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  1. - Top - End - #1231
    Troll in the Playground
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    May 2010

    Default Re: MS Paint Adventures 6:12

    As of the ministrife update, it was probably the only time i managed to see some of the post scratch trolls not in a game, and i dont know who are they.

    So can you give me a brief description of each of them?
    Despite everything, its still me.

  2. - Top - End - #1232
    Troll in the Playground
    Friv's Avatar

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    Toronto, Canada

    Default Re: MS Paint Adventures 6:12

    Quote Originally Posted by super dark33 View Post
    As of the ministrife update, it was probably the only time i managed to see some of the post scratch trolls not in a game, and i dont know who are they.

    So can you give me a brief description of each of them?
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  3. - Top - End - #1233
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: MS Paint Adventures 6:12

    Quote Originally Posted by super dark33 View Post
    As of the ministrife update, it was probably the only time i managed to see some of the post scratch trolls not in a game, and i dont know who are they.

    So can you give me a brief description of each of them?
    Aradia -> Damara
    Sex-crazed evil asian schoolgirl. Used to be very nice until Kurloz breakdown (not sure on this). Then proceeded to sabotage her team at most occasions.
    Speaks in a heavy accent (represented by japanese - usually something nasty). Rufioh is the only one who can understand her without problems.

    Tavros -> Rufioh
    A winged mutant. Has low self-esteem but in contrast to Tavros, the others still look up to him. Is into anime and collectible monsters.
    Used to date Damara; currently <3-dates (?) Horuss but tries to break up with him.

    Sollux -> Mituna
    Brain-damaged psychic. It is said that he suffered from brain damage when he overextended his abilities years ago. Now he does not do much more than cursing falling on his face.

    Karkat -> Kankri
    Social justice blogger. Shows up everytime somebody says something that might offend somebody and holds a big speach.

    Nepeta -> Meulin
    Shipping cat girl (who'd have thought?). As mage of love, her match making skills actually work. Used to <3-date Kurloz. His scream caused by a mysterious nightmare deafened her. They do not date anymore but are still close. Kurloz frequently mindcontrols her but her "normal" self does not remember these episodes.

    Kanaya -> Porrim
    Female-rights activist rainbow-drinker. Appears more sane in her agenda compared to Kankri. Taught Kanaya how to turn off her glow.

    Terezi -> Latula
    Rad game girl. Acts "rad" all the time. Apparently a facade to hide her true self/feelings.

    Vriska -> Aranea
    Talkative spider girl. Known from previous act. Loves explaining stuff. In that sense, she can be consideres as self-centered as Vriska. Goes as far as to pay people to listen to her.
    Tries to locate Calliope.

    Equius -> Horuss
    "Equius on horse steroids". A quote from Hussie himself and fits very well. Mechanic who sweats a lot. Thinks of himself as a Hoofbeast born in a Troll's body.

    Gamzee -> Kurloz
    Scary mime in skeleton suit. Woke up one from a nightmare releasing a terrible scream, deafening his matesprit, Meulin. Sew his mouth shut afterwards. In dark cahoots with Gamzee and Lord English, communicating mentally. Mindcontrols Meulin to advance whatever scheme they follow.

    Eridan -> Cronus
    Grease-Troll. Attention seeker. Says that he does not give much about his royalty but mentions it all the time. Claims to feel like a human trapped in a Troll's body (probably just attention seeking again). Abuses Mituna.

    Feferi -> Meenah
    Stab-happy punk. You have already seen her stab John and high-fiving Dirk. Didn't like her responsiblities of soon to-be monarch of Beforus.
    Killed her entire team before the scratch happened in order to conserve their spirits.
    Only recently started to explore the afterlife.
    Tries to rally an army to fight Lord English. Only managed to recruit Karkat so far.
    Last edited by Zejety; 2012-11-06 at 02:41 PM.

  4. - Top - End - #1234
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Default Re: MS Paint Adventures 6:12

    In order of introduction;

