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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Climbing Mount Olympus (IC)

    Climbing Mount Olympus

    The Oracle lies dead her head dashed against the rocks by her own hand in a fit of horror at the sights sent to her by the Gods. Now she lies in honour, the panolpy of death and the silver to pay Charon on her eyes on the 40ft tower of wood soaked in holy oils.

    The pyre lies at the heart of the temple, the vast circles of rising seats surrounding the tall columns that were once carved with the sagas of tghe gods but now lie damaged and scarred. Recent crude chisel strikes marring the hundreds of years old designs. THe temple is full, thousands of citizens from Delphi and beyond come to pay homage to the Oracle's passing.

    The irony of the funeral rites being carried out by the old Ways of the Gods is not lost on many of the guests sitting at the front of the amphitheatre. These guests resplendant in gleaming armour, glittering weapons and runecarved staffs representing the Kings, Queens and Heroes of Greece.

    The cermemony ends, the flames rushing up the pyre in a great crackling rush of wood and oil. The prayers to gods that are now the enemy finish and the crowd begins to disperse.

    As the crowds leave the Kings of Greece begin to gather in the heart of the temple, amongst the long columns also walk the heroes of the ages and the only hopes for the mortals now that the Gods themselves have turned against them. Servants in long robes bring out great trays of wine, plates full of figs, olives and capers and huge chunks of still steaming lamb and goat. The food soon begins to be run out, the great vats of wine soon run low and the kings stride forth into the heart of the Temple, lit by the glowing embers of the pyre of the Oracle.

    The two Kings of Sparta; towering Menelaus with his great belly and beard and the other King Leonidas, tall and the image of a perfect Spartan warrior Stood apart from the Kings of Myceane. Agamemnon, the mighty KIng of Athens, tall and proud and coated from head to toe in golden armour smelted from his many victories. Wise Odysseus, his bow by side sits looking half asleep though Berenike least of all is lulled by that pose. The King of Ithaca has ever a sharp mind no matter the practiced air of indifference. Ancient white haired Aeson, father of Jason and King of Thessaly leant agsinst his staff, head craned as he tried to hear the words. Amongst them many lower kings, Queens and warlords also present. All turn to hear Agamemnon speak...

    "Brothers, Sisters. We are beset. We are beset by the very Gods that once we venerated. They have controlled our lives and destinies for too long with little in return. We have thrown our coins, ours beasts and for some... here he quiets, remembering a blood soaked beach and a vast fleet of ships, "even sacrificed our own flesh and blood and FOR WHAT!"- the last words a bellowed roar.

    "The Age of the Gods is no more. We make our destiny here. What God is the better of mighty Achilles, is Artemis a better shot than Angela, is Ares himself able to hold a blade to Perseus, to Damien, to Hector of Troy".... He looks around seekings support from the assembled royalty "We have no need of them and now they seek to cow us into submission with monsters, myths and petty storms..."


    Feel free to begin to post your actions at the funeral, what brought you to the gathering and... begin....

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Colossus in the Playground
    lostsole31's Avatar

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    St. Louis

    Default Re: Climbing Mount Olympus (IC)

    Berenike listens carefully. Alcaeus always seemed to be at the right place, right time. This is likely a gift from his father, she muses. Though, there is a part of her that smiles and thinks, "or it could be a curse, because invariably it is bad news. But every occasion of ill is an opportunity for good to overcome"

    Of course, she is referring to Alcaeus just happening to be visiting centaur kinsmen that roamed along the lowlands of Mount Parnassus, heard the alarm at Delphi, responded, and then was burdened with the terrible news of the Oracle's death to bring to her. Just as quickly, he bore her swiftly here the following day.

    She thinks several long seconds over what Agamemnon had said. She couldn't deny that it seemed that Hecate and Hades grew more bold, and she even had to deal with Ares being a pawn back in Illyria and Corcyra. If there is any fault, it is not with one, but with both parties - Man and God. She was not going to give up worship of Athena until unless revealed Herself as an enemy of Man ... which, considering Her portfolios, would seem to give her no purpose.

    Berenike looked long and hard at the assemblage, reading what auras and thoughts were evident, but reading them even without the aid of magic.
    Sense Motive (1d20+33)[36]

    Here was Agamemnon, the mighty king of a city dedicated to the Friend of Man, spouting blasphemy. And yet, the Oracle lay dead. Could what is being told here be what was really said, or is there some personal ego-agenda at work here?

    But the fervor of those Kings and Queens well above her own in esteem was evident, and she knew that Menelaus, Leonides, and especially Agamemnon were poised for war. Peace was strong of late, and warriors idle. Even her own home has since recovered from her sister's defeat several years ago. No, these kings will have their war of ego in the heavens, and nothing will stop them. Aeson and many of this throng will likely follow Agamemnon and the Spartans by his reputation and standing alone.

    She stands, her platinum hair and azure blue eyes striking in the light of the sconces, and speaks in High Grecian. "For those that do not know me, I am Queen Berenike of Naxos, second island of the Delian League. My home was ravaged by war several years ago due to the machinations of two gods."

    She waits for the inevitable murmur to die down. She then proceeds to commit social suicide. "Two gods ... gods known for their evil. True, Hades is more active on our world of late. But only two gods, maybe a third ... the bloodthirsty Ares. Naxos, indeed the kingdoms of my fellow members here of the Delian League, live in a relative peace. My home, specifically enjoys the strong and open support of such gods diverse as Athena .... Dionysius ... Demeter ... Diana .... and even Ariadne.

    "We do not serve the gods there because we are slaves. We serve them because we are thankful. True, some are more fickle than others. But I do not wish to trade the patronage of the real gods that give real boons and protections ... for those that would make themselves gods and yet only boast the ability to shoot an arrow or thrust a spear.

    "I have a keen mind; it may be my own or may have been helped by Athena. I have spent my life mastering a few helpful magics for battle; that may or may not have been helped by my patron. What I do have is a strong respect and love for the Goddess that has ever been good to me, has ever given me powers that I did not work to achieve, a sense of purpose and stability and tradition and love. What I do have are many powerful divine gifts .... divine gifts, meaning they are gifts ... things given me by another, ... and they are divine, coming from a deity.

    "Prophecies have an interesting quality. Unless they are known, then they cannot truly be prophecies. If known, they cause a reaction in others. That reaction, often in desperate counter to what was foreseen, is the very thing that brings about the prophecy in the first place.

    "Battle against evil. Battle against the rampaging monsters. If the gods themselves indefatigably contend against you and are known in this regard, then fight .... against those gods, and seek help from those that have always watched over you. Perhaps they are actually giving you the chance to test your mettle once again; giving you, long-honored warriors that you are, the chance to strengthen yourselves for some greate ill that may yet lie on the horizon from another source ... the long-believed escape of the titans, perhaps? But do not battle blindly in the dark or simply to war for its own sake. We will do more to hurt ourselves in the end.

    "I seek peace. Not because I am a coward, though surely to advance a cause of war perhaps you will say so. But I believe that any fault that leads to a war with the gods lies more with Man. Some gods may be at fault, Man and God might misunderstand each other, but in the end I have seen that we - not possessed of the wisdom of a god - therefore demand we have their power.

    "I advocate peace except against what specific evil is known. Track that evil to its source, but do not break down the wall because somebody stubbed their toe when they weren't looking."

    She sits down, full well knowing that her plea has likely fallen on deaf ears in the Spartans and Athenians, but hoping to at least help others (perhaps even clever Odysseus and wise Aeson) to understand her reasoning. That said, she knows that she must weather the vitriol that is about to come her way.

