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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Some kind of hell

    Default GitP PrC Contest XXXII: Hybrid Theory III

    Hybrid Theory III


    1 + 1 = Something way cooler than 2

    _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/

    Giant in the Playground PrC Contest XXXII

    The contest begins with the posting of this thread and will run through midnight of February 19th.

    Soon after a poll will be opened for everyone to vote for their favorite that will last until midnight of February 29th.


    1) You will be creating an 'original' prestige class. You will be taking two base classes (PF or 3.5 is allowed) and finding a way to combine them together in a single prestige class by making use of both classes and their unique abilities and 'hybridizing' them together to create new abilities. For example, a fighter/sorcerer who uses his magic to etch runes into his blade and armor to enhance his abilities in combat, a cleric/bard who sings magical hymns that deliver his divine power, a witch/cavalier who belongs to a rare sect who uses the misunderstood arts of witchcraft to hunt down evil and unclean people and monsters, a psychic warrior/druid who's shapeshifting and body-shaping abilities are second to none, or a ranger/monk who finds harmony and strength through the emulation of his animal companion and their natural talents. Sky's the limit here (feel free to use any of the above) and anything that is official Wizards of the Coast or Paizo Pathfinder material is allowed for source material. Homebrew material as a base is allowed by permission (just ask).

    2) Entries must include name, complete class, and fluff, combat related and role playing related. Incomplete entries at the deadline will be disqualified.

    3) Entries must be 3.5, using the standard format below.

    4) Post all entries in this thread. Post all conversation, questions, etc here in the
    chat thread).

    5) Maximum of one entry per participant (gotta save up those creative juices for the next one too!)

    6) Entries must be your own work, and must not be copied for other places. Only new work may submitted; no previously posted work will be accepted. Such entries will be disqualified. Such entries will be disqualified.

    7) No reserving posts. Feel free to tweak your class, but the initial post must include the basics.

    _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/

    And here's helpers if you need it!

    (Fax Celestis' Prestige Class Creation Thread)
    (Djinn_In_Tonic's What to make and How to make it special!)
    Chris Bennett
    Author and Lead Developer of Path of War

    My credits:
    Path of War and Path of War Expanded: An OGL Tome of Battle for the Pathfinder game system, for Dreamscarred Press.
    Psionics Augmented: Psychic Warrior and Psionics Augmented: Soulknife for Dreamscarred Press.

    My extended homebrew signature!

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Some kind of hell

    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest XXXII: Hybrid Theory III


    Quote of Some Kind by a member of the class!

    A general description of whatever the class is!

    How you would normally become a member of this prestige class.


    Class Skills
    The Class Name's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are....
    Skills Points at Each Level: x + int

    Hit Dice: dx

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability[/table]

    Weapon Proficiencies: A place to put the different proficiencies.
    Put all the different class abilities in here!

    Brief description on how to play the class you are designing.
    Combat: Here's a section where you will describe common combat methods for your class. Remember to include information on how your class will use his powers in combat.
    Advancement: This is a section on different options and paths that the class can go down when they advance in power.
    Resources: What resources might a member of this PrC be able to draw on..

    A quote of somebody else talking about your class!

    A brief description of how your class is persevered in the world and how he interacts with the world.
    Daily Life: Some general information about the typical day in the life of your class.
    Notables: Make up some cool information about notable figures in the history of your class. It's best to give a little information from one of the good alignment and evil alignment (unless it's a good or evil only class).
    Organizations: Some information about organizations dedicated to the practice of your class and other organizations which members of your class will be attracted towards.

    NPC Reaction
    This is an in detail description of how NPC's would perceive your class and the immediate generalization that people would give of your class.

    This is a good place to provide a quick note on how your class will effect game play statistically.
    Adaptation: This is a place where you put in detail how people can adapt your class into their campaign setting.
    Encounters: This is a place to describe what sort of encounters PC's will have with NPC versions of your class.

    Sample Encounter
    Give an example of how one might encounter a member of this PrC.
    EL x: Give the encounter level and description of a sample member of this class and a stat block for him/her.

    Init +0, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
    AC , touch , flat-footed ()
    hp ( HD)
    Fort +, Ref +, Will +
    Speed ft. ( squares)
    Base Atk +, Grp +
    Atk Options
    Combat Gear
    Spells Prepared
    Supernatural Abilities
    Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha

    [color=maroon][size=5][b]PRESTIGE CLASS NAME [/b][/size][/color]

    [IMG]http://Picture URL[/img]

    [i]Quote of Some Kind by a member of the class! [/i]

    A general description of whatever the class is!

    [size=4][color=maroon]BECOMING A CLASS NAME [/color][/size]
    How you would normally become a member of this prestige class.


    [b][size=3][color=maroon]Class Skills[/color][/size][/b]
    The Class Name's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are....
    [b]Skills Points at Each Level: [/b]x + int

    [b]Hit Dice:[/b] dx

    {table=head][b]Level[/b]|[b]Base Attack Bonus[/b]|[b]Fort Save[/b]|[b]Ref Save[/b]|[b]Will Save[/b]|[b]Special[/b]

    1st|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    2nd|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    3rd|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    4th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    5th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    6th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    7th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    8th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    9th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    10th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability[/table]

    [b]Weapon Proficiencies[/b]: A place to put the different proficiencies.
    Put all the different class abilities in here!

    [color=maroon][size=4][b]PLAYING A CLASS NAME[/b][/size][/color]
    Brief description on how to play the class you are designing.
    [b]Combat:[/b] Here's a section where you will describe common combat methods for your class. Remember to include information on how your class will use his powers in combat.
    [b]Advancement:[/b] This is a section on different options and paths that the class can go down when they advance in power.
    [b]Resources:[/b] What resources might a member of this PrC be able to draw on..

    [size=4][color=maroon][b]CLASS NAME IN THE WORLD[/b][/color][/size]
    [i]A quote of somebody else talking about your class![/i]

    A brief description of how your class is persevered in the world and how he interacts with the world.
    [b]Daily Life:[/b] Some general information about the typical day in the life of your class.
    [b]Notables:[/b] Make up some cool information about notable figures in the history of your class. It's best to give a little information from one of the good alignment and evil alignment (unless it's a good or evil only class).
    [b]Organizations:[/b] Some information about organizations dedicated to the practice of your class and other organizations which members of your class will be attracted towards.

    [size=4][color=maroon][b]NPC Reaction[/b][/color][/size]
    This is an in detail description of how NPC's would perceive your class and the immediate generalization that people would give of your class.

    [color=maroon][size=4][b]CLASS NAME IN THE GAME[/b][/size][/color]
    This is a good place to provide a quick note on how your class will effect game play statistically.
    [b]Adaptation:[/b] This is a place where you put in detail how people can adapt your class into their campaign setting.
    [b]Encounters:[/b] This is a place to describe what sort of encounters PC's will have with NPC versions of your class.

    [size=4][color=maroon][b]Sample Encounter[/b][/color][/size]
    Give an example of how one might encounter a member of this PrC.
    [b]EL x:[/b] Give the encounter level and description of a sample member of this class and a stat block for him/her.

    [b]Init[/b] +0, [b]Senses[/b]: Listen +, Spot +,
    [b]AC[/b] , touch , flat-footed ()
    [b]hp[/b] ( HD)
    [b]Fort[/b] +, [b]Ref[/b] +, [b]Will[/b] +
    [b]Speed[/b] ft. ( squares)
    [b]Base Atk[/b] +, [b]Grp[/b] +
    [b]Atk Options[/b]
    [b]Combat Gear[/b]
    [b]Spells Prepared[/b]
    [b]Supernatural Abilities[/b]
    [b]Abilities[/b] Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha
    Chris Bennett
    Author and Lead Developer of Path of War

    My credits:
    Path of War and Path of War Expanded: An OGL Tome of Battle for the Pathfinder game system, for Dreamscarred Press.
    Psionics Augmented: Psychic Warrior and Psionics Augmented: Soulknife for Dreamscarred Press.

    My extended homebrew signature!

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Boston, MA

    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest XXXII: Hybrid Theory III

    Dancer of the Threshold

    "After I dance with people, they generally die. Often they die before we've finished dancing. Do you want to dance with me?"- Altena, a Dancer of the Threshold

    Dancers of the Threshold practice an ancient art that combines dance with the most powerful necromancy. They dance on the border between life and death. Some use their power to fight undead. Others use their power to amass armies, and others use their power to steal life from unknowing victims. Some Dancers point to the common claim by necromancers that necromancy is an art and argue that they are simply artists who have chosen to explore how two different art forms interact. Many Dancers are skilled not just dancing and necromancy but many other artforms as well; as some put it they work in both "the arts and the Art."

    No one knows how or when Dancers of the Threshold first arose. Descriptions of Dancers are in some of the oldest of extant necromantic tomes, and some fragmented legends from long ago describe abilities that sound eerily similar to those of the Dancers.

    Becoming Dancer of the Threshold
    How you would normally become a member of this prestige class.

    Skills: Perform(Dance) 8 ranks, 2 rank in another Perform skill, Knowledge(religion) 2 ranks, knowledge(arcana) 2 ranks, spellcraft 2 ranks
    Spellcasting: Able to cast False Life and at least one other 2nd level arcane necromancy spell. Able to cast at least two other necromancy spells of at least first level.
    Feats: Spell Focus(Necromancy), Skill Focus Perform(Dance), Charismatic Dancer (see note below)
    Special:Must be able to use bardic music.
    Special: Must be alive. A Dancer of the Threshold that ceases to be living (undead, deathless or otherwise no constitution) cannot use any supernatural class features and cannot progress further in the class.
    Special: Must perform a magical ritual which requires you to dance alone in a graveyard at night. The details of the ritual dance can be found in obscure necromantic tomes or taught to you by a another Dancer. But one must enter the graveyard and perform the dance alone.

    A note on the mechanics of Perform(Dance):

    By RAW, the key skill for Perform(Dance) is charisma. Among other consequences, this means that one can use Perform Dance in full plate armor without any penalty. This is silly. To remedy this and related issues, this class uses the following modified rules for Perform(Dance).

    Perform Dance is based on dexterity and takes full penalties from dancing with armor. There is also the following feat:

    Charismatic Dancer
    Prerequisites: Charisma 13
    Benefit: You add your charisma bonus to Perform(Dance) checks.

    One can instead keep Perform(Dance) as a charisma based skill, and instead have a similar feat for dexterity, "Dextrous Dancer". Using the RAW form for Perform(Dance) won't substantially impact gameplay, since as arcane spellcasters, Dancers of the Threshold are unlikely to have much armor anyways.

    Class Skills
    The Dancer of the Threshold class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge(history), (Int) Knowledge(nobility and royalty) (Int), Knowledge(religion) (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha),Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Tumble (Dex)

    Skills Points at Each Level: 4 + int

    Hit Dice: d4

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Spellcasting

    |Bardic Music, Graveyard Communing, Dueling Dance, Dark Lore, Requiem|-

    |Back-up Dancers, Dance, Disciplined Mind +2, Protective Dancing, Sense the Opening Door,|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

    |Dance, Death Knows Her Own, Smooth Movements+2, Spell Dance|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

    |Dance, Routine Dancing|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

    |Dance, Musical Dancing, Necromantic Knowledge, Soulbound+2|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

    |Dance, Necromantic Harmony, Smooth Movements+4|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

    |Dance, Imbue Music|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

    |Dance, Disciplined Mind +4, Routine Dancing, Soulbound+4|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

    |Dance, Smooth Movements +6|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

    |Dance, Lord of the Threshold/Lady of the Threshold, Necromantic Knowledge, The Last Dance|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class[/table]

    Weapon Proficiencies: A Dancer of the Threshold gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

    Spellcasting:When a new Dancer level is gained except at first level, the character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he had also gained a level in whatever arcane spellcasting class in which he could cast False Life before he added the prestige class level. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If a character had more than one arcane spellcasting class in which he could cast False Life before he became a Dancer, he must decide to which class he adds each level of archmage for the purpose of determining spells per day.

    Bardic Music:Dancer of the Threshold levels stack with bard levels and
    other classes for determined the number of daily uses of bardic music. Levels of Dancer also count as levels of Bard for determining what types of Bardic music you may use.

    Dark Lore(ex):Dancers have deep understanding of the darker aspects of the world. They gain an ability that functions like the bardic knowledge class feature with their Dancer level as their effective bard level. This ability applies only to knowledge about necromancy, the undead, or other morbid or macabre subjects. If the Dancer has the bardic lore class feature or some similar feature from another class, the Dancer levels stack for issues that Dark Lore would apply. So for example, someone were Bard 2/Wiz 4/Dancer 1, their effective Bard level for information about an ancient undead lord would treat their bard level as 3, but a question about elven archery would use the default bard level of 2.

    Requiem: At first level, You gain Requiem (from Libris Mortis) as a bonus feat. If you already have this feat you may select Greater Spell Focus(necromancy) or a metamagic feat as a bonus feat.

    Dance:At first level, a Dancer of the Threshold learns the Graveyard Communing Dance. At each subsequent level, they learn once Dance that they meet the prerequisites.

    The mechanics of Dances:

    Each Dance requires some number of bardic music uses or a spell slot or prepared spell of a given level. You may expend either some number of bardic music uses or expend a spell slot or prepared spell to use the dance. Once begun, no more expenditure's are required as long as the dance continues unless otherwise stated.

    Many but not all dances have multi-round times, while others are short simple steps. Some dances can continue indefinitely once started. Most dances will function off of your ranks in perform(Dance) or a specific Perform(Dance) checks made by you. You cannot initiate a Dance while wearing armor you are not proficient in.

    Some Dances have prerequisites for learning them. The prerequisites are always a minimum number of Dances you must already know, and a minimum number of ranks in Perform(Dance). This represents dances of more difficulty that require more experience to learn correctly.

    Initiating a dance provokes an attack of opportunity, but continuing the same dance in subsequent rounds does not.

    Continuing a Dance that was started on a previous turn takes a standard action.

    You may continually dance up to your class level + your constitution modifier (if positive) rounds. After that, for every round you continue dancing you must make a fortitude save equal to 5 + the number of rounds you have been dancing beyond your limit. Failing this save leaves you fatigued. If you are already fatigued (whether from this effect or some other effect) you instead become exhausted.

    Similarly, too much Dancing on a single day can be tiring. If you danced more than your three times your class number * your con modifier rounds (minimum 3) without having had a chance to rest for at least 8 hours then you must make a fortitude save each time you begin a Dance equal to 5 + the total number of rounds you have Danced since you last rested above your normal Dacing limit (3 * level * con modifier). Failing this check leaves you fatigued and if you are already fatigued you become exhausted. For purposes of this check, if you danced in a round for less than a full round that round counts as a full round, but multiple dances in a single round only count as a single round used.

    This fatigue or exhaustion involves not just drain on your body, but on the connection between your soul and your living flesh. Thus, this fatigue or exhaustion cannot be removed or prevented by any form of magic, and can only be removed by rest. You cannot Dance if you are exhausted and any Dance you are in terminates immediately if you become exhausted.

    All Dances are supernatural necromantic effects. Dances which have ranged area effects centered on you may effect you or not as you choose when you begin the dance. The save DC for any Dance is Ranks in Perform Dance + charisma modifier + dex modifier.


    (This is a non-standard DC. The save DC can grow slightly faster than the usual save DCs but most Dances which allow saves allow multiple saves or have only weak effects or take time to work so this should be balanced. The primary reasons for the DC are 1) dancing should depend on both charisma and dexterity 2) This makes the DC keep scaling after a character has finished the PrC as long as they keep putting in ranks in Perform(Dance).

    Unless stated otherwise, the effective caster level for a dance that mimics a spell is equal to your number of ranks in Perform(Dance). However, this cannot exceed your total character level.

    If a Dance is interrupted in any way that would force a wizard casting a spell to make a concentration check, the caster makes a Perform(Dance) check instead of a Concentration check to try to determine if the Dance is interrupted. This is essentially resolved as spellcasting would be,
    with the effective spell level equal to the level of spell slot that one would need to sacrifice to activate the Dance.

    Due to the obscure nature of Dancers' magic, they are difficult to recognize. To recognize that someone is engaging in a magical form of Dance, one must make a DC 20 Spellcraft check (people with at least 5 ranks in Perform(Dance) get a +2 bonus on this check.) A Dancer of the Threshold automatically succeeds at this check.

    To recognize a specific Dance the spellcraft check must meet a DC of
    25 + the number of required dances for that dance. A Dancer gets a +5 bonus on this check which becomes +10 if the Dancer knows the Dance. In general, these checks are not automatic, one must be actively looking to make this sort of check (thus, for example, if someone happens to be dancing in in a ballroom where other people are dancing, one doesn't automatically make such a check to notice that someone is engaging in a Dance.)

    Unless stated otherwise, a dance takes a standard action.

    Dueling Dance (su):
    At first level, a Dancer learns how to to engage in a dueling dance, sometimes vulgarly referred to by young Dancers as a "dance-off". To do this, two Dancers must agree to engage in a Dueling Dance and they must agree to the stakes. To initiate the Dueling Dance, each expends a spell slot or prepared spell of at least level 1 or a bardic music use. Each dances for a round, marshaling their necromantic power through (This Dancing is treated as a dance for purposes of fatigue but not as a dance known for purposes of total number of dances known). Each round, each Dancer makes a Perform(Dance) check, and whoever has a higher result wins that round. If the checks are tied then there is no winner of that round. The Duel continues until one Dancer has won at least three rounds more than the other, in which case they have won the Dueling Dance and the stakes are then immediately magically triggered.

    There are two possible stakes of a Dueling Dance. In the first stake, the loser dies with no save, and loses 1 class level. That is, even if resurrected by any means, they lose an extra class level in addition to any cost of resurrection. The winner gains 1000 xp (representing absorbing soul fragments from the loser) in addition to any xp they might gain otherwise (for the encounter
    or the like).

    In the second stake, the loser is subject to a geas spell with no save. The conditions of the geas must be agreed upon before the duel begins but different geases may may be picked for each participant. For all purposes, this geas is treated as a standard geas spell except that it is in the necromancy school, and the effective caster level has caster level equal to the number of ranks in Perform(Dance) of the winner or the loser, whichever is higher. The loser's life force and magic helps power the geas and so as long as the geas exists, the loser takes takes a -2 penalty to constitution, and a -1 penalty to caster level for all arcane casting and for purposes of effective caster level of any Dances they use.

    If member of the duel stops in the middle (such as choosing to stop or becoming exhausted per the usual dancing rules), that one is treated as having lost, unless the other deliberately took actions to cause the other to stop dancing such as casting a spell at them, or hiring an individual to cast a spell, etc. A Dueling Dance participant may not have any benefit from others, such as assistance from backup undead dancers. However, it is not uncommon when dueling dance occurs for someone to play a steady beat or for musicians or other Dancers to watch and play music in the background.

    It is also possible for a willing non-Dancer to engage in a Dueling Dance with a Dancer. Instead of both sacrificing a spell slot or prepared spells, the Dancer must sacrificed two slots or prepared spells of at least third level.

    Protective Dancing (su):
    At 2nd level you can have dances not effect any undead under your control, or special beings bonded to you in any way (such as familiar, animal companions and psicrystals ). Additionally, you can prevent a Dance from effecting specific beings. You must specify the beings when the Dance begins and you cannot specify more being than your ranks in Perform(Dance)/4.

    Disciplined Mind (ex):
    Necromancy is a dangerous art that requires a perfectly disciplined mind, and a Dancer must learn the perfect balance between that careful discipline and the carefree flow of life necessary to be a great artist. A Dancer of at least second level has learned such discipline. They may become lawful without effecting their ability to continue progressing as a bard. If they had earlier become lawful, they may continue to progress as a bard despite the normal restriction. Additionally, this careful discipline gives Dancers a +2 bonus on all saves against mind-affecting and fear effects. At 8th level this bonus becomes +4.

    Sense the Opening Door (su):
    Dancers develop and intimate understanding of the boundary between life and death, and are able to intuitively understand and sense when beings have crossed that boundary. At second level, when a living being of intelligence at least 3 dies within 5 per (class level*charisma modifier), you are immediately aware of this event and know the direction and distance to the nearest 5 feet. You also know immediately if the being was killed by a necromantic effect. At sixth level, this ability extends further and you can recognize on sight whether a being you see is living, dead, or undead.

    Smooth Movements (ex):
    At 3rd level, if you have initiated a Dance or continued any Dance since the start of your most recent turn, you get a +2 competence bonus on all reflex saves and to AC, this becomes +4 at 6th level and +6 at 9th level.

    Spell Dance (su):
    At 3rd level, you learn to cast spells while Dancing. You may use may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3+ your charisma modifier. The spell must be a spell that has a somatic component. To use this ability you must be continuing a Dance you initiated in an earlier round. The spell must be a necromancy spell may be of 3rd level or lower or a spell of another school of first level or lower. The spell must normally take at a standard action to cast and is instead cast as a full-round action as part of your dance.

    The integration of the spellcasting into the dance results in a -4 penalty to anyone making a spellcraft check to recognize the spell based on the somatic component. To successfully use this ability you must succeed on a concentration check with DC of 10 + the spell level. To incorporate the spell's movement into your dance and succeed on an extra Perform(Dance) check with DC equal to 10 the spell level or the Dance fails and you become fatigued. If you fail on the concentration check, the spell fizzles just as if you had failed a Concentration check to cast a spell in some circumstances which would interrupt the spell.

    At 6th level and again at 9th level, the level of the spell that may be used goes up. At 6th level, you may use necromancy spells up to 6th level and spells from other other schools of up to 4th level . At 9th level this becomes up to 9th level spells for necromancy spells and up to 6th level for other spells

    Death Knows Her Own (ex):
    At third level, your extensive experience with Dancing allows you to recognize other Dancers by the subtle effects it has on their movements. Whenever anyone dances (for any reason, whether or not they are using a Dance) you can immediately recognize if they are a Dancer. Additionally, every Dancer combines Dance and necromancy in a slightly different way that is uniquely identifiable. Whenever a Dancer sees a someone using a Dance, they automatically recognize if they have seen that Dancer before and will recall when they did. In general, the level of recogntiion one gets is about the same as most humans would have for faces. Finally, whenever a Dancer is using a Dance, they get a supernatural effect that duplicates the spell Deathwatch, with effective caster level equal to the Dance's effective caster level.

    Routine Dancing (ex):
    Every day, you Dance on the border between life and death, where a single misstep will flood you with necromantic energy, severing your soul from your body and fracturing it into a thousand pieces. In comparison, regular dancing is trivial. At 4th level, you get a +3 bonus on non-magical Perform(dance) checks such as those made to make money or influence the attitude of an audience. This becomes +6 at 8th level.

    Soulbound (su):
    The constant pull of necromancy on you has trained you to keep your soul and body closely connected and to guard the flame of life inside you with fervor. At 5th level you get a +2 bonus on all saves against effects that would cause fatigue or exhaustion or against effects that have the [death] descriptor. This bonus does apply to fatigue and exhaustion from Dancing too much. This bonus becomes +4 at 8th level

    Necromantic Knowledge(ex):
    As a Dancer of the Threshold, you have access to necromantic arcana that would make some archmagi jealous. At 5th level, pick one spell from the bard or sorcerer/wizard spell list that is from the necromancy school and is of level strictly lower than the highest level spell you can cast. You get this spell added to your list of spells known in one spell-casting class or get it added to your spells for a prepared spellcasting class (in which case gain spell mastery of that spell if that class prepares out of a spellbook or similar object). You get this again at 10th level.

    Musical Dancing(ex):
    At 5th level, you gain the ability to use Bardic Music while Dancing, or initiate a Dance while using Bardic music. When using this ability, each round you
    must make a Perform(Dance) role equal to number of 5 + simultaneous rounds so far + prerequisite number of ranks in Perform(Dance) for the Dance, or you lose the Dance and become fatigued. Also, rounds where you use this ability
    count double for number of Dancing rounds used for purposes of having to make fatigue checks for Dancing too much.

    Necromantic Harmory (ex): You have learned to harmonize the rhythm of music with the flow of necromantic power. At 6th level., any creature that at the beginning of your turn is subject to a musical effect that leaves them fascinated or similarly disabled (such as a bard's fascinate ability or similar effects created by some dances) takes a -2 penalty to any saves against necromancy spells that you cast that specifically target that creature.

    Imbue Music (su):
    At 7th level, whenever you create or animate undead you may imbue some of your artistic skill into the being. For each Perform skill that you have at least three ranks in you may give them 1 rank in that skill.

    Lord of the Threshold/Lady of the Threshold (ex):
    You have triumphed where few do. You are able to dance nearly effortlessly on the border between life and death, and you understand deep connections between the twin arts of necromancy and dance.

    Whenever you would make a Perform(Dance) check you may choose to take 10 on the roll, even when rushed or threatened (such as when using a Dance in combat). Whenever you are Dancing natural 1s on saves are not counted as automatic failures. Any round in which you Danced or are Dancing, you are treated as having Evasion. If you have Evasion from another source this instead becomes Improved Evasion. Perform(Dance) is treated as a class skill for you for all classes. This treatment is retroactive. Thus, if you ever took ranks in Perform(Dance) as a non-class skill you get back additional skill points as if it had been a class skill that you immediately spend when you become a Lord of the Threshold/Lady of the Threshold. Finally, any ability which would increase the effective caster level for arcane necromancy spells (such as the Spell Power ability of an Archmage, or the Necromantic Prowess ability of a True Necromancer), also applies to the effective caster level of your Dances. Such increases in caster level can allow the caster level of a Dance to exceed your character level.

