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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default The Gathering of Whitecrest

    The Gathering of Whitecrest

    Summer 103
    The Inyoni Crescent is green and verdant, with great tracts of forest, marsh and plains throughout it, and the great capital of Whitecrest represents this to the wider region. Surrounded by forest, the city stands on a large hill, its white stone walls gleaming in the morning sun. Today, the crests of House Redtail, House Greybeak, and of course Whitefeather hang over the main gate of the city, fluttering slightly in the wind.

    Whitecrest is an old city, and one of the few to have a claim for outlasting Dejan the Victorious, even though it was through suing for peace before the walls were overcome. Any who have come today will have travelled fairly far inland, whether travelling through the Dryweather marsh to the north, or through the route from Greybeak to the west, or the port of Redtail to the east.

    What is quickly apparent to those arriving is the vast number of people gathered outside the city gates, behind a contingent of guard, dressed in robes of all sizes and colours, to see all who have decided to attend the great gathering. Above them, nestled in the trees on the edge of the forest, and flying about in the sky, are countless birds of many colours, all attempting to catch a glimpse of those arriving. Whenever a warble goes up, all the birds swoop and look for those who are now coming.

    For those arriving, when they take the winding path up to the city, with many wide-eyed onlookers on both sides, the gate guards will briefly ask the name of the attendee, and then escort them into the city.
    The city itself is not as impressive as the painted walls. Many hovels and small buildings squat up against the walls, and the streets themselves are only roughly cobbled. Though if one was to look closely, above many homes, there are small little outlets, which birds sometimes fly in and out of.

    Yet soon, the entourages will approach a vast garden, lush with grass, trees and berry bushes, right in the centre of the city. At the centre of this, is a fairly large manor, two stories high, and keenly maintained. These are the crown gardens and manor of House Whitefeather.

    In these gardens, many tables and chairs are set up, filled with various foods and drinks, with incense burners burning discreetly throughout, spreading sweet aromas throughout the area reserved for the event.
    At the centre of this all stands King Keat Whitefeather, in ceremonial garb. His crown, a circlet of gold with a single ruby sits firmly on his head, and his robes of red and white held together with gilded belts of silver.
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    As Keat began his final preparations, a small white bird landed on his shoulder and tweeted merrily. “Sister!” Keat shushed in a stage whisper, “why are you like that? You know we have guests soon.” The little bird shook its head and chirped something. Keat shook his head. “Don’t warble to the wind what you can say to the face chick. You are a Whitefeather! It’s time to act like one.” The little bird let out a dejected twit, and took off, towards the manor.
    Keat sighed. His sister was honestly a little too young to be around foreigners. He had had nightmares about her trying to peck out the old Emperors eyes. But despite all this, with the Emperor dead, and a ceasefire leaving a rare period of utter peace in Emjata, a gathering of the powers was something long overdue. He turned, ready to greet whoever was to come.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Feel free to post from whatever stage of greeting you like. For the start, Keat will converse in time bubbles while everyone arrives. After that, feel free to mingle with anyone else. A few other Inyoni will be available as well.
    Avatar by the Incredible Gengy.
    King of Caligonia in Empire 3. Crusaded into the sunset

    Played as The Whitefeather Kingdom in Empire 4. Flew too close to the sun

    Played as the Duenem in Empire 5. Ordered a God to stand down, and kept a contingency ready...

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Troll in the Playground
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    Jul 2015

    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    Amham Federation

    Kin Gyeon stared up at the walls of Whitecrest as he walked. They formed a terribly impressive barrier, and also a very bright one. Everything seemed to be brighter here, in the south beneath a blaring sun, compared to back home. It was welcoming, in its way, though he regretted the vigorous whitewash on the walls prevented him from seeing how they had been laid. He would have liked to gain a closer examination of the walls that had reputedly withstood the onslaught of Dejan a century earlier. Perhaps there would be an opportunity later.

    Walking up the hill on the final approach at least meant the end of this portion of the journey. He would willingly admit, with a dash of rueful humor, that he had vastly underestimated the difficulty of traveling so far. One voyage after another, perilous all, and this final march inland. He had not purchased a horse, considering it a pointless extravagance for such a short walk, but the sea had weakened his legs further than he realized and the march was tiring. He could only hope the Inyoni did not have anything strenuous planned for the afternoon.

    Kin wore his best silk robes, deep indigo decorated with a red leaf pattern marching down from each shoulder. The paired servant couple accompanying him wore much less extravagant linen in muted green. He had donned the golden pins marking him as a member of the ducal household for the day, folding his hair up accordingly to display the ornate design. It was uncomfortable, and every time some movement caused their weight to pull against his scalp he felt he could hear his cousin the duke whispering in his mind about the burden of leadership. Nothing he wanted to reflect on at the moment.

    The populace had certainly turned out for the gathering. There could be no mistaking the snaking assemblage lining both sides of the road to the city. Arrayed en masse it was impossible to avoid noticing their pale and wan nature. Kin, though merely modestly above average in stature among the Amham, was a tall man here. It did make them seem birdlike, at the least. He supposed this made a measure of sense.

    There were birds overhead, whirling and swooping all about. How many were ordinary animals and how many were people? There was no apparent means of knowing. It was difficult to trust in the legends of this place, heard third or fourth-hand. Even so, Kin found himself regularly fingering the bracelet of polished stones his cousin Chae had given him before leaving. The one she claimed would protect him from turning into a bird.

    Guardsmen at the gate were human enough at least, and courteous. A small group guided his modest entourage from then on, mostly silent save for basic directions. The city itself was grungy, disheveled, and bearing obvious signs of the homes of the impoverished. Not an uncommon thing - even brief glimpses of the ports of the empire made along the way had revealed all this and worse besides - but a clear change from the stout dwellings of the soldier households in the towns of Amham. There were birds here too, everywhere. There must be some means to tell persons from animals, otherwise surely all too many citizens would end up in the cook-pots of the impoverished.

    The guards directed the party to the center of the city, where there waited another polished white structure - this time a palace - in the center of lush gardens. The verdant expanse was impressively well-maintained, though the foreign plants were wholly unfamiliar to Kin's eyes. He detected subtle differences in color as well, the greens were clearer and paler in this southerly realm, though it mattered little to him. A curiosity for shamans to puzzle over. The strong scent of incense was impossible to miss, and that set nerves to humming. It made it more difficult to behave appropriately.

    Thankfully the King was suitably regal. That helped. Upon approach, Kin descended to both knees, bending at the waist to bring his head quite low, though not all the way to the ground. "Your grace," Kin spoke while unable to see any higher than the monarch's knees. "I have the modest honor of being Kin Gyeon, representing the Amham Federation. In recognition of our gratitude at this grand gathering, we offer you this gift." Extending his hands, palms up, he presented a finely wrought bronze dagger, inlaid with jade.
    Now publishing a webnovel travelogue.

    Resvier: a P6 homebrew setting

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    Due to experience with the port-city of Delphraic, Lord Adril Ferreth was not as taken aback as many of his countrymen might have been by the great crowds that he met as he entered whitecrest, but it was nonetheless a shock after a couple of years in the relatively sparcely populated town-fortress of Tloon Redlan. He managed to put on a smile and wave to the throngs, but it was a visible effort.

    The magpie Wyndath on lord Ferreth's shoulder, on the other hand, was exuberant at the attention that it received, puffing out its chest and preening its fathers in a great display of vanity. Upon noting the interest of the flocks of birds in attendance, he flew up into the air to show off to them. This was quickly cut short by a pair of young and playful brown birds and a well-timed dropping. Among chirps of laughter from the rest of the local flock, Windath returned to Adril's shoulder with an indignant air and tried to get the white paste out of his fine black plumage.

    Wyndath was still preening when Ferreth arrived at the manor gardens, but stopped looking at his feathers to observe the fine decor of the dining area and chortle a few calls into Ferreth's ear as the pair approached King Whitefeather. Upon reaching him, the pair gave a low bow, and Ferreth introduced himself.

    "I am Lord Adril Ferreth of Glen Gwitna. You are King Whitefeather, I presume?"

    Spoiler: Attire and Entourage
    Lord Ferreth is just under 6 feet tall and has a medium build. He is wearing Elkskin trousers and a matching shirt, with a Chilkat blanket around his shoulders. His hair is long and black, worn in a single braid.

    He is accompanied by a Magpie named Wyndath, and left his bow and arrows in the hands of one of the Inyoni guards. The rest of the crew that brought him here is waiting with their canoe at the nearest river portage.
    Last edited by Potato_Priest; 2017-09-25 at 11:26 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by No brains View Post
    See, I remember the days of roleplaying before organisms could even see, let alone use see as a metaphor for comprehension. We could barely comprehend that we could comprehend things. Imagining we were something else was a huge leap forward and really passed the time in between absorbing nutrients.

    Biggest play I ever made: "I want to eat something over there." Anticipated the trope of "being able to move" that you see in all stories these days.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ogre in the Playground
    Gengy's Avatar

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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    Grand Magus Viclean from Regno

    There was quite a lot of discourse between Magi and Speakers, towards whether or not Grand Magus Viclean would be allowed to leave the desert sands for so long. Yet the holder of the Staff of the Sun would not be denied. Viclean's calm, steady certainty that things would work out just fine, one way or another, finally swayed the other Families. He left Magi Derivat in charge of Sortis, and a small contingent of Sons of Us All came with him as Viclean first went south to charter a boat from Izbefe. The journey took weeks, even with the skilled hands of the Initia ship captain he found in Karak City; a surprise, to be sure, for who knew that there were so many learned men and women outside of Regno?

    Still, as the Swelling Wave finally docked in Redtail Port, Captain Carunt irritably looked upon the busy shore. The guard captain was not used to the shirt he now wore, Viclean had observed with silent amusement, but it was needed. The winds upon the sea and in the docks they had stopped at during the journey had been chilly, compared to the comforting warm air of the desert. Few of the guards remained shirtless, though burly Masiv, with his large frame and long bushy beard, was trying so very hard not to let the weather bother him, and a couple other Sons were trying to remain as manly. If only so that others might tell stories about their bravery, and make it easier for them to find wives.

    Viclean himself had no such illusions of grandeur. He already had a wife, and beautiful Ingenia would have scolded him fiercely if he caught sick from trying to impress the Sons of Us All with him. Thinking of his love, far away now in the City in the Sand, the Grand Magus looked down upon his clothing with the critical eye of a husband trying not to embarrass his wife. He had performed a few minor magics while traveling - both through Initia and skilled tradescraft - and earned himself several bolts of cloth and finery that he intended to take back to Regno. His current favorites, though, were the purple vest he wore over the long white robe that stopped right above his ankles. Viclean could feel the flabby flesh under the robe, and calmly tied on his golden rope belt, looping it around his no longer slim stomach as he sighed.

