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  1. - Top - End - #121
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful

    "Unless one of you has a better option, we may just have to go with that for now; we can worry abou the rest later, for now we just need to get our friend out of sight. Also, any of you know Balm? If not, this is gonna be tricky," she asked as she scanned the area with a cursory glance.

    ((OOC: No idea how I missed BOTH of your posts.))
    What Pokemon am I?

    Hug me, you know you want to.

  2. - Top - End - #122
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful


    "I... Guess that werehouse is our best bet, yes. But we're gonna need someone to help that man before he starts bleeding out - does anyone know firts help? I don't really do healing magic.
    And we're gonna have to keep watch on him too. God this is gonna be such a mess."
    Kim shook her head wearily. She'd have liked for that meeting with the Storm Princess to go better, especially seeing as it was her first time meeting an older and more experienced Radiant. And all that for that worthless necromancer... Oh, well.
    "I think we're enough to organize a rolling watch of some kind, but that's the kind of thing we'll have to worry once we're in a safe place. Are we off then?"
    Last edited by Mechanix; 2012-10-10 at 04:18 PM.

  3. - Top - End - #123
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful

    A rolling watch... Shirley thinks as she leads the Radiants to the place, remembering how exactly to unlock it, not that I mind, but I wonder how are we going to cover night shifts and school hours... of course, escaping isn't in his best interest anyway, but people so often act illogically...
    Tome of Radiance, a Magical Girl sourcebook for 3.5/PF.

    "Jamie" is fine. TH is mostly there to make sure the name would be free on any forum I'd want to register :-)

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  4. - Top - End - #124
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful

    Erin Watson

    "Yeah, I guess we ought to get going," she said. She glanced at the injured man. "I don't think we ever got your name, Mister...?"
    Saga of Soul: Not your Typical Magical Girl Story.
    Where I Watch: My Little Pony

    Avatar by Lord Iames Osari, Grand Admiral Thrawn by Timothy Zahn. Thanks to both!

  5. - Top - End - #125
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful


    "Yes, we haven't heard your name yet. If we have to teach you what your cult truly is, we need your name!"

    Again, her voice is joyfull, and she follow the directions showed by Shirley.

  6. - Top - End - #126
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful


    The trip wasn’t too long, but sirens could be heard as they moved away from the school, no doubt the police heading to investigate.

    The old warehouse has been abandoned for some time, derelict and shut up, though prying boards loose did prove an effective method for opening it. There were no lights inside, lots of rooms, but no locks to hold a prisoner. The captured man was silent, deferring to his captors, slightly more subdued now that his life wasn’t in immediate danger.

    ((Alright, you need to figure out who’s going to stand watch or some way to seal him in a room. Whoever stands watch needs to probably call their parents and give them some excuse as to why they aren’t coming home, which will be a Manipulation+Persuasion roll. ))
    Last edited by Inedible; 2012-10-12 at 07:02 AM.

  7. - Top - End - #127
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful

    ((Er, we just asked him a question. Is he ignoring us or something?))
    Saga of Soul: Not your Typical Magical Girl Story.
    Where I Watch: My Little Pony

    Avatar by Lord Iames Osari, Grand Admiral Thrawn by Timothy Zahn. Thanks to both!

  8. - Top - End - #128
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful

    "I will look on him. I'm an eternal traveller and it won't be surprising if I left the school for a time being to go on the other end of the world." The Shina's voice was clear and loud. "I will take my time to make him speak. Plus my family isn't here, so, no problem."

    The magical girl was still in her armor, and walked around the prisonner, her katana at the saya, but ready to slay any threat.

    looking for the necromancer, Shina arrise her voice again to submit all of her proposal to the other princess

    "You've all choose to guard this man and declined the offer of the princess we meet earlier. I won't critize your choice, but make sur we can be able to accomplish our duty. And for the moment, we will need to adapt this place for the pace you've choose. And make it quickly. I don't intend to stay eternaly up to watch "him"." By appointing the man.