    Dancers who have reached this level are known as a Lord of the Threshold if male or a Lady of the Threshold if female. They are generally known to most other Dancers by reputation. They may be asked to join the mysterious group that organizes the Grand Masquerade.

    The Last Dance (su):
    At 10th level, every Dancer learns The Last Dance, the ultimate expression of the union of dance and the necromantic arts. Unfortunately, no Dancer ever has the opportunity to demonstrate their mastery more than once.

    The Last Dance is a Dance for all purposes but how it is learned. Dancers learn it automatically at 10th level. The Dance takes 3 rounds. You choose at the beginning of the Dance what types of individuals it will effect and range. You can pick any radius up to 10 feet per a rank in Perform(Dance) and have it effect either all creatures, all living creatures, all undead, or one specific creature in range. When you complete this dance, any creature of the type specified must make a save. Living creature must make a fortitude save, and any undead or other creature that are immune to fortitude effects that don't effect objects must make a will save.

    If a creature fails the save it dies. If at least one creature is destroyed by this effect then the terrible necromantic power courses through the body of the Dancer and through any being that failed a save, killing them and the Dancer. The sheer necromantic force permanently severs their connections to the material plane and so neither the Dancer nor anyone else killed by The Last Dance can be ressurected by any means.

    Living beings treat this as a necromantic [death] affect while undead and other beings that are by type normally immune to death effects treat this as simply a necromantic effect. If the dancer's effective caster level exceeds the caster level of any Death Ward spell or similar effect on a being effected by this then the Dance ignores the Death Ward.

    However, for the Dancer themselves, the necromantic backlash of the Last Dance bypasses any protection against [death] effects, even a Death Ward.

    Playing a Dancer of the Threshold

    You know more dark secrets than most innocent people would imagine even exist. You dabble with the dead and the rotting. But that doesn't mean you can't have fun. Everyone ends up in the grave but you might as well make the most of life while you have the chance. And there's just so many interesting things to learn, whether they are dark secrets or interesting songs and musical pieces you haven't encountered.

    Many wizards adventure to search out forgotten magical lore, and you'll do that too. But you might be just as happy if you open up an ancient tomb and find a scroll containing the words to a long lost ballad.

    Combat: What you do in combat can vary depending on the specific build. You are a squishy spellcaster so you will likely want to stay far from the front line if you can avoid it. You will also need to be careful not harm allies with your Dances. Exactly what you do will depend both on your spell lists and what sort of Dances you have learned. Depending on your Dances chosen you could easily send swarms of undead like the best of them or use your Dances to magically drain your foes. If you choose the right Dances you can control undead hordes of incredible size.

    Advancement: Some Dancers of the Threshold start off with a skill in necromancy and only then becomes Dancers when they discover that talent, while others start off knowing they can dance and only become Dancers when they discover innate necromantic skills. Whichever way you started, your path will look very similar. Most Dancers have an older Dancer as a tutor, often the same individual who taught them the art of necromancy, but a substantial fraction become Dancers on their own and learn their skills after having stumbled upon ancient necromantic tomes.

    As you progress as a Dancer, you must continue to refine your Dancing ability. Maximizing Perform(Dance) is necessary. If you are a spontaneous spellcaster with a limited number of spells known, you may want to spread those spells out to schools of magic other than necromancy, letting your Dancing take care of necromantic magic.

    Resources: You are likely to know a few other Dancers with whom you can possibly exchange spells or magic items, but you are unlikely to have any formal connections you can draw upon. You may have more luck in an emergency getting assistance from the Dancer who trained you (if any) or any former apprentices you have. You may be involved in bardic organizations or wizarding guilds just as a wizard or bard might be and will have the same resources that a regular member would have.

    Dancers of the Threshold in the World
    "I don't care how charming and nice he seems, using foul magic to raise the dead is wrong, and doing so while twirling around doesn't make it any better!" -Asten Longhilt, a human paladin describing his attitude towards Dancers of the Threshold

    For obvious reasons, Dancers of the Threshold are not regarded warmly by most of society. Necromancers and the less squeamish mages may find their abilities intriguing, but most will regard them with the same suspicion and hostility they would regard anyone who had extensively studied the darker aspects of magic. Thus, while Dancers may be willing to let people know of their musical and magical ability, they are likely to keep their Dancing a secret revealed to only a few. Since it is a rare and little known form of magic, they can sometimes get away with using it in plain sight as long as the Dance is not one whose effects are not too obviously tied to necromancy.

    Daily Life: A Dancer of the Threshold might spend their time studying ancient necromantic tracks or they might find themselves seeking out interesting undead to study. Some Dancers make their livings as entertainers and as bards, keeping their dark magic to themselves.

    Notables:Temelani Sato is a son of the powerful and wealthy Sato merchant family. He is considered by most people to be too flighty and concerned with trivialities and parties to actually be able to help with the family business. A few have remarked about how the handsome dandy seems to age so slowly. They do not realize that he is secretly a skilled Dancer and is using his powers to drain away life from the girls with whom he dallies.

    Astilith is a human wizard whose name has traveled far as a talented dancer. None know that she is not just a dancer, but a Dancer. Most people have no idea she has any magical skill at all. She currently journeys with a traveling circus. They know that she is a mage and rely on her as part of their protection when traveling but do not know of the true nature and extent of her abilities.

    The half-elf sorceress Altena is one of the few people who is known publicly to be a Dancer. Despite this fact, or possibly because of this fact, she finds steady work as a courtesan, bodyguard and assassin.

    Delnar and Oltara are a husband and wife pair of Dancers who run a music school which trains children from rich or noble families. They also accept youngsters who have shown particular musical talent even if they come from less illustrious backgrounds, and waive the usual fees if the students show enough promise. It is known that Delnar and Oltara are skilled mages and musicians but few realize that the pair are both Dancers of the Threshold. While their desire to teach the musical arts to children is genuine, they also use the school as an opportunity to recruit new Dancers from the children who show talent for arcane magic, especially when that talent leans towards necromancy. They try to teach their pupils children to use their power for good.

    Zela Swiftleaf is an infamous elven dread necromancer who took up the study of Dance as part of her broad studies into the myriad forms of necromancy. Many whisper fearful stories about her power. There is a story that she once walked into a Temple of Pelor and started dancing. When she finished, every living thing in the temple was either dead or had been turned into an undead monstrosity but for a single acolyte she left alive to tell the tale. Zela eventually intends to become a lich but the fact that she will lose her Dancing ability holds her back from doing so immediately. She is currently researching ways that might allow her to retain her Dancing abilties even through undeath. Zela knows that as an elf she has plenty of time and is confident that she will find a solution to the problem. Her other current major pursuit is to develop a version of the Soul Stealing Tango that steals arcane knowledge along with the soul of the victim.

    Organizations: While some local organizations of Dancers may exist in larger cities (where they may train together), there is little formal organization. Dancers are often more concerned with staying out of the public eye than forming organizations. Some Dancers may form dancing troupes which are publically known but will generally keep the fact that they are Dancers quiet, and some pre-existing troupes or other entertainment organizations may have Dancers in them without most members of the troupes realizing. Some Dancers affiliate with troupes of shadowdancers and may practice both forms of magic, and in those contexts the troupe is more likely to be aware of the nature of the Dancers' magic.

    In general, most Dancers, even those not affiliated with any organization, will still know a few other Dancers whom they may occasionally meet to either exchange dancing tips or magical lore. It is not uncommon among Dancers for a Dancer with more dancing skill than magical skill to agree to tutor another in dancing or other musical skills in exchange for some bit of necromantic magic or arcane knowledge.

    There is one thing that all Dancers share in common. Every year, all Dancers are invited to a great masked ball, where people travel from all over to attend. The event is sometimes referred to as the Grand Masquerade, but most Dancers simply call it "the ball."

    The ball has a different venue each year. The locations have ranged from great ballrooms in royal palaces to caverns deep inside cursed catacombs.
    When the gatherings occur in a publically known location, such as a major ballroom, few around the event realize that the event is for the Dancers. In addition to the invitations to Dancers, a small number of invitations also go to skilled necromancers or very skilled dancers who have caught the eye of the ball's mysterious organizers. Some of those guests may not realize what they are getting into until the arrive. Occasionally, powerful undead are also invited. However, many Dancers put a strong emphasis on appearance and culture so only undead that are likely to be invited are those that have have pleasing forms close to those of living. Thus, a cultured vampire lord might be invited, but a lich would be unlikely to be invited.

    Few among the Dancers knows much about how these events are organized. Each year, the invitations arrive in many different forms, from sending spells to undead messenger ravens, and sometimes simple invitations in elegant script inexplicably tucked between the pages of one's spellbook. Invitations generally arrive around six months before the ball. Each individual invited is also allowed to bring along one additional guest but Dancers are expected to excercise reasonable discretion in whom they bring. Bringing a cleric of Pelor as a guest would likely go over poorly. The balls are generally treated as neutral ground, and direct conflict between Dancers at the balls is considered to be in very poor form. The only marginally acceptable conflict resolution at a ball is a Dueling Dance.

    NPC Reaction
    This is an in detail description of how NPC's would perceive your class and the immediate generalization that people would give of your class.

    Dancers of the Threshold in the game

    A Dancer of the Threshold will behave statistically very much like a primary spellcaster. Their power level will be too a large extent a function of what arcane spell casting class they have tied in with the bardic side. A wizard will have most of the usual problems that wizards present to DMs. A bard/sorcerer or bard/dread necromancer Dancer will present fewer problems. The last combination will be particularly easy to deal with because of the large redundancy between most of a dread necromancer's spell list and the capabilities of most Dances.

    Adaptation: Since Dancers are generally secretive, they can be added into an existing setting with little trouble.

    One can change the Dancers could serve some specific deity of death. In the Eberron campaign setting, Dancers might be connected with the Blood of Vol. In the Forgotten Realms setting Kiaransalee or Myrkul would be possible patrons. If one does this, one can remove the specific arcane spell requirement and allow divine spellcasters to also qualify. This could work well with attaching the Dancers to a specific deity.

    Another option would be to change the dances so that instead of focusing on necromancy they relied on some other school of magic. This would also effectively remove the dark vibe and would require changing other class features and the various dances. Illusion and Enchantment would be obvious schools but one could also make a version that focused on conjuration and summoning or an evocation based dancer that used elemental magic

    Encounters: PCs are likely to encounter an NPC Dancer if they both are interested in some ancient tomb. They might become rivals or work together. Alternatively, PCs could stumble upon or need to stop a Dancer of the Threshold who is performing some dark ritual.

    New Feats
    Additional Dance
    Prerequisites: Must know at least 9 Dances.
    Benefit: You learn one additional Dance that you meet the prerequisites for. This Dance does not count for any purpose that counts the total number of Dances known. You may choose this feat multiple times, each time, choosing a new Dance.

    Shadow of the Doorway
    Prerequisite: Able to use a Dance, 4th level Shadowdancer.
    Benefit: Your levels in Shadowdancer stack with your Dancer levels for purposes of how much you may Dance before making a fortitude save and how much you may Dance daily. Your levels in Dancer stack with levels of Shadowdancer for determining the total hit die and other statistics of your shadow companion and for your maximum jump distance using Shadow Jump.

    Sample Encounter
    Give an example of how one might encounter a member of this PrC.
    EL x: Give the encounter level and description of a sample member of this class and a stat block for him/her.

    Init +0, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
    AC , touch , flat-footed ()
    hp ( HD)
    Fort +, Ref +, Will +
    Speed ft. ( squares)
    Base Atk +, Grp +
    Atk Options
    Combat Gear
    Spells Prepared
    Supernatural Abilities
    Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha
    Last edited by JoshuaZ; 2012-02-19 at 09:05 PM.
    My homebrew:


    ToB disciplines:

    The Narrow Bridge
    The Broken Blade

    Prestige classess:
    Disciple of Karsus -PrC for Karsites.
    The Seekers of Lost Swords and the Preserver of Future Blades Two interelated Tome of Battle Prcs,
    Master of the Hidden Seal - Binder/Divine hybrid
    Knight of the Grave- Necromancy using Gish

    Worthwhile links:

    Age of Warriors

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Boston, MA

    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest XXXII: Hybrid Theory III

    Dancer of the Threshold

    Summary of Dances:

    Age Draining Waltz: Drains life from victim.
    Animating Jig: Animates zombies.
    Awakening Dance Makes unintelligent undead gain intelligence.
    Call the Dead: Attracts nearby undead.
    Dance of Necromantic Countering: Counters a necromancy spell.
    Dance of the Little Death: Makes foes fall asleep.
    Dance of Undeath: Gain control of undead for duration of Dance.
    Desecrating Jig: Duplicates the Desecrate spell.
    Graveyard Communing: Basic Dance. Gives bonuses in graveyards.
    Life's Defiance: Allows allies to retry saves.
    Life to Undeath: Turns living foes into zombies.
    Masque of the Vampire: Gives vampire-like abilities.
    Memory of Those Who Have Died a A Greater Death:Binds a vestige.
    Mustering of the Undead Army Animates many undead.
    Necromantic Allemande: Gives dance partner necromancy spells.
    Rapture of Pain: Causes 2d6 damage to enemies.
    Rebuking Stomp: Rebukes undead.
    Spirit Dance: Replaces a knowledge check with a Perform(Dance) check.
    Soulshard Dance: Imbues artistic ability into dance partner
    Soul Stealing Tango: Kills dance partner and steals knowledge.
    Summoning Dance: Summons undead.
    Turning Step: Turns undead.
    True Peace: Destroys undead.


    For each Dance, the "Expend" entry lists first how many bardic music uses a use of the Dance takes and then lists the minimum spell slot level the Dance uses. If a Dance has any prerequisites, they are also listed.

    Age Draining Waltz
    As you and your dancing partner spin about the room you slowly leach life from their body.
    Requires: 9 Dance already known, 16 ranks in Perform(Dance)
    Expend: 4 bardic music use or a level 8 spell slot. This Dance also requires you to expend 50 xp.
    Effect: This dance takes 1 minute and requires you to be dancing with a wiling partner (willing in this context means free from magical compulsion of any form). If at any point in the dance, you cease to be in contact with your partner, or if either of you stop dancing, this Dance fails. (Your partner will generally have no idea that they are dancing an Age Draining Waltz). If the partner dances for the full 1 minute with you, they must then make a fortitude save. If they fail, they become fatigued and their aging temporarily quickens, aging 1 year over next 24 hours. Your age is reduced by weeks equal to the victim's total hit die or your total ranks in Perform(Dance), whichever is lower. The victim's additional age can be removed within 24 hours by a wish or miracle which will reverse their additional aging.
    If such a wish occurs you do not gain your reduction in age. If they succeed on the fortitude save, the effect is lost, you may continue dancing and try again or do something else. This Dance looks like a casual waltz to untrained observers. This dance fails on any being that has no age limit (such as an elan) but the xp will still be expended.

    Animating Jig
    As you dance, the corpse below you begins to twitch, finally it rises up, in jerky motions it mimics your movement. It almost seems to be trying to
    dance in rhythm with your movements.

    Requires: 3 Dance already known, 10 ranks in Perform(Dance)
    Expend: 2 bardic music use or a level 3 spell slot.
    Effect: This Dance takes 3 full rounds. This Dance duplicates animate dead but must target a single corpse that is within 15 feet of you.

    Awakening Dance
    You dance in front of your undead creation, spinning and twirling around it. At first, the creature stares ahead blankly, but slowly a glimmer appears in its eyes, and it shuffles forward to dance with you.
    Requires: 7 Dance already known, 14 ranks in Perform(Dance)
    Expend: 3 bardic music use or a level 6 spell slot. This Dance also requires you to pay 50 xp.
    Effect: Using this dance requires expending 50 xp. This dance takes 1 minute to complete. This dance functions just like the spell Awaken Undead (from Libris Mortis) but targets only a single undead with hit die at most twice your class level. Also, any undead awakened to intelligence using this dance gains a permanent + 2 competence bonus in Perform(Dance).

    Call the Dead
    Your movement calls out to the dead, and you can feel them answer.

    Requires: 6 Dance already known, 13 ranks in Perform(Dance)
    Expend: 3 bardic music use or a level 7 spell slot.

    This Dance takes 1 minute. At the end of this Dance, you make a Perform(Dance) check. Every uncontroled, unintelligent undead within 300 feet * perform check makes its way with all haste until they are within 100 feet of your position at the end of the dance, stopping only if attacked or if something is in the way, and continuing onwards once that has been dealt with. This Dance gives no additional control over the undead other than the call for them to come. Intelligent undead experience the same call but are allowed a will save, and get an additional will save whenever they would be interrupted by an attack. The pull of this effect terminates at the next sunrise, but unintelligent undead will continue their path unless interrupted.

    Any undead that makes its save against this effect is still aware of the approximate location of where the call originated, and powerful undead may choose to investigate such calls even if they are not forced to answer them. If this travel contradicts instructions given to undead which are controlled by others, which order takes priority is resolved by opposed charisma checks between the Dancer and the controller.

    Dance of the Little Death
    Your slow motions attract your foes eyes which then gradually close.
    Requires: 3 Dance already known, 10 ranks in Perform(Dance)[/b]
    Expend: 2 bardic music use or a level 3 spell slot.
    Sleep is a precursor to death, a small death for those still alive. As one in control over the forces of life and death, the power of sleep comes easily to you. When you use this dance, any being within 5 feet per 2 ranks in Perfrom(Dance) that sees you dancing must make a will save or be subject to the equivalent of a Sleep spell at caster level equal to your ranks in Perform(Dance). Unlike a Sleep spell there is no maximum number of hit die which this effects. If a creature successfully makes its save then it becomes immune to this Dance from you for 24 hours. This dance takes 1 full-round to complete. This Dance is a mind-affecting supernatural effect. However, because it uses death-magic, anything that would block death effects (such as a Death Ward) blocks this, and any being may apply any bonuses to saves that would apply against death effects to this save.

    Dance of Necromantic Countering
    As the other mage finishes casting his spell, you laugh in his face as you shake your hips
    Requires: 2 Dance already known, 9 ranks in Perform(Dance)
    Expend: 2 bardic music use or a level 3 spell slot.
    This Dance requires you use either an immediate action or a readied action.
    You can use this Dance whenever are subject to a necromancy spell that allows spell resistance and targets you (thus for example, this does not include spells with area effect). You make a Perform(Dance) check opposed by a caster level check by the caster. If your check equal or exceeds the caster level check, then spell is countered as if it had been subject to a counterspell effect, and if the effect in question was a spell then you may recover an extra spell slot in a spontaneous arcane casting class or may recover a prepared arcane necromancy spell that you have used in the last 24 hours. The recovered spell or spell slot must be of level strictly lower than that of the spell countered. If your check fails, then the spell proceeds normally.

    Dance of Undeath
    You spin about, and the undead about you turn, eager to hear the commands of their new master.
    Requires: 6 Dance already known, 13 ranks in Perform(Dance)
    Expend: 3 bardic music use or a level 6 spell slot.
    Effect: When you use this dance, every round you continue to dance, every undead in close range is subject to the an effect similar to that of a command undead spell. Undead who are not intelligent do not get any save while intelligent undead get a save. Those who fail the save are subject to an effect identical to a command undead spell with the following modifications:

    You may send commands to undead you control through this ability using telepathy rather than just voice commands. Undead who had the effect broken due to threats from you or your allies must still make a new save in their next round. Undead which succeed on their saves get a -2 penalty to any attack role to harm you for the duration of the dance.

    Undead who have made at least one save do not need to make subsequent saves from the same use of this Dance. If you stop the Dance and start the Dance again, all undead make a new save. Finally, while you use this dance any undead already controlled by you at the start of the Dance within 30 feet get a +2 bonus to fortitude saves and +2 turn resistance.

    Desecrating Jig
    With a lively tap of your feet, you send out waves of negative energy.
    Requires: 2 Dance already known, 9 ranks in Perform(Dance)
    Expend: 2 bardic music use or a level 3 spell slot.
    Effect:This dance requires a 1 round to perform. This dance duplicates the Desecrate spell centered around the caster. Unlike the Desecrate spell, this dance gives no additional benefit if an area has a fixture associated with your patron deity unless you have some form of direct magical connection
    to that entity already by some other means such as also having levels in a cleric or another class that gets magical power directly from the deity.

    Graveyard Communing
    As you dance, the faint voices of the spirits grow into insistent whispers, and the dim lighting grows brighter, at least to your eyes.
    Expend: 1 bardic music use or a level 1 spell slot.

    This is the first Dance that any Dancer learns, a simple Dance that teaches a Dancer has how to commune and sense the spiritual residue left at gravesites.You gain this as a bonus dance at first level.

    This dance takes 3 full rounds to complete and must occur at night in a graveyard, catacomb or similar resting place for the dead. At the end of these rounds, you find out the approximate age of the graveyard (to the nearest year if under a decade, nearest decade if under a century, nearest century if under a thousand years, or nearest thousand years otherwise). You also find out if there are any undead currently using the graveyard as an abode (such as a vampire using a coffin). You make a Perform(Dance) check also. For every 5 per your check, you get to learn some information about the next most powerful undead residing in the graveyard (you learn approximate strength of each as if had been subject to Detect Undead and you learn if each is intelligent or not).

    When you use this dance, until sunrise, you gain a deep connection to the spirits and necromantic energy that permeates the graveyard, giving you an intuitive feel for much of the graveyard. As a result, while in the graveyard, you get a +4 insight bonus to the following:

    1) spot, search, listen, move silently checks

    2) hide checks using a normal feature of the graveyard (such as a statue, tree or gravestone) or a shadow produced by a normal feature

    3) decipher script checks made to decipher writing that is on a gravestone, monument or other object in the graveyard that is a feature of the graveyard.

    4) Balance and climb checks on regular features of the graveyard such of gravestones, monuments or other regular features in the graveyard (the usual DC for balancing on a gravestone is 15, see pg. 74 of Heroes of Horror for related balance and climb check rules).

    5) knowledge(religion) and knowledge(arcana) checks to identify undead creatures residing in the graveyard, other denizens residing there that normally reside in graveyards, or to identify religious or arcane imagery in the graveyard such as symbols on gravestones.

    6) Spellcraft checks to recognize any spell that is being used to protect part of the graveyard such as a consecrate or hallow effect.)

    Additionally, while in the graveyard,
    if the Dancer passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door they are entitled to a Search check to notice it as if they were actively looking for it

    You may make listen checks to hear the movement of undead beings in the graveyard that would otherwise be able to not require it (such as incorporeal beings).

    You also get a permanent +2 untyped bonus on any knowledge check related to anyone whose remains are interred at the graveyard. This ability also applies to bardic lore checks and similar abilities.

    This Dance does not give you the ability to make trained checks that you would not otherwise be able to make.

    Younger Dancers sometimes frequent graveyards or catacombs at night. They perform this Dance and then walk among the graves, feeling the ebb of flow of necromantic energy and the whispers of the spirits.

    Life's Defiance
    You will one day die. Your compatriots will as well. Your name will be forgotten. You and all you know will enter oblivion. Your knowledge of necromancy makes these facts all the more apparent. Yet you dance with a frenzy for life, compelled by the transience of existence to enjoy it while you can, and you spread that joy and determination to those around you.
    Requires: 4 Dance already known, 11 ranks in Perform(Dance)
    Expend: 2 bardic music use or a level 4 spell slot.
    Effect: This dance takes one full round round to complete. Any ally who sees you perform this Dance gets an extra saving throw to throw off any [mind-affecting] effect they are currently under. Additional uses of this dance do not allow additional saves on the same effect, even if it is performed by another Dancers.

    Additionally, you make a Perform(Dance) check, and apply the following bonuses: If the check is at at least 20: You and your Allies get a +1 morale bonus for the next saving throw they make against a death or fear effect.
    If the check is at least 25: The bonus becomes +2, and you get an identical morale bonus to the next strength or constitution based skill check you make. These bonuses last 1 hour. For every additional 5 you beat this check by the bonuses goes up by 1.

    If any intelligent undead or deathless sees this dance they must make a will save or be overcome with despair at their lack of life. They take a -2 morale penalty on all skill checks, saves, and attack roles. This penalty lasts for 1 minute per your charisma modifier + dex modifier (min 1).

    Life to Undeath:
    The fools surrounding you stare at you in a trance, as their skin slowly goes to the gray color of the newly risen dead.
    Requires: 6 Dance already known, 13 ranks in Perform(Dance)
    Expend: 3 bardic music use or a level 6 spell slot.
    Effect: When you use this Dance, any intelligent (int at least 3) living being within close range who sees you must make a will save. If they fail the save, they become fascinated by your dancing. This ability works similarly to the bardic fascinate ability but with the save DC equal to the usual save DC for a Dance.

    For each round that you continue dancing, any creature must make another will save each round to terminate the influence. Whenever they fail such a will save and have already failed at least one such will save to stop watching you dance, they must make a fortitude save. If they fail the fortitude save, they die immediately and become animated as a zombie under your control. Zombies animated this way are allocated to the same pool as Animating Dance and you are subject to the same restrictions on how many undead you may have in that pool. Once a being succeeds on their will save, they do not need to make any will saves against any uses of this dance by you for 24 hours. This is a necromantic, mind-affecting, death effect.