    Once, he had been a young and vibrant Oamenii, eager to advance from Speaker to Magi by day, while spending nights wooing Ingenia and her horrid mother (Elements preserve her soul, faaar away from Viclean). Had he not mastered his mixing of the Rune of the Unequaled Storm and the Rune of the Sun, officially earning himself the title of Magi, he doubted that his dear sweet Ingenia would have been able to convince her family to let him marry her. These days, though, he could feel that age was starting to catch up to him. He'd had time to speak with the human crew about the Swelling Wave, and was shocked to find that the oldest looking among them - the weathered one-eyed bosun with wispy grey hair - was the same age as he, fifty three. Humans, it would seem, lived slightly shorter lives that Oamenii. Viclean was only just now starting to see strands of grey in his black beard, and Stramosi's Guiding Hand, the Grand Magus hoped to be around another seven or eight decades.

    Still, he supposed he would have to exercise more if he wanted to loose the extra belly fat that he was growing. He felt his ankle joints pop in places that they didn't use to as he tied up his sandals. Captain Carunt was older than Viclean, and the grey haired guard seemed not to notice the Grand Magus's mild look of envy at the ease with which the captain still moved. Viclean secured his jewel encrusted turban to his head, and hung the curved bronze dagger with it's Blattea speckled scabbard - a gift from his daughter - upon his belt. Viclean knew he would have no need to draw it, other than for meals, but it made the Sons of Us All feel better knowing that he had something to protect him in case of some backwards individual, still loyal to Dejan, was here in Whitefeather to cancel the Grand Magus's abilities to speak with the Elements. Also hung upon Viclean's belt were several small, fist sized bags, filled with Blattea. As Grand Magus, Viclean could easily turn the Blattea into the magic enhancing powder known as Bani. As Captain Carunt got the Sons moving, and Masiv found a small carriage to take the Grand Magus from the docks of Redtail to Whitecrest, Viclean found time to do just that. The black ink of his tattoos, along his arms and shoulders, and the open circle that was the Rune of Thought upon his forehead seemed to glow, and Viclean held a bag of Blattea and whispered to the local Elements to help crush and grind the purple rocks in just the right way. The Elements here were eager to have someone talking to them, and Viclean noted with interest that there were more ties to the ways of Air in Whitefeather than he had been expecting. Perhaps the rumors of the Inyoni being able to turn into birds were not rumors after all.

    Peering inside the bag that had previously held several smooth purple flecked stones, Viclean smiled a warm toothy grin as the now fine powder inside caught the sunlight. The royal purple colored Bani - what the crew of the Swelling Wave called Magic Dust - was a precious commodity in Regno and the nearby regions. It would make for a fine gift to the local Family leader. Viclean chided himself mentally; King. They were in a kingdom, so the Family head was called a King. Or a Queen, were she female. The Grand Magus had spent most of his time with the sailors from Izbefe practicing his tradesmen tongue, and making sure his voice was clear and understandable. To his delight, he found he enjoyed speaking the other language, and was now training many of the Sons of Us All to understand and speak it as well.

    The carriage came to a stop. Peering out the window, Viclean was momentarily distracted by all the green he saw. So much grass and so little sand. He heard a small cough to his left, and the white robed Grand Magus looked over at the grizzled face of Captain Carunt, who nodded once, and then jerked his head towards what looked like a grand gate... and a herd of onlookers beyond it. Masiv jogged up to the gate guards, his large frame and sun kissed skin standing out against the backdrop of fair skinned folk; that said nothing about the slight point to his ears that were shared by all Oamenii. Viclean watched as a detachment of guards respectfully surrounded the Sons of Us All and the carriage, and proceeded to escort them through Whitecrest City.

    The city itself was a marvel. So different in architecture then Sortis, yet Viclean could see the bonds of family were nearly as strong here just from the groupings of the crowd. He waved in a friendly manner at the onlookers, and the carriage made it's way towards a stately appearing manor, where the Whitecrest guardsmen encouraged the group to stop. Viclean stepped out, and gazed upon the garden before him. Clearly, this was set up to be a party, and Viclean approved!

    With Captain Carunt on his left, and Masiv on his right, began to walk forward, knowing that the rest of the Sons would fall in line. They would not leave the Grand Magus's side, unless he or one of the other Speakers with him ordered it. Viclean nodded to the two ladies with him, their tattooes much more visible on their bronze colored skin not covered by the robes of a Magi. The ladies nodded back respectfully, but as planned, soon turned their gazes to the other party-goers. It was Viclean's hope that this visit would make new allies and foster connections to the Five Families of Regno.

    Soon enough, though, the Grand Magus and his entourage were led to a man in red robes, a circlet of gold with a single ruby sits firmly on his head. Based on the way everyone else was acting around this man, it was obvious that he was the host. Viclean awaited his turn, his beard braided in the style that Ingenia said made the Grand Magus look handsome, and when he was finally at the forefront, he smiled widely, and arms open wide, quickly grasped the red robed man in a hug, the way any guest would thank a host for having him.

    Still near the King's ear, Viclean said loudly enough so as not to alarm Whitecrest's guards, "Friend King Keat Whitefeather, blessed are the Elements upon your home! Mighty are the families in your realm!"

    Pulling away, but still smiling, the leader of Regno introduced himself, "I am Grand Magus Viclean, from Family of Sortis. The Desert of Regno was honored to receive invitation, and I could do no less than come myself to see you. As is tradition in our culture, I have brought small token of appreciation, though I confess I was unable to find out if you were wed already. If so, then may your wife's household find happiness with this bag of Bani, freshly powdered!"

    "Long may our two families share in knowledge and peace among the Elements! May you find Balance easily,"
    Viclean continued to smile as he pulled the bag from his belt and placed it within the hands of the Whitefeather King.

    Spoiler: OOC - Entourage, and Attention Mechalich
    Regno Delegation
    Grand Magus Viclean (Male, married)
    Captain Carunt (Male, married)
    Masiv - Son of Us All - (Male, unmarried)
    Thirteen other Sons of Us All (Male, mostly unmarried)
    Speaker Cogati (Female, unmarried)
    Speaker Suveni (Female, unmarried)

    OOC for Mechalich - being neighbors, I'd like to find a chance to have a chat with your delegate. You're invited to approach one of the Speakers or the Grand Magus himself, whichever you feel appropriate!
    Last edited by Gengy; 2017-09-26 at 11:07 AM.
    BladeofObliviom said:
    I've only seen a character at anything resembling this level of absurdity thrive exactly once, and he/she/what-the-jongo had the advantage of being written by Gengy, who I look up to as a writer.

    Before you insult someone, walk a mile in their shoes.
    That way, you'll be a mile away, and have their shoes!

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  5. - Top - End - #5
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    [Kunai Clans]

    The Shushan were one of the only clans left in Kuniumi who considered themselves part of the once grand world-spanning empire of Avakonia, won by the bravery and skill of Dejan the Eternal Name. Whitecrest was one of the few cities to stand against him for any length of time, and was able to avoid destruction by suing for peace. The banners of the great clan were more tapestry than flag, thick and rich. They were colored in runes and symbols that were utterly incomprehensible to the whitecrest natives, for they were written in the true language.

    Their entourage approached the city, all save their leader with heads bowed and hoods over their heads. They wore the deep purple of the Shushan clan, those who had been appointed by the Avakonians to lead and watch over the Kunai. Their leader rode atop a grand palanquin, looking down at the peasants beneath him.

    Their leader was a man in thick robes colored midnight black, the only one of his entourage in such dark clothing. A single rune was displayed prominently on his back, in a deep purple ink that matched the rich clothes of his travelling companions. He sported a well-trimmed beard, and wore jewelry stylized off of the Avakonian empire.

    As the group came to a stop, the man stood from the chair he was born on, and looked about the people beneath him.

    "Before you stands the master of the Shushan, the greatest of the Kunai Clans." The man said, his tone deliberate and precise. "He speaks for all the peoples of Kuniumi. Who here speaks for the Whitefeather?"
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

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  6. - Top - End - #6
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    Three men in meek clothing trudged up the rough cobbled streets of Whitecrest, stopping every now and again to give less fortunate folk coins or food. At the gates, the trio had introduced themselves as Scott Jarlson II, John and Thomas Johnson, envoys of the New Lacia, representatives of Domitordia. The three were of equal height and muscle mass, standing no more than five feet tall and none of them had ever held a sword. Despite this, the three had all studied techniques of sword fighting and war in there spare time, even though the three preferred topics of religion and diplomacy. When conversing with the townsfolk, Scott would primarily tell them about the glory of the Pantheon of Ildia, while John would tend to remain silent, following in Scott's wake. Scott and John frequently had to retrace their steps to find Thomas cracking jokes with kids and adults alike or singing Lacian folk songs in the native tongue of their ancestors, some words of which, the locals could understand as the Lacians first settled in the lands of the Whitefeather Kingdom and Coatl before moving further inland to the lands of the Cucollotabibans, later Lacia and now New Lacia. Eventually, the three made there way to the gardens. At this point, John removed a very small bag of Feth leaves from his robes and began smoking, offering some leaves to all who were in the garden by that point. Neither Scott, nor Thomas accepted the leaves from John, but Thomas removed some tobacco from his own robes and prepared to start smoking it, but did not actually light it. Scott then introduced the three to Keat, saying, "It is a pleasure to be in the company of the King of Whitefeather. I am Scott Jarlson II, son of Scott Jarlson I, son of Fredrick, son of Jarl. My companions are John and Thomas Johnson, son of Harold, son of Pietica, who is rumoured to be the son of John of tribe Sotalbus. The John with me was found without parents by Scott Jarlson I and taken in by his wife, Ailidh. John was then raised as my brother and we studied together our entire lives." The three then bowed in synchronization to the King for four seconds before returning to their previous positions of standing.

    Spoiler: OOC
    While John was circulating the gardens, giving out Feth leaves, other event attendees could have approached any member of the trio and begun conversation.
    Last edited by DimpleLoamsdown; 2017-09-26 at 04:52 PM.

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  7. - Top - End - #7
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest


    After noticing one of the Lacian delegates rolling leaves, lighting them on fire, and sticking them in his mouth, Adril's curiosity gets the better of him. He walks over and introduces himself.

    "Good day, fellow delegates. I am Lord Adril Ferreth of Glen Gwitna. I must confess, I am thoroughly confused by all this business with those leaves. For what purpose are you sucking on smoldering foliage?"
    Last edited by Potato_Priest; 2017-09-26 at 06:10 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by No brains View Post
    See, I remember the days of roleplaying before organisms could even see, let alone use see as a metaphor for comprehension. We could barely comprehend that we could comprehend things. Imagining we were something else was a huge leap forward and really passed the time in between absorbing nutrients.

    Biggest play I ever made: "I want to eat something over there." Anticipated the trope of "being able to move" that you see in all stories these days.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    Quote Originally Posted by Potato_Priest View Post

    After noticing one of the Lacian delegates rolling leaves, lighting them on fire, and sticking them in his mouth, Adril's curiosity gets the better of him. He walks over and introduces himself.

    "Good day, fellow delegates. I am Lord Adril Ferreth of Glen Gwitna. I must confess, I am thoroughly confused by all this business with those leaves. For what purpose are you sucking on smoldering foliage?"
    "Good day to you," John said, still somewhat unaffected by the Leaves that he had started smoking, "My name is John of the province Domitordia." The man stumbled a bit as he bowed low to the Glen Gwitnan Lord. "These Leaves?" John said, "These are Feth Leaves. They grow all over the place where I come from. They can be rubbed on wounds to help heal them and they can be smoked, like this," he took a gulp of smoke from his leaves and exhaled it through his nose, like a dragon preparing to breath flames. "Smyoking them," he continued, swaying a bit, "Hyelps to relax your mind when it is all jumbled up." John held out a small rolled Feth Leaf and the burning lantern, with which John had lit his own Feth Leaves, to Lord Ferreth, saying, "Wyould you like some?"
    Last edited by DimpleLoamsdown; 2017-09-27 at 07:01 PM.

