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  1. - Top - End - #181
    Colossus in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Dinosaur Museum aw yisss.

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Wolfbane

    Have you ever travelled overseas?

    If so, what event really drove it home that you weren't in your own country anymore?

    What place/s do you most and least want to visit?

    What have you recently discovered or worked out about yourself?

    In what ways have you changed since you were half your current age?

    In what ways have you stayed the same?

  2. - Top - End - #182
    Troll in the Playground
    wxdruid's Avatar

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    Jump Ring Heaven

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Wolfbane

    What color(s) do you prefer to wear?

    What do you like to collect?

    How many avatars do you have?

    Will you ever attend GenCon?

    What type of chocolate do you prefer?

    Do you enjoy watching the Weather Channel?
    Avi by Elder Tsofu
    Inner Circle

    Quote Originally Posted by Vaynor View Post
    Well you cheat, obviously. You're a druid, you can just cast Control Weather and call it a day.
    Chainmaille, Chainmail or is it Chain Mail?

  3. - Top - End - #183
    Troll in the Playground
    mangosta71's Avatar

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    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Wolfbane

    Do you, in fact, have any cheese here at all?

    Will you go quietly when they come for you?

    What is your anti-zombie weapon of choice?

    Are you running to something, or from something?

    What's the magic word?
    Delightfully abrasive in more ways than one
    Quote Originally Posted by RabbitHoleLost View Post
    Mango:you sick, twisted bastard <3
    Quote Originally Posted by Gryffon View Post
    I think Krade is protesting the use of the word mad in in the phrase mad scientist as it promotes ambiguity. Are they angry? Are they crazy? Some of both? Not to mention, it also often connotates some degree of evilness. In the future we should be more careful to use proper classification.

    Mango is a dastardly irate unhinged scientist, for realz.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sartharina View Post
    Evil's awesome because of the art.

    Avatar by Kwark_Pudding

  4. - Top - End - #184
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll's Avatar

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    Das Kapital

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Wolfbane

    1977. What happened at that time?

    If you drove your Chevy to a levee, what state is that levee in?

    Alternatively, if you drove your Chevy to a Levee en Masse, what would you say when you met Napoleon? What if you met Robespierre? Marat? Hell, what if you met Murat?

    In that vein, do you agree with me that if, after the battle of Ligny, Napoleon had sent Ney after Blucher instead of Grouchy, he would have likely won Waterloo? Ney was always brash, and Grouchy too cautious, and Grouchy failed to press Blucher, and lost him, and Ney led an un-ordered cavalry charge that ended in complete destruction, losing Napoleon practically all his cavalry.

    If the Hindenburg hadn't burned, do you think we would still be having airship cruises over the atlantic? If not, do you WISH we would? Cause, y'know, airship cruises would be pretty sweet.
    Steampunk GwynSkull by DR. BATH

    "Live to the point of tears"
    - Albert Camus

    Quote Originally Posted by Wyntonian View Post
    What. Is. This. Madness.

  5. - Top - End - #185
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Wolfbane

    What question would you like to be asked?
    Anything really.

    What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
    Loyalty and fluffiness. As well as the inability to hurt me if it gets possessed/turned evil.

    What is the square root of Pi?
    A Cobbler.

    What's your favorite OOTS strip?
    Sexy Shoeless God of War.

    What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
    Any of them.

    How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
    Very closely really.

    Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose? Most loved one. *hugs niece tight*

    What is your favorite word?

    What is your least favorite word?
    Gangsta'. Alternately: Playa'

    What makes you enthusiastic?
    My niece.

    What disappoints you?
    Not being able to see my dogs.

    What sound do you love?
    The wind in the fall, lightly touching the dead leaves on trees and making them rustle.

    What sound do you hate?
    Dog Whistles.

    What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
    Being a cop.

    What profession would you not like to participate in? [/QUOTE]
    Cleaning high-rise windows. I've gotten over my fear of heights, but there's a limit.

    Have you ever travelled overseas?
    Yes, to Seoul, South Korea.
    If so, what event really drove it home that you weren't in your own country anymore?
    Stepping outside the airport really. I wasn't too bothered by it. I was fairly young. 9 I think.
    What place/s do you most and least want to visit?
    Most: Romania. Least: Siberia.
    What have you recently discovered or worked out about yourself?
    That I apparently love little kids as long as their partly my flesh and blood. *hugs niece again*
    In what ways have you changed since you were half your current age?
    I've definitely gotten a lot more mature, believe I'm smarter, and feel really good about myself now.
    In what ways have you stayed the same?
    I believe that I'm smarter, I love books, video games, and still have dogs.

