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    Ogre in the Playground
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    California, USA

    Default The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]

    I worked up a rewrite of the warlock several years ago. The basic idea was that I was unsatisfied with how focused the mechanical side of the class was on dark, evil powers when the fluff clearly indicated that there were alternate methods for being a warlock. It was recently brought to my attention again, and looking over it, I find myself distinctly unsatisfied. So I’m updating my rewrite to incorporate the experience I’ve gained since I first wrote it.

    Now, the warlock is a well-loved class by many, myself included. This is certainly for it’s flavor, which has curiously diverged into two very different paths. The first path, the one I’ve been seeing far more often, is a person who makes a pact with some eldritch and powerful being for arcane power. The popularity of this version, I suspect, is due in large part to 4th edition, as that is the fluff for warlocks there. However, 3.5 has another class that deals with supernatural entities in exchange for power - the binder. The binder captures the feel of pact-making far better than any warlock fix I have ever seen.

    Which leads me to the second fluff path: a warlock is a being that has inherited it’s power from it’s ancestors. Usually a demon or fey hiding in the family tree as a great-great-great grandfather or something. The power they wield is not the result of some bargain made with mysterious beings from beyond, it is a fundamental part of who they are. This is the fluff presented in Complete Arcane, and it is how I’ve always seen them. But oddly, nearly every fix I’ve seen chooses to take the former approach with pacts. This remix will focus on the latter option.

    Mechanically speaking, the warlock is an energizer bunny. They can go pretty much forever without exhausting their resources. The (rather harsh) trade off for this stamina that Wizards handed out was a dramatically reduced impact in many respects. The damage they can meet out is rather unimpressive, making them poor blasters (at least in realistic combat durations). The invocations they can use are fairly varied, but the small number of viable options they receive still creates a bottleneck, making warlocks fairly narrow on a case-by-case basis. Their item-based abilities are nifty, but aren’t mind-blowing (especially now that we can just play an artificer). And the other abilities are hardly worth mentioning.

    This rewrite will focus on their inherited abilities to a great extent, emphasizing the different boons gained from different ancestors. Role-wise they will still not be dedicated blasters (though they will be better at the role), but rather a class that you can mold to fit what you want, from blaster to BFC to party face...but more than anything, to bump up the overall power level of the class.

    Table of Contents
    1. 1st Post: Introduction, Class Basics, Table, and Class Features
    2. 2nd Post: Heritage Features
    3. 3rd Post: Invocations
    4. 4th Post: Extras and Change Log


    The Warlock

    Alignment: Any (see below)
    Hit Die: d6

    Class Skills
    Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha)
    Skill Points at First Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4
    Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier

    Quote Originally Posted by Design Notes
    The first change: warlocks are now getting 4+ Int skill points. 2 skill points is so laughably tiny, particularly for any class that doesn’t already focus on Int. It greatly limits your out-of-combat capabilities, and furthermore doesn’t even make sense for a warlock; it isn’t like the warlock is spending years shut in a tower studying!

    The skill list is altered only slightly, to include the last of the social skills. The warlock can make for an excellent party face in any situation, using their natural charisma to maximum effect. Use Magic Device is the only other stand out, and is brilliantly utilized by warlocks. Their connection to magic, and magical items, has been increased, which melds well with their innate arcane power.
    Table: Warlock
    Quote Originally Posted by Design Notes
    The biggest change here is the addition of a lot of invocations. An issue that always plagued warlocks was the forced choice between nifty invocations and improving your eldritch blasts. to get any real versatility out of the ability, you’d be sacrificing nearly all of your potential versatility from other invocations. With the shapes and essences having a separate progression that dilemma is eliminated, allowing you to have interesting options with both your invocations and your primary method of attack.

    The only other change to note here is the improved Fortitude save. It isn’t an official progression; it’s the unofficial medium save progression. I’ve always felt like Warlocks should be made of a little sterner stuff, bolstered by their eldritch lineage.
    Class Features
    All of the following are class features of the warlock.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency
    Warlocks are proficient with all simple weapons. They are proficient with light armor but not with shields.

    Since the somatic components required for warlock invocations are uncomplicated gestures, a warlock’s invocations ignore the arcane spell failure chance of light armor. This does not apply to any other form of armor, nor does this apply to spells or abilities granted from other classes.
    Quote Originally Posted by Design Notes
    No changes or surprises here. A warlock will rarely be using an actual weapon, and those that do are pretty specialized, which is why Exotic Weapon Proficiency is an option.

    Light armor is still the norm for warlocks, as they are slightly more martial than wizards and sorcerers; a warlock’s abilities are simple in combat and aren’t hampered by flexible armor.

    Due to the eldritch power that flows through his veins, a warlock does not prepare or cast spells as other wielders of arcane magic do. Instead, he possesses a repertoire of attacks, defenses, and abilities known as invocations that require him to focus the wild energy that suffuses his soul. A warlock can use any invocations he knows at-will, with the following qualifications:

    A warlock’s invocations are spell-like abilities; using an invocation is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity unless otherwise indicated in it’s description. An invocation can be disrupted, just as a spell can be ruined during casting. A warlock is entitled to a Concentration check to successfully use an invocation if he is hit by an attack while invoking, just as a spellcaster would be. A warlock can choose to use an invocation defensively, by making a successful Concentration check, to avoid provoking attacks of opportunity. A warlock’s invocations are subject to spell resistance unless an invocation’s description specifically states otherwise. A warlock’s caster level with his invocations is equal to his warlock level. A warlock may dismiss an invocation as a standard action, just as a wizard can dismiss a spell.

    The save DC for an invocation (if it allows a save) is equal to 10 + the equivalent spell level of the invocation + the warlock’s Charisma modifier. Since spell-like abilities are not actually spells, a warlock cannot benefit from any metamagic feat or the Spell Focus feat. He can, however, benefit from the Ability Focus feat and any other feat that affects spell-like abilities. Unlike other spell-like abilities, invocations are subject to arcane spell failure chance.

    The four grades of invocations, in order of their relative power, are least, lesser, greater and ancestral. A warlock begins play with knowledge of one least-grade invocation. As a warlock gains levels, he learns new invocations, as shown on the table above. At any level when a warlock learns a new invocation, he may also replace an invocation he already knows with another invocation of the same grade or lower. At 6th level, a warlock gains access to lesser invocations; at 11th level, a warlock gains access to greater invocations and at 16th level the warlock gains access to ancestral invocations.

    Finally, by virtue of their strong connection to arcane magics, warlocks can qualify for some prestige classes usually intended for spellcasters; see Warlocks and Prestige Classes section below for details.
    Quote Originally Posted by Design Notes
    There should be no mechanical changes here, just cleaned up wording. Invocations have always been a standout feature of the class, and there is no reason to change them. I have changed dark invocations to ancestry invocations to reflect a warlocks varying heritage instead of the purely dark focus of the original version.

    Oh, when you gain invocations has been altered, but only slightly for better consistency. You still end the class with 12.
    Blast Shapes and Eldritch Essences

    Not all invocations a warlock knows have any direct effect upon the world; rather, they modify a warlock’s eldritch blast, changing the damage or other effects of the ability. There are two types of these invocations: blast shapes and eldritch essences. Using any of these invocations is part of the same action as the eldritch blast. A warlock may apply up to one blast shape and one eldrtich essence to a single eldritch blast. When a warlock applies a blast shape or eldritch essence, the effective spell level of the modified eldritch blast is equal to the effective spell level of the invocation; if using both, the effective spell level is the highest between the two invocations, plus 1 (thus, a warlock that uses a blast shape of effective spell level 4th and an eldritch essence of effective spell level 3rd has an effective spell level for its eldritch blast of 5th level).

    A blast shape affects the range, target, or area of effect of a eldritch blast. Unless noted otherwise, an eldritch blast subject to a blast shape invocation deals damage normally (as well as applying the effect of any applied eldritch essence or any other ability that modifies invocations).

    An eldritch essence modifies the damage dealt by an eldritch blast or cause a variety of effects. If the warlock targets a creature with an eldritch blast modified by an eldritch essence that has immunity to the essence’s effect, the creature still takes damage from the attack normally (provided the creature isn’t immune to the eldritch blast itself).

    Blast shapes and eldritch essences may be selected as normal just like any other invocation, but warlocks will always learn some methods to modify their eldritch blasts. At the levels shown on the table above (3rd, 5th, 8th, 10th, 13th, 15th, 18th, and 20th) a warlock learns a new invocation, but these invocations must be either blast shapes or eldritch essences. These blast shapes and essences may not be swapped out like your other invocations.
    Quote Originally Posted by Design Notes
    As mentioned above, the methods to modify your eldrtich blast conflicted with your other invocations, making for some very limited options at times. You could have a solid number of invocations, but then combat would grow boring quite quickly, as your actions would change little from round to round. Or you could have a great variety of shapes/essences...and you’d have little else to ever do. So now you’re going to be able to modify your eldritch blast no matter what, and to a pretty decent extent. This will also give the lower level essences a chance to see more play, as they would often be skipped over in favor of waiting for more powerful options.

    Increasing the spell level of your eldritch blast by 1 when you applied both a shape and essence was an idea I got from T.G. Oskar’s rework of the class, but aside from that these invocations are functionally unchanged.
    Eldritch Blast (Sp)

    The first invocation that all warlocks learn is the eldritch blast. A warlock attacks his foes with pure arcane power, causing damage and sometimes imparting other debilitating effects.

    An eldritch blast is a ray with a range of 60 ft. It is a ranged touch attack that affects a single target, and allows no saving throw. An eldritch blast deals 1d6 points of damage at 1st level, and increases in power as shown on the table above. An eldritch blast is the equivalent of a 1st level spell. If you apply a blat shape or eldritch essence invocation to your eldritch blast your eldritch blast uses the level equivalent of the shape or essence.

    An eldritch blast is subject to spell resistance, although feats like Spell Penetration and other effects that increase caster level checks for overcoming spell resistance apply to eldritch blast. An eldritch blast deals half damage to objects. Metamagic feats cannot improve a warlock’s eldritch blast, but feats that affect spell-like abilities can affect this ability; for instance, Ability Focus (eldritch blast) increases the DC for all saving throws (if any) associated with a warlock’s eldritch blast by 2.
    Quote Originally Posted by Design Notes
    The most obvious, and common, change is altering the progression of eldritch blast to match sneak attack progression. Why it topped out at 9d6 originally I will never truly understand. An average of 35 damage isn’t anything to worry about by level 19.

    This incorporates the errata...for those of you in the know, you understand. For those of you not in the know, eldritch blast originally had a spell level that changed with your level, but that caused some messes and confusion. This is cleaner.

    At 2nd level a Warlock begins manifesting certain aspects of his otherworldly ancestors. This power flows through your blood, an inheritance from a mighty creature you are descended from. You must choose one of the lineages in the following post. Once chosen this choice cannot be changed. Some heritage’s have prerequisites you must meet to select that lineage; if at any point you no longer meet the prerequisites for your heritage you will cease to gain heritage abilities (but you retain the ones you’ve already awakened, and if you are able to again meet the prerequisites you will continue to gain heritage abilities). If a heritage ability grants a save, the DC is 10 + half your class level + your Charisma modifier.
    Quote Originally Posted by Design Notes
    Heritage is the big new addition to the class. It reflects whatever your source of power is, and grants benefits associated with it. The original warlock gained several different abilities, but they were all reminiscent of a demonic linage (in addition to being remarkably underwhelming). With Heritage, if you choose to have an Angelic cause for your powers, you will be notably different in your abilities than if you received your arcane abilities from a demon or a fey.

    The progression is staggered with your Eldritch Blast, ensuring that you acquire a new ability or enhancement at every single level. Heritage will grant a large variety of abilities, to really help define each lineage. The main capstone of the class with be the 10th Heritage ability, since that is the driving flavor of the class. Each lineage will have it’s own notes, as they will diverge enough to require unique comments.

    In the future I’d like to increase the available lineages, including draconic, elemental, and undead heritage options.
    Detect Magic (Sp)

    A warlock begins to grasp the basic foundations of magic as he grows in power. At 3rd level he can use detect magic as the spell at will. His caster level is equal to his class level.
    Quote Originally Posted by Design Notes
    You’ll recognize this from the second level of standard warlocks. There wasn’t anything wrong with getting this at 2nd, but with the addition of Heritage, moving this to 3rd spread things out better.

    This ability is the first mechanical point that shows the warlock’s connection to magic around him, not just the power welling up from his soul. This is expanded upon with his affinity for magical items in the original version, and expanded greatly in this reworking. If it’s magic, the warlock is going to notice it!
    Deceive Item (Ex)

    The energies that surround and flow through magical items are easier to control for a warlock. At 5th level a warlock can more easily manipulate complex magical items. When making a Use Magic Device check, he can take 10 on the check, even if distracted or threatened.
    Quote Originally Posted by Design Notes
    And this you’ll recognize from the fourth level of standard warlocks. The reasons for it shifting a level are the same as for Detect Magic.

    This is the first mechanic that says “Hey, I am awesome at utilizing magic, even when it comes prepackaged in item form!” Other classes may get UMD, and it’ll be useful. But this class has an innate connect with magic, one that allows him to use magical devices with far more mastery. This focus on items and magic in general is important, so the warlock doesn’t feel like nothing more than an extension of his bloodline. While that may be what makes him a warlock, this thread ties all the various warlocks together into a cohesive whole. They all have a deep and profound connection to magic that transcends the narrower focus of their blood.
    Identify Item (Su)

    A warlock of 8th level has grown to understand the weaving of magical power to such an extent that he can understand the function of magical items with brief study. When he casts detect magic on an item, he may then spend 1 minute concentrating on the item to also learn the properties of the item, as if he had cast identify.
    Quote Originally Posted by Design Notes
    If a warlock is going to have a deep connection to magical items, it’d sure be nice if he knew what they did! Dragonfire Adepts already have an invocation that grants infinite free identifies...and it’s almost a required invocation because of how darn nice it is to have. So instead of just porting the invocation over for warlocks, their enhanced connection of all magic allows them all to identify stuff. When you’ve got a warlock on your team, it will never blow you away, but you’ll always be happy to have it.
    Eldritch Volley (Su)

    The experience of wielding his eldritch blast for so long has granted the warlock the stamina to fire off multiple blasts in quick succession. At 9th level, if a warlock uses his eldritch blast in a round he may launch an additional eldritch blast at his full base attack bonus as a swift action. When the warlock reaches 18th level he may launch up to two additional eldritch blasts instead of only one.
    Quote Originally Posted by Design Notes
    Warlocks are not dedicated blasters. But they are a never-ending supply of raw arcane damage. One of the greatest and most common complaints is that they only ever get a single eldritch blast a turn. Full attacking with an eldritch glaive is quite nice, but it also requires a fairly specific build to ensure you don’t go squish. While you do get this late in the class, it grants warlocks who have stuck with the class a pretty noticeable boost in damage output. It doesn’t eat up his move action because that wouldn’t make much sense, given the nature of eldritch blast. At this point, firing out that second shot gives him the option of focus-firing better, or performing as a better BFC, hitting more targets and caring more about the riders than the damage. Once he gets the third blast, he’ll be dealing respectable damage out of the box for the late game.
    Arcane Sight (Su)

    A warlock’s understanding of arcane power has grown and matured at 10th level, to the point that magic around him is easily visible. He is under an effect similar to arcane sight, except that instead of using a Spellcraft check to determine schools of magic, he uses his ranks in Spellcraft + his caster level. He may supprese or resume this ability as a free action.
    Quote Originally Posted by Design Notes
    Here warlock’s are essentially getting an upgrade to their detect magic ability. Arcane Sight gets very little use as it is, but it can provide a nice wealth of information. Warlocks are really expanding at this point, getting a feel for the magic around them, not just the magic they’re tapping into because of some inhuman genes.