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  9. - Top - End - #9
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    Quote Originally Posted by Mechalich View Post
    Spoiler: Amham
    Amham Federation

    Kin Gyeon stared up at the walls of Whitecrest as he walked. They formed a terribly impressive barrier, and also a very bright one. Everything seemed to be brighter here, in the south beneath a blaring sun, compared to back home. It was welcoming, in its way, though he regretted the vigorous whitewash on the walls prevented him from seeing how they had been laid. He would have liked to gain a closer examination of the walls that had reputedly withstood the onslaught of Dejan a century earlier. Perhaps there would be an opportunity later.

    Walking up the hill on the final approach at least meant the end of this portion of the journey. He would willingly admit, with a dash of rueful humor, that he had vastly underestimated the difficulty of traveling so far. One voyage after another, perilous all, and this final march inland. He had not purchased a horse, considering it a pointless extravagance for such a short walk, but the sea had weakened his legs further than he realized and the march was tiring. He could only hope the Inyoni did not have anything strenuous planned for the afternoon.

    Kin wore his best silk robes, deep indigo decorated with a red leaf pattern marching down from each shoulder. The paired servant couple accompanying him wore much less extravagant linen in muted green. He had donned the golden pins marking him as a member of the ducal household for the day, folding his hair up accordingly to display the ornate design. It was uncomfortable, and every time some movement caused their weight to pull against his scalp he felt he could hear his cousin the duke whispering in his mind about the burden of leadership. Nothing he wanted to reflect on at the moment.

    The populace had certainly turned out for the gathering. There could be no mistaking the snaking assemblage lining both sides of the road to the city. Arrayed en masse it was impossible to avoid noticing their pale and wan nature. Kin, though merely modestly above average in stature among the Amham, was a tall man here. It did make them seem birdlike, at the least. He supposed this made a measure of sense.

    There were birds overhead, whirling and swooping all about. How many were ordinary animals and how many were people? There was no apparent means of knowing. It was difficult to trust in the legends of this place, heard third or fourth-hand. Even so, Kin found himself regularly fingering the bracelet of polished stones his cousin Chae had given him before leaving. The one she claimed would protect him from turning into a bird.

    Guardsmen at the gate were human enough at least, and courteous. A small group guided his modest entourage from then on, mostly silent save for basic directions. The city itself was grungy, disheveled, and bearing obvious signs of the homes of the impoverished. Not an uncommon thing - even brief glimpses of the ports of the empire made along the way had revealed all this and worse besides - but a clear change from the stout dwellings of the soldier households in the towns of Amham. There were birds here too, everywhere. There must be some means to tell persons from animals, otherwise surely all too many citizens would end up in the cook-pots of the impoverished.

    The guards directed the party to the center of the city, where there waited another polished white structure - this time a palace - in the center of lush gardens. The verdant expanse was impressively well-maintained, though the foreign plants were wholly unfamiliar to Kin's eyes. He detected subtle differences in color as well, the greens were clearer and paler in this southerly realm, though it mattered little to him. A curiosity for shamans to puzzle over. The strong scent of incense was impossible to miss, and that set nerves to humming. It made it more difficult to behave appropriately.

    Thankfully the King was suitably regal. That helped. Upon approach, Kin descended to both knees, bending at the waist to bring his head quite low, though not all the way to the ground. "Your grace," Kin spoke while unable to see any higher than the monarch's knees. "I have the modest honor of being Kin Gyeon, representing the Amham Federation. In recognition of our gratitude at this grand gathering, we offer you this gift." Extending his hands, palms up, he presented a finely wrought bronze dagger, inlaid with jade.
    Keat was subtely impressed by Kin Gyeon. The representative had travelled almost the entire width of the known world to attend this gathering, and managed to do so with a precious gift. Taking the dagger carefully, he examined it carefully, noting the quality of the working on it.
    "I must thank you greatly for this gift Kin Gyeon. This dagger is one of the finest I have seen, even in my own lands. Rise, you have travelled further than almost any other here, and certanily show your lands well." Keat carefully handed the gift over to a nearby servent-it would be undue to show outright favour by wearing a gift so early-and gestured at the tables. "If you or your entourage are in need of refreshment, please help yourselves, the day is yet young. Or if you are interested in anything about us, feel free to enquire. I assume Amham itself is fairing well?

    In the background, a few birds swooped into a nearby tree, until another bird, this one with a small sash of white linen around it swept in as well, upon which the other birds quickly winged away.

    Quote Originally Posted by Potato_Priest View Post
    Spoiler: Gwitna
    Due to experience with the port-city of Delphraic, Lord Adril Ferreth was not as taken aback as many of his countrymen might have been by the great crowds that he met as he entered whitecrest, but it was nonetheless a shock after a couple of years in the relatively sparcely populated town-fortress of Tloon Redlan. He managed to put on a smile and wave to the throngs, but it was a visible effort.

    The magpie Wyndath on lord Ferreth's shoulder, on the other hand, was exuberant at the attention that it received, puffing out its chest and preening its fathers in a great display of vanity. Upon noting the interest of the flocks of birds in attendance, he flew up into the air to show off to them. This was quickly cut short by a pair of young and playful brown birds and a well-timed dropping. Among chirps of laughter from the rest of the local flock, Windath returned to Adril's shoulder with an indignant air and tried to get the white paste out of his fine black plumage.

    Wyndath was still preening when Ferreth arrived at the manor gardens, but stopped looking at his feathers to observe the fine decor of the dining area and chortle a few calls into Ferreth's ear as the pair approached King Whitefeather. Upon reaching him, the pair gave a low bow, and Ferreth introduced himself.

    "I am Lord Adril Ferreth of Glen Gwitna. You are King Whitefeather, I presume?"
    "I am the King of the Inyoni, and King Whitefeather, yes," replied Keat, "It is good to meet a fellow ruler Lord Ferreth, especially one at ease with birds."Looking carefully at the magpie, Keat noted the way it puffed itself up. "I have heard those of House Magpie can understand the eponymous birds. I assume by his prescense their is a grain of truth to that. If you wish, I can offer your compaion a tour of the area from a birds eye view." Keat looked up at the large man while he said this, taking in his attire, especially the blanket drapped across him.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gengy View Post
    Spoiler: Regno
    Grand Magus Viclean from Regno

    There was quite a lot of discourse between Magi and Speakers, towards whether or not Grand Magus Viclean would be allowed to leave the desert sands for so long. Yet the holder of the Staff of the Sun would not be denied. Viclean's calm, steady certainty that things would work out just fine, one way or another, finally swayed the other Families. He left Magi Derivat in charge of Sortis, and a small contingent of Sons of Us All came with him as Viclean first went south to charter a boat from Izbefe. The journey took weeks, even with the skilled hands of the Initia ship captain he found in Karak City; a surprise, to be sure, for who knew that there were so many learned men and women outside of Regno?

    Still, as the Swelling Wave finally docked in Redtail Port, Captain Carunt irritably looked upon the busy shore. The guard captain was not used to the shirt he now wore, Viclean had observed with silent amusement, but it was needed. The winds upon the sea and in the docks they had stopped at during the journey had been chilly, compared to the comforting warm air of the desert. Few of the guards remained shirtless, though burly Masiv, with his large frame and long bushy beard, was trying so very hard not to let the weather bother him, and a couple other Sons were trying to remain as manly. If only so that others might tell stories about their bravery, and make it easier for them to find wives.

    Viclean himself had no such illusions of grandeur. He already had a wife, and beautiful Ingenia would have scolded him fiercely if he caught sick from trying to impress the Sons of Us All with him. Thinking of his love, far away now in the City in the Sand, the Grand Magus looked down upon his clothing with the critical eye of a husband trying not to embarrass his wife. He had performed a few minor magics while traveling - both through Initia and skilled tradescraft - and earned himself several bolts of cloth and finery that he intended to take back to Regno. His current favorites, though, were the purple vest he wore over the long white robe that stopped right above his ankles. Viclean could feel the flabby flesh under the robe, and calmly tied on his golden rope belt, looping it around his no longer slim stomach as he sighed.

    Once, he had been a young and vibrant Oamenii, eager to advance from Speaker to Magi by day, while spending nights wooing Ingenia and her horrid mother (Elements preserve her soul, faaar away from Viclean). Had he not mastered his mixing of the Rune of the Unequaled Storm and the Rune of the Sun, officially earning himself the title of Magi, he doubted that his dear sweet Ingenia would have been able to convince her family to let him marry her. These days, though, he could feel that age was starting to catch up to him. He'd had time to speak with the human crew about the Swelling Wave, and was shocked to find that the oldest looking among them - the weathered one-eyed bosun with wispy grey hair - was the same age as he, fifty three. Humans, it would seem, lived slightly shorter lives that Oamenii. Viclean was only just now starting to see strands of grey in his black beard, and Stramosi's Guiding Hand, the Grand Magus hoped to be around another seven or eight decades.

    Still, he supposed he would have to exercise more if he wanted to loose the extra belly fat that he was growing. He felt his ankle joints pop in places that they didn't use to as he tied up his sandals. Captain Carunt was older than Viclean, and the grey haired guard seemed not to notice the Grand Magus's mild look of envy at the ease with which the captain still moved. Viclean secured his jewel encrusted turban to his head, and hung the curved bronze dagger with it's Blattea speckled scabbard - a gift from his daughter - upon his belt. Viclean knew he would have no need to draw it, other than for meals, but it made the Sons of Us All feel better knowing that he had something to protect him in case of some backwards individual, still loyal to Dejan, was here in Whitefeather to cancel the Grand Magus's abilities to speak with the Elements. Also hung upon Viclean's belt were several small, fist sized bags, filled with Blattea. As Grand Magus, Viclean could easily turn the Blattea into the magic enhancing powder known as Bani. As Captain Carunt got the Sons moving, and Masiv found a small carriage to take the Grand Magus from the docks of Redtail to Whitecrest, Viclean found time to do just that. The black ink of his tattoos, along his arms and shoulders, and the open circle that was the Rune of Thought upon his forehead seemed to glow, and Viclean held a bag of Blattea and whispered to the local Elements to help crush and grind the purple rocks in just the right way. The Elements here were eager to have someone talking to them, and Viclean noted with interest that there were more ties to the ways of Air in Whitefeather than he had been expecting. Perhaps the rumors of the Inyoni being able to turn into birds were not rumors after all.

    Peering inside the bag that had previously held several smooth purple flecked stones, Viclean smiled a warm toothy grin as the now fine powder inside caught the sunlight. The royal purple colored Bani - what the crew of the Swelling Wave called Magic Dust - was a precious commodity in Regno and the nearby regions. It would make for a fine gift to the local Family leader. Viclean chided himself mentally; King. They were in a kingdom, so the Family head was called a King. Or a Queen, were she female. The Grand Magus had spent most of his time with the sailors from Izbefe practicing his tradesmen tongue, and making sure his voice was clear and understandable. To his delight, he found he enjoyed speaking the other language, and was now training many of the Sons of Us All to understand and speak it as well.