    Aranea Sekret: The talkative Nerd Mindfang. I suspect you're familliar with her. Suffering from exposition addiction (actually ran a stand where she would pay people to listen to her exposition). Currently trying to find Caliope somewhere in the furthest ring, because her discovery could harm Lord English in some way (Been a while since I played the first flash).
    Meenah Peixes: The other pre-scratch troll introduced prior to Openbound (and the only one besides Meenah who's likely to have any real role in the plot). Greedy, Power Hungry, and Violent, but she does have a soft spot for her friends (Some of them, anyway). Currently trying to raise an army to fight Lord English; During the flashes, the only person she was able to convince to join her was Karkat, who agreed to help if they met again after the post-scratch human session was successful, on the condition that she made him or Grand Royal Threshcutioner. Meenah is increasingly infatuated with Karkat. Notably, she was uncomfortable with how her Post-Scratch self treated Mituna (Sollux's ancestor).
    Now for the characters who haven't appeared outside the flashes.
    First Flash: Kankri Vantas: The Pre-scratch Sufferer. A budding Social Justice advocate... Who is really bad at it. He's a pompous windbag who usually ends up insulting the people he's trying to defend. He's obsessed with tagging things with trigger warnings. He's taken a vow of celibacy, but is unaware his behavior towards Latula would be considered stalking. Unlike Karkat, he speaks in his 6l99d c9l9r. Also, he replaces the letter be with a b, and O's with a 9. Somehow manages to project himself into the subsequent flashes when Meenah says something mildly "abliest" and go on a rant, much to Meenah's frustration.
    Latula Pyrope: Obsessed with radness. A skateboarding gamer-chick. Lost her sense of smell in an accident. Porrim has pointed out that Latula's rad girl persona is at least partly an act, and she's actually rather neurotic. High Fives hard. She has the same quirk as Terezi, but also likes to add z's wherever she can. She's in a committed relationship with Mituna Captor. Terezi was rather put out at how much cooler Latula seemed than she was, but Karkat claims that it's mostly just an act and that Terezi, on the other hand, is genuine in her personality (So, Karkat <3 Terezi is not entirely sunk yet, despite the fact that she's with Dave right now).
    Porrim Maryam: Feminist Rainbow Drinker. Probably one of the more fleshed out of the Pre-scratch trolls, Porrim objected to how her Caste was forced into caring for wrigglers on Beforus. She's given Kanaya some useful advice on accepting her identity as a woman. She's also rather promiscuous in her flushed relationships, similar to how Kanaya can't help but act as an Auspitace. Porrim has a somewhat maternal relationship with Kankri, although it's frustrated by Kankri's dismissal of Porrim's concerns about gender issues in troll society (which Porrim suspects comes out of Kankri's need to rebel against authority figures). Her quirk is different than Kanaya's; She types no+rmally (with correct punctuation and capitalization), but inserts pluses after O's and in place of the word plus.

    Second flash:
    Cronus Amporra: You know how the fandom has a tendency to exaggerate Eridan's hipster-ness and forever alone attitude? Kronus is an exaggeration of that. Cronus is a complete tool. He claims that he's discovered he's really a 50's Human greaser in a Troll's body, but that's just an act to get attention (it doesn't work). He actually almost came to a realization about that, but Kankri convinced him otherwise. Really, really sleazy. Also, abusive towards Mituna (to the point that even Meenah is disgusted)
    Mituna Captor: Used to be a decent guy. That was before he burnt himself out protecting the Pre-scratch trolls from some unexplained threat. Now? He's heavily brain damaged. He ossilates between extremely submissive and highly caustic, sexist, racist jerk. Replaces every letter he can with numbers, but prone to spelling errors as well, making him really hard to read. A 4chan parody, and occasionally uses 4chan images in his responses. Wears a helmet... Because he would injure himself while Skateboarding if he didn't.
    Kurloz Makara: Meulin's ex-matesprit. Prior to the session, he had a nightmare in which he saw the truth of his religion, and screamed horribly, deafening Meulin. Sewed his mouth shut to stop that from happening again. These days, he only communicates via ASL and mime-ing, which no-one but Meulin can understand. However, he can use telepathy via chucklevoodoo similar to how Gamzee inserted the harlequin doll and Lil' Cal into the human's dreams, and he uses that to use Meulin as a tool to further Lord English's objective. It's strongly implied he subtly sabotaged an already tricky session.
    Meulin Lejion: Nepeta on catnip. SHOUTS CONSTANTLY (because Kurloz defeaned her). She can read lips, but often communicates via "mimes"; ASL-based versions of Tumblr reaction .gifs. Really obsessed with cat puns and shipping. Doesn't know she's Kurloz's pawn (She thinks he's just an ex she's good friends with). Not in a relationship with Kankri at all. Uses complex cat emoticons, and GUUUUUUSSSHHHHEESSSS over stuff. Talks about FEEEEEEEELS a lot.