    Diplomacy (1d20+47)[53]
    * Detect Chaos/ Detect Evil
    * Detect Thoughts (Will DC 25)
    * Moment of Prescience (8)

    Supernatural: Guidance (self, every minute if time permits and other detects complete).

    * status (2, 18 hours): currently only on Alcaeus.
    * heroes's feast (6, 12 hours): Partaken with Alcaeus.
    *** Immune to fear & poison. +18 temporary hp's. +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and Will saves.
    * visions of the future
    *** (8, 18 hours; +2 sacred bonus to all saves, +2 dodge bonus to AC, may discharge for +9 of same, 1 rd).
    09JUN2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea NPC Codex (2013, Compton, Crenshaw, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.
    kvard51: 06-17 JUN 2024.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Edmonton, Canada

    Default Re: Climbing Mount Olympus (IC)

    Off to the side in the gathering, a gaunt old man sits perfectly still on his stone bench. Beside him, a slender black wolf sits, glancing around as if taking things in with perfect clarity. The grey-skinned old man rests a hand on the wolf's neck, and scratches it now, pensively.

    He turns to listen to the impassioned pleas of Agamemnon and Berenike. He tugs absent-mindedly at his cloak. He looked around at the assembled people, and weighed among them a dozen warriors of great respect, and a few others like him whose gifts were...cloudier. As Berenike sits, the old man rises, a trifle unsteadily. He bows slowly to the assembled rulers.

    "Lords, ladies. We are here to serve, but do not presume to know the right course. The gods are not fair, nor do they claim to be. If we seek a destiny with even a scintilla of fairness, it will be shaped by our own hands."

    Nodding sadly, the old man sits again.
    "We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." Kurt Vonnegut

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Titan in the Playground
    DrK's Avatar

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    Jul 2011

    Default Re: Climbing Mount Olympus (IC)

    As Berenike speaks Agamemnon offers a slightly mocking bow as many of the Myceane raise an eyebrow in wry amusement.
    "You speak of the bounty of Gods Berenike. What of the ravages of Poseidon that destroys our ships. What of the spite of Demeter that sours crops and leads calves to be born still. What of the bloodlust of Ares that leaves thousands dead in its wake.

    The gods have no respect for the will of man. Only that we prostrate ourselves before them like sheep before the altar. AND...
    here he raises his voice to the others. The bellow echoing around the curved temple walls "I SAY IT IS ENOUGH".


    Perform Oratory (1d20+52)[56]

    With Cherios's words he nods, a few of the other grand heroes also nodding in agreement, the scent of blood high in the air as Berenike can also feel the clamour for war. ""Even the beloved of the Gods turns against them."

    Turning to face the others he calls out again. "I know we are beset by great evils, I know the Gods send portents of doom to harass and subject us but we can destroy them!"

    At this Helecionus rises , his armoured breastplate embossed with the creatures of the deep that Poseidon, the pre-eminent god amidst the Ionians. "You speak of fighting the gods mighty Agamemnon. You speak of this easily as you might from the safety of Athens. We have no such mighty defences. Already our flees lies in wreckage, the kraken devouring hundreds of our people. The tides rises further each day and the lord of the oceans sends beasts of scale and fang ashore each night to steal away women and kill menfolk.

    I do not have you armies. Nor your heroes. How can I stand against that power. How can I resist the Gods. If Poseidon demands I gift my son...
    Here he points to his son Nassus, a young strapping warrior in his twenties with a great harpoon wrought from some strange horn "to the sea to save my kingdom how can I say no?"
    His words echo in the chamber before flurry of other minor kings with similar greivances shout up loudly and the chamber erupts in noise.

    "Strike at the heart of them then if you would be so bold..." the words from Odysseus low and pitched barely above a whisper. But still they give the chamber pause.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Climbing Mount Olympus (IC)

    Mopsus stood in a corner, muttering to himself and listening with half a ear to the raging debate.

    "Soft, the oracle was soft, bah. A few visions on vistas of complete and utter horror and she commits suicide. Soft, they're all too soft, including that guy's armour. How does he move in that stuff? It should be forcing him to collapse on the floor. Probably a alloy, or magical."

    After Helecionus' speech Mopsus steps forward.

    "It would seem clear to me that the gods are bent on our destruction, and no attempts to appease them would bear fruit. Indeed, is it worth it to serve such fickle and vile masters, that hold such complete and total mastery over our fates? How much longer must we endure the tyranny of these so called 'gods', who always find flaws in our every effort to obey and honour them?

    Yet I also agree that Agamemnon is severely underplaying the power of the gods. They are not simply another common foe to be met on the field of battle, they could destroy us now where we stand if they so chose, and if they were wise they would do so. They have at their beck and call the very elements surrounding us. Waves the height of tall towers they can call up, and the great grandmothers of those 'petty' storms already mentioned. They can make the very mountains explode in a fiery molten rage and shake the very earth in their anger. It is no simple matter to fight the gods, but rather a desperate scrabble for survival."

    ((OOC: I have detect thoughts from the Dantalion vestige, I concentrate on reading the thoughts of Agemennon as a full round action. DC 42))

    Current Hp: 252/252
    DC 42 for abilities
    Currently Bound Vestiges:

    Pact Augmentation:
    Resistance Acid 10(5*2(Pact Fortification))
    +20 hp(10*2)
    Dr 4/- (Dr 2/-*2)

    +4 Save DC against aberrations, constructs, oozes, and undead.
    Use sneak attacks, critical hits, and precision damage against these creatures and auto confirm critical threats against them.
    +4 AC and saves against these creatures
    Darkvision with unlimited range, see through both natural and magical darkness to limit of normal vision.
    Scent & track opponents by scent like Track feat
    Blindsight 120 ft and tremorsense 60 ft.
    Polyglot, Speak with Plants, Speak with Animals.
    Any living creature that can hear your voice make Will save or be considered friendly
    Regeneration 6/Fire or Acid
    Tenser transformation ebl rounds/day.
    quickened empowered maximized magic missile/quickened wall of force/quickened force cage 1/5 rounds.
    Pact Fortification
    Absorb the wounds suffered by an ally as an immediate action
    Disguise Self as standard action
    Heal ability damage and drain at 1/round and 1/hour respectively
    +5 Autohypnosis
    Suggestion 1/5 rounds
    Take 10 on Diplomcy or bluff, even if threatened, hurried diplomacy with no penalty.
    Those who see you cannot attack you for 1 round. 1/5 rounds
    +8 all knowledge checks
    Read thoughts
    Dimension Hop, ebl/day.
    Summon Aliens
    Pseudonatural Template
    100ft Telepathy and 100ft mindsight
    Astaroth(DR357 version):
    Divination at will

    Other Effects
    Immunity to Mind-Affecting
    Last edited by Demonic_Spoon; 2012-03-25 at 02:00 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by ahenobarbi View Post
    I figure that's why d&d gods do so little - they're busy taking psychotherapy sessions to get rid of all the voices they hear.
    May have a optimization addiction.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    In a cave w/piles of gold

    Default Re: Climbing Mount Olympus (IC)

    Angela stands off to the side with her hawk wings folded close to her back, sweeping her cloak down her spine under her pony-tail with stars showing her tunic underneath with its lack of armor. Looking about through her Hawk-like visage mask with her slate grey eyes she spots several past travel companions she sincerely didn't expect to run into on this day.