    The carriage came to a stop. Peering out the window, Viclean was momentarily distracted by all the green he saw. So much grass and so little sand. He heard a small cough to his left, and the white robed Grand Magus looked over at the grizzled face of Captain Carunt, who nodded once, and then jerked his head towards what looked like a grand gate... and a herd of onlookers beyond it. Masiv jogged up to the gate guards, his large frame and sun kissed skin standing out against the backdrop of fair skinned folk; that said nothing about the slight point to his ears that were shared by all Oamenii. Viclean watched as a detachment of guards respectfully surrounded the Sons of Us All and the carriage, and proceeded to escort them through Whitecrest City.

    The city itself was a marvel. So different in architecture then Sortis, yet Viclean could see the bonds of family were nearly as strong here just from the groupings of the crowd. He waved in a friendly manner at the onlookers, and the carriage made it's way towards a stately appearing manor, where the Whitecrest guardsmen encouraged the group to stop. Viclean stepped out, and gazed upon the garden before him. Clearly, this was set up to be a party, and Viclean approved!

    With Captain Carunt on his left, and Masiv on his right, began to walk forward, knowing that the rest of the Sons would fall in line. They would not leave the Grand Magus's side, unless he or one of the other Speakers with him ordered it. Viclean nodded to the two ladies with him, their tattooes much more visible on their bronze colored skin not covered by the robes of a Magi. The ladies nodded back respectfully, but as planned, soon turned their gazes to the other party-goers. It was Viclean's hope that this visit would make new allies and foster connections to the Five Families of Regno.

    Soon enough, though, the Grand Magus and his entourage were led to a man in red robes, a circlet of gold with a single ruby sits firmly on his head. Based on the way everyone else was acting around this man, it was obvious that he was the host. Viclean awaited his turn, his beard braided in the style that Ingenia said made the Grand Magus look handsome, and when he was finally at the forefront, he smiled widely, and arms open wide, quickly grasped the red robed man in a hug, the way any guest would thank a host for having him.

    Still near the King's ear, Viclean said loudly enough so as not to alarm Whitecrest's guards, "Friend King Keat Whitefeather, blessed are the Elements upon your home! Mighty are the families in your realm!"

    Pulling away, but still smiling, the leader of Regno introduced himself, "I am Grand Magus Viclean, from Family of Sortis. The Desert of Regno was honored to receive invitation, and I could do no less than come myself to see you. As is tradition in our culture, I have brought small token of appreciation, though I confess I was unable to find out if you were wed already. If so, then may your wife's household find happiness with this bag of Bani, freshly powdered!"

    "Long may our two families share in knowledge and peace among the Elements! May you find Balance easily,"
    Viclean continued to smile as he pulled the bag from his belt and placed it within the hands of the Whitefeather King.

    Spoiler: OOC - Entourage, and Attention Mechalich
    Regno Delegation
    Grand Magus Viclean (Male, married)
    Captain Carunt (Male, married)
    Masiv - Son of Us All - (Male, unmarried)
    Thirteen other Sons of Us All (Male, mostly unmarried)
    Speaker Cogati (Female, unmarried)
    Speaker Suveni (Female, unmarried)

    OOC for Mechalich - being neighbors, I'd like to find a chance to have a chat with your delegate. You're invited to approach one of the Speakers or the Grand Magus himself, whichever you feel appropriate!
    It probably showed a lot that when hugged, Keat had to hold back the instinct to peck the Grand Magus in the eyes. He wouldn't begrudge his sister for doing it, but he was a king, and that meant keeping his head. The Grand Magus' declaration at least held back his guards, a few which were circling above in the air cautiously. Keat gave a low whistle, signalling that he was fine, and the aerial protectors began to move away.

    "I thank you for your kind words Grand Magus, you have travelled far to see us. I am not yet wed I am afraid, though mayhaps at this gathering I may find someone?." Keat raised an eyebrow very, very slightly. Taking the bag of Bani, Keat marvelled at it, he himself had never actually seen any, though a few old merchants and soldiers had mentioned it was what the realm of the magi was built on. "I must thank you again for this gift, my friend, Bani is rare in these lands, and usually we are content with the Maiden's Kiss."
    At the mention of families, Keat was a little bit melancholic. The man probably didn't know, but outside House Whitefeather, the political scene was weak. House Redtail was still recovering slowly from the conquest, and Greybeak were almost completely gone, having their name almost become mud.
    Keat shook it off. "and may you find where your shadows lie" he repiled.

    Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
    Spoiler: Kuniumi
    [Kunai Clans]

    The Shushan were one of the only clans left in Kuniumi who considered themselves part of the once grand world-spanning empire of Avakonia, won by the bravery and skill of Dejan the Eternal Name. Whitecrest was one of the few cities to stand against him for any length of time, and was able to avoid destruction by suing for peace. The banners of the great clan were more tapestry than flag, thick and rich. They were colored in runes and symbols that were utterly incomprehensible to the whitecrest natives, for they were written in the true language.

    Their entourage approached the city, all save their leader with heads bowed and hoods over their heads. They wore the deep purple of the Shushan clan, those who had been appointed by the Avakonians to lead and watch over the Kunai. Their leader rode atop a grand palanquin, looking down at the peasants beneath him.

    Their leader was a man in thick robes colored midnight black, the only one of his entourage in such dark clothing. A single rune was displayed prominently on his back, in a deep purple ink that matched the rich clothes of his travelling companions. He sported a well-trimmed beard, and wore jewelry stylized off of the Avakonian empire.

    As the group came to a stop, the man stood from the chair he was born on, and looked about the people beneath him.

    "Before you stands the master of the Shushan, the greatest of the Kunai Clans." The man said, his tone deliberate and precise. "He speaks for all the peoples of Kuniumi. Who here speaks for the Whitefeather?"
    While the captain of the gate guard had expected some foreingers who were incomprehensible, some who were arrogant and some who were offering thinly veiled threats, he had not expected the master of the Shushan. The guard caught himself, his bronze sword at his side in an obvious peace tie, and replied as best he could.
    "King Keat Whitefeather is in the city, awaiting all those who have come for the gathering," he stated slightly stiffly. "If you wish to enter, please follow me to the gardens." He was a minor noble himself, by virtue of his rank, so he was probably the only one could respond for now. While the gate was being openned, the captain noted that with the crowds and the narrow streets, the palanquin might have trouble getting through. "It would ease the journey if you were to step down your..." he searched for the right term of address, and decided to play it safe "...hignesss."
    Hopefully this wouldn't be a diplomatic 'incident'.

    Quote Originally Posted by DimpleLoamsdown View Post
    Spoiler: New Lacia
    Three men in meek clothing trudged up the rough cobbled streets of Whitecrest, stopping every now and again to give less fortunate folk coins or food. At the gates, the trio had introduced themselves as Scott Jarlson II, John and Thomas Johnson, envoys of the New Lacia, representatives of Domitordia. The three were of equal height and muscle mass, standing no more than five feet tall and none of them had ever held a sword. Despite this, the three had all studied techniques of sword fighting and war in there spare time, even though the three preferred topics of religion and diplomacy. When conversing with the townsfolk, Scott would primarily tell them about the glory of the Pantheon of Ildia, while John would tend to remain silent, following in Scott's wake. Scott and John frequently had to retrace their steps to find Thomas cracking jokes with kids and adults alike or singing Lacian folk songs in the native tongue of their ancestors, some words of which, the locals could understand as the Lacians first settled in the lands of the Whitefeather Kingdom and Coatl before moving further inland to the lands of the Cucollotabibans, later Lacia and now New Lacia. Eventually, the three made there way to the gardens. At this point, John removed a very small bag of Feth leaves from his robes and began smoking, offering some leaves to all who were in the garden by that point. Neither Scott, nor Thomas accepted the leaves from John, but Thomas removed some tobacco from his own robes and prepared to start smoking it, but did not actually light it. Scott then introduced the three to Keat, saying, "It is a pleasure to be in the company of the King of Whitefeather. I am Scott Jarlson II, son of Scott Jarlson I, son of Fredrick, son of Jarl. My companions are John and Thomas Johnson, son of Harold, son of Pietica, who is rumoured to be the son of John of tribe Sotalbus. The John with me was found without parents by Scott Jarlson I and taken in by his wife, Ailidh. John was then raised as my brother and we studied together our entire lives." The three then bowed in synchronization to the King for four seconds before returning to their previous positions of standing.

    Spoiler: OOC
    While John was circulating the gardens, giving out Feth leaves, other event attendees could have approached any member of the trio and begun conversation.
    Keat smiled gracefully. With so many realms from far away, it was a boon to have the Lacians send a group as well. "It is always a pleasure for you to grace us,my friends." I trust the journey was not too dramatic, though," Keat raised an eyebrow, " a little bird did tell me of you having found many friends amoung the Inyoni."
    Last edited by Tentreto; 2017-09-27 at 07:51 AM.
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    King of Caligonia in Empire 3. Crusaded into the sunset

    Played as The Whitefeather Kingdom in Empire 4. Flew too close to the sun

    Played as the Duenem in Empire 5. Ordered a God to stand down, and kept a contingency ready...

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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    Bird people was what they called them far out west, where no such magic could dare grip the populace even on it's best day. They were cursed once, weather they remembered it or not, but it was impossible to deny the grace and awe through which they carried themselves. ..And their city was nice, though the whole area was so blatantly magically inclined that the feeling the Lady Captain would feel almost dazed upon entry. She clutched her necklace of heavy Sedellan glass, weighing down on her greatly - relative to her rather light white and gold. It would protect her from the curse, but it was hardly subtle.

    Amerah Kren was the name of the Firethorn Regiment commander. Known as a competent fighter, strategist, and recent usurper of the empire, she in the past had ironically made claims to be more imperial than the empire itself. Now she came before a set of world leaders, presenting herself with a formal troop of keen eyes guards and a pair of bronze short-swords on her hips. Gingerly, she made her way to the place of their host. She seemed not unused to the setting that was large gatherings and formal events, but perhaps it was more the place or the people that set her on edge.

    "Whitecrest.. Blessed amongst the cursed. I am Lady Captain Amerah Kren of the Firethorn Regiment, from the Free State of Varjik. Though we have only just been declared a true independent faction, I trust that no holds are barred when it comes to accepting or denying entry..?" The woman seemed to carry no gift or polite greeting in thanks for their host like most other delegates did, her eyes that once surveyed the area skeptically now focused in on their quarry with an unsettling tone of authority. It wouldn't help her case that the very glass she wore on her neck would actively fight against the avian spell his people were under. Any under this magical effect who would approach her might feel compelled to step away, lest they be left feeling drained and tired.

    Spoiler: Image
    Last edited by Zayuz; 2017-09-28 at 11:40 AM.
    "What is to give light must endure burning."