    Third and Final Flash
    Rufioh Nitram: Apparently just about everyone thinks Rufioh is an awesome badass with tons of self-confidence, but really, he's no more confidant than Tavros. Fond of Troll Anime. Has wings due to a mutation, not going god tier (although some doomed timeline versions did go god tier). Apart from replacing the letter i with 1, his typing style is identical to that of Dante Basco (the actor who played Rufio in Hook). Was in a relationship with Damara, but couldn't handle how she put him on a pedestal, and cheated on her with Horuss. When Damara finally cracked, she paralyzed him (and killed Meenah), and went on a campaign of sabotage for the session. He was given a robotic horse body by Horuss (much like Equius gave Aradia her robot body) as a courtship gift, but didn't pick up on that. Eventually died, and Horuss revived him by kissing him, so his dreamself was the replacement him by the time Meenah was revived as a god-tier, apparently. Has been in a relationship with Horuss for eons, but wants to break it off (but can't bring himself to bring up the topic).
    Horuss Zahhak: Quoth Hussie in the easter egg, "Horuss is Equius on Horse Steroids". Has a lot of typing quirks, including using an ascii penus at the beginning of every statement (It's supposed to be a goggled horse; the other trolls are disturbed by it, but can't quite say why). Smiles constantly now thanks to his morailliegance with Meulin; They got together after they died and met Nepeta and Equius. Gadgeteer genius, but all his contraptions are powered by steam derived from his sweat. He believes he's a horse trapped in a troll's body (Unlike Cronus, this is not an act). A bit of a renaissance man (as a page of void, he had limitless potential, but started as a blank slate), but was ultimately relatively unimportant.
    Damara Megido: Damara was an immigrant from the Eastern part of Beforus (the planet BEFORe Alterania). Used to be a sweet kid, but realizing Rufioh was cheating on her started to weigh on her by the time the session started. During the session, Meenah's goal was to foster conflict so that everyone could become more powerful through said conflict, but in practice she mostly ended up just bullying Damara. Damara eventually snapped (Aranea has speculated that Kurloz may have helped a tad here, which would explain why she now worships Lord English; Only Rufioh knows this, and he thinks it's no more serious than her constant lewd propositions of everyone), and went on a rampage, killing Meena, crippling Rufioh, and sabotaging the session (she helped with the scratch, though, because it would give the others "what they deserved"). Very, very explicit in her dialogue, although it's written in Japanese (Well, English translated into Japanese). She can get onto the meteor in an Easter Egg, and while there, speaks in Broken Tourist-y English to convince Dave and Rose she's harmless. Both Latula and Terezi, however, won't let her anywhere near a sleeping Mituna/Karkat, under pain of death.

    Developments about important cast members;
    Dave: As mentioned later, Dave laments that he's becoming stale, and is trying to get out of this. He's currently dating Terezi
    Rose: Engaged in a lot of planning at times, but her most recent project was the chemistry experiment that left her with drunk on Moonshine.
    Gamzee: Was able to piece together a God tier outfit with the help of Kurloz, who claims they are working together to help Lord English murder all their "friends." Is currently hate-dating Terezi.
    Karkat: Hates Kankri. Of the opinion all the Pre-scratch trolls apart form Meenah are complete jerks, actually. He told Meenah he admired the Condesce, and, even though his blood color made him a pariah there, was proud to live on Alterania and that it was a badass place to live. Terezi and he have broken up, presumably because of the fallout from the previous intermission. While he tells her that he's blown his chance with her and he has to accept that, it's obvious when he talks to her that he still has feelings for her. Mostly unaware of Meenah's crush on him.
    Terezi: Has been walking arround with her dragonsuit covering her eyes over feeling that she's much less cool than Latula. Dating Dave, but was obviously touched by Karkat's speech to her, and went looking for him afterwords. She found Meenah instead, though, and she was kind of downhearted when Meenah told her she thought she might be going on a Date with Karkat later.
    Kanaya: She was initially hesitant to meet Porrim because she was intimidated by her, but when they talked, it ultimately turned out well, solidifying her as having the best relationship with her Danscestor (a term Porrim coined for the circular relationship Sburb players have with their anscestor). The original flash made it clear she had feelings for Rose, but by now you've seen the kiss and the date, so you know that.

    Whoo, boy. That was longer than I meant it to be.
    Steam ID: The Great Squark
    3ds Friend Code: 4571-1588-1000

    Currently Playing: Warhammer 40000, Hades, Stellaris, Warframe

  5. - Top - End - #1235
    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Re: MS Paint Adventures 6:12

    Quote Originally Posted by Squark View Post
    In order of introduction;