    Masque of the Vampire
    As you complete this dance, you become pale and gaunt, and a strange red glow appears in your eyes.
    Requires: 8 Dance already known, 15 ranks in Perform(Dance)
    Expend: 3 bardic music use or a level 6 spell slot. This Dance also requires you to pay 50 xp.
    Effect: This dance takes 1 full round. After using this dance, for minutes equal to your ranks Perform(Dance), you get DR 5/ silver or magic, darkvision for 30 feet, are subject to the equivalent of a spider climb spell, and get a +2 bonus on all checks dealing with bats and wolves (such as wild empathy or handle animal checks). You also get the ability to use of Vampiric Touch as a spell-like ability (DC 15 + your charisma modifier). Each time you use your Vampiric Touch ability, the remaining duration of the other effects is reduced by 1 minute. For the duration of this effect you can be turned like an undead of your hit die, but the effect of such turning is simply for the benefits of this dance to terminate. If you would otherwise be vulnerable to turning then those effects also occur.

    Memory of Those Who Have Died a A Greater Death
    As you Dance you reach out those who are not just dead, but gone beyond all mortal ken, and as you Dance you entreat them to grant you some of their power.
    Requires: 7 Dance already known, 14 ranks in Perform(Dance)
    Expend: 3 bardic music use or a level 6 spell slot.
    This Dance allows you to bind a vestige. This Dance takes one minute. As you dance, the movements of your feet inscribe in the ground below you the form of the seal of a vestige. Thus you must dance on a medium that would allow such inscription such as dirt, or you may use some substance on your feet to accomplish this. Your effective binder for this Dance level is equal to your ranks in Perform(Dance)-3 and it must be high enough to bind that vestige for this Dance to succeed.

    As you inscribe the seal, you make a Perform(Dance) check. If this Perform(Dance) check is at least equal to the binding DC + twice the vestige level then you successfully bind that vestige and fail otherwise. You must still meet any special requirements of the vestige unless you have the Ignore Special Requirements feat. If you fail this check you may not use this ability to bind that vestige for 24 hours.

    Pacts made this way are automatically bad. If you have other ability to bind vestiges (such as levels in Binder), a vestige bound this way does not count towards your usual limit on number of vestiges bound. You may not have more than one vestige bound this way at a time. The ability to bind a vestige this way also does not count as a prerequisite for any feat or prestige class that would require binding a vestige. In all other ways this Dance functions exactly like normal binding.

    Mustering of the Undead Army
    The crypts around you burst open and decaying hands crawl out of the shallow graves.
    Requires: 9 Dance already known, 16 ranks in Perform(Dance)
    Expend: 3 bardic music use or a level 7 spell slot.
    This dance takes 1 full minute to perform. This Dance acts like like the spell Plague of Undead with a few differences: All corpses within range of the caster are animated with closer corpses taking priority for purposes of the animation limit.

    Immediately before animation commences if your number of ranks in Perform(Dance) level is higher than caster level of any hallow, consecrate, or similar effects in the area they are dispelled. You are immediately aware of undead created by this dance and their approximate locations.

    If performed in a graveyard, catacomb, or similar enviroment which the Dancer is attuned to by means of Graveyard Communing then this Dance also will penetrate, effecting any body less than 10 feet underground, and will include nearby beings in mausoleums and similar structures. In general, for undead buried under earth it takes about 1d6 rounds for each undead to claw their way to the surface (which they attempt to do automatically) unless there are barriers such as being buried in a metal coffin or under rock.

    Also, if one is so attuned, then at the end of the Dance you make a Perform(Dance) check and any lock on a mausoleum or similar structure in range is subject an Open Lock check equal to this result, and a strength check at this same result -10.

    Necromantic Allemande
    Your partner raises their hand to yours and necromantic energy flows between you.
    Requires: 3 Dance already known, 10 ranks in Perform(Dance)
    Expend: 2 bardic music use or a level 4 spell slot.
    Effect: This dance takes 3 full rounds and a willing partner. When you begin the Dance, the magic instinctively gives your partner the knowledge of how to complete it. The effect of this Dance is similar to the "Imbue with Spell Ability" with the following differences. The Dance may only be used to transfer necromancy spells. You may transfer necromancy spells that you are capable of casting spontaneously rather than prepared spells but for each transferred must sacrifice a spell slot of the corresponding level.

    The sum of the level of spells you transfer may not exceed the targets hit die or half your ranks in Perform(Dance) (this replaces the usual restriction for how many spells may be transferred for Imbue Spell Like ability). Additionally, when one performs this Dance with another Dancer even if they do not know the Dance they may choose to transfer spells back to you just as if they had performed the Dance themselves. This functions in all other ways like the spell Imbue Spell Like ability.

    Rapture of Pain:
    As you dance, those who see you feel their insides twist in searing pain.
    Requires: 1 Dance already known, 8 ranks in Perform(Dance)
    Expend: 1 bardic music use or a level 1 spell slot.
    Effect: This dance takes 1 standard action to initiate, and the requires a standard action in each subsequent round to continue using. Every round you continue this dance, every creature within in radius 5 of feet for every 2 Perform(Dance) ranks of you with line-of-sight takes 2d6 damage. The first time, someone is subject to the Dance they get a fortitude save to half the damage. If one restarts the Dance(expending an additional bardic music use or spell slot), all creature make a new save. When you start this Dance you may choose to have the damage dealt by it be non-lethal.

    Rebuking Stomp
    You stomp the ground hard and the undead in front of you turn their sunken decaying eyes to you with new respect.
    Requires: 1 Dance already known, 8 ranks in Perform(Dance)
    Expend: 1 bardic music use or a level 1 spell slot.
    Effect: This dance is identical to the Dance of Turning but instead allows you to rebuke or bolster (but not command) undead. This Dance does not count as the ability to rebuke undead for any prerequisite that requires the ability to rebuke undead.

    Soulshard Dance

    As you lead, you break off a fraction of your own soul and graft into onto theirs.

    Requires: 5 Dance already known, 12 ranks in Perform(Dance)
    Expend: 2 bardic music use or a level 4 spell slot. This Dance also requires the expenditure of XP, see below.
    This Dance allows you to imbue into an intelligent being some of your artistic skill by permanently molding a small fragment of your soul into that being. To use this ability, you must dance with a willing being for 10 rounds. At the end of the Dance, the being gains 1 additional rank in a Perform skill that you
    than it currently has, if it has fewer than your total ranks -5. You cannot use this ability to give a being more ranks in a Perform skill than a being of its hit die may normally have. Additionally, if the being was undead, you get a permanent +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks and Sense Motive checks related to that undead from the influence from your soul fragment, and you may treat its hit die as 4 less for purposes of turning or rebuking undead. Whether or not the being is undead, it takes a permanent -4 penalty on all saves against scrying effects by you and saves against spells to control it (such as command undead or control undead).

    Using this Dance costs you 200 xp and an additional 200 per a rank in the Perform skill that the being already had. No being may benefit more than once from this Dance.

    Soul Stealing Tango
    At first, they smile. As the dance progresses, they keep smiling and dance faster, even as they are screaming inside.
    Requires: 9 Dance already known, 16 ranks in Perform(Dance)
    Expend: 4 bardic music use or a level 8 spell slot. This Dance also requires you to expend 200 xp.
    This dance, like an Age Draining Waltz, requires a willing partner to start. However, once the dance begins, the partner will immediately realize that something is drastically wrong as they feel their soul being torn from them. Each round they they make a will save. If they succeed on the first such check, then they may stop dancing (and may at their option enter a grapple with you as a free action). However, after the first round, they must succeed on two such will saves in a row (over two rounds) in order to stop the effect. If in the third round, the Dance is still ongoing, then every round they do not make the will save they they must make a fortitude save at the same DC or die instantly as their soul is torn from their body. The Dancer has the option of making this resemble simple heart failure or can instead have the body immediately shrivel up in an obviously supernatural and horrifying fashion.

    The fortitude save DC increases by 1 for every such fortitude save they have needed to make from the Dance. Even if they make a fortitude save they must still make two successive will saves to stop the dance.

    Beings killed this way permanently lose 1 level and 2 points of constitution in addition to any normal effects of resurrection. The Dancer absorbs a portion of the soul of the victim. As a result, the Dancer gains 1 rank in a single Perform skill or Knowledge skill that the victim had more ranks in than the Dancer (you cannot use this to gain more ranks than you are allowed for any given skill). The Dancer also becomes flush with their life force, getting a +1 bonus on the next save they make and a +2 bonus on the next charisma or constitution based check they make (these benefits go away in 24 hours).

    Anyone may attempt a Sense Motive check against a Perform Dance(check) each round while you are using this Dance to realize that the other individual who is dancing is under magical control. This Dance is a necromantic, death effect.

    Spirit Dance
    As you dance, the spirits of long-dead sages whisper appear before you and whisper their secrets.
    Requires: 4 Dance already known, 11 ranks in Perform(Dance)
    Expend: 1 bardic music use or a level 2 spell slot.
    Effect: You may use this dance when you have failed a knowledge check of any form to know some piece of information (or simply did not succeed as well as you might like).This dance takes 3 full rounds. At the end of which you make a Perform(Dance) check which is substituted as the relevant knowledge check roll, to determine what you learn, if anything. You may not repeat using this dance for the same knowledge check unless you have increased your ranks in Perform(Dance) since the previous use.

    Summoning Dance
    You make a sweeping gesture and a skeleton appears in front of you.
    Requires: 2 Dance already known, 9 ranks in Perform(Dance)
    Expend: 2 bardic music use or a level 1 spell slot.
    Effect: This dance takes a full round action. This Dance duplicates the spell Summon Undead I. However, one may choose to sacrifice both a bardic music slot and a higher level spell slot the dance instead duplicates the corresponding Summon Undead spell of the spell slot sacrificed. So for example if one sacrificed a third level spell slot, the spell would duplicate Summon Undead III.

    Turning Step:
    You make a quick movement with your feet, and the undead monster in front of you falls back, injured by the flood of life force flowing out from you.
    Requires: 1 Dance already known, 8 ranks in Perform(Dance)
    Expend: 1 bardic music use or a level 1 spell slot.
    Effect: This dance is a quick step, You make a turn undead attempt with your ranks in Perform(Dance) as your effective cleric level. This Dance does not count as the ability to turn undead for any prerequisite that requires the ability to turn undead.

    True Peace
    As you dance, the undead hordes around you crumble. You see a glimpse of gratitude on their faces as they turn to dust.
    Requires: 6 Dance already known, 13 ranks in Perform(Dance)
    Expend: 3 bardic music use or a level 7 spell slot.

    This Dance takes 1 full round to use. It functions similarly to the spell Undeath to Death. However, there are thee differences: First, the effect is centered at the performer. Second, the effect does not have a maximum of 20d4, but continues to scale with effective caster level. Third, creatures with more than 9 hit dice can still be effected, but they get a +4 bonus on their fortitude save, and do not fail their save on a natural 1.
    Last edited by JoshuaZ; 2012-02-19 at 03:14 PM.
    My homebrew:


    ToB disciplines:

    The Narrow Bridge
    The Broken Blade

    Prestige classess:
    Disciple of Karsus -PrC for Karsites.
    The Seekers of Lost Swords and the Preserver of Future Blades Two interelated Tome of Battle Prcs,
    Master of the Hidden Seal - Binder/Divine hybrid
    Knight of the Grave- Necromancy using Gish

    Worthwhile links:

    Age of Warriors

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Iron Sage of the chosen

    Iron is but a metal, a material of the earth, it bends as a river will over time. But it is stronger than most, and my will is like iron.
    Senpai Hu'run talking to a loremaster before he was granted the rank of Sensei.

    There are many Favored Souls who yearn for the martial prowess that the sublime disciplines provide, although some prayers can give them warrior like abilities, they still search and crave for the martial power given to those who master them.
    Iron Sage's are those Favored souls who manage to merge the power of the divine and the mastery of the sublime into one and wield it like a holy sword of vengeance, many are those who just wish to expand their mental and physical training much like monks, but many more are those who are looking to become more powerful enhancing their already powerful abilities.

    The first Iron Sage came about when a sept of Swordsages moved into a monastery that was maintained by a single man, a being who was blessed by a god. He quickly became a student of the sept and while being a man of some powers from his divine patron, managed to learn and blend his style with the teachings of the sublime way.
    He was known as Sensei Jinpai Blessed of Boccob.
    He left the monastery to the sept and went in search of others like him, capable of learning the melded form, he eventually succeeded and formed a new school dedicated to teaching the special form to those capable.

    It is often wondered why they are called the Iron Sages, until one see's an Iron sage for himself. The very skin of an Iron sage becomes like that of Iron taking on properties of the metal and turning the Sage's into extremely resilient fighters. It is unknown why this happens, several Iron Sage Scholars surmise it is the divine connection and rigorous training that creates the peculiar and unique outcome, the Divine power manifesting; physically changing the countenance of the Chosen one.

    Most Iron Sage's start their career as Swordsages or Monks, but even Ninja's are capable of joining, however they seldom do as it isn't conducive to their abilities. The most common path taken from there are levels in Favored Soul or Shugenja.

    Spells: Ability to spontaneously cast divine spells
    AC Bonus: Ability to apply Wisdom Modifier to AC
    Martial Maneuvers: Must know at least one 2nd level manuever.

    Class Skills
    The Iron Sage's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge
    (history) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Martial Lore (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int).
    Skills Points at Each Level: 4 + int

    Hit Dice: d8

    Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Man. Known Man. Readied Stances Known Special Spellcasting
    1st +0 +2 +2 +2 1 0 0 Unarmed Strikes, Iron Strike, Iron Countenance -
    2nd +1 +3 +3 +3 1 0 0 Iron Ki (Magic) +1 level divine spellcasting class
    3rd +2 +3 +3 +3 0 1 1 Divine Transference +1 level divine spellcasting class
    4th +3 +4 +4 +4 1 0 0 Iron Surge (Recover) +1 level divine spellcasting class
    5th +3 +4 +4 +4 1 0 0 - +1 level divine spellcasting class
    6th +4 +5 +5 +5 0 1 0 Iron Surge (Empower) +1 level divine spellcasting class
    7th +5 +5 +5 +5 1 0 0 - +1 level divine spellcasting class
    8th +6/+1 +6 +6 +6 1 0 1 Iron Surge (Maximize) +1 level divine spellcasting class
    9th +6/+1 +6 +6 +6 0 1 0 Iron Ki (Cold Iron) +1 level divine spellcasting class
    10th +7/+2 +7 +7 +7 1 0 0 Iron Halo +1 level divine spellcasting class

    Weapon Proficiencies : A Iron Sage gains no new proficiencies.

    Spellcasting: At each level except 1st, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in an divine spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one divine spellcasting class before becoming a Iron Sage, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known.

    Maneuvers: At 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th and 10th levels, you gain a new maneuver known from the Desert Wind, Devoted Spirit, Setting Sun, Shadow Hand, or Tiger Claw discipline. You must meet a maneuver’s prerequisite to learn it. You add your full Iron Sage levels to your initiator level to determine your total initiator level and your highest-level maneuvers known. At 3rd level, 6th level, and 9th level, you gain an additional maneuver readied per day.

    Stances Known: At 3rd and again at 8th level, you learn a new martial stance from the Desert Wind, Devoted Spirit, Setting Sun, Shadow Hand, or Tiger Claw discipline. You must meet a stance’s prerequisite to learn it.

    Unarmed Strikes: Your levels in Iron Sage stack with your levels in Swordsage (unarmed variant) or Monk levels to determine your unarmed strike damage. If you do not have levels in Swordsage (unarmed variant) or Monk then you gain the Improved Unarmed strike feat and your unarmed strikes deal damage as those of a monk of a level equal to your Iron Sage level.

    Iron Strike: At 1st level, the Iron Sage learns to channel her divine power while delivering her maneuvers. As part of the action required to complete the maneuver (must be a strike) the Iron Sage may sacrifice a spell to add extra damage to the strike. This extra damage is equal to 1d4/level of the spell.

    Iron Countenance: At 1st level, the Iron Sage learns to strengthen the power of her connection to her patron deity. The Iron Sage derives spell DC's, bonus spells per day and all Maneuver DC's from her Wisdom Modifier. In addition the Iron sage starts to exemplify certain aspects of Iron she may choose one of the following options, once chosen the Iron Sage gains the chosen ability and no other, the ability cannot be changed.

    • Damage Reduction (Ex): The Iron Sage gains Damage Reduction 1/-, this ability increases by 1 for every additional 2 levels the Iron sage has (for a maximum of DR 5/- at 9th level).
    • Increased Hitpoints: The Iron Sage gains an additional 5 hit points every level.
    • Natural Armor (Ex): The Iron Sage's Natural Armor improves by 1 and an additional 1 for every 2 additional levels the Iron Sage has (for a maximum of +5 at 9th level).
    • Universal Energy Resistance (Ex): The Iron Sage gains resistance 5 to all energy types. This improves to 10 at 5th level and 15 at 10th level.
    • Divine Fervor: The Iron Sage gains a Divine Fervor similar to that of a Crusader and is able to delay the affects of damage to fuel her attacks.

      • Furious Counter Strike (Ex): Identical to the Crusaders ability of the same name (see pg 10 of ToB).
      • Steely Resolve (Ex): You gain a delayed damage pool of 5 which increases at 5th level to 10 and then again at 10th level to 15. This is otherwise identical to the Crusaders ability of the same name (see pg 10 of ToB).

    Iron Ki (Su): At 2nd level, a Iron sage’s unarmed attacks are empowered with divine fervor much like a monks Ki. Her unarmed attacks are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction. Iron Ki improves with the character’s Iron Sage level. At 8th level, her unarmed attacks are also treated as Cold Iron weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction.

    Divine Transference (Su): At 3rd level, a Iron Sage can expend a readied maneuver to empower a divine spell with a metamagic feat that she knows. The spell level adjustment of the metamagic feat must be less than or equal to 1/2 the level of the maneuver expended. The Iron Sage can use this ability number of times per day equal to her Wisdom modifier.

    Iron Surge (Su): At 4th level, a Iron Sage can sacrifice a spell to recover an expended maneuver as a swift action. The spell sacrificed must be of a level equal to or greater than the maneuver’s level. If the Iron Sage has Swordsage levels, the recovered maneuver is available immediately.

    This ability improves at 6th level allowing the Iron Sage to empower a maneuver she is using, as part of the action required to complete the maneuver the Iron Sage may sacrifice a spell of equal or greater level than the maneuver to empower all variable affects of the maneuver.

    At 8th level the ability improves again, allowing the Iron sage to maximize a maneuver she is using, as part of the action required to complete the maneuver the Iron Sage may sacrifice a spell of equal or greater level than the maneuver to maximize all variable affects of the maneuver.

    Iron halo (Su): The Iron Sage has reached her mastery of the art allowing her to blend her divine power and martial knowledge at will. The Iron sage can now use her initiator level in place of her caster level and her caster level in place of her initiator level, whichever one is higher. In addition the Iron Sage's countenance has finished its transformation to Iron, this ability manifests differently for each individual Iron Sage but it usually results in a form of a metallic luster in the Iron Sages skin. The Iron Sage may choose two of the following abilities that represent her Iron Halo and divine connection.

    • The Iron Sage may add her Wisdom Modifier to all attack rolls.
    • The Iron Sage may add her Wisdom Modifier to all melee damage rolls.
    • The Iron Sage may add her Wisdom Modifier to all her saves. This otherwise works as Divine Grace but with the exception of using the Iron Sage's Wisdom modifier.
    • The Iron Sage stops aging and cannot die of old age.
    • The Iron Sage gains a +2 divine bonus to her Wisdom and Constitution scores.
    • The Iron Sage gains immunity to critical hits.
    • The Iron Sage gains immunity to precision damage (such as sneak attack, sudden strike or skrimish).

    Iron sages require you to choose whether to sacrifice your spells for extra damage, enhance your strikes, recover maneuvers or to cast the spells. This allows the Iron Sage many options, however this could sometimes be confusing with too many options available.
    Make sure to have some healing spells for yourself and possible others of your group, while you are a divine caster you are not a focused spell caster and should not attempt to be one. You are a martial adept with spells to enhance your ability, utilize this by confusing enemies and catching them off guard.
    This also makes your spell selection very important, offensive spells should be avoided, as you can turn any spell you have into an offensive buff to your strikes, try to take as many buffs, healing spells and the occasional utility spell to be helpful outside of combat.

    Combat: While in combat you are presented with some options on how to buff your strikes and maneuvers, however you still need to close the space and get within striking distance. Save your higher level spells for those times that you need to end the fight quickly and make sure to have a range of maneuver levels so you don't end up sacrificing all your higher level spells.

    Advancement: The Iron Halo ability allows you to advance in either Swordsage or Favored soul/Shugenja with little loss.

    Resources: Pearls of Power are a must for this class as it will allow you to cast previously sacrificed/cast spells with little or no action on your part.

    Those monks are strange, well I mean stranger than most, they can perform the most incredible feats of martial discipline, more so than most. Er, hmph, it sounds like I'm blathering, but you wait and see, just watch em in the Martial arts tournament, they'll clean shop.
    Oh, you don't believe me? how about a wager?

    Like most hybrid classes the Iron Sage of the Chosen are viewed by most to be either a monk or a divine spell caster. Although most would see them as monks, as they tend to be clothed as most monks are, with drab robs and karma beads around their necks.

    Daily Life: The daily life of an Iron saint isn't much different than a Swordsage or Monks daily routine, an extreme mental and physical regime, this is most of the reason why they are mistaken for regular monks more than most.

    Notables: The most notable leader of the order was Sensei Jinpai, who founded the order and training grounds. He has since passed on allowing others to continue the order, such notable people include Sensei Hu'run a recent master of the order he epitomizes the classic Monk outlook and his blessed by Istishia God of Elemental water and purification. Another is Sinpai Greor'il, a half orc who wandered in and never left, he is second in command and a notorious blood claw master acting as the Master of arms and resident Champion of the Monastery.

    Organizations: There is but one organization, the Iron Sage of the Chosen Sept located at the lone monastery founded by Jinpai.

    NPC Reaction
    Most NPC's react as if the Iron Sage is a monk, from a distance. But once the Iron Sage get's closer it is obvious that they are not merely monks. Although ignorant people may see them as stone children who lean towards monastic training or even earth genasi, others usually know that the metallic gleam is more like metal than stone.
    Standard reaction to Iron Sages depends upon the locale, if they walk into a bustling planar city no one is really going to look twice. However if they walk into a capital of the Material realm they may be treated with a certain amount of awe and interest, but such is the life of an adventuring PC.

    Iron Sages are looked at with a mixture of derision and interest, no one knows what they might do until it is clear what Deity they are blessed by, and even then they may not show that outwardly or even act within the deity's realm of interest.
    There is no real impact upon the world at large, Iron Sages fill no empty spot or take up residence in a currently void niche, they are simply warriors of the Sublime way who look to be a part of the world they live in.

    Adaptation: You can simply insert the monastery into an unknown country, explaining that the order has only been known in the country until now. Similarly, it could easily be said that any Iron Sage currently in the game was mistaken for a monk or Swordsage.

    Encounters: Iron Sages can be encountered literally anywhere in the world, on top of a barren peak seeking undisturbed meditation or walking through a grassy field to experience the feeling of it.

    Sample Encounter

    EL 8: A wandering man with simple clothes and prayer beads around his neck sits on top of a boulder overlooking the rocky pass. Upon entering the crevice he does not move, moving within 30 ft of him he opens his eyes and challenges your mightiest warrior to a duel, if you win you are allowed passage and he will provide healing services for free.
    Senpai Juriol is a student of the Shadow Hand discipline and is trying to find a good challenge, he has as of yet to find one.

    Senpai Juriol, Full Sheet
    N/Male/Human/Swordsage 3/Favored Soul 1/Iron Sage of the Chosen 4
    Init +5, Senses: Listen +13, Spot +5
    Languages: Common, Elven
    AC 23, touch 21, flat-footed (18)
    defense DR 2/-
    hp 55(8 HD)
    Fort +9, Ref +14, Will +14
    Speed40 ft. (8 squares)
    Base Atk +5, Grp +6
    Atk Options
    Unarmed Strike +11, 1d8+5, x2
    Spells known Caster level 4, 6/7/4
    0 Level - Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Mending
    1st Level - Bless, Cure Light wounds, Divine favor, Endure Elements
    2nd Level - Aid, Cure moderate wounds, Lesser Restoration
    Maneuvers Readied Initiator level 7
    1st Level - Shadow Blade Technique, Sapphire nightmare blade,
    2nd Level - Cloak of deception
    3rd Level - Shadow Garrote
    4th Level - Obscuring Shadow Veil
    Stances active
    1st Level - Assassin Stance
    Maneuvers Known
    1st Level - Burning Blade, Wind Stride, shadow blade Technique, Sudden Leap, Wolf Fang Strike, Sapphire Nightmare Blade, Distracting Embers
    2nd Level - Claw at the moon, Cloak of Deception
    3rd Level - Shadow Garrote
    4th Level - Obscuring Shadow Veil
    Stances known
    1st Level - Child of Shadow, Step of the wind
    2nd Level - Assassin's Stance
    Class Abilities
    Quick to Act +1, Discipline Focus (Shadow hand), AC bonus, Unarmed Strikes(1d8), Iron Strike, Iron Countenance (DR 2/-), Iron Ki (Magic), Divine Transference, Iron Surge
    Abilities Str 12, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 20, Cha 10
    Feats Weapon Finesse, Blade Mediation (Shadow Hand), Shadow Blade, Snap Kick
    Skills Balance +18, Concentration +13, Hide, +15, Jump +17, Listen +13, Move silently +13 and Tumble +18
    Possessions Periapt of Wisdom +2, Bracers of Armor +2, Gloves of Dexterity +2, boots of Striding and springing, Clear Spindle Iuon stone, ring of protection +1, ring of Feather falling, Pearl of power 1st, 300gp.
    Last edited by BelGareth; 2016-08-01 at 10:18 AM.