    What color(s) do you prefer to wear?
    Browns and grays. Earth tones really.
    What do you like to collect?
    Bumps and bruises apparently.
    How many avatars do you have?
    Too many to count off the top of my head, easily 15 or so.
    Will you ever attend GenCon?
    I really really hope so.
    What type of chocolate do you prefer?
    Dark chocolate, preferably with a bit of chili pepper mixed in.
    Do you enjoy watching the Weather Channel?
    Yes actually. So I know just how fun I have it compared to places with normal weather.

    Do you, in fact, have any cheese here at all?

    Will you go quietly when they come for you?
    Nope! It'll be so loud, FOX and CNN will be covering it.

    What is your anti-zombie weapon of choice?
    Probably a splitting maul.

    Are you running to something, or from something?
    I'd like to think to something, but I fear it's from something.

    What's the magic word?
    Key Lime Pie.

    1977. What happened at that time?
    Elvis, sadly.
    If you drove your Chevy to a levee, what state is that levee in?

    Alternatively, if you drove your Chevy to a Levee en Masse, what would you say when you met Napoleon? What if you met Robespierre? Marat? Hell, what if you met Murat?
    Probably tell them all "Hi" and leave before all hell broke loose. >.>

    In that vein, do you agree with me that if, after the battle of Ligny, Napoleon had sent Ney after Blucher instead of Grouchy, he would have likely won Waterloo? Ney was always brash, and Grouchy too cautious, and Grouchy failed to press Blucher, and lost him, and Ney led an un-ordered cavalry charge that ended in complete destruction, losing Napoleon practically all his cavalry.
    While I may study a lot of war and history, sadly, Napoleon is one of my weak points, so I couldn't say.

    If the Hindenburg hadn't burned, do you think we would still be having airship cruises over the atlantic? If not, do you WISH we would? Cause, y'know, airship cruises would be pretty sweet.

    Yes, and Hell yes!

  6. - Top - End - #186
    Ettin in the Playground
    Strawberries's Avatar

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    East Midlands, UK

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Wolfbane

    How did you find GITP?

    What's your favourite place in the real world?

    And not in the real world?

    Favourite book?

    Favourite movie?

    Favourite TV serie?

    "Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot" - N.Gaiman, The Sandman

  7. - Top - End - #187
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Blue Ghost's Avatar

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    Jul 2008

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Wolfbane

    How’s life at the moment?

    Favorite color?

    Favorite fruit?

    Favorite ice cream?

    What is your theme song?

    What is your alignment?

    What is your Magic: The Gathering color?

    What is the meaning of life?

    What are your thoughts on:


    What is the color of your aura?

    What does your essence taste like?

    What’s your elemental affinity?

    Who would you ask to the next Playground Prom, if we had one?

    Are you part of any other online communities?

    How often do you clean out your PM box?

    What fictional character do you most identify with?

    Socks: Yes or no?

    Where have you been?

    Blue Ghost, Lawful Good generalist wizard, at your service.
    Love wins. S'agapo.

    I make MtG cards. My portfolio

    Avatar by AsteriskAmp.

  8. - Top - End - #188
    Troll in the Playground
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    Unfriend Zone

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Wolfbane

    gw's Questions of Questionable Intent

    1. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

    2. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

    3. Roses or orchids?

    4. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

    5. How did you get to be so awesome?

    6. Where were you ten years ago, and what do you know now that you wish you knew back then?

    7. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

    8. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

    9. When your life comes to an end, how do you want to be remembered/what do you want to be remembered for?

    10. Ga! These questions have taken a turn for the depressing! Quick, what is your favorite lolcat!? (Bonus cookies for posting a pic.)

    11. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

    12. Beards or babies?

    13. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

    14. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?

    15. What's an old-fashioned song or short schmaltzy bit of poetry that's stuck in your head?

    16. Favorite mythological monster?

    17. Enough of this! I am your arch-nemesis! Where will we fight our final, climactic battle?

    18. In #17, above, did you defeat me? If so, how?

    19. Do you prefer the silly questions or the serious ones?

    20. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

  9. - Top - End - #189
    Bugbear in the Playground
    rakkoon's Avatar

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    Mar 2006

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Wolfbane

    Do you consider yourself a wolf or the bane of wolves?


    Quote Originally Posted by Lex-Kat View Post
    "Leave my Rakkoon alone!"
    Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
    What shall I say to thee, rakkoon, thou cruel,
    Ingrateful, savage and inhuman creature,
    That knewst the very bottom of my soul,
    That almost mightst have coined me into gold
    Wouldst thou have practiced on me for thy use?
    Supa Songs about me

    Thanks to Elder Tsofu for the banner and Rowsen for the avvie!

  10. - Top - End - #190
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Wolfbane

    How did you find GITP?
    My father linked me the comic.