    Some of you may be wondering why I bothered changing the Spellcraft check portion of arcane sight. To understand why, play a game in which you have it constantly active. You’ll be making Spellcraft checks left and right, and it will quickly grow annoying (it’ll be even worse in a PBP game!). Instead you get a constant number that your DM knows about and can easily deal with. Streamlining things is good.
    Eldritch Soul (Su)

    At 13th level the magic that infuses a warlock wells up in an incredible fount of power. His warlock caster level and the caster level of any magical item he uses is considered to be 2 higher.
    Quote Originally Posted by Design Notes
    Warlocks are deeply in tune with magic. Originally exclusive to the Giant Heritage, Eldritch Soul was changed to a main feature of the class in favor of Imbue Item to further reflect the connection and instinctual command of arcane magics a warlock possess. Increasing caster level is less amazing for warlocks than wizards and other casters, but it still provides numerous benefits like better chances at overcoming spell resistance, and makes them outstanding item users.
    Greater Arcane Sight (Ex)

    By 15th level the world’s magic is laid out before a warlock’s senses, as clear to him as the color of the earth or sky. Like his other senses, so intrinsic is this ability that not even an anti-magic field can disrupt it. He is permanently under an effect similar to greater arcane sight, except that instead of using a Spellcraft check to determine schools of magic, he uses his ranks in Spellcraft + his caster level. He may suppress or resume this ability as a free action. This ability replaces the Arcane Sight ability gained at 10th level.
    Quote Originally Posted by Design Notes
    If you manage to hit this point as a warlock, your understanding and perception of the magic of the world is pretty unrivaled. Magic suffuses your body to the extent that you can tell what magic is where and more with a glance, and it can’t even be shut down anymore. As rarely as arcane sight sees use, the greater version suffers more. It provides a nice effect, but sadly not one that you’ll often want to spend that spell slot one. This really drives home that warlocks are the guys to ask when it comes to magic.
    Renew Item (Su)

    A warlock of 20th level can utilize his eldritch abilities to recharge magical items that have been temporarily drained. He may concentrate intently on an item that has a limited number of uses that recharge each day and replenish some or all of the charges. If an item has no charges left, he may concentrate uninterrupted for 5 minutes to restore a single charge. Alternatively, he may focus on an item uninterrupted for an hour to fully recharge the item.
    Quote Originally Posted by Design Notes
    While this is not the premier capstone ability (those are found in heritage), it is a, as far as I know, unique effect. Warlocks are the magic users of the world with essentially unlimited stamina. Most often the resources that demand a warlock rest for 8 hours are his items. But now a warlock can keep going as long as he needs or want to, and thanks to his deep understanding of how magical items function, so can his gear.

    This gains the party a unique effect, and an extremely useful one, as there are some very powerful items that you’d love to be able to recharge if given the option.

    Warlocks and Prestige Classes

    A warlock taking levels in a prestige classes that has “+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class” or “+1 level of existing spellcasting class” does not gain any of his class abilities, but he does gain an increased caster level when using his invocations and increased damage with his eldritch blast. A warlock also gains new invocations at these levels as though he had gained a level in the warlock class, as well as which grades of invocation he can learn.

    A warlock cannot qualify for a prestige class with a spellcasting level requirement, as he never actually learns to cast spells. However, he can qualify for prestige classes with caster level requirements (a warlock’s caster level for his invocations fulfills this requirement).
    Last edited by MammonAzrael; 2012-03-18 at 04:14 AM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    California, USA

    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]


    Aberrant lineage

    1. Mind Strike (Su): At 2nd level an aberrant warlock may decide that his next normal melee attack or eldritch blast to be a mind strike attack. One creature of your choice hit by the mind strike attack is confused for 1 round. Once you have used this ability, you cannot do so again for 5 rounds. This is a mind-affecting effect.

    2. Unnatural Existence (Ex): At 4th level, an aberrant warlock’s existence feels slightly off, a fundamental wrongness pervades them. Creatures within 30 feet receive a -2 morale penalty to all rolls that involve the aberrant warlock (attack, damage, skill checks, etc.).

    3. Aberrant Resistance (Su): At 6th level an aberrant warlock gains resistance 10 against acid or electricity, and is immune to poison.

    4. Improved Unnatural Existence: At 8th level the morale penalty from your unnatural existence increase to -3 and you have a 50% chance to ignore critical hits (as medium fortification).

    5. Improved Mind Strike: At 10th level an aberrant warlock’s mind strike attack grows more powerful. Creatures confused by this attack now roll 1d90+10 instead of 1d100 to determine how they act. This is a mind-affecting effect. You now only have to wait 4 rounds to use Mind Strike again.

    6. Improved Unnatural Existence: At 12th level the penalty from your unnatural existence is no longer a morale penalty and you have a 75% chance to ignore critical hits.

    7. Improved Aberrant Resistance: At 14th level an aberrant warlock’s previously chosen resistance increases to 20 and they gain resistance 10 against the other energy type.

    8. Improved Unnatural Existence: At 16th level the penalty from your unnatural existence increase to -4 and you are immune to critical hits.

    9. Improved Mind Strike: At 18th level an aberrant warlock’s mind strike attack grows more encompassing. Each creature hit by your Mind Strike attack is now confused, and creatures confused by this attack now roll 1d80+20 instead of 1d100 to determine how they act. This is a mind-affecting effect.

    10. At 20th level an aberrant warlock’s type changes to aberration. In addition, you can strip the sanity from anyone you touch. When you hit a creature with 3 or more intelligence with a natural attack or your eldritch blast it must succeed a Will save (DC 20 + Cha modifier) or be driven temporarily insane (roll on tables 6-8, 6-9, and 6-10 for duration and effects). A creature that has made it’s save is immune to this effect for 24 hours.
    Quote Originally Posted by Design Notes
    Aberrations are mind twisting incomprehensible horrors inspired by Lovecraftian nightmares. They are so bizarre and beyond our understanding that their mere existence breaks our mind. In my opinion, they do not have an alignment, as their completely alien nature defies normal reality’s definitions. Above all else they just don’t belong in our reality.

    Mechanically, they are quite varied, and so focusing on the sanity-warping nature inherent to their inspiration seemed appropriate. Confusion was a natural fit for mind-damage, and finding the alternate sanity rules was just perfect. The defenses are pretty respectable, eventually being so pervasive that even mindless creatures are affected. The entire lineage focuses provides little in the way of physical defenses (the energy types were chosen based on the half-farspawn template), focusing instead on how this creature just really shouldn’t exist, and how the mind tries to compensate and deal with this abomination it is confronted with.

    Angelic lineage
    Prerequisite: Good alignment

    1. Protective Aura (Su): At 2nd level an angelic warlock radiates an aura of safety. Against attacks made or effects created by evil creatures, this ability provides a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saving throws to anyone within 10 feet of you. The warlock may suppress or resume this aura as a free action. This aura can be dispelled, but the warlock can create it again as a free action on his next turn.

    2. Smite Evil (Su): At 4th level an angelic warlock may attempt to smite evil with a normal melee attack or his eldritch blast. He adds his Charisma bonus (if any) to his attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per warlock level. If the angelic warlock accidentally smites a creature that is not evil, the smite has no effect. Smite evil may only be used with a melee attack or an eldritch blast that requires an attack roll and only applies to the first creature attacked. Once you have used this ability, you cannot do so again for 5 rounds.

    3. Angelic Resistance (Su): At 6th level an angelic warlock gains resistance 10 against acid and cold, and receives a +4 bonus to saves against petrification.

    4. Improved Protective Aura: At 8th level, the bonus granted by your Protective Aura to AC and saving throws increases to +4.

    5. Improved Smite Evil: At 10th level, when you attempt to smite a creature that is evil, that attack ignores the targets spell resistance. You now only have to wait 4 rounds to use Smite Evil again.

    6. Improved Angelic Resistance: At 12th level an angelic warlock's energy resistance against acid and cold improves to 20, and he gains energy resistance 10 against electricity and fire.

    7. Improved Protective Aura: At 14th level, the radius of your Protective Aura is increased to 20’ and creatures within it are under a magic circle against evil effect.

    8. Improved Smite Evil: At 16th level, when you hit a creature with your smite it is affected by a dimensional anchor effect for 1 minute. You now only have to wait 3 rounds to use Smite Evil again.

    9. Improved Protective Aura: At 18th level, creatures within your Protective Aura are also under the effect of a lesser globe of invulnerability.

    10. At 20th level the angelic warlock unlocks the final power of his blood. You become immune to acid and cold. In addition, attacks you make are considered good aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction and anything hit by your eldritch blast is affected by a holy word (caster level equal to your character level).
    Quote Originally Posted by Design Notes
    Angels are the embodiment of pure Good. they can be Lawful or Chaotic or whatever, but they will always be Good, and devoted to Good ideals. They are phenomenally powerful, some of the most powerful creatures in the game. This lineage taps into their unwavering devotion to all things good, and their fight against Evil.

    The passive bonuses are both reflective of the Angel Subtype, their defensive nature protecting the warlock and his allies from Evil. But angels are far from pacifists, and will bring down the hammer against evil with righteous fury. An angelic warlock’s Smite Evil will do just that, and as he grows to face stronger enemies it will evolve to ensure it is not avoided. Smite Evil is on a cooldown timer here ala Binder instead of X/day because I feel it is important to retain the warlock’s unlimited endurance. The capstone is a culmination of angelic properties along with an extremely powerful attack...but one that doesn’t harm other Good beings.

    The Angelic lineage focuses quite a lot on alignment, but that is due to the particular nature of angels. There is no equivalent outsider for Evil, Chaos, or Law. Angels are defined by their war against evil and their willingness to perform good deeds - from defending against a demonic invasion to healing the sick and destitute. Those of angelic descent are uniquely gifted to defend against and combat Evil wherever it may appear.

    Demonic lineage
    Prerequisite: Chaotic and/or evil alignment

    1. Destructive Energy: At 2nd level a demonic warlock wields his arcane might with ferocity, growing more destructive. His eldritch blast’s damage dice increases to a d8.

    2. Demonic Resilience (Su): At 4th level a demonic warlock gains fast healing 3.

    3. Demonic Resistance (Su): At 6th level a demonic warlock gains resistance 10 against electricity and is immune to poison.

    4. Improved Destructive Energy: At 8th level a demonic warlock’s eldritch blast becomes more destructive. It’s damage dice increases to a d10.

    5. Improved Demonic Resilience: At 10th level a demonic warlock's demonic resilience improves to fast healing 6.

    6. Demonic Retaliation (Sp): At 12th level as an immediate action, whenever a demonic warlock is struck by a melee attack he may launch a countering bolt of energy, dealing damage equal to his elrdritch blast to the creature that struck him. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

    7. Improved Destructive Energy: At 14th level a demonic warlock’s eldritch blast grows more destructive. It’s damage dice increases to a d12.

    8. Improved Demonic Resilience: At 16th level a demonic warlock's demonic resilience improves to fast healing 10.

    9. Improved Demonic Resistance: At 18th level a demonic warlock's energy resistance improves to resistance 20 against electricity and he gains resistance 10 against acid, cold, and fire.

    10. At 20th level a demonic warlock unlocks the final power of his blood. He becomes immune to electricity and his attacks are considered both chaotic and evil aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Finally, when you die the destructive energies you contain explode outward violently, dealing 10d12 damage to everything within 100 feet (Reflex 20 + Cha mod for half). Treat this as an eldritch blast that has every eldritch essence you know applied to it. Half the damage is always raw untyped energy, while the other half is appropriately modified by your eldritch essences. Your body and anything you are wearing or carrying is utterly destroyed. Your energies will slowly coalesce, reforming your body, restoring you and your equipment at full health. Use the following tables to determine if, when, and where you reform.

      Table: Reforming

      Table: Location
    Quote Originally Posted by Design Notes
    Demons are interesting, because apart from a few things (Immunity/ER, Summoning, telepathy), they have little in common mechanically. Summoning was in consideration for a while, but ultimately I think it’s too hard to balance properly, being either too strong or weak, with a very narrow margin of acceptability.

    So instead, I just decided to amp up their destructive power to 11. If you want to play a blast-happy warlock, demonic heritage is where you want to be.

    I removed the iterative attacks at 20th level because the damage it offered was simply too high, in addition to being rather bland. Now you’re rather like a Balor, spiting your enemies even in death. Thanks to the infinite energies of the Abyss that cause demons to be extraordinarily difficult to completely kill, you also have a talent for returning. The randomness of it reflects it’s source.

    The fast healing was originally DR, but DR is a surprisingly poor game mechanic, very difficult to balance well. It has to be large enough to not feel irrelevant, but not so high as to invalidate certain strategies completely. Now you will find DR elsewhere, as it is an excellent method of portraying a specific type of defense, but for the demonic lineage at least, I believe that fast healing better captures the feeling of an unstoppable engine of destruction. You can hurt it, but the well of dark power at the warlock’s core just rejuvenates the wounds in little time. This, along with demonic retaliation, encourage the demonic warlock to get up close and personal, not minding if they take a few hits.

    Draconic lineage

    1. Keen Senses (Ex): At 2nd level a draconic warlock’s senses sharpen to draconian heights. You gain a +2 racial bonus to Listen, Search, and Spot checks and those skills are added to your class skill list. You also gain darkvision out to 120 feet (if you already have darkvision, extend the range by 90 feet), and blindsense out to 10 feet.

    2. Draconic Toughness (Ex): At 4th level a draconic warlock gains damage reduction 5/Magic and a +2 bonus to his natural armor.

    3. Secrets of the Dragons (Sp): At 6th level a draconic warlock selects 2nd level or lower spell on the sorcerer/wizard spell list with no expensive material component or experience cost. He may cast that spell as a spell-like ability at will, but must wait 5 rounds after casting it to cast it again. (Spells that product permanent effects such as polymorph any object, stone shape, and wall of iron are naturally more powerful at-will, and should be approved by your DM.)

    4. Draconic Resistance (Ex): At 8th level a draconic warlock gains some of the immunities of dragons. Choose either acid, cold, electricity, or fire. You gain resistance 10 to that energy type are are immune to sleep effects.

    5. Frightful Presence (Ex): At 10th level a draconic warlock’s mere presence can unsettle it’s enemies. Whenever the draconic warlock attacks, charges, uses an invocation with a visual effect creatures within a radius of 20 feet per class level must make a Will save. Success renders the creature immune to the draconic warlock’s frightful presence for 24 hours. If the save is failed, creatures with four or more hit dice less than your class level are panicked for 1d6 rounds while other creatures are shaken for 1d6 rounds. Dragons and other draconic warlocks are immune to this effect.