    Her last word was clear. For her, he was on the verge to be recall by the limb of the death and if he make any weird movement, his last breath will come quickly.

  9. - Top - End - #129
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful

    "Gerald," The man answers, "It's Gerald. Thank you for keeping them away. Please, keep me safe." He still wasn't quite coherent, and not at all healthy, but the chances of dying were fairly slim. It's still a lot of blood.

    ((Sorry, I thought I added the response in, but I think I pasted it wrong.))

  10. - Top - End - #130
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful

    Mia Hendrix
    Mia nodded at Gerald, acknowledging his reply and committing it to memory, before turning to Shina. "Well, thank you for the help friend; we all appreciate it, even ift's just for a while," she commented earnestly as she took in their. "I'm used to going home late, so I can keep ya company for a while," she added with a smile before taking in the sights. The place wasn't in the best condition, but it wasn't too bad either; they could work with this if given some time.

    "Well, then before anything else; how 'bout we try clearing some space for ourselves? Also, can one of you girls patch him up?" she inquired hoping to bring some order to this mess of an afternoon as she eyed Gerald, trying not to dismay at the cheer amount of blood the man had apparently lost.
    What Pokemon am I?

    Hug me, you know you want to.

  11. - Top - End - #131
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful

    "Your offer is most helpful", Shirley nods, "thank you. Eh, I'm afraid I can't stay for long... But I'll drop in first thing in the morning, OK? Oh, and in case anything happens, here's my number", she holds her cellphone up, with the screen facing away from Gerald. "As for you", she turns to the prisoner, "you're still under suspicion, don't make a mistake; try anything funny, and I will find you, no matter where; I've got magic for that, you know. And I can't promise we'll be so nice the second time."
    Well, technically, she doesn't have magic for tracking, but that statement wasn't intended to be taken literally; still, if you think that requires a Bluff roll, feel free to roll one; Shirley's Manipulation + Subterfuge is 5
    Tome of Radiance, a Magical Girl sourcebook for 3.5/PF.

    "Jamie" is fine. TH is mostly there to make sure the name would be free on any forum I'd want to register :-)

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  12. - Top - End - #132
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful

    "I'm sorry, I don't know first aid. Sure wish I would, though." She put in her memory-box as another of the thousand things she had to find time for. Knowing how to patch people up would likely prove handy in her momentous life as a Princess.
    "I have lessons, and afterclass activities, and a lot of stuff to do all the time. But I can... I can find time. Perhaps miss a few classes. Or come at night. Night sounds good. If we are that many in town, we should be able to organize our schedules more efficiently, so that our patrols are more efficients and take less time. You do patrols, right?" she asked, trying to ignore the nagging voice at the back of her head saying you're insaaaaane.
    "I can't do much today, but I know a Charm that would allow me to work while keeping watch. From tomorrow on I should be able to stay here and still do normal work so as to not attract suspicion... I think."
    She was starting to ramble, she realized, and her comments weren't quite helpful; so she fell silent, looking around her. There were rooms for storage, but none were closed. However, the warehous itself had been closed, with boards closing it. Maybe...
    "I'm gonna go around and look if I can do some kind of makeshift door, okay?"

    Kim is going to look for anything that could be put together to close one of the rooms, probably by taking boards off the warehouse's exits, or by looking for anything that could be, I don't know, lying around.
    Should I make a roll?

  13. - Top - End - #133
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful


    "I need to get to school if I don't want to look suspicious," said Erin, "but for now, I think we should all exchange phone numbers - we're going to need to contact each other for this."
    Saga of Soul: Not your Typical Magical Girl Story.
    Where I Watch: My Little Pony

    Avatar by Lord Iames Osari, Grand Admiral Thrawn by Timothy Zahn. Thanks to both!

  14. - Top - End - #134
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful

    "Don't thanks me. Because if I do that it's to be sure that he doesn't run away. Remerber that our live are on the balance. What happen to this guy will determine our live or our death. And actually, I don't like that my life is on the hand of a Darkness' pawn. So I won't hesitate a long time if he make a strange move.
    For the moment, clean this place and try to find a way to adapt it to our needs.