    What's your favourite place in the real world?
    My bed.
    And not in the real world?
    Favourite book?
    The Mote in God's Eye.
    Favourite movie?
    Favourite TV serie?
    Kolchak: The Night Stalker

    How’s life at the moment?
    Pretty darn good.
    Favorite color?
    Favorite fruit?
    Favorite ice cream?
    What is your theme song?
    Little Red Riding Hood Cover
    What is your alignment?
    Chaotic Funky
    What is your Magic: The Gathering color?
    What is the meaning of life?
    What are your thoughts on:

    Love? Probably the best thing that could happen to us. Has it happened to me yet? No. But hopefully it will.

    Friendship? I believe the song "I've Got Friends In Low Places" said it best.

    Freedom? Wonderful.

    What is the color of your aura?
    Probably varying shades of gray with flecks of white.

    What does your essence taste like?
    Probably a bit ham-y.

    What’s your elemental affinity?

    Who would you ask to the next Playground Prom, if we had one?
    We'll just have to see when the time comes I guess.

    Are you part of any other online communities?
    Not really.

    How often do you clean out your PM box?
    About once ever other week.

    What fictional character do you most identify with?
    Admiral Lavrenti Kutuzov from The Mote in God's Eye

    Socks: Yes or no?
    *looks down* Yes.

    Where have you been?

    [QUOTE=ghost_warlock;10867769]gw's Questions of Questionable Intent

    1. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?
    Oh list is long, but the most notable ones are probably Deja Thoris, Agatha Heterodyne, Mama Gkika...and I won't bother you with more than that.

    2. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?
    I try not to give up.

    3. Roses or orchids?

    4. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?
    To be honest? Guilt. *long story*

    5. How did you get to be so awesome?

    6. Where were you ten years ago, and what do you know now that you wish you knew back then?
    I was in Korea, and I wish I knew what I could have invested in. One word: Google.

    7. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?
    A smart, funny, beautiful woman who enjoys my company. The human race would likely die off, but at least we wouldn't be lonely.

    8. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?
    Captaine Jean Danjou

    9. When your life comes to an end, how do you want to be remembered/what do you want to be remembered for?
    I want to be remembered for being myself.

    10. Ga! These questions have taken a turn for the depressing! Quick, what is your favorite lolcat!? (Bonus cookies for posting a pic.)
    Pfft, I'm a wolf, why would I like Lolcats?

    11. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?
    *looks around and laughs* Nothing here for Godzilla to attack.

    12. Beards or babies?
    Bearded babies of course.

    13. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?
    Plenty, but none I can remember off the top of my head.

    14. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?
    A cunning elephant?

    15. What's an old-fashioned song or short schmaltzy bit of poetry that's stuck in your head?
    Minne the Moocher - Cab Calloway Betty Boop version

    16. Favorite mythological monster?
    Werewolves are real, so I'll say the Cambodian Aph.

    17. Enough of this! I am your arch-nemesis! Where will we fight our final, climactic battle?
    In the library, next to Prof. Plum.

    18. In #17, above, did you defeat me? If so, how?
    The place blew up. Unclear who won.

    19. Do you prefer the silly questions or the serious ones?

    20. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?
    Because I like questions.

    Quote Originally Posted by rakkoon View Post
    Do you consider yourself a wolf or the bane of wolves?

  11. - Top - End - #191
    Barbarian in the Playground
    SquirrelKing's Avatar

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    MA, USA

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Wolfbane

    Do you know what your name would have been if you were born the opposite sex? If so, what was it?

    What were you afraid of most as a kid? And where or with whom did you feel safest from said fears?

    What makes your niece so awesome?

    If you were sitting on the dock of the bay, what would you be doing while there?
    In loving memory of the many in my family - both chosen and blood - that I've lost in the last years. I love you and miss you all.

  12. - Top - End - #192
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Wolfbane

    Do you know what your name would have been if you were born the opposite sex? If so, what was it?
    Probably something by Barry White.

    What were you afraid of most as a kid? And where or with whom did you feel safest from said fears?
    Tailypo. And as for the safest, there was no safe place to hide from Tailypo.

    What makes your niece so awesome?
    She's my niece. Does there have to be any other reason?

    If you were sitting on the dock of the bay, what would you be doing while there?

    Probably laying back and enjoying the sun, daydreaming.

  13. - Top - End - #193
    Ogre in the Playground
    Reinholdt's Avatar

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    May 2008
    In hiding. Always hiding.

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Zherog

    Thank you for joining us Wolfbane.
    *releases a squirrel for chasing*

    Up next, we have, well... someone I don't know. Fortunately that's the entire point of this thread isn't it? Let's give a hand for Zherog!