    6. Secrets of the Dragons (Sp): At 12th level a draconic warlock selects 5th level or lower spell on the sorcerer/wizard spell list with no expensive material component or experience cost. He may cast that spell as a spell-like ability at will, but must wait 5 rounds after casting it to cast it again. (Spells that product permanent effects such as polymorph any object, stone shape, and wall of iron are naturally more powerful at-will, and should be approved by your DM.)

    7. Improved Draconic Resistance: At 14th level a draconic warlock’s resistances improve. Their resistance to the chosen energy type increases to 20 and they are immune to paralysis effects.

    8. Improved Draconic Toughness: At 16th level a draconic warlock’s damage reduction changes to 5/- and his bonus to natural armor increases to +5.

    9. Secrets of the Dragons (Sp): At 18th level a draconic warlock selects 8th level or lower spell on the sorcerer/wizard spell list with no expensive material component or experience cost. He may cast that spell as a spell-like ability at will, but must wait 5 rounds after casting it to cast it again. (Spells that product permanent effects such as polymorph any object, stone shape, and wall of iron are naturally more powerful at-will, and should be approved by your DM.)

    10. At 20th level the power of the dragons can be contained no longer and claims the draconic warlock as it’s own. Your type changes to dragon and you become immune to the energy type chosen for draconic resistance. The DC for any spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability you cast is increased by 2.
    Quote Originally Posted by Design Notes
    Ahh dragons. The insanely powerful namesakes of the game. Perhaps the trickiest part of this lineage is that their signature attack, the breath weapon, is already something that warlocks essentially have. So we have to look to their other, arcane features for support. The idea of growing claws and wings and becoming more physically draconic works for some concepts, but that was not the angle I was shooting for here. I wanted this lineage to reflect the awesome magical power dragons can weild, not just their impressive physical attributes.

    That said, dragons are quite sturdy and robust, and their warlocks reflect that with the various defensive abilities. Keen Senses is a gimmie, everyone loves having access to those skills anyways. Frightful Presence has been modified mostly because you are rarely facing creatures with lower hit dice - as written the ability is nearly useless for PCs.

    The real treasure of this lineage are obviously the Secrets. The available levels may need to be tweaked, and I acknowledge that there may be some insanely over-powered options. But being able to tap into that sorcerous pool of arcane strength dragons wield allows some great customization, essentially creating custom invocations.

    The capstone I’m unsure if I’m happy with, to be honest. A DC boost is nice and all, but it feels rather bland, doesn’t it? I’m open to suggestions, but none in the vein of physical transformations please!

    Fey lineage

    1. Woodland Stride (Ex): At 2nd level a fey warlock may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion still affect him.

    2. Damage Reduction (Su): At 4th level a fey warlock gains damage reduction 5/Cold Iron.

    3. Eyebite (Su): At 6th level a fey warlock may decide that his next normal melee attack or eldritch blast to be an eyebite attack. Creatures hit by the eyebite attack treat the fey warlock as invisible for 1 round. Once you have used this ability, you cannot do so again for 5 rounds. This is a glamer effect.

    4. Spell Resistance (Su): At 8th level a fey warlock gains spell resistance 10 + his class level.

    5. Wild Growth (Sp): At 10th level a fey warlock can emit an aura that causes the plant life around him to grow wild and dangerous. He may activate or suppress this aura as a full-round action. Normal terrain within 100 ft. of the fey warlock becomes overgrown and considered difficult terrain with 1 round of exposure to the aura. Difficult terrain with 1 round of exposure to the aura grows high and dense forming a thicket or jungle that creatures must hack or force a way through; speed drops to 5 feet, or 10 feet for Large or larger creatures.

      Terrain that has been exposed to 2 rounds of the aura become thick with thorns and bramble. Each creature moving through the area takes 1d8 points of piercing damage for each 5 feet of movement through the overgrown area. Any creature that takes damage from this effect must also succeed on a Reflex save (DC 15 + Cha mod) to avoid injuries to its feet and legs. A failed save causes the creature’s speed to be reduced to half normal for 24 hours or until the injured creature receives a cure spell (which also restores lost hit points). Another character can remove the penalty by taking 10 minutes to dress the injuries and succeeding on a Heal check against the effect’s save DC.

      This ability has no effect in barren areas devoid of any plant life. You may apply your woodland stride to areas affected by your wild growth.

    6. Reflective Glamer (Su):At 12th level a fey warlock begins to naturally emit a powerful glamer that helps disguise his fey nature. Any intelligent creature viewing you perceives you as the same species as itself, provided that it’s size category is no more than one step different from your own. This glamer changes perceptions of clothing and race, covering the visual, audible, olfactory, and tactile spectrum. True seeing pierces this glamer, but normal interaction does not offer a will save to recognize the illusion (though acting unusually enough may). A fey warlock may suppress or resume this ability as a free action. This is a glamer effect.

    7. Improved Damage Reduction: At 14th level a fey warlock's damage reduction improves to 10/Cold Iron.

    8. Improved Eyebite: At 16th level a fey warlock’s eyebite attack grows more powerful. Creatures hit by the improved eyebite attack treat the fey warlock as if affected by greater invisibility for 2 rounds. This is a glamer effect.

    9. Improved Spell Resistance: At 18th level a fey warlock's spell resistance improves to 15 + his class level.

    10. At 20th level a fey warlock's type changes to Fey and you gain a +4 inherent bonus to your Charisma. Creatures that can normally see through illusions (like with true seeing) no longer automatically see through a fey warlock’s illusions. They do gain a +4 bonus to saves to see through his illusions, and may automatically make a Will save to disbelieve upon first sight of an illusion (if they fail to disbelieve they do not get additional free saves at each fresh viewing).
    Quote Originally Posted by Design Notes
    Fey are an extremely diverse group of creatures, but there are common threads (both in D&D and throughout mythology). A weakness to iron is one of the most common, and DR fills this perfectly. It’s high enough to be relevant, but never enough to just shut down entire concepts. The other most common thing you’ll see is a connection to the wild and nature. Being unhindered by it, and being able to help it flourish into a dense tangle of life are both generic enough to feel fey-ish while not pigeon-holing them.

    Fey are all innately magical beings, and have a resistance to magics used against them. The spell resistance was originally 5/10 + class level, but, especially with the 5, it feels like a very weak defense.

    Fey are well known for their skill with illusions and trickery. And true seeing makes a mockery of that, which I’ve always hated (same with mind blank). Fey warlocks are great at infiltration and espionage, thanks to reflective glamer allowing them to blend in nearly anywhere. I’ve always disliked how universal an answer true seeing, and now it will remain relevant, but not just automatically stop you short.

    Finally, unlike the outsider-based lineages, fey warlocks actually become Fey once they hit 20th level. It makes a lot more sense for creatures to become another mortal creature type as opposed to becoming an outsider, which is a very different beast.

    Infernal lineage
    Prerequisite: Evil and/or lawful alignment

    1. Infernal Senses (Su): At 2nd level an infernal warlock gains the senses of his fore-bearers. He gains the see in darkness ability and telepathy out to 5 ft./class level.

    2. Damage Reduction (Su): At 4th level an infernal warlock gains damage reduction 5/Silver.

    3. Silver Tongue (Su): At 6th level an infernal warlock’s words carry supernatural weight. When he is speaking to something one-on-one he is considered to be using suggestion. Any suggestion the infernal warlock makes only lasts for 1 minute per class level. If a creature successfully saves against this effect it is immune to the warlock’s silver tongue for 24 hours. The warlock may suppress or resume this ability as a free action. This is a mind-affecting effect.

    4. Infernal Resistance (Su): At 8th level an infernal warlock gains resistance 10 against fire and is immune to poison.

    5. Iron Tongue (Su): At 10th level an infernal warlock can force an enemy within his telepathy range to obey a command as a swift action. The creature must succeed on a Will save or it obeys the command to the best of its ability at its earliest opportunity. If the creature succeeds on it’s Will save it takes 2d6 damage. Other than these differences, this ability works as the command spell. Once you have used this ability, you cannot do so again for 5 rounds. This is a mind-affecting effect.

    6. Improved Damage Reduction: At 12th level an infernal warlock's damage reduction improves to 10/Silver.

    7. Improved Silver Tongue:At 14th level an infernal warlock’s influence over others has grown. Whenever he speaks he is considered to be using mass suggestion. This is a mind-affecting effect.

    8. Improved Infernal Resistance: At 16th level an infernal warlock's energy resistance improves to resistance 20 against fire and he gains resistance 10 to acid and cold.

    9. Improved Iron Tongue: At 18th level an infernal warlock’s iron tongue ability grows more powerful. Unless the creature succeeds on a Will save it is now controlled as if you had cast dominate monster for 1 round. If the creature succeeds on it’s Will save it now takes 5d6 damage. This is a mind-affecting effect.

    10. At 20th level an infernal warlock unlocks the final power of his blood. He becomes immune to fire and his attacks are considered both evil and lawful aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. In addition, the subtle influence and control of an infernal warlock is nearly impossible to resist. Creatures immune to mind-affecting are not immune to mind-affecting abilities from the infernal warlock, though they do gain a +4 bonus to their saves against such effects.
    Quote Originally Posted by Design Notes
    Devils are tricksters and manipulators. Where Demons seek to destroy, Devils seek to corrupt and conquer. They are calculating and logical; if a fight turns bad, they’ll run away. Infernal warlocks will have that corruption and commanding presence. The various defenses are fairly standard and nothing that should require much explanation.

    I was wondering how to really show the corrupting nature of devils, and suggestion felt perfect. They aren’t your friend, like with Charm, but they sure seem to have some good ideas sometimes, don’t they? Silver tongue grants an enormous potential for corruption. They can pretty much convince whoever they want of whatever they want, at least for a short time. Iron tongue extrapolate that corruption into straight-up control, making other’s do the dirty work for them (or simply providing a distraction so the warlock can run to fight another day).

    Since they have such a high focus on mind-affecting abilities, like Fey do with illusions, I wanted to give them a way around the game’s frustrating blanket immunity spells, and since ways around them are pretty much unheard of, they make for solid capstones.

    Titan lineage

    1. Titan’s Legacy (Ex): At 2nd level a titan warlock’s connection to the mighty warriors he claims as kin begins to develop, granting instinctual knowledge of martial and magical ability. He becomes proficient with 1 martial weapon and medium armor. His invocations are no longer affected by arcane spell failure if he is wearing medium armor. He may add his Intelligence modifier to the DC of his invocations.

    2. Memories of the Forge (Ex): At 4th level old traditions and memories of the titans begin to surface in the mind of a titan warlock, blending creation and destruction. He gains a +2 bonus to Craft and Spellcraft checks. Whenever he successfully makes an attack with a weapon he forged, the attack deals extra magical damage equal to the giant warlock’s Intelligence modifier.

    3. Entwined Assault (Su): At 6th level a titan warlock can blend his eldritch powers and martial combat seamlessly. They may use their eldritch blast as a swift action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity after successfully making a melee attack.

    4. Titan’s Resistance (Ex): At 8th level a titan warlock gains DR 5/adamantine and is always considered to be under a endure elements effect.

    5. Powerful Build (Ex): At 10th level the titan warlock’s physical stature let them function in many ways as if they were one size category larger.
      Whenever a titan warlock is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), they are treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to them.
      A tiatn warlock is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect them. They can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, their space and reach remain those of a creature of their actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category.

    6. Imbue Item (Su): A titan warlock of 12th level and higher can use his supernatural power to create magic items, even if he does not know the spells required to make an item (although he must still have the appropriate item creation feat). He can substitute a Use Magic Device check (DC 15 + spell level for arcane spells or 25 + spell level for divine spells) in place of a required spell he doesn’t know or can’t cast.

      If the check succeeds, the titan warlock can create the item as if he had cast the required spell. If it fails, he cannot complete the item. He does not expend the XP or gp costs for making the item; his progress is simply arrested. He cannot retry this Use Magic Device check for that spell until he gains a new level.

    7. Improved Memories of the Forge: At 14th level a titan warlock gains the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat. If he already has Craft Magic Arms and Armor he gains another crafting feat for which he meets the prerequisites. Any item he crafts requires 25% less time, gold, and experience to create.

    8. Improved Titan’s Resistance: At 16th level a titan warlock’s DR increases to 10/adamantine and they gain resistance 5 to acid, cold, electricity, and fire.

    9. Improved Entwined Assault: At 18th level a titan warlock may use any of their invocations as a swift action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity after successfully making a melee attack.

    10. At 20th level a titan warlock’s type changes to giant and his size increases by one size category (apply appropriate size changes). Additionally, his warlock caster level and the caster level of any magical item he uses is considered to be an additional 2 higher (this stacks with Eldritch Soul).
    Quote Originally Posted by Design Notes
    This is a giant based lineage, but these are not the giants that stomp around throwing rocks because they aren’t bright enough to do much else. The titan that spawned these warlocks are much like the ancient Titans of Xen’drik - cunning warriors, powerful magi, and gifted craftsmen. These are creatures to rival dragons, even gods at times.

    Obviously one of the the biggest features of a giant is the fact that they are, well, giant. So taking this heritage ensure that you’ll end up much larger than your peers. Making that size increase a boon rather than an annoying penalty to your ranged attacks is part of why giant warlocks have a large focus on melee combat. They get superior armament, and can eventually forge their own. In fact, they now have exclusive access to Imbue Item, allowing them to excel at the creation of magical items and reinforce their ancestors as mighty creators.

    Titanic warlocks won’t be needing Charisma, as Intelligence is more heavily focused upon, giving them a further unique feel as tactical warriors rather than brutes. Building a deep connection with items you make personally fits into this as well. But they are certainly not all muscle, which is why they can launch arcane attacks in close quarters in the midst of attacking.

    Finally, Imbue Item has been moved from a general warlock ability to a Titan-exclusive one. Titans are the craftsmen of warlocks, and they alone develop the skill to forge nearly anything. From a mechanical standpoint, titan warlocks are the most heavily gear-dependant option, the ones most likely to wade into combat or at the very least wield weaponry, so it follows that they’re the ones that can create these items.

    Undead lineage

    1. Deathly Caress (Su): At 2nd level an undead warlock may decide that his next normal melee attack or eldritch blast to be a deathly caress attack. One living creature of your choice hit by the deathly caress attack is fatigued for 3 rounds. Once you have used this ability, you cannot do so again for 5 rounds.

    2. Strength of Unlife (Su): At 4th level an undead warlock’s body starts to develop immunities to things that affect the living. They gain a +4 bonus to saving throws vs negative energy effects and become immune to diseases and poisons.

    3. Life Sight (Ex): At 6th level an undead warlock is able to view the inner light of life and positive energy in other beings. To his eyes, living creatures glow with a brilliant light, providing bright illumination in a 10-foot radius per hit die, revealing itself and all features and objects in range to his life-adapted sight. This life-light behaves like regular light - you can’t see into solid objects, or through solid walls. Creatures near death (1 or less hit points) provide shadowy illumination instead. Finally, the life-light of invisible creatures is just as invisible as the creature that emanates it (So if you can see invisible creatures you can see their life-light. This doesn’t apply to creature you can’t see because they’re hiding or LoS is blocked).

    4. Improved Strength of Unlife: At 8th level an undead warlock is more suffused with the energy that animates undead creatures, invigorating his body. He is now healed by negative energy like an undead creature, and he is immune to sleep and paralysis effects.

