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  1. - Top - End - #481
    Troll in the Playground

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    Nov 2013

    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by Gwynfrid View Post
    "Oh, Master Azkin, it is you! You came back to save my life! I didn't deserve it, I betrayed your trust! I'm so, so sorry! I couldn't take it anymore, so I talked... Such a shame on my head! It's my fault, too! I should never have read this message that I carried to you. Curiosity... Cursed curiosity got the better of me..."
    Azkin's normally serious face is wracked with concern and sympathy for the boy, not much younger than himself, and obviously in all sorts of pain. "Easy, Sabef, you're safe now, and so are we. all us us are safe," giving emphasis to reassure the boy of the lack of harm done. "The rest are cleaning up, but we're gonna be ok, and... we'll figure this out." He tries to smile reassuringly at the sobbing young guide, but the cleric's own lack of surety seems to creep into his expression as he awaits the rest of the party.

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkOne7141981 View Post
    "Lehasti - though gruesome and rude, I must insist we do something more to her corpse. We need to behead her and keep the skull with us somehow. It may be possible to get it to answer some questions via magic - if we can accomplish it, wonderful, but we cannot allow that to be performed by our enemies..."
    Lehasti grimaces at Vershab. "I have learned vastly more than I desired to know about such conversations with the dead today... but with what we know about this ghastly cult, your way seems the course of wisdom." With a continued expression of distaste, Lehasti arranges the fallen leader's broken body in such a manner as to make light work of detaching the skull from the rest, seizing it gingerly by the hair and handing it toward the arcanist before moving to examine the rest of the paraphernalia left by the various cultists, exploded or not.

    Having gathered what remains of obvious valuables, the paladin kicks off of the ground once more to follow Vershab and the others up the shaft. As she nears the top, she begins to hear the conversation echoing down from above...

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkOne7141981 View Post
    "...I will kill you and reanimate your corpse, in which case you will serve me until your bones wear themselves down to dust. I can do this - do not doubt me - and I don't say this to intimidate or threaten. It is simply the two options I will allow you. Choose one."
    Gasping to herself, the paladin strains (ineffectually) to rise faster to the street level. Practically bursting out of the shaft, she spins, desperately seeking for the arcanist and the object of his obvious ire. Before she can place him, however, the two newest additions to their ragtag band give their own response. Darting forward, the paladin interjects, "Quite right, Natala! Had we not been in such dire need, and with little recourse, I would have sent Sabef on his merry way, unburdened by the dark knowledge that put him in the dark gaze of these foul cultists! He deserves our gratitude, and our protection, not threats of more violence!" The paladin's tone grows stern, and she levels a disapproving gaze at Vershab.

    Turning to address Sabef himself, she speaks in a much softer tone, "I am afraid that we have repaid your aid by threatening your livelihood, and your very life. Oh, how I wish that you could have come to us for protection instead of falling into their foul hands!" Tears begin to wind their way through the dust coating the paladin's sun-bronzed face. "Forgive us... forgive me for this misfortune that has befallen you. Please... allow us to make amends by protecting you. Have you any family, or close friends with whom you might also have been seen by these cultists?"

    Spoiler: OOC
    Diplomacy: (1d20+15)[22], probably to make the request that Sabef allow the party to protect him by his staying with the party, though presumably in a non-combat role.

    Perhaps Sabef (and maybe a few of his family/friends?) become followers of Lehasti per Leadership?
    Lehasti Gesmeha and Azkin for Mummy's Mask
    Morevek for Wrath of the Righteous
    Janstina Silentall for Age of Worms

  2. - Top - End - #482
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Vershab's gaze does not leave Sabef's smaller frame for several breaths. Turning to Lehasti and Natala he says, "Weren't you both listening? I just offered him protection...Ugh!" With a huff he turns and walks several steps away, then stands with his back to the party. "There are powerful forces at work here, and his innocence is irrelevant. He is both at risk and a great risk, and the stakes are too high to leave his fate to chance..." the arcanist says, barely loud enough to hear. Then, turning suddenly he looks at the party and raises his voice, all but shouting, "His weakness and our cluelessness have placed a target on our backs and likely a price on our heads. We were just ambushed because we have worked out in the open, and the enemy doesn't even know where the Mask is! It will only get worse from here...We must go into hiding, disguise ourselves, and try to prevent those who could give up information about us from being used by the cult, this Sacrosanct Order of the Blue Feather!" Vershab spits, his usually emotionless demeanor apparently overcome by the implications of the events.

    "Don't you see? Because we have been so careless we have risked the Mask being captured by a cult intent on destroying our world as we know it. We have to stop being so careless, and it must start here, with Sabef. he coming with us, then? Because we cannot allow him any other choice...

    If we can protect the innocent without losing too much time, then fine - let's do it. If not, then the threat must be removed, one way or another. Not even death can guarantee this information is safe. Lempteph and the rest of the Pharasmins in Wati, anyone we knew there, even...Calathon...are all either at risk or are themselves a dangerous security risk now.