    Reinholdt's Riveting and Rhetorical Questions:
    What question would you like to be asked?
    What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
    What is the square root of Pi?
    What's your favorite OOTS strip?
    What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
    How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
    Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose?
    What is your favorite word?
    What is your least favorite word?
    What makes you enthusiastic?
    What disappoints you?
    What sound do you love?
    What sound do you hate?
    What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
    What profession would you not like to participate in?
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Magtok View Post
    Gods, Reinholdt was right, a hundred percent right.
    Quote Originally Posted by Supagoof View Post
    Tale as old as thread
    And you find yourself dead
    Reinholdt was the Beast
    Quote Originally Posted by Philistine View Post
    Reinholdt had already told the truth once in that post, and therefore was over his annual quota.

  14. - Top - End - #194
    Ettin in the Playground
    Strawberries's Avatar

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    East Midlands, UK

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Zherog

    How did you find GITP?

    What's your favourite place in the real world?

    And not in the real world?

    Favourite book?

    Favourite movie?

    Favourite TV serie?

    "Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot" - N.Gaiman, The Sandman

  15. - Top - End - #195
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Aug 2005
    The sunny South

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Zherog

    Hey Z whats up with the Q&A?

    I'm not trying to be funny it's just you have never seemed the type to volunteer for this sort of thing if you catch my drift.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lilly View Post
    I am now going to begin blaming everything that goes wrong on Charity. Just for gits and shiggles. And not even just things on the forums. Summer! Charity!

  16. - Top - End - #196
    Troll in the Playground
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    Unfriend Zone

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Zherog

    gw's Questions of Questionable Intent

    1. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

    2. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

    3. Roses or orchids?

    4. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

    5. How did you get to be so awesome?

    6. Where were you ten years ago, and what do you know now that you wish you knew back then?

    7. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

    8. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

    9. When your life comes to an end, how do you want to be remembered/what do you want to be remembered for?

    10. Ga! These questions have taken a turn for the depressing! Quick, what is your favorite lolcat!? (Bonus cookies for posting a pic.)

    11. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

    12. Beards or babies?

    13. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

    14. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?

    15. What's an old-fashioned song or short schmaltzy bit of poetry that's stuck in your head?

    16. Favorite mythological monster?

    17. Enough of this! I am your arch-nemesis! Where will we fight our final, climactic battle?

    18. In #17, above, did you defeat me? If so, how?

    19. Do you prefer the silly questions or the serious ones?

    20. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

  17. - Top - End - #197
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Blue Ghost's Avatar

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    Jul 2008

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Zherog

    How’s life at the moment?

    Favorite color?

    Favorite fruit?

    Favorite ice cream?

    What is your theme song?

    What is your alignment?

    What is your Magic: The Gathering color?

    What is the meaning of life?

    What are your thoughts on:


    What is the color of your aura?

    What does your essence taste like?

    What’s your elemental affinity?

    Who would you ask to the next Playground Prom, if we had one?

    Are you part of any other online communities?

    How often do you clean out your PM box?

    What fictional character do you most identify with?

    Socks: Yes or no?

    Blue Ghost, Lawful Good generalist wizard, at your service.
    Love wins. S'agapo.

    I make MtG cards. My portfolio

    Avatar by AsteriskAmp.

  18. - Top - End - #198
    Retired Mod in the Playground Retired Moderator
    Savannah's Avatar

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    Texas. It's too hot here.

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Zherog

    Why did you pick Zherog as your username?

    Why'd you pick what you did for your avatar?

    Is there anything about you that you think people should know that they won't get from just reading your posts?
    If so, what is it?
    Knowledge is power.
    Power corrupts.
    Study hard.
    Be evil.

  19. - Top - End - #199
    Troll in the Playground
    wxdruid's Avatar

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    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Zherog

    What color(s) do you prefer to wear?

    What do you like to collect?

    How many avatars do you have?

    Will you be attending GenCon?

    What type of chocolate do you prefer?

    What type and how many pets do you have?

    Do you enjoy watching the Weather Channel?
    Avi by Elder Tsofu
    Inner Circle

    Quote Originally Posted by Vaynor View Post
    Well you cheat, obviously. You're a druid, you can just cast Control Weather and call it a day.
    Chainmaille, Chainmail or is it Chain Mail?

  20. - Top - End - #200
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll's Avatar

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    Das Kapital

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Zherog

    1977? What happened that year.

    If you could say a single event started the Renaissance, which event would it be?

    Have you ever played the Elder Scrolls games? If yes, which one is your favourite?

    What genre of books are your favourite?

    Do you read often?

    What was the last book you finished?

    What's your favourite book of all time?
    Steampunk GwynSkull by DR. BATH

    "Live to the point of tears"
    - Albert Camus

    Quote Originally Posted by Wyntonian View Post
    What. Is. This. Madness.

  21. - Top - End - #201
    Ettin in the Playground
    Zherog's Avatar

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    Bensalem, PA

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Zherog

    Quote Originally Posted by Reinholdt View Post
    Reinholdt's Riveting and Rhetorical Questions:
    What question would you like to be asked?
    What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

    What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
    Cuddly. Friendly.