    Shina takes the piece of paper with all phone number, gives her and turn to Erin.

    "Go back back to the school and try to clean what happen on the school ground. Oh Sys', by turning toward Sola, could you bring back this pastry that you make me try the last time?

    Strangely, when she face Sola, It was as if Shina shining and smile, that she doesn't made before.

  15. - Top - End - #135
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful


    A few nails and blocks of rotting wood and Kim has constructed something that might not serve very well as a door, but probably belongs in an abstract art museum somewhere. At least she didn’t get scraped by anything rusty. More efforts to find any room that locks or has sufficient way to keep a prisoner didn’t turn up successful, and in the end one of the smaller rooms and a guard are all that could be done for the night. After the rest of the Radiant left, Shina had a fairly uneventful night. The prisoner was quiet, and eventually dozed off.

    The next morning, once all of the Nobility arrive, the work began. The man was awake again, more lucid, his eyes darting between the figures of the girls around him. It was time to ask questions.

    ((Fun time. Post your questions, make rolls for interrogation. How you want to go about it determines your roll. You may use various things for this, such as Manipulation+Persuasion, Presence+Persuasion, Presence+Intimidation, or anything else you can justify. Whatever you roll should be in line with the technique you actually plan to use, so don’t roll Persuasion if you’re threatening to chop off his fingers or something.

    Make 2 rolls, representing 2 hours of time. I will throw in additional info if you roll well.))

  16. - Top - End - #136
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful

    On the nigth, Shina hasn't sleep and watch on the man. She just take two blanket in a bag she always has with her. An old habit that she take during her travels with her father and that he forget everything.
    The first was for the man when he come to sleep, and the second was for her, to keep her warmth.
    The night was long, but the man was calm and quiet, so, Shina didn't have anything to do. When the sun rise up, she watch her dress and try to take her Princesse appearance, but she certify that she just lose something. Her philacter just disappear. One breath and Shina recover her composure and calm.

    "I will see it later."

    She concentrate on the man, and when he wake up, she share two chocolate bars and water with him

    "So Gerald-san. I will not try to take you for the stupid gut that you're not, and won't torment you. You will tell me everything. What is your organisation, yours aims, and what happen exactly yesterday. So you will probably gain more time of life and keep your body with no more damage.

    Her voice was tender and she smile the same way. Her stance wasn't a threat. Just a certyfication of an reality that could be

    Transformation roll
    Quote Originally Posted by Iscariote View Post
    Belief+Innerlight roll

    So Fumble

    Composure roll
    Quote Originally Posted by Iscariote View Post
    A roll of composure to stay calm on the situation

    3 win

    Quote Originally Posted by Iscariote View Post
    manipulation + socialize roll

    2 win

  17. - Top - End - #137
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful


    When Shirley settled down to peel open the notebook, she found it in poor condition, a few pages almost falling out, some stained or burnt with holes in them. Inside was a mess of text, the first page written in a whole slew of strange languages. The first page read:

    это не для вас
    this is not for you

    Inside were a collection of what appear to be stories, also translated in similar fashion, with notes sketched along the edges. All throughout all of this story notes and odd text has been interspersed, as well as various strange symbols:

    The first one is a story about a girl named Character. Character is an ordinary girl in a magical kingdom. One day she finds a magic scarf that transforms her into a beautiful princess. With her new disguise she attends the royal ball, where she meets a charming prince. All is not well, however, and she loses her scarf during a particularly lively dance. Shocked, the royal family orders her arrested and condemned to torture and imprisonment. It is explicitly detailed. Eventually Character starts to question her existence and directly asks the writer, named Author, why she is condemned to her fate. Author explains that were it not for her treatment, she would never have thought to question her existence and spoke to Author. Now that she has realized this, Author tells Character that she is ready to write her own story.

    The bottom of the page is covered in blood.