    Spoiler: The logic and conclusions behind Vershab's Outburst and Ultimatum
    Regarding his emotional outburst, Vershab is frightened on multiple levels. Starting from personal to universal:

    1. Vershab is wearing an artifact (The Mask of the Forgotten Pharaoh) that he doesn't understand and holds a portion of the soul of a powerful (and likely evil) Pharaoh of old. The implications of this on Vershab's sanity/soul are still unknown.
    2. A cult is willing to kill for this Mask. In fact, they have killed and have attacked us on multiple occasions. They are also probably well connected (the haty-a, probably much of the Church of Nethys) and we don't know who they are.
    3. Lehasti (the only other original member of the party and Vershab's moral/emotional foundation) was nearly killed just now in an ambush because of the Mask.
    4. The rest of the party has been placed in great danger by the presence of the Mask.
    5. The Mask is directly responsible for a massive undead plague that did unknowable amounts of damage and killed many people in Wati.
    6. If the cult gets the Mask, bad things on a world-wide scale could happen.

    Therefore, Vershab is frightened both personally and on a much wider scale and trying to handle the fact that the source of his fear is on his face. Right now.

    Regarding Sabef, Calathon, and anyone else who knows we have the Mask:

    1. They are in danger.
    2. They could betray the Relic Knights, providing the cult information that could lead to the end of the world.
    3. Death won't prevent them from talking.
    4. The Relic Knights can only actively protect so many people.
    5. Lehasti just agreed that leaving behind a knowledgeable enemy's head was too risky to justify.

    Therefore, in the immediate future Sabef must be removed as a security risk, either by adopting him into the company or other method...

  3. - Top - End - #483
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Gwynfrid's Avatar

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Still wincing in pain, Sabef sits on the ground, casting terrified looks left and right at the companions as they take turns threatening him and asking for his forgiveness, discussing the matter of his death along with incomprehensible theories about the survival of the world itself.

  4. - Top - End - #484
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Natala al Akmet, Warsighted Oracle

    Natala nods in appreciation at Lehasti’s support, turning back to stare at Vershab. The scholar is practically apoplectic in frustration, and starts to rant.
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkOne7141981 View Post
    "Weren't you both listening? I just offered him protection...Ugh!"
    Natala stands with arms on her hips and a stern look. “As you also threatened to kill him and reanimate his corpse u til his bones were dust if he couldn’t convince you of his loyalty.”

    When the scholar started to raise his voice, ahe steps forward aggressively, eyes narrowing. ”Lower. Your. Voice! Are you forgetting your own warning? This is not a private room, but the site of a recent ambush. These conversations are better had back in the well or Depository than out in the open. Control yourself, scholar!“

    OOC - Natala won’t continue a shouting match in the alley. If we move the venue, she will continue.
    Spoiler: Crunch
    AC 21 HP 28/57 Init +8 Move 30
    F +5 R +8 W +8
    Weapon: MW longspear (+8, 1d8+3), Ancestral Weapon (+1 magic weapon ouf choice from pantheon)
    Spells: (Unl) guidance, detect magic, create water, read magic, detect poison, stabilize, mending, ghost sound, mage hand / (3/8) cure light wounds, unseen servant, ray of sickening, divine favor, remove fear, bless, protection vs evil / (1/7) cure moderate wounds, levitate, minor image, spiritual weapon, burst of radiance, lesser restoration, spear of purity / (1/5) cure serious wounds, heroism, searing light, summon monster 3
    Martial flexibility: 3/6; AW: 5/7: Spirit shield: 6/7; Blessings: 1/2
    Key skills: Diplomacy +12; KS History/Religion +9; Sense Motive +8; Spellcraft +8; Heal +5; Linguistics +5; KS All others +4; Craft Weapons +6
    Effect: Spirit Shield (+6 armor; 1 hr); Bless (+1 attack/save vs fear, minutes); poisoned (-1 Con)
    Life is ... life. As always bot/cut as necessary.
    DM: "Why do you have so many characters?"
    Me: "Because I never embraced the strategic value of running away."

    Fare thee well, N_R ... you will missed!y

  5. - Top - End - #485
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    "I agree with... you! You, new friend shiny magic person who isn't Lehasti!" The words come with a chuckle, but Sunset smiles at Nat with honest appreciation for bringing some basic reason into this conversation, before turning to the scholar to reinforce the point. "I don't have a stake in what happens to the kid, but having this argument here is drawing attention to us, bringing witnesses who can hear to this spot, making us more memorable, easy to track. It's doing exactly the thing you are worried about... Vershab, right?"

    She glances to the other members of the group, looking for confirmation that she had the scholar's name right, before walking over to him with a smile. She goes slow, keeping her pace and her demenous as calm as she can manage. If Vershab turns, she'll try to make eye contact with him. When she speaks her voice sounds slightly different, though perhaps that's just a result of not being frivolous for a few seconds. "You're working hard to stay objective and be all rational in planning a way forward, I can tell. And I appreciate that. But you're letting your worries about the cult get the better of your judgement. You shouldn't trust decisions you make and conclusions you come to when you get worked up like this."

    The archer chortles softly, memories of the recent fight returning to her. The smile on her face starts to spread as she taps a hand to her shoulder. "Not blaming you for it. I would be far worse in your position, hells yes, cussing a storm and panicking. Probably would've kicked someone just to try and vent. But it's still a bad call to try and plan when you've got that feel of cold steel against your back. We should get moving and try to stay calm until we've had time to take a step back and really think. We can talk on the way if you insist, but we really want no one finding us right beside the Depository's entrance after a break in. We'd make even easier targets in a cell."

    She glances across to the rest of the group, "You guys have a room or somewhere we can talk in private?"

  6. - Top - End - #486
    Titan in the Playground
    Farmerbink's Avatar

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    Texas, again!