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    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    A small cadre of officers from the Jarkana Confederacy arrives in Greybeak via an imperial cargo vessel, accompanying the Governor Yaku Wambuy on a diplomatic reconnaissance mission. From there they head to the diplomatic moot, arriving without fanfare except when it was necessary to obtain access to the central gardens of Whitecrest. All but two of the officers depart from Yaku and mingle wordlessly, and Yaku himself remains as a silent representative of Wasipachan interests.

    Spoiler: OOC
    If anyone has anything to say about this, feel free obviously, but all this envoy is doing here is spying on the proceedings of this assembly. I won’t ‘spy’ on your spoilered conversations, I guess, (I still don’t know how that system works), but that’s what they’re here to do. In an official capacity.
    Last edited by AdmiralCatticus; 2017-09-28 at 03:02 AM.
    Thanks to Gengy for the great avatar!

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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    Quote Originally Posted by Tentreto View Post
    Keat was subtely impressed by Kin Gyeon. The representative had travelled almost the entire width of the known world to attend this gathering, and managed to do so with a precious gift. Taking the dagger carefully, he examined it carefully, noting the quality of the working on it.
    "I must thank you greatly for this gift Kin Gyeon. This dagger is one of the finest I have seen, even in my own lands. Rise, you have travelled further than almost any other here, and certanily show your lands well." Keat carefully handed the gift over to a nearby servent-it would be undue to show outright favour by wearing a gift so early-and gestured at the tables. "If you or your entourage are in need of refreshment, please help yourselves, the day is yet young. Or if you are interested in anything about us, feel free to enquire. I assume Amham itself is fairing well?

    In the background, a few birds swooped into a nearby tree, until another bird, this one with a small sash of white linen around it swept in as well, upon which the other birds quickly winged away.

    "I am the King of the Inyoni, and King Whitefeather, yes," replied Keat, "It is good to meet a fellow ruler Lord Ferreth, especially one at ease with birds."Looking carefully at the magpie, Keat noted the way it puffed itself up. "I have heard those of House Magpie can understand the eponymous birds. I assume by his prescense their is a grain of truth to that. If you wish, I can offer your compaion a tour of the area from a birds eye view." Keat looked up at the large man while he said this, taking in his attire, especially the blanket drapped across him.

    It probably showed a lot that when hugged, Keat had to hold back the instinct to peck the Grand Magus in the eyes. He wouldn't begrudge his sister for doing it, but he was a king, and that meant keeping his head. The Grand Magus' declaration at least held back his guards, a few which were circling above in the air cautiously. Keat gave a low whistle, signalling that he was fine, and the aerial protectors began to move away.

    "I thank you for your kind words Grand Magus, you have travelled far to see us. I am not yet wed I am afraid, though mayhaps at this gathering I may find someone?." Keat raised an eyebrow very, very slightly. Taking the bag of Bani, Keat marvelled at it, he himself had never actually seen any, though a few old merchants and soldiers had mentioned it was what the realm of the magi was built on. "I must thank you again for this gift, my friend, Bani is rare in these lands, and usually we are content with the Maiden's Kiss."
    At the mention of families, Keat was a little bit melancholic. The man probably didn't know, but outside House Whitefeather, the political scene was weak. House Redtail was still recovering slowly from the conquest, and Greybeak were almost completely gone, having their name almost become mud.
    Keat shook it off. "and may you find where your shadows lie" he repiled.

    While the captain of the gate guard had expected some foreingers who were incomprehensible, some who were arrogant and some who were offering thinly veiled threats, he had not expected the master of the Shushan. The guard caught himself, his bronze sword at his side in an obvious peace tie, and replied as best he could.
    "King Keat Whitefeather is in the city, awaiting all those who have come for the gathering," he stated slightly stiffly. "If you wish to enter, please follow me to the gardens." He was a minor noble himself, by virtue of his rank, so he was probably the only one could respond for now. While the gate was being openned, the captain noted that with the crowds and the narrow streets, the palanquin might have trouble getting through. "It would ease the journey if you were to step down your..." he searched for the right term of address, and decided to play it safe "...hignesss."
    Hopefully this wouldn't be a diplomatic 'incident'.
    Heh Mission accomplished.

    Shushan supposed foreigners could not be expected to understand the forms of address that were due the Kunai Clanmasters. Otherwise they wouldn't be called 'foreigners'.

    "'Highness'? Do not flatter me, please. 'Daimyo' bears enough respect." Shushan waved dismissively as he stood from his chair and stepped down. "But this city is yours more than mine, and your words bear the truth. It would be simpler without the chair." He alighted onto the ground, barely stirring the dust beneath him, glancing at his servants. He spouted something incomprehensible in a lyrical tongue, probably the native language of Kuniumi. Strangely, neither he nor his "guards" had any visible weaponry.

    "I would gladly accept Guidance."
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    Quote Originally Posted by Tentreto View Post
    Keat smiled gracefully. With so many realms from far away, it was a boon to have the Lacians send a group as well. "It is always a pleasure for you to grace us,my friends." I trust the journey was not too dramatic, though," Keat raised an eyebrow, " a little bird did tell me of you having found many friends amoung the Inyoni."

    "That bird was very much right,"
    Scott laughed, "Thomas here, quite enjoyed meeting the common-folk of your lands. He would've arrived here a hundred years from now if John and I had not been there to pull him along with us. It is always a pleasure to socialize with the heads of our close neighbours across the river. We were sent to speak with you, or one of your advisers, about the Pantheon of Ildia and about a peace agreement between our peoples."

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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    Spoiler: Tentreto quote
    Quote Originally Posted by Tentreto
    "I am the King of the Inyoni, and King Whitefeather, yes," replied Keat, "It is good to meet a fellow ruler Lord Ferreth, especially one at ease with birds."Looking carefully at the magpie, Keat noted the way it puffed itself up. "I have heard those of House Magpie can understand the eponymous birds. I assume by his prescense their is a grain of truth to that. If you wish, I can offer your compaion a tour of the area from a birds eye view." Keat looked up at the large man while he said this, taking in his attire, especially the blanket drapped across him.

    "The rumors you have heard are true."
    Adril turned, and made a few low clucking noises to his companion, who replied with a single click.
    "Wyndath would be honored to be given this tour" Adril informed the King, and then nodded to the magpie and held out an arm. Windath hopped down from his shoulder and onto his hand, then cocked his head to one side, watching Keat expectantly.

    Spoiler: Dimple quote
    Quote Originally Posted by DimpleLoamsdown View Post
    "Good day to you," John said, still somewhat unaffected by the Leaves that he had started smoking, "My name is John of the province Domitordia." The man stumbled a bit as he bowed low to the Glen Gwitnan Lord. "These Leaves?" John said, "These are Feth Leaves. They grow all over the place where I come from. They can be rubbed on wounds to help heal them and they can be smoked, like this," he took a gulp of smoke from his leaves and exhaled it through his nose, like a dragon preparing to breath flames. "Smyoking them," he continued, swaying a bit, "Hyelps to relax your mind when it is all jumbled up." John held out a small rolled Feth Leaf to Lord Ferreth, saying, "Wyould you like some?"

    "I think it would perhaps be prudent to try the customs of other lands. It is what these events are for, is it not?"

    He takes the leaf, clumsily rolls and lights it using the lantern, puts it between his lips and inhales.

    After inhaling the fumes from the burning leaf, Adril coughs violently and staggers backwards. Wyndath is shaken from his shoulder, and lands on the ground. He imitates what is clearly meant to be the sound of human laughter, although it has an eerie quality coming from the mouth of a bird.

    When Lord Ferreth straightens up, his eyes are half closed, and a dull smile is upon his lips. "Thank you for..."

    "... sharing that with me, friend. I feel most peculiar, but it is not an unpleasant sensation by any means."

    Without another word, he wanders off. Wyndath hops behind him along the ground, shaking his head in disapproval.
    Last edited by Potato_Priest; 2017-09-27 at 07:20 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by No brains View Post
    See, I remember the days of roleplaying before organisms could even see, let alone use see as a metaphor for comprehension. We could barely comprehend that we could comprehend things. Imagining we were something else was a huge leap forward and really passed the time in between absorbing nutrients.

    Biggest play I ever made: "I want to eat something over there." Anticipated the trope of "being able to move" that you see in all stories these days.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    Spoiler: Meeting a King
    Quote Originally Posted by Tentreto View Post
    It probably showed a lot that when hugged, Keat had to hold back the instinct to peck the Grand Magus in the eyes. He wouldn't begrudge his sister for doing it, but he was a king, and that meant keeping his head. The Grand Magus' declaration at least held back his guards, a few which were circling above in the air cautiously. Keat gave a low whistle, signalling that he was fine, and the aerial protectors began to move away.

    "I thank you for your kind words Grand Magus, you have travelled far to see us. I am not yet wed I am afraid, though mayhaps at this gathering I may find someone?." Keat raised an eyebrow very, very slightly. Taking the bag of Bani, Keat marvelled at it, he himself had never actually seen any, though a few old merchants and soldiers had mentioned it was what the realm of the magi was built on. "I must thank you again for this gift, my friend, Bani is rare in these lands, and usually we are content with the Maiden's Kiss."
    At the mention of families, Keat was a little bit melancholic. The man probably didn't know, but outside House Whitefeather, the political scene was weak. House Redtail was still recovering slowly from the conquest, and Greybeak were almost completely gone, having their name almost become mud.
    Keat shook it off. "and may you find where your shadows lie" he repiled.

    Interesting response. Grand Magus Viclean was unsure how to take that. Shadows and light were often debated as byproducts of the Elements. His scholarly nature tickled, the Grand Magus could not resist going down this line of thought further. Perhaps a bit hesitantly, if no less friendly, Viclean stepped a little away from King Keat, and pondered aloud, "Does not the Flame create both light and shadow? Can not the Stone provide shade? Are the Ocean depths not covered in dark mysteries? Friend King, we are men who do not seek shadows, so much as cast them. True?"

    The dichotomy between his earlier welcoming - if a bit rough - presence, and this new, more thoughtful tone was something that didn't seem to phase the Sons of Us All standing a respectful distance away. It would seem that Viclean's quick change between jovial and professorial were well known in Regno.

    Spoiler: OOC - At Everyone (And Lleban If He Shows)
    Officially looking for someone to speak with. Interested in possible marriages (even for Viclean's daughter, so long as the son is willing to move to Regno), and trade deals. Lleban,
    I need me some permissions to get Corn.
    BladeofObliviom said:
    I've only seen a character at anything resembling this level of absurdity thrive exactly once, and he/she/what-the-jongo had the advantage of being written by Gengy, who I look up to as a writer.

    Before you insult someone, walk a mile in their shoes.
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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    Much to the consternation of ambassador Ixtli preparations to reach the Inyoni Crescent were severely delayed by a harsh summer storm, severely muddying the roads that'd allow the progression to advance down the Pearl river. Unfortunately the procession was help up for a week and a half not far from Uxmal forcing them to take a boat to the Inyoni cataract, a series of waterfalls and rapids, which marked the border between Coatl and the crescent. At least Ixtil could enjoy the sights of cruising down river, slaves working the fields, groups of water buffalo, and the remains of dynastic stone works made the trip far more serene than walking could've ever been.