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest XXXII: Hybrid Theory III


    She is both beautiful and deadly, a being of pure magic given form and held together with the power of mind and soul, she is a part of me, yet a being unto herself. She is my passion, my fire, and my power incarnate.
    -Alexis Witeshio about his Fusionist Companion

    A fusionist is a dabbler that has found a way to fuse various forms of magic together and fuse the companions granted by each form of magic together as they do so. They are skilled at combining the various forms of magic they utilize to create a greater effect, often dabbling on further forms of magic while they do so and constantly improving on their companion as well by weaving in stronger magics and abilities.

    Fusionists are dabblers of sorts, drawing power from several sources and combining them in interesting ways, drawing strength from weaving the different methods together. This extends largely to their companion which is a large focus for this class. Fusionists must have skill with arcane and druidic magic, psionics, and incarnum to some degree in order to become a fusionist, but to what degree is up to them.

    Skills: Handle Animal 4 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 4 rank, Knowledge (nature) 4 rank, Knowledge (psionics) 4 rank, Knowledge (the planes) 4 rank, Psicraft 8 ranks, Spellcraft 8 ranks
    Feats: Psycrystal Affinity
    Meldshaping: Ability to shape the Soulspark Familiar soulmeld
    Psionics: Ability to manifest the Astral Construct power
    Special: Ability to summon a familiar
    Special: Ability to gain an animal companion or the Wild Cohort feat

    Class Skills
    The Fusionist's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are....
    Skills Points at Each Level: 2 + int

    Hit Dice: d4

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

    |Theurgic Casting, Fusionist Companion

    |Refined Fusion

    |Refined Fusion

    |Refined Fusion

    |Refined Fusion

    |Refined Fusion

    |Refined Fusion

    |Refined Fusion

    |Refined Fusion

    |Refined Fusion

    |Refined Fusion

    |Refined Fusion

    |Refined Fusion

    |Refined Fusion

    |Refined Fusion[/table]

    Wpn/Arm Prof: A fusionist gains no new weapon or armor proficiencies.

    Theurgic Casting (Ex): At first level a fusionist learns to combine his skill in arcane and druidic magic, psionics, and incarnum. At every odd level the fusionist gains an increase in spells per day and spells known for an arcane spellcasting class (or invoking class) and a divine spellcasting class, in power points, powers known and max power level in a psionic class, and in soulmelds, chakra binds and essentia in a meldshaping class. The fusionist's caster level, manifester level, and meldshaper level increase to equal his character level.

    If the fusionist gained the ability to manifest powers from a source other than a base class he gains powers known as a wilder, power points and max power level as a psychic warrior of a level equal to 2/3 his fusionist level, and manifester level equal to 5 + class level.

    If the fusionist gained the ability to shape soulmelds from a source other than a base class he gains essentia equal to his class level, gains an extra shaped soulmeld at 3rd level and every three levels thereafter and the ability to bind a soulmeld to an extra chakra at 5th, 10th, and 15th level, gaining access to least chakras at 5th level, lesser chakras at 9th level, and greater chakras at 13th level.

    Fusionist Companion (Ex): At first level, the fusionist's animal companion (and/or wild cohort), familiar, psicrystal, astral construct, and soulspark familiar become a single creature. The fusionist companion gains all the benefits of being an animal companion (or wild cohort), familiar, and psicrystal, as well as all the traits of any animals incorporated into the fusionist companion.

    The fusionist can invest essentia into his fusionist companion as if it was a soulspark familiar, gaining the same abilities as the soulspark familiar would. Additionally, the fusionist companion has a different essentia capacity than most incarnum receptacles. A fusionist can invest an ammount of essentia up to 2/3 his fusionist level into his fusionist companion. If the companion has essentia of its own, by virtue of feats or because of a refined fusion, it may use its own essentia to invest in this ability.

    The fusionist can also add properties of an astral construct to his fusionist companion by spending power points as if manifesting the Astral Construct power. These traits last until the fusionist decides to spend points to change them. If the companion has power points of its own, by virtue of feats or because of a refined fusion, it may use its own power points to alter the traits it can gain.

    Refined Fusion (Ex): At each level after first a fusionist refines either his combined magics or his companion by applying the fusion more directly.

    Phrenic Companion: Your companion has its own psionic capabilities separate from your own. It gains power points, powers known, and max power level based on the fusionists class level as shown on the table below. This can be taken a second time to grant the companion the Phrenic Template.
    {table=head]Level|Power Points|Powers Known|Max Power Level

    Fusionists are adaptive and resourceful, something that comes from dabbling in as many areas as they do, which is reinforced by their natural ability to meld together their talents and make them work with each other.
    Combat: Fusionists generally rely on their companion as a bodyguard while they support them and try to find a way out of a situation using whatever resource they may have.
    Advancement: As dabblers, fusionists have a variety of options they may go into, often taking one or two levels in this class or that class to further their ability to weave magic together. This often extends to their companion as well, which makes it a very potent ally.
    Resources: Fusionists can draw resources from a wide array of organizations, partially due to how many different skill sets they possess and their ability to masquerade as masters of their chosen discipline.

    "Saw one once, entered in the arena, thought the bloke was mad for putting such a beauty in there, but that changed when i saw it fight, wreathed in sapphire and emerald flames, agile as a cat, and ferocious as any barbarian, it won every match it was in. Gotta say, my golem didn't stand a chance against that creature."
    -An artificer about the outcome of the arena fights.

    Fusionists are often viewed as exotic simply because of their companion, despite how mundane they may appear, they are usually viewed with a degree of fascination for their almost seemless blending of various
    Daily Life: A fusionist's life is rather akin to that of a common wizard or psion, preparing for the day as they see fit, some quiet meditation, and taking care of their companion. The point of divergence is that most fusionists look for other forms of magic on a regular basis to include in their array of skills.
    Notables: The most notable fusionist is the one that originally discovered the process, a gnomish adventurer called Chester Snapdragon McFisticuffs that had picked up a variety of skills in his travels, but constantly found himself behind his fellow adventurers. He started to experiment with ways to make his skills more effective, as well as make his companions not as much of a burden to his survival as they remained rather weak in comparison. This eventually led to finding ways to fuse magic processes and, by extension, the companions that came with them. It is because of the correlation between companion and magic that the many companions are required, they act as a catalyst for the fusion of magics.
    Organizations: The only notable example of an organization for fusionists is the Snapdragon Academy, founded by Chester Snapdragon McFisticuffs himself after discovering the process to fuse magic. The academy is not only a place of learning for several arts, but also a haven of collected knowledge used by fusionists across the world.

    NPC Reaction
    Most folk see the companion first and the fusionist second unless the fusionist travels without his companion or with it hidden. The reactions to fusionists is rather universal, viewed as a magical jack-of-all-trades master-of-none by the more learned individuals while the more common folk see them as they would a standard wizard or druid with an exotic pet.

    Fusionists are the magic equivalent of a swiss army knife with an exotic pet as a blunt force weapon capable of taking on a wide array of foes.
    Adaptation: A fusionist will fit in most campaigns that allow psionics, incarnum, and both arcane and divine magic with little adaptation needed.
    Encounters: Most encounters with a fusionist are rather odd as their companion is often viewed as either a threat, or a breathtaking sight. Either way most people react strongly to the fusionist's companion. Fusionists themselves tend to be rather peaceful unless provoked.

    Sample Encounter
    Give an example of how one might encounter a member of this PrC.
    EL x: Give the encounter level and description of a sample member of this class and a stat block for him/her.

    Init +0, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
    AC , touch , flat-footed ()
    hp ( HD)
    Fort +, Ref +, Will +
    Speed ft. ( squares)
    Base Atk +, Grp +
    Atk Options
    Combat Gear
    Spells Prepared
    Supernatural Abilities
    Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha
    Last edited by EdroGrimshell; 2012-01-24 at 02:26 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by GFawkes View Post
    You didn't poke fate with a stick. You set fate on fire, then whacked it with a 2x4 several times.
    Quote Originally Posted by blackwind1kaze View Post
    good thing they did body attribute instead of Physical attribute, otherwise the stats would look like:

    P. hysical
    M. ind
    S. pirit



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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest XXXII: Hybrid Theory III

    Quote Originally Posted by GFawkes View Post
    You didn't poke fate with a stick. You set fate on fire, then whacked it with a 2x4 several times.
    Quote Originally Posted by blackwind1kaze View Post
    good thing they did body attribute instead of Physical attribute, otherwise the stats would look like:

    P. hysical
    M. ind
    S. pirit



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    Dread Commander


    Did I say you could retreat?! I don't care how many skulls that Balor is wearing! I. SAID. CHARGE!!! - Commissar Ehvax, High General of the Black Legion.

    In all of the great worlds, there are horrors that lurk at every turn. Fiends, Tyrants, Aberrations and other monsters strike at the bastion of hope, while treachery and corruption threaten to wear away freedom from within. In order to lead soldiers against this endless army of the damned and the foul, a leader is required. Some lead by hope, by words, by actions and by legend.
    Others lead by fear.

    Becoming a Dread Commander
    The path of a Dread Commander is that of a warrior that wishes to use magic to assail and hamper their enemies, lead armies, all the while wielding the chains of fear.

    Alignment: Any non-Good.
    Skills: Intimidate 9 ranks.
    Feats: Frightful Presence (Drac).
    Auras: Must be able to project both a Minor and a Major Aura.
    Special: Must have the Hexblade's Curse ability.

    Class Skills
    The Class Name's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Listen (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).
    Skills Points at Each Level: 4 + int

    Hit Dice: d10

    Base Attack Bonus
    Fort Save
    Ref Save
    Will Save

    |Aura of Dread, Inspire Terror (Haste)|+1 level of existing spontaneous spellcasting class

    |Armoured Mage (Medium), Fear Immunity|+1 level of existing spontaneous spellcasting class

    |Choke out the Weakness|+1 level of existing spontaneous spellcasting class

    |Inspire Terror (Fighting Spirit)|+1 level of existing spontaneous spellcasting class

    |Arcana of War|+1 level of existing spontaneous spellcasting class

    |Incarnation of Terror|+1 level of existing spontaneous spellcasting class

    |Inspire Terror (Focus)|+1 level of existing spontaneous spellcasting class

    |Armoured Mage (Heavy), Harbour no Traitor|+1 level of existing spontaneous spellcasting class

    |Greater Aura of Dread|+1 level of existing spontaneous spellcasting class

    |Terrifying Entity, Inspire Terror (Eternal Servitude)|+1 level of existing spontaneous spellcasting class

    Weapon Proficiencies: A Dread Commander gains no new proficiencies.

    Spellcasting: A Dread Commander continues training with magic. Thus, at every level, the character gains new spells per day and spells known as if they had also gained a level in whatever spontaneous spellcasting class they belonged to prior to adding this prestige class. They do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that level would have gained (improved familiar abilities, metamagic or item creation feats, etc). If a character had levels in more than one spontaneous spellcasting class before they became a Dread Commander, they must decide to which class they add each level of Dread Commander for the purpose of determining spells per day and spells known.

    Aura of Dread (Su): The primary ability of a Dread Commander is to slip debilitating curses into his orders, weakening enemies while boosting allies. This ability has multiple effects;
    • Dread Commander levels stack with Marshal levels to determine the Dread Commander's Auras Known, and the size of the bonus granted by the Dread Commander's Major Aura.
    • Dread Commander levels stack with Hexblade levels to determine the Save DC of the Dread Commander's Hexblade's Curse.
    • The Dread Commander's Hexblade's Curse now continually affects all enemies within their Marshal's Aura (essentially 60ft) instead of one specific creature, and the penalties inflicted by the Hexblade's Curse are increased by the bonus granted by the Dread Commander's Major Aura. An enemy makes the appropriate save when it comes in range, and if they fail the save, they suffer the penalty for 1 hour, even if they leave the aura's range afterwards. If the enemy makes the Save, they are immune to this ability for the rest of the encounter.
      This combined ability is still bolstered by any effect that would affect the Dread Commander's Auras or Hexblade's Curse, like wearing Hexbands (MIC), or any effect that would activate in tandem with the aforementioned abilities (like the Hex feats found in Dragon #339).

    Example - Commissar Ehvax is a Hexblade 4/Marshal 2/Dread Commander 1. This means his Major Aura grants a +1 bonus on whatever his chosen aura does, his Hexblade's Curse has the save DC of a 5th level Hexblade, and every enemy within the range of the Commissar's Aura (60ft) takes a -3 penalty to attacks, saves, skill checks and weapon damage rolls.

    Inspire Terror (Su): Along with having an effect on others simply by being in their presence, the Dread Commander can also shout commands to his soldiers to further "inspire" them.
    At 1st level, the Dread Commander can initially Inspire Haste, while at further levels the Dread Commander learns how to inspire other emotions and effects. Using this ability is a swift action that affects all creatures benefiting from the Dread Commander's Aura, and this ability is treated as a Language Dependant, Morale effect, with a caster level equal to the Dread Commander's character level. Also, no creature under this effect can attack the Dread Commander, even involuntarily, such as while under a compulsion or in a Frenzy.
    The orders are mixed in with the standard orders of a Marshal, and so allies still benefit from the Dread Commander's Auras, as long as they are still in range.
    A Dread Commander can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + Cha Mod, minimum 1.

    • Inspire Haste: At 1st level, the Dread Commander can tell his allies to hurry up with such vitriol that they gain an otherworldly speed. For 5 rounds, the Dread Commander's allies are treated as being under a Haste spell.
    • Inspire Fighting Spirit: At 4th level, the Dread Commander can insult their soldier's skills with such unerring accuracy that they in turn try to compensate with skills they never thought possible to use. For 5 rounds, the Dread Commander's allies are treated as being under a Heroics (SpC) spell. Each ally may choose what specific feat they gain the benefit of.
    • Inspire Focus: At 7th level, the fear of their Commander blocks out any other distraction that might incur the wrath of their leader. For the rest of the encounter, each ally affected gains immunity to all mind-affecting effects.
    • Inspire Eternal Servitude: At 10th level, even death will not stop the Commander if he decided the war is not over. Unlike other Inspirations of Terror, this ability instead affects all dead creatures within 60ft that the Commander once considered an ally, with a maximum amount of allies equal to the Dread Commander's Cha Modifier. This ability raises the deceased allies as exact copies of their former selves, only with the Undead type and Augmented subtype, and one effective negative level. Even their HP is unaffected by the loss of their Con Score, with the "excess" HP treated as Temporary HP if relevant. At the end of the encounter or after 1 hour (whichever occurs first), the risen allies fall to dust and return back to the afterlife.

    Armoured Mage: At 2nd level, the Dread Commander gains the ability to cast arcane spells in medium armour and all shields bar tower shields without any arcane spell failure. At 8th level, the Dread Commander no longer suffers from arcane spell failure while wearing armour or shields of any kind.

    Fear Immunity: At 2nd level, the Dread Commander becomes so steeped in fear and myth that they themselves become inured to terror. The Dread Commander gains immunity to all fear effects.

    Choke out the Weakness (Ex): At 3rd level, it only takes a short, sharp smack to the face from a Dread Commander to get their legions moving once more. As a standard action, the Dread Commander may make an unarmed strike that, in addition to dealing damage to their ally with their unarmed strike (which is lethal damage, if it otherwise wouldn't be), removes one of the following ailments: Blinded, Deafened, Confused, Cowering, Exhausted, Fascinated, Shaken/Frightened/Panicked, Nauseated, Prone, Staggered.

    Arcana of War: At 5th level, the Dread Commander's spells are not impeded by the din of war. A Dread Commander automatically succeeds on any Concentration check made after being attacked or as a result of an enemy's AoO.

    Incarnation of Terror: At 6th level, the Dread Commander is a master of mental warfare and social manipulation. The Dread Commander gains an untyped bonus to Intimidate checks equal to 1/2 their class level.

    Harbour no Traitor (Su): At 8th level, the Dread Commander will not be impeded by lies and the backstabbing. The Dread Commander always knows when someone is lying to him, unless the person in question knows about this ability, in which case they get a Will Save to hide their lies (Same Save DC as the Dread Commander's Aura of Dread). In addition to this, the Dread Commander gains immunity to flanking.

    Greater Aura of Dread: At 9th level, the Dread Commander gains even more powers of persuasion and terror, and so their Marshal's Aura (and in turn, their Aura of Dread) increases to a range of 120ft, and any enemy within range additionally takes a further -2 penalty on their saves against the Dread Commander's spells.

    Terrifying Entity (Su): At 10th level, the Dread Commander is a figure of awe and blood-curdling terror, and most people do not have the will to even attempt to strike them.
    Whenever a creature would attack the Dread Commander, target them with a spell, or use a spell-like or supernatural ability against them, it must first succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + the Dread Commander's Cha modifier). If it fails, the attacker must select another target or take some other action. Once an opponent succeeds on the saving throw, it cannot be affected again by this ability for 24 hours, but still suffers if they did not have enough of a resolute will.
    If the attacker only passed the Save DC by 5 or less, or if the Dread Commander is the only possible target to be attacked, then the attacker is still hampered by the Dread Commander's sheer presence. The would-be attacker must roll twice when making an attack roll, and take the worse result of the two (this roll takes into account attack penalties like the Dread Commander's Aura of Dread).

    Playing a Dread Commander
    A Dread Commander is a leader among his men, driving them towards the enemy with a feeling of awe and terror.
    Combat: The Dread Commander normally stays back, giving order to his allies and buffing them with his brand of inspiration, all the while terrifying and weakening his opponents. At higher levels, the Dread Commander might feel more confident to charge into the front lines, knowing few people have the will to even strike him.
    Advancement: A Dread Commander would probably be best served by advancing in classes that complement his mastery of melee and fear, like the Avenging Executioner PrC, or his blend of war and magic like the Abjurant Champion.
    Resources: A Dread Commander has few friends, and so will normally be self reliant, unless they serve a higher power who can outfit them.

    Dread Commanders in the world
    The Commissar doesn't like us talking about our missions - Private Samuel of the Black Legion.

    In most civilizations, Dread Commanders are loners and figures of terror, respected for their martial prowess and leadership skills, but otherwise avoided at every opportunity, unless war looms on the horizon.

    Daily Life: The daily life of a Dread Commander is filled with war - physical training, studying and refining tactics, and making rousing and terrifying speeches and commands to troops. A Dread Commander allows themselves very little free time, normally taken up with living the fine life.
    Notables: Dread Commanders dot history here and there, with notables such as Commissar Evhax of the Black Legion, a general of an entire penal legion, legendary for his ability to turn the most hardened criminal into a broken and "loyal" fighter for his army.
    Organizations: Dread Commanders are strictly loners, as with Dread Commanders, two people trying to intimidate the other rarely ends well.

    NPC Reaction
    No one likes a Dread Commander. No-one. No, not even then. At best, people fear the Dread Commander, and at worst, they are a pariah to be hunted down and put to the torch.

    Dread Commanders in the Game
    The Dread Commander is a leader class with a focus on fear and intimidation, also outfitted with supernatural abilities to accompany the initial power of their words.
    Adaptation: In Eberron, Dread Commanders are commonly found in the armies of Karrnath, once leaders of terrified legions in the Last War and now cold-hearted leaders of skirmishes against any invaders from the Talenta Plains. In Faerun, Dread Commanders are normally mercenaries that work freelance for shady organizations such as the Red Wizards of They and the Zhentarim.
    Encounters: A Dread Commander would normally interact with the PC's as the leader of a roving warband, an opposing nation during war, or woe betide them, as their commander and appointed superior.
    Last edited by TheGeckoKing; 2012-01-21 at 06:57 PM.
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    Magitech Crafter

    "This is going to be our toughest fight yet. But we can do it, right guys?" - Rock Light, Magitech Crafter

    Some Magitech Templar enjoy gaining the assistance of a clockwork companion, and many Artificer use a veritable horde of homunculi to keep themselves out of harms way. The Magitech Crafter is one who takes the ideas presented in their Magitech Armor to the logical extreme, and creates companions using the same techniques.

    The default entry for becoming a Magitech Crafter is a mix of Artificer and Magitech Templar, however a devoted spell caster could qualify with a much greater investment.

    Skill: Craft (Armor) 13 ranks
    Feat: Improved Homunculus
    Special: Clockwork Animal Companion Magitech Upgrade

    Class Skills
    The Class Name's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (any) (Int), Jump (Strength), Knowledge (Arcana, Architecture and Engineering, Religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Swim (Str), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
    Skills Points at Each Level: 4 + int

    Hit Dice: d8

    {table=head]Level|Base [div]Attack[/div] Bonus|Fort Save|Ref [div]Save[/div]|Will [div]Save[/div]|Special|Spells Per Day

    |Craft Reserve, Clockwork Animal Companion, [div]Construct Empathy, Artificer Knowledge[/div]|-

    |Magitech Upgrade|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    |Homunculus Companion|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    -|Armored Familiarity, Retain Essence|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    |Magitech Upgrade, Companion Swarm|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    |Shared Sentience|-

    |Retain Craft Reserve|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    |Magitech Upgrade|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    |Transcend the Body|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    |Construct Hive Mind|+1 level of existing spellcasting class[/table]

    Weapon Proficiencies: Magitech Crafters gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

    Craft Reserve: Magitech Crafter levels stack with Artificer levels to determine your craft reserve. If you do not have a craft reserve, you gain one, using your Magitech Crafter level in place of your Artificer level.
    Clockwork Animal Companion: Magitech Crafter levels stack with Magitech Templar levels for the purpose of the Clockwork Animal Companion feature.
    Construct Empathy: Magitech Crafter levels stack with Magitech Templar levels for the purpose of the Construct Empathy feature.
    Artificer Knowledge: Magitech Crafter levels stack with Artificer levels to determine your Artificer Knowledge check modifier. If you do not have Artificer Knowledge, you gain it.
    Magitech Upgrade (Sp): At 2nd level and every 3 levels thereafter, a Magitech Crafter gains an additional Magitech Upgrade to their Magitech Armor
    Homunculus Companion: Starting at level 3, the Magitech Crafter may designate one of their Homunculi as their Clockwork Animal Companion in a ritual costing 500 GP in raw materials and requiring 24 hours. The extra hit dice are gained automatically, and qualify it for special abilities from the Improved Homunculus feat as normal. This ritual may be performed during the crafting of the Homunculus without affecting the time it takes to craft the homunculus.
    Armored Familiarity: Due to your innate familiarity with your Magitech Armor you gain a 50% reduction to the XP costs for enchanting your Magitech Armor and any feature provided by a Magitech Upgrade, such as a power fist or repeating crossbow.
    Retain Essence: You gain the Retain essence class feature of a fifth level Artificer. If you already have the retain essence class feature, the time to drain an item of power is reduced to 1 hour.
    Companion Swarm: A Magitech Crafter of fifth level or higher may possess more than one Clockwork Animal Companion at a time, so long as only one is not one of your homunculi, but take a cumulative -3 penalty to their effective Magitech Templar level for each one beyond the first.
    Shared Sentience (Su): Your Magitech Armor gains the ability to interface with any Homunculus Companions you possess, giving you and your companions the Hivemind feature, as described in the Formian entry of the monster manual. When a Homunculus dies the Magitech Crafter no longer takes
    Retain Craft Reserve: Starting at 7th level, a Magitech Crafter no longer resets their craft reserve upon gaining a level. Instead they add their current craft reserve value to the new value.
    Magitech Homunculus: Starting at 9th level, a magitech Crafter can give one of their Homunculi Companions a Magitech Upgrade in place of one of the abilities they would gain from the Improved Homunculus feat.
    One with the Hivemind: (Su) A Magitech Crafter of 10th level gains the ability to interface directly with any of his Homunculi at any time. In addition, should he be killed, his armor automatically captures his soul, preventing it from being captured by Soul Bind or the likes. If a Raise Dead spell (or variant there of) is cast with the Magitech armor as a focus, the spell does not require any material components, and the spell has no chance of failure.

    The Magitech Crafter relies heavily on its companions to fight for it, though that is not to say that the Magitech Crafter is a
    Combat: Here's a section where you will describe common combat methods for your class. Remember to include information on how your class will use his powers in combat.
    Advancement: While the best benefits of
    Resources: What resources might a member of this PrC be able to draw on..

    A quote of somebody else talking about your class!

    A brief description of how your class is persevered in the world and how he interacts with the world.
    Daily Life: Some general information about the typical day in the life of your class.
    Notables: Make up some cool information about notable figures in the history of your class. It's best to give a little information from one of the good alignment and evil alignment (unless it's a good or evil only class).
    Organizations: Some information about organizations dedicated to the practice of your class and other organizations which members of your class will be attracted towards.

    NPC Reaction
    This is an in detail description of how NPC's would perceive your class and the immediate generalization that people would give of your class.

    This is a good place to provide a quick note on how your class will effect game play statistically.
    Adaptation: This is a place where you put in detail how people can adapt your class into their campaign setting.
    Encounters: This is a place to describe what sort of encounters PC's will have with NPC versions of your class.

    Sample Encounter
    Give an example of how one might encounter a member of this PrC.
    EL x: Give the encounter level and description of a sample member of this class and a stat block for him/her.