    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    From his seat on the edge of the well, Turi looks up, his innocent-looking face a bizarre mixture of irritation and understanding far beyond his years. "Oy! errr... Sunset, yeah? Didn't you say you had a safe place we could go? We've got a room, but I'm not feeling the Inn of the Desert Winds given..." he waves his hand vaguely, encompassing the ambush, escape, and subsequent argument swirling about in the darkened street- "all this. Let's agree, for the moment, to follow her there, and figure this out somewhere that sunrise doesn't bring loooots of unwanted questions, yeah?" He gestures around the narrow street1 at the various stores, stalls, granaries, and such lining both sides. Obviously, this isn't the place for a discussion of weight- certainly not the time.

    Rising nimbly, he wriggles past his companions, new and old, to approach Sabef. "Look, kid." As their guide focuses on Turi, he nods, but doesn't smile. "I'm not a whole lot older than you, buddy, but until recently, I'd have said I know a whole hell of a lot more- and I've got bad news for you. This whole world don't give a whore's fat fart about kids like you. Like me. Like Azkin. Almost every one of them would just as soon let you die in the street to save a handful of coppers. I got good news too, though. We do. I been there. You made a few dumb moves, and darn near paid for it. If you're smart-" he pauses to reaffirm the youngster's attention with a piercing gaze. "You are smart, right? I'd hate to think we'd been paying some dolt this whole time.... Anyway, if you're smart, you just got a second chance, with an extra helping of learning opportunity. Come with us, kiddo. Do your learning, and maybe someday you can get those bastards back, eh?"

    The dark-skinned, lanky thief extends a hand to their erstwhile guide. His eyes are unreadable as he waits to see if Sabef has spine enough to take it.

  7. - Top - End - #487
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    "I never said that! I said you lot have to have a room!" Sunset protests. But the objection doesn't undercut the substance of Turi's point. The archer taps her fingers on her vambrace, pondering briefly before looking back up at the group.

    "I do know a place. It's where I usually stay in Tephu. But it ain't exactly mine, and it ain't a guest house." She takes a long breath, before giving the group a wink and a growing grin. "It's... well, she and I go back a long way. We usually share a bed when I'm with her overnight. I dunno if she'll be okay with taking this many guests at once. I can try and talk her into it, but I'll need you guys to play along with me a bit. You all okay with that?"

    Before the group can answer, Sunset adds a postscript. "And no, she's not a cultist. She's not dumb like me. She's with the College of Scribes. Her house is just a couple of streets down from their place."

  8. - Top - End - #488
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Lehasti largely disregards Vershab's muttering as he steps away... and then visibly starts at the wiry arcanist's suddenly raised voice. She turns, stunned into inaction by the volume, tenor and speed of his words. Blinking furiously in an effort to follow, the paladin fails to quite marshal her thoughts before the other members of the party opine. As her newest acquaintances advocate restraint to Vershab and Turi makes common cause with Sabef, something like relief begins to creep into the paladin's concerned and weary face.

    Quote Originally Posted by Inspector Valin View Post
    "I do know a place...She's with the College of Scribes. Her house is just a couple of streets down from their place."
    "Lead the way." The words are delivered with a martial tone of command, leaving no room for disagreement. "We have much to discuss, and this is neither the place nor the time."

    Seeking out her young protege's eyes, she gives a meaningful glance toward Sabef before herself turning to approach Vershab directly. "My friend," she begins in hushed, conciliatory tones, "Have faith; if not in gods or powers, at least in my promise to see this through. We will find a way, we must, that does not darken our souls as to be indistinguishable from these foul cultists..." The paladin continues in like manner while gently (but firmly) beginning to steer the arcanist to follow Sunset to their hoped-for refuge.

    Azkin nods at the unspoken command from his mistress, and turns to join her brother beside Sabef. "C'mon, Sabef, we've got to get you out of here. Don't worry about Vershab," he says with a softened tone, "I don't think Lehasti is going to let him get too far ahead of himself."

    With a look and a bob of the head to his brother, the young cleric reaches down to grasp the still-shaken boy's hand, trusting Turi to get the other to help get Sabef to his feet. "Even if you haven't got anybody else, you've got us. 'Sides, Turi's right... somehow, those two keep pulling heroes out of street kids like the three of us, heck, out of thin air!" Favoring Sabef with a sudden grin, he continues, "Who knows, you could be next!" With an encouraging smile and one arm around the younger boy to help him steady, he sets off to follow the others towards a much-needed rest.
    Last edited by JWallyR; 2020-01-20 at 04:46 PM.
    Lehasti Gesmeha and Azkin for Mummy's Mask
    Morevek for Wrath of the Righteous
    Janstina Silentall for Age of Worms

  9. - Top - End - #489
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    In silence, Vershab nods and follows their new companion to a quiet place off the street. It is clear from his distracted expression and tense gait that he is not done discussing his concerns.

  10. - Top - End - #490
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Gwynfrid's Avatar

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Sabef gingerly takes Turi's hand, and comes to his feet. He doesn't meet his helper's eyes, and his fear hasn't eased very much. He casts a side glance at the darkened alley. The former street urchin knows that look perfectly well, the look of someone who's calculating his chances to bolt and lose himself in the maze of streets, hoping never to be seen again. Turi coldly assesses that the guide, with his perfect knowledge of the city, would have a half-decent chance, too. But, after this fleeting moment of hesitation, he shakes his head, and responds. "I've paid plenty already, thank you. And she's probably right - he nods towards Sunset - if I hadn't been able to give them the information they wanted, I would be dead by now. I'll go with you."