    Once Ixtil and his retinue reached the crescent they traveled by foot through the Crescent to Whitecrest. The central government requisitioned every Ox, mule, and donkey available to begin the restoration of Uxmal, so no party member was spared walking through the muddy and heavily forested terrain of the crescent. As marshes were far more common in the Crescent here than in Coatl the path to Whitecrest was filled with mosquitoes and other ...annoyances. As the party reached Whitecrest, Ixtil was astounded by the walls tat nearly defied victory himself, and yet more astounded by the people. While they lived similarly to the people of Coatl, their demeanor was as pleasant as they were curious.

    Now at the meeting manor, smelling the signature herbs of the milkmen, Ixtil greeted the Inyoni king with a bow presenting the man an ornate bow,"I am Ixtili,master Magi, and speaker of the priesthood. My leige will not arrive today as the stresses of bureaucracy have forced Tenoch to stay in Uxmal for now. The road here was awash by the summer monsoons, hopefully I've not missed much."
    Last edited by Lleban; 2017-09-29 at 12:17 PM.

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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest


    Shortly after her encounter with the host, Amerah would spot the familiar colors of the Shushhan clan making their entrance. Never one to be shy, she waits along the lovely wall until he was free before making her way over to him in the same rigid manner that she had the Whitefeather King. It seemed she was still rather put off by the magical aura in the air, but her tone came as one that was extraordinarily commanding for one speaking to a foreign leader no less.

    "You, master of the Shushan Clan. Walk with me, and bring no more than two of your men. I will do the same."
    "What is to give light must endure burning."

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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    Ixtil was amazed by the massive amount of people from foreign lands, but the one that amazed the young magi most was Grand Magus Viclean. The lands of Regno were poorly known by the scholars of Coatl, but among them the Initia were always a curiosity. While some priests believe this alternate method of categorizing magic to be heretical, Ixtil was fascinated by its organization system, now he would seek the chance to learn from the grand master. Approaching the man Ixtil introduced himself bowing in reverence "Grand Magus Viclean, I'm Master Ixtili, mage of Coatl and speaker of the priesthood. While little news comes from your lands, the words of your people have made quite the impression. Its an honor to meet you."
    Last edited by Lleban; 2017-09-29 at 12:18 PM.

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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    Conversing with Coatl

    Shortly after finishing speaking with King Keat, Grand Magus Viclean spent some time enjoying the garden. So many green things and some were not even for food. Flowers were not unknown in Regno, but they were rare things. And certainly only a few Oamenii could spend the time and care it took to grow them. Water was wasted upon non-edible plants in the harsher areas of the desert sands. Yet here in Whitecrest, it was with delight that Viclean looked upon the many colored flowers and loudly praised to no one in particular - mayhaps a few nearby birds - the skill and care that the gardeners had. Imagine, a whole profession around taking care of aesthetically pleasing plants.

    It was in these musing that his large formed guard Masiv suddenly tensed up, and caused the Grand Magus to slowly turn about to see a tall Icoatzin approaching him. The man from Coatl bowed, and spoke, "Grand Magus Viclean, I'm Master Ixtili, mage of Coatl and speaker of the priesthood. While little news comes from your lands, the words of your people have made quite the impression. Its an honor to meet you."

    The Grand Magus was not used to being bowed to, but he hid his discomfort by quickly motioning upwards with both hands. "Good to meet a fellow magi! Honor on both sides, yes. I know some of Coatl, but truly very little of the ways of your people. We must learn something together! Do you have such lush gardens as these?"
    BladeofObliviom said:
    I've only seen a character at anything resembling this level of absurdity thrive exactly once, and he/she/what-the-jongo had the advantage of being written by Gengy, who I look up to as a writer.

    Before you insult someone, walk a mile in their shoes.
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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    Quote Originally Posted by Zayuz View Post

    Shortly after her encounter with the host, Amerah would spot the familiar colors of the Shushhan clan making their entrance. Never one to be shy, she waits along the lovely wall until he was free before making her way over to him in the same rigid manner that she had the Whitefeather King. It seemed she was still rather put off by the magical aura in the air, but her tone came as one that was extraordinarily commanding for one speaking to a foreign leader no less.

    "You, master of the Shushan Clan. Walk with me, and bring no more than two of your men. I will do the same."
    "Your request is noted." Shushan turned to look at the uneasy woman. "As are the attire and colors you bear. Firethorne regiment, if I am not mistaken." His eyes narrowed. "You broke off from Avakonia."
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    The Grand Magus was not used to being bowed to, but he hid his discomfort by quickly motioning upwards with both hands. "Good to meet a fellow magi! Honor on both sides, yes. I know some of Coatl, but truly very little of the ways of your people. We must learn something together! Do you have such lush gardens as these?"[/QUOTE]

    Ixtili responded, notably loosening his posture "Ah yes, the peoples of the Inyoni crescent and Coatl have many similarities. Though the gardens of Coatl consists mainly of large manicured hedges, and bamboo walls, shaped via the efforts of apprentice magi. They frequently feature fruit trees and stone fountains adorning their center. Many of the land owners and priests use the gardens as a places for meditation. While, slaves and commoners use gardens as makeshift orchards to enhance their diets."
    Last edited by Lleban; 2017-09-30 at 03:33 PM.

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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
    "Your request is noted." Shushan turned to look at the uneasy woman. "As are the attire and colors you bear. Firethorne regiment, if I am not mistaken." His eyes narrowed. "You broke off from Avakonia."
    "Hm. So they say. We may have broken off from Avakonia, but we are only closer in truth to the empire now than they have been in a hundred years. My rebellion can be considered a success in all fields, and the natural next step is to root out their corruption in other regions."

    With that she raised an eyebrow to the foreign leader, the faintest traces of a smirk on her face. Seeing others on guard at her presence always boosted her mood; she strove to be confident, dangerous, and just a little bit unpredictable in her leadership. Amerah turns and beckons him to follow, wanting to lead him down a path down the guarded steps into the garden below to talk in a more secluded area.

    "So come, I would talk to you of our future as servants of the imperial mandate. Be them thoughts on the empire's current state, reformations of code, or judgement on others. I assure you, my days assassinating imperial leaders are.. Quite done. For now."
    "What is to give light must endure burning."

  23. - Top - End - #23
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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    Spoiler: Keat Whitefeather
    Quote Originally Posted by Tentreto View Post
    Keat was subtely impressed by Kin Gyeon. The representative had travelled almost the entire width of the known world to attend this gathering, and managed to do so with a precious gift. Taking the dagger carefully, he examined it carefully, noting the quality of the working on it.
    "I must thank you greatly for this gift Kin Gyeon. This dagger is one of the finest I have seen, even in my own lands. Rise, you have travelled further than almost any other here, and certanily show your lands well." Keat carefully handed the gift over to a nearby servent-it would be undue to show outright favour by wearing a gift so early-and gestured at the tables. "If you or your entourage are in need of refreshment, please help yourselves, the day is yet young. Or if you are interested in anything about us, feel free to enquire. I assume Amham itself is fairing well?

    In the background, a few birds swooped into a nearby tree, until another bird, this one with a small sash of white linen around it swept in as well, upon which the other birds quickly winged away.

    As the King's instruction, Kin unbent, straightening his back first before pulling his feet up from beneath his knees. Trained carefully by his foster mother, his robes remained still throughout this complex motion. "I thank your grace for your concern. All is well in Amham. My cousin the Duke sends his regrets that he is unable to attend your gathering in person. Unfortunately, the lengthy journey would not have allowed him to return in time for the yearly meeting of the Federation Council, which he is obligated to attend." True though this was, Kin knew Baek well, and he'd never leave his wife and young son for months at a time for anything short of an invasion. That did not seem the sort of thing you told a foreign monarch in any case. "With you leave, my party will indeed take refreshment. I would not keep you from your other guests." Before retreating, Kin thought to act on one other possibility. "I confess, I hold some small interest in architecture. The walls of your city are quite impressive. I should like to take a closer look later on, if the opportunity is available."

    Spoiler: Gengy

    With Captain Carunt on his left, and Masiv on his right, began to walk forward, knowing that the rest of the Sons would fall in line. They would not leave the Grand Magus's side, unless he or one of the other Speakers with him ordered it. Viclean nodded to the two ladies with him, their tattooes much more visible on their bronze colored skin not covered by the robes of a Magi. The ladies nodded back respectfully, but as planned, soon turned their gazes to the other party-goers. It was Viclean's hope that this visit would make new allies and foster connections to the Five Families of Regno.

    After leaving the King's presence Kin took a moment to sit down and gather up some of the food that had been generously presented. He sampled from different bits and pieces, curious as to the nature of this land's cuisine. The absence of rice as a dominant element was certainly a change from Amham. He dismissed his servants, allowing them to determine where they had been assigned to take their rest. He doubted there would be any need for an entourage at this gathering.

    Carefully, he watched various other dignitaries arrive. Most were all but unknown to him, representing lands even further from his home than this one. They were further, somewhat disappointingly, mostly men. That was boring. The arrival of the Grand Magus and his considerable entourage was most certainly not, though Kin was surprised that the ruler of Regno had come so far himself. Either his power of his own people was greater than suspected, or he was simply a man of supreme confidence. Watching him bodily grasp the Whitefeather King, Kin was inclined to the latter possibility. It left him disinclined to speak to the ruler in person, despite the impossibility of ignoring Regno at such a fete as this. The two women who had accompanied him, by contrast, were a much more promising project.

    Making certain he was seen beforehand, Kin approached one of these ladies. He noted the tattoos on their shoulders. Speakers, he'd learned that much about the desert kingdom. A rank worthy of respect in its own right, regardless of whatever noble lineage these women possessed. "Your pardon," Kin announced as he approached. He bowed his head deeply, hands clasped together. "You are a member of the Regno delegation, correct? I am Kin Gyeon of Amham. If it is not an imposition, may I walk with you for a time?" He offered his best soft smile, one that had done well back home.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Gengy, feel free to decide which of the Speakers Kin is talking with. There wasn't any way to differentiate them based on the post. Since Kin is only nineteen he'd most likely approach whichever is younger.
    Now publishing a webnovel travelogue.

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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    Quote Originally Posted by Zayuz View Post
    "Hm. So they say. We may have broken off from Avakonia, but we are only closer in truth to the empire now than they have been in a hundred years. My rebellion can be considered a success in all fields, and the natural next step is to root out their corruption in other regions."

    With that she raised an eyebrow to the foreign leader, the faintest traces of a smirk on her face. Seeing others on guard at her presence always boosted her mood; she strove to be confident, dangerous, and just a little bit unpredictable in her leadership. Amerah turns and beckons him to follow, wanting to lead him down a path down the guarded steps into the garden below to talk in a more secluded area.

    "So come, I would talk to you of our future as servants of the imperial mandate. Be them thoughts on the empire's current state, reformations of code, or judgement on others. I assure you, my days assassinating imperial leaders are.. Quite done. For now."
    Shushan waved dismissively as the two walked, only two of the hooded figures coming with them. They didn't appear to have any weapons. "Every rebel calls themselves 'the true leaders'. Even the clans that resist the Shushan's imperial mandate think the name I take is not rightfully mine. What makes your name any different?"