    Alcaeus, the wind under their wings and earth below their feet, seems to always bring them together for their most dire missions or dangerous travels. I'll have to ask him what kind of aeries and sights he's seen as of late.

    Berenike, the genius tactician daughter of Athena and Queen of Naxos, inveribally a cousin to my Queen Hippolyta daughter of Ares. If there ever was a female that I would want to fight along side it was her as her magic more then compensates any lacking of physical strength. To say in the least that she holds not just arcane but divine gifts gave her quite and advantage over most mortals.

    Cheiros, a man of older age then anyone else present as he lives a blasphomous life of undeath, yet chose to go against his master Hades to aid those in need. He is the only undead creator and puppeteer thus far in my life that we could rely on in the past. Queen Hippolyta wished me to thank him for his advice for the skirmish against that other necromancer some months ago.

    Mopsus, the soothsayer that the Queen as aske for advice from on several occasions, and a one time travel companion. It seems he somehow replaced the arm that was taken from him by the hydra which in someway relieved her as it would of been a shame for one that aided her in combat to not be of same use this time around.

    As for herself, she had recieved notice from the only soothsayer among the Amazons that it would be wise to head in this direction. Along with the visitation of Artemis's visage in her dreams only confirmed to come here with all due haste. That morning after she reported to her queen that she was to leave immediately to represent their tribe and aide in anyway possible. With her permission and good wishes she flew to were the mortals were to conference. It wasn't but scant days after arriving the suicide occured. Now that the meeting has finally started Angela was growing anxious.

    Listening to both sides of the argument pondering if at the rate of Agamemnon and the other men will cause a war between the mortals just to decide if they should go against the gods themselves. As each of her companions give their side of the argument it was growing to time for her to speak. She never liked speeches as they were never her forte. She was a warrior first, a spear to be used by her queen, and as her queen was busy with other troubles it was her duty to represent the Amazoness Tribe.

    Not stepping forward as she wasn't one for seeking the attention of others, she simply stretches her wings and gives them a couple of flaps to ease the tension in her muscles. Folding them back she speaks in High Grecian as is custom for when she speaks for her queen.
    "I stand here as representitive of my Queen Hippolyta of the Amazons, and despite our however short skirmish with a army of the unliving I'm here to lend my bow as a substitute of her spear. My name is Angela, a humble but skilled archer and huntress. The very same that Agamemnon compares to Artemis."

    "While I agree that certain gods should be stopped more so then others such as Hades and Hecate, I do no seek to rid ourselves of gods that bestow gifts that like any sword has a drawback as well. We simply can't live without Artemis and Hera as goddesses of childbirth, Hermes with his gifs of language, writing, and diplomacy, or Apollo for his healing, and the sun."

    "I also want to agree with Mopsus and Berenike in that it won't be as simple as thrusting a spear into the guts of the dark gods at least. But I also want to point out that without a few key stones in the wall, a wall won't stand as strong and will eventually crumble. Who is to say that by destroying just the dark ones the ones of light will leave us be or show mercy? This is a sticky situation and shouldn't be judged too hastily."


    Freedom of Movement
    True Seeing
    +10 Enhance to land speed
    Energy Resist (all) 30
    Immune to all death spells, magical death effects, and energy drain, and any negative energy effects
    Last edited by Igneel; 2012-03-25 at 12:09 PM.

    "Words ought to be chosen with greater care then either clothing or weaponry. For they can last much longer than the former, and cut deeper than the latter."

    -Doomraga's Revenge by T.A. Barron

    Extended Homebrew Signature

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Titan in the Playground
    RaggedAngel's Avatar

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    Default Re: Climbing Mount Olympus (IC)

    I'm assuming, for this first part, that your characters either fail the DC (1d20+48)[58] Spot check to see Damien, and/or that they cannot see Ethereal creatures. He's only Ethereal for about a round, during which he moves into the center of everyone.

    Damien makes a Sense Motive check against everyone present: (1d20+45)[50]

    And a (less impressive, but still good) Diplomacy: (1d20+32)[41]

    There is a faint flicker of shadow in the air, and a cloaked and hooded man steps into view. He stands in the center of the assembled personages, and it is not immediately apparent where he came from; there are no pillars near him, nor any other means of concealment. His sudden appearance is casual and quiet, and after a moment he lifts a hand to raise the grey hood of his cloak.

    He is clearly a strong and grown man, but he is just as clearly young; his face shows little sign of lines or weathering, and he has yet to fully lose the slimness of youth. He bears a long, heavy blade at his hip, but in his hand he holds nothing but an old, hand-carved quarterstaff, its end blunted from many travels.

    "My name is Damien, Master of the Nine. I am honored, Agamemnon, that you would deign to place my name among the great living legends of the sword, and because of that honor I feel compelled to speak. I am known for my blade, but also, I hope, for my mind and my wisdom." He looks to Berenike, his eyes inquisitive and bright. "I has witnessed the horrible occurrences you speak of with my own eyes, King, and yet I still believe that violence may not be the best answer. I propose something a bit radical, sire; I say that if there is a war brewing between Mankind and the Gods, then we should speak to them to understand their intentions."

    He opens his arms wide, casting his voice out to the leaders of humanity. "I do not mean that we should pray to them; the time for prayer is past. I mean that we should travel to them, to Olympus, and speak to them face to face, as equals. And if they would strike us down for such an act..." He trails off, and he puts away his staff, the long oak shaft vanishing into his cloak. He draws his sword, a masterpiece of adamantine and magic, the blade humming with quiet power. "If they would strike us down for such an act, they will find us to be closer to their equals than they may suspect. Ares taught me to hold a blade, but he is my master no longer. If the god of war would turn his blade on humanity, than I will show him how far I have come."

    Damien looks to the assembled heroes, his eyes hard and his voice strong. "We cannot just run around here on Earth, trying to put out the fires of calamity as they are started. That is a loser's battle, and we will die by attrition and chaos without ever understanding why. We must speak to the gods, or we may as well cut our own throats. Who here has the strength and the gall to stand by me? And, does any man or woman here see a better solution to our lack of understanding?"
    Last edited by RaggedAngel; 2012-03-25 at 02:29 PM.
    Red Hand of Doom in Eberron IC | OOC | Rolls


    Thank you to Akrim.elf for my beautiful avatar.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Climbing Mount Olympus (IC)

    Quote Originally Posted by RaggedAngel View Post
    I'm assuming, for this first part, that your characters either fail the DC [roll0] Spot check to see Damien, and/or that they cannot see Ethereal creatures. He's only Ethereal for about a round, during which he moves into the center of everyone.
    My character has mindsight from binding Zceryll and true seeing from his hathran mask, so he was probably aware of your presence, even with his admittedly poor spot bonus.

    ((OOC: Swift action stop suppressing sign of Zceryll, my eyes become like circular mirrors. Maintain concentration on detect thoughts for whenever we start using turns. Talking is a free action right? ))

    Mopsus' eyes flash, becoming round mirrors. He turns his unnerving gaze upon Damien, the rest of his face hidden and inscrutable behind his abstract red and white mask.

    "This would seem a futile gesture to me. Disaster stalks us, the Oracle, long a reliable conduit to the gods dead by her own hand, and the gods turn away from our pleas. They mean to end us, and their reasons do not matter at this late stage. If they were willing to talk they would have made their demands clear before unleashing the whirlwind upon us. Since they have not, I doubt they would listen to any talk from us. Action is all that will make them listen."