    5. Improved Deathly Caress: At 10th level an undead warlock’s deathly caress becomes more potent. The creature hit by the deathly caress attack is exhausted for 2 round and fatigued for 3 rounds. You now only have to wait 4 rounds to use deathly caress again.

    6. Improved Strength of Unlife: At 12th level an undead warlock’s connection with negative energy deepens, allowing him to ignore weaknesses of the living. He is now immune to nonlethal damage, fatigue, exhaustion, and death effects.

    7. Life Drain (Su): At 14th level an undead warlock can absorb the life force of nearby creatures to bolsters his own strength. As a standard action any number of living creatures who’s life-light is touching the undead warlock must succeed on a Will save or gain 1 negative level. The undead warlock gains 5 temporary hit points for each negative level bestowed. The DC to remove the negative level is the same as the Will save DC.

    8. Improved Strength of Unlife: At 16th level an undead warlock’s life is an unnatural balance of positive and negative energy. He is now immune to ability and energy drain, death from massive damage, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless).

    9. Improved Deathly Caress: At 18th level an undead warlock’s deathly caress nearly steals the life from it’s victim. The creature hit by the deathly caress attack is paralyzed for 1 round unless it succeeds a Fortitude save, exhausted for 2 round, and fatigued for 3 rounds (it is exhausted and fatigued regardless of the Fortitude save). You now only have to wait 3 rounds to use deathly caress again.

    10. At 20th level an undead warlock has become strange amalgamation of life and death. While he is still alive, he no longer needs to breath, eat, or sleep and he ceases to age. If he is reduced to -10 hit points, he doesn’t die, but instead he slowly regenerates, regaining 1 hit point a minute until he is at 1 hit point. If dismembered the undead warlock does not regenerate until the vital parts are assembled (missing, non-vital limbs will only reattach before he reaches 1 hit point). He cannot regenerate if the body is fully destroyed (such from disintegrate).
    Quote Originally Posted by Design Notes
    Undead warlocks should be one of the rarer types of warlocks, since undead can only procreate in very unusual circumstances (I think there’s at least one race/template for this, but I couldn’t track it down). Undead are obviously extremely varied, with most of their commonalities being found in the creature type. Everything is based on the fact that these guys, despite being alive, are also partly dead.

    Aside from being, well, not alive, undead host a crazy number of immunities. Instead of gaining various defenses as you grow in level, an undead warlock slowly becomes more undead, gaining immunity after immunity. Heck, at 8th level his strange combination of living and dead means that he is healed by both positive and negative energy!

    The touch of the grave is often a disturbing and traumatic thing, draining the will to fight out of those affected, which is where Deathy Carress comes in. It saps the strength of life from it’s victim, becoming more potent, to the point where you can use it nearly continuously.

    Life Sight is adapted from the Libris Mortis feat Life Sense, giving information of the strength of creatures, rather than their size. It’s a unique and interesting new sense that creative players will love. And expanding on it, Life Drain allows you to suck that light right out of creatures if you’re close enough to them to be in their light. Energy drain is a powerful ability that is very much an undead staple, one of their most feared abilities.

    Finally, you’ve got the 20th level ability. I wanted to give the sense that you’ve somehow become a combination of living and dead, surpassing either. So you no longer suffer the various ailments of the living, enduring just as long as other undead. Longer, since your living vitality will keep your body going unless it’s thoroughly destroyed.
    Last edited by MammonAzrael; 2012-03-09 at 02:27 PM.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Dec 2007
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    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]

    Warlock Invocations

    There are over one hundred WotC-made Invocations, and hundreds more made by enthusiastic homebrewers. Ignoring this amazing wealth of resources would be crazy. As this class does not change the functionality of invocations, it should be compatible with any official or homebrew options you may wish to use. The invocations that follow have been altered in either function or flavor to be more in line with the above class, or are my own creations, and should be considered the standard list of invocations for this class. But don’t feel constrained, you’re already using homebrew, afterall!

    If an invocation has a source in the following lists with short descriptions, then it is unchanged, and should be used as found in the related source. If an invocation has a source listed next to it’s full text, then you should use the text found here, as the source is just for citing purposes.

    Blast Shapes
    • Eldritch Beam - Blast becomes weapon-like projection that allows iterative attacks
    • Eldritch Blow - Blast is channeled through melee attack
    • Eldritch Claws - Change your blast into a pair of claws
    • Eldritch Spear CAr 133 - Blast range increases to 250’

    • Eldritch Chain CAr 133 - Blast jumps from initial target to secondary targets
    • Eldritch Line - Blast becomes a 60’ line

    • Eldritch Cone CAr 133 - Blast becomes a 30’ cone
    • Eldritch Burst - Blast becomes a spherical burst

    • Eldritch Doom CAr 133 - Blast affects all enemies within 20’

    Eldritch Essences
    • Frightful Blast - Target must make Will save or become shaken
    • Hammer Blast - Deals additional damage to constructs and objects
    • Sickening Blast CAr 135 - Target must make a Fort save or become sickened

    • Baneful Blast - Blast ignores SR and deals additional damage to a specific creature type
    • Beshadowed Blast - Target must make a Will save or become blinded
    • Brimstone Blast - Deals fire damage and target must make a Ref save or catch fire
    • Deteriorating Blast DM 81 - Target must make a Fort save or have it’s DR reduced
    • Glacial Blast - Deals cold damage and target must make a Fort save or take a penalty to Dex and movement

    • Bewitching Blast - Target must make a Will save or become confused
    • Hindering Blast - Target must make a Fort save or become slowed
    • Incarnum Blast MoI 107 - Target must make a Fort save or become dazed if an opposed alignment; invest essentia for increased damage
    • Noxious Blast CAr 135 - Target must make a Fort save or become nauseated
    • Penetrating Blast DM 82 - Bonus against SRl; Target must make Will save or have it’s SR reduced
    • Repelling Blast - Target must make a Ref save or be knocked back
    • Vitriolic Blast CAr 136 - Blast ignores SR and deals acid damage for multiple rounds

    • Binding Blast - Target must make a Will save or be rendered helpless
    • Utterdark Blast CAr 135 - Deals negative energy damage and target must make a Fort save or gain 2 negative levels

    Other Invocations
    • All-Seeing Eyes - As comprehend laguages on written material, bonus to Search and Spot checks, and disbelieve illusions.
    • Baleful Utterance CAr 132 - Speak a word of power and shatter objects as the shatter spell
    • Beguiling Influence CAr 132 - Gain bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks
    • Breath of the Night - Create a fog cloud as the spell that chills creatures in it
    • Call of the Beast CM 123 - Speak with animals and influence their behavior
    • Cocoon of Refuse - Target is entangled and bludgeoned by trash
    • Cold Comfort - you emit an aura of endure elements
    • Darkness - Create an area of pure darkness
    • Drain Incarnum - You drain the essentia from a target or deal Wisdom damage
    • Earthen Grasp - An arm of earth and soil grapples near-by creatures
    • Entropic Warding CAr 134 - Deflect incoming ranged attacks, leave no trail, and prevent being tracked by scent
    • Leaps and Bounds - Gain bonus on Balance, Jump, and Tumble checks and take 20
    • Miasmic Cloud - Create a cloud of mist that grants concealment and weakens those who enter
    • Otherworldly Knowledge - Gain bonus on Knowledge and Spellcraft checks
    • Scalding Gust - Use gust of wind as the spell, creatures in it take fire damage
    • See the Unseen CAr 135 - Gain see invisibility as the spell and darkvision
    • Serpent’s Tongue CM 124 - Gain scent and a +5 bonus on saves vs poison
    • Soulreaving Aura - Use reaving aura and gain a damage bonus and temporary hit points
    • Spiderwalk CAr 135 - Gain spider climb and you are immune to webs
    • Summon Swarm CAr 135 - Use summon swarm as the spell
    • Swimming the Styx - Gain a swim speed and breath water
    • Warlock’s Luck - Gain a luck bonus on one type of save or expend to confirm a critical hit

    • Charm CAr 132 - Cause a single creature to regard you as a friend
    • Crawling Eye CM 123 - Your eye crawls from its socket on spidery legs and can scout for you
    • Curse of Despair CAr 132 - Curse a creature as bestow curse and hinder their attacks
    • The Dead Walk - Create undead as the animate dead spell
    • Disembodied Hand CM 124 - You detach one of your hands and send it forth to manipulate the world
    • Dread Seizure - With a word a creature succumbs to painful seizures
    • Energy Resistance- Grant yourself and allies energy resistance
    • Enthralling Voice DM 80 - Fascinate nearby creatures by speaking
    • Flee the Scene CAr 134 - Use short range dimension door, leave behind a major image
    • Humanoid Shape DM 80 - Take the form of any humanoid creature
    • Hungry Darkness - Create darkness filled with a swarm of bats
    • Mask of Flesh CM 124 - Touch attack imposes 1d6 Cha penalty and transforms you to look like the target
    • Relentless Dispelling CM 124 - As targeted dispel magic, with an additional one the following turn
    • Spider-Shape DrU 63 - Transform into a fiendish monstrous spider
    • Stony Grasp - An arm of stone grapples near-by creatures
    • Sudden Swarm - A swarm of spiders burst from the bodies of creatures you kill
    • Syphon Incarnum - You can steal the essentia of others with a touch, taking it for yourself
    • Thieves’ Bane - Use arcane lock, which explodes when bypassed
    • Voidsense CAr 136 - Gain blindsense 30 feet
    • Voracious Dispelling CAr 136 - Use dispel magic, causing damage to creatures whose effects are dispelled
    • Walk Unseen CAr 136 - Use invisibility (self only)
    • Wall of Gloom - You create a barrier of ominous shadows that is difficult to pass through
    • Warlock’s Flight Originally Fell Flight, CAr 134 - Gain a fly speed with good maneuverability
    • Weighty Utterance - Cause a creature’s weight to quadruple, pulling it from the skies
    • Witchwood Step - Creatures can walk on water and move through difficult terrain without issue

    • Aura of Flame - Aura deals fire damage to creatures that attack you
    • Baleful Gaes DM 79 - A single creature becomes your servant, but slowly sickens and dies
    • Caster’s Lament - You can use break enchantment with a touch and can counterspell
    • Caustic Mire - Create a caustive mire that sickens creatures
    • Chilling Fog DM 79 - Create solid fog that deals cold damage
    • Chilling Tentacles CAr 132 - Use black tentacles, and deal extra cold damage
    • Counterfeit Thoughts Originally Devil’s Whispers, Ci 68 - As suggestion, plus the target may believe the actions were their idea
    • Devour Magic - Use targeted greater dispel magic and gain temporary hit points
    • Dragonward DM 82 - Gain a host of defenses against dragons
    • Enervating Shadow - Gain concealment and impose Strength penalties to nearby creatures
    • Hellspawned Grace - Transform into a hellcat
    • Nightmares Made Real CM 124 - Use nightmare terrain CM 111 that deals damage
    • Painful Slumber of the Ages - Target falls asleep and is damaged upon awakening
    • Stamina of Blood Originally Draconic Toughness, DM 80 - Gain temporary hit points equal to your caster level
    • Tenacious Plague CAr 135 - Use insect plague, but the locust swarm deals damage as a magic weapon
    • Terrifying Roar DM 81 - Use fear as the spell; creatures shaken by the effect cannot attack you
    • Wall of Perilous Flame CAr 136 - Create a wall of fire, but half the damage is supernatural
    • Warlock’s Call - Use sending, but be able to disguise yourself

    • Dark Discorporation - Transform into a swarm of bat-like shadows
    • Energy Immunity DM 80 - Gain immunity to acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic damage
    • Impenetrable Barrier - Create an opaque wall of force or forcecage
    • Incarnum Shroud - Gain essentia and a miss chance
    • Instill Vulnerability - Make target creature vulnerable to a chosen energy type
    • Path of Shadow - Use shadow walk and accelerate natural healing
    • Perilous Veil - Use veil as the spell, successful disbelief deals damage and blindness
    • Retributive Invisibility - Use greater invisibility (self only) that deals damage if dispelled
    • Steal Summoning - Use steal summoning, but on any summon spell
    • Unrivaled Master of the Skies - Gain a fly speed with perfect maneuverability and Flyby Attack
    • Warlock’s Foresight Originally Dark Foresight, CAr 133 - Use foresight and communicate telepathically with close targets
    • Word of Changing - Use baleful polymorph which could become permanent

    I will be adding additional invocations as time allows. This will include heritage-specific invocations.

    Invocation Descriptions

    All-Seeing Eyes CM 123
    Least; 2nd
    You gain a supernaturally precise vision of the world around you. You gain the benefits of comprehend languages, albeit for written words only. Additionally you gain a +6 bonus on Search and Spot checks. Finally, simply viewing an illusion grants you a save to disbelieve it. All-seeing eyes lasts for 24 hours.

    Aura of Flame DM 79
    Greater; 6th
    You become wreathed in an aura of orange fire, which gives off light equivalent to a torch and last a number of rounds equal to your caster level. Any creature that attacks you with a natural or nonreach melee weapon or starts it’s turn adjacent to you or grappling you takes 1d6 points of fire damage per two caster levels. These flames ignore spell resistance. Additionally, you take only half damage from fire-based attacks. If such an attack allows a Reflex save for half damage, you take no damage on a successful save.

    Baneful Blast CM 123
    Lesser; 3rd [Eldritch Essence]
    You transform your eldritch blast into a baneful blast. When you gain this invocation, select a creature type from the Ranger Favored Enemies table. A baneful blast deals an additional 2d6 damage and ignores the spell resistance of creatures of the chosen type. You may not change the creature type chosen, but you may take this invocation more than once, choosing a new creature type each time.

    Beshadowed Blast CAr 132
    Lesser; 4th [Eldritch Essence]
    You transform your eldritch blast into a beshadowed blast. Any creature struck by a beshadowed blast must succeed on a Will save or be blinded for 1 round.

    Bewitching Blast CAr 132
    Greater; 5th [Eldritch Essence]
    You transform your eldritch blast into a bewitching blast. A creature struck by a bewitching blast must succeed on a Will save or become confused for 2 rounds. This is a mind-affecting effect.

    Binding Blast CM 123
    Ancestral; 7th [Eldritch Essence]
    You transform your eldrtich blast into a binding blast. Any creature struck by a binding blast must succeed on a Will save or be rendered helpless for 1 round.

    Breath of the Night CAr 132
    Least; 1st
    A misty cloud of fog spreads in a 20-foot radius around you when you use this invocation, as the spell fog cloud. The fog does not block line of sight, but all creatures in the fog have concealment. Any other living creature in the fog takes 1d4 points of cold damage each round. A moderate wind or any fire larger than a torch immediately disperses the fog, which otherwise disperses after 1 minute.

    Brimstone Blast CAr 132
    Lesser; 3rd [Eldritch Essence]
    You transform your eldritch blast into a brimstone blast. A brimstone blast deals fire damage. A creature struck by a brimstone blast must succeed on a Reflex save or catch on fire, taking 2d6 points of fire damage per round until it takes a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity to extinguish the flames.

    Caustic Mire CM 123
    Greater; 5th
    You can use caustic mire CM 98 as the spell, except that any creature that breaths in the fumes is automatically sickened as long as they are in the area of the spell and for 3 rounds afterwards. You may only have one caustic mire in effect at a time; if a new one is created, the old one vanishes.