    Aranea Sekret: The talkative Nerd Mindfang. I suspect you're familliar with her. Suffering from exposition addiction (actually ran a stand where she would pay people to listen to her exposition). Currently trying to find Caliope somewhere in the furthest ring, because her discovery could harm Lord English in some way (Been a while since I played the first flash).
    Meenah Peixes: The other pre-scratch troll introduced prior to Openbound (and the only one besides Meenah who's likely to have any real role in the plot). Greedy, Power Hungry, and Violent, but she does have a soft spot for her friends (Some of them, anyway). Currently trying to raise an army to fight Lord English; During the flashes, the only person she was able to convince to join her was Karkat, who agreed to help if they met again after the post-scratch human session was successful, on the condition that she made him or Grand Royal Threshcutioner. Meenah is increasingly infatuated with Karkat. Notably, she was uncomfortable with how her Post-Scratch self treated Mituna (Sollux's ancestor).
    Now for the characters who haven't appeared outside the flashes.
    First Flash: Kankri Vantas: The Pre-scratch Sufferer. A budding Social Justice advocate... Who is really bad at it. He's a pompous windbag who usually ends up insulting the people he's trying to defend. He's obsessed with tagging things with trigger warnings. He's taken a vow of celibacy, but is unaware his behavior towards Latula would be considered stalking. Unlike Karkat, he speaks in his 6l99d c9l9r. Also, he replaces the letter be with a b, and O's with a 9. Somehow manages to project himself into the subsequent flashes when Meenah says something mildly "abliest" and go on a rant, much to Meenah's frustration.
    Latula Pyrope: Obsessed with radness. A skateboarding gamer-chick. Lost her sense of smell in an accident. Porrim has pointed out that Latula's rad girl persona is at least partly an act, and she's actually rather neurotic. High Fives hard. She has the same quirk as Terezi, but also likes to add z's wherever she can. She's in a committed relationship with Mituna Captor. Terezi was rather put out at how much cooler Latula seemed than she was, but Karkat claims that it's mostly just an act and that Terezi, on the other hand, is genuine in her personality (So, Karkat <3 Terezi is not entirely sunk yet, despite the fact that she's with Dave right now).
    Porrim Maryam: Feminist Rainbow Drinker. Probably one of the more fleshed out of the Pre-scratch trolls, Porrim objected to how her Caste was forced into caring for wrigglers on Beforus. She's given Kanaya some useful advice on accepting her identity as a woman. She's also rather promiscuous in her flushed relationships, similar to how Kanaya can't help but act as an Auspitace. Porrim has a somewhat maternal relationship with Kankri, although it's frustrated by Kankri's dismissal of Porrim's concerns about gender issues in troll society (which Porrim suspects comes out of Kankri's need to rebel against authority figures). Her quirk is different than Kanaya's; She types no+rmally (with correct punctuation and capitalization), but inserts pluses after O's and in place of the word plus.

    Second flash:
    Cronus Amporra: You know how the fandom has a tendency to exaggerate Eridan's hipster-ness and forever alone attitude? Kronus is an exaggeration of that. Cronus is a complete tool. He claims that he's discovered he's really a 50's Human greaser in a Troll's body, but that's just an act to get attention (it doesn't work). He actually almost came to a realization about that, but Kankri convinced him otherwise. Really, really sleazy. Also, abusive towards Mituna (to the point that even Meenah is disgusted)
    Mituna Captor: Used to be a decent guy. That was before he burnt himself out protecting the Pre-scratch trolls from some unexplained threat. Now? He's heavily brain damaged. He ossilates between extremely submissive and highly caustic, sexist, racist jerk. Replaces every letter he can with numbers, but prone to spelling errors as well, making him really hard to read. A 4chan parody, and occasionally uses 4chan images in his responses. Wears a helmet... Because he would injure himself while Skateboarding if he didn't.
    Kurloz Makara: Meulin's ex-matesprit. Prior to the session, he had a nightmare in which he saw the truth of his religion, and screamed horribly, deafening Meulin. Sewed his mouth shut to stop that from happening again. These days, he only communicates via ASL and mime-ing, which no-one but Meulin can understand. However, he can use telepathy via chucklevoodoo similar to how Gamzee inserted the harlequin doll and Lil' Cal into the human's dreams, and he uses that to use Meulin as a tool to further Lord English's objective. It's strongly implied he subtly sabotaged an already tricky session.
    Meulin Lejion: Nepeta on catnip. SHOUTS CONSTANTLY (because Kurloz defeaned her). She can read lips, but often communicates via "mimes"; ASL-based versions of Tumblr reaction .gifs. Really obsessed with cat puns and shipping. Doesn't know she's Kurloz's pawn (She thinks he's just an ex she's good friends with). Not in a relationship with Kankri at all. Uses complex cat emoticons, and GUUUUUUSSSHHHHEESSSS over stuff. Talks about FEEEEEEEELS a lot.