  11. - Top - End - #491
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Natala al Akmet, Warsighted Oracle

    Natala starts to follow the others, the pauses with a glance back towards the well. She frowns, then shakes her head and holds up a hand for the others. She keeps her voice low, eyes peering into the lightening shadows all around as she speaks. "A couple more points before we leave. First, what of the bodies below? While this place may receive few visitors, it appears to be more popular of late … no doubt based on events transpiring. If someone finds the bodies here, what does that may for our continued investigation? Second, as far as anyone from this cult knows, this one aside," Natala nods to Sunset, "the Relic Knights are dead, or soon will be. Is this an opportunity to at least obfuscate your current whereabouts? If her loyalties are still unquestioned with the cult, perhaps she could report back that the Knights were dealt with, even at great cost to the cult.

    I know some of this discussion can be addressed in a secure location, but in order to prepare the 'story' we might need to deal with any remains below to convince others. I am also a bit concerned that we would consider bringing yet another person into the complexities of this situation … even if you do share a bed. As the boy has shown, all it does is put the person at risk."

    OOC - Sorry, but some of these thoughts just struck me and I wanted to address them before we leave the location …
    PS - I think Natala will take the extra healing spell that Vershab didn't need. Also, still want to know if any of the weapons/armor/equipment from the cultists are either marked/engraved with identification of some sort … or damaged in any way.

    Spoiler: Crunch
    AC 21 HP 36/57 Init +8 Move 30
    F +5 R +8 W +8
    Weapon: MW longspear (+8, 1d8+3), Ancestral Weapon (+1 magic weapon of choice from pantheon)
    Spells: (Unl) guidance, detect magic, create water, read magic, detect poison, stabilize, mending, ghost sound, mage hand / (3/8) cure light wounds, unseen servant, ray of sickening, divine favor, remove fear, bless, protection vs evil / (1/7) cure moderate wounds, levitate, minor image, spiritual weapon, burst of radiance, lesser restoration, spear of purity / (1/5) cure serious wounds, heroism, searing light, summon monster 3
    Martial flexibility: 3/6; AW: 5/7: Spirit shield: 6/7; Blessings: 1/2
    Key skills: Diplomacy +12; KS History/Religion +9; Sense Motive +8; Spellcraft +8; Heal +5; Linguistics +5; KS All others +4; Craft Weapons +6
    Effect: Spirit Shield (+6 armor; 1 hr); Bless (+1 attack/save vs fear, minutes); poisoned (-1 Con)
    Life is ... life. As always bot/cut as necessary.
    DM: "Why do you have so many characters?"
    Me: "Because I never embraced the strategic value of running away."

    Fare thee well, N_R ... you will missed!y

  12. - Top - End - #492
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by Starbin View Post
    "As far as anyone from this cult knows, this one aside," Natala nods to Sunset, "the Relic Knights are dead, or soon will be. Is this an opportunity to at least obfuscate your current whereabouts? If her loyalties are still unquestioned with the cult, perhaps she could report back that the Knights were dealt with, even at great cost to the cult.
    "This one?"

    The tone of address raises an eyebrow from Sunset, but she refrains from further commentary for the moment, starting to explain as the group continue on their way. "The problem with that is the Mask. That was the assignment. That's the whole reason the Cult is after you, at least as far as I know. 'Kill you all and take it from your cold dead hands' was just the most efficient way of getting it. If I go back with the Knights dead but no mask, they'll just send me out again to find it. They'll be looking for any trace of you and where you might've hidden it, and the whole ruse will be revealed soon enough. Especially if you plan on crossing their path again."

    "And no. Giving them the thing to sell the lie is a bad idea. It probably would get them off your tail for a while but..." The archer waves her hands through the air, "Well, you probably know better than me! I don't know what the bloody thing does! I just figured given how bad they want it, it's powerful. Probably blows up all of Sothis or something."

    Quote Originally Posted by Starbin View Post
    "I know some of this discussion can be addressed in a secure location, but in order to prepare the 'story' we might need to deal with any remains below to convince others. I am also a bit concerned that we would consider bringing yet another person into the complexities of this situation … even if you do share a bed. As the boy has shown, all it does is put the person at risk."
    "Thought about that." Sunset doesn't sound surprised at the question, but she takes a second to marshal her thoughts before beginning to explain. "It was always a risk if I was going to run from the Cult. Anyone I cared about could be a target. Merchant, lover, family. They'll probably burn down my favorite drinking den just to rub it in, the bastards."

    The brief attempt at humour falls flat. Sunset sighs. "Tabiry knows about 'em. She knows I was planning to run. She didn't object - she's too good a person for that. Bringing you to her wasn't the plan, but..." The archer waves a hand behind them. "Well, you were in the Dark Depository. You're researching something around the Mask, the Cult, I dunno. But she's a historian and a researcher. She might be more actual help to your objectives than I am."

    She looks away from the group, taking in the street ahead as she speaks. "Risk verses reward. Sucks, but that's how you have to think sometimes."

  13. - Top - End - #493
    Titan in the Playground
    Farmerbink's Avatar

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    Texas, again!

    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Turi looks confused for a moment by Sunset's response. "Huh? I musta misheard..." As he listens further, he nods in acknowledgement, willing, for now, to trust his newfound companion- or at least giving that appearance.