    Caster’s Lament CM 123
    Greater; 7th
    Otherwise unchanged from Complete Mage.

    Cocoon of Refuse Ci 68
    Least; 1st
    You cause various bits of trash and detritus in the area - loose wood, rotting garbage, old clothes, discarded dishes, scraps of parchment, even dead animals - to fly about and latch onto a target. The target must succeed on a Reflex save or become entangled and takes 1 point of bludgeoning damage each round. The target can escape with a successful DC 20 Strength or Escape Artist check, which can be repeated each round as a standard action. The invocation ends when the target successfully escapes or after 1 round per caster level. This invocation requires that at least 50% of the refuse be urban trash, so it does not function in the wilderness. Creatures of Huge or larger size are immune to this invocation.

    Cold Comfort MC 123
    Least; 2nd
    This invocation renders you partially immune to the ravages of the environment. You emit an aura out to 30 feet and all within are considered under the effects of endure elements. This invocation lasts for 24 hours. While active, you may end the effects of this invocation as an immediate action to grant everyone within the aura resistance 5 to fire and cold for 1 round.

    Dark Discorporation CAr 132
    Prerequisite: Demonic, Infernal, or Undead lineage
    Ancestral; 8th
    You learn to abandon your body, transforming into a swarm of Diminutive, bat-like shadows that fill two 10-foot squares (eight contiguous 5-foot squares). This transformation lasts for 24 hours. You gain the traits listed in Complete Arcane with the following exceptions. You may augment the damage of your Swarm Attack by applying a single Eldritch Essence you know to it, and you may end the effect of this invocation as a move action.

    Darkness CAr 133
    Least; 2nd
    You can cause an object within 30 feet to radiate complete darkness out to a 20-foot radius. Other than these differences, this ability works as the darkness spell.

    The Dead Walk CAr 133
    Prerequisite: Non-good
    Otherwise unchanged from Complete Arcane.

    Devour Magic CAr 133
    Greater; 6th
    This invocation allows you to deliver a targeted greater dispel magic to a target within 30 feet. You gain 5 temporary hit points for each spell level dispelled by this invocation. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute.

    Drain Incarnum MoI 107
    Least; 2nd
    An ephemeral claw reaches into a target within 30 feet. Unless the target succeeds on a Fortitude save, it takes 1 point of essentia damage plus an additional point per 5 caster levels. A creature without an essentia pool instead takes 2 points of Wisdom damage.

    Dread Seizure DM 82
    Lesser; 4th
    You speak a word that sends wracking pain through the limbs of a single creature within 60 feet, dealing 1d6 non-lethal damage per round for a number of rounds equal to your caster level. Additionally, the target must succeed on a Fortitude save or the seizures reduce the creature’s movement speeds by half (round down to the nearest 5-foot increment), the target takes a -5 penalty on attacks made against creatures more than 5 feet away from it (or against creatures outside its own space, for creatures with a natural reach of 0 feet), and the target is unable to cast spells with a somatic component for one round. The target must make a new Fortitude save and the beginning of each turn for the duration of this invocation. You can never have more than one target affected by this ability at a time; if a second creature is affected, the first no longer suffers from this invocation.

    Earthen Grasp CAr 133
    Least; 2nd
    You cause an arm of dense soil to rise from the ground with 5 feet of a creature that grabs them. The creature must succeed on a Reflex save or it is considered to be grappled by the arm. Other than these differences, this ability works as the earthen grasp spell SpC 76. You may only have one earthen grasp in effect at a time; if a new one is created, the old one vanishes.

    Eldritch Beam Originally Eldritch Glaive; DM 82
    Least; 2nd [Blast Shape]
    This blast shape invocation gives your eldritch blast physical substance, forming a long glowing beam similar to a glaive that you wield with both hands. As a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, you can form an eldritch beam until the start of your next turn. As a full-round action, you can make a number of melee touch attacks as your base attack bonus allows as if wielding a reach weapon. If you hit, your target is affected as if struck by your eldritch blast (including any eldritch essence applied to the eldritch beam). While wielding your eldritch beam, you also threaten nearby squares as if wielding a reach weapon, and you can make attacks of opportunity with your eldritch beam (these are also melee touch attacks). Eldritch beam cannot be applied to an Eldritch Volley eldritch blast.

    Eldritch Blow Originally Hideous Blow, CAr 134
    Least; 1st [Blast Shape]
    This blast shape invocation allows you to channel your eldritch blast through your melee attacks as an eldritch blow. As a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, you can channel the energies of your eldritch blast into a single melee weapon or natural weapon you are wielding until the start of your next turn. If you hit a target with that weapon while it is infused with your eldritch blow, after sustaining the normal effects of the strike the target is affected as if struck by your eldritch blast (including any eldritch essence applied to the eldritch blow). Eldritch blow bypasses spell resistance, and cannot be applied to an Eldritch Volley eldritch blast. You cannot use your normal eldritch blast while your weapon is infused with your eldritch blow.

    Eldritch Burst
    Greater; 5th [Blast Shape]
    You transform your eldritch blast into an eldritch burst. An eldritch burst is a 15 foot radius burst with a range of 60 feet, and deals normal eldritch blast damage to all targets within the area (including any eldritch essence applied). This is not a ray attack, so it requires no ranged touch attack. Any creature in the line can succeed on a Reflex save for half damage.

    Eldritch Claws Originally a feat, Dragon 358
    Least; 2nd [Blast Shape]
    This blast shape invocation allows you to condense your eldritch blast into a pair of claws that extend nearly a foot from your hands. As a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, you can create these eldritch claws, gaining two claw natural weapons that deal damage equal to your unarmed strike damage plus your eldritch blast damage (including any eldritch essence applied to the eldritch claws). You are automatically proficient with your eldritch claws. Once you form your eldritch claws they remain until the beginning of your next turn. Eldritch claws cannot be applied to an Eldritch Volley eldritch blast. You cannot use your normal eldritch blast while your eldritch claws exist.

    Eldritch Line DM 82
    Lesser; 3rd [Blast Shape]
    You transform your eldritch blast into a eldritch line. An eldritch line is a 60 foot line and deals the normal eldirtch blast damage to all targets within the area (including any eldritch essence applied). This is not a ray attack, so it requires no ranged touch attack. Any creature in the line can succeed on a Reflex save for half damage.

    Energy Resistance Originally Ignore the Pyre, DM 82
    With a touch, you grant a creature (or yourself) resistance to any one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) equal to your caster level for 24 hours. A creature may only gain resistance to one energy type from this invocation at a time; if you use this invocation a second time before the duration of the first expires the new resistance and duration replaces the old one.

    Enervating Shadow CAr 133
    Greater; 5th
    You are cloaked and shielded from harm while draining vitality from nearby creatures. This invocation grants your total concealment in any area that isn’t brightly lit, and concealment in any area that is. Additionally, any living creature within 10 feet must succeed at a Fortitude save at the beginning of it’s turn or take a -4 penalty to Strength for 5 rounds. If a creature already has the penalty it takes 2 Strength damage. This invocation lasts for 5 rounds and it can be countered or dispelled by any light spell or effect of equal or higher level.

    Frightful Blast CAr 134
    Least; 2nd [Eldritch Essence]
    You transform your eldritch blast into a frightful blast. A creature struck by a frightful blast must succeed on a Will save or become shaken for 1 minute. A creature cannot be made panicked from this effect. Creatures immune to fear effects or mind-affecting effects cannot be shaken and take only half damage from a frightful blast.

    Glacial Blast Originally Hellrime Blast, CAr 134
    Lesser; 4th [Eldritch Essence]
    You transform your eldritch blast into a glacial blast. A glacial blast deals cold damage. Any creature struck by a glacial blast must succeed on a Fortitude save or take a -4 Dexterity penalty for 10 minutes. Even if they make the save, the freezing cold crystallizes the moisture in the air, forming a covering of ice which reduces their movement speeds by half for 1 round

    Hammer Blast CM 124
    Least; 2nd [Eldritch Essence]
    You transform your eldritch blast into a hammer blast. When used against constructs, a hammer blast does not allow spell resistance and deals an additional 2d6 damage. A hammer blast deals full damage to objects.

    Hellspawned Grace CM 124
    Prerequisite: ??? and Infernal lineage
    Greater; 6th
    You transform into a hellcat for 24 hours. You may end this invocation early as a full-round action. This is a polymorph effect.

    Hindering Blast CM 124
    Greater; 5th [Eldritch Essence]
    You transform your eldritch blast into a hindering blast. A creature struck by a hindering blast must succeed on a Fortitude save or be slowed for 1 round.

    Hungry Darkness CAr 134
    Lesser; 3rd
    You can create an area of complete darkness that is filled with bats (as the bat swarm, except the swarm fills every square occupied by the darkness). The hungry darkness is stationary, but you may move it up to 20 feet as a move action. You are immune to the attacks of your own hungry darkness, but you are still subject to the effects of the darkness. The hungry darkness last 1 round per caster level. If the bat swarm is destroyed, the darkness disappears as well. You may only have one hungry darkness in effect at a time; if a new one is created, the old one vanishes.

    Impenetrable Barrier DM 82
    Prerequisite: Angelic, Titan and ??? lineage
    Ancestral; 7th
    You can conjure up a wall of force as the spell. This wall is completely opaque and blocks sight of all kinds. Alternatively, you may use this invocation to create a forcecage, except that it only lasts one round per level and creatures in it’s area of effects may succeed on a Reflex save to jump to the nearest square outside the cage, avoiding it (this version is also opaque and blocks sight if solid walls are used). You can only have one impenetrable barrier in effect at a time. If you use the invocation a second time befor the duration of the first expires, the previous wall disappears. If your impenetrable barrier is destroyed (such as by a rod of cancelation or disintegrate spell, you take 1d10 points of damage.

    Incarnum Shroud MoI 107
    Ancestral; 8th
    This invocations calls for the power of your soul, shrouding you with incarnum. All attacks against you have a 20% miss chance. You gain 1 point of essentia while this invocation is in effect. This invocation lasts for 24 hours.
    You can invest essentia into this invocation once per day as if it were an incarnum feat. Every point of essentia invested in your incarnum shroud increases the granted miss chance by 10% and grants you a cumulative +1 bonus on saves against death effects and energy drain. Once the amount of essentia invested is chosen, it cannot be altered and remains invested for 24 hours. If your incarnum shroud is dispelled during this time, the essentia investment remains in place, taking effect once again when you activate the invocation.

    Instill Vulnerability DM 81
    Prerequisite: Aberrant, Angelic, or Fey lineage
    Ancestral; 7th
    You imbue a single creature within 30 feet with vulnerability to a particular type of energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). Creatures with resistance or immunity to the chosen energy type instead are stripped of that resistance or immunity. A successful Will save negates this effect. The effects of this invocation last for 24 hours or until you use this invocation on the creature a second time, in which case the first effect ends and the new effect and duration take effect.

    Leaps and Bounds CAr 134
    Least; 2nd
    You can invoke this ability to gain amazing agility. You gain a +6 bonus to Balance, Jump, and Tumble checks for 24 hours. While active, you may consider to have rolled a natural 20 on a single Balance, Jump, or Tumble check instead of rolling. If you do, the effect of this invocation ends at the end of the round.

    Miasmic Cloud CAr 134
    Least; 1st
    A misty cloud of fog spreads in a 10-foot radius from you when you use this invocation. The fog does not block line of sight, but all creatures in the fog have concealment. Any creature (other than you) that enters the fog must make a Fortitude save or become fatigued and have any melee damage they deal reduced by half. This effect lasts as long as the creature remains within the cloud and for 1 round thereafter. A moderate wind, or any fire larger than a torch disperses the fog in 1 round. The fog otherwise lasts for 1 minute.

    Otherworldly Whispers CM 124
    Least; 2nd
    You hear whispers in your head, revealing secrets of the multiverse. You gain a +6 bonus on Knowledge and Spellcraft checks and are considered trained in those skills for 24 hours.

    Painful Slumber of the Ages CM 124
    Greater; 6th
    You can use endless slumber [sup]CM 103[/cup] as the spell. When a creature awakens from this effect it takes damage equal to your caster level plus the number of times it failed the save to wake up.

    Path of Shadow CAr 135
    Prerequisite: Aberrant, Fey, Infernal, or Undead lineage
    Ancestral; 6th
    Otherwise unchanged from Complete Arcane.

    Perilous Veil DM 81
    Prerequisite: Aberrant, Fey, or Infernal lineage
    Ancestral; 8th
    You instantly change the appearance of one or more subjects, as the url=]veil[/url] spell. Any creature that succeeds on a Will save to disbelieve the glamer is struck blind, mute, and takes 5d6 points of damage. Spell resistance applies against this secondary effect. You are instantly aware if a creature successfully disbelieves the glamer and may chose not to have the secondary effect occur.

    Unrivaled Master of the Skies
    Prerequisite: Angelic, Draconic linegae
    Ancestral; 9th
    When you use this invocation you are born aloft, at home among the clouds. You gain a fly speed equal to your land speed + 30 feet with perfect maneuverability for 24 hours. While this invocation is active you are considered to have both the Flyby Attack and Improved Flyby Attack feats, even if you don’t meet the prerequisites.

    Repelling Blast CAr 135
    Greater; 6th [Eldritch Essence]
    You transform your eldritch blast into a repelling blast. Any creature your size or smaller struck by your repelling blast must succeed on a Reflex save or be hurled 1d6x5 feet (1d6 squares) directly away from you and knocked prone by the energy of the attack. If the creature strikes a solid object, it stops prematurely, taking 1d6 points of damage per 5 feet it did not travel, and it is still knocked prone. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

    Retributive Invisibility CAr 135
    Prerequisite: Demonic, Fey, Infernal lineage
    Ancestral; 6th
    You can use greater invisibility, but you can only target yourself. If this invocation is dispelled a violent shock wave rleases from your body in a 20-foot radius burst. This shock wave deals 4d6 points of force damage to all other creatures in the area and dazes them for 1 round. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage and prevents the daze effect.

    Scalding Gust DM 81
    Least; 2nd
    You create a strong blast of wind as the gust of wind spell, except that the duration is instantaneous. Any creature within the effect takes 2 points of fire damage per caster level, regardless of whether it succeeds on gust of wind’s Fortitude save.

    Soulreaving Aura CM 124
    Prerequisite: Non-good
    Least; 2nd
    You can use reaving auraCM 114 as the spell, except that the damage deatl is equal to half your caster level. In addition to the normal effect, if any creature dies from this invocation you gain a profane bonus equal to the creature’s HD to the damage of your eldritch blast for 1 round and temporary hit points equal to the creature’s HD that last for 1 minute.

    Steal Summoning CM 124
    Prerequisite: Draconic, Fey, or Infernal lineage
    Ancestral; 7th
    You can use steal summoning as the spell, except that you can steal the effects of any spell in the summoning subschool changing any targets and having complete control over any creatures summoned. You do not need to concentrate to maintain this control unless the duration of the stolen spell includes concentration.