    Third and Final Flash
    Rufioh Nitram: Apparently just about everyone thinks Rufioh is an awesome badass with tons of self-confidence, but really, he's no more confidant than Tavros. Fond of Troll Anime. Has wings due to a mutation, not going god tier (although some doomed timeline versions did go god tier). Apart from replacing the letter i with 1, his typing style is identical to that of Dante Basco (the actor who played Rufio in Hook). Was in a relationship with Damara, but couldn't handle how she put him on a pedestal, and cheated on her with Horuss. When Damara finally cracked, she paralyzed him (and killed Meenah), and went on a campaign of sabotage for the session. He was given a robotic horse body by Horuss (much like Equius gave Aradia her robot body) as a courtship gift, but didn't pick up on that. Eventually died, and Horuss revived him by kissing him, so his dreamself was the replacement him by the time Meenah was revived as a god-tier, apparently. Has been in a relationship with Horuss for eons, but wants to break it off (but can't bring himself to bring up the topic).
    Horuss Zahhak: Quoth Hussie in the easter egg, "Horuss is Equius on Horse Steroids". Has a lot of typing quirks, including using an ascii penus at the beginning of every statement (It's supposed to be a goggled horse; the other trolls are disturbed by it, but can't quite say why). Smiles constantly now thanks to his morailliegance with Meulin; They got together after they died and met Nepeta and Equius. Gadgeteer genius, but all his contraptions are powered by steam derived from his sweat. He believes he's a horse trapped in a troll's body (Unlike Cronus, this is not an act). A bit of a renaissance man (as a page of void, he had limitless potential, but started as a blank slate), but was ultimately relatively unimportant.
    Damara Megido: Damara was an immigrant from the Eastern part of Beforus (the planet BEFORe Alterania). Used to be a sweet kid, but realizing Rufioh was cheating on her started to weigh on her by the time the session started. During the session, Meenah's goal was to foster conflict so that everyone could become more powerful through said conflict, but in practice she mostly ended up just bullying Damara. Damara eventually snapped (Aranea has speculated that Kurloz may have helped a tad here, which would explain why she now worships Lord English; Only Rufioh knows this, and he thinks it's no more serious than her constant lewd propositions of everyone), and went on a rampage, killing Meena, crippling Rufioh, and sabotaging the session (she helped with the scratch, though, because it would give the others "what they deserved"). Very, very explicit in her dialogue, although it's written in Japanese (Well, English translated into Japanese). She can get onto the meteor in an Easter Egg, and while there, speaks in Broken Tourist-y English to convince Dave and Rose she's harmless. Both Latula and Terezi, however, won't let her anywhere near a sleeping Mituna/Karkat, under pain of death.

    Developments about important cast members;
    Dave: As mentioned later, Dave laments that he's becoming stale, and is trying to get out of this. He's currently dating Terezi
    Rose: Engaged in a lot of planning at times, but her most recent project was the chemistry experiment that left her with drunk on Moonshine.
    Gamzee: Was able to piece together a God tier outfit with the help of Kurloz, who claims they are working together to help Lord English murder all their "friends." Is currently hate-dating Terezi.
    Karkat: Hates Kankri. Of the opinion all the Pre-scratch trolls apart form Meenah are complete jerks, actually. He told Meenah he admired the Condesce, and, even though his blood color made him a pariah there, was proud to live on Alterania and that it was a badass place to live. Terezi and he have broken up, presumably because of the fallout from the previous intermission. While he tells her that he's blown his chance with her and he has to accept that, it's obvious when he talks to her that he still has feelings for her. Mostly unaware of Meenah's crush on him.
    Terezi: Has been walking arround with her dragonsuit covering her eyes over feeling that she's much less cool than Latula. Dating Dave, but was obviously touched by Karkat's speech to her, and went looking for him afterwords. She found Meenah instead, though, and she was kind of downhearted when Meenah told her she thought she might be going on a Date with Karkat later.
    Kanaya: She was initially hesitant to meet Porrim because she was intimidated by her, but when they talked, it ultimately turned out well, solidifying her as having the best relationship with her Danscestor (a term Porrim coined for the circular relationship Sburb players have with their anscestor). The original flash made it clear she had feelings for Rose, but by now you've seen the kiss and the date, so you know that.

    Whoo, boy. That was longer than I meant it to be
    Bring forth the Catapults!

    note that i did read all that.
    Despite everything, its still me.

  6. - Top - End - #1236
    Firbolg in the Playground
    memnarch's Avatar

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    In the mind.

    Default Re: MS Paint Adventures 6:12

    New update.

    Well, that seemed short.

    edit; Jack's spent about 5 months in that cell. (153 scratch marks)
    Last edited by memnarch; 2012-11-12 at 03:47 AM.
    If you want a OotS style Touhou avatar, send me a request.

    Steam name: memnarch. Same avatar.

  7. - Top - End - #1237
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: MS Paint Adventures 6:12


    Damn is Jane rocking that moustache.