    Init +0, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
    AC , touch , flat-footed ()
    hp ( HD)
    Fort +, Ref +, Will +
    Speed ft. ( squares)
    Base Atk +, Grp +
    Atk Options
    Combat Gear
    Spells Prepared
    Supernatural Abilities
    Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest XXXII: Hybrid Theory III


    The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his. General Patton

    Among a race known for their stealth, cunning and ruthlessness, there are still those who stand apart, these are known as the Glitterhell Rutterkin. These druegar have developed specialized techniques designed to end a battle before the opponent even knows they have been engaged. Glitterhell Rutterkin appear suddenly within enemy ranks, strike with terrifying force, then dissipate into the darkness leaving nothing behind but fallen foes.

    Druegars multiclassed as ninjas and psychic warriors are natural candidates to become glitterhell rutterkin. The abilities required of a glitterhell rutterkin are not often found by those who walk different paths. The odd psion does qualify, but they tend to lack the strong sense of self this class requires.

    Race: Duergar
    Skills: Move Silently 8 ranks
    Powers: Must be able to manifest the Prevenom Weapon power
    Class Feature: Ghost Step (Invisible)
    Special: Poison Use

    Class Skills
    The Glitterhell Rutterkin's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex).
    Skills Points at Each Level: 6 + int

    Hit Dice: d6

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Powers Known

    |Ninja Abilites, Toxic Weapon|+1 level of existing manifesting class

    |Silent Death|+1 level of existing manifesting class

    |Earth Strider|+1 level of existing manifesting class

    |Cunning Stalker|+1 level of existing manifesting class

    |Effortless Invisibility|+1 level of existing manifesting class

    |Toxic Weapon|+1 level of existing manifesting class

    |Stone Reaver|+1 level of existing manifesting class

    |Vigilant Preparation |+1 level of existing manifesting class

    |Tunnel Ghost|+1 level of existing manifesting class

    |Toxic Weapon|+1 level of existing manifesting class[/table]

    Weapon Proficiencies: Glitterhell rutterkin gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

    Powers Known: At every level indicated on the table, a glitterhell rutterkin gains additional power points per day and access to new powers as if he had also gained a level in whatever manifesting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (bonus feats, metapsionic or item creation feats, psicrystal special abilities, and so on). This essentially means that he adds the level of glitterhell rutterkin to the level of whatever manifesting class the character has, then determines power points per day, powers known, and manifester level accordingly.

    If a character had more than one manifesting class before he became a glitterhell rutterkin, he must decide to which class he adds the new level of glitterhell rutterkin for the purpose of determining power points per day, powers known, and manifester level.

    Ninja Abilites: A glitterhell rutterkin’s class levels stack with his ninja levels for determining his ki power uses per day and AC bonus.

    Toxic Weapon: A glitterhell rutterkin may manifest an unaugmented prevenom weapon power without expending any power points. Additionally when he manifests prevenom weapon he may choose for the power to deal strength or dexterity damage instead of constitution damage. Finally a glitterhell rutterkin gains an additionaly augment option when manifesting prevenom weapon. He may spend an additional 2 power points to manifest prevenom weapon as swift action.

    At 6th level a glitterhell rutterkin’s mastery of prevenom weapon improves. The base, unaugmented damage of the power increases to 4. Additionally when he manifests the power he may choose a new augmentation. By spending an additional 4 power points the power deals strength, dexterity, AND constitution damage.

    At 10th level his mastery of prevenom weapon is complete. The power no longer takes a standard action to manifest, but instead always takes a swift action. Additionally a glitterhell rutterkin can now deal death with prevenom weapon. By spending an additional 10 power points the power gains, if the target fails the first save he must succeed on an additional fortitude save or die.

    Silent Death: To activate Silent Death, a glitterhell rutterkin must meditate to gain psionic focus. Once activated, this ability lasts for 1 minute as long as he maintains psionic focus. While active, he does +1d6 sudden strike damage per class level. While silent death is active, a glitterhell rutterkin may expend his psionic focus as part of an attack. His sudden strike damage for this attack, deals its maximum possible damage. This class ability counts as a mantra feat*.

    Earth Strider: As long as a glitterhell rutterkin ki pool isn’t empty he gains the ability to walk over stone, rock and earthen debris at your full speed without taking damage or suffering any imparment. He cannot be tracked nor does he leave a trail in such areas, unless he desires to.

    Cunning Stalker: A glitterhell rutterkin applies his Wisdom modifier as bonus on all initiative rolls. Additionally he may expend his psionic focus when rolling initiative to gain an additional +10 bonus to the roll.

    Effortless Invisibility: A glitterhell rutterkin may use his invisibility psi-like ability at-will. Additionally his Ghost Step (invisibility) class feature now grants greater invisibility for one round.

    Stone Reaver: A glitterhell rutterkin may expend one daily use of his ki power as a swift action to gain the earth glide ability for a number of rounds equal to his Wisdom modifier.

    Vigilant Preperation: To activate vigilant preperation, a glitterhell rutterkin must meditate to gain psionic focus. Once activated, this ability lasts for 1 minute as long as he maintains psionic focus. While active, any power he manifests with a range of personal cost 2 less power points. This doesn't allow him augment power more than he would otherwise be able to. While vigilant preparation is active, a giltterhell rutterkin may expend his psionic focus as an immediate action after he fails a save vs a spell or spell-like ability, and gain a bonus to his save equal to his Wisdom modifier. This class ability counts as a mantra feat*.

    Tunnel Ghost: As long as a glitterhell rutterkin ki pool isn’t empty he gains a Nondetection effect. This ability also protects him from divination spells such as See Invisibility and True Seeing which would reveal his location, but don't specifically target him.

    *Mantra Feat
    Mantra Feats are psionic feats created by Dreamscar Press and are available under their OGL.

    "Mantra feats are psionic feats that provide no bonus until you meditate to gain your psionic focus (which may require a more difficult concentration check than normal) at which point they engage a supernatural effect for a set duration. If you lose your psionic focus during a mantra's effect, the effect ends immediately. Every mantra has a secondary effect that requires you to expend your psionic focus to activate: using this effect always ends the mantra's passive benefit (even if you use the Psicrystal Containment feat). Characters may normally only benefit from a single mantra feat at a time."


    Combat: Glitterhell Rutterkin prefer to fight only when the odds are in their favor. You are a powerful warrior, but going fighting toe to toe is for barbarians and fighters. If the opponent has the advantage, withdraw, they will soon let their guard down. In addition to your class abilities, the powers you know will be among your most valuable assets. Be sure to learn powers that play your strengths.
    Advancement: Most Glitterhell Rutterkin will take classes that continue to advance their manifester level, Psychic Warrior being the most common choice.


    Glitterhell Rutterkin tend to be most often found in small mercenary bands or as independent operators. They tend to stand out from typical militant duergar in that they shun heavy armor. They don't work for the money, but demand payment as a show of respect for their abilities. They aren't picky about their assignments as long as it requires them to spill the blood of those that oppose deurgar.
    Notables: There are no notable Glitterhell Rutterkin. Members of the class make a point of attributing any of their successes to the group as whole, only claiming their failings as there own. In this way the myth of the group grows with each new member adding to its reputation.
    Organizations: Glitterhell Rutterkin tend to be independent minded, only working together in small groups, with no overall orginizational structure. While not officially sanctioned by the church, you are loosely associated with the church of Laduguer. Most churches will provide you with moderate assistance, such as a place to train or rest.

    NPC Reaction
    Most denizens of the underdark would immediately recognize Glitterhell Rutterkin as cunning and deadly ambushers. Some will admire their prowless, while others will hate it, but all will avoid attracting their attention.

    EL 14: Disgusted by the recent establishment of a new mine by dwarves in a cavern held sacred to Laduguer. The chief priest urges Dregan Riotrock to take his band of Glitterhell Rutterkin and exterminate the sacrilegious pagans.
    Last edited by cooperflood; 2012-02-17 at 01:35 PM.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest XXXII: Hybrid Theory III

    Scion of Ashardalon


    I sold my soul to something rather superior to a demon. For one thing, he used a demon as his heart.

    Ashardalon was a great and ancient red dragon who, upon losing his heart, replaced it with a Balor demon, a process that made him somewhat more, and somewhat less, than a demon or a dragon. Until he was finally slain, at the very wellspring of life, he was one of the most feared mortal creatures in existence.

    All the lorekeepers know this; however, few know the continuation of the story. That, mortally wounded, Ashardalon made a final leap; he became a vestige.

    Of those that know this, most are Binders of some description; however, some come to the great Ashardalon with a different deal... a trade.

    Their soul, for power.

    And so a Scion of Ashardalon is born.

    The earliest Scions spoke directly to Ashardalon himself; however, one of the earliest Scions saw fit to set up a cult to his patron, and so many of the more modern Scions made the pact through the cult, rather than in the far more daunting manner of face to face.

    Class Features: Eldritch Blast 2d6, Scales +2
    Alignment: Any Non-Good and Non-Lawful.
    Special: Must have made a pact with Ashardalon, and accept him as your patron. This pact is made in a day-long ceremony, during which a wyrmling Metallic dragon is offered in sacrifice to Ashardalon; the cult's main temple breeds metallic dragons specifically for this purpose.

    Class Skills
    The Class Name's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Search (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (NA), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Use Magic Device (Cha)
    Skills Points at Each Level: 4 + int

    Hit Dice: d8

    Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special Invocations
    Demonic Heart, Ashardalon's Breath +1 level of lowest-level existing invocation using class
    Patron's Scales +1, Presence of the Draconian Demon (Empathy) +1 level of existing invocation using class/+1 level of existing invocation using class
    Memories of the Primeval Sorcerer (Least) +1 level of existing invocation using class/+1 level of existing invocation using class
    Rebuke of the Red Dragon +1 level of lowest-level existing invocation using class
    Patron's Scales +2, Memories of the Primeval Sorcerer (Greater) +1 level of existing invocation using class/+1 level of existing invocation using class
    Presence of the Draconian Demon (Telepathy) +1 level of existing invocation using class/+1 level of existing invocation using class
    Memories of the Primeval Sorcerer (Greater) +1 level of lowest-level existing invocation using class
    Patron's Scales +3, Archetype of the Hellish Father +1 level of existing invocation using class/+1 level of existing invocation using class
    Memories of the Primeval Sorcerer (Dark) +1 level of existing invocation using class/+1 level of existing invocation using class
    Presence of the Draconian Demon (Terror) +1 level of lowest-level existing invocation using class

    Weapon Proficiencies: A Scion of Ashardalon gains no new weapon or armor proficiencies.

    Invocations Beginning at 1st level, a Scion of Ashardalon gains new invocations known and an increase in caster level as if they had also gained a level in an invocation-using class to which they belonged before adding the prestige class level. They do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained.

    At every level but 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th, they gain this increase for any two invocation using classes that they have levels in; at 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th levels, they only increase their caster level and their number of new invocations known for their invocation using class with the lower caster level.

    Demonic Heart (Ex): A Scion is not merely a warlock, or someone who fawns over dragons; they have become something... more.

    A Scion of Ashardalon stacks their levels in every invocation-using class and any classes that are used to advance invocations for the purpose of determining which grades of invocations they can access in each class.

    Breath of Ashardalon (Su): A Scion's eldritch knowledge has fused with their knowledge of the fires of Dragonkind, becoming something far more exciting.

    A Scion of Ashardalon's levels in the Warlock and Dragonfire Adept classes stack for the purpose of damage for their breath weapon; however, they lose their normal Eldritch Blast, and can no longer learn Blast Shape Invocations.

    In addition, from this point onward, their breath weapon is treated as if it were an Eldritch Blast of the same number of dice for the purpose of prerequisites; in addition, they may apply Eldritch Essences to their breath weapon as if they were Breath Effects, and any class features that alter Eldritch Blast, or which reference their Eldritch Blast damage, instead apply to their Breath Weapon. They may not, however, channel spells through their breath weapon through any means.

    Patron's Scales (Ex): A Scion's skin continues to become scalier, at a visibly faster rate than it normally would be; it is thought that this is merely Ashardalon's attempt to warp their bodies to a more pleasing aspect.

    At the levels indicated on the above table, the Scion adds the listed amount to their Natural Armor; later increases overlap with prior bonuses, and do not stack.

    Presence of the Draconian Demon (Su): A Scion begins to gain both the presence of a Dragon, and the insidious mental voice of a demon. These fuse in... interesting ways.

    At 2nd level, whenever the Scion uses their breath weapon or uses an invocation, creatures within a radius of 10'/class level are subject to their frightful presence if they have fewer HD than the Scion. A potentially affected creature that succeeds on a Will save (DC 10 +Class Level+Charisma Modifier) remains immune to the Scion's frightful presence for 24 hours. On a failure, creatures with 4 or less HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds. Dragons ignore the frightful presence of the Scion, and the Scion ignores the frightful presence of dragons.

    In addition, the Scion may communicate with any creature within 5'/class level, but may only transmit vague emotions at this point; most creatures find this contact painful, and so take 1 point of nonlethal damage per class level for each round the contact is maintained.

    At 6th level, the empathic communication improves to full-out telepathy; in addition, within their telepathic range, their frightful presence ignores immunity to fear, though creatures that have immunity to fear do gain a +4 bonus to their save.

    At 10th level, their frightful presence and telepathy have synchronized to the point that they briefly contact the minds of those affected by their frightful presence, causing them to temporarily break. Any creature within the range of their telepathy that would be Panicked begins Cowering, and any creature that would be Shaken is instead Frightened.

    Memories of the Primeval Sorcerer (Sp): It bears remembering that dragons were the earliest sorcerers, and that demons tend to have some amount of magical might as well...

    In a 1 hour ritual at the beginning of the day, the Scion may exchange a number of Invocations equal to half their class level for a number of spells from the Sorcerer spell list, which they use as spell-like abilities at will. They may not select spells with an expensive material components or an XP cost, and retain the somatic components for that given spell, if it had any. The save DCs for these spell-like abilities are Charisma based.

    This choice lasts until the Scion has slept for 8 hours.

    At 3rd level, they may exchange Least invocations for any sorcerer spell of up to 1st level.

    At 5th level, they may exchange Lesser invocations for any sorcerer spell of up to 2nd level.

    At 7th level, they may exchange Greater invocations for any sorcerer spell of up to 3rd level.

    At 9th level, they may exchange Dark invocations for any sorcerer spell of up to 4th level.

    Rebuke of the Red Dragon (Su): It is folly to strike a dragon. It is folly to strike a demon. And, so, it is folly to strike a Scion of Ashardalon.

    At 4th level, whenever a Scion of Ashardalon is struck by a non-reach melee weapon, they deal an amount of fire damage equal to twice the number of dice in their breath weapon; they may apply a breath effect or Eldritch Essence to this class feature.

    Archetype of the Hellish Father (Ex): As a red dragon, and later a demonic force in his own right, Ashardalon's range of spells was larger than that of a mere mortal sorcerer; and so, the Scion comes to resemble him further in this regard.

    At 8th level, the Scion may treat spells from the Chaos, Diabolic, Dragon, Evil, and Fire domains as if they were Sorcerer spells for the purpose of their Memories of the Primeval Sorcerer class feature.

    You are a perfect fusion of dragon and demon... or at least the servant of one. But your day will come, soon...
    Combat: In combat, a Scion will usually blast away with their breath weapon, making it do interesting things via Eldritch Essences; in addition, they can use several choice sorcerer spells at will, which does tend to add a little bit of diversity to what they can whip out. Besides that, they are almost full invocation users from at least two different "disciplines", if you would; they are quite dangerous in their own right in that respect. And there is the fact that anyone who is too close will be smacked with potent amounts of fear while you attack them.
    Advancement: After this point, most go on to either further advance their abilities as a Warlock or as a Dragonfire Adept; a small number will find some way to advance both.
    Resources: Scions of Ashardalon can usually call upon the might of the Cult of Ashardalon for aid, as the cult sees them as holy men, after a fashion.

    Then... then the man breathed out this... area of darkness, it felt like, and I collapsed to the floor, sobbing, with my heart almost giving out.

    After that day, I forgot my ambitions as a dragonslayer, let me tell you that.
    -Ivan the Simple, a beggar.

    A Scion of Ashardalon does not merely survive in this world; they enjoy attempting to burn it down. Given the fact that most churches would consider them dangerous lunatics who worship a dead demon, they are hunted down, for the safety of those around them. Despite this fact, not all Scions are truly evil; though the path does not call to the good of heart or to people who especially love order, it has often attracted people who were merely anarchistic.
    Daily Life: Some of their patron's greed does permeate their souls; a Scion can oftentimes be found gambling, stealing, or acquiring a pretty object through some other, often illicit means.
    Notables: Little is known about the original founder of the Cult of Ashardalon, except that his (or her) name was Dana Ash; due to this fact, whoever the current leader of the cult goes by that name on official business.
    Organizations: The Cult of Ashardalon usually grooms its members to take the next step and become Scions, but it does not frown on those few that still make the pact by themselves; it, in fact, usually accepts them as a normal religion would accept a saint, as they where the closest to their patron.

    NPC Reaction
    Unless they are of a similar bent, most people that a Scion interacts with treat them as anyone would treat a borderline criminal with the ability to breath eldritch fire and who can directly speak into their minds; they fear them, and will do nearly anything to get themselves out of their current predicament.

    This class should not be used in a campaign where the DM would not allow a Blackguard or another similar class.
    Adaptation: If Dragons have a different form of spellcasting, or Sovereign Archetypes are allowed in the setting, replace Memories of the Ancient Sorcerer with Memories of the Ancient (Appropriate Name), which draws abilities of an equivalent level, and Archetype of the Hellish Father with the ability to select a single Archetype, and use the spellcasting alteration for that Archetype on the list of spells they can select, instead of adding the listed domains.

    Alternatively, they could be a group of cultists that worship Hellfire Drakes; in that case, replace Memories of the Ancient Sorcerer with Form of the Devilish Compatriot, which replaces their ability to draw spells from the Sorcerer spell list with the ability to draw Investiture spells from the Blackguard list.
    Encounters: Most likely, the party will encounter a Scion by either messing in Cult of Ashardalon business, or if they just so happen to own an object that the Scion has taken a shine to.

    Sample Encounter
    Give an example of how one might encounter a member of this PrC.
    EL x: Give the encounter level and description of a sample member of this class and a stat block for him/her.

    Init +0, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
    AC , touch , flat-footed ()
    hp ( HD)
    Fort +, Ref +, Will +
    Speed ft. ( squares)
    Base Atk +, Grp +
    Atk Options
    Combat Gear
    Spells Prepared
    Supernatural Abilities
    Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha
    Last edited by Amechra; 2014-12-10 at 10:49 PM.
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    door is a fake exterior wall
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  12. - Top - End - #12
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest XXXII: Hybrid Theory III

    Mystic Ninja

    “Death comes for us all.”

    A mystic ninja blends the discipline of the ninja with the otherworldly power of the warlock for a dangerous and unpredictable combination.

    Becoming a Mystic Ninja
    Mystic ninjas are typically intentionally trained by certain ninja clans. These clans have a connection with an extra power source, be it a demon, a faerie, or something stranger. Some warlocks who become ninja later in life blend the two styles in a more haphazard fashion. Stranger still are those who revere the dragons and combine ninjitsu with draconic magics.

    Entry Requirements
    Must be able to use at least one invocation
    Ghost Step class feature
    8 ranks in Concentration

    Class Skills
    The mystic ninja's class skills are Autohypnosis (Wis), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration(Con), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (local) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex)
    Skill Points per level: 6+Int Mod

    Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
    1st +0 +0 +2 +2
    Two Roads One Journey, Paths of Insight or Will
    2nd +1 +0 +3 +3
    Cull the Faint, Forked Path, Least Ninjitsu
    3rd +2 +1 +3 +3
    Master the Body, Lesser Ninjitsu
    4th +3 +1 +4 +4
    Greater Ninjitsu, Inevitability of Death
    5th +3 +1 +4 +4
    Divided Destiny, Sign of the Ninja
    Weapon Proficiencies: A mystic ninja gains proficiency in one exotic weapon of her choice.

    Two Roads One Journey (Ex): A mystic ninja pursues both his stealthy assassin training and his eldritch powers with equal zeal. Levels in mystic ninja stack with levels in ninja for ki pool size and sudden strike damage. Levels in mystic ninja and warlock stack for eldritch blast damage, invocations known, and level of invocation available. A mystic ninja may choose to learn a mystic ninja invocation instead of a warlock invocations whenever she would learn an additional invocation. Mystic ninja invocations are detailed after this class.
    This is why dragonfire adept is a weird way to enter the class; the class progresses warlock powers. It's possible but kind of a bad idea.

    Paths of Insight or Will: The path of the warlock calls for personal strength of will but the path of the ninja emphasizes insight. The mystic ninja chooses one style and dedicates himself to it. At first level, a mystic ninja makes all of her ninja and warlock class features (ki pool, invocation effects and DCs, Armor Bonus, etc) depend on either Wis or Cha as she chooses. This choice is permanent once made.

    Cull the Faint (Ex): A mystic ninja strikes as her foes cower in fear. A mystic ninja gains an insight bonus to hit foes who are shaken or worse equal to either her charisma or her wisdom modifier, whichever one she selected at level one.

    Forked Path (Ex): Inner discipline and devotion to a higher power are not entirely compatible. By sacrificing gains on one path, greater power can be had on the other. A mystic ninja may reduce her maximum ki pool by one, and in exchange learn an additional invocation. She may instead reduce her number of invocations known by one and increase her maximum ki pool by two. Her third option is the path of balance, and by losing neither ki nor invocation she instead gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC.

    Least Ninjitsu(Su): Invocations are the varied tools used by warlocks. Ninja training provides an additional twist to many invocations. For the ki cost listed, a mystic ninja may improve any of her least invocations as she uses them as part of using the invocation. The improvements are listed after the class.

    Master the Body(Su): A true ninja controls her breathing, her sweat, and her blood. This provides several benefits. She may ignore the penalties for not eating or drinking water, at the cost of one maximum ki point per day without proper sustenance. These ki points return after a full meal and drink. She may also, as a swift action, heal herself a number of hit points equal to her total levels in ninja, warlock, and mystic ninja at the cost of one ki point.

    Lesser Ninjitsu(Su): Further study means that greater gifts can be made greater still by personal insight and sacrifice. A mystic ninja may improve her lesser invocations as they are used for the listed ki cost as part of the same action to use the invocation. These improvements are listed after the class.

    Greater Ninjitsu (Su): A mystic ninja delves deeply into mysteries she is not ready to wield. She may improve her greater invocations using ki as described after this class. These improvements are still part of the same action to use the invocation.

    Inevitability of Death (Su): A mystic ninja may use sudden strike damage against any creature, regardless of its type or other immunities to critical hits/sneak attack/etc. This does not allow the mystic ninja to critically hit or sneak attack creatures which are immune to such things.

    Divided Destiny(Ex or Su): The ninja and the warlock continue to vie for attention from the mystic ninja. She again has the choice of losing a max ki point to learn an additional invocation or losing an invocation known to gain two ki. Her third choice draws upon the killing power of the ninja and the soul binding of the warlock and allows her to heal herself for an amount equal to the hit dice of any creature she slays. This requires no action and is a supernatural ability.

    Sign of the Ninja (Su): A fifth level mystic ninja chooses a symbol which warns of impending death. Options include a letter filled with black sand, a particular symbol, the call of an extinct bird, or other unmistakable signs. When her enemies see (or hear) this symbol, they must make a will save with a DC of 10 + half the mystic ninja's character level + Cha or Wis modifier, whichever was selected with Paths of Insight or Will. Creatures with fewer hit dice than the mystic ninja who fail the save are panicked, while if they make the save they are frightened. Creatures with as many hit dice as the mystic ninja or more who fail the save are shaken and if they make the save they are unaffected. This is a [fear] [mind affecting] ability, but creatures who are immune to either fear or mind affecting (or both) abilities must still make a save with a +5 bonus or suffer the usual effect. The fear lasts for a number of rounds equal to the mystic ninja's Cha or Wis modifier, whichever was selected with Paths of Insight or Will.

    Playing a Mystic Ninja

    Combat: You're a warlock with sudden strike. Or you're a ninja with extra tricks you can play. Either way, you are not a front line fighter but you should be able to do significant damage with the right set-up.
    Advancement: More levels in Warlock make you more magical, more levels in Ninja improve your ki pool. You could also go for levels in a sneaky or fighty PrC.
    Resources: Depending on setting and back story, you might belong to a ninja clan. This has good and bad points.

    Mystic Ninjas in the world

    "Some merchants deal in wines, or fine clothes. The ninjas deal in death. And they deliver."

    Daily Life: The career of a ninja is not (generally) a lawful one, so most ninja live a double life. Some pose as shopkeepers or traveling merchants, others work on the side as adventurers.
    Notables: Laughing Samuel was famous for his killing of a coven of dark magicians. Each one had a smiling mask put on his or her face after death... or, in one case, what was left of the face. The Shadow of Death has slain heroes and champions of good for a number of years now... perhaps old age has slowed him; the next contract may be his last.
    Organizations: Ninjas gather in clans as naturally as sheep gather in flocks. They also fight for supremacy like wolves.

    NPC Reaction
    Generally, ninjas are feared and shunned. Occasionally a person needs to hire a ninja, and then they follow their local customs. In some places there is a particular wall which you whisper your target to. Other cultures throw bottles into the ocean with the target's name on them, or they find ninja in the underbelly of the city.