    Stony Grasp CAr 135
    Lesser; 4th
    You cause an arm of stone the size of a man to rise from the ground within 5 feet of a creature that grabs at them. The creature must succeed on a Reflex save or it is considered to be grappled by the arm. The arm has a Strength of 18 +1 per caster level. Other than these differences, this ability works as the stony grasp spell SpC 209. You may only have one stony grasp in effect at a time; if a new one is created, the old one vanishes.

    Sudden Swarm DrU 63
    Add your caster level instead of your warlock level to the hit points and poison DC for the spider swarm, and add your Charisma modifier to the DC of its Distraction. Otherwise unchanged.

    Swimming the Styx CM 124
    Least; 2nd
    By tapping into the power of the legendary river, you become an aquatic creature. Your hands and feet become slightly webbed, granting you a swim speed equal to your base land speed (you gain all other benefits derived from a swim speed), and you can breath water as well as air. As an interest side effect, you are also rendered immune to the effects of the Styx. This invocation lasts for 24 horus.

    Syphon Incarnum Originally Steal Incarnum, MoI 107
    Lesser; 4th
    You can use this invocation to syphon essentia from a touched creature for your own use.Unless the target succeeds on a Fortitude save, it loses 1 point of essentia for every 4 caster levels, and you gain essentia equal to the amount lost. The gained essentia fades after 5 minutes, though the target must heal the essentia damage as normal. If the target does not have an essentia pool it gains 1 negative level that fades after 24 hours. If you do not have an essentia pool then instead your eldritch blast deals an additional die of damage per point of essentia syphoned for 1 round.

    Thieves’ Bane Ci 68
    Lesser; 3rd
    This invocation creates an arcane lock effect as the spell. In addition, should anyone other than you open the item in question from the outside by any means (including knock or dispel magic) the portal or lid explodes outward, dealing 5d6 points of force damage in a 20 foot cone. Each creature but the one that triggered the effect (assuming it was standing in front of the item) can succeed on a Reflex save for half damage. Spell resistance does not apply to the damage cause by this invocation. You are instantly aware of when this invocation is triggered.

    Wall of Gloom CAr 136
    Lesser; 3rd
    You create an insubstantial but foreboding wall that is disturbing to pass through. Creatures attempting to pass through must succeed on a Will save or be halted at its edge, end the move action (though a creature can move away from the wall or attempt to pass through again if it has another move action). If a creature successfully passes through the wall it suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls and Will saves for 1 round as it shakes off a sense of despair. Other than these differences, this ability works as the wall of gloom spell SpC 233.

    Warlock’s Call CAr 136
    Greater; 5th
    You can send a message as the sending spell. The warlock may make the message appear to come from another creature with a successful Bluff check (opposed by the receiving creature’s Sense Motive). If the Bluff is unsuccessful the receiving creature remains unaware of any deception, the warlock is simply anonymous.

    Warlock’s Luck Originally Dark One’s Own Luck, CAr 133
    Least; 2nd
    The arcane energies that swirl around you grant you luck. You gain a luck bonus equal to your Charisma modifier on Fortitude, Reflex, or Will saves (your choice each time you use this invocation) for 24 hours. This invocation can only apply to one save at a time, and the bonus it provides may not exceed your warlock level. While active, you may end the effect of this invocation as a free action to automatically confirm a critical hit with your eldritch blast.

    Weighty Utterance DM 82
    Lesser; 4th
    With a single word you can increase the weight of a single creature within 60 feet. The target must succeed on a Will save or it and all the equipment it is carrying has it’s weight quadrupled for 1 round. This might cause some individuals to suddenly take encumbrance penalties while others collapse under the weight of their own gear. If the target is flying and fails the Will save it falls 5 feet per caster level. A creature that is forced to the ground as a result of this invocation takes 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet traveled and cannot fly again for 1 round.

    Witchwood Step CM 124
    Lesser; 3rd
    With a touch you an allies footsteps (or your own) become supernaturally sure and supportive. The target is unaffected by difficult terrain and is immune to being entangled. They can even walk on water, as the water walk spell. This invocation last for 24 hours. The creature affected by this invocation may end it as a free action to be under a freedom of movement effect for 1 round.

    Word of Changing CAr 136
    Prerequisite: Aberrant, Demonic, Fey, or Titan lineage
    Ancestral; 7th
    Otherwise unchanged from Complete Arcane.
    Last edited by MammonAzrael; 2012-03-18 at 04:27 AM.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Dec 2007
    California, USA

    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]


    Blended Essence
    Prerequisite: Eldritch blast 3d6, knowledge of two or more eldritch essences
    Benefit: Three times per day you may apply two eldritch essences at once to your eldritch blast. At least one of them must be at least one grade lower than the highest grade invocation you know. You must declare the use of this feat before you use the ability.

    Eldritch Penetration
    Prerequisite: Eldritch blast ability
    Benefit: You get a +4 bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance.

    Grappling Blast
    Found in Dragon 358, page 87.

    Imbue Runestaff
    Prerequisite: Knowledge of at least one least invocation
    Benefit: You can use your invocations to power the spells stored within runstaffs. As a full-round action you may infuse a runestaff with one invocation you know. If you do you lose access to that invocation for 24 hours or until you have rested for 8 eight hours. Any continuing effects of the invocation immediately end, but you gain access to the spells within the runestaff. You may cast up to three spells in the runestaff equal to or lower than the equivalent spell level of the used invocation as if you had sacrificed a prepared spell.

    Inexorable Heritage
    Prerequisite: Heritage class ability
    Benefit: You are considered to be up to 2 levels higher, up to a maximum of your hit dice, for determining what Heritage abilities you have.
    Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.


    Price: +1 bonus
    Property: Melee weapon
    Caster Level: 6th
    Aura: Moderate; (DC 18) abjuration
    Activation: --

    This weapon emits a sense of calm that steadies your aim.

    An aiming weapon allows the wielder to transfer some or all of the weapon’s enhancement bonus to ranged touch attacks he makes with spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. As a free action, the wielder chooses how to allocate the weapon’s enhancement bonus at the start of his turn before using the weapon, and the effect to ranged attack rolls lasts until his next turn.
    Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, targeting ray SC219
    Cost to Create: Varies.

    Gauntlets of Eldritch Power
    Found in Magic Item Compendium, page 102. Update pending.

    Gloves of Eldritch Admixture
    Found in Magic Item Compendium, page 105. Update pending.

    Stole of Arcane PowerReplaces Chasuble of Fell Power, MIC 85
    Price: 8,000 gp (lesser), 18,000 gp (greater)
    Body Slot: Throat
    Caster Level: 6th (lesser), 9th (greater)
    Aura: Moderate; DC 18 (lesser), DC 19 (greater) evocation
    Activation: --
    Weight: --

    Eldritch symbols are woven through this long strip of cloth, their colors shifting endlessly as the light hits them.

    Each stole of arcane power is attuned to either Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law.
    Lesser: While wearing one, spells you cast with a matching alignment descriptor deal an additional 1d6 points of damage, if the spells deal hit point damage. If you aren’t an opposing alignment, your eldritch blast deals an additional die of damage.
    Greater: As the lesser version, except instead it adds an extra 2d6 points of damage to your aligned spells and your eldritch blast deals an additional 2 dice of damage.
    Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, eldritch blast or chaos hammer (chaos), holy smite (good), order’s wrath (law), unholy blight (evil)
    Cost to create: 4,000 gp, 320 XP, 8 days (lesser); 9,000 gp, 720 XP, 18 days (greater)

    Rod of Eldritch Power
    Found in Complete Mage, page 127.

    Warlock’s Scepter
    Found in Magic Item Compendium, page 63. Update pending.

    Change Log (3/18/2012)
    • Changed the progression of Aberrant lineage from UE/MS/IUE/AR... to MS/UE/AR/IUE...
    • Changed the progression of Undead lineage from SoU/DC/LS/ISoU/IDC/LD/ISoU/IDC/ISoU to DC/SoU/LS/ISoU/IDC/ISoU/LD/ISoU/IDC
    • Angelic Warlocks may suppress or resume their aura as a free action
    • Fey Warlocks now get Woodland Stride at 2nd level and DR at 4th
    • Creatures with true seeing get an auto save to disbelieve 20th Fey’lock illusions
    • Infernal’s silver tongue now offers a save and possible temp immunity.
    • Undead’s Life Sight clarified for invisible creatures
    • Undead’s 1st ability grants +2 bonus to neg energy saves instead of +4
    • Final death’s caress now offers a Fort save for the paralyzed part
    • Earthen and Stony Grasp are now limited to 1 at a time
    • You can now end Dark Discorperation as a move action
    • Titans now can learn Word of Changing
    • Angelics now can learn Impenetrable Barrier
    • Demonic now grants a Death Throes and resurrection instead of iterative attacks at 20th level
    • Added Inexorable Heritage feat
    • Imbue Runestaff can only be taken once now
    • Added all invocations from Complete Mage, Magic of Incarnum, Cityscape, and Drow of the Underdark

    • Secrets of the Dragons no longer allows access to spells with experience costs
    • Made Arcane Sight a permanent supernatural effect and changed the Spellcraft check to a CL + Spellcraft number
    • Made Greater Arcane Sight an extraordinary ability, and the same modifications as Arcane Sight
    • Changed Demonic Retaliation from dealing damage to adjacent creatures to dealing damage to the creature that struck him
    • Eldritch Blow is now clearer in how in interacts with Eldritch Volley and how it functions in general. In addition, it now bypasses SR
    • Added Eldritch Beam, the new Eldritch Glaive
    • Added Eldritch Claws as a blast shape
    • Replaced Hellrime Blast with Glacial Blast
    • Added feats and items
    • Added all Dragon Magic invocations

    • Exchanged Imbue Item with the Giant’s Eldritch Soul
    • Changed Giant Heritage to Titan Heritage
    • Moved Dual Blast to 9th level and changed it to Eldritch Volley, granting an extra blast at 18th level
    • Moved Greater Arcane Sight to 15th level
    • Added Draconic and Undead lineages
    • Added the rest of the Complete Arcane invocations
    Last edited by MammonAzrael; 2012-03-18 at 04:28 AM.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]

    I like it!

    Warlock is my favorite 3.5 class, I loved the based mechanics of it, and I always hated how people thought it was underpowered. This seems like a very solid improvement.

    My favorite concept from ways back was the idea of a half-ogre warlock, with an emphasis on melee-channeled hideous blow. (He predated Eldritch Glaive) Now I've got to consider, which heritage I should aim for. I could see Giant, but I think I might favor Demonic. Depending on what you want to do with them, they all seem like solid ideas, though.

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    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]

    Renew Item seems to be almost outrageously broken. I really like almost every change and addition you've made to the class, but once you hit 20th level you're handing out the equivalent of at-will Wizard spellcasting of whatever spells the Warlock can buy/find in Wands or Staffs.

    On thing you really should do is come up with some new invocations (and probably shapes and essences) geared toward the various heritages, because as of right now half or more of the WotC ones are appropriate only for Demonic or Infernal Heritage.

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    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]

    Quote Originally Posted by Ziegander View Post
    Renew Item seems to be almost outrageously broken. I really like almost every change and addition you've made to the class, but once you hit 20th level you're handing out the equivalent of at-will Wizard spellcasting of whatever spells the Warlock can buy/find in Wands or Staffs.
    Actually, no, it doesn't. The Renew Item ability specifies it only recharges per-day items, like Eternal Wands, and a lot of the stuff in the Magic Item Compendium that have daily charges. It's powerful, but not nearly as strong as you're thinking. Not a bad deal, by that level.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ziegander View Post
    On thing you really should do is come up with some new invocations (and probably shapes and essences) geared toward the various heritages, because as of right now half or more of the WotC ones are appropriate only for Demonic or Infernal Heritage.
    Agreed here. Though I think generalizing the fiendish ones might not be a bad idea, adding generic flavor that can be bent towards a particular heritage.

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    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]

    Quote Originally Posted by RedWarlock View Post
    Actually, no, it doesn't. The Renew Item ability specifies it only recharges per-day items, like Eternal Wands, and a lot of the stuff in the Magic Item Compendium that have daily charges. It's powerful, but not nearly as strong as you're thinking. Not a bad deal, by that level.
    Ah, thank you for the clarification. That makes it much more acceptable, yes.

    I think generalizing the fiendish ones might not be a bad idea, adding generic flavor that can be bent towards a particular heritage.
    Certainly that would help too. I think someone else has already done the legwork on this aspect, though I can't remember who would have. Perhaps Errant X?

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    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]

    I absolutely love this rework! It looks so good and adds that flavor the Warlock always seemed to be missing. I can not wait for the other Heritages you plan to add. I plan on using the Angelic version as soon as I can. Your rework reminds me allot of the pathfinder sorcerer and that is very cool. I just hope your dragon Heritage is better then the draconic blood line.
    Last edited by Letums Gate; 2011-12-17 at 01:21 AM.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]

    I love this rework a lot. The heritages are phenomenal and I would love to try out Giant Heritage one day.
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]

    Quote Originally Posted by RedWarlock View Post
    I like it!

    Warlock is my favorite 3.5 class, I loved the based mechanics of it, and I always hated how people thought it was underpowered. This seems like a very solid improvement.

    My favorite concept from ways back was the idea of a half-ogre warlock, with an emphasis on melee-channeled hideous blow. (He predated Eldritch Glaive) Now I've got to consider, which heritage I should aim for. I could see Giant, but I think I might favor Demonic. Depending on what you want to do with them, they all seem like solid ideas, though.

    Demonic and Giant are the two heritages that lean towards melee the most, so they're both good choices. At this point it probably depends on how evil you want him to be.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ziegander View Post
    On thing you really should do is come up with some new invocations (and probably shapes and essences) geared toward the various heritages, because as of right now half or more of the WotC ones are appropriate only for Demonic or Infernal Heritage.
    Quote Originally Posted by RedWarlock View Post
    Agreed here. Though I think generalizing the fiendish ones might not be a bad idea, adding generic flavor that can be bent towards a particular heritage.
    This is the plan. I'm working on updating and adding invocations, as right now I'm obviously not finished. I'm currently undecided on how low I'll go, but most ancestral invocations will be exclusive to only a select few heritages.

    Quote Originally Posted by Letums Gate View Post
    I absolutely love this rework! It looks so good and adds that flavor the Warlock always seemed to be missing. I can not wait for the other Heritages you plan to add. I plan on using the Angelic version as soon as I can. Your rework reminds me allot of the pathfinder sorcerer and that is very cool. I just hope your dragon Heritage is better then the draconic blood line.
    The dragon one is actually quite tricky, because dragons are actually fairly bland in their non-physical commonalities, and we've also got the dragonfire adept. I'm workin' on it though! I haven't read through Pathfinder at all, but I'm glad you're reminded of their work!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_the_Mystic View Post
    I love this rework a lot. The heritages are phenomenal and I would love to try out Giant Heritage one day.

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    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]

    I like it. I'm getting the idea for a prestige class geared to this, but I only just finished another one so I might wait a bit before doing that.
    Not Person_Man, don't thank me for things he did.