    I feel kind of gypped that we're missing this, but it's just the trolls again.

    Roxy's appearifying rifle was awesome.

    In fact, everything shown was awesome.

    But I was hoping we'd get more character interactions.

    That said, the beta kids should rock up soon enough, and that'll be awesome.
    Last edited by Shadow of the Sun; 2012-11-12 at 03:58 AM.
    i am going to make it through this year
    if it kills me
    i am going to make it though this year
    if it kills me

  8. - Top - End - #1238
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: MS Paint Adventures 6:12

    Quote Originally Posted by memnarch View Post
    New update.

    Well, that seemed short.

    edit; Jack's spent about 5 months in that cell. (153 scratch marks)
    You realise what date that would be? That's if he started counting since the 11th of November
    Last edited by Androgeus; 2012-11-12 at 05:35 AM.
    "Three blokes walk into a pub. One of them is a little bit stupid, and the whole scene unfolds with a tedious inevitability." - Bill Bailey
    Androgeus' 3 step guide to Doctor Who speculation:
    1. Pick a random character
    2. State that person is The Rani
    3. goto 1

  9. - Top - End - #1239
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: MS Paint Adventures 6:12

    Am I seeing it right, that Jane has made a fork out of the white king's sceptre?
    In a war it doesn't matter who's right, only who's left.

  10. - Top - End - #1240
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: MS Paint Adventures 6:12



  11. - Top - End - #1241
    Titan in the Playground
    Lord Raziere's Avatar

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    Default Re: MS Paint Adventures 6:12

    Three possibilities:

    1. This is really all that there is. they are basically just going around having adventures, doing things we've already seen the Pre-Scratch humans do…all so that they can catch up in power to everyone else. simple, logical, follows Occams Razor.

    2. Hussie is pulling our leg. Standby for flip-flop and a zoom in to see Post-Scratch conversations or something.

    3. This act will be shown out of order, with the two beginning and ending panels being shown side by side, and then the middle is shown in some weird strewn about manner.

    Edit: 4. Hussie doesn't have time to make the Act, because he spent all that time on making the Beforun Troll flashes instead, and this is what the fandom gets for it.
    Last edited by Lord Raziere; 2012-11-12 at 10:19 AM.
    I'm also on discord as "raziere".

  12. - Top - End - #1242
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Land of Stone and Stars

    Default Re: MS Paint Adventures 6:12

    Is it just me or are these acts getting shorter?

    Anyway, the things I noticed in the [S]:

    There is a sucker born with every tick of the clock.
    And a cheater with every tock betwixt.
    -- Doc Scratch (Yes. I'm certain he said that.)

    Yep, we've got the cheater session here. The aren't doing anything the normal way. I can see why we're glossing over a lot of this, as it would be unnecessarily tedious and complicated and we already went through that with the original team. I'm going to start calling them the Ticks and the Tocks, because it seems easier than Post-Scratch/Pre-Scratch and less confusing than Alpha/Beta (the Ticks played the Beta version while the Tocks played an Alpha version, so which would be which?).

    * Jack is still imprisoned. White Queen is clearly quite competent this time around (which is good since she's the only monarch still alive). Odds seem good we're going to end up with three Jacks this session (Spades Slick, Bec Noir, and Hopeslayer). We may also end up with White Queen and PM, resulting in three jacks and two queens. A full house?

    * Jake has the partner to Dirk's SBAHJ tattoo. Wonder if that's old or indicative of whatever bonding they've done since entering.

    * A null session looks pretty boring. Without prototyping, the worlds have the exact same typing format (Land of [Burial Tradition] and [Noble Gas]) and the enemies seem to simply be skeletons of the various enemy archetypes (Imps, Giclops, etc). With absolutely nothing (Other than English) to randomize it, this session looks like it would be even more formulaic than the other displayed sessions. The only thing about this session that would be remotely interesting (outside of personal interaction) is how the Tocks manage to overcome their screwed up server-client structure, which the flash covers through clever use of the windows.

    * I miss the alchemizing of gear. The crap they made during their experiments was almost as cool as their triumphs.

    * The Tocks are working in pairs. Of course the trolls did this as well, but there were a lot of them and we were bouncing around enough as it was. Wonder if that result was due to shipping, the difficulty of working with minimal server support, a surprising level of difficulty in non-prototyped enemies (the thought that they'd be easy was an assumption not a guarantee), or just because they can (given that AR is everyone's server player, nobody has to take time out to build up the houses).

    * The Huss is in rare form these days. How many stunts has he played in relatively rapid succession? The Meenah/Vriska Psyche, the Meenah/Vriska False Load, arguably the Ministrife (which seemed like a bad joke with potentially an incredibly tragic punch-line), and now the One Day Sub-Act. I'd say all we need now is an overly indulgent and unnecessary self-insertion arc, but he still hasn't ended the last one.