    Current Hp: 252/252
    DC 42 for abilities
    Currently Bound Vestiges:

    Pact Augmentation:
    Resistance Acid 10(5*2(Pact Fortification))
    +20 hp(10*2)
    Dr 4/- (Dr 2/-*2)

    +4 Save DC against aberrations, constructs, oozes, and undead.
    Use sneak attacks, critical hits, and precision damage against these creatures and auto confirm critical threats against them.
    +4 AC and saves against these creatures
    Darkvision with unlimited range, see through both natural and magical darkness to limit of normal vision.
    Scent & track opponents by scent like Track feat
    Blindsight 120 ft and tremorsense 60 ft.
    Polyglot, Speak with Plants, Speak with Animals.
    Any living creature that can hear your voice make Will save or be considered friendly
    Regeneration 6/Fire or Acid
    Tenser transformation ebl rounds/day.
    quickened empowered maximized magic missile/quickened wall of force/quickened force cage 1/5 rounds.
    Pact Fortification
    Absorb the wounds suffered by an ally as an immediate action
    Disguise Self as standard action
    Heal ability damage and drain at 1/round and 1/hour respectively
    +5 Autohypnosis
    Suggestion 1/5 rounds
    Take 10 on Diplomcy or bluff, even if threatened, hurried diplomacy with no penalty.
    Those who see you cannot attack you for 1 round. 1/5 rounds
    +8 all knowledge checks
    Read thoughts
    Dimension Hop, ebl/day.
    Summon Aliens
    Pseudonatural Template
    100ft Telepathy and 100ft mindsight
    Astaroth(DR357 version):
    Divination at will

    Other Effects
    Immunity to Mind-Affecting
    Last edited by Demonic_Spoon; 2012-03-25 at 02:45 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by ahenobarbi View Post
    I figure that's why d&d gods do so little - they're busy taking psychotherapy sessions to get rid of all the voices they hear.
    May have a optimization addiction.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Titan in the Playground
    DrK's Avatar

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    Default Re: Climbing Mount Olympus (IC)

    Backlit by the crackling flames of the pyre the clamour of the kings and heroes grows loud in the air. A vast swell of anger and rising rage against the Gods palpable in the air.

    A swathe of "My thoughts are private soothsayer/ Queen. Get away from my thoughts" also echo in the hall as Berenike or Mopsus interrogate their fellow King's thoughts. Some of which are clear, some of which are blocked from and shielded from sense.

    Menalus stands, drunk as usual, an arm around his brother, whether for or in support its unclear. He looks out to the room, an arm raised for quiet which is more or less granted as he roars out into the night "I PISS IN THE FACE OF THE GODS. THEY ARE COWARDS. I SH!T IN THE FACE OF THEM" his coarse words normal for him, even if not the normal direction. THe drunken oaf continues however, singling out Mopsus. "WE SHALL DO AS THE SAYER SAYS. THE GODS ARE NO LONGER WORTH THEIR PLACE IN THE WORLD!"

    Even as his words echo around you can see other heroes rushing to placate the cheers and roars of approval.

    Helecionus and his son both raising their hands, pointing towards Berenike shouting for her to speak. Odysseus rising bearlike and hollering as he points at Damien shaking his head sadly at the fiery temper in the air.

    In the centre of it all stands Agamemnon, his fat belly encased in golden gilt and look of satisfaction on his grim and arrogant face....

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Climbing Mount Olympus (IC)

    Cheiros and the wolf move slowly, cautiously towards the others, hoping that this can become a little less declamation, a little more conversation.

    "Ladies, gentlemen. I speak with more than sixty years of experience in struggling against the will of a god. Railing against injustice is practically a hobby of our people. But do we actually have a way to strike back? And have we heard any reports that might presage the calamity that the oracle foresaw?"
    "We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." Kurt Vonnegut

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Climbing Mount Olympus (IC)

    "Wolfman speaks wisely. If I could make a suggestion? It may be possible for me to divine a means to strike back at the gods, if I were to attempt it, though fishing for knowledge with magic is a uncertain business"
    Quote Originally Posted by ahenobarbi View Post
    I figure that's why d&d gods do so little - they're busy taking psychotherapy sessions to get rid of all the voices they hear.
    May have a optimization addiction.

  12. - Top - End - #12
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    Berenike looks down, and mentally says a prayer to Athena for insight and the words. She then looks around and calls out amidst the chaos, her voice a little louder than one would expect, but without her straining any moreso.

    "The Master of Nine has given us the best answer thus far, and I shall stand behind it. In doing so, Damien, I stand with you.

    "True, we must be proactive - and I applaud his wisdom. I offer to aid the esteemed Augur of the Veil to look into magics that may shed light on this problem ... but I understand that if there is issue from the gods, perhaps such information is suspect, yet I will look into it. Then, we shall head north to Mons Olympus and demand answer there. We may be struck down, or we may strike a deal ... but better that the two of us, and others who will travel with us, make this sacrifice than thousands and thousands of men and women.

    "Master of Nine, please accept me on your quest. Your blade is second only to your wisdom.

    "Alcaeus, my old friend, they say that while Mount Olympus touches the earth and its peak sometimes seen, yet only the greatest travellers can actually see the way to travel. I know no finer traveller and scout. Will you join me on this quest, one in which far more lives than our own are at stake?

    "Cheiros, you know the mind of one of the most notorious aggressor-gods in the last few years. You helped me regain the heart of my kingdom, and any debt of honor one might level against you has been paid. I could not accept your offer in rebuilding Naxos as you had given, but now there is a quest in which your tie with Hades, your knowldge, and your raw power will be most needed. Will you travel with us?

    "Mopsus, you are an enigma. I never did get to meet or thank you for your actions at the end of the battle in driving Dumisani's mercenaries into the sea. Legends speak of your amazing sight, a gift that any Athenian should admire. Too, your handling of the strange spirits make your tongue the firmest in matters of delicacy. Will you aid us in this journey?

    "Angela, though we have never met, Alcaeus oft has told me of his regard for your bow. I do not know which is most embellished (if at all), your legend, or his esteem of your skill. I understand that your agility in flight is unmatched. We could use an aerial sniper and battlefield overhead, as our style (mine and Alcaeus' together) tends to include mobility which exceeds good overhead direction. He may need your aid in survival matters as well. If it please you and your Queen, will you be willing to set your wings in the same direction as our intended horizon?"

    She then looks at Helecionus. "You are mighty, sea warrior, but if Poseidon is intent on raping the lands about the coast, your people need you now, and need you here. Instead of throwing your son into a sea that will likely not accept the sacrifice but taunt you, I ask that you give your son a fighting chance. Let Nassus come with us. It may well be that our journeys may require his aquatic experience and know-how, he will have no better teachers in all manner of survival and arms, and he may bring your family and your people great honor instead of grief. If a spear must be thrust into a god's belly, then at the end of the day let it be Nassus' harpoon."

    Berenike attends her peers. "This is our plan, and we ask you to consider chance and time for us to succeed. Strike firmly and without hesitation at what evil plagues you, make sure that you protect those that need protection, and begin mobilizing and outfitting your soldiers as you must.

    "But I entreat you all .... do not begin full scale warfare on the holy sites of the gods without allowing us a chance to succeed in our task."
    Discharge moment of prescience into Diplomacy: (1d20+65)[69]

    EDIT: Wow. While the result itself, regardless of die roll, is stunning, yet it seems like a '4' on a die roll for so crucial a request as this is ...... anticlimactic. Hopefully, it's still enough.