    Roll Intelligence+Occult and Resolve+Composure. You can spend willpower on either. You may roll these two things this every IC day if you choose to read more, just remind me.

  18. - Top - End - #138
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful


    Before going to bed, Shirley took a look inside the journal. It wasn't a pleasant read, yet she forces herself to go on, for the sake of finding out the truth. Sadly, it wasn't going to happen. Once again, Shirley cursed herself for not learning even a bit about the occult symbolism; but, of, who could have known?
    Resolve + composure passed, Int+Occult failed, but not dramatically, at least.

    Next morning, Shirley gets up early, and slips into her tracksuit; claiming that she decided to start running in the morning is a convenient excuse to have some free time before school, and, besides, it would be true - as soon as the secret base would be set up and running, anyway. Meanwhile, cleaning up the warehouse is enough of a workout so that she doesn't mind missing the gym class at all.
    As she enters the warehouse, donning her Princess garb feels rather natural for her; placing the magnifying glass into the front pocket of her coat, she joins the other in their efforts... passively at first, just listening carefully, searching for bits that doesn't seem right...
    My rolls for Scent Falsehood: first, reroll.
    2 successes unless Gerald's Composure is 6+; 3 if it is less then 3.

    Then, as the interrogation goes, she picks a moment to speak, "Ok, girls, let's give him a short break. There are the rules for treating prisoners, after all... Mr. Gerald, fancy a cup of tea? I'm afraid I can only offer you a bottled one, though..." she takes a couple of bottles of drik from her backpack and takes a sip, then says, tapping her nose with the backend of a pencil, "you know, these are some rather curious theories on the nature of existence you have... perhaps we could discuss those, in the meantime?"
    Manipulation + Subterfuge to trick him into thinking she knows more than she really does, and perhaps reveal something assuming she knows that already. 1 success.
    Last edited by jamieth; 2012-10-15 at 03:09 AM.
    Tome of Radiance, a Magical Girl sourcebook for 3.5/PF.

    "Jamie" is fine. TH is mostly there to make sure the name would be free on any forum I'd want to register :-)

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  19. - Top - End - #139
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful


    Shirley is able to find nothing amiss, nothing that wasn't there yesterday.

    The man slept, more because of it body requiring it than any will to. He shook his head at the offer of a drink, declining to move overmuch. "What about them? What do you want to know, I told you I'll tell you anything if you don't hurt me." He still seemed a bit jumpy, especially with all of the Radiant gathered around him again.

    Shirley’s knows that there’s obviously something hidden in the messages and symbols, though she makes no headway on what it is.

  20. - Top - End - #140
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful


    And another day goes by, a short night, more work, and that weird tingling feeling of tension and danger. Probably an after-effect of having been actually threatened with death by someone likely far more powerful than her.

    You know, the usual day.

    Kim entered the warehouse with a sigh of relief at the sight of the prisonner; seems her job hadn't been too shabby, or else Shina was just good at keeping guard. She guessed the latter. Silently, she came up to the girls interrogating the man, and sat on the first seat-looking object she could find and move there. Her frilly Radiant dress had gotten better, it seemed - weird how it seemed to repair itself even after being puked on by some acid-spitting zombie.

    "Hi, girls. Had a nice day?" Even as she spoke, the half-hearted attempt at chit-chat felt ridiculous to her. There was no time, nor it seemed no desire, to have that kind of mundane bounding. People dying in the street, ever-growing darkness, ya-da ya-da. The usual drill.

    She put her Device across her knees, and started tinkering with it again. Though she tried to make it look like she didn't take part in the conversation, the glances she took at Gerald were telling: she was fully there, studying his every word.

  21. - Top - End - #141
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful


    "A nice day? Something like that, yes... pastry, music, and now friends! Your wasn't?"

    As every day, Sola is shining and smiling. The point is, she looks concerned with the Gerald problem.