    * Is that sun-faced worm one of the Denizens?

    * Are we going to be left wondering who (if any) of the Tocks will be God Tier by the time the Ticks get there?

    * This is likely going to be similar to the doomed timeline arc Davesprite came from, starting with very little context and then filling in the gaps afterward. If the next update is the start of a new intermission, however, I'm going to have a hard time deciding whether to laugh or scream.
    Last edited by Calemyr; 2012-11-12 at 10:41 AM.
    Spoiler: My inventory:

    1 Sentient Sword
    1 Jammy Dodger (I was promised tea)
    1 Godwin Point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kairos Theodosian
    It appears someone will have to saddle my goat, for we now must ride out in glorious battle.

  13. - Top - End - #1243
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: MS Paint Adventures 6:12

    Quote Originally Posted by Calemyr View Post
    Is that sun-faced worm one of the Denizens?
    Yes, that is Yaldaboth, Denizen of Heart, apparently in his true form too. (Not a symbolic representation thereof.) Which is interesting, I wonder if the other Denizens will show up in comic as well!
    Last edited by Fayd; 2012-11-12 at 11:04 AM.

  14. - Top - End - #1244
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    Default Re: MS Paint Adventures 6:12

    Quote Originally Posted by Calemyr View Post
    Is it just me or are these acts getting shorter?

    Anyway, the things I noticed in the [S]:

    ep, we've got the cheater session here. The aren't doing anything the normal way. I can see why we're glossing over a lot of this, as it would be unnecessarily tedious and complicated and we already went through that with the original team. I'm going to start calling them the Ticks and the Tocks, because it seems easier than Post-Scratch/Pre-Scratch and less confusing than Alpha/Beta (the Ticks played the Beta version while the Tocks played an Alpha version, so which would be which?).
    I like it. Ticks and Tocks is my new nomenclature, too.
    Quote Originally Posted by Calemyr View Post

    * Are we going to be left wondering who (if any) of the Tocks will be God Tier by the time the Ticks get there?
    I would assume that, if any of the Tocks manage to God Tier, it'll be very much onscreen. As it stands, all of them have lost their dreamselves, and they don't have the fire of the Green Sun onhand. Those are the only two methods of God Tier'ing that have been laid out to date.
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    To be fair Friv we don't know for sure if the green sun energy is required for quest-slab godteiring, it's simply been presint in all known examples.

    I like Roxy's new outfit.

    ... I can't remember any of the land names
    Avy by Thormag

  16. - Top - End - #1246
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: MS Paint Adventures 6:12

    I believe there's a Word of God somewhere that suggests that a Quest slab works with either remaining self, although I don't know if power was mentioned.
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    Default Re: MS Paint Adventures 6:12

    I think the idea is to show the Tocks going through the motions of Sburb/ feeding the fanartists some new outfits.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dsurion View Post
    I don't know if you've noticed, but pretty much everything BRC posts is full of awesome.
    Quote Originally Posted by chiasaur11 View Post
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    Default Re: MS Paint Adventures 6:12

    Quote Originally Posted by Draconi Redfir View Post
    ... I can't remember any of the land names

    Jane: The Land of Crypts and Helium
    Jake: The Land of Mounds and Argon (I think, could have been Xenon)
    Roxy: The Land of Pyramids and Neon
    Dirk: The Land of Tombs and Krypton (Oddly they only needed gas masks for this one?)
    Last edited by Calemyr; 2012-11-12 at 12:59 PM.
    Spoiler: My inventory:

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    1 Jammy Dodger (I was promised tea)
    1 Godwin Point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kairos Theodosian
    It appears someone will have to saddle my goat, for we now must ride out in glorious battle.

  19. - Top - End - #1249
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    Default Re: MS Paint Adventures 6:12

    Quote Originally Posted by Calemyr View Post

    Jane: The Land of Crypts and Helium
    Jake: The Land of Mounds and Argon (I think, could have been Xenon)
    Roxy: The Land of Pyramids and Neon
    Dirk: The Land of Tombs and Krypton (Oddly they only needed gas masks for this one?)
    Jake's is the Land of Mounds and Xenon- Hence the X on his planet

    On the gas masks- I know Neon and Helium are light enough to float above the oxygenated surface, so that wouldn't be a huge issue. By the looks of things, the Xenon on LoMaX has all migrated into the X-shaped crevice on the planet. LoTaK lacks such a crevice, so they need breathing masks, since the Krypton would migrate to the bottom of the atmosphere, and, depending on how much was present, the Krypton layer might be thick enough to push out most of the oxygen.