    What is the square root of Pi?
    Mmmm.... pie.... *drools on the thread*

    What's your favorite OOTS strip?
    I love the background comments in #40. I like a lot of the early ones, mostly for the gags that rip on the rules.

    What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
    I only read the first handful of Erfworld strips, hated it, and never read another.

    How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
    Not quite sure what this question means... maybe I'm too tired after a long day...

    Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose?
    While I would love to tell you the large group, the answer is probably my most loved.

    What is your favorite word?
    I love all words. Probably comes from being a writer. But just to be nice, I'll give you two words: Onomatopoeia and defenestrate.

    What is your least favorite word?
    I really don't know if I have one. Every word serves a purpose.

    What makes you enthusiastic?
    My children.

    What disappoints you?
    My children. ;)

    What sound do you love?
    I think the sound of a child laughing is the most awesome sound in the world. Kids don't fake-laugh the way adults do. It's genuine and pure, and it's awesome.

    What sound do you hate?
    My alarm clock.

    What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
    I regularly think about teaching.

    What profession would you not like to participate in?
    Firefighter. I don't know about anybody else, but when a building is on fire I'm going to try to get out not in.

    (disclaimer: my father is a retired firefighter. I've heard too many stories.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Strawberries View Post
    How did you find GITP?
    I knew Rich a bit before he was famous. I came to the forum just to have another place to talk about the 3.5 rules.

    What's your favourite place in the real world?
    Hmmm... At the risk of sounding too much like Dorothy, there's really no place like home.

    And not in the real world?

    Favourite book?
    Hmmm.. I have a few.

    The Stand, by Steven King
    The Sleeping Dragon, by Joel Rosenberg
    Jhereg, by Steven Brust
    Hunt for Red October, by Tom Clancy
    Ten Little Indians, by Agatha Christie

    Favourite movie?
    I love all the Star Wars films, even the prequels that everybody else seems to hate. Some other favorites include (but not limited to): History of the World Part 1, Sneakers, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Bull Durham.

    Favourite TV serie?
    I don't watch much TV at all. About the only thing I watch currently (other than sports) is Mythbusters. Some past TV series that I've enjoyed include (but not limited to): The Sopranos, M*A*S*H, Cheers, Night Court.

    Quote Originally Posted by Charity View Post
    Hey Z whats up with the Q&A?

    I'm not trying to be funny it's just you have never seemed the type to volunteer for this sort of thing if you catch my drift.
    I was bored, and caught this one early on so... *shrug*

    Quote Originally Posted by ghost_warlock View Post
    1. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?
    Princess Leia.

    2. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?
    Being a good father.

    3. Roses or orchids?

    4. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?
    I'll be sounding a bit like a broken record, but my kids. Every day is interesting.

    5. How did you get to be so awesome?
    Other than my kids (who don't know any better yet), I'm not sure who says I'm awesome.

    6. Where were you ten years ago, and what do you know now that you wish you knew back then?
    Hmmm... April of 2001... I was the new father of a 3 month old; I worked for a company that I expected to be at a long time (I was laid off in '03); I hadn't even given a thought to doing any sort of professional game design/freelance work.

    I'm not coming up with anything for the second part of your question, though. Sorry.

    7. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?
    I've never really liked questions like this, to be honest. I would find it terribly boring to have only one other person that I could ever interact with. I mean, my first thought was to try to think of a hot chick, but that would get boring after a while (if it didn't kill me ;) ). Then I tried to think of somebody witty I could talk to, but eventually stories would become repeats and the conversations would become boring.

    8. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?
    My great-great-great-great grandfather. For two reasons. First, to the best of my knowledge nobody has ever been able to trace the family tree back any further than him. I want to know more. Second, there's a family rumor that he came to America (it wasn't the United States yet, he arrived in the 1760's) because he and his brother killed a tax collector in Germany. I want to hear that story!

    9. When your life comes to an end, how do you want to be remembered/what do you want to be remembered for?
    The only thing I care about is that people say, "He was a good father." Nothing else really matters to me.

    10. Ga! These questions have taken a turn for the depressing! Quick, what is your favorite lolcat!? (Bonus cookies for posting a pic.)
    Won't be any bonus points. But there's one of a white cat faceplanted into the arm of a sofa that makes a comment about Mondays. It always makes me laugh.

    11. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?
    Hmmm... a shrink ray, to make him small enough to squish like an ant on the sidewalk.

    12. Beards or babies?
    Who says the two are mutually exclusive?

    13. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?
    I've made up plenty. Can't recall any off the top of my head, though.

    14. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?
    The distinct sound made by my brain as it explodes trying to come up with witty and clever answers to questions...

    15. What's an old-fashioned song or short schmaltzy bit of poetry that's stuck in your head?
    Nothing really stuck in my head at the moment.