  22. - Top - End - #142
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful

    Erin Watson

    Erin's evening had been far from idle - she had spent several hours online, trying to find every piece of information she could about the Cult of Broken Dreams. Google, wikis, news archives, any other Radiant who could be reached online...This was the Information Age, after all.

    The next day, however, it was time for Internet denizen Erin Watson to fade into the background, and for the Soul of Reason to step forward. Once she had reached the improvised HQ, she had quickly joined the others in interrogating Gerald.
    "Look...we don't have to be enemies. You're hurt. You're scared. But even if you and we disagree on a lot of things, that doesn't mean we want to hurt you.
    Generally speaking, people who end up opposed to each other just don't understand each other well enough. So, how about you start by telling us your story? I don't think it started with you being shot at in our high school, obviously!"

    What's the roll for her Internet research - Intelligence+Computers? If so, then roll away: (7d10)[1][5][2][6][2][1][5](22)
    Presence+Persuade roll to convince him to open up, using the Appeal to Reason Specialty: (6d10)[1][5][5][6][1][10](28)
    Wits+Empathy to get a read on his motive: (4d10)[2][2][9][4](17)
    Saga of Soul: Not your Typical Magical Girl Story.
    Where I Watch: My Little Pony

    Avatar by Lord Iames Osari, Grand Admiral Thrawn by Timothy Zahn. Thanks to both!

  23. - Top - End - #143
    Ettin in the Playground
    jamieth's Avatar

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    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful

    "One of the most important questions for now, I believe, is the nature of those... creatures my companions were forced to deal with yesterday", Shirley notes thoughtfully, twirling the pencil in her hand; "clearly of unnatural origin, implying they were made, or created, or summoned somehow. Now, the question is, first, by whom; and, second, what kind of authority did you have over them? Was it you who ordered them to attack people, or did they acted on the orders to protect you, for example? And in case of latter, could you possibly order them to stop? You must understand, Mr. Gerald, that answers to these questions would in no small measure determine the extent of your guilt in the yesterday's accident; Just please, don't try to lie, for I will know." Suddenly not absent minded at all, she was catching his every word, a pencil at the ready to take notes.
    I suppose Presence + Investigation is the "default" interrogation roll; 1 success is better than nothing, I suppose.
    Tome of Radiance, a Magical Girl sourcebook for 3.5/PF.

    "Jamie" is fine. TH is mostly there to make sure the name would be free on any forum I'd want to register :-)

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  24. - Top - End - #144
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful


    Quote Originally Posted by sun_tzu View Post
    Erin Watson
    Erin's evening had been far from idle - she had spent several hours online, trying to find every piece of information she could about the Cult of Broken Dreams. Google, wikis, news archives, any other Radiant who could be reached online...This was the Information Age, after all.

    The next day, however, it was time for Internet denizen Erin Watson to fade into the background, and for the Soul of Reason to step forward. Once she had reached the improvised HQ, she had quickly joined the others in interrogating Gerald.

    "Look...we don't have to be enemies. You're hurt. You're scared. But even if you and we disagree on a lot of things, that doesn't mean we want to hurt you.

    Generally speaking, people who end up opposed to each other just don't understand each other well enough. So, how about you start by telling us your story? I don't think it started with you being shot at in our high school, obviously!"
    Erin’s research attempts landed her some information, gathered from scattered bits of news and information on the internet. The Cult of Broken Dreams has been associated with several suicides and deaths around the country, though almost never explicitly referred to by that name. It would seem it has several branches to operate through. It’s agents usually possess strange abilities probably related to the Darkness.

    “O-Okay.” It took the man some time to warm up to it, but eventually he began to expound on who he was and how he came to be in this position.

    “I’m just an office manager,” He explains, “I work for a telecommunications company. I’m not anyone important, I’m barely anything in the group, you have to believe me.” There’s a long pause, and then he begins to explain further. “I joined them a little after my wife died, a few months ago. They came to me when I was in a really bad place, and they explained that it was alright, and it was natural, and that if I went along with what I was feeling I could make things better. I didn’t-I didn’t want to die. And they were offering so much more. More power, a new life, things that could make me forget…so I started going to their meetings.”