    Mystic Ninjas in the game
    A mystic ninja is stronger than a ninja(the class from Complete Adventurer). That's probably ok. They also get some tricks a warlock would like, but the requisite 2 levels of ninja slow down the rate of invocation acquisition and if you take the PrC ASAP you get Imbue Item near level 20.
    Adaptation: Throw in a ninja clan. The party hasn't heard of them because they're ninjas.
    Encounters: A fair fight is rare with a ninja, but players dislike being ambushed in the night in their sleep. Use ninja carefully.

    Mystic Ninja Invocations

    Dry Footed Step
    Least; 2nd.
    You may grant yourself water walking, as the spell except with a duration of 24 hours.
    Ki Boost (1 point): You may also grant yourself air walk, as the spell except with a duration of 24 hours. This also increases the effective level of the invocation to 4th.

    Ignorance Restored
    Greater; 6th
    As a standard action, you may remove one target's memory of the previous minute. This does not remove spells such as geas/quest, charm, and similar effects. This can be negated with a Will save and requires you to touch the target.

    Salute of Razors
    Lesser; 4th; Blast Shape
    You may create and throw shuriken which each deal damage equal to your eldritch blast. This may be done as a standard action or a full round action, and you throw as many shuriken as you would normally be able to. Shuriken conjured with this shape disappear at the end of your turn.
    Ki Boost (1 point): The range increment of your shuriken from this invocation increases to 60' for the rest of the combat.
    Note that shuriken attack regular AC, not touch AC, so this isn't strictly better than Eldritch Chain.

    Viper Fist
    Least; 2nd
    As a standard action, you may make one melee or ranged attack and this invocation adds a special poison to it. This poison does 1d6 con damage as primary damage, and another 1d6 con damage as secondary damage. The fort DC for this poison is 10 + Cha Mod + half CL.
    Ki Boost (1 point) : You may poison all of your weapon attacks for a round as a swift action, with the same damage and DC as this ability normally has.

    Wind Razor
    Lesser; 4th
    You may use dimension door as a spell like ability, but the range is limited to 25' plus 5' per two levels. In addition, when you use this ability, you may make a melee attack against anyone within 25' plus 5' per two levels of where you are before you teleport. If your initiative modifier is larger than the target's initiative modifier, you may use sudden strike against the target.
    Ki Boost (1 point): You may make a full attack against your target instead of a single attack. In addition, it is no longer required to be a melee attack.

    Ki Boosted Invocations

    Dark One's Own Luck
    Ki Boost (1 point): As a free action which may be taken even when flat footed, you may use your reflex save modifier on one fortitude or will save. Evasion grants no benefits against fort or will saves.

    Entropic Warding
    Ki Boost (3 points): The 20% miss chance you gain from this invocation also applies to melee attacks.

    Hideous Blow
    Ki Boost (1 point): As a swift action, all weapon attacks you make this round deal extra damage equal to your eldritch blast. This may not be combined with the Eldritch Glaive invocation.

    Frightful Blast
    Ki Boost (0 points): You may make shaken creatures frightened, or frightened creatures panicked. All other limitations of this essence (duration) still apply. Yes, this is free.
    Last edited by Glimbur; 2021-07-14 at 08:38 AM.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest XXXII: Hybrid Theory III


    "By combat be tried. By gods be judged. By my hand be sentenced."

    The vindictive fist dedicates his prowess at unarmed combat to the expunging of all things evil from this world. Targets of choice vary from one to another, but they all have two things in common: adherence to their code and art, and the ability to channel evil-destroying energies with their hands.

    Most vindictive fists begin their lives as monks, living in relative simplicity while training to defend themselves with fist and foot. However, when they go out into the world, they find they need more from it and take the paladin's art as well, learning to combat the forces of evil using holy power. Some instead do the opposite, beginning as paladins and finding balance in the monk's art.

    BAB: +7
    Must be Lawful Good
    Must have Smite Evil, Turn Undead, and Ki Strike Class Features
    Must tattoo the holy symbol of their god onto both hands.
    Feat: Stunning Fist

    Class Skills
    The Vindictive Fist's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are....Balance (Dex), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Survival (Wis), Tumble (Dex)
    Skills Points at Each Level: 4 + int

    Hit Dice: d8

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

    |Monk Abilities, Mark of Vindication, Smite Evil +1/day, Holy Mark

    |Ki Turning

    | Smite Evil +1/Day

    |Ranged Ki Strike

    |Ki Smite, Smite Evil +1/Day

    |Greater Mark of Vindication

    |Flurry Smite, Smite Evil +1/day

    |Ranged Ki Smite

    |Smite Evil +1/day

    |Master Vindicator[/table]

    Weapon Proficiencies: Vindictive Fists gain no additional proficiency with weapons or armor.

    Monk Abilities
    Vindictive Fist levels stack with Monk levels for the purposes of determining their daily Stunning Fist usage, their unarmed strike damage, their unarmored AC bonus, and their movement speed bonus.

    Smite Evil
    Vindictive Fists gain an additional use of Smite Evil at every odd numbered level, as indicated on the table. Levels in Vindictive Fist stack with levels in any other class which grants Smite Evil for the purposes of extra damage dealt. Finally, the Vindictive Fist may use Wisdom in place of Charisma for Smite Evil, if doing so would be beneficial.

    Holy Mark
    The Vindictive Fist's hands, tattooed with the holy symbol of their god, count as a holy symbol and can be used as such whenever a holy symbol is called for. Their effective cleric level for Turn Undead is increased by 4, and their levels in Vindictive Fist stack with levels in any other class that grants Turn Undead for determining their effective cleric level.

    Mark of Vindication
    Once per day as a standard action, a Vindictive Fist may target a creature with this ability. If the creature is Evil, or if the creature has committed a terrible crime (murder or equivalently evil) in the last one week per hit dice of the creature, the Mark takes hold. If it has not, the Mark fails, but the usage is still expended.

    When attacking a Marked creature, the Vindictive Fist may add her Wisdom Bonus (if any) to all attack rolls. All critical threats are automatically confirmed. The save DC of all the Fist's spells and effects are increased by 2 for that target.

    At level 6, the Mark improves. Any ally within thirty feet of the Fist attacking the Marked creature may add the Vindictive Fist's Wisdom Bonus to all attack rolls, and automatically confirm critical threats.

    The Mark lasts for a number of rounds equal to class level plus Wisdom modifier, or until the target of the Mark dies.

    Ki Turning
    At level 2, the Vindictive Fist gains the ability to mix their Ki and their god's will when making turn attempts. This offers some additional options, which can be used together.

    Focused Energy: By restricting the flow of the energy, Vindictive Fists can channel more potent turns. If they restrict it to a semi-circle, they increase the maximum hit dice turned by 1. If the restrict it to a 90 degree cone, they increase the maximum hit dice turned by 2. They must declare this choice before rolling the turning check.

    Forceful Turning: By expending a Stunning Fist use along with a Turn Undead use, a Vindictive Fist may make a single melee attack against all targets which would be affected by the effect. This resolves as a touch attack, deals positive energy damage, and the Fist need not be able to reach the target. If the Fist uses this option, he does not gain the normal benefits of the turn.

    Smiting Turn:
    By expending a Smite Evil use along with a Turn Undead use, a Vindictive Fist may gain the normal benefits of the turn as well as dealing the extra Smiting damage he has based on level.

    Ranged Ki Strike:
    At level 4, the Vindictive Fist's combined mastery of the divine and ki allows him to make ranged attacks using only his fists and his mind. At his option, for any attack he may channel energy to a target. This works like a normal ranged attack, including provoking attacks of opportunity, but deals his unarmed strike damage. He may not normally use this ability in conjunction with any class ability or feat which designates a melee attack, but see Ranged Ki Smite, below.

    Ki Smite:
    Beginning at level 5, the Vindictive Fist combines his mastery of ki and his divine wrath at the Evil in the world. He may spend a Stunning Fist and a Smite Evil attempt together, gaining the effects of both, as well as the following benefits (provided the target is evil): if a target is normally immune to Stunning Fist, it must still save or suffer the effects of Stunning Fist. The save DC of Stunning Fist is increased by 2. The Smite Evil does additional damage equal to the Fist's character level, rather than his class levels in classes that grant Smite Evil. Critical hits automatically confirm.
    If the target is not evil, the Smite attempt is still used, and the Stunning Fist attempt works normally.

    Flurry Smite:
    Upon reaching level 7, the Vindictive Fist can hold the energy of a Smite Evil attempt, releasing it as he sees fit in a series of attacks. He may spend a daily usage of Smite Evil while making a full attack action, gaining the bonus to hit for all attacks in that action. At any attack during this action, after he knows whether or not it hits, he can choose to take the bonus damage from the Smite Evil attempt. If he reaches the last attack in his attack action, has hit at least once during it, and has not yet released the Smite Evil damage, he may forgo the last attack to automatically deal the bonus damage of the Smite Evil attempt.

    Ranged Ki Smite:
    When making a Ranged Ki Strike attack, a Vindictive Fist of at least level 8 may use Stunning Fist or Smite Evil, as well their Ki Smite ability.

    Master Vindicator:
    At level 10, Fist's the Mark of Vindication becomes even more powerful. The Fist automatically Smites the marked target, without spending any Smite Evil attempts. If the target is undead, its Turn Resistance is reduced by up to 4 (minimum 0). Save DCs are increased by +4 instead of +2.

    The also are able to determine whether a creature is evil or not by succeeding on a DC 25 Sense Motive check, as a free action. The can determine whether a creature has recently committed a heinous crime worthy of the Mark with a DC 30 Sense Motive check as a standard action.

    Brief description on how to play the class you are designing.
    Combat: Here's a section where you will describe common combat methods for your class. Remember to include information on how your class will use his powers in combat.
    Advancement: This is a section on different options and paths that the class can go down when they advance in power.
    Resources: What resources might a member of this PrC be able to draw on..

    A quote of somebody else talking about your class!

    A brief description of how your class is persevered in the world and how he interacts with the world.
    Daily Life: Some general information about the typical day in the life of your class.
    Notables: Make up some cool information about notable figures in the history of your class. It's best to give a little information from one of the good alignment and evil alignment (unless it's a good or evil only class).
    Organizations: Some information about organizations dedicated to the practice of your class and other organizations which members of your class will be attracted towards.

    NPC Reaction
    This is an in detail description of how NPC's would perceive your class and the immediate generalization that people would give of your class.

    This is a good place to provide a quick note on how your class will effect game play statistically.
    Adaptation: This is a place where you put in detail how people can adapt your class into their campaign setting.
    Encounters: This is a place to describe what sort of encounters PC's will have with NPC versions of your class.

    Sample Encounter
    Give an example of how one might encounter a member of this PrC.
    EL x: Give the encounter level and description of a sample member of this class and a stat block for him/her.

    Init +0, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
    AC , touch , flat-footed ()
    hp ( HD)
    Fort +, Ref +, Will +
    Speed ft. ( squares)
    Base Atk +, Grp +
    Atk Options
    Combat Gear
    Spells Prepared
    Supernatural Abilities
    Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha

    [color=maroon][size=5][b]PRESTIGE CLASS NAME [/b][/size][/color]

    [IMG]http://Picture URL[/img]

    [i]Quote of Some Kind by a member of the class! [/i]

    A general description of whatever the class is!

    [size=4][color=maroon]BECOMING A CLASS NAME [/color][/size]
    How you would normally become a member of this prestige class.


    [b][size=3][color=maroon]Class Skills[/color][/size][/b]
    The Class Name's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are....
    [b]Skills Points at Each Level: [/b]x + int

    [b]Hit Dice:[/b] dx

    {table=head][b]Level[/b]|[b]Base Attack Bonus[/b]|[b]Fort Save[/b]|[b]Ref Save[/b]|[b]Will Save[/b]|[b]Special[/b]

    1st|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    2nd|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    3rd|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    4th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    5th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    6th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    7th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    8th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    9th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    10th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability[/table]

    [b]Weapon Proficiencies[/b]: A place to put the different proficiencies.
    Put all the different class abilities in here!

    [color=maroon][size=4][b]PLAYING A CLASS NAME[/b][/size][/color]
    Brief description on how to play the class you are designing.
    [b]Combat:[/b] Here's a section where you will describe common combat methods for your class. Remember to include information on how your class will use his powers in combat.
    [b]Advancement:[/b] This is a section on different options and paths that the class can go down when they advance in power.
    [b]Resources:[/b] What resources might a member of this PrC be able to draw on..

    [size=4][color=maroon][b]CLASS NAME IN THE WORLD[/b][/color][/size]
    [i]A quote of somebody else talking about your class![/i]

    A brief description of how your class is persevered in the world and how he interacts with the world.
    [b]Daily Life:[/b] Some general information about the typical day in the life of your class.
    [b]Notables:[/b] Make up some cool information about notable figures in the history of your class. It's best to give a little information from one of the good alignment and evil alignment (unless it's a good or evil only class).
    [b]Organizations:[/b] Some information about organizations dedicated to the practice of your class and other organizations which members of your class will be attracted towards.

    [size=4][color=maroon][b]NPC Reaction[/b][/color][/size]
    This is an in detail description of how NPC's would perceive your class and the immediate generalization that people would give of your class.

    [color=maroon][size=4][b]CLASS NAME IN THE GAME[/b][/size][/color]
    This is a good place to provide a quick note on how your class will effect game play statistically.
    [b]Adaptation:[/b] This is a place where you put in detail how people can adapt your class into their campaign setting.
    [b]Encounters:[/b] This is a place to describe what sort of encounters PC's will have with NPC versions of your class.

    [size=4][color=maroon][b]Sample Encounter[/b][/color][/size]
    Give an example of how one might encounter a member of this PrC.
    [b]EL x:[/b] Give the encounter level and description of a sample member of this class and a stat block for him/her.

    [b]Init[/b] +0, [b]Senses[/b]: Listen +, Spot +,
    [b]AC[/b] , touch , flat-footed ()
    [b]hp[/b] ( HD)
    [b]Fort[/b] +, [b]Ref[/b] +, [b]Will[/b] +
    [b]Speed[/b] ft. ( squares)
    [b]Base Atk[/b] +, [b]Grp[/b] +
    [b]Atk Options[/b]
    [b]Combat Gear[/b]
    [b]Spells Prepared[/b]
    [b]Supernatural Abilities[/b]
    [b]Abilities[/b] Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha

    Last edited by MoleMage; 2012-01-31 at 01:19 AM.
    Currently operating the 5e Subclass Contest and the 5e Base Class Contest. Check them out if even just to vote or give feedback, we love that in there.


    My DMsGuild content. Most of it was written with feedback from right here on the forums.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Ogre in the Playground
    Hazzardevil's Avatar

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    What's this planet again?

    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest XXXII: Hybrid Theory III

    The Commissar of the Emperor

    I didn't give you permission to die coward! On your feet!
    Commissar Yarrick, during the first war of Armageddon

    Humans have the astounding ability to be inspired to fight beyond any normal limits, however there are limits to how this can be accomplished.
    The Commissar however, surpasses these limits by scaring his men while inspiring them. A quick execution of cowards does wonders for morale in the heat of battle.

    A commisar is is generally appointed after having extensive experiance in the battlefield and shown the ability to lead large numbers of men against the enemy.

    Skills: Intimidate 8 ranks, Perform (Oratory) 8 ranks
    Feats: Intimidating Strike (PHB2)
    Auras: Must be able to project a minor aura and a major aura
    Special: Must be able to use Inspire courage 2/day and must be able to grant a move action 1/day

    Class Skills
    The Class Name's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are
    Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (None), Spellcraft (Int), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
    Skills Points at Each Level: 6 + int mod

    Hit Dice: d10

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Auras and Spells

    |Drill Sergeant|+1 level of Auras and +1 level of existing bard casting

    |Intimidating Shot|+1 level of Auras and +1 level of existing bard casting

    |Fear me, not the enemy|+1 level of Auras and +1 level of existing bard casting

    |Fear is better than persuasion|+1 level of Auras and +1 level of existing bard casting

    |An example to you all|+1 level of Auras and +1 level of existing bard casting

    |It is better to be feared by everyone than no-one|+1 level of Auras and +1 level of existing bard casting

    |Fear is better than persuasion|+1 level of Auras and +1 level of existing bard casting

    |Preparations against Poison|+1 level of Auras and +1 level of existing bard casting

    |It is better to be feared by everyone than no-one|+1 level of Auras and +1 level of existing bard casting

    |Fear is better than persuasion, On your feet coward!|+1 level of Auras and +1 level of existing bard casting[/table]

    Weapon Proficiencies: A Commissar is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and any one-handed ranged weapons. (This does not include throwing weapons) They are also proficient with light and medium armour and All shields (except tower shields)

    Drill Sergeant (Ex)
    At 1st level a Commissar learns that the best way to lead is through fear.
    When a Commissar uses inspire courage, he may make a ranged attack roll on an ally (This attack does not provoke an AoO). This attack will automatically deal the lowest possible outcome for damage and if it hits, the damage dealt will be added to the bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls and saves made against fears made by allies.

    The bonus on fear saves is not added on saves against fear caused by the Commissar.

    Intimating shot (Ex)
    At second level you may apply an intimidating strike to your ranged attacks.

    Fear me, not the enemy (3rd level): when you succede on a intimadate check against a enemy, any allies in LoS gain a 5+ morale bonus to will saves aganist enemy fear and mind-effecting abilty.

    Fear is better than persuasion: (Ex) At 4th level and every 3 levels after, a Commissar may use a use of bardic music and make a perform (oratory) check and an intimidate check.
    If the result of the intimidate check is higher you may use one of the following effects depending on level.
    4th: You may add half your Commissar level to your inspire courage bonus
    7th: You may either double your inspire courage or half your Commissar level to your inspire courage bonus.
    10th: You may double your inspire courage bonus and add half your commissar level to it. Half your Commissar level is not doubled.

    Preparations against Poison (Ex)
    A level 8 Commissar has either learned from experience or being told, that a scary and abusive general doesn't live long when poison is easily acquired from the black market, and the easiest way to deal with this is to take deadly poisons in small doses regularly, and you have now done it often enough to become immune to all ingested poisons. Ingested poisons are poisons placed in either food or drink. This will not make you immune to poisons when something with poison dripping from its fangs decides to insert your arm inside its mouth.

    An example to you all (Ex)
    As a full-round action a level 5 Commissar can make an ally within reach/1 range incriment dies. Make an Intimidate check, 1/6th of the result is added to allies within Line of Sights attack rolls, damage rolls and Armour Class.

    A spell and Aura, combined to scare them ****less (Su)
    At level 6, a Commissar has found a way to weave their spell into an aura, for a brief surge of power that will make enemies inside their aura sickened for the round (Fort Neg) DC: Commissar level + Cha Mod + Aura Bonus At levl 8, this ability becomes more powerful and an Aura this ability is used with has its bonsu increased by 2 until the end of your next round. This ability is used as a swift action.

    On your feet coward! (Ex)
    At 10th level a Commissar learns his most powerful ability in war.If an ally is dropped, make an intimidate check as a free action. If your result is higher then the damage dealt to the ally they survive with 1HP

    You are a scary man in a scary place, yelling at troops as they mill around trying to kill each other, scaring both your own men and the enemy's until you go out in a blaze of glory doing something heroic.

    Combat: You will likely spend combat using Intimidating strike and your other buffing abilities to make nearby allies more effective at fighting or to boost your own actions, making it more efficient to strike fear into your enemies until they are dropping everything and running, like any sane person should do when fighting you.
    Advancement: When a Commissar has finished their progression through this prestige class, it is quite likely they will either go back to bard or a casting progressing prestige class, because their casting is a potent asset at this point.
    Resources: A Commissar is generally affiliated with a countries military, often giving him extensive access to foot soldiers to power his class features, allowing

    "Now that Commissar is very scary, he will shoot you if you run away, desert or say anything that could be considered treason, in fact he could shoot me right now for saying..."
    "Heresy!" [BLAM]
    A soldier in the first war of armageddon before being shot by Commissar Yarrick.

    Commissar in the world.
    Daily Life: In the daily life of a Commissar, he is taking part in battles
    Notables: Make up some cool information about notable figures in the history of your class. It's best to give a little information from one of the good alignment and evil alignment (unless it's a good or evil only class).
    Organizations: Some information about organizations dedicated to the practice of your class and other organizations which members of your class will be attracted towards.

    NPC Reaction
    This is an in detail description of how NPC's would perceive your class and the immediate generalization that people would give of your class.

    A Commissar is a very powerful class, most suited for a boss fight where the party fight a Powerful villain that could be an underworld crime lord or a general of an invading army, where the players must contend with fear effects and a group of mooks, most likely armed with light or heavy crossbows, whatever the army can afford to give out to their mooks.
    Adaptation: This prestige class could easily be adapted to work for dragon shamans or dragon lords attempting to enter this prestige class, perhaps for people serving dragons in Eberron, or a Xoorvintal Dragons Exarch, this class can be changed slightly to work for a leader of any group with some flexible thinking.
    Encounters: The party will face this class towards the end of a dungeon or series of encounters, because this class is not suitable for normal play when used by PC's, although when the PC's face this, it is likely they will want to try one for themselves if being in charge of NPC's and abusing them appeals to the group.

    Sample Encounter
    Give an example of how one might encounter a member of this PrC.
    EL x: Give the encounter level and description of a sample member of this class and a stat block for him/her.

    Commisar Yarrick
    Init +0, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
    AC , touch , flat-footed ()
    hp ( HD)
    Fort +, Ref +, Will +
    Speed ft. ( squares)
    Base Atk +, Grp +
    Atk Options
    Combat Gear
    Spells Prepared
    Supernatural Abilities
    Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha
    Possessions Mighty Arms Graft[/SPOILER]
    Last edited by Hazzardevil; 2012-02-18 at 07:12 PM.
    My extended signature.
    Thanks to the wonderful Ceika for my signature.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chained Birds View Post
    Just one of those guys vs girls things. Guys like giant, fighting robots that shoot lazerz out their eyes while girls like pretty jewelry that sparkle in the moonlight after having a romantic interlude with a charming gentleman.

    Completely sexist, yes! Completely true, pretty much...
    I have Steam cards and other stuff! I am selling/trading them.

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest XXXII: Hybrid Theory III

    Sower of Strangeness

    "Life is a constant struggle to improve one's self. I have made it my duty in life to give of myself that I might help others improve. I shall accomplish this duty, no matter how they beg me not to, for their resistance is due to a lack of enlightenment."
    -The Midnight Doctor

    Many xenoalchemists work to better others through their craft. They frequently work hard to find better materials for usage. Some however find themselves in the unlikely position of being one of the best materials available. If they so desire to take this abnormality and share it with others, one path open to them is becoming a sower of strangeness. Sowers for whatever reason work to spread seeds of themselves and their strangeness wherever they go, though their reasons for doing so may vary wildly.

    Becoming a Sower of Strangeness
    Usually one becomes a sower of strangeness if they possess a changeable body, skill with xenoalchemy, and a desire to share their nature with others.

    Feat: Massive Pain Tolerance†
    Skills: Heal 8 ranks, Knowledge (dungeoneering) 8 ranks.
    Special: Bedside Manner class feature†, Feature (Mouth) class feature‡.
    Xenoalchemy: Must be able to attach 1st level grafts†.
    † From the Xenoalchemist base class by Kellus
    ‡ From the Ozodrin base class by Owrtho

    Class Skills
    The Sower's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (all) (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Knowledge (the Planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Cha), Speak Language (n/a), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Use Rope (Dex).

    Skills Points at Each Level: 6 + int

    Hit Dice: d6

    Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special Xenoalchemy
    Form Points, Seed of Strangeness +1 level of existing grafting class
    Features, Stranger Seeds +1 level of existing grafting class
    Strange Bonds +1 level of existing grafting class
    +1 level of existing grafting class
    +1 level of existing grafting class
    Implant Seed +1 level of existing grafting class
    +1 level of existing grafting class
    Aberrant Nature +1 level of existing grafting class
    +1 level of existing grafting class
    Seed the Land +1 level of existing grafting class

    Weapon Proficiencies: A sower of strangeness gains no new weapon or armor proficiencies.

    Xenoalchemy: At every level you add +1 to your xenoalchemy level from one existing class of your choice that you have levels in. This increases your effective xenoalchemist level for the benefits of grafts as well as the level of graft you can achieve. This does not provide you with any other benefit a member of your previous class would have received, such as class features, skill points, spellcasting, or hit points.

    Form Points (Ex): A sower of strangeness gains a number of form points equal to its class level. In addition to these, it gains a number of form points that may only be used for making seeds of strangeness equal to four times its class level.

    Seed of Strangeness (Ex): Sowers of strangeness have learned to bud off portions of themselves that may be grafted onto others providing select attributes the sower itself could assume. To form a seed, a sower of strangeness must select a single feature along with any augments for it, and expend the form points necessary to form that feature. At that point the sower must take 2d6 points of damage, half of which is non-lethal, per 10 form points the seed cost, and one point of constitution damage to separate the seed. The seed is treated as a level one graft so long as the feature and augments cost 15 form points or less, and the recipient gains whatever traits the feature would grant. Each 15 form point increment increases the graft level of the seed by 1. A sower may not form a seed that is of too high a graft level for it to graft. For abilities that have a DC based on ozodrin level, use the sower's level from when the seed was made. Features granted by seeds are always manifested. Form points spent making a seed are regained at a rate of one per day starting a week after the seed is grafted to another being (specialized form points are regained first). Unlike normally harvested grafts, seeds do not begin to decay unless the sower who produced it has died. Seeds of strangeness may be grafted to any body slot. Making a seed of strangeness is a full-round action. A sower of strangeness gains no benefits from seeds of strangeness it made grafted to itself (though all form points spent on that seed are immediately recovered if they have not already been recovered).