    16. Favorite mythological monster?
    The Jersey Devil.

    17. Enough of this! I am your arch-nemesis! Where will we fight our final, climactic battle?

    18. In #17, above, did you defeat me? If so, how?
    I'm too meek to have an arch-nemesis...

    19. Do you prefer the silly questions or the serious ones?

    20. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?
    I was bored...

    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Ghost View Post
    How’s life at the moment?
    Not too bad, though my daughter got sick right before bed, which is a bummer - both because I hate when either of my kids is sick and because we decided to cancel our D&D session for tomorrow out of an abundance of caution.

    Favorite color?

    Favorite fruit?

    Favorite ice cream?
    butter pecan

    What is your theme song?
    "In Heaven There Is No Beer"

    What is your alignment?
    Lawful Ugly

    What is your Magic: The Gathering color?
    Never played Magic

    What is the meaning of life?

    What are your thoughts on:

    All are important for a good life.

    What is the color of your aura?
    Is there some meaning to aura color, or do I just pick a color? If so, green.

    What does your essence taste like?
    Beer. :D

    What’s your elemental affinity?

    Who would you ask to the next Playground Prom, if we had one?
    I'm so shy I barely found dates for my real proms (which were over 20 years ago *cough*). I only got prom dates by asking friends. I don't know that I'd like to go through that sort of stress again...

    Are you part of any other online communities?
    I'm on Facebook. I post regularly on the Kobold Quarterly forums. I still post a bit over at Wizards. I'm "tech support" over at the gaming den (a buddy owns it, and he needs the help). That's about the extent, I guess.

    How often do you clean out your PM box?
    The PM I received reminding me about this is the 7th message in my box (including sent). I'll go delete that when I'm done with this reply.

    What fictional character do you most identify with?
    I don't. I mean, I don't ever watch a movie or read a book or whatever and say, "ZOMG! That's totally me!"

    Socks: Yes or no?
    If I'm wearing shoes, yes. (I hate sandals.) If I'm not wearing shoes and it's winter, probably but not always. If I'm not wearing shoes and it's any other time of year, probably not but sometimes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Savannah View Post
    Why did you pick Zherog as your username?
    Zherog was the name of one of my old 2nd edition D&D characters. When I got back into playing D&D when 3.0 launched, I decided to recycle the name (since the original Zherog didn't do much and so didn't have much of a history). When I registered for the WotC forums back in '01, I needed a screen name. Something or other glitched when I tried to use my first initial and last name, and so I needed a name and decided to use my character's name. I've been using it onlline ever since.

    And to explain the name itself... It's a bastardization of "Jhereg" - a novel by Steven Brust, and the name of a creature within that novel (and the rest of that series). I liked the look of it, but thought it needed to start with a Z sound instead. Then I didn't like the last syllable, and swapped the e for an o.

    Why'd you pick what you did for your avatar?
    Over on the WotC forums, my online persona at the time was very exaggerated as a flirt and a drinker of Guinness. (In fact, had I not found the Castle of Fun rp forum over on WotC, I likely would've been banned.) The character Zherog on the Castle of Fun drank copious amounts of Guinness in the bar. When I joined another message board (The Nifty Message Board) that had a lot of former WotC posters, I had the freedom to have any avatar, rather than the limited list WotC had at the time. I found a picture of a pint and used that. When I came here, I started with the same picture, and at some point many years ago Rawhide commissioned one of the avatarists to make my current avatar for me.

    I do like Guinness in real life. But I don't drink it nearly as much as my online persona did back then.

    Is there anything about you that you think people should know that they won't get from just reading your posts?
    If so, what is it?
    There's a lot to me that can't be gleaned from reading most of my posts. I suppose if somebody went to the trouble of reading everything I wrote online (here and elsewhere) they could learn that I'm a 40 year old father of 2 kids ages 10 and 9 who works a "day" job as a computer programmer for the world's largest generic drug manufacturer and works a "night" job as a freelance game designer. They'd know I coach soccer and basketball, have season tickets to the Philadelphia Union, that I'm a big Phillies and Flyers fan, and that I love playing games with my kids. That I'm a college grad who found college to be generally fun but useless in the grand scheme of things. And a lot more.

    Quote Originally Posted by wxdruid View Post
    What color(s) do you prefer to wear?
    hmmm.. As I said before, green is my favorite color. But I don't actually wear it often.

    I'm most comfortable in jeans and t-shirt (or shorts and t-shirt in the summer). For work, I typically wear either black or tan pants and a variety of shirts or sweaters that don't really favor one color.

    What do you like to collect?
    I have a very large baseball card collection, though I haven't purchased anything new in at least 7 years, maybe longer. I also seem to collect game books -despite how many I have, I keep buying more.