    For a long moment, he wonders if Sabef is gonna bolt. The kid might actually make it... but he'd be nothing more than Turi and Azkin used to be- and he wouldn't have the good fortune of a brother on the streets. Not good odds. He tries to mask his relief when instead their guide takes his hand, and the rogue helps lift him to his feet. "Think you made the right call, boyo," he mutters. "Let's go."

    He wanders near the rear of the group, mostly watching the adults discuss the details. "Vershab already took care of the bodies," he comments. At the arcanist's glance of surprise- after all Turi wasn't there to witness it- the youngster shrugs. "You always do. That's kinda your thing. Heh, I ain't gonna fight you for it." He merely shakes his head as mention of selling the ruse with the mask comes up. Never gonna happen. No way, no how. Things too bloody powerful to let it out of their sight, even for a moment. Errr, figuratively speaking anyway.

    Turning to Sunset, he interrupts for a moment. "Hey, She's your friend. If push came to shove, I'm more than capable of handling a few nights on the street again, or coming up with a convincing disguise for most of us. Say the word and she never has to know the details."

  14. - Top - End - #494
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by Inspector Valin View Post
    "...[The Mask] Probably blows up all of Sothis or something."
    "Remember what happened in Wati recently? The walking dead were a result of a necromancer getting hold of the mask and misusing its power," inserts Vershab, quietly enough for only the party to hear.

    Quote Originally Posted by Inspector Valin View Post
    "Tabiry...might be more actual help to your objectives than I am."
    Spoiler: Knowledge (Local)
    (1d20+9)[26] to remember anything about a local sage named Tabiry.

  15. - Top - End - #495
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Lehasti snorts dismissively at the idea of allowing the Mask out of their sight.

    Quote Originally Posted by Inspector Valin View Post
    "Tabiry knows about 'em. She knows I was planning to run. She didn't object - she's too good a person for that. Bringing you to her wasn't the plan, but..."
    Lehasti's face is uncharacteristically drawn. "As young master Sabef proves, mere innocence is not enough to protect one from the clutches of this cult. I know not what measures you have taken to protect this friend," the paladin says to Sunset, "but I suspect that if they do not already know of your relationship, they will soon discover it when they realize that their mission tonight has failed. The danger is already upon her; she can but choose her response to it."

    "Although... you say that the cult sought the Mask that we hold. Who else knows- or even suspects- that we bear that burden? I am not accustomed to subterfuge," the paladin's brows furrow in thought and concern, "but if secrecy is the price we must pay for the safety of innocents, then pay it we must."
    Last edited by JWallyR; 2020-01-22 at 02:45 PM.
    Lehasti Gesmeha and Azkin for Mummy's Mask
    Morevek for Wrath of the Righteous
    Janstina Silentall for Age of Worms

  16. - Top - End - #496
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Aug 2013

    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by Farmerbink View Post
    Turning to Sunset, he interrupts for a moment. "Hey, She's your friend. If push came to shove, I'm more than capable of handling a few nights on the street again, or coming up with a convincing disguise for most of us. Say the word and she never has to know the details."
    Turi's words seem to take Sunset aback. She blushes, unsure of just what to say to that at first. It takes her a second to recapture her breath, and she laughs, trying to play the moment off. "'preciate the concern. But at minimum, you should talk. Tabs might be able to help you, and I can guarantee she'll listen. Even if you don't stay at her place, having a word might help clear up whatever you're trying to work out."

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkOne7141981 View Post
    "Remember what happened in Wati recently? The walking dead were a result of a necromancer getting hold of the mask and misusing its power," inserts Vershab, quietly enough for only the party to hear.
    Sunset blinks. Then sighs. "Greeeat. That's just what we need. More shamblers. This place is gonna turn into a second Geb at this rate."

    Quote Originally Posted by JWallyR View Post
    Lehasti's face is uncharacteristically drawn. "As young master Sabef proves, mere innocence is not enough to protect one from the clutches of this cult. I know not what measures you have taken to protect this friend," the paladin says to Sunset, "but I suspect that if they do not already know of your relationship, they will soon discover it when they realize that their mission tonight has failed. The danger is already upon her; she can but choose her response to it."

    "Although... you say that the cult sought the Mask that we hold. Who else knows- or even suspects- that we bear that burden? I am not accustomed to subterfuge," the paladin's brows furrow in thought and concern, "but if secrecy is the price we must pay for the safety of innocents, then pay it we must."
    Sunset is silent at Lehasti's first words. She was mostly telling the archer what she already knew, and was already guilty about. At her question, the former cultist pauses, pondering the matter. "Meret knew. Someone told her, so they presumably told the rest of the cult. I don't think most of us knew a ton about who the 'Relic Knights' are, just that you were a bunch of adventurers with a sacred relic of the pharaoh. But whoever knew you took the mask might have more information than that. Meret seemed to know who she was looking for."

    "Ask me, skulking around's counterproductive. Useful short term but you can't hide forever, and the Cult's just as interested in staying covert. You're worried about them, but they're worried about the Ruby Prince and the other Great and Good of Osirion. Might be worth sticking to the light instead. They were able to go after you tonight because you were somewhere you weren't supposed to be, and that gave them an opening. If the sky lickers start having to pull moves like that in broad daylight, in the midst of a crowded city, people are gonna be asking about 'em. And they do not want that."

    Sunset chuckles, before finally managing to return Lehasti a grin. "Doesn't Sarenrae have a saying about that? "Shadows fear the sun" or something?"