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    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]

    I like most of it, though the fey bloodline doesn't seem all that fey in nature and i'm completely lost how having giant blood allows you to shoot magic out of your hands [not least because most giants don't have any Su abilities at all...]
    Mine is not so much a Peter Pan Complex as a Peter Pan Doom Fortress and Underground LairTM!
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    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]

    Quote Originally Posted by Mulletmanalive View Post
    I like most of it, though the fey bloodline doesn't seem all that fey in nature and i'm completely lost how having giant blood allows you to shoot magic out of your hands [not least because most giants don't have any Su abilities at all...]
    MA mentions that the Giant bloodline is closer to the giants in Eberron (which could actually shoot magic out of their hands, particularly those with the Primordial Giant bloodline) and titans, rather than the lowly giants. Frost giants may also qualify, as despite being warriors they're also pretty keen with the divine magic.

    Some of the things I have to mention is why keep dual blast with two rays instead of trying to assimilate it to BAB, at least allowing an 8th - 10th level or higher to shoot two bolts and a 15th-20th level character to shoot three. Two blasts seems a bit shorthanded by 15th level, even if they get full blast damage, especially as a full round action. Eldritch Glaive, Hideous Blow and the Eldritch Claws feat may act separately, and won't be affected by the Dual Blast ability, unless I'm missing something.

    Another is how you've worked the Warlock to be based on ancestry, but how Imbue Item and Renew Item seem to be a bit off (even if part of the original class). I would suggest delving a bit closer to Deceive Item rather than to Imbue Item, out of fitting the flavor of a caster a bit better. A capstone that grants a, say, +2 increase to the CL of any item you wield would be decent, since it could make high level spells work almost at full power and make lower level spells work slightly better. I know Deceive Item and Imbue Item are meant to be related, but Imbue Item seems to be the craft of the Artificer (pun intended) than the craft of the Warlock. The Warlock works great as a deceiver, but not exactly as a crafter.
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    On Lawful Good:
    Quote Originally Posted by firebrandtoluc View Post
    My friend is currently playing a paladin. It's way outside his normal zone. I told him to try to channel Santa Claus, Mr. Rogers, and Kermit the Frog. Until someone refuses to try to get off the naughty list. Then become Optimus Prime.
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    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]

    Quote Originally Posted by T.G. Oskar View Post
    Some of the things I have to mention is why keep dual blast with two rays instead of trying to assimilate it to BAB, at least allowing an 8th - 10th level or higher to shoot two bolts and a 15th-20th level character to shoot three. Two blasts seems a bit shorthanded by 15th level, even if they get full blast damage, especially as a full round action. Eldritch Glaive, Hideous Blow and the Eldritch Claws feat may act separately, and won't be affected by the Dual Blast ability, unless I'm missing something.
    I fully agree with this. This is the one other thing that bugged me about the rewrite. If you're going with Dual Blast, you may as well go whole hog and just allow Eldritch Blast to be used with iterative attacks and build that into the original Eldritch Blast class feature from the start.
    Last edited by Ziegander; 2011-12-17 at 03:09 PM.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]

    Quote Originally Posted by PersonMan View Post
    I like it. I'm getting the idea for a prestige class geared to this, but I only just finished another one so I might wait a bit before doing that.
    You're more than welcome to. And if you give me a heads up if/when you do make one, I'll link to it here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mulletmanalive View Post
    I like most of it, though the fey bloodline doesn't seem all that fey in nature and i'm completely lost how having giant blood allows you to shoot magic out of your hands [not least because most giants don't have any Su abilities at all...]
    Why doesn't the Fey heritage feel all that "Fey" to you? What sorts of things were you expecting? Remember that most of the abilities need to be fairly passive, otherwise they'd make more sense as invocations.

    As T.G. Oskar pointed out, I mentioned that the Giant heritage is influenced heavily from the Eberron style of giant. Additionally, if you look through the various SRD giants, many of them have an innate magical connection (elemental, admittedly, but still magical).

    Quote Originally Posted by T.G. Oskar View Post
    Some of the things I have to mention is why keep dual blast with two rays instead of trying to assimilate it to BAB, at least allowing an 8th - 10th level or higher to shoot two bolts and a 15th-20th level character to shoot three. Two blasts seems a bit shorthanded by 15th level, even if they get full blast damage, especially as a full round action. Eldritch Glaive, Hideous Blow and the Eldritch Claws feat may act separately, and won't be affected by the Dual Blast ability, unless I'm missing something.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ziegander View Post
    I fully agree with this. This is the one other thing that bugged me about the rewrite. If you're going with Dual Blast, you may as well go whole hog and just allow Eldritch Blast to be used with iterative attacks and build that into the original Eldritch Blast class feature from the start.
    One reason that I didn't grant all EBs iterative attacks is so the melee options retained a noticeable advantage for the range trade off. I mean, why would you ever take Eldritch Glaive over Eldritch Spear if the only thing you got out of it was being able to stand next to your enemies instead of 250 feet away? I'm not sure where you're getting the idea that two blasts is a fullround action - It's a standard and a swift action, so you can still move around.

    I chose level 15 for several reasons:
    • It's when you gain your third iterative attack, making the methods to do grant iterative attacks remain their special feeling of double your normal number of attacks.
    • I've seen a bunch of 5-level warlock PrCs that focus on a specific invocation or something, so it's a good break point for someone that wanted a 5-level PrC.
    • As this Warlock isn't intended to be a top-level blaster, I didn't want them getting it too early.

    I'm not sure exactly what you're talking about in regards to EG, HB, and EC, but if you chose to use your melee options, you'd still be able to spend a swift action to use your EB once. I can see some messiness there, and if it stays I'll clean that up.

    A quick note: I'm completely open to changing things, and I apologize if I come off as stubborn or unbending. I just like to have a discussion as to how and why a change should be implemented first, as well as explain my original intentions.

    Quote Originally Posted by T.G. Oskar View Post
    Another is how you've worked the Warlock to be based on ancestry, but how Imbue Item and Renew Item seem to be a bit off (even if part of the original class). I would suggest delving a bit closer to Deceive Item rather than to Imbue Item, out of fitting the flavor of a caster a bit better. A capstone that grants a, say, +2 increase to the CL of any item you wield would be decent, since it could make high level spells work almost at full power and make lower level spells work slightly better. I know Deceive Item and Imbue Item are meant to be related, but Imbue Item seems to be the craft of the Artificer (pun intended) than the craft of the Warlock. The Warlock works great as a deceiver, but not exactly as a crafter. interesting point, I can see where you're coming from. I couls see possible switching Imbue Item and the Giant's Eldritch Soul, making Giants the premier forgers, instead of having all warlocks good at it.

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]

    Quote Originally Posted by MammonAzrael View Post
    One reason that I didn't grant all EBs iterative attacks is so the melee options retained a noticeable advantage for the range trade off. I mean, why would you ever take Eldritch Glaive over Eldritch Spear if the only thing you got out of it was being able to stand next to your enemies instead of 250 feet away? I'm not sure where you're getting the idea that two blasts is a fullround action - It's a standard and a swift action, so you can still move around.

    I chose level 15 for several reasons:
    • It's when you gain your third iterative attack, making the methods to do grant iterative attacks remain their special feeling of double your normal number of attacks.
    • I've seen a bunch of 5-level warlock PrCs that focus on a specific invocation or something, so it's a good break point for someone that wanted a 5-level PrC.
    • As this Warlock isn't intended to be a top-level blaster, I didn't want them getting it too early.

    I'm not sure exactly what you're talking about in regards to EG, HB, and EC, but if you chose to use your melee options, you'd still be able to spend a swift action to use your EB once. I can see some messiness there, and if it stays I'll clean that up.
    Alright, let me make it a bit clear.

    As it stands, eldritch blast is a standard action ranged touch attack (as far as I can comprehend it), which deals 1d6 + 1d6/2 class levels after the first, so you deal 1d6 at 1st level, 2d6 at 3rd, and so on. Since it can be used at will and improved, it's not so bad to have. At 15th level, the warlock uses two blasts instead of one, but at full power. Eldritch Glaive (which forms a weapon) and Hideous Blow (which adds the EB damage to the weapon) allow you to use your BAB for multiple applications per round, but essentially only at melee. Eldritch Claws allow you to form claws, which work as natural weapons (IIRC) that deal EB damage; if you find a way to make multiple natural attacks, you can deal multiple EB damage (particularly with Pounce).

    What I propose is very similar to how I worked it out; I don't like to show off my work, but that doesn't mean I can't use it as an example. Dual Blast as presented is an actually good idea: you tie it to class levels rather than your BAB, which makes Eldritch Glaive and Hideous Blow good for multiclass characters and prizes fidelity to the class. However, two blasts at that level doesn't seem much, when a Rogue can chuck six splash weapons and deal its sneak attack damage at range, ignoring Dex AND making it ranged touch attacks. All it requires is a potion of greater invisibility and many flasks, of which you can have with different flavors, and technically it works right from Core. This may seem really exaggerate, but to keep up with that top of damage, or even lower limits (the humble Power Attacker, for example), you need to deliver some reasonable options.

    Lowering Dual Blast to 8th level, or even to 10th level, allows the Warlock to become pretty competitive right at those levels even from afar. Melee-locks would still have the advantage, as since their amount of hits is based by their BAB (or really, their iteratives), they take advantage of Divine Power, as well as any "extra attack when making a full-attack action" buffs (Hideous Blow and Eldritch Claws, particularly). Dual Blast behaves differently, as it negates many of the chances of landing a third or even fourth blast, because it requires a full-round action instead of a full attack action. Note the big difference, and that's something which works right as you're working Dual Blast right now.

    These would be my responses to the two concerns regarding Eldritch Blast: why choose Hideous Blow/Eldritch Glaive if I can do the same hits while at range (second response)? Will Eldritch Blast do too much damage for an "at-will" ability (first response)? If you find both answers to be conclusive, then you can see why placing a "Triple Blast" ability between levels 15th-20th wouldn't be a bad idea. Since it doesn't depend on your BAB but rather on your class levels, only those Warlocks that remain up to 14th level have a chance to get three attacks, and still get all the other loads of goodies, whereas those who decide to multiclass will probably miss the benefits (particularly if Triple Blast becomes a 20th level ability). interesting point, I can see where you're coming from. I couls see possible switching Imbue Item and the Giant's Eldritch Soul, making Giants the premier forgers, instead of having all warlocks good at it.
    Almost like if you read my mind. Yes, I see Giants as the "crafting" ancestry, giving it something different to work with aside from "titans or ancient awesome civilization".
    Retooler of D&D 3.5 (and 5e/Next) content. See here for more.
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    On Lawful Good:
    Quote Originally Posted by firebrandtoluc View Post
    My friend is currently playing a paladin. It's way outside his normal zone. I told him to try to channel Santa Claus, Mr. Rogers, and Kermit the Frog. Until someone refuses to try to get off the naughty list. Then become Optimus Prime.
    T.G. Oskar profile by Specter.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]

    That is much clearer, thank you. The one thing I am still puzzled by is your reference to full round and full attack actions. As the class stands right now, it is a standard action to fire an eldritch blast, and then a swift action to fire a second with dual blast. Those don't add up to a full round or full attack action.

    You have certainly persuaded me to lower the level you acquire Dual Blast, and quite probably add in a triple option. I'll have to rejigger when various abilities are granted, but right now I'm thinking of sticking Dual Blast at either 8 or 10, and then Triple Blast 10 levels later, at either 18 or 20. If 20, I'd move Renew Item to be gained earlier.

    I think I'll need to rewrite both Eldritch Glaive and Eldritch Blow to work better with Dual/Triple Blast, and I really need to get a copy of Dragon 358 so I can read Eldritch Claws.

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    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]

    Quote Originally Posted by MammonAzrael View Post
    Why doesn't the Fey heritage feel all that "Fey" to you? What sorts of things were you expecting? Remember that most of the abilities need to be fairly passive, otherwise they'd make more sense as invocations.
    I can't necessarily explain it; I've just spent so much time reading folklore for Fae-o-matic that it feels kind of off. Partly because standard D&D fey would also possess fome kind of charm ability.

    I could see the "natural world messing with you" feature split over two different grades in place of the invisibility one and that taking its place: perhaps an entangling effect [i know Freedom of Movement is a problem there, but it does hinder spellcasting and FoM is kind of broken anyway] for the first power and then some kind of full on damaging binding later on [the Complete Divine version of Briar Web should serve as a nasty basis]

    In real lore, i've only really heard of invisibility while they're hiding after messing with you, laughter pouring out of nowhere, possibly why the Greater Invisibility doesn't seem very fairy-ish.

    Those are just the thoughts of someone who's spent far too much time reading about/designing fairies.

    As an aside, you mention the fire giants elemental link in your response on the giants thing [which may as well be called "Titan bloodline"] and i'm wondering if you have plans to add an elemental chain. It would certainly fit and Antimony from Gunnerkrieg Court could serve as inspiration.
    Mine is not so much a Peter Pan Complex as a Peter Pan Doom Fortress and Underground LairTM!
    Fae-o-matic Want a fae from folklore stated? Give me the lore and I'll do it for you!
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    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]

    This is a lovely rewrite. Thank you.
    Quote Originally Posted by KKL
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    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]

    Quote Originally Posted by Mulletmanalive View Post
    I can't necessarily explain it; I've just spent so much time reading folklore for Fae-o-matic that it feels kind of off. Partly because standard D&D fey would also possess fome kind of charm ability.

    I could see the "natural world messing with you" feature split over two different grades in place of the invisibility one and that taking its place: perhaps an entangling effect [i know Freedom of Movement is a problem there, but it does hinder spellcasting and FoM is kind of broken anyway] for the first power and then some kind of full on damaging binding later on [the Complete Divine version of Briar Web should serve as a nasty basis]

    In real lore, i've only really heard of invisibility while they're hiding after messing with you, laughter pouring out of nowhere, possibly why the Greater Invisibility doesn't seem very fairy-ish.

    Those are just the thoughts of someone who's spent far too much time reading about/designing fairies.

    As an aside, you mention the fire giants elemental link in your response on the giants thing [which may as well be called "Titan bloodline"] and i'm wondering if you have plans to add an elemental chain. It would certainly fit and Antimony from Gunnerkrieg Court could serve as inspiration.
    I can understand how it feels a bit off for someone who's been doing research or lots of folklore - I put it together mainly from personal recollections and some fey available on the SRD. I agree that a charm thing is a big component, and I was thinking of incorporating that into exclusive invocations. I suppose it could be a gaze attack of some kind though.

    So in actual lore there isn't much of fey hiding among people, passing themselves off through clever disguises? Hmm...I could see Reflective Glamer becoming an invocation pretty easily...Unless you're saying you have a problem with the Eyebite ability?

    As for elementals, yes that is a planned heritage. I'll check out that link, thanks. And I'll take the name change under consideration!

    Quote Originally Posted by gkathellar View Post
    This is a lovely rewrite. Thank you.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]

    It's eyebite more than anything, if i'm honest. Or at least it's the invisibility part of eyebite.

    It's kinda hard to explain beyond that. There's a few examples of invisible creatures but they're rarely openly aggressive, most likely to push things over onto you or steal your cows or something.

    If it allowed them a short move and a free hide check, it would seem sillier but would probably be more accurate.

    Y'know, now tha i've written this, i'm actually thinking that it's all cool. Perhaps renaming it to "Glammer Mask" or something but other that that, it's pretty cool from a certain point of view. "Ow, i've been shot... Wait, there did he go and why is there a wash tub in the middle of the battlefield?"