    Note: If a seed is used to grant a stomach feature, it may only be accessed by the creature if it also has a seed granting it a mouth. Mouth features do not grant the devour ability or the swallow whole ability. If a spawn feature is added to a seed, when the spawn separates, the damage and penalties are applied to the host of the graft. Similarly puppets or stomachs dealt damage will cause the damage to go to the host rather than the sower of strangeness who made the seed.

    Features (Ex): Sower of strangeness levels after the first stack with ozodrin levels for determining what features and augments the sower has access too. They also count toward the Unearthly Power ozodrin ability.

    Stranger Seeds (Ex): Starting at second level, a sower of strangeness gains the ability to adjust the normal traits of seeds they make to imbue more of their nature into the recipient. Multiple of the following augments may be applied to seeds, though the additional costs stack. Unless otherwise noted, increases in form point cost do not count toward the form points counted for dealing damage to the sower when the seed is made, nor do they count toward a seeds form point pool (see changing seed below). Some of the augments increase the graft level by half a level. If there is still a half level once all augments are added, round up.

    General Description
    Sower Level: Minimum sower of strangeness level required to use.
    Form Points: Change form point cost.
    Graft Level: Change to the graft level of the seed.

    Rife Seed
    This seed provides more than a single feature.
    Sower Level: 2
    Form Points: +5
    Graft Level: 0
    This allows the seed to provide an additional feature. Form point cost for the additional feature must still be paid for separately. This may be added multiple times to the same seed, the effects stack.

    Stifled Seed
    You may suppress or cause to manifest the features of this seed for the host when touching them.
    Sower Level: 2
    Form Points: +2
    Graft Level: 0
    As a move action, the sower who made the seed may touch the host if close enough and choose to suppress the features granted by the seed of strangeness or cause them to manifest. If already touching the host, only a swift action is required. Multiple seeds may be effected by a single action, so long as they are all being made to manifest or being suppressed. This acts as an ozodrin entering its worldly guise in that the features granted seem to vanish, though there is still a visible abnormality of some sort where the graft is located. These abnormalities may be treated as distinctive scars or similar marks for disguise purposes. When the features are made to manifest, they do not cause the fear effect of an ozodrin manifesting its true nature.

    Malleable Seed
    This features of this seed may be changed when the sower touches the host.
    Sower Level: 3
    Form Points: +X
    Graft Level:
    In addition to the form points spent on the default feature this seed grants, you may pay an additional 2 form points per other feature type the seed may assume, as well as 1 per additional augment it may have applied (note, only features and augments that the sower itself has access to may be selected). The form points put into the starting feature become a form point pool (for which the sower may choose to grant unassigned form points when making the seed). As a move action, the sower who made the seed may touch the host if close enough and reassign the form points of the seed among available features and augments (those to which points were assigned when making the seed or for which the extra cost was paid).
    Note, assigning form points to multiple features still requires the rife seed augment. Also if all form points granted by the seed are assigned to nothing, there is still a mark as with when the features are suppressed by the stifled or quelled seed augments.

    Quelled Seed
    This features of this seed may be suppressed as if the host were an ozodrin.
    Sower Level: 3
    Form Points: +2
    Graft Level:
    As a move action, the host may choose to suppress the features granted by the seed of strangeness or cause them to manifest. Multiple seeds may be effected by a single action, so long as they are all being made to manifest or being suppressed. This acts as an ozodrin entering its worldly guise in that the features granted seem to vanish, though there is still a visible abnormality of some sort where the graft is located. These abnormalities may be treated as distinctive scars or similar marks for disguise purposes. When the features are made to manifest, they do not cause the fear effect of an ozodrin manifesting its true nature.
    Note, the sower may still suppress or the features or cause them to manifest as with the stifled seed augment.

    Disturbing Seed
    This seed can emulate the effects disturbing qualities of an ozodrin manifesting its true nature.
    Sower Level: 4
    Form Points: +3
    Graft Level: 0
    When the features granted by this seed are made to manifest as with the stifled or quelled seed augments, it all creatures possessing a line of sight the host that the host doesn't choose to exclude must make a Will save (DC 10 + half combine graft level or all seeds with this augment having their features manifested at this time rounded up) or become shaken for one minute or until the end of the encounter, whichever comes last. Creatures that succeed on this saving throw are immune to this effect when used by that particular host for 24 hours. Note that the sower of strangeness who made the seed is always immune.

    Sustaining Seed
    This seed may help to keep the host alive.
    Sower Level: 4
    Form Points: +4
    Graft Level: 0
    A number of times per day equal to 1 + half the seeds graft level (rounded down), the life within the seed may allow it to automatically make the host stabilize if brought below 0 hit points.

    Versatile Seed
    This features of this seed may be changed by the host.
    Sower Level: 4
    Form Points: +X
    Graft Level: +1
    This acts as the malleable seed augment with the addition that the host of the seed may also adjust the form point assignment as a standard action. However, doing so requires that the features either be suppressed, as with the stifled or quelled seed augments, or that the host first assign all the form points to nothing, then spend another standard action to reassign them to something different.

    Vivacity Seed
    This seed further increases the hosts lifespan.
    Sower Level: 5
    Form Points: +4
    Graft Level: 0
    Multiply the increased to the host's age categories granted by this seed by its graft level. Further, if the host has a combine graft level of seeds with this augment greater than or equal to 20, the hosts type changes to aberration, and it ceases to age. It may still count as its original type for the purposes of qualifying for feats, PRCs, etc. as well as abilities it possesses. If it was not already an aberration, it gains 60 feet of darkvision.

    Embedding Seed
    This seed will embed in the host and attach its self, allowing it to be used with the implant seed ability.
    Sower Level: 5
    Form Points: +3
    Graft Level: +1
    This seed may be used with the implant seed ability. Once implanted, this seed takes 1d3 minutes + half a minute per graft level to fully connect to the host and become grafted to them. Due to fluids secreted by the seed while it connects to the host, they are unable to feel or otherwise sense its presence as a part of them for a number of days equal to its graft level. This does not prevent them from making use of it if they are aware it is there. If grafted normally, it only requires 1 minutes of operation time attaching it to the host before it will be treated as implanted and take the above mentioned time to connect to the host.

    Entwining Seed
    This seed is more closely linked to you than others seeds.
    Sower Level: 6
    Form Points: +10
    Graft Level:
    For strange bond abilities, treat this seeds graft level as being twice its actual level. Additionally, treat the host of this seed as being 5 feet closer per graft level to the sower of strangeness who made the seed for the purposes of the persistent contiguity bond. If multiple seeds with this ability are grafted to the same host, the increase in closeness to the sower stacks.

    Revitalizing Seed
    The life in this seed may give of its self to prevent the death of the host.
    Sower Level: 7
    Form Points: +15
    Graft Level: +1½
    If the host of this seed would be killed by any means, their hp is instead reduced to 5 * the combine craft level of all seeds with this augment, or half the hosts maximum hp (whichever is less. This may cause the hosts current hp to be increased). However, after this occurs, the vitality of the seed is so greatly drained it goes dormant and ceases to function for a week. During this time no abilities of the seed may be used, and the only strange bonds that functions in relation to the seed is the sense seeds bond. If multiple seeds with this augment are grafted to the same host, they all go dormant the first time the host would die, rather than being able to have this ability staggered among multiple deaths. This ability may not function again until the seed recovers.

    Consuming Seed
    This seed may grant its host the ability to swallow other creatures.
    Sower Level: 8
    Form Points: +10
    Graft Level: +2
    If the host of this seed has both a stomach feature and a mouth feature granted by seeds of strangeness grafted to them, they gain a swallow whole ability. This swallow whole ability acts like that granted by ozodrin class levels, and may only be used with mouths granted by seeds of strangeness. Creatures swallowed end up in the stomach feature granted by seeds of strangeness. If more than one such stomach exists, the stomach a mouth leads to is determined upon its formation by the one making the feature, or when this seed or the one granting the mouth feature is grafted on.

    Surrogate Seed
    This seed may provide the host with abilities that let it act in the stead of the sower of strangeness.
    Sower Level: 8
    Form Points: +25
    Graft Level: +2
    This seed carries more of the sower's essence than other seeds. It gains 20 additional form points that may be applied to features and augments for those features and do not count toward increasing the seed's graft level. This increased essence however grants the host an improved resilience against strange bond abilities. The host gains a bonus equal to the seeds graft level in all save to resist strange bond abilities. Additionally, if the host has at least 5 seeds of strangeness made by the sower of strangeness who made this seed grafted to them, at least 4 of which must have this augment it gains the following abilities. The host may act as the sower of strangeness for the purposes of stifled, malleable, quelled or versatile seeds. This does not make the host count as the sower of strangeness for the persistent contiguity bond, thus to make use of this ability on hosts other than itself, it must be touching them. A host with this traits may be referred to as a surrogate.

    Binding Seed
    This seed provides a surrogate with some of the strange bonds of the sower of strangeness.
    Sower Level: 9
    Form Points: +10
    Graft Level: +1
    This augment only grants benefits to the host if the host is a surrogate. The surrogate gains access to strange bonds as if a sower of strangeness of a level equal to the combine graft levels of seeds with this augment (this may not exceed the level -1 of the sower of strangeness who made the seeds). However, treat the graft levels of other hosts as half what they are for determining DCs and durations when bond abilities are used by the surrogate. Further, the range of the persistent contiguity ability is equal to the combine graft level of all seeds grafted to the surrogate made by the sower of strangeness who made the seeds making it a surrogate feet rounded up to the nearest 5 foot increment, while the sense seeds bond only functions within 3 times that range.

    Coupled Seed
    This seed grants the ability to link stomach features of its host to those of another.
    Sower Level: 10
    Form Points: +15
    Graft Level: +1
    If the host of this seed is benefiting from a consuming seed, and also has mouth feature inside at least one of its stomachs, it gains the following effect. Rather than mouths in the stomach features of the host needing to link to other stomachs that host possesses, they may instead be linked to those of another host who has a seed with this augment grafted to them and is benefiting from its effect. The link to the other host is established in the same way that connections to multiple possible stomachs are established. However, for the link to function, both hosts must have mouths attempting to link to each other. If one is not presently linked to the other, or otherwise has the mouth feature needed to do so unavailable, the remaining one has the mouths link back into the same stomach until such a time as the other host is again linked to them. A host may only be linked in this way to a number of other hosts equal to the number of seeds with this augment it has grafted to it. The sower of strangeness who made this seed may also choose to link a mouth in its stomach to the stomachs of this seed's host.

    Impartible Seed
    This seed grants a surrogate the ability to produce seeds of strangeness and graft them to others.
    Sower Level: 10
    Form Points: +20
    Graft Level: +3
    This augment only grants benefits to the host if the host is a surrogate. The surrogate gains the a number of specialized form points that may only be spent on making seeds of strangeness equal to twice the combine graft levels of all seeds grafted to it which were made by the same sower of strangeness that made the seeds making the surrogate a surrogate. It also gains the ability to make seeds of strangeness as a level 1 sower of strangeness. It is treated as being able to graft level 1 grafts though may only use this for grafting seeds of strangeness made by itself or the sower of strangeness that made the seeds making the it a surrogate. When making seeds of strangeness, it only has access to features and augments granted to it by seeds grafted to it (or available if it has malleable or versatile seeds). For the DCs of features that would normally be based on ozodrin level, use the level the sower had when this seed was made -1. If the combine graft levels of all seeds grafted to it which were made by the same sower of strangeness that made the seeds making the surrogate a surrogate is greater than 20, treat the surrogate as a second level sower with access to the applicable stranger seed augments. If it is greater than 40, treat the surrogate as a third level sower and capable of grafting 2nd level grafts (it still may only graft seeds from the same sources as before, and this does not grant it strange bonds). Seeds made by the surrogate count as seeds made by the sower of strangeness that made the seeds making the surrogate a surrogate.

    Strange Bonds (Ex): Even separated, the seeds are still a part of the sower of strangeness. As the sower increases in power, the effects of this increase. These abilities apply to seeds made before the ability was gained as well as those made after. Bonds that copy the effects of spells are supernatural abilities rather than extraordinary.
    Shared Longevity
    Level: 3
    The host benefits from the life inside of the seed. The host of the seed has the length of each of their age categories increased by a number of years equal to the sower's class level. Increases from multiple seeds stack. This can not cause the host to regress to an earlier age category. If the seed is later removed, subtract the number of years they had the seed grafted to them in their current age category or the number of years it added to their current age category from their age (whichever is less. If they entered a new age category, treat them as having entered it from the normal age they would have entered it before doing the subtraction) for the purpose of determining their age category and how long they have left to live.

    Sense Seeds
    Level: 4
    The locations of seeds may be sensed by the sower of strangeness. At all times the sower of strangeness may determine the distance and direction of all seeds it has made relative to itself. If the sower of strangeness has the flesh calls to flesh feat, it gains this ability at level 1. If the seed is on a different plane, the sower instead is able to sense what plane the seed is on, though not its location (this does not grant knowledge about the plane other than which seeds are on it. Further information about the plane such as its name must be gained through other methods).

    Weird Whispers
    Level: 4
    The sower of strangeness may attempt to communicate with the hosts of seeds it has made. For a number of minutes each day equal to twice the combine number of graft levels of all seeds a host has, the sower of strangeness may attempt to speak to that host through the seeds. These minutes need not be spent consecutively, and the communication is only one way. The messages are heard as if in the hosts own mind, and the origin is not automatically made apparent, though the host may learn to recognize the source.

    Shared Senses
    Level: 5
    The sower's ability to sense its seeds has further increased. Starting at fifth level it may choose to sense things that features granted by seeds it has made can sense. In most cases this is a sense of touch, though depending on the feature may also be a sense of sight, hearing, smell, or taste. The sower may selectively choose which seeds to use this ability on, though always gains all applicable senses. Activating or deactivating this ability for any seeds is a free action. If the sower of strangeness has the flesh calls to flesh feat, it gains this ability at level 4.

    Uncanny Urges
    Level: 5
    The sower's ability to speak with hosts of its seeds has increased to an ability to influence them. At fifth level, once per day the sower of strangeness may affect the host of one or more of its seeds as if with the suggestion spell. This requires a full round action, and has a Will save with a DC of 10 + the combine graft level of seeds made by the sower that have been grafted to the host. Unlike the suggestion spell, this ability has no range limit and requires no components (though the suggestion must still be appropriately worded, and is placed directly in the mind of the host). The duration of this ability is equal to 1 hour per graft level of all seeds grafted to the host or until completed. Multiple seeds grafted to the host do not grant additional uses of this ability. At level 10 an additional daily usage of this ability is gained.

    Persistent Contiguity
    Level: 6
    The bond with its seeds has grown, allowing the sower to act as if in contact with them or the host even when it isn't. So long as the sower is within 30 feet of the host, it may act as if touching them for the purposes of the stifled, malleable, quelled or versatile seed augments. This range increases by 30 feet each level after 6th.

    Curious Conference
    Level: 7
    The bond of the seed has grown such that the sower of seeds may hear the hosts thoughts when the host so desires it. For a number of minutes each day equal to the combine number of graft levels of all seeds a host has, the host may convey its thoughts to the sower of strangeness. These minutes need not be spent consecutively, and the communication is only one way (though the sower may choose to make use of the weird whispers bond to respond). When the host makes use of this ability, the sower is always aware of specifically which seed, and therefore which host is communicating with it. If it so chooses, the sower may tune the host out as a free action, preventing the host from using this ability, though the host has no way of knowing if this is occurring.

    Ominous Overhearing
    Level: 8
    The bond has grown to the point the sower may forcefully listen to the thoughts of those that host its seeds. For a number of minutes each day equal to the combine number of graft levels of all seeds a host has, the sower of strangeness may listen to the surface thoughts of the host. These minutes need not be spent consecutively.

    Preternatural Predomination
    Level: 9
    The bond has become so strong the sower of strangeness may exert a degree of control over the features granted by seeds of strangeness it has made. A number of times per day equal to half the graft level of the seed (rounded down minimum 1), the sower may cause the features granted by the seed to perform an action. This requires the sower expend the appropriate action itself, and does not use an action of the host of the seed. The sower of strangeness may not use this for full round actions. The host of the seed may attempt to resist this by making a will save with a DC equal to 10 + twice the combine graft level of all seeds grafted to the host. This ability automatically works if the host is mindless.
    In the case of puppets, spawn (when separated), or other such features that gain actions off their own, you may instead spend a move action to attempt gaining control of it for the turn. In this case you gave access to its normal allotment of actions, and the host loses the ability to control it until the start of your next turn.

    Inscrutable Impetus
    Level: 10
    This acts as the uncanny urges ability but mimicking the [i]dominate monsteri/i] spell instead of the suggestion spell. It may only be used once every two days on a given host.

    Implant Seed (Ex): At fifth level, the sower of strangeness become able to more quickly spread its seeds among others. Upon grappling a creature and successfully making use of the devour ability, the sower may choose to forgo the normal effects devour and instead use the implant ability. At this point the sower of strangeness must spend the remainder of its turn making a seed with the Embedding Seed augment, as well as a full round action on its next turn. After this the seed is successfully implanted and will continue to connect to the new host on its own (see the Embedding Seed augment for details).

    Aberrant Nature (Ex): If it does not already have it, the sower of strangeness gains the ozodrin ability of the same name upon reaching level 8.

    Seed the Land (Ex): Eventually, sowers of strangeness become able to spread their peculiarity to the land itself. When making a seed of strangeness, the sower may choose to make it capable of being grafted to inanimate objects and plants. Doing so requires 10 form points more than normal be used, and makes the seed count as being two levels higher for the purposes of being able to making it, though it remains its actual level for all other purposes. Seeds made this way may be grafted to any inanimate object or plant, in addition to normally viable hosts. While the seed will remain living if on an inanimate host, it does not grant the host any degree of animation for being able to control it. The sower of strangeness may still use Strange Bonds with the seed, though ones that effect the host have no effect due to the hosts lack of a mind. Similarly, any seed augments that allow the sower to effect the state of the seed continue to function. When features of a seed like this are manifested, they may be attacked. Treat them as having hp equal to 15 times the graft level, and AC equal to 10 + the graft level (other bonuses due to the features may increase this). If multiple such seeds are attached to the same object, they do not count as having the same host.

    Playing a Sower of Strangeness
    You make others more like you, granting them abilities and attacks they may make use of. You also may use this to subjugate your foes, or make them serve your own ends.
    Combat: Combat tends to go much like if you were playing a normal ozodrin. Most of the features of this class would go into improving your allies ahead of the fight. Still you may use your abilities to make others serve your will and aid you in combat. You may also use your implant seed ability and leave enemies alive that they may serve you later.
    Advancement: Sowers of strangeness tend to spread their 'gift' amount many individuals. They may however focus more on improving their allies, or subjugating their enemies.
    Resources: While sowers of strangeness tend to have few groups that will help and aid them, their manner of usually spreading their 'gift' amongst the population of places they've been gives them a pool of people they can draw on for help or information, weather the individuals want to grant aid or not.

    Sowers of Strangeness in the World
    'ware the woods. Men go in normal and come out strange, all kinds of unnatural things growing out of them. Worst part is, many seem to think it a boon

    Sowers of strangeness often occur on their own as isolated incidents. Due to their nature they do not need training or similar from other sowers.
    Daily Life: You wake up, possibly try spreading some more of your seeds among new hosts or improving existing ones. You may work to protect your hosts from those that consider you and them abominations. Your work is after all done for their betterment.
    Notables: The Midnight Doctor was a sower of strangeness known for going to towns and implanting his seeds in the population while the slept. Needless to say many were less than pleased, though he oddly was never run out of town, and always left of his own accord once he considered his work done. The Shadow of the Black Forest on the other hand seemed to seek improvement of what was once a pleasant and safe forest an hours ride from a quaint town. Due to his work it came to be considered a dangerous place where abominations roamed and men might emerge something else. It is said nothing in there is incapable of killing a normal man with ease, not even things like squirrels.
    Organizations: While few organizations will associate with a sower of strangeness if they know what they are, the sowers have a way of making their own as the travel. That said, there are some groups that see the talents of a sower as a tool to be exploited and will seek out their services.

    NPC Reaction
    NPCs tend to be of one of two minds about sowers of strangeness. They usually either consider them abominations and monsters that must be stopped, or beings of change to aspire to and serve. Most of the later category are hosts to a sowers seeds, though there are some that would actively seek a sower out in hopes of becoming a host. There is however also a smaller category that would consider a sower of strangeness an abomination, but a useful one that can be exploited.

    Sowers of Strangeness in the Game
    This is a good place to provide a quick note on how your class will effect game play statistically.
    Adaptation: Sowers of strangeness can fit well in any game an ozodrin would fit in so long as an ability to spread such traits isn't out of bounds. That said they likely fit best as leaders of groups, likely evil ones in a more traditional game.
    Encounters: An NPC sower of strangeness will likely never be encountered without the ability to call on allies, if only due to their ability to convert anyone into someone who will help them if a high enough level. That said, signs to look for of a sower of strangeness are odd similar markings showing up on people, or more obviously unnatural features.

    Peculiar Palaver (Aberrant)
    You may mentally communicate with hosts of your seeds longer.
    Prerequisite: Aberrant Blood, Strange Bonds (Weird Whispers)
    Benefit: You gain twice the daily alotment of minutes to use the Strange Bonds Weird Whispers, Curious Conference, and Ominous Overhearing.
    Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Boosts to the limit stack, but if take twice becomes 3 times normal, tree times becomes 4 times normal, etc. This feat may also be taken by a Surrogate with a Binding Seed grafted to them if they have access to the Weird Whispers strange bond.

    Last edited by Owrtho; 2014-04-29 at 09:15 PM. Reason: Updating table code
    Want them to look nice? Have a guide

    My Homebrew
    [creature]Shiny: Monster Competition XXXVI entry.
    [class]Wisp fire guide: Follow me. I have such sights to show you.
    [class]Ozodrin: A class to play as an eldritch horror.
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest XXXII: Hybrid Theory III


    Feel the full power of my pact when combined with soul energy !

    There exist in the world multiple form of power and multiple way to access those power, from well know magic, to truenaming and including psionic power. Among those source of power exist two that are quite different but also by some aspect quite similar. Incarnum use the power of souls, the one of the user and the free floating soul energy of the world. Eldritch pact on the other hand is a power that come from an outside source, most often demon, devil or fey, but this power come from the soul of those being even if indirectly. Those that can access both source of power may after careful study and experimentation may succeed in combining them, using one to increase the power of the other or vice-versa. They are Eldritch Soul.

    Eldritch Soul are almost always warlock and incarnate, a few occasionally have level in other class in addition to those to compliment their fighting style but that's all.

    Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 9 ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 9 ranks
    Meldshaping: Must be able to shape at least three soulmelds and able to bind at least one to a chakra
    Invocations: Must know at least two invocations, one of which must be Drain IncarnumMoI p107
    Special: Must have the ability to use an eldritch blast dealing at least 2d6 points of damage
    Special: Incarnum Radiance class ability

    Class Skills
    The Eldritch Soul's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int)
    Skills Points at Each Level: 2 + int

    Hit Dice: d6

    Base Attack Bonus
    Fort Save
    Ref Save
    Will Save

    |Soul Blast (1/day), Pact and Incarnum Synergy|+1 level of existing class level|+1 level of existing class level

    |Chakra bind (crown, feet, hand)|+1 level of existing class level|+1 level of existing class level

    ||+1 level of existing class level|+1 level of existing class level

    |Chakra Blast|+1 level of existing class level|+1 level of existing class level

    |Eldritch Weapon|+1 level of existing class level|+1 level of existing class level

    |Chakra bind (arms, brow, shoulder)|+1 level of existing class level|+1 level of existing class level

    |Eldritch Bind|+1 level of existing class level|+1 level of existing class level

    ||+1 level of existing class level|+1 level of existing class level

    |Eldritch Exchange|+1 level of existing class level|+1 level of existing class level

    |Chakra bind (throat, waist)|+1 level of existing class level|+1 level of existing class level

    |Essentia Flux|+1 level of existing class level|+1 level of existing class level

    |Invocation Sacrifice|+1 level of existing class level|+1 level of existing class level

    ||+1 level of existing class level|+1 level of existing class level

    |Soul Blast (at will), Energy Being|+1 level of existing class level|+1 level of existing class level

    Weapon Proficiencies: An Eldritch Soul gain no new proficiency with any weapon or armor.

    Invocation: At each Eldritch Soul level, you gain new invocations known and an increase in caster level as if you had also gained a level in an invocation using class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. (This includes eldritch blast) You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one invocation-using class before becoming an Eldritch Soul, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining caster level and invocations known.

    Meldshaping: At each Eldritch Soul level, you increase your meldshaper level, the number of soulmelds you can shape, the number of chakra binds you can create, and your essentia pool as if you had gained a level in the meldshaping class to which you belonged prior to gaining the Eldritch Soul level. You do not, however, gain any other abilities of that class, such as new tiers of chakra binds. If you had more than one meldshaping class before becoming a Eldritch Soul, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining your essentia pool, meldshaper level, and the number of soulmelds and chakra binds available.