    Gwyn, hope this is right, if not I'm happy to edit. Sunset's not willfully holding back here

  17. - Top - End - #497
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Vershab pipes up again, saying, "Secrecy or the utter annihilation of the cult seem our only options. Either we leave the light well enough to avoid their notice again or we bring them into the light and let it burn them to ash...Personally I have no qualms with going on the offensive, but we will need a starting point. How many living cultists do you know, Sunset? Where do they sleep?"

  18. - Top - End - #498
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Natala al Akmet, Warsighted Oracle

    Natala follows the others, pulling up her hood up and scanning the streets. She listened to the hushed whispers of the others, wondering a number of things. After Vershab’s question, she nodded. ”I have some more questions about your ex-compatriots. What is their purpose? Is it simply centered around the, uh, ‘Esse Pee’, or are there other tenets to their fanaticism? How far spread is the organization and how structured is it? How do they communicate between cells?”

    She also turns to Lehasti, asking ”I’ve heard the, ah, ‘item’ mentioned a few times - where is it? What are you planning to use it for? And why haven’t you destroyed it yet?”

    As they moved through the streets, Natala peers at Sabhef. ”Did you have any recommendations on how to move trough the city I observed? For all these empty streets, I’d feel better having these discussions someplace a little more private, or out of the way.

    OOC - Just joining the conversation
    Spoiler: Crunch
    AC 21 HP 36/57 Init +8 Move 30
    F +5 R +8 W +8
    Weapon: MW longspear (+8, 1d8+3), Ancestral Weapon (+1 magic weapon of choice from pantheon)
    Spells: (Unl) guidance, detect magic, create water, read magic, detect poison, stabilize, mending, ghost sound, mage hand / (3/8) cure light wounds, unseen servant, ray of sickening, divine favor, remove fear, bless, protection vs evil / (1/7) cure moderate wounds, levitate, minor image, spiritual weapon, burst of radiance, lesser restoration, spear of purity / (1/5) cure serious wounds, heroism, searing light, summon monster 3
    Martial flexibility: 3/6; AW: 5/7: Spirit shield: 6/7; Blessings: 1/2
    Key skills: Diplomacy +12; KS History/Religion +9; Sense Motive +8; Spellcraft +8; Heal +5; Linguistics +5; KS All others +4; Craft Weapons +6
    Effect: Spirit Shield (+6 armor; 1 hr); poisoned (-1 Con)
    Last edited by Starbin; 2020-01-23 at 01:20 AM.
    Life is ... life. As always bot/cut as necessary.
    DM: "Why do you have so many characters?"
    Me: "Because I never embraced the strategic value of running away."

    Fare thee well, N_R ... you will missed!y

  19. - Top - End - #499
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Vershab turns to look at Natala with a confused expression. After several seconds of intense thought, he nods and says, "You are concerned with eavesdropping...that is wise. As cannot destroy it without bringing together the other missing pieces of its original owner's soul. Also, think to the spell colloquially known as 'Speak with Dead' - this spell is generally only a spell granted to clergy by a deity. Yet I am not such a clergy and used this power earlier. This power is granted to me Do you understand?"

    Turning back to Sunset he asks another, more direct question, "Sunset, we haven't even asked and confirmed, but is this cult the Sacrosanct Order of the Blue Feather or something that came after? What do they call themselves now? Are they afiliated with the Church of Nethys?"

  20. - Top - End - #500
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    As the group walks the streets, a faint change in the sky's color announces the coming sunrise. The deserted streets begin to see a few folks passing by, workers on an early shift or tradesmen getting ready to open their shops. The groups attracts a few puzzled stares, owing to the bloodstained and singed appearance of their clothing.

  21. - Top - End - #501
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Sunset is starting to find this more difficult. She takes a long breath. "Give me a second. We're almost at Tabiry, and then we won't have to worry about eavesdropping. I can just start talking from the top."

    Soon enough, the party has arrived at the townhouse. A fairly decent building, small but with a couple of stories to its name. Sunset leads the group into an alleyway at its back, before waving a hand up at the second floor, where the faint light of a candle can be seen through shutters. "Okay. I'll go through the window. Don't worry - it's how I usually come in. I'll explain that you're here, and try and talk Tabs into letting you stay."

    She's about to start climbing up the side of the building, but first pauses and looks between the Relic Knights, "Just... give me a minute to explain it all to her. All right? Tonight's been... kinda a lot."

  22. - Top - End - #502
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by Gwynfrid View Post
    The groups attracts a few puzzled stares, owing to the bloodstained and singed appearance of their clothing.
    As they walk, Vershab casts a cantrip (Prestidigitation) and quickly cleans everyone's clothes of the worst of the stains and burns, continuing the action as he walks (momentarily a bit slower) until the stares decrease back into the normal curiosity of the common folk.

  23. - Top - End - #503
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by Inspector Valin View Post
    "Doesn't Sarenrae have a saying about that? "Shadows fear the sun" or something?"
    Lehasti nods sagely. "Dawn's first light does indeed herald the conquest of all darkness. I..." the paladin lapses into thoughtful silence. "Oh, for a day when innocents no longer need fear the predations of war, even just war between the forces of darkness and of light."