    How many avatars do you have?
    On this site? One. I have my original pint of Guinness that I use almost everywhere else, and on WotC I have an Elan avatar that Rich made for me way back before the comic was all that popular.

    Will you be attending GenCon?
    Yes! This will be my 9th consecutive year.

    What type of chocolate do you prefer?
    Dark chocolate.

    What type and how many pets do you have?
    I prefer dogs, but at the moment we have two cats.

    Do you enjoy watching the Weather Channel?
    No. ;)

    Quote Originally Posted by Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll View Post
    1977? What happened that year.
    Star Wars came out, I saw it in the drive-in theater with my parents, and it totally rocked my world.

    If you could say a single event started the Renaissance, which event would it be?
    I couldn't say that, so the question is moot. ;)

    Have you ever played the Elder Scrolls games? If yes, which one is your favourite?
    Never played.

    What genre of books are your favourite?
    I like... well, I like a lot really. I've read a lot of what gets classified as mystery and thriller. I wish I had time to read more, actually.

    Do you read often?
    Oh, hey look. I answered this (in part) in the previous answer. And that was without scrolling down, too.

    I read every day. I read a lot of reports and documents at work, I read the news, I read forums. I suspect, though, you meant whether I read for pleasure often. And the answer to that, sadly, is no. I read something before going to bed - typically a page or two or five of a book or magazine. I'm a very slow reader, and have a large backlog of stuff I want to read.

    What was the last book you finished?
    Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith

    What's your favourite book of all time?
    I've answered this above.


    Wow! I think I'm actually caught up - at least as of the time I logged in earlier. There's probably new stuff waiting for me....
    John Ling
    Frog God Games Lead Pathfinder Developer

    Note: unless explicitly stated otherwise, opinions in my posts are my own and not those of Frog God Games.

  22. - Top - End - #202
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    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2

    Do you, in fact, have any cheese here at all?

    Will you go quietly when they come for you?

    What is your anti-zombie weapon of choice?

    Are you running to something, or from something?

    What's the magic word?
    Delightfully abrasive in more ways than one
    Quote Originally Posted by RabbitHoleLost View Post
    Mango:you sick, twisted bastard <3
    Quote Originally Posted by Gryffon View Post
    I think Krade is protesting the use of the word mad in in the phrase mad scientist as it promotes ambiguity. Are they angry? Are they crazy? Some of both? Not to mention, it also often connotates some degree of evilness. In the future we should be more careful to use proper classification.

    Mango is a dastardly irate unhinged scientist, for realz.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sartharina View Post
    Evil's awesome because of the art.

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  23. - Top - End - #203
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2

    Quote Originally Posted by mangosta71 View Post
    Do you, in fact, have any cheese here at all?
    Sadly, no. And now I'm hungry, too. *sadface*

    Will you go quietly when they come for you?
    I doubt it - I have a pretty big mouth.

    What is your anti-zombie weapon of choice?
    An axe, of course. I mean, shotguns are great and all - until you run out of shells.

    Are you running to something, or from something?
    I am way too old to be running...

    What's the magic word?
    Please. At least, that's what we tried to teach our kids...
    John Ling
    Frog God Games Lead Pathfinder Developer

    Note: unless explicitly stated otherwise, opinions in my posts are my own and not those of Frog God Games.

  24. - Top - End - #204
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    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Zherog

    Are the lycanthropic brassicas out to get me?
    I use black for sarcasm.

    Call me Rose, or The Rose Dragon. Rose Dragon is someone else entirely.

    If you need me for something, please PM me about it. I am having difficulty keeping track of all my obligations.

  25. - Top - End - #205
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    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Zherog

    Quote Originally Posted by The Rose Dragon View Post
    Are the lycanthropic brassicas out to get me?
    Hmmm... If I answer "no" will you believe me, or fall into a paranoia-fulled preparation frenzy?
    John Ling
    Frog God Games Lead Pathfinder Developer

    Note: unless explicitly stated otherwise, opinions in my posts are my own and not those of Frog God Games.

  26. - Top - End - #206
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    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Zherog

    Fish or chips?

    Up or down?

    Do you like radishes? If so, can you conclusively prove that you're a human being, cause I'm doubting it.

    What's it like being a parent, having others who depend on you for everything? I'm not one, so I'm curious.

    Black and tans, Y/N?

    All that I say applies only to myself. You author your own actions and choices. I cannot and will not be responsible for you, nor are you for me, regardless of situation or circumstance.

  27. - Top - End - #207
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    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Zherog

    Quote Originally Posted by arguskos View Post
    Fish or chips?
    The two are not mutually exclusive. ;) And, in fact, go awesome together, with a bit of malted vinegar (for both) and salt on the chips.

    Up or down?
    Up. It feels like making progress.