    This 'Amerah' was confident and dangerous, that much was obvious, but she was also deluded. She thought herself loyal to the "ideals" of the Avakonian Empire and Dejan. The problem with that was that she could justify 'the ideals' as whatever she so desired, and so do whatever she pleased. Shushan had heard this all before, and alarmingly often in the last few years.


    [Later that night]

    There are times when even a ruler and commander like Amerah needed to be alone. There was a point where even the greatest rulers would tire of flattery and seek only bed rest, that they would wish for a moment to read by candlelight, or perhaps just to reflect upon the day. Whatever the case, Amerah would eventually place herself into an empty room, with all the lights put out. She would relax, lower her guard, and be ready for a night alone.

    And then the dark, empty room spoke to her.

    "That was quite a line you threw my 'dear leader.'" It was the voice of a young woman, amused and mocking. "I don't think he liked it..."
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    Quote Originally Posted by Potato_Priest View Post
    Spoiler: Dimple quote

    "I think it would perhaps be prudent to try the customs of other lands. It is what these events are for, is it not?"

    He takes the leaf, clumsily rolls and lights it using the lantern, puts it between his lips and inhales.

    After inhaling the fumes from the burning leaf, Adril coughs violently and staggers backwards. Wyndath is shaken from his shoulder, and lands on the ground. He imitates what is clearly meant to be the sound of human laughter, although it has an eerie quality coming from the mouth of a bird.

    When Lord Ferreth straightens up, his eyes are half closed, and a dull smile is upon his lips. "Thank you for..."

    "... sharing that with me, friend. I feel most peculiar, but it is not an unpleasant sensation by any means."

    Without another word, he wanders off. Wyndath hops behind him along the ground, shaking his head in disapproval.
    John laughed with the bird-laughter of Wyndath before saying, "Cyome back for more later if you want, Ferreth." He then wandered off to see if other people wanted Feth Leaves.
    Last edited by DimpleLoamsdown; 2017-09-30 at 11:04 AM.

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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    Quote Originally Posted by Zayuz View Post
    Spoiler: Firethorn
    Bird people was what they called them far out west, where no such magic could dare grip the populace even on it's best day. They were cursed once, weather they remembered it or not, but it was impossible to deny the grace and awe through which they carried themselves. ..And their city was nice, though the whole area was so blatantly magically inclined that the feeling the Lady Captain would feel almost dazed upon entry. She clutched her necklace of heavy Sedellan glass, weighing down on her greatly - relative to her rather light white and gold. It would protect her from the curse, but it was hardly subtle.

    Amerah Kren was the name of the Firethorn Regiment commander. Known as a competent fighter, strategist, and recent usurper of the empire, she in the past had ironically made claims to be more imperial than the empire itself. Now she came before a set of world leaders, presenting herself with a formal troop of keen eyes guards and a pair of bronze short-swords on her hips. Gingerly, she made her way to the place of their host. She seemed not unused to the setting that was large gatherings and formal events, but perhaps it was more the place or the people that set her on edge.

    "Whitecrest.. Blessed amongst the cursed. I am Lady Captain Amerah Kren of the Firethorn Regiment, from the Free State of Varjik. Though we have only just been declared a true independent faction, I trust that no holds are barred when it comes to accepting or denying entry..?" The woman seemed to carry no gift or polite greeting in thanks for their host like most other delegates did, her eyes that once surveyed the area skeptically now focused in on their quarry with an unsettling tone of authority. It wouldn't help her case that the very glass she wore on her neck would actively fight against the avian spell his people were under. Any under this magical effect who would approach her might feel compelled to step away, lest they be left feeling drained and tired.

    Spoiler: Image
    Keat had paid rapt attention to the news coming from the rebellious state, now independant. The recent ceasefire had been a major reason to hold the gathering. Though her dress was a slight worry- her glass amulet was probably an Imperial ward against magic- it mattered little here though, at the centre of his own Kingdom. Her lack of gift was little worry, few had brought one, but it was the slight edge she seemed to have that set Keat himself on edge.

    "It is a pleasure to meet you Lady Captain, I am King Keat Whitefeather, ruler of the Inyoni. For a gathering of realms, we would bar no one, even those who mean us harm, though we ask no weapons are drawn, though..." Keat gestured around the garden, at the various other delegations, "that is by no means the standard all go by. Out of interest, have the Firethorn Regiment sent delegates before this, or is this your first official attendance since your secession?"

    Quote Originally Posted by AdmiralCatticus View Post
    Spoiler: Jarkana
    A small cadre of officers from the Jarkana Confederacy arrives in Greybeak via an imperial cargo vessel, accompanying the Governor Yaku Wambuy on a diplomatic reconnaissance mission. From there they head to the diplomatic moot, arriving without fanfare except when it was necessary to obtain access to the central gardens of Whitecrest. All but two of the officers depart from Yaku and mingle wordlessly, and Yaku himself remains as a silent representative of Wasipachan interests.

    Spoiler: OOC
    If anyone has anything to say about this, feel free obviously, but all this envoy is doing here is spying on the proceedings of this assembly. I won’t ‘spy’ on your spoilered conversations, I guess, (I still don’t know how that system works), but that’s what they’re here to do. In an official capacity.
    Keat noted the silent Jarkanan group arrive wordlesly, but didn't press them. While he would consider it rude not to at least achknowledge the host, he knew very little about their customs himself. A guard would hopefully keep an eye on them in turn.
    Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
    Spoiler: Kuniumi
    Heh Mission accomplished.

    Shushan supposed foreigners could not be expected to understand the forms of address that were due the Kunai Clanmasters. Otherwise they wouldn't be called 'foreigners'.

    "'Highness'? Do not flatter me, please. 'Daimyo' bears enough respect." Shushan waved dismissively as he stood from his chair and stepped down. "But this city is yours more than mine, and your words bear the truth. It would be simpler without the chair." He alighted onto the ground, barely stirring the dust beneath him, glancing at his servants. He spouted something incomprehensible in a lyrical tongue, probably the native language of Kuniumi. Strangely, neither he nor his "guards" had any visible weaponry.

    "I would gladly accept Guidance."
    The Captain nodded. "My apologies Daimyo," he began, trying to imitate what the, well Daimyo, had said, "Follow me through, it is not too far." The Captain took the lead, occasionally glancing behind, with a few other guards flanking the group to ensure the crowd didn't move in on them too much. Very soon, they had arrived at the main venue.
    Quote Originally Posted by DimpleLoamsdown View Post
    Spoiler: New Lacia

    "That bird was very much right,"
    Scott laughed, "Thomas here, quite enjoyed meeting the common-folk of your lands. He would've arrived here a hundred years from now if John and I had not been there to pull him along with us. It is always a pleasure to socialize with the heads of our close neighbours across the river. We were sent to speak with you, or one of your advisers, about the Pantheon of Ildia and about a peace agreement between our peoples."
    "Peace is certainly something we will gladly offer," said Keat, "our realms are both friends of each other, so I would see no reason for us to go to war unless events drastically change. As for the Pantheon.." Keat narrowed his eyes, "I feel that you might not have much luck, though I am willing to hear you out. I shall summon my mirror sage and we can discuss this further in private."
    Quote Originally Posted by Potato_Priest View Post

    Spoiler: Gwitna
    "The rumors you have heard are true."
    Adril turned, and made a few low clucking noises to his companion, who replied with a single click.
    "Wyndath would be honored to be given this tour" Adril informed the King, and then nodded to the magpie and held out an arm. Windath hopped down from his shoulder and onto his hand, then cocked his head to one side, watching Keat expectantly.
    At a nod from Keat, a serving girl, came over in a green robe, her sleeves patterned in a traditional feathered manner. "Rana, I must ask you to give our guest here Wyndath the magpie a tour of the area please. I am sure you know many places. Do not worry, he is a fine companion." Rana's look one one first of shock, quickly overtaken by one of duty. From a small bag under her robes she withdrew a small, leather bag, and openned it slghtly. Drawning a quick breath, she drew it to her nose and inhaled.
    What happened next was near indescribable. Rana's form seemed to shimmer for a second, before seemingly falling in on itself. Her dress of green pulled in with her, seeming to change colour as it moved, turning a blue and white colour. Both sides of her body seemed to pull in, parts of her body seemed to move in strange ways, beofore, in one final shimmer, a small bird, with a blue plumage and white breast was in the air about a foot off the ground.
    As the bag fell to the grass, the little bird caught itself before it too hit the ground, and began fluttering out. Giving out a slight warble, and swooping over Wyndath quickly, she took to the sky, indicating her companion to follow her on the tour.
    When Wyndath had gone as well, Keat turned back to Adril. "That as you might guess is what is referred to as the curse of the Inyoni. Though as you might imagine, one persons curse is anothers blessing."
    Quote Originally Posted by Gengy View Post

    Spoiler: Regno
    Interesting response. Grand Magus Viclean was unsure how to take that. Shadows and light were often debated as byproducts of the Elements. His scholarly nature tickled, the Grand Magus could not resist going down this line of thought further. Perhaps a bit hesitantly, if no less friendly, Viclean stepped a little away from King Keat, and pondered aloud, "Does not the Flame create both light and shadow? Can not the Stone provide shade? Are the Ocean depths not covered in dark mysteries? Friend King, we are men who do not seek shadows, so much as cast them. True?"

    The dichotomy between his earlier welcoming - if a bit rough - presence, and this new, more thoughtful tone was something that didn't seem to phase the Sons of Us All standing a respectful distance away. It would seem that Viclean's quick change between jovial and professorial were well known in Regno.

    Keat smiled, "That is true, but if you can find where your shadow lies, you can find many things. You can find where the light comes from, and do so without blinding yourself. You can find what your shape in the world is, what parts of you block the light. And if you can do that, you find what you are yourself, and how to improve it." Keat paused for a second. " As you may have guessed, this is part of the theology of Abhidi, and is what has been thoght on many times. Shadows are by no means evil, or wrong, but they are not the light we seek. Yet by seeing shadows, we can hopefully truly find the light."

    Quote Originally Posted by Lleban View Post
    Spoiler: Coatl
    Much to the consternation of ambassador Ixtli preparations to reach the Inyoni Crescent were severely delayed by a harsh summer storm, severely muddying the roads that'd allow the progression to advance down the Pearl river. Unfortunately the procession was help up for a week and a half not far from Uxmal forcing them to take a boat to the Inyoni cataract, a series of waterfalls and rapids, which marked the border between Coatl and the crescent. At least Ixtil could enjoy the sights of cruising down river, slaves working the fields, groups of water buffalo, and the remains of dynastic stone works made the trip far more serene than walking could've ever been.

    Once Ixtil and his retinue reached the crescent they traveled by foot through the Crescent to Whitecrest. The central government requisitioned every Ox, mule, and donkey available to begin the restoration of Uxmal, so no party member was spared walking through the muddy and heavily forested terrain of the crescent. As marshes were far more common in the Crescent here than in Coatl the path to Whitecrest was filled with mosquitoes and other ...annoyances. As the party reached Whitecrest, Ixtil was astounded by the walls tat nearly defied victory himself, and yet more astounded by the people. While they lived similarly to the people of Coatl, their demeanor was as pleasant as they were curious.