    He continued, alternating between speaking quickly, or slowly and hesitantly when he was unsure if the information would be well received. “I didn’t do a lot of stuff. I just moved people and things around, or picked them up, or went and watched people and places they told me to. They said if I kept doing well I’d be able to do the things they could do. I was supposed to pick up this book from a store and take it to the meeting. When I got there, though-“ Here he shudders visibly. “They came in. There was a woman there, she was like the one that you saw, but she was different. She had a-a spear. A spear, and armor, and she was just-“

    At this point, he had to take another break before finishing: “She was just killing people. Even the ones that were using their powers. Some of them she let live, but the rest of her men took them. I just ran, I ran as fast as I could.”

    sun_tzu, I converted your computer roll to Occult. Whenever you're researching hidden, secret stuff it'll always be Occult no matter what methods you use. Thankfully, you got a success!

    More questions?

    Quote Originally Posted by jamieth View Post
    "One of the most important questions for now, I believe, is the nature of those... creatures my companions were forced to deal with yesterday", Shirley notes thoughtfully, twirling the pencil in her hand; "clearly of unnatural origin, implying they were made, or created, or summoned somehow. Now, the question is, first, by whom; and, second, what kind of authority did you have over them? Was it you who ordered them to attack people, or did they acted on the orders to protect you, for example? And in case of latter, could you possibly order them to stop? You must understand, Mr. Gerald, that answers to these questions would in no small measure determine the extent of your guilt in the yesterday's accident; Just please, don't try to lie, for I will know." Suddenly not absent minded at all, she was catching his every word, a pencil at the ready to take notes.
    “I don’t know where they came from, but I’ve seen things like them before. Some of the members of our group, they could summon them. Sometimes out of the air, and sometimes-“ He hesitated. “There was a body they brought in once. They raised one out of it. I can’t though, I swear.” His head shook furiously. “I was running, and around when I got close to where you found me they started coming out of thin air. I just thought they were there to protect me, but they started to go after other people even when I was telling them to stay and help me.”

    “I didn’t tell them to attack you. I swear. Please, I wouldn’t even if I could, I just wanted to get out. Please, if you let me go I’ll leave town. I’ll-I’ll go away. You’ll never see me again, I promise!”

    Through all of this everyone got the sense that he wasn’t lying, though he seems keenly aware that his behavior and the people he’s decided to associate with are not very good individuals.

    More questions?
    Last edited by Inedible; 2012-10-18 at 02:46 PM.

  25. - Top - End - #145
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful

    Erin Watson

    Quote Originally Posted by Inedible View Post
    “O-Okay.” It took the man some time to warm up to it, but eventually he began to expound on who he was and how he came to be in this position.

    “I’m just an office manager,” He explains, “I work for a telecommunications company. I’m not anyone important, I’m barely anything in the group, you have to believe me.” There’s a long pause, and then he begins to explain further. “I joined them a little after my wife died, a few months ago. They came to me when I was in a really bad place, and they explained that it was alright, and it was natural, and that if I went along with what I was feeling I could make things better. I didn’t-I didn’t want to die. And they were offering so much more. More power, a new life, things that could make me forget…so I started going to their meetings.”

    He continued, alternating between speaking quickly, or slowly and hesitantly when he was unsure if the information would be well received. “I didn’t do a lot of stuff. I just moved people and things around, or picked them up, or went and watched people and places they told me to. They said if I kept doing well I’d be able to do the things they could do. I was supposed to pick up this book from a store and take it to the meeting. When I got there, though-“ Here he shudders visibly. “They came in. There was a woman there, she was like the one that you saw, but she was different. She had a-a spear. A spear, and armor, and she was just-“