    DrK, as far as detect thoughts is concerned ... Berenike will mentally catalog who seemed to be "blank-wall" style protected, who seemed to be readable, who seemed to resist, and who seemed to resist AND had the arcane knowledge to know what was happening to them.

    Obviously, I don't need to know anything specific about those read - else you would've told me - but I will mentally store away anything which might be useful in the future.
    Last edited by lostsole31; 2012-03-25 at 08:24 PM.
    09JUN2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea NPC Codex (2013, Compton, Crenshaw, et. al.).
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    If Steve Reeves were a centaur, that would be Alcaeus. His coat is a pale undercoat (useful for aerial stealth), becoming sorrel on the flanks and at the withers, and a deep burgundy at the fetlocks, chest, hindquarters. His tail is black, as is his ample torso hair. The hair on his head and his thick beard is black and curly. His wings are dappled. They are white along the bone and front, the underwing is mainly white with various burgundy-sorrel feathers, whereas his overwing is mainly burgundy dappled with white white feathers.

    He looks longingly at the wet wood at the bottom of a keg he has emptied and shrugs, turning to hear Berenike speak. He stands his wings (puts them against his body so you see the overwing - dark burgundy with white bits) and walks up to Berenike. He looks out at royalty, raising his sword above his head, which instantly turns to a bow. He piaffes softly as he speaks to address the room. "The weapon my father gave me is named Hermedoron, but in truth, I am Hermedoron: Gift of Hermes.

    "I shall fly with you (taru makh'to), Queen of Naxos, and I shall bear you aloft to the very door of Mount Olympus, indeed to the very throne, of Zeus himself. I hope to find favor there with my father. But if it turns out that he has turned against man, than I shall return the business end of his gift if need be."
    Last edited by PSinger; 2012-03-25 at 09:39 PM.
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    Savage Tide: Rabbi Eliezer "Lazer" Whuraili Cohen ben Mordechai of Clan Ironoath of Oriadeth
    Serpent's Skull: Harsk! (yes, that one)
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    As Alcaeus finishes, and likely there is 'crowd noise', Berenike mutters to Damien (since she moved next to him on the floor, and I guess Alcaeus now as well), "I hope you know what you suggested, but it sounds good. Do you have any type of mount for the overland travel until we get to the mountains?"
    09JUN2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea NPC Codex (2013, Compton, Crenshaw, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
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    kvard51: 06-17 JUN 2024.

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    Damien gives Berenike a lupine grin, nodding in thanks and respect. His eyes are piercing, and as he speaks to her he seems to take his measure of her carefully and intently. "I do indeed know what I am suggesting, and I thank you for your aid and support. I've had extensive training in the art of persuasion, but it seems that you have talents an order of magnitude more remarkable."

    He sheathes his greatsword, drawing his unremarkable oak staff back out from under his cloak with a flourish before resting one end of it on the ground. "As for transportation, I can run on the air. I daresay you all can outpace me, though I can run much swifter than most and I do it as a crow flies. Do you have a better transportation alternative I could take advantage of?"
    Red Hand of Doom in Eberron IC | OOC | Rolls


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    Berenike replies, "No, what you have is better than what I could enspell you with."

    She speaks up and says, "Alcaeus, my old friend, thank you. And what of you others - Cheiros, Mopsus, Angela, Nassus?"
    09JUN2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea NPC Codex (2013, Compton, Crenshaw, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
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    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.
    kvard51: 06-17 JUN 2024.

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    Alcaeus nods to Berenike, taking her hand to shake it, and smiling to the crowd a la "photo opp" style. He beams broadly, whispering in Common Grecian out the side of his mouth, "Great! Can't wait to have a friendly race with you, Damien. Oh, and be careful on being too cahky with your stealth. I didn't have you pinpointed, but I sensed you there before you ever showed. There may be creatures we face with even more refined senses who can target you with no effort or training while you're pulling out all the stealth-stops."
    Last edited by PSinger; 2012-03-26 at 01:02 AM.
    Current Games
    Curse of the Crimson Throne: Dušana Essert(Zeta), & Fathi (Phi) and Hülya (Eta) Sharif of House al-Din
    Legacy of Fire: Water Prince Rafiq Karim
    Rise of the Runelords: Keghart Valdemar & Valbard the Velociraptor
    Savage Tide: Rabbi Eliezer "Lazer" Whuraili Cohen ben Mordechai of Clan Ironoath of Oriadeth
    Serpent's Skull: Harsk! (yes, that one)
    Shattered Star: Lilim
    Strange Aeons: Dorn

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    Damien raises his brow at that comment, but he seems rather preoccupied by his thoughts, and it takes him a moment to respond. "Hm? A race? It may end up being determined by the wind, but I would love to oblige you." He glances back to Berenike for a second before continuing. "And I thank you for letting me know about noticing me; I hadn't considered my thoughts giving me away. I'll see what I can do to fix that little slip in the future. Rest assured, I can do far more than hide, and I rarely conceal myself in a fight. It's tactically useful, but it can also put my allies in harm's way."
    Last edited by RaggedAngel; 2012-03-26 at 01:28 AM.
    Red Hand of Doom in Eberron IC | OOC | Rolls


    Thank you to Akrim.elf for my beautiful avatar.

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    "It's okay," whispers Berenike to Damien. "It would unbe wise for anyone to underestimate Alcaeus in battle, but he never boasted the focused abilities of yourself in melee or Angela with a bow. His gifts are scouting, surveiling, senses, speed .... and stealth. He's no Odysseus, but much of his battle tactic is confounding the opponent with his mobility and stealth, and being able to sense those who would use the same on him. He's the most useful of us off the battlefield, and we'll need that more than you might guess."
    Last edited by lostsole31; 2012-03-26 at 02:30 AM.
    09JUN2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea NPC Codex (2013, Compton, Crenshaw, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
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    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.
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    Default Re: Climbing Mount Olympus (IC)

    Crossing her arms as the men continue their squabble, Angela turns her attention to other things of note. Such as Damien's almost dramatic entrance, if not for her mask allowing her to see through such things anyways. Listening to their points she turns to Berenike and Damien as they at least seem more sensible.

    Giving her a slight bow in return to her compliments before responding while retaining eye contact. "Indeed Alcaeus and I have on occasion joined hunts together, though I think that he over embellishes his stories of my skill. If it is anyone that should have songs sung of their adventures, I believe it would be you and Damien over myself. As it were, it seems that the Fates desired of me to come on the journey which I planned on going on alone if no one else accompanied. As representitive of the Amazons, and as my Queen's bow I humbly accept your offer Daughter of Athena"

    Walking closer to the winged centaur she gives him a broad smile as she over hears him challenging Damien to a race. She was always entertained at his persistent search for a challange, and as always she can't help but want to oblige him. Switching to Common Greican she joins in. "If its a race you are looking for, maybe you should be looking at one that can actually give you a challenge?"

    "Words ought to be chosen with greater care then either clothing or weaponry. For they can last much longer than the former, and cut deeper than the latter."

    -Doomraga's Revenge by T.A. Barron

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    ((OOC:Sense motiving the hell out of Agamemnon, don't trust that golden clown nearly as far as I can throw him. [roll0]Nevermind, i messed up the roller somehow and editing the post invalidates any results I could get now I suppose.))

    Mopsus mutters to himself "Flattery will get you everywhere my dear"

    "I will aid you yes. And I suppose the best and most immediate way to aid you is to perform some divinations. Let me get my things. This may take a while, I suggest the rest of you get refreshments or something."