    Quote Originally Posted by Inspector Valin View Post
    "Okay. I'll go through the window. Don't worry - it's how I usually come in. I'll explain that you're here, and try and talk Tabs into letting you stay. Just... give me a minute to explain it all to her. All right? Tonight's been... kinda a lot."
    Lehasti eyes the environs uncertainly. "Please hurry, as best you can." Her eyes follow the strange woman appraisingly as she begins to scale the wall, but the paladin says nothing more.
    Lehasti Gesmeha and Azkin for Mummy's Mask
    Morevek for Wrath of the Righteous
    Janstina Silentall for Age of Worms

  24. - Top - End - #504
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Sunset doesn't think twice, or look back. She scampers upwards, rolling through the window with a grin and a cry of "Missed me?" Those below can hear a sharp slap, before someone closes the shutters. Still, through them the group can hear a muffled but pleasurable moan, then see a flash of golden light burst through cracks in the portal, accompanied by... a peal of trumpets?

    After that, there's a couple of minutes of activity, seemingly spread across the house, before finally the front door opens and a new figure steps through. "Err.. You're the Relic Knights, correct?"

    Tabiry looks... spectacularly unimposing. She's a full head shorter than Sunset, hair raised in a high knot leaving her face plain. It's easy to tell she lacks her counterpart's toned muscles too. She's clad in a simple woolen black robe, without adornment or ostentation, the sort that might be given to a junior scribe rather than a respected scholar of Osirion's history. She glances around the group, on edge merely at this conversation, but tries her hardest to smile.

    "Come in. Please. I'm making hot strawberry tea, and have mugs warming by the fire. We can... talk over that."

    Assuming the knights are willing to acquiesce to this, the Scribe leads them into a humble but well made home, seating them around her dining table and busying herself with a kettle. The candles have been freshly lit, and a good number of manuscripts decorate the many small tables and shelves across the house. Beside the pots and hearth of Tabiry's kitchen rests a series of beakers, mortar and pestle resting on humble brick along with a series of component and extract jars. It seems this historian has some talent at alchemy. A few small vials look suspiciously similar to those Sunset makes use of with her bomb arrows.

    Soon enough Tabiry has her mugs in order, beginning to serve each of the Knights in turn. A glance to the mantle indicates that she's made seven mugs, and each member of the group soon has one. Tabiry joins them at the table once she's done, placing her own mug down with a sigh. "Hope... hope this is okay. I don't get many visitors."
    Last edited by Inspector Valin; 2020-01-24 at 02:33 AM.

  25. - Top - End - #505
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Turi plods along sullenly while most of the conversation dwindles. He makes special care to note Natala's understanding (or not) of Vershab's point.

    In the alley behind Tabiry's house, Turi watches with unabashed awe as Sunset makes short work of the wall, despite the distinct lack of stairs, ladder, or even particularly decent handholds. "I- what?" His jaw slacks slightly agape, until the woman disappears into the window. He's too impressed to even chuckle at the apparent greeting, and spends a few moments looking at his dirty hands as if they've somehow betrayed him.

    Several minutes later, Turi is quick to accept Tabiry's invitation. "I mean, that's why we're here, eh?" He saunters through the open door, momentarily displaying his distinct ignorance of etiquette and proper form. He reclines lazily in one of the indicated chairs and kicking off his boots before raising a pair of fairly ripe feet to the table. With a push, the chair becomes balanced precariously on its back legs, and the young rogue takes up a nearly horizontal position before eagerly snatching up the cup of tea. He sips once. Twice. And sighs, as sleep threatens to take him right then and there.
    Quote Originally Posted by Inspector Valin View Post
    "Hope... hope this is okay. I don't get many visitors."
    "Hmm? 'Sfine..." The youngster mutters, starting briefly and blinking his eyes in rapid succession in a vain effort to dispel the fatigue. "Say, where's that Sunset chick?"

  26. - Top - End - #506
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by Farmerbink View Post
    He reclines lazily in one of the indicated chairs and kicking off his boots before raising a pair of fairly ripe feet to the table.
    Vershab wrinkles his nose and casts Prestidigitation again, this time directed at the offending feet, and once the magic cleans them enough to mute the smell breathes deeply and sighs.

    To their hostess he asks, "I actually have something I have been meaning to try for some time - may I use your kettle?" From his pack he pulls out a small bar of chocolate, wrapped carefully in wax paper and carefully breaks off a small portion. Mixing it with some water and sugar he heats the concoction, pours it into a glass, and sits down, sipping at the drink quietly with a smile on his face (for the first time in several hours).

  27. - Top - End - #507
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    During the time it takes to get to Tabiry's place, Sabef looks out in every direction with worried eyes, turning his head this way and that as if expecting an attack any moment. When the group arrives at its destination, a sigh of relief is his reaction as he wastes no time accepting their host's invitation to step inside, and a grateful, tired smile is his way of silent thanks to her as he sips the offered tea. He turns to Natala: "You asked me a question for advice, Ma'am. It's an honor, I appreciate it. Unfortunately, I don't think I can help much with traveling unnoticed in Tephu. I know how to do it, right. But not with a big group like that, with casting magic, with armor and weapons and everything. Only on my own, walking as light as possible. I'm sorry."

  28. - Top - End - #508
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    Natala al Akmet, Warsighted Oracle

    Natala nods hesitantly as Vershab speaks, quieting down as Sunset leads them to her friend’s domicile. Once there, she watched in confusion as the other archer slipped up the wall and called in to someone. She glances at the others, then back up to the window as they stood in awkward silence. When the door opened and a fairly unassuming woman opened the door, Nat nodded in greeting and followed the others in.