    At this point, he had to take another break before finishing: “She was just killing people. Even the ones that were using their powers. Some of them she let live, but the rest of her men took them. I just ran, I ran as fast as I could.”
    "Gerald..." there was genuine sadness in Erin's voice. "I think I can understand why you would join with them. Everyone can get...unstable...when our emotions overwhelm us. And I can't imagine it getting much more overwhelming than grief at the loss of someone so close to you."
    She took a deep breath. "But everything I've heard about this Cult of Broken Dreams...It doesn't sound like they help people deal with their grief. It sounds like they cultivate it. There's so many suicides associated with them that, well..."
    Saga of Soul: Not your Typical Magical Girl Story.
    Where I Watch: My Little Pony

    Avatar by Lord Iames Osari, Grand Admiral Thrawn by Timothy Zahn. Thanks to both!

  26. - Top - End - #146
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Somewhere on the sea

    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful

    "Thanks everybody. But if we talk all on the same time, mister Gerald will be lost. One question at time."

    Shina place herself in front of the man.

    "You said, that you have nothing to do with this aberation. Well, I won't let you go away. Not that I don't believe you. But If you ran away, the others nobility will come after you, and your life will end. So what I propose you is to work for us to make down the Cult. While you work for us, we will make what we can to protect you."

    The princess turn herself in front of the others.

    "Is it alrigth for you?"

  27. - Top - End - #147
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Mar 2012
    Bretagne, France

    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful


    Kim closed her eyes, pondering what he said. That was a lot to take in, actually. Another radiant, seemingly crazy powerful and bent on killing Tainted without discrimination. A branch of the Cult in this city, and semingly quite influent at that - or at least, with a lot of servants. Rising corpses and... Making them travel through the darkness, perhaps? To make them "appear out of thin air"... Did they all just got involved into a war?
    She sighed, and stopped polishing her staff, instead meeting Gerald's eyes with a steady gaze.

    "I'm sorry. Actions have consequences, wether you knew what you were doing or not. You walked in, now you can't walk out.
    Whatever you did, however small and insignificant to your eyes, helped a bunch of terrible people achieve terrible ends. They have done things no man should ever do, and broached powers that should be left alone. And you played your part in all their crimes, however small.
    How did the song put it? "You can checkout any time you like, but you can never leave."
    But we're not here to punish you. My friends here might want to force you to help us, but ultimately it is going to be your own choice, because we can't torture you or hurt you for our ends. You are people, too. And you were misguided.
    In the end, it's up to you to answer this one question: can you leave? Can you forget everything you've done? Can you forgive yourself if your help ends up causing suffering and death, and you could have done something to atone?
    Can you choose to do nothing?"

    Trying for a Manipulation + Expression roll.
    2 Successes.

  28. - Top - End - #148
    Ettin in the Playground
    jamieth's Avatar

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    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful

    Shirley stands up, placing her notebook into her backpack - next to the cult's one. Of course, leaving that at home would be... unwise.
    "Ok, I guess I heard most of what I hoped for today; of course, some names would be nice to have, but that can wait. Meanwhile," she looks at the cellphone, "sorry, can't afford to miss any more lessons today. Need to stay on the teachers' good side, you know, to get myself some leeway in times of need."

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but Seekers only get Duty rolls for either teaching others or learning some obscure information, not simple studying, right?
    Tome of Radiance, a Magical Girl sourcebook for 3.5/PF.

    "Jamie" is fine. TH is mostly there to make sure the name would be free on any forum I'd want to register :-)

    Extended signature

  29. - Top - End - #149
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Moselle, France

    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful


    "I think we may do it easy: you will explain to us all you know about the Cult. Here is what I say: you help us, and during all that time, you are free to go. I know that's nearly a joke because of that woman, but... that's all we can do for you. We will help you to enjoy what it means to be alive. But I have one more question: do you have a family?"

  30. - Top - End - #150
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Re: Princess: The Hopeful

    Quote Originally Posted by sun_tzu View Post
    Erin Watson

    "Gerald..." there was genuine sadness in Erin's voice. "I think I can understand why you would join with them. Everyone can get...unstable...when our emotions overwhelm us. And I can't imagine it getting much more overwhelming than grief at the loss of someone so close to you."
    She took a deep breath. "But everything I've heard about this Cult of Broken Dreams...It doesn't sound like they help people deal with their grief. It sounds like they cultivate it. There's so many suicides associated with them that, well..."