    Mopsus starts muttering to himself again and rummaging inside his haversack. Keen observers would note that he pulled out more items that could possibly have been contained in one normal bag of that type. Mopsus continued muttering to himself and seemed to be setting up a comfortable place to sit for while. Meanwhile Mopsus was pondering which of the spirits at his command would best help him to travel rapidly, he wouldn't want to be left behind by those winged rapscallions.

    Probably quite a few onlookers were bemusedly observing the seemingly slightly insane behaviours of the Augur.
    Quote Originally Posted by ahenobarbi View Post
    I figure that's why d&d gods do so little - they're busy taking psychotherapy sessions to get rid of all the voices they hear.
    May have a optimization addiction.

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    Berenike smiled as the Godsmackers, Deity Death-Dealers, Mr & Mrs. Potentate-heads, Habitually Epically Rip-roaringly Ostentatious Experts of Silliness (H.E.R.O.E.S.) Seekers of Olympus were beginning to take shape.

    She looked to the two others. "Cheiros, what say you? Helecionus, what of your son, Nassus? Shall you give him the chance for a life, or at least a famous death? or, shall he be relegated to a heroic death in ignominy?"
    09JUN2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea NPC Codex (2013, Compton, Crenshaw, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
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    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.
    kvard51: 06-17 JUN 2024.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igneel View Post
    "If its a race you are looking for, maybe you should be looking at one that can actually give you a challenge?"
    "Yes, I was doing just that ... unless you've gotten faster than when we raced last month?"

    Alcaeus inherited his father's wit, it would seem.
    Current Games
    Curse of the Crimson Throne: Dušana Essert(Zeta), & Fathi (Phi) and Hülya (Eta) Sharif of House al-Din
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    Savage Tide: Rabbi Eliezer "Lazer" Whuraili Cohen ben Mordechai of Clan Ironoath of Oriadeth
    Serpent's Skull: Harsk! (yes, that one)
    Shattered Star: Lilim
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    Quote Originally Posted by lostsole31 View Post
    She looked to the two others. "Cheiros, what say you? Helecionus, what of your son, Nassus? Shall you give him the chance for a life, or at least a famous death? or, shall he be relegated to a heroic death in ignominy?"
    Cheiros' brow furrows, and he glances down at the wolf next to him. The wolf moves closer to him, brushing up against his trousers. The old man nods and looks back at Berenike.

    "The rest of you will do an admirable job of speaking for the peoples of our land. I will endeavour to speak on behalf of the thousands upon thousands who languish below. Hestia agrees."

    He glances down at the wolf.

    "We will come with you to petition the gods, and to learn more of the nature of this disturbance."
    "We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." Kurt Vonnegut

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    Default Re: Climbing Mount Olympus (IC)

    Thunder roars and craches loudly in the background as the skies above the pyre and the temple roll and clouds slowly race across the star scape covering the woven tapestry of heroes and villian written in the sky...

    Quote Originally Posted by Demonic_Spoon View Post
    "Wolfman speaks wisely. If I could make a suggestion? It may be possible for me to divine a means to strike back at the gods, if I were to attempt it, though fishing for knowledge with magic is a uncertain business"
    At the quiet of words of the soothsayer there is a chorus of nods. Most assidiously from both Odysseus and Agamemnon both of whom speak with almost one voice, "An excellent thought, Only with the weapons of the Gods can we hope to slay/best them..." though to the binder's eye the motives behind each man are different. Odyssues honest and plain in his hope, Ahamemnon craving yet more power on the mortal plane.

    Even as Mopsus begins to unpack his accoutrements, mighty Kraksos of Ithica sweeping a table free of glasses and platters with a great crash of food and drink Cherios speaks. This time most of the room quietens. Even the mighty kings curious about the strange despised of Hades.

    Quote Originally Posted by Toliudar View Post
    "Ladies, gentlemen. I speak with more than sixty years of experience in struggling against the will of a god. Railing against injustice is practically a hobby of our people. But do we actually have a way to strike back? And have we heard any reports that might presage the calamity that the oracle foresaw?"
    At the question there a few drunken roars of bravado and boast- mainly from the spartans with their muscled looks and high well haired helms but a few quieten down.

    Others hower speak up, Poeas, King of Meliboea (in Thessaly) shouts up- his famous bow- a gift from Hercules himself playing around the room to punctuate his point. "We can feel the heavy boot of the Gods upon our neck. How many babes born still born from Hera's spite. How many fields barren when they should be plentiful as Demeter turns away from us and how many undying creatures leave the Hades realm to plauge our lands. Whether we elect to fight or not the Gods are unleashing this madness upon us."

    Might Catreus, lord of the great labyrinth of daedlus, son of cursed Minos, speaks up. "He speaks the truth. My great and noble land is ravaged by the madness of the gods. Minotaur tribes stalk the woods slaying at will, harpies assail my ships and great lightning storms hurled by Zeus himself have fired my towns. Thousands of my people stolen and hurled into tartarus at Hades whimsy. I am already a land beset by beast and weather. Soon you will all be the same".

    Even as several others voice similar tales of woe and monsters and cataclysm blighting their lands Agamemnon and his brother take the centre of the floor again. The golded armoured lord of king, mightiest of all the warlords of Greece once again taking to the floor. "You see my fellows. The Gods have set themselves against us. They would have us squatting in caves without fire or light or civilisation. They would see us reduced to mere beasts and at the whim of their cruel mercy. Gather our armies I say. Pull down their Temples and bring about the rule of man and the civilisation of the Grecian people!

    His rant fades as Berenike takes the floor and all eyes turn towards her. Not only the others repsecting her power but just the impact of a (relatively) young and beautiful women amongst a great gather of old men...

    Quote Originally Posted by lostsole31 View Post
    "The Master of Nine has given us the best answer thus far, and I shall stand behind it. In doing so, Damien, I stand with you.

    "True, we must be proactive - and I applaud his wisdom. I offer to aid the esteemed Augur of the Veil to look into magics that may shed light on this problem ... but I understand that if there is issue from the gods, perhaps such information is suspect, yet I will look into it. Then, we shall head north to Mons Olympus and demand answer there. We may be struck down, or we may strike a deal ... but better that the two of us, and others who will travel with us, make this sacrifice than thousands and thousands of men and women.

    "Master of Nine, please accept me on your quest. Your blade is second only to your wisdom.

    "Alcaeus, my old friend, they say that while Mount Olympus touches the earth and its peak sometimes seen, yet only the greatest travellers can actually see the way to travel. I know no finer traveller and scout. Will you join me on this quest, one in which far more lives than our own are at stake?

    Quote Originally Posted by lostsole31 View Post
    "Cheiros, you know the mind of one of the most notorious aggressor-gods in the last few years. You helped me regain the heart of my kingdom, and any debt of honor one might level against you has been paid. I could not accept your offer in rebuilding Naxos as you had given, but now there is a quest in which your tie with Hades, your knowldge, and your raw power will be most needed. Will you travel with us?
    Quote Originally Posted by Toliudar View Post
    "The rest of you will do an admirable job of speaking for the peoples of our land. I will endeavour to speak on behalf of the thousands upon thousands who languish below. Hestia agrees."
    "We will come with you to petition the gods, and to learn more of the nature of this disturbance."
    Quote Originally Posted by lostsole31 View Post
    "Mopsus, you are an enigma. I never did get to meet or thank you for your actions at the end of the battle in driving Dumisani's mercenaries into the sea. Legends speak of your amazing sight, a gift that any Athenian should admire. Too, your handling of the strange spirits make your tongue the firmest in matters of delicacy. Will you aid us in this journey?