    Soul Blast (Su): As an Eldritch Soul you have learn how to channel the power of incarnum into your eldrtich blast. Starting at first level, you can once per day invest essentia, as part of the same a swift action used to invest essentia, into your eldrtich blast. For every point of essentia invest into your eldrtich blast this way, it deal an additional 1d6 points of damage. Once the amount of essentia invested is chosen, it cannot be altered and remains invested for 24 hours. The bonus damage granted by this class feature stack with that of the incarnum blast invocation or that of the hellfire blast class feature.
    Starting at 14th level, the essentia invest in your eldritch blast is no longer locked for 24 hours and can be invest or divest any number of time per day.

    Pact and Incarnum Synergy (Ex): You found a way to channel the energy of your pact into your soulmeld and your incarnum into your invocation to strengthen both. Starting at first level you add you warlock level to your meldshaper level to determine your soulmeld effective meldshaper level for the purpose of resisting dispelling. In the same way you add your incarnate level to your caster level to determine your invocation effective caster level for the purpose of resisting dispelling.

    Chakra Bind: Beginning at second level you can bind soulmelds to your crown, feet, or hands chakras. At 6th level you can bind soulmelds to your arms, brow or shoulders chakras. At 10th level you can bind soulmelds to your throat or waist chakra.

    Chakra Blast (Su): As you progress in the way of the Eldritch Soul you've found a way to channel the power of your chakra into your blast. Starting at fourth level you can bind your eldritch blast to one of your chakra, each chakra grant you a special benefit in conjunction with your blast or a new way to use it as detailed below:
    • Crown: When your eldritch blast is bound to your crown chakra you can ignore concealement of less than 20% and cover other than total cover when attacking with your eldritch blast.
    • Feet: When your eldritch blast is bound to your feet chakra each time you move a wall of eldritch fire appear in each of the squares along the path you take and last for one round. A creature
      standing in the wall or passing through it take damage equal to a half of your eldritch blast damage round down (if your eldritch deal 6d6 points of damage the wall would deal 3d6 points of damage). The wall does not block line of sight or line of effect.
    • Hands: When your eldritch blast is bound to your hand chakra you can choose to fire two eldritch blast at the same time instead of just one, each of those blast must target a different creature and you cannot apply any eldritch essence or eldritch shape invocation to either of the two blasts.
    • Arms: When your eldritch blast is bound to your arms chakra when attacking with your eldrtich blast you can choose to make it into a grappling blast. If you successfully hit a creature with a grappling blast it deal normal damage and leave behind a sort of eldritch snake that try to grapple the creature. For the purpose of calculating the snake grapple modifier it use your caster level in place of base attack bonus, your Charisma modifier in place of a Strength modifier, no size modifier and it gain an additional +1 bonus per dice of damage of the eldritch blast. If the snake succeed on the grapple check it grapple the creature as normal but deal no additional damage in the first round, on each of the following round if it succeed in maintaining the grapple it deal eldritch blast damage again. The snake last for 1 round per three caster level, until the target creature escape the grapple or until it is destroyed, any attack by a creature other than the one grappled destroyed it, whichever come first. The snake can only attempt to maintain the grapple and not try to pin the creature. You cannot apply any eldritch essence or eldritch shape invocation to a grappling blast.
    • Brow: When your eldritch blast is bound to your brow chakra you gain a gaze attack with a range of 30ft that one quarter of your eldritch blast round down (if your eldritch deal 8d6 points of damage your gaze would deal 2d6 points of damage) to every creature within range each round. A Fortitude save (DC 10 + half your Hit dice + your Charisma modifier) negate this damage. You can activate or deactivate this gaze attack as a standard action. It otherwise follow all the normal rule of a gaze attack.
    • Shoulder: When your eldritch blast is bound to your shoulder chakra your become cloaked in a shield of protective eldritch energy. Any creature that attack you with a natural weapon or a non-reach melee weapon immediately take damage equal to a half of your eldritch blast damage round down (if your eldritch deal 4d6 points of damage the wall would deal 2d6 points of damage).
      You can activate or deactivate the shield as a swift action.
    • Throat: When your eldritch blast is bound to your throat chakra is become a supernatural ability this mean that it automatically overcome spell resistances and using it no longer provoke attack of opportunity. In addition you no longer need to make any somatic component to use it, only an act of will.
    • Waist: When your eldritch blast is bound to your waist chakra you can choose to to apply to different eldritch essence invocation to it simultaneously.
    • Heart: When your eldritch blast is bound to your heart chakra, available either by taking level in a meldshaping class that grant access to it or through the epic feat open heart chakra, each time you successfully deal damage to a creature with your eldritch blast you regain a number of hit point equal to half the damage inflict this way up to your maximum hit point total.
    • Soul: When your eldritch blast is bound to your heart chakra, available either by taking level in a meldshaping class that grant access to it or through the epic feat open soul chakra, each time you successfully deal damage to a creature with your eldritch blast it also deal one point of constitution damage per dice.

    Eldritch Weapon (Su): After combining eldritch energy and incarnum for so long you've learned how channel it directly into your incarnum weapon. Starting at fifth level when you succesfully deal damage to a creature with your incarnate weapon soulmeld you deal additional damage equal to half the damage of your eldritch blast.

    Eldritch Bind Your experience with soulmeld now allow you to bind your invocation to your chakra. Starting at seventh level at the same time as you shape and bind your soulmeld you can choose to cast on yourself any number of invocation with a duration of 24 hours and then bind those invocation to a chakra. You cannot bind an invocation to a chakra if a soulmeld, an item or another invocation is already bound to it. You can bound any invocation to any one chakra, but each invocation when bound to a specific chakra grant you some special benefit (detailled below). When bound to a chakra an invocation is harder to dispel gaining a +2 bonus to its caster level for the purpose of resisting a dispel attempt, in addition you can invest essentia into it, as if it was a soulmeld, to increase this bonus by 2 for every point of essentia invest this way.

    The following table list every invocation that can be bound to a chakra and to what chakra it must be bound to gain the special benefit associate with it.
    Special Benefit

    All-Seeing EyesCM p123|Brow|You can take 10 on Spot and Search check even if you are being threatened or distract. In addition you no longer need to touch the writing to understand it, seeing it enough.

    Beguiling Influence|Throat|You can take 10 on Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate check even if you are being threatened or distract

    Call of the BeastCM p123|Throat|Your bonus on wild empathy is now equal to your caster level instead of your warlock level and you can speak with magical beast as if they were animals

    Cold ComfortCM p123|Waist|The range of your aura of warmth improve by 10ft plus 10ft per point of essentia invest in this invocation. In addition you gain fire resistance 5 plus 5 per point of essentia invest in this invocation.

    Dark One's Own Luck|Crown|You no longer automatically fail on a save when rolling a natural one for the save you have chosen

    DragonwardDM p82|Waist|You become immune to fear. Your damage reduction against natural weapon improve to 10 and your energy resistance against breath weapon improve to 30. In addition you gain an spell immunity against any spell or spell-like ability cast by dragon or creature with the dragonblood subtype.

    Devil's Sight|Brow|The range of your sight improve by 10ft plus 10ft per point of essentia invest in this invocation.

    Fell Flight|Arms|Your fly speed improve by 10ft plus 5ft per point of essentia invest in this invocation. In addition if you invest at least 4 points of essentia in the invocation your maneuverability improved to perfect.

    Ignore the PyreDM p82|Shoulder|Your energy resistance become equal to 10 + your caster level. In addition if you invest at least 4 points of essentia in the invocation it become energy immunity instead. In either case it still apply only to one energy type, but if you cast the invocation again instead of the ending the previous iteration it will simply change the type of energy to which it apply.

    Leaps and Bound|Feet|You can take 10 on Balance, Jump and Tumble check even if you are being threatened or distract.

    Otherworldly WhispersCM p124|Crown|You can take 10 on Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (religion) and Knowledge (the planes) check even if you are being threatened or distract.

    See the Unseen|Brow|The duration of see invisibility now last for the whole duration of the invocation, 24 hours, instead of 10 minutes per level as normal for the spell.

    Serpent's TongueCM p124|Throat|You gain immunity to poison and you gain the ability to secrete a poison that you can apply to a weapon as a swift action once per encounter. This poison is an injury poison dealing 1d6 points of Constitution damage as primary and secondary damage with a DC equal to 10 + half your Hit dices plus you Constitution modifier.

    Spiderwalk|Feet|Your climb speed improve by 10ft plus 5ft per point of essentia invest in this invocation. In addition if you invest at least 3 points of essentia in the invocation you no longer need to have your hand free to climb you can literally walk on vertical surface or upside down.

    Sudden SwarmDotU p63|Hand|The invocation is no longer expend when a swarm is create and in addition at any time you could create a swarm by killing a creature with one of your invocation you can choose to not do so.

    Swimming the StyxCM p124|Hand|Your swim speed improve by 10ft plus 5ft per point of essentia invest in this invocation. In addition if you invest at least 3 points of essentia in the invocation you do not take any penalty on attack roll with ranged weapon when underwater, this include your eldritch blast.

    Voidsense|Crown|The range of your blindsense improve by 5ft plus 5ft per point of essentia invest in this invocation. In addition if you invest at least 4 points of essentia your blindsense if replaced by blindsight.

    Walk Unseen|Waist|If you attack while invisible your invisibility does not end it is simply suppresed and you can reactivate it at any time as a move action. In addition if you invest at least 4 points of essentia in the invocation you only need a swift action to reactivate your invisibility if it is suppressed.

    Witchwood StepCM p124|Feet|You can now ignore all form of difficult terrain and you no longer provoke attack of opportunity when moving out of a threatened square.

    Eldritch Exchange (Ex): By reducing the potency of your eldritch blast you can increase your ability to invest essentia. Starting at 9th level you can, as a move action reduce the damage dealt by eldritch blast by any even number of dice (two, four, six, etc..) in exchange you increase the essentia capacity of your soulmelds by half this number. This last for a number of round equal to your class level and cannot be ended prematurely. You can otherwise use this ability at will.

    Essentia Flux (Su): When manipulating essentia you can choose to radiate eldrtich energy to damage those around you. Starting at 11th level, when investing or divesting essentia from an essentia receptacle (soulmeld, class feature, feat, etc...) you can choose to deal damage to each creature adjacent to you equal to the number of dice of damage of your eldritch blast. For example if your eldritch blast deal 5d6 point of damage, you would deal 5 points of damage to each creature adjacent to you when relocating essentia.

    Invocation Sacrifice (Su): At this point in your progression you can nearly freely exchange the energy of your invocation for essentia. Starting at 12th level when shaping your soulmeld for the day you can choose to remove your access to some of your invocation for the next 24 hour. For this period you can longer cast those invocation and any instance of those invocation currently active automatically end. In exchange for each invocation sacrificed this way you gain additional essentia for this period, 1 point for a least invocation, 2 points for a lesser invocation, 3 points for a greater invocation and 4 points for a dark invocation. You can sacrifice any number of the invocation you know this way.

    Energy Being (Ex): Finally at the pinnacle of your craft, you have fuse the eldrtich energy of your pact with the soul energy of incarnum. You entire being is now constantly suffused with both energy and this change you. When you reach 14th level your type change to Outsider with the native subtype, this does not change your base attack bonus or granted you any new weapon proficiency.

    An Eldritch Soul is primarily a ranged damage dealer and a supportive character. Using their eldrtich blast enhance by their incarnum to deal damage and their invocation and soulmeld to hinder their foe or help their allies.
    Combat: In combat an Eldritch Soul generally begin with a powerful blast to damage as much as possible the most dangerous looking foe and then either continue targeting it if it survive or targeting the other foe.
    Advancement: The most logical advancement would be going back to warlock to increase the damage dealt by the eldritch blast and take the open heart chakra or open soul chakra epic feat.
    Resources: Any resource normally available to a warlock, such as support from his patron and that available to an incarnate, generally any person or organization devote to the same alignment.

    A ray of light, glowing black and blue coming out of nowhere, it killed the ogre just like that !

    Eldrtich Soul generally have a bad reputation, accused playing with force they don't understand. In addition most of them are truly evil and even the less dangerous one are chaotic.
    Daily Life: The most important choice that an Eldritch Soul can make in a day is selecting is soulmeld, to which chakra if any is eldritch blast and invocation will be bound and how much essentia to invest into his blast.
    Notables: The most well know Eldritch Soul was a terrible tyrant that reign for over two decades over a small country call Ironriver. His name his unknow, but he called himself Blacksoul. He was finally defeated by a group of paladin but it is rumored that he became a powerful devil after his death.
    Organizations: No real organization exist to promote or support Eldritch Soul specifically, but some patron of warlock find it wise to teach them incarnum to push them toward this path to benefit from their unique ability.

    NPC Reaction
    Because of their bad reputation people generally avoid Eldritch Soul and those that are blatantly evil are often hunt down by good organization. Those that don't know about their specific power can only see the incarnum of their soulmeld and treat them like any other incarnum user.

    Eldritch Soul can be powerful damage dealer with their eldritch blast and their versatility can make them hard to deal with. That said they are generally they might have trouble against creature with spell resistance.
    Adaptation: Two possible adaptation are obvious changing warlock for dragonfire adept but some work need to be done about the effect of binding the breath weapon instead of the eldritch blast and also that of binding dragonfire invocation instead of warlock one.
    The other possibility would be replacing incarnate for totemist, by simply changing the requirement.
    Encounters: In a campaign setting Eldritch Soul would most often be villain to be fought by the PC.

    Sample Encounter
    Give an example of how one might encounter a member of this PrC.
    EL x: Give the encounter level and description of a sample member of this class and a stat block for him/her.
    Latest homebrew: The Avatars of Magic, powerful monster each dedicated to ne school of magic.

    My homebrewer's Extended Signature
    My character :

    Mirar, Bizarre human Focused Conjurer/Master specialist (summoning specialist)
    Xilef, shifter Druid 8//Barbarian 5/Weretouched master 3
    Other Character.

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Aug 2008

    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest XXXII: Hybrid Theory III

    Fist of the Constructed

    Know thyself, they told me. And now I do.

    Just as some warforged reject the fact that they were made as tools of war, some capitalize on that very nature. Fists of the Constructed are artificers who accept their origins as tools of war, and have started exploring how they can use that to their advantage. The natures of their own bodies hold great interest to them and they seek to understand and exploit the powers that created them and are still doing their work.

    Ultimately, a Fist of the Constructed considers his own body a tool to be experimented with, a tool to be improved. Their ranks are varied, but they all share an interest in the magic that created them, which has led them to try to use their innate talents as much as possible, both physically, and in the arcane arts.

    Most Fists of the Constructed are artificers with a level or two in martial classes, such as fighter or monk. In general, prospective fists of the constructed will choose classes that increase their combat capability, in addition to artificer levels.

    Race: Warforged
    Spells: Ability to cast second level infusions.
    Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, any Warforged Feat
    Skills: 8 Ranks in a craft skill which the warforged can use to repair itself.
    Base Attack Bonus: +4

    Class Skills
    The Fist of the Constructed's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int), Jump (Str) Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (architecture and engineering) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Open Lock (Dex), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Tumble (Dex) and Use Magic Device (Cha)
    Skills Points at Each Level: 4 + int

    Hit Dice: d8

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Unarmed Damage|Spellcasting

    |Dormant Infusion|1d6|

    |Lasting Modification +1, Combat Infusion 1/Day|1d8|+1 Level of existing Infusion using Class

    |Shattered Dormancy, Bonus Feat|1d8|+1 Level of existing Infusion using Class

    |Lasting Modification +2, Combat Infusion 2/Day|1d8|+1 Level of existing Infusion using Class

    |Dormant Defense|1d10|+1 Level of existing Infusion using Class

    |Constructed Body, Lasting Modification +3, Combat Infusion 3/Day|1d10|

    |Dormant Renewal, Bonus Feat|1d10|+1 Level of existing Infusion using Class

    |Lasting Modification +4, Combat Infusion 4/Day|2d6|+1 Level of existing Infusion using Class

    ||2d6|+1 Level of existing Infusion using Class

    |Body of Artifice, Lasting Modification +5, Combat Infusion 5/day|2d6|+1 Level of existing Infusion using Class[/table]

    Proficiencies: A Fist of the Constructed gains no new proficiencies.

    Unarmed Damage: A Fist of the Constructed deals unarmed and slam attack damage according to the table, unless their damage as a monk or unarmed sworsage of their level + their Fist of the Constructed levels would grant them more damage, in which case their Fist of the Constructed Levels stack with their unarmed swordsage or monk levels to determine damage. The values in the table are given for medium warforged, and change according to size as normal.

    Spellcasting: At levels other than 1 and 6, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level as if you had also gained a level in an infusion using class to which he belonged to before adding the prestige class levels. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of the class would have gained. If you had more than one infusion using class prior to becoming a fist of the constructed, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining caster level and spells per day.

    Dormant Infusion: The first thing a fist of the constructed learns is how to mix the magic they create as artificers with the innate forces that make the warforged work, giving them the capability to leave arcane energies dormant within their body.
    At first level, a number of infusions with a limited duration cast on your own body equal to half your fist of the constructed level (round up) may be made dormant. Dormant infusions do not expend their duration or grant their benefits, and they cannot be dispelled until activated. They may be activated at any time with a swift action, at which point they behave as they had been cast in the round they were activated. If you have multiple dormant infusions, you may activate them separately, or all at once. Once your dormant infusions have been activated, they no longer count against your limit of dormant infusions. In addition, you may not make the highest level of infusion you can cast dormant. Dormant infusions remain dormant for a maximum of 24 hours. If they are not activated before 24 passes, they are lost.
    Shattered Dormancy: At third level, the dormant energies may also be released in an offensive manner. As a swift action, the fist of the constructed may activate up to two dormant infusions. However, instead of gaining their normal benefits, the next attack within the same turn made by the fist of the constructed deals extra untyped damage equal to 2d6 x the combined spell level of the activated infusions.
    Dormant Defense: At fifth level, the dormant infusions may be expended for defence. As an immediate action, you may activate any number of dormant infusions you have. However, instead of gaining their normal benefits, you gain a bonus to AC and an amount of DR/- equal to half the combine spell levels of the infusions you are activating. These stack with other sources of AC and DR/-. These benefits last until the start of your next turn.
    Dormant Renewal: At seventh level, the dormant infusions may instead be expended as renewing energies. As a swift action, any number of dormant infusions may be expended to repair 2d6 damage x the combined levels of the expended infusions.

    Lasting Modification: At second level, the fist of the constructed gains a +1 to his caster level for the purpose of the durations of infusions cast on himself. This bonus increases by one at levels 4, 6, 8 and 10.

    Combat Infusion: At second level, times per day as indicated in the table, the fist of the constructed may cast an infusion with a casting time of one minute or less as a swift action.

    Bonus Feat: At levels 3 and 7, the fist of the constructed gains a bonus warforged feat.

    Constructed Body: The fist of the constructed eventually learns to augment his body using just the energies that are already there.
    The fist of the constructed gains a +2 to constitution and becomes immune to critical hits.

    Body of Artifice: The fist of the constructed becomes able to use the innate qualities of his warforged nature better than ever before.
    Any infusion that the fist of the constructed casts on himself has its casting reduced. An infusion with a casting time expressed in minutes, hours, or multiple rounds has its casting time halved (rounding up if necessary), and an infusion that requires a full round action or a full round to cast now has its casting time reduced to a standard action. In addition, every time the fist of the constructed casts an infusion on his own body, he gains 5 temporary hit points (max 30).

    A fist of the constructed is an arcane machine, empowering himself with his understanding of the magics that bind his body. He can be found on the front lines, augmenting his capabilities with magic before putting them to use.
    Combat: A fist of the constructed is usually in the frontlines, using their potent unarmed and slam attacks against their opponents. Usually, they will have several dormant buffs ready to be activated when trouble arrives, at which point they function as frontline fighters.
    Advancement: After taking all ten levels of the fist of the constructed class, a character could seek other prestige classes that advance both martial skills and spellcasting, such as the eldritch knight. Alternatively, the character might simply wish to continue as an artificer.
    Resources: While the research most fists of the constructed do are deeply personal, they often command respect as accomplished artificers, and can thus expect the support and cooperation of various mage guilds. In addition, house Cannith continues to have great interest in the abilities of the fists of the constructed, even though they can no longer legally create warforged.

    They keep discovering things even their creators had no idea about! - A house Cannith artificer.

    Most people don't have much understanding as to what the fists of the constructed do, and thus they treat them much like they would any other warforged arcanist. Those with understanding of their craft often follow their doings with interest, as what the fists of the constructed dabble in are largely uncharted waters.
    Daily Life: Many fists of the constructed spend their time trying to understand the intricacies of how warforged work, while also trying to achieve personal advancement. Some have learned to meditate, while others are not nearly as patient. Ultimately, the daily life and goals of a fist of the constructed depend on what path they took to become one.
    Notables: The first and arguably most influential fist of the constructed was a warforged named Sight who was never put on the battlefields of the last war, since it turned out he was much more useful perfecting the warforged themselves. Ultimately, he kept many of his secrets for himself and disappeared sometime before the end of the war, but after that, the artificers of house Cannith encouraged other warforged to seek a similar path in hopes that they would discover what Sight had taken with him.

    Unfortunately for house Cannith and the inhabitants of Khorvaire in general, one of the followers of the path laid down by Sight was lured in by the teachings of the Lord of Blades. This warforged is known as Entourage, and it is suspected that this warforged was the one that made the creation forge the Lord of Blades uses usable again. Nowadays, Entourage is one of the few warforged the Lord of Blades trusts enough to be let free, though his mission is to find a way to fix the creation forge for good so the Lord of Blades can create warforged that are not defective.

    Organizations: Many fists of the constructed are affiliated with house Cannith, while others become parts of expeditions to Xen'drik, as the lost continent has many things relevant to the origin and nature of the warforged.

    NPC Reaction
    Most people do not understand the fists of the constructed, and thus prefer not to think about them. Their craft is arcane and their theories baffling, especially to non-warforged. Thus, most people prefer to leave them to their own devices.

    Unlike most artificers, a fist of the constructed can bring infusions to bear at a moment's notice, and can be fairly powerful in combat with sufficient amounts of infusions active. In general, a fist of the constructed has somewhat stunted abilities as an artificer, especially in crafting, but is better able to use infusions in combat to compensate.
    Adaptation: While the prestige class is intended for Eberron, the general idea of the class works wherever the warforged can fit. The fists of the constructed can still be affiliated with mage guilds and none of their general fluff needs to be changed.
    Encounters: A fist of the constructed might function as a quest-giver of sorts if he needs aid in research. Alternatively, there are many ways a character could cross the goals of a fist of the constructed, especially one affiliated with the Lord of Blades.

    Sample Encounter
    Entourage has been examining the rumors of new warforged in Sharn, and by interrogating a warforged found wandering, he has finally found something useful. However, before he can escape with the perhaps crucial information, the adventurers that followed him after he caught the warforged have located him. A battle now erupts as Entourage is unwilling to let anyone tell the tale.

    EL 10: This enormous warforged is clad head to toe in adamantine and he wears an oversized spiked gauntlet on his right hand. Something that looks like a crown is carved into his forehead.

    Lawful Evil/Male Personality/Warforged /Artificer 4 (Warforged Substitution)/Fighter 1/Fist of the Constructed 5
    Init +4, Senses: Listen +0, Spot +0
    Languages: Common, Dwarven, Gnomish, Draconic
    AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed 18 (+8 Armor)
    hp 74 (10 HD)
    Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +8
    Speed 20ft. (4 squares)
    Melee Battlefist +11/+6/+6 (2d8+5)
    Base Atk +7/+2, Grp +10
    Atk Options Power Attack, Shattered Dormancy
    Combat Gear Battlefist
    Spells Per Day Lvl 1 (4), Lvl 2 (4), Lvl 3 (4), Lvl 4 (2)
    Supernatural Abilities None
    Abilities Str 16, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 18 (20), Wis 10, Cha 12
    SQ: Infuse Self, Artificer Knowledge, Disable Trap, Artisan Bonus, Item Creation, Tools of War, Dormant Infusion, Combat Infusion 2/day, Lasting Modification +2, Shattered Dormancy, Dormant Defense, DR 3/Adamantine, Living Construct Traits
    Feats Adamantine Body, Scribe Scroll (B), Brew Potion (B), Power Attack, Craft Wondrous Item (B), Exceptional Artisan (B), Improved Unarmed Strike (B), Practiced Spellcaster: Artificer, Improved Damage Reduction (B), Improved Initiative
    Skills Appraise +18, Concentration +16, Craft: Armorsmithing +18, Knowledge: Arcana +18, Knowledge: Architecture and Engineering +18, Spellcraft +18, Use Magic Device +14
    Possessions Battlefist, Headband of Intelligence +2, Wand Sheath, Wand of True Strike (in Wand Sheath), Wand of Invisibility

    Additional Notes: Entourage usually has Toughen Construct (+4 natural armor to AC), Bull's Strength (+4 to Str) and Bear's Endurance (+4 to Con) as dormant infusions. Any infusion Entourage casts on himself is cast at CL 11, and the duration is calculated as if it were CL 13. When Entourage expects trouble, he usually casts various infusions on his own body, as long as he has time to prepare, to augment his ability to fight.
    Last edited by Frog Dragon; 2012-02-19 at 02:20 PM.
    Frog in the playground.

    My homebrewer's extended signature.

    I have Str 5!

    Quote Originally Posted by BobVosh View Post
    Wall of text attacks! CRITS!

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