    “I know that,” He replied, “But I wanted to have power. I didn’t want to have to feel bad about anything, or feel anything at all.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Iscariote View Post
    "Thanks everybody. But if we talk all on the same time, mister Gerald will be lost. One question at time."

    Shina place herself in front of the man.

    "You said, that you have nothing to do with this aberation. Well, I won't let you go away. Not that I don't believe you. But If you ran away, the others nobility will come after you, and your life will end. So what I propose you is to work for us to make down the Cult. While you work for us, we will make what we can to protect you."

    The princess turn herself in front of the others.

    "Is it alrigth for you?"

    “W-what?” Now the man seemed to be getting agitated again. “Work for you? I can’t. That woman, she’d find me, and she killed me. You heard her! Everyone I even knew is dead, and if there’s anyone left they’d try and kill me too!” His head shakes vehemently at the idea.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanix View Post

    Kim closed her eyes, pondering what he said. That was a lot to take in, actually. Another radiant, seemingly crazy powerful and bent on killing Tainted without discrimination. A branch of the Cult in this city, and semingly quite influent at that - or at least, with a lot of servants. Rising corpses and... Making them travel through the darkness, perhaps? To make them "appear out of thin air"... Did they all just got involved into a war?
    She sighed, and stopped polishing her staff, instead meeting Gerald's eyes with a steady gaze.

    "I'm sorry. Actions have consequences, wether you knew what you were doing or not. You walked in, now you can't walk out.
    Whatever you did, however small and insignificant to your eyes, helped a bunch of terrible people achieve terrible ends. They have done things no man should ever do, and broached powers that should be left alone. And you played your part in all their crimes, however small.
    How did the song put it? "You can checkout any time you like, but you can never leave."
    But we're not here to punish you. My friends here might want to force you to help us, but ultimately it is going to be your own choice, because we can't torture you or hurt you for our ends. You are people, too. And you were misguided.
    In the end, it's up to you to answer this one question: can you leave? Can you forget everything you've done? Can you forgive yourself if your help ends up causing suffering and death, and you could have done something to atone?
    Can you choose to do nothing?"

    Trying for a Manipulation + Expression roll.
    2 Successes.

    Kim’s words seemed to calm him a little, though, and he shakily offers, “I can tell you all the places I’ve been and give you a list of the people I’ve been in contact with. Even the dead ones, if you want. I call tell you everything I did, I promise, but I can’t help you. I can’t go back, I’ll get killed, they knew everything about me. What if that woman knows too? I’ll write it down, or whatever you want, just let me go after, please.”

    Roll again at -3 if you want to try and convince him again. Otherwise he'll just provide you with detailed records. He's pretty convinced helping you will get him killed.

    Quote Originally Posted by jamieth View Post
    Shirley stands up, placing her notebook into her backpack - next to the cult's one. Of course, leaving that at home would be... unwise.
    "Ok, I guess I heard most of what I hoped for today; of course, some names would be nice to have, but that can wait. Meanwhile," she looks at the cellphone, "sorry, can't afford to miss any more lessons today. Need to stay on the teachers' good side, you know, to get myself some leeway in times of need."

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but Seekers only get Duty rolls for either teaching others or learning some obscure information, not simple studying, right?

    ((This would be correct. So you're going to school?))

    Quote Originally Posted by silphael View Post

    "I think we may do it easy: you will explain to us all you know about the Cult. Here is what I say: you help us, and during all that time, you are free to go. I know that's nearly a joke because of that woman, but... that's all we can do for you. We will help you to enjoy what it means to be alive. But I have one more question: do you have a family?"

    He shook his head. "I have some out of town, but nobody else here."
    Last edited by Inedible; 2012-10-19 at 07:25 AM.

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