    Quote Originally Posted by lostsole31 View Post
    "Angela, though we have never met, Alcaeus oft has told me of his regard for your bow. I do not know which is most embellished (if at all), your legend, or his esteem of your skill. I understand that your agility in flight is unmatched. We could use an aerial sniper and battlefield overhead, as our style (mine and Alcaeus' together) tends to include mobility which exceeds good overhead direction. He may need your aid in survival matters as well. If it please you and your Queen, will you be willing to set your wings in the same direction as our intended horizon?"
    Quote Originally Posted by lostsole31 View Post

    She then looks at Helecionus. "You are mighty, sea warrior, but if Poseidon is intent on raping the lands about the coast, your people need you now, and need you here. Instead of throwing your son into a sea that will likely not accept the sacrifice but taunt you, I ask that you give your son a fighting chance. Let Nassus come with us. It may well be that our journeys may require his aquatic experience and know-how, he will have no better teachers in all manner of survival and arms, and he may bring your family and your people great honor instead of grief. If a spear must be thrust into a god's belly, then at the end of the day let it be Nassus' harpoon."
    The king and his son both nod in agreement. THe young man's rapt face and eyes openly staring with a mixture or reverence and lust at the young Queen before he hoists up the massive harpoon from his back and kneel low "I will travel with Berenike. We shall demand answers from these Gods or di in the attempt. This I, Nassus, Prince of Islands do declare!

    Berenike attends her peers. "This is our plan, and we ask you to consider chance and time for us to succeed. Strike firmly and without hesitation at what evil plagues you, make sure that you protect those that need protection, and begin mobilizing and outfitting your soldiers as you must.

    "But I entreat you all .... do not begin full scale warfare on the holy sites of the gods without allowing us a chance to succeed in our task."

    There is a great round of applause and cheers echoing around the Temple. Nearly drowing out the heavy thunder rolling overhead before many of the Kings agree. "We shall gather our armies and defend our lands fair Queen. We shall not sit idly while they rape and destroy all that we sought have to build. We shall not march however until we hear how you have fared..."

    The Great Agamamenon also nods alongs with his knot of more warlike supporters. "Fear not Berenike, shall you fall we shall take great care of fair Naxos and the bounty that tend so well."

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    The responses that the old man gets to his inquiry lead to an even more furrowed brow. He looks at the other heroes to see if any of them share his unease. His voice is soft, and hard to hear among the many passionate speeches ringing the hall.

    "My lords and ladies, I am dreadfully sorry to hear of your troubles. Certainly, it is a great and lasting sadness to hear of the death of any child, to lose any ship at sea. But there have been plagues and storms, invasions and death in the past.

    "Perhaps, my friends, we should select one of these calamities - one with a more, ah, direct source, such as the minotaurs or harpies - and investigate, before we storm the heights of Olympus with our grievances. It may be that these incidents are not the work of the gods at all."

    The old man wrings his hands in dismay.
    "We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." Kurt Vonnegut

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    Mopsus settled upon his meditation blanket, and with a loud moan seemed to enter a trance like state. A cloudy film covered his mirror eyes and a stench of brimstone suddenly started wafting from him.

    Mumbling indecipherably to himself he seemed to become unaware of the world around him as he focused on the bowl he held in his lap and started rocking back and forth to a rhythm that only he heard. Pieces of chalk lay scattered around Mopsus, seemingly accidentally strewn around rather than purposefully arranged.

    ((OOC:Swift action stop suppressing sign of Astaroth. Just a note that these signs are not illusions for all you guys with true seeing. Currently awaiting a reply on my divinations, feel free to imagine one of those horrible torture pieces of customer service line music playing if you like))
    Last edited by Demonic_Spoon; 2012-03-26 at 04:37 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by ahenobarbi View Post
    I figure that's why d&d gods do so little - they're busy taking psychotherapy sessions to get rid of all the voices they hear.
    May have a optimization addiction.

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    Default Re: Climbing Mount Olympus (IC)

    Damien looks to the old, weathered man, intent on his words. "Truly," he muses aloud, his own voice calm and steady, "far more wisdom is whispered than shouted. All the same, I am unsure if such a task would bear fruit, and now such an investigation would commence; would we capture a minotaur or harpy and demand they tell us from whence they came? While we did such a thing more storms would rise, more dead babes die, and more monsters would pour forth. I think it is best to go directly to the gods, honored Cheiros. Even if they are not the cause of this calamity, they must have some knowledge of the cause. We may even find them embroiled in a battle of their own, assailed by some unknown force."

    Damien looks around as he raises this final possibility, his eyes narrowing as his mind races through the possibilities. "It is unlikely, but we know for a fact that there are forces that can contest the gods, minor blasphemy though it may be to admit it. They are not utterly immortal, nor infallible. They may need our aid as much as we need theirs; and if not, then who else could be to blame for these calamities and horrors? No, honored elder, I respect your words, but I do not think a diversion or delay would benefit us. We know that the ultimate source of this disease must lie on Olympus, and if it does not, then the gods owe us the cure before we are destroyed by this affliction."
    Red Hand of Doom in Eberron IC | OOC | Rolls


    Thank you to Akrim.elf for my beautiful avatar.

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Aug 2011

    Default Re: Climbing Mount Olympus (IC)

    Mopsus' back arched suddenly and he made a long sound could only be described as a hyena being strangled far too slowly before entering a fit of convulsion. Once he calmed down again his eyes were no longer mirrors, though they were still filmed over. His voice pitched in a strange and unearthly timbre Mopsus started speaking in Olympian while staring straight ahead at things only he could see:

    "Ere you can stop the beating of hearts divine you must extinguish the conflagration of their life neverending."

    Mopsus started suffering a multitude tics and twitches, his throat making noises no human throat is meant to. His voice suddenly extremely low, deep and gravelly with a certain growling quality to it, Mopsus continued once more in Olympian:

    "The calamities of Greece are as the temper tantrums of a spoilt child who wishes to get his way.

    As bread is to us mortals, so is worship to the deities, without it they are nothing, and their worship is being lessened by that bestowed upon the hero cults."

    Mopsus suddenly became completely stiff and rigid, like a statue almost, his hair, skin and eyes turning green before the eyes of his onlookers. His vice like the sonorous tolling of a doom bell, Mopsus started barking in the language of the noble Blink Dogs:

    "Bark bark woof woof growl, whine"

    His divinations seemingly done Mopsus surrenders to a coughing fit.

    Swift action suppress sign Zceryll.Standard action divination. Swift action stop suppressing sign of Naberius. Standard action divination. Standard action divination. Swift action stop suppressing sign of Gaia.Standard action divination.Standard action divination.Standard action divination.Standard action divination.

    If anyone actually understands blinkdog, or has telepathy or whatever I'll pm them what I said.

    In case it isn't clear, I divined for how to kill the gods, whether the gods are responsible for the calamities and why they are causing the calamities if it s them.
    Last edited by Demonic_Spoon; 2012-03-26 at 06:29 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by ahenobarbi View Post
    I figure that's why d&d gods do so little - they're busy taking psychotherapy sessions to get rid of all the voices they hear.
    May have a optimization addiction.