    That being said, I'm not sure how gasses actually work in Paradox Space? Even the furthest ring seems to have a breathable level of air. Frankly, this gets into Green Sun Territory and speed of light again- That is, just roll with it

    Notes on the Green Sun (And why it demonstrates applying physics to Paradox space is a hopeless endeavor)
    In order for the Green Sun not to collapse into a black hole, it'd have to be positively enormous. I mean, really, really, really big, given it has more mass than the entirety of our universe. As a result, it would take countless eons for the light from it to have reached the trolls (Given the size they saw it at), unless the speed of light works differently in Paradox Space.
    Last edited by Squark; 2012-11-12 at 01:10 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squark View Post
    it would take countless eons for the light from it to have reached the trolls (Given the size they saw it at), unless the speed of light works differently in Paradox Space.
    Don't forget that time and space in the furthest ring is always changing and relative. You could look to your left and see the back of your own head, then look to your right and see your feet. then if you reached out to grab your feet you could wind up poking your eye. Nothing makes sense there.

    The whole light reaching the troll session thing is silly because time and space just reached the perfect alignment for it to reach that area at that exact moment, maybe it WAS burning for eons and only just got there, or maybe it was only burning for a week and the space of the furthest ring just decided to compress itself so that it would only take a few minutes for the light of the sun to get there. Everything is constantly changing in the furthest ring, that's why travelling through it is so difficult. You could flight at the speed of light in a perfect line and wind up either right back where you started three days before you left, or creating a perfect replica of Jessica Alba were one to trace your movements with a ball of string or the like.
    Avy by Thormag

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    So Paradox space realigned itself such that when Sollux sent the Trolls towards the sun, they only experienced at most a few minutes, and then wound up millions of years prior to the light they saw arriving.

    Yeah, I'm just going to go with: Paradox Space is a funny place, and trying to understand it will make your head hurt.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squark View Post
    So Paradox space realigned itself such that when Sollux sent the Trolls towards the sun, they only experienced at most a few minutes, and then wound up millions of years prior to the light they saw arriving.

    Yeah, I'm just going to go with: Paradox Space is a funny place, and trying to understand it will make your head hurt.
    If that helps you understand it then yes.

    Baisically the outer ring is wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey spacey-wacey, and the entire logic behind it is that there is no logic behind it whatsoever. If something happens out there, it's because it happened, and trying to figure out why or how is like trying to tie a baloon to a cactus. it ain't going to work.
    Avy by Thormag

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    Default Re: MS Paint Adventures 6:12

    Everyone's just too polite to alchemetize Jane a razor.

    The ravages of puberty leave no one unscathed.

  24. - Top - End - #1254
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    Default Re: MS Paint Adventures 6:12

    Shortest act ever.

    Jake continues to have absolutely no fashion sense; he is the dashingest dork I ever saw.

    ..were Jane and Roxy playing with a portal gun?

  25. - Top - End - #1255
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Pretty cool. I would have liked to see more of their adventure, alchemitising and conversations and all, but agree there probably would not have been much point. That's fine.

    (Semi-)Interesting theory/prediction I read: after the third year of the trolls' and Ticks' voyages, the ending of the Homestuck story will take place in one day.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tyckspoon View Post
    Shortest act ever.

    Jake continues to have absolutely no fashion sense; he is the dashingest dork I ever saw.

    ..were Jane and Roxy playing with a portal gun?

    I think Roxy just merged (alchemized? What's the terminology here) her appearafier with her laser rifle, which she used to appearify the fenestrated walls (which I think were upgraded to not need to be plugged in) to places. So essentially a portal gun.

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    Quote Originally Posted by eggs View Post
    Everyone's just too polite to alchemetize Jane a razor.

    The ravages of puberty leave no one unscathed.
    One is not easily shaven from the November puberty, eggs. They are a stubborn mo's.

  28. - Top - End - #1258
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Raziere View Post
    Edit: 4. Hussie doesn't have time to make the Act, because he spent all that time on making the Beforun Troll flashes instead, and this is what the fandom gets for it.
    Definitely not this. Check the news post, one page sub-act was planned. Also there was only ever one Beforun troll flash, the others were html5s #needless_nitpick
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    UPDATE! (Or is it potato?)

    This certainly looks promising.

  30. - Top - End - #1260
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    Default Re: MS Paint Adventures 6:12

    Quote Originally Posted by Randomguy View Post
    UPDATE! (Or is it potato?)

    This certainly looks promising.
    Potato. Definitely potato.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dsurion View Post
    I don't know if you've noticed, but pretty much everything BRC posts is full of awesome.
    Quote Originally Posted by chiasaur11 View Post
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