    Reflective glammer is pretty apt actually.
    Mine is not so much a Peter Pan Complex as a Peter Pan Doom Fortress and Underground LairTM!
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]

    Quote Originally Posted by Mulletmanalive View Post
    It's eyebite more than anything, if i'm honest. Or at least it's the invisibility part of eyebite.

    It's kinda hard to explain beyond that. There's a few examples of invisible creatures but they're rarely openly aggressive, most likely to push things over onto you or steal your cows or something.

    If it allowed them a short move and a free hide check, it would seem sillier but would probably be more accurate.

    Y'know, now tha i've written this, i'm actually thinking that it's all cool. Perhaps renaming it to "Glammer Mask" or something but other that that, it's pretty cool from a certain point of view. "Ow, i've been shot... Wait, there did he go and why is there a wash tub in the middle of the battlefield?"

    Reflective glammer is pretty apt actually.
    Well the name "eyebite" and it's basic effect was taken directly from a 4th edition At-Will power. it's certainly much different that the 3.5 spell of the same name. I can certainly see a renaming of pondering shall be included in the next update.

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    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]

    Quote Originally Posted by MammonAzrael View Post
    The dragon one is actually quite tricky, because dragons are actually fairly bland in their non-physical commonalities, and we've also got the dragonfire adept. I'm workin' on it though! I haven't read through Pathfinder at all, but I'm glad you're reminded of their work!
    Well from what I see the dragonfire adept really is just a dragon version of the warlock so giving the dragon heritage some adept like ability's would not be bad. My major interest is really going to be in the undead heritage. I am curious on which direction your going to take it. If your interested in suggestions maybe some thing similar to the dread necromancer.

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]

    It definitely improves on the flavor of the warlock. As far as balance is concerned it seems pretty good.
    My only worry is that it can do a little bit of everything and can do it fairly well. Although I wouldn't normally think of this as a problem (as this is what makes the rogue fun), you have to factor in unlimited use invocations (so it can do everything and spellcasting). But it still clearly places itself in tier 3 (which is probably my favorite balance point).
    This is actually the same thing I am worried about with a necromancer I'm currently working on.
    Last edited by eftexar; 2011-12-19 at 03:27 PM.

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]

    Awesome Warlock rebuild, love it!

    Incidentally I homebrewed an invoker that expanded upon the allegiance/pact concept that the warlock introduced. If you'd like to have a look its in my sig, please comment!
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    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]

    Got a bunch of updates, including two new lineages, Draconic and Undead!

    I'll be adding more invocations, both retools and my own over the coming weeks. Of particular focus will be invocations that are accessible to only certain, or even singular, lineages.

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]

    I really, really liked this rewrite, until I looked over some of the heritages and started to think, "Wow, these are amazing, why would I ever want to multiclass...uh oh."

    The Heritages (which I read last mind you.) read crank this class to power level 11. While still now Wizard or Cleric (though not far off in some cases) the balancing factors really go out the window with some of the abilities, especially at lower levels, and the capstones

    I mean, at second level +2 defection bonus, AND +2 resistance bonus to saves, that affects allies within 10 feat as well? Why make a Bard who can give +1 (or maybe +2) attack and damage, when I can play this as an angelic style and boost the weak rear end characters, all the while lobbing deadly magical doom.

    I do like the separated progressions for Invocations and Blast Shapes/Essences, but I think it should've been six not eight, only because of how precious a resource the invocations are (consider it that each one is like a bonus feat, as extra invocation is one that does something similar.)

    I would like to also mention that as this stands now, a Warlock can do crazy damage, way more than any other class by 18th level. Warlock 15/Hellfire Warlock 3. Crucible of Fell power (I think that's the scepter's name, I am doing this on a night without sleep, forgive any failures of context), and the throat slot item from the MiC. Using a full charge from the scepter, add in Hellfire and a triple blast, in one turn you can deal 78d6 (or 78d12 for demonic) up to ten times per scepter and even without that its still 63d6 (or 63d12) which is a massive amount of damage.

    This doesn't include chance for missing OR for critical hits. This is literally an average of 278 (or 507 for demonic). I Unholy Crap!

    I can't really talk to the other mechanics because, well I really like them, I think they all mesh to the flavor you are building well. I just don't know if Warlock is a class that needs a power every single level. I mean, it seems that this build's power takes it to eleven, and the shrugs and writes on a little twelve and sees how much louder it can get!

    I will admit I only read down to the demonic heritage, but that one caught my eye as going way over the power scale. I mean, I suppose it has something to do with my DM distrust of Homebrew, and what it does to classes, I mean this is literally tier hopping crazy. Yeah, anyway summarizing time.

    I really like what you were going for, but the balance seems to disappear when triple blasting, and the heritages get together to make inane combos.

  29. - Top - End - #29
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    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]

    Quote Originally Posted by Killercloud View Post
    I really, really liked this rewrite, until I looked over some of the heritages and started to think, "Wow, these are amazing, why would I ever want to multiclass...uh oh."
    Multiclassing should be a choice you make for building a specific character. Whether it's another base class or a prestige class, you should never be taking it for no reason other than "It's just stronger". This is a major fault with many of the official made classes, and one that I strive to avoid. A base class should be worth taking 20 full levels in.

    Additionally, if PrCs were made based off this class, they would likely include some form of heritage advancement.

    Quote Originally Posted by Killercloud View Post
    The Heritages (which I read last mind you.) read crank this class to power level 11. While still now Wizard or Cleric (though not far off in some cases) the balancing factors really go out the window with some of the abilities, especially at lower levels, and the capstones
    Yes, they provide a lot of the power of the class. And while they're stronger, they still remain behind full casters in terms of power and utility.

    Quote Originally Posted by Killercloud View Post
    I mean, at second level +2 defection bonus, AND +2 resistance bonus to saves, that affects allies within 10 feat as well? Why make a Bard who can give +1 (or maybe +2) attack and damage, when I can play this as an angelic style and boost the weak rear end characters, all the while lobbing deadly magical doom.
    Note that Protective Aura only applies against evil creatures. And while that will make is extremely good against say a necromancer, it'll do little if you run up against a back of animals, or a neutral thieves guild, and so on. Additionally, 10 feet isn't that far unless you're fighting in hallways, and severely reduces it's usefulness for maneuverability.

    Also, you play a Bard instead of a Warlock because Bard fits the flavor of your class better.

    Quote Originally Posted by Killercloud View Post
    I do like the separated progressions for Invocations and Blast Shapes/Essences, but I think it should've been six not eight, only because of how precious a resource the invocations are (consider it that each one is like a bonus feat, as extra invocation is one that does something similar.)
    Essences and Shapes often receive less love because they are just not as good as other invocations. Eight are available for 2 reasons.
    1. The symmetry of gaining an invocation every level flows better on both the chart and feels more natural, instead of having to remember that there are two levels where you don't learn a new invocation.
    2. This allows you to have 1 shape and 1 essence of each Least, Lesser, Greater, and Ancestry, so that each grade can get it's time in the sun.

    Quote Originally Posted by Killercloud View Post
    I would like to also mention that as this stands now, a Warlock can do crazy damage, way more than any other class by 18th level. Warlock 15/Hellfire Warlock 3. Crucible of Fell power (I think that's the scepter's name, I am doing this on a night without sleep, forgive any failures of context), and the throat slot item from the MiC. Using a full charge from the scepter, add in Hellfire and a triple blast, in one turn you can deal 78d6 (or 78d12 for demonic) up to ten times per scepter and even without that its still 63d6 (or 63d12) which is a massive amount of damage.

    This doesn't include chance for missing OR for critical hits. This is literally an average of 278 (or 507 for demonic). I Unholy Crap!
    There are two items that increase an eldritch blast's damage: the Warlock's Scepter and the Chasuble of Fell Power. The Greater Chasuble adds 2d6 to an EB, while the Scepter can, once per day, add 4d6. Combined with Hellfire Blast, you're getting +12d6 (at the cost of 3 Con) for the first EB, and +8d6 for every other EB that day.

    Eldritch Volley only allows you to fire three blasts at class level 18, not character level 18. I will amend that to be more clear.

    Added to the base 9d6, you're looking at 38d6 total, or ~133 damage (~247 for Demonic). By 18th level that really shouldn't be too insane. It's certainly respectable, but it's nothing mind-blowing. Particularly since that is just about as high as you can take that damage, whereas other methods, including simple melee attacks, can rocket up past that with the same level of optimization effort. Heck, an unmodified disintegrate dishing out 36d6 damage at that level, and you can bet that isn't the most powerful option the wizard has available.

    Quote Originally Posted by Killercloud View Post
    I can't really talk to the other mechanics because, well I really like them, I think they all mesh to the flavor you are building well. I just don't know if Warlock is a class that needs a power every single level. I mean, it seems that this build's power takes it to eleven, and the shrugs and writes on a little twelve and sees how much louder it can get!
    I'm glad you like them! But every class should get things every level. Dead levels are heresy in game design. If you level up and all you're doing is increasing a couple numbers by 1 and rolling for hit points, you're playing a poorly designed class, full stop. This class is unquestionably powerful out of the box, but that is how classes should be - you shouldn't need hours of book-diving and intimate knowledge of the rules to make a class powerful.

    Quote Originally Posted by Killercloud View Post
    I will admit I only read down to the demonic heritage, but that one caught my eye as going way over the power scale. I mean, I suppose it has something to do with my DM distrust of Homebrew, and what it does to classes, I mean this is literally tier hopping crazy. Yeah, anyway summarizing time.
    Sounds like you got caught up on the damage capability of the Demonic lineage (which is it's main focus). It can certainly do some impressive things, but HP damage is easily replaced, and PO'd Power Attacking characters will still out-damage it.

    I do admit that the class hasn't been properly tested, and the balance is only theoretical, so it's quite possible that numbers need to be tweaked. Thus far the only feedback I've had from actual play has been regarding the angelic lineage, and that feedback was very positive (even given the game had a very heavy evil focus).

    Quote Originally Posted by Killercloud View Post
    I really like what you were going for, but the balance seems to disappear when triple blasting, and the heritages get together to make inane combos.
    I'm thrilled you took the time to read through it and respond. It's the only way the class will improve. Balance is a tricky thing, especially in DnD where people play at such differing levels of power. The triple blast is a new addition, and it may be too much. I'm not really sure how heritages are getting together to combo though.

    I'd love to hear your responses!

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Warlock - a massive rewrite [3.5 Base Class WIP]

    Quote Originally Posted by MammonAzrael View Post
    Multiclassing should be a choice you make for building a specific character. Whether it's another base class or a prestige class, you should never be taking it for no reason other than "It's just stronger". This is a major fault with many of the official made classes, and one that I strive to avoid. A base class should be worth taking 20 full levels in.
    One of the most compelling ways to say a class is really strong, is when you look at it, you don't see a reason to do anything else. This is just something I read once, is all.

    Quote Originally Posted by MammonAzrael View Post
    Yes, they provide a lot of the power of the class. And while they're stronger, they still remain behind full casters in terms of power and utility.
    I do agree with the lower power compared to full casters, but they are very comparable compared to the original. I think this is my DM is my head telling me that to power something up beyond its original value is bad. heh.

    Quote Originally Posted by MammonAzrael View Post
    Note that Protective Aura only applies against evil creatures. And while that will make is extremely good against say a necromancer, it'll do little if you run up against a back of animals, or a neutral thieves guild, and so on. Additionally, 10 feet isn't that far unless you're fighting in hallways, and severely reduces it's usefulness for maneuverability.
    I didn't realize that about the aura. Ignore statement now.

    Quote Originally Posted by MammonAzrael View Post
    Also, you play a Bard instead of a Warlock because Bard fits the flavor of your class better.
    I really have no clue what I was going for with the Bard comment. I think I derped for a moment.

    Quote Originally Posted by MammonAzrael View Post
    Essences and Shapes often receive less love because they are just not as good as other invocations. Eight are available for 2 reasons.
    1. The symmetry of gaining an invocation every level flows better on both the chart and feels more natural, instead of having to remember that there are two levels where you don't learn a new invocation.
    2. This allows you to have 1 shape and 1 essence of each Least, Lesser, Greater, and Ancestry, so that each grade can get it's time in the sun.
    Well, I suppose that does make good sense. I suppose it's just my anti-powergamer, attempting to come out.

    Quote Originally Posted by MammonAzrael View Post
    There are two items that increase an eldritch blast's damage: the Warlock's Scepter and the Chasuble of Fell Power. The Greater Chasuble adds 2d6 to an EB, while the Scepter can, once per day, add 4d6. Combined with Hellfire Blast, you're getting +12d6 (at the cost of 3 Con) for the first EB, and +8d6 for every other EB that day.
    Hellfire is +9d6 and the Chasuble adds 2d6, so isn't that 11d6 per blast? +4d6 for the Scepter once? The Con cost is negligible, merely because of Eternal Wands and Bard Spells.

    Quote Originally Posted by MammonAzrael View Post
    Eldritch Volley only allows you to fire three blasts at class level 18, not character level 18. I will amend that tobe more clear.
    Derp. for some reason I thought it was Warlock 15 not 18. Gaahhh! Kaaaaahhhnnnn!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by MammonAzrael View Post
    Heck, an unmodified disintegrate dishing out 36d6 damage at that level, and you can bet that isn't the most powerful option the wizard has available.
    Yes, but disintegrate allows for a save. We didn't even have to essence or shape this blast.

    Quote Originally Posted by MammonAzrael View Post
    I'm glad you like them! But every class should get things every level. Dead levels are heresy in game design. If you level up and all you're doing is increasing a couple numbers by 1 and rolling for hit points, you're playing a poorly designed class, full stop. This class is unquestionably powerful out of the box, but that is how classes should be - you shouldn't need hours of book-diving and intimate knowledge of the rules to make a class powerful.
    This is what I like about Pathfinder against 3.5, personally. Power without need for eighteen sourcebooks.

    Quote Originally Posted by MammonAzrael View Post
    Sounds like you got caught up on the damage capability of the Demonic lineage (which is it's main focus). It can certainly do some impressive things, but HP damage is easily replaced, and PO'd Power Attacking characters will still out-damage it.
    Well it is a bit crazy, and well the capstones are pretty crazy on all of the Heritages I've seen. I mean what other 3.5 class gets as much innately as this warlock. Just saying.

    Quote Originally Posted by MammonAzrael View Post
    I do admit that the class hasn't been properly tested, and the balance is only theoretical, so it's quite possible that numbers need to be tweaked. Thus far the only feedback I've had from actual play has been regarding the angelic lineage, and that feedback was very positive (even given the game had a very heavy evil focus).
    I am the only Warlock player in my group. Ever. The games I am in atm have no place for a Warlock, but I am running a Greyhawk based game that I will be testing the power, and versatility of these Warlocks, as villains. I'll let you know how many TPKs I get. :p

    Quote Originally Posted by MammonAzrael View Post
    I'm thrilled you took the time to read through it and respond. It's the only way the class will improve. Balance is a tricky thing, especially in DnD where people play at such differing levels of power. The triple blast is a new addition, and it may be too much. I'm not really sure how heritages are getting together to combo though.
    I didn't mean the Heritages across each other, but rather just the overall power increase is pretty incredible. I mean, I don't even know what to say about that other than, Balance is something I don't really respect in DnD, I mainly just point out things that seem to skew it way too hard, one way or another.

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