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Colossus in the Playground
    lostsole31's Avatar

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    Default Re: Climbing Mount Olympus (IC)

    Quote Originally Posted by Toliudar View Post
    "The rest of you will do an admirable job of speaking for the peoples of our land. I will endeavour to speak on behalf of the thousands upon thousands who languish below. Hestia agrees." ..." We will come with you to petition the gods, and to learn more of the nature of this disturbance."
    "Indeed you are far-sighted, Cheiros. Thank you. The living who oppose us with evil shall come to fear you."
    Quote Originally Posted by DrK View Post
    The king [Heleconius] and his son [Nassus] both nod in agreement. THe young man's rapt face and eyes openly staring with a mixture or reverence and lust at the young Queen before he hoists up the massive harpoon from his back and kneel low "I will travel with Berenike. We shall demand answers from these Gods or di in the attempt. This I, Nassus, Prince of Islands do declare!
    "Nassus, Prince of the Islands," Berenike says, nodding to Heleconius as she does so while keeping an eye respectfully on the prince, "we gladly welcome your courage and your spear."
    Sense Motive: Do the Islanders .... which islands, by the way? ... seem above-board in their offer (or rather, in accepting mine)? What about moral alignment (DC 40 - L/N/C?)? (1d20+33)[36]

    Also using Complete Adventurer, can I get a sense of Nassus' skill (SM again): (1d20+33)[48]

    Also, does she detect chaos/ evil from either of them ... but especially Nassus?

    Quote Originally Posted by DrK
    The Great Agamamenon also nods alongs with his knot of more warlike supporters. "Fear not Berenike, shall you fall we shall take great care of fair Naxos and the bounty that tend so well."
    She looks at 'Great Agamemnon,' smiling, "In this time of great crisis, Great King, let those of you staying behind not stray too far from protecting his homeland. It seems your home is more beset than my own, and Nikanor - and the Delian League at that - know the proper measures of succession if that unfortunate event should occur. Your offer, though appreciated, will not be necessary. Though your kindness shall be remembered."
    Oh, the Great Game ... because, y'know, Agamemnon was purely altruistic in his offer.

    Quote Originally Posted by RaggedAngel View Post
    Damien looks to the old, weathered man, intent on his words. "Truly," he muses aloud, his own voice calm and steady, "far more wisdom is whispered than shouted. All the same, I am unsure if such a task would bear fruit, and now such an investigation would commence; would we capture a minotaur or harpy and demand they tell us from whence they came? While we did such a thing more storms would rise, more dead babes die, and more monsters would pour forth. I think it is best to go directly to the gods, honored Cheiros. Even if they are not the cause of this calamity, they must have some knowledge of the cause. We may even find them embroiled in a battle of their own, assailed by some unknown force."

    Damien looks around as he raises this final possibility, his eyes narrowing as his mind races through the possibilities. "It is unlikely, but we know for a fact that there are forces that can contest the gods, minor blasphemy though it may be to admit it. They are not utterly immortal, nor infallible. They may need our aid as much as we need theirs; and if not, then who else could be to blame for these calamities and horrors? No, honored elder, I respect your words, but I do not think a diversion or delay would benefit us. We know that the ultimate source of this disease must lie on Olympus, and if it does not, then the gods owe us the cure before we are destroyed by this affliction."
    Berenike ponders this, and says, "It is a possibility that has actually been gnawing at me, Damien. Are the gods punishing us en masse, regardless of classical mores and ethics attributed them? or, are they unable to tend to their responsibilities because some unseen danger against which they contend takes so much of their attention away, that mortal evils that were held in check are not held back anymore, and the world grows wild until some wrong may be righted. My greatest fear has always been that for whatever reason: because they escaped, because the gods loose them out of desperation, because the gods are too busy to hold them in check ... that the titans shall exeunt Tarterus."

    "Either way, I still agree that direct to Olympus is the way to go. Fate deals its hand as it shall, and if we are taken off course by some obstacle, perhaps that is for the best. For now, though, north."
    Quote Originally Posted by Demonic_Spoon View Post
    Mopsus' back arched suddenly and he made a long sound could only be described as a hyena being strangled far too slowly before entering a fit of convulsion. Once he calmed down again his eyes were no longer mirrors, though they were still filmed over. His voice pitched in a strange and unearthly timbre Mopsus started speaking in Olympian while staring straight ahead at things only he could see:

    "Ere you can stop the beating of hearts divine you must extinguish the conflagration of their life neverending."
    Can Berenike figure out to what this may allude?
    K: History (is there a similar manner in which gods have been killed in history/ legend)? - (1d20+22)[37]

    K: Planes (does the knowledge of this deal with the truly external and esotrerical, i.e., the life and processes of those from beyond this world)? - (1d20+19)[27]

    K: Religion (does this knowledge lie, since we are dealing with the top of a theological food chain, in religious philosophy)? - (1d20+37)[42]

    Quote Originally Posted by Mopsus
    ... started suffering a multitude tics and twitches, his throat making noises no human throat is meant to. His voice suddenly extremely low, deep and gravelly with a certain growling quality to it, Mopsus continued once more in Olympian:

    "The calamities of Greece are as the temper tantrums of a spoilt child who wishes to get his way.

    As bread is to us mortals, so is worship to the deities, without it they are nothing, and their worship is being lessened by that bestowed upon the hero cults."
    "Hmmm," muses Berenike. "The gods are angry with us and lash out because ... our worship feeds them, and those that venerate mortals in place of gods misplace the power of that worship."

    She nods, and looks at the assembled kings, who must assuredly have watched this proceeding by the 'new' resident oracle (like it or not), as well as her musings. "My exalted peers, it seems that while the camel's back needs mending and the injury must run some of its course, I know one way to possibly soften the blow. Go to your homes, and have your soldiers seek out shrines to false gods to heroes. Figures, statues, paintings are fine. But any place that is designed as a place of worship to any so-called god should be torn down, unless proof can be made that divine power has been granted to its adherents - evidence that this is no longer a hero-cult figurehead, but an accepted member of Olympus. Do not put the people to the sword, for they do not know what they have done, but outlaw any such matters."
    I'll discuss this slippery slope in OOC ... yeah, I get it.

    She continues to look to the kings. "I imagine that the majority of us are as outfitted as we need to be personally. But this task we undertake is likely fraught with great peril. To aid us on our journey, we may need very powerful healing magics which are very expensive to cast. I ask what will likely quiet the most vociferous of you in here, but ask I shall: Will any of you - directly or through your own entourage of casters here at court or in Delphi - be willing to provide funds or spell components directly that in the darkest times my magic may yet bring light? Should any of us fall, the magics I must use to wrest them from Hades task must be the highest caliber, or else they shall be returned less than they were, and our mission suffers ever more.

    "This is an investment we all share, not just those of us physically going, and all of our lands are at risk. Upon our success, I will be willing to give an accouting of what of these pooled resources were used at what time and for what instance. I shall log what you have given, and that which is not used shall be returned in due proportion."
    Pretty much the fantasy equivalent of asking for a desired expedition to be funded by those that desire it in the first place. Why should expensive material components be a bill footed solely by PCs when so much is at stake?

    What she says is true, though .... that which is given, and by whom (or of what lands should that person die in the interim of our trek) .... shall be meticulously recorded, as shall actual expenditures. At the end of the journey, should we survive, she will absolutely and honorably give an appropriate proportion of remaining funds (if any).

    Pass the hat, boys and girls!
    Last edited by lostsole31; 2012-03-26 at 09:39 PM.
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