH of the Scion of Ashardalon, please?
    Quote Originally Posted by segtrfyhtfgj View Post
    door is a fake exterior wall
    If you see me try to discuss the nitty-gritty of D&D 5e, kindly point me to my signature and remind me that I shouldn't. Please and thank you!

  28. - Top - End - #448
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    Quote Originally Posted by Amechra View Post
    Can someone do a full PEACH of the Scion of Ashardalon, please?
    Sure, if I get a PEACH of the Dancer in exchange.:)

    I mentioned in a post above two minor issues with the Scion. Other than those it looks pretty solid.

    Additional comments: Right now one is losing a lot of invoking levels since at quite a few levels one only gets +1 to the lower invoking level. Invoking is already a comparatively weak form of magic. You can probably change levels 4 and 7 so they are both +1/+1.

    Also, there are in Dragon Magic some sorcerer spells that get special bonuses if cast by dragons. Similarly, in BOVD there's a similar bit for demons. It might make sense to have them get those bonuses when using those spells as part of Memories of the Primeval Sorcerer.
    My homebrew:


    ToB disciplines:

    The Narrow Bridge
    The Broken Blade

    Prestige classess:
    Disciple of Karsus -PrC for Karsites.
    The Seekers of Lost Swords and the Preserver of Future Blades Two interelated Tome of Battle Prcs,
    Master of the Hidden Seal - Binder/Divine hybrid
    Knight of the Grave- Necromancy using Gish

    Worthwhile links:

    Age of Warriors

  29. - Top - End - #449
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Good question

    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    It's been a while sine I popped in here, but I'm thinking Witch/Archivist for my class. I'll see if I can whip something up.
    Kaalia Verk avatar by Rauthiss.

  30. - Top - End - #450
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    Well, did a minor update to my class. Specifically added a note about some types of seeds and a feat.
    That said, I'm willing to exchange a peach if anyone is up for it.

    Want them to look nice? Have a guide

    My Homebrew
    [creature]Shiny: Monster Competition XXXVI entry.
    [class]Wisp fire guide: Follow me. I have such sights to show you.
    [class]Ozodrin: A class to play as an eldritch horror.
    other hombrew

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