    Do you like radishes? If so, can you conclusively prove that you're a human being, cause I'm doubting it.
    To the first part, yes. To the second part, I don't recall ever claiming to be human. ;)

    What's it like being a parent, having others who depend on you for everything? I'm not one, so I'm curious.
    It is: Exhilarating and frightening; uplifting and depressing; energetic and exhausting. And a gajillion other adjectives. We're in a good stage right now (my kids are 10 and 9). They're largely independent for a lot of things, but still think my wife and I are awesome and they want to be around us and do things with us.

    I find myself sometimes saying things I swore I never would ("because I said so, that's why!") and doing things I never imagined (such as coaching soccer - until 3 years ago, the extent of my soccer knowledge was "don't use your hands.").

    I'm often amazed when I see my own life experiences all over again through their eyes. Things we old farts take for granted such as the smell of the flowers in spring and sound of birds singing after a rainstorm are new and exciting to them. And as a parent, if you open your mind a little bit, you can experience the newness of those things all over again. Another fun one is when they hear old songs or watch old movies you love. My daughter is a big Queen and Aerosmith fan; my son is a huge Star Wars fan. If I sit back and close my eyes, I can experience those things all over again.

    It's truly heartbreaking when they hurt, physically and emotionally. I'm learning that the physical hurts are probably easier. For example, my daughter recently was a silent victim of bullying in school. She also recently fell while riding her scooter and landed on her face. It was way easier to deal with the physical injuries (cuts and bruises only, thankfully) than the emotional ones -- especially that no matter what we say and do, she still felt she couldn't talk to us about it at first.

    It's uplifting when they do good. I mentioned previously we have two cats. One of those was a stray my son found and we took in. She was young when he found her, 6 to 9 months old. And she was likely dumped rather than wild, because she wasn't completely afraid of people. My son insisted we needed to save her, and when he learned that it was a bit expensive (we were going to get her fixed, and release her if she ended up being feral) he brought us his piggy bank.

    It's inspiring when their minds soar, unbound by limitations placed there by life's experiences. There's no reason, in their mind, why we can't put a colony on the moon or even Mars; there's no reason we can't use less and reduce waste; there's no reason we can't just teach people to stop abusing others. In their mind, there's no reason they can't become world-class musicians or soccer superstars or a doctor that cures cancer. Life truly has no limitations until you learn to place them there.

    It's mundane and droll and boring when day after day is a cycle of Time to get up for school/Do your homework/Get ready for karate or basketball or soccer/Do your music practice/eat your dinner/brush your teeth and get ready for bed/Good night and have sweet dreams. Routines come easily, and most of the time they're a good thing. But it's important to sometimes remember to break the routines.

    That's my short answer, anyway. ;)

    Black and tans, Y/N?
    Why isn't, "Hell yes!" a valid option?
    John Ling
    Frog God Games Lead Pathfinder Developer

    Note: unless explicitly stated otherwise, opinions in my posts are my own and not those of Frog God Games.

  28. - Top - End - #208
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    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Thufir

    Thank you for sharing with us Zherog. It has been interesting.

    Up next, we have, the literary master from across the pond who tried to steal my text colour... Thufir! Welcome Thufir!

    Reinholdt's Riveting and Rhetorical Questions:
    What question would you like to be asked?
    What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
    What is the square root of Pi?
    What's your favorite OOTS strip?
    What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
    How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
    Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose?
    What is your favorite word?
    What is your least favorite word?
    What makes you enthusiastic?
    What disappoints you?
    What sound do you love?
    What sound do you hate?
    What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
    What profession would you not like to participate in?
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Magtok View Post
    Gods, Reinholdt was right, a hundred percent right.
    Quote Originally Posted by Supagoof View Post
    Tale as old as thread
    And you find yourself dead
    Reinholdt was the Beast
    Quote Originally Posted by Philistine View Post
    Reinholdt had already told the truth once in that post, and therefore was over his annual quota.

  29. - Top - End - #209
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    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Thufir

    What color(s) do you prefer to wear?

    What do you like to collect?

    How many avatars do you have?

    Will you ever attend GenCon?

    What type of chocolate do you prefer?

    What type and how many pets do you have?

    Do you enjoy watching the Weather Channel?
    Avi by Elder Tsofu
    Inner Circle

    Quote Originally Posted by Vaynor View Post
    Well you cheat, obviously. You're a druid, you can just cast Control Weather and call it a day.
    Chainmaille, Chainmail or is it Chain Mail?

  30. - Top - End - #210
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    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Zherog

    Is it true that when you sit around the house, you really sit around the house?

    Do you feel pretty? Oh so pretty? Do you feel pretty and witty and gay? And do you pity any girl who is not you today?
    I use black for sarcasm.

    Call me Rose, or The Rose Dragon. Rose Dragon is someone else entirely.

    If you need me for something, please PM me about it. I am having difficulty keeping track of all my obligations.

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