    She stood for a moment as the group gathered around the table, uncertain if she should sit or remain standing. She opted for the later and took a cup of tea, holding it for warmth and the smell, but not sipping yet. She glanced around the room, trying to gauge what sort of person this Tabiry was. When Turi asked about Sunset, Natala frowned, glancing around. Funny, she didn’t hear anything ...

    Setting down her tea abruptly, Natala clears her throat. ”I, too, would like to know where and. Sunset has gone. She was going to share some information with us...”

    OOC - Looking around the house. Nat is a little nervous that they are being tricked ... perhaps Tabiry khans betrayed Sunset and the group. Something is weird.
    Spoiler: Crunch
    AC 21 HP 36/57 Init +8 Move 30
    F +5 R +8 W +8
    Weapon: MW longspear (+8, 1d8+3), Ancestral Weapon (+1 magic weapon of choice from pantheon)
    Spells: (Unl) guidance, detect magic, create water, read magic, detect poison, stabilize, mending, ghost sound, mage hand / (3/8) cure light wounds, unseen servant, ray of sickening, divine favor, remove fear, bless, protection vs evil / (1/7) cure moderate wounds, levitate, minor image, spiritual weapon, burst of radiance, lesser restoration, spear of purity / (1/5) cure serious wounds, heroism, searing light, summon monster 3
    Martial flexibility: 3/6; AW: 5/7: Spirit shield: 6/7; Blessings: 1/2
    Key skills: Diplomacy +12; KS History/Religion +9; Sense Motive +8; Spellcraft +8; Heal +5; Linguistics +5; KS All others +4; Craft Weapons +6
    Effect: Spirit Shield (+6 armor; 1 hr); poisoned (-1 Con)
    Last edited by Starbin; 2020-01-25 at 02:58 AM.
    Life is ... life. As always bot/cut as necessary.
    DM: "Why do you have so many characters?"
    Me: "Because I never embraced the strategic value of running away."

    Fare thee well, N_R ... you will missed!y

  29. - Top - End - #509
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Tabiry follows Vershab's movements, quietly fascinated with the man's brew. She looks like she's considering asking him for the recipie before thinking better of it and falling back to the table. She smiles around the group at first, but as the questions mount she starts to frown.

    "Yes, well. I sent her away."

    She takes a long sip of tea at that. She looks down at that, rather than meeting the gaze of the Relic Knights. "Sunset wasn't happy about it. She's told me she doesn't think you trust her, and this will make it worse. I can understand that. But I can see the other side of this situation. While she's important to me, to you she's just a cult member who pled for her life. I'm not sure I trust you with her. You're a tight knit group. She'd be the expendable one. Someone that wouldn't weigh on you if she got killed."

    Those words make Tabiry herself shudder. She's not used to this, and doesn't seem to relish even having this conversation. She finally looks up, glancing around the table. "Sorry. That was more hostile than I intended." She looks less powerful, more desperate, imploring. She'd perhaps not taken the news of Sunset's flight as well as could've been hoped. "I want to trust you. But I'd like to talk to you first. Learn more about what you're planning to do, get a better sense of who you are. Please, just... put my mind at rest, before I send her off with you."

    Finally getting the words out, Tabiry takes a long breath, one filled with strawberry vapors. The sweetness is a comfort. She leans back in her chair. "Sunset's told me a lot about the Cult of the Forgotten Pharaoh, and I have the education she lacks. I can answer anything she can. And because she insisted, she left something to show that this wasn't her choice." Standing, Tabiry moves to open a cupboard near the table. At its base rests a familiar looking longbow, still glinting with a trace of fire magic, along with the matching quivver.

    "You know Sunset wouldn't have left herself vulnerable willingly. She really wants you to trust her."
    Last edited by Inspector Valin; 2020-01-24 at 08:52 AM.

  30. - Top - End - #510
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkOne7141981 View Post
    Vershab wrinkles his nose and casts Prestidigitation again, this time directed at the offending feet, and once the magic cleans them enough to mute the smell breathes deeply and sighs.
    Turi starts again, as an unfamiliar sensation washes over his feet. "Dang, that's neat. Thanks, V." His eyes close again as he staves off sleep.

    Quote Originally Posted by Inspector Valin View Post
    "Yes, well. I sent her away."
    One eye pops open, and its brow rises precipitously. He doesn't interrupt her quiet stream of consciousness, though. He purses his lips, listening carefully and his eager expression banishes any impression of exhaustion.
    Quote Originally Posted by Inspector Valin View Post
    "You know Sunset wouldn't have left herself vulnerable willingly. She really wants you to trust her."
    A low whistle pierces the heavy silence as Turi eyes the longbow. He leans forward, returning his feet to the floor with an expression that mingles confusion and awe. "I'm not gonna pretend to understand exactly what you mean," he mutters, placing a hand on the kukri handle protruding from a bandolier. "But I'd just about sooner die than leave these behind somewhere." He turns to Tabiry expectantly. "Sunset said she was gonna 'start talking from the top.' I guess we should ask you to do that, now?"

    Spoiler: OOC
    So I'm pretty sure I, the player, understand some aspects of what's happening here. Are there details we need to know in terms of the mechanics of our characters understanding (or not) the dual personality thing? It seems implausible, at best, for familiar companions to remain tricked by the ability for very long, but I don't want to present responses that are inconsistent with the rules.

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