    Now at the meeting manor, smelling the signature herbs of the milkmen, Ixtil greeted the Inyoni king with a bow presenting the man an ornate bow, "I am Ixtili,master Magi, and speaker of the priesthood. My leige will not arrive today as the stresses of bureaucracy have forced Tenoch to stay in Uxmal for now. The road here was awash by the summer monsoons, hopefully I've not missed much."
    "Do not worry Magi Ixtili," began Keat, "the day is yet young, and we have much to discuss. I must thank you for this gift. While we fight well, our archers have always found it hard to practice in open affairs as you might imagine."
    Quote Originally Posted by Mechalich View Post

    Spoiler: Anham
    As the King's instruction, Kin unbent, straightening his back first before pulling his feet up from beneath his knees. Trained carefully by his foster mother, his robes remained still throughout this complex motion. "I thank your grace for your concern. All is well in Amham. My cousin the Duke sends his regrets that he is unable to attend your gathering in person. Unfortunately, the lengthy journey would not have allowed him to return in time for the yearly meeting of the Federation Council, which he is obligated to attend." True though this was, Kin knew Baek well, and he'd never leave his wife and young son for months at a time for anything short of an invasion. That did not seem the sort of thing you told a foreign monarch in any case. "With you leave, my party will indeed take refreshment. I would not keep you from your other guests." Before retreating, Kin thought to act on one other possibility. "I confess, I hold some small interest in architecture. The walls of your city are quite impressive. I should like to take a closer look later on, if the opportunity is available."
    Keat nodded. "Ah yes, our walls. I am perfectly fine you having a look later on as long as you stay away from the gatehouse. Our walls have survived and been constantly improved as our line of defence. They held against the conquerer, and fortunately they survived. With any luck, they will outlast the Empire itself."

    From the centre manor, a door openned, from which a young, no older than 10 year old girl emerged. She was dressed in a exquisite gown of pure white, with actual white feathers woven into her fair hair. She had a small ban of silver round her head, that was almsot too large, which she was slightly uncomforatble with, but nonetheless had to wear, as befitting the heir to the throne. With two chaperones, one by ground, one by air keeping eyes on her, she moved towards a rose bush at one part of the gardne, and looked around, almost daring someone to come foward.
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    King of Caligonia in Empire 3. Crusaded into the sunset

    Played as The Whitefeather Kingdom in Empire 4. Flew too close to the sun

    Played as the Duenem in Empire 5. Ordered a God to stand down, and kept a contingency ready...

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    "Do not worry Magi Ixtili," began Keat, "the day is yet young, and we have much to discuss. I must thank you for this gift. While we fight well, our archers have always found it hard to practice in open affairs as you might imagine."

    Ixtili preposition himself to face Keat, there was far too much to talk about. Avakonia remains as dangerous as ever, and rumour has it that an even greater threat awakens in the tropical south."Indeed we do. By the way do you still maintain control of the river delta? I've read some reports claiming the Avakonians had began to send raiding parties. Perhaps the Empress is trying to see what she can get away with."
    Last edited by Lleban; 2017-09-29 at 06:39 PM.

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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
    Spoiler: HT
    Shushan waved dismissively as the two walked, only two of the hooded figures coming with them. They didn't appear to have any weapons. "Every rebel calls themselves 'the true leaders'. Even the clans that resist the Shushan's imperial mandate think the name I take is not rightfully mine. What makes your name any different?"

    This 'Amerah' was confident and dangerous, that much was obvious, but she was also deluded. She thought herself loyal to the "ideals" of the Avakonian Empire and Dejan. The problem with that was that she could justify 'the ideals' as whatever she so desired, and so do whatever she pleased. Shushan had heard this all before, and alarmingly often in the last few years.


    [Later that night]

    There are times when even a ruler and commander like Amerah needed to be alone. There was a point where even the greatest rulers would tire of flattery and seek only bed rest, that they would wish for a moment to read by candlelight, or perhaps just to reflect upon the day. Whatever the case, Amerah would eventually place herself into an empty room, with all the lights put out. She would relax, lower her guard, and be ready for a night alone.

    And then the dark, empty room spoke to her.

    "That was quite a line you threw my 'dear leader.'" It was the voice of a young woman, amused and mocking. "I don't think he liked it..."
    Amerah chuckled at the Shushan's challenge, as he men behind her made to draw steel. She raised a hand, and they slowly put their blades away.

    "Oh, but I'm not so different. The true difference is that I won, and that I will not settle for merely controlling a single part of my great peoples. In fact, we may yet again learn to work with the empire.. During our peace talks, the empress whispered much directly into my ear.."

    With a small gesture to her ear, she slowly walked over to him. With her hands in the air to indicate she wasn't going to do anything harmful, she whispered to him quite closely.

    "I will have a full review of your codex of law, military records, and details on your long and short term expenditures over the last decade within a fortnight, so that I might hold your rule to it's initial decree some one hundred years ago.. If I find it to be up to par, we might be great friends. Otherwise, you had best hope the warriors of your clans are as obedient to you as they once were to the great, all powerful Emperor Dejan. They do say the seeds of rebellion tend to spread much like a wildfire, after all."

    With that she stepped away, waiting to see his reaction.

    Hours later, in the darkness of her room, Amerah hears a voice. She was just settling down by her desk to write a letter, her guards positioned on all entrances to the room.. She tenses, flipping the sheet of parchment over.

    "He wasn't supposed to like it. Nobody likes being called out as a perversion of what they're supposed to be.. A bastion of order, unity, and justice for the empire.. Pah. With how the other clans speak of the Shushan, they seem too weak and too poorly liked to hold any real sway. Yet he enforces his will none the less over the clans, and tries, though it may not work out, to use them as puppets. I think a populace should serve on devotion to their crown, not fear or tradition. Come, join me in the light of my candle lest I get an early start on the road home."

    Quote Originally Posted by Tentreto View Post
    Spoiler: Tentreto
    Keat had paid rapt attention to the news coming from the rebellious state, now independant. The recent ceasefire had been a major reason to hold the gathering. Though her dress was a slight worry- her glass amulet was probably an Imperial ward against magic- it mattered little here though, at the centre of his own Kingdom. Her lack of gift was little worry, few had brought one, but it was the slight edge she seemed to have that set Keat himself on edge.

    "It is a pleasure to meet you Lady Captain, I am King Keat Whitefeather, ruler of the Inyoni. For a gathering of realms, we would bar no one, even those who mean us harm, though we ask no weapons are drawn, though..." Keat gestured around the garden, at the various other delegations, "that is by no means the standard all go by. Out of interest, have the Firethorn Regiment sent delegates before this, or is this your first official attendance since your secession?"
    "Of course-- Had I meant you any harm, I'd have brought an army much larger than a few soldiers. ..Thank you for granting us entry; I will do my best to ensure that our blades stay away even if we should meet any false imperial curs."

    Amerah glances behind her to the guard, who don't really react to her words.

    "But no matter, I am indeed the first delegate to leave our lands. I don't yet trust my men to leave the impression I want for in lands with new customs and peoples. You must understand, we're still in the process of rooting out much of the high level corruption back home.. But I expect the whole court to be cabinet within the year. You know my motives to be that of restoring the empire to her former glory; but I ask thee, King Keat Whitefeather of the Inyoni.. What are your motives?"
    "What is to give light must endure burning."

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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    Quote Originally Posted by Zayuz View Post
    Amerah chuckled at the Shushan's challenge, as he men behind her made to draw steel. She raised a hand, and they slowly put their blades away.

    "Oh, but I'm not so different. The true difference is that I won, and that I will not settle for merely controlling a single part of my great peoples. In fact, we may yet again learn to work with the empire.. During our peace talks, the empress whispered much directly into my ear.."

    With a small gesture to her ear, she slowly walked over to him. With her hands in the air to indicate she wasn't going to do anything harmful, she whispered to him quite closely.

    "I will have a full review of your codex of law, military records, and details on your long and short term expenditures over the last decade within a fortnight, so that I might hold your rule to it's initial decree some one hundred years ago.. If I find it to be up to par, we might be great friends. Otherwise, you had best hope the warriors of your clans are as obedient to you as they once were to the great, all powerful Emperor Dejan. They do say the seeds of rebellion tend to spread much like a wildfire, after all."

    With that she stepped away, waiting to see his reaction.

    Hours later, in the darkness of her room, Amerah hears a voice. She was just settling down by her desk to write a letter, her guards positioned on all entrances to the room.. She tenses, flipping the sheet of parchment over.

    "He wasn't supposed to like it. Nobody likes being called out as a perversion of what they're supposed to be.. A bastion of order, unity, and justice for the empire.. Pah. With how the other clans speak of the Shushan, they seem too weak and too poorly liked to hold any real sway. Yet he enforces his will none the less over the clans, and tries, though it may not work out, to use them as puppets. I think a populace should serve on devotion to their crown, not fear or tradition. Come, join me in the light of my candle lest I get an early start on the road home."
    For a few moments, Shushan did not react at all. He simply stared at her.

    Then, he slowly clapped. "Impressive."

    He stopped. "I would call it 'intimidating', but it rings hollow. Your name is nothing but traitor- nay, deserter to Avakonia, to Dejan. They wouldn't give you a toilet." He growled. "Whatever authority you once carried has been lost. You have no access to our records, nor Avakonia's of us."

    "Try again, and this time with something you might actually be able to pull off."

    "Light holds no more security from the Satsujin." Still, she emerged. Much like Shushan, this figure wore thick robes colored a deep black. Her hair was black, and in the candlelight her eyes sparkled an emerald green. She was too young to be Mumei, perhaps, but she clearly meant to represent her, and any Satsujin was dangerous.

    "Loyalty. Justice. Unity. 'Earned'. Pretty words. I wonder if you mean the same thing I do when you speak them."

    "Though I presume," The figure said quietly, placing her hands on her hips, "that your plan was not insulting Avakonian loyalists, nor listening to Satsujin philosophy on word choice. I come on behalf of Mumei, to bargain."

    Quote Originally Posted by Tentreto View Post
    The Captain nodded. "My apologies Daimyo," he began, trying to imitate what the, well Daimyo, had said, "Follow me through, it is not too far." The Captain took the lead, occasionally glancing behind, with a few other guards flanking the group to ensure the crowd didn't move in on them too much. Very soon, they had arrived at the main venue.
    "Gratitude." Shushan nodded to the Captain. "Now, where is your... king?"
    Last edited by HalfTangible; 2017-09-29 at 09:59 PM.
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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    Tired from many conversations within the manor, Ixtili briefly retires to the garden in order to eat lunch. The verdant flowers reminded him of his work as a apprentice magi, shaping bamboo walls into elaborate arcs and circles, while etching the wood with mantras. Taking care not use too much magic, causing the plants death, nor to little, causing the bamboo to eventually re take its natural form. Such things were strenuous exercises of discipline, but often a serene departure form the chaos of Uxmal. All these memories had been awakened as Ixtili took a small un-ripened melon from his bag. While under normal circumstances it'd take days for the melon to ripen, but these circumstances are far from normal. Picking two flowers from the nearby bench, Ixtili cleared his mind and whispered a mantra to the melon, causing it to grow noticeably darker, while the two held flowers withered. As he was about to enjoy lunch a strange woman walked